As we are expanding our capabilities at HackerBay, we have begun to build a multitude of backend microservices to support and simplify our applications.
Your task is to build a simple stateless microservice in Nodejs, with three major functionalities -
- Authentication
- JSON patching
- Image Thumbnail Generation
We have no requirements for which frameworks/libraries to use, choose whichever seem best suited for the task!
The API should feature the following endpoint functionality -
- Login Request body should contain an arbitrary username/password pair Treat it as a mock authentication service and accept any username/password. Return a signed Json Web Token(JWT, which can be used to validate future requests.
The following two endpoints should be protected. The JWT obtained in the “Login” endpoint must be attached to each request. If the JWT is missing or invalid, these endpoints should reject the request.
Apply Json Patch Request body should contain a JSON object and a JSON patch object ( Apply the json patch to the json object, and return the resulting json object.
Create Thumbnail Request should contain a public image URL. Download the image, resize to 50x50 pixels, and return the resulting thumbnail.
- Include a test suite for the microservice.
- We recommend using Mocha (
- API should reject invalid request inputs. Test the edge cases!
- Use modern javascript ES6 syntax.
- Use Git for version control, and host the project in a Github repository.
- Project should contain documentation with setup and usage instructions.
- Project should install all dependencies with “npm install”, should start the server with “npm start”, and should run the test suite with “npm test”.
- Really, please just don’t use “console.log” as the primary debugging/logging tool.
- Javascript Style and Linting
- Use a javascript linter, along with a linting npm script. We like clean code.
- Dockerize
- Include a working Dockerfile with the app directory.
- Push a docker image to public DockerHub, and share the link
- 100% code coverage in test suite.
- We recommend using Istanbul ( to generate code test coverage reports.
- Extra Documentation
- Include JSdoc comments and/or Swagger specifications to impress us.
- Logging / Monitoring
- Integrate a centralized app logging/monitoring system.
- Project organization and code readability (40%)
- API functionality correctness (15%)
- Input validation and error handling (15%)
- API speed and efficiency (10%)
- Documentation (10%)
- Unit Test Coverage (10%)
- Bonus Points (up to +20%)
Please DO NOT fork this repo. Instead send the GitHub link to someone who interviewed you to take the interview forward.