This examples integrates The Graph Client with NodeJS/TypeScript usage, with 2 Subgraphs that has similar GraphQL schemas. The goal of this example is to do requests to different subgraphs with dynamic context values
The example here is using the following tools/concepts:
- NodeJS + TypeScript
- The Graph Client CLI for generating artifacts
- Schema-stitching resolvers extension
flowchart TB
linkStyle default interpolate basis
c1[(Chain 1)]-->t1
c2[(Chain 2)]-->t2
subgraph "Subgraph A"
t1("type Something")
subgraph "Subgraph B"
t2("type Something")
ccc["Client-side composition"]---gc["Graph Client"]
subgraph m["Composed Schema"]
t3("type Something {
# ... rest of the fields
chainId: String!
To run this example, make sure to install the dependencies in the root of the monorepo, build the client locally, and then run this example:
# In the root directory
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ cd examples/cross-chain-sdk
$ yarn build-client
$ yarn start
You can also run The Graph Client DevTools by running: yarn graphiql