The tech book club @ Shippo is a way for our teams to read books and watch interesting videos and articles and discuss them as a team.
When: Weekly on Wednesdays from 12pm - 1pm
Who: Anyone who wants to join. Usually led by a volunteer to steer the conversation
What: Discussions in this slack channel (internal only)
- Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro - how designers destroyed the world
- Quiet by Susain Cain - power of introverts
- Radical Candor by Kim Scott - care deeply, challenge directly
- Kubernetes Design Principles by Saad Ali
- What's new in Javascript Google I/O '19
- GraphQL Basics
There are a lot of books, blogs, articles we read but some really stick out and speak to us. Here are some that's made a difference
- Drive by Daniel Pink - Unlocking Intrinsic Motivations through Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose
- Give and Take by Adam Grant - Giving wins, but don't be selfless be "otherish"
- Kanban by David Anderson - Focus on Quality, Limit work in progress, focus on shipping to production
- Measure What Matters by John Doerr - OKRs and CFRs
- Originals
- The Undoing Project - pscyhology on how people behave
- Google's Quest to build the perfect team
- How to create Psychological Safety
- Amazon's Two Pizza Box Theory
- Patreon's Culture Deck
- Forget the pecking order at work - great video about how to build a team, not just have "super chickens"
Tech Specific:
Business Specific: