This Bioinformatics Training Workshop was financially supported by USDA NIFA grant 2020-67015-30982, as well as the Swine, Horse, Poultry and Bovine NRSP8 Genome Coordinators.
Notice: For participants do not meet the prerequisites, the workshop will start at 2:00PM January 8, 2020; while for advanced participants who have basic knowledge of and experience with UNIX command line and R programming language are expected to start at 8:00 AM January 9, 2020. To prepare yourself for the workshop, you can teach yourself some basic Unix and R via the resources provided by the appendix.
2:00-2:20 registration and welcome
2:20-3:20 Introduction to UNIX command line (Lecture and hands-on session)
- Intro to the UNIX operating system (ssh, terminal, file system, …)
- Handle paths and files (ls, cp, cd, mkdir, rm, find, touch, mv, ln, …)
- View content of files (less, more, head, tail, vi, cat)
- Search content of files (grep, wildcards)
- Get help (man)
- File permission (chmod)
- Process and job
- Resource management (df, du, quota, …)
- Other goodies (gzip/unzip, tar, zcat, cut, paste, join, file, diff, history,…)
3:20-3:30 break
3:30-5:30 Introduction to R (Lecture and hands-on session)
- R/RStudio installation and setup
- Data structure and manipulation (vector, list, array/matrix, data frame/table)
- Data input and output
- Get help
- Flow control (if/else, for, while, repeat, break, next)
- Function
- Intro to Object oriented programming in R (S3/S4 classes, reference class).
- R package management
- Different modes of running R scripts (interactive and batch)
8:00-8:15 registration and welcome
8:15 -9:15 Advanced Unix command line (Lecture and hands-on session)
- Regular expression, sed, awk, xargs
- pipe, redirection, shell scripting
- Large data management: download, copy, backup(scp, ftp, ascp, rsync)
- Software installation and management (module, configuration file, …)
- HPC job management systems (one or 2 out of SLURM, SGE, PBS, LSF, …)
9:15-9:25 break
9:25-10:55 Exploratory data analysis and Data visualization in R (Lecture and hands-on session)
Descriptive statistics (frequency, correlation, statistic tests, PCA, MDS, hierarchical clustering)
R graphics (base, ggplot2): all types of plots, and heatmap
10:55-11:05 break
11:05-12:00 Introduction to some very useful R/BioConductor packages (mainly lecture and some hands-on session)
- Readr, data.table
- tidyverse, dplyr,reshape2, tidyr, stringr, lubridate
- ggvis, plotly, htmlwidgets, googleVis, threejs
- lme4/nlme, survival, caret
- shiny, rmarkdown, solidify
- For more useful packages, see
12:00PM-1:00 lunch
1:00-2:00 Introduction to NGS technologies, common types of genomics data, and handling tools (Lecture)
- Illumina and other sequencing technologies
- fastq, fasta, BAM, SAM, bed, gtf, gff, bigwig, …
- read QC: FASTQC, MultiQC
- Short read aligners, SAMtools, picardtools, bedtools-
- Visualization: IGV, UCSC genome browser
2:00-2:10 break
2:10-3:20 RNA-seq data analysis (I) (Lecture) (
- Experimental design, RNA-seq data characteristics
- Read QC (FASTQC, MultiQC)
- Optional preprocessing: trimming (Trimmomatic/Trim Galore), error correction (Rcorrector)
- Alignment (STAR, HISAT, GMAP/GSNAP, RSEM) or semi-alignment (Kallisto, Salmon)
- Post –alignment QC (QoRT)
- Optional post-alignment process: multi-mapper assignment (MMR)
- Count summary (featureCounts)
- Exploratory analysis (PCA, hierarchical clustering)
- Differential expression analysis (statistic model selection): DESeq2/edgeR, Voom
- Gene ontology and pathway analysis
- Network analysis
3:20-3:30 break
3:30-5:30 RNA-seq data analysis (II) (hands-on session)
- Exercises with toy data for QC and mapping, and real life count table for DEG, discussion
5:30-6:30 ChIP-seq data analysis (I) (Lecture):
- Experimental design, data characteristics
- Read QC (FASTQC, MultiQC)
- Optional preprocessing: trimming (Trimmomatic/Trim Galore), error correction (Rcorrector)
- Alignment (bwa-mem, bowtie/bowtie2)
- Post-alignment QC (picard tools, deeptools, ChIPQC, SPP)
- Peak Calling (MASC2, MUSIC/BCP)
- Peak annotation (ChIPSeeker, GREAT)
8:00-10:00 ChIP-seq data analysis (II) (Hands-on session)
- Exercises, discussion
10:00-10:10 break
10:10-11:00 ATAC-seq data analysis (Lecture, providing scripts for analysis)
- Experimental design, data characteristics
- Read QC (FASTQC, MultiQC)
- Optional preprocessing: trimming (Trimmomatic/Trim Galore), error correction (Rcorrector)
- Alignment (bwa-mem, bowtie/bowtie2)
- Post-alignment QC (picard tools, deeptools, ATACseqQC):
- Peak Calling (MASC2)
- Peak annotation (ChIPSeeker, GREAT)
11:00-12:00 NGS data and metadata management (Lecture and demo) [Instructor: Peter Harrison @ EBI]
- FAANG data and metadata submission
- Querying and downloading legacy NGS data from ENA SRA databases
- UNIX Tutorial for Beginners:
- Learning UNIX through exercises:
- Learn Shell Programming - Free Interactive Shell Programming Tutorial:
- Free Linux shell access is available here: or
- Lear R, in R:
- Quick R:
- Introduction to R (DataCamp free course, providing interactive programming):
- Free RStudion cloud for practice:
Please follow this link to install R and RStudio before workshop: