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  1. Introduction
  2. Documentation
    1. ExeUnits
    2. Presets
    3. Running

Provider Agent

This is a reference Yagna Provider Agent implementation. Provider Agent is a module which effectively controls the behaviour of the Provider Node in the Yagna Network. It includes rules and logic for:

  • Offer formulation
  • Demand validation and evaluation
  • Agreement negotiation
  • Payment regimes
  • Node Resources management
  • Activity workflow control
  • ExeUnit instantiation and control
  • Invoice/Debit Note generation


Please refer for instruction how to use Provider.

Offer formulation

It is rather straightforward and minimal:

  • at most two constrains:
    • requires golem.srv.comp.expiration to be set
    • if provided (via env or CLI) sets also golem.node.debug.subnet
  • properties:
  • linear pricing (see sample below: 0.01 GLM/sec + 1.2 GLM/CPUsec + 1.5 GLM const)
  • hardware: memory and storage (sample below: 1 gib RAM and 10 gib disk)
  • node name set via env or CLI
  • runtime (sample below: wasmtime)

Provider subscribes to the network as many Offers as presets enumerated from CLI.

Sample Offer

      "properties": {
        "golem": {
          "com": {
            "pricing": {
              "model": "linear",
              "model.linear": {
                "coeffs": [
            "scheme": "payu",
            "scheme.payu": {
              "debit-note.interval-sec?": 120.0
            "usage": {
              "vector": [
          "inf": {
            "mem": {
              "gib": 1.0
            "storage": {
              "gib": 10.0
          "node": {
            "id": {
              "name": "__YOUR_NODE_NAME_GOES_HERE__"
          "runtime": {
            "name": "wasmtime",
            "version": "0.1.0",
            "wasm.wasi.version@v": "0.9.0"
      "constraints": "(golem.srv.comp.expiration>0)"

Market Strategy

Current implementation has two naive market strategies:

  • accepting all proposals and agreements
  • accepting limited number of agreements; will reject proposals and agreements above the limit

Provider Agent uses (hardcode) the second with limit of 1 agreement. It will accept all Proposals until first agreement approval.

Upon agreement termination (in case of failure, expiration or successful finish) Provider Agent will start accepting Proposals again until agreement confirmation; and so on.


Provider agent allow just one activity per agreement. On activity finish Provider Agent will initiate Agreement termination. This is workaround because terminate_agreement operation is not supported yet in Market API.


Provider agent issues Debit Notes every scheme.payu.debit-note.interval-sec? (120s by default). The property is a subject of negotiations.

During negotiation Requestor and Provider both agree on timeout at which Debit Notes are accepted by Requestor. A property responsible for this is named Provider starts negotiations with 4min and it might be only lower ie. Requestor might propose lower value, which Provider will accept as long as it is more than 5sec. Base value for timeout negotiations is controlled via CLI and ENV DEBIT_NOTE_ACCEPTANCE_DEADLINE. Provider is then entitled to break the Agreement after negotiated timeout elapses and Debit Note is not accepted.

What's more, Provider is entitled to break the Agreement, when there is no Activity for 90s (ie. idle Agreement).

Provider issues Invoice only once, after the Agreement is terminated.


Provider agent can be used with .env file. Here is list of additional environment variables that can be set.

Create separate working dir for the Provider Agent (please create ya-prov in the main yagna source code directory), and create .env file there by copying .env-template from yagna repo main directory:

mkdir ya-prov && cd ya-prov && cp ../.env-template .env

and change NODE_NAME there.

Command line parameters

This can be displayed using cargo run -p ya-provider run --help

Parameter Description Env var
app-key Authorization token. YAGNA_APPKEY
api-url Yagna REST API address. YAGNA_API_URL
data-dir Path to a directory where configuration files are stored. DATA_DIR
node-name Node name to use in agreements. NODE_NAME
subnet You can set this value to filter nodes with other identifiers than selected. Useful for test purposes. SUBNET
exe-unit-path Path to JSON descriptor file for ExeUnits. EXE_UNIT_PATH

Creating app-key authentication token

To obtain YAGNA_APPKEY we need to be in this newly created workdir cd ya-prov:

  1. Run yagna service:

    cargo run service run

    If you want to set debug log level or higher its good to filter out core crates to info:

    RUST_LOG=debug,tokio_core=info,tokio_reactor=info,hyper=info,web3=info cargo run service run
  2. Create app-key token

    In another console, go to the same directory and run: (it will change your .env file with newly created app-key)

    APP_KEY=`cargo run app-key create 'provider-agent'`
    sed -e "s/__GENERATED_APP_KEY__/$APP_KEY/" -i.bckp .env


  1. WASI
  2. Runtime SDK
  3. VM

WASI (wasmtime)

This is the first ExeUnit we've prepared for you. You need to clone its repository and build. In following sections we assume you've cloned it to the same directory where yagna is cloned.

cd ../..  # assuming you are in ./yagna/ya-prov
git clone [email protected]:golemfactory/ya-runtime-wasi.git
cd ya-runtime-wasi
cargo build
cd ../yagna/ya-prov

You also need to build ExeUnit supervisor.

cargo build -p ya-exe-unit

You can list available ExeUnits with command:

$ cargo run -p ya-provider exe-unit list

Available ExeUnits:

Name:          wasmtime
Version:       0.1.0
Supervisor:    /Users/tworec/git/yagna/target/debug/exe-unit
Runtime:       /Users/tworec/git/ya-runtime-wasi/target/debug/ya-runtime-wasi
Description:   This is just a sample descriptor for wasmtime exeunit used by ya-provider
    wasm.wasi.version@v           "0.9.0"

VM (docker)

Please refer to vm repo documentation. Afterwards you'll need to update your exeunits-descriptor.json (defined as EXE_UNIT_PATH in .env or os env).

Sample descriptor entry:

    "name": "vm",
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "supervisor-path": "exe-unit",
        "runtime-path": "/home/user/.local/lib/yagna/plugins/ya-runtime-vm/ya-runtime-vm",
    "description": "vm runtime",
    "extra-args": ["--cap-handoff"]


Provider uses presets to create market offers. On the first run, the Provider Agent will create a default preset. Presets are saved in a presets.json file, located in application's data directory.

You can list presets by running command: cargo run -p ya-provider preset list

The result will be something like this:

Available Presets:

Name:               default
ExeUnit:            wasmtime
Pricing model:      linear
    Duration        0.1 GLM
    CPU             0.2 GLM
    Init price        1 GLM

Coefficients describe unit price of ExeUnit metrics:

  • Duration - golem.usage.duration_sec
  • CPU - golem.usage.cpu_sec
  • Init price - constant price per created activity

In order to publish an offer based on a preset, that preset needs to be activated first.

Active presets

To list all active presets, type:

cargo run -p ya-provider preset active

Creating presets

You can create preset in the interactive mode:

cargo run -p ya-provider preset create

...and non-interactively also:

cargo run -p ya-provider preset create \
    --no-interactive \
    --preset-name new-preset \
    --exe-unit wasmtime \
    --pricing linear \
    --price Duration=1.2 CPU=3.4 "Init price"=0.2

If you don't specify any of price values, it will be defaulted to 0.0.

Updating presets

Note: updating a preset will cancel (unsubscribe) all related offer subscriptions.

Updating in interactive mode:

cargo run -p ya-provider preset update new-preset

or using command line parameters:

cargo run -p ya-provider preset update new-preset \
    --no-interactive \
    --exe-unit wasmtime \
    --pricing linear \
    --price Duration=1.3 CPU=3.5 "Init price"=0.3

You can omit some parameters and the will be filled with previous values.

Removing presets

Note: removing a preset will cancel (unsubscribe) all related offer subscriptions.

cargo run -p ya-provider preset remove new-preset

Activating and deactivating presets

When you activate a preset, a new offer will be published (subscribed) to the marketplace.

cargo run -p ya-provider preset activate new-preset

Note: deactivating a preset will cancel all related offer subscriptions.

cargo run -p ya-provider preset deactivate new-preset

Listing metrics

You can list available metrics with command:

$ cargo run -p ya-provider preset list-metrics

Duration       golem.usage.duration_sec
CPU            golem.usage.cpu_sec

Left column is name of preset that should be used in commands. On the right side you can see agreement property, that will be set in usage vector.

Hardware profiles

Hardware profiles control the maximum amount of hardware resources assigned to computations. Provider Agent does not allow you to allocate all of your system resources. The remaining logical CPU cores, memory and storage will be utilized by the background applications, the operating system and Provider Agent itself.

Note: updating or activating another hardware profile will cancel (unsubscribe) all current offer subscriptions.

The available sub-commands for profile are:

list        List available profiles
active      Show the name of an active profile
create      Create a new profile
update      Update a profile
remove      Remove an existing profile
activate    Activate a profile

Listing profiles

cargo run -p ya-provider profile list

will print an output similar to:

  "default": {
    "cpu_threads": 3,
    "mem_gib": 10.9375,
    "storage_gib": 73.57168884277344

Display the active profile

cargo run -p ya-provider profile active

will print:


Creating a profile


ya-provider profile create \
    <name> \
    --cpu-threads <cpu-threads> \
    --mem-gib <mem-gib> \
    --storage-gib <storage-gib>


ya-provider profile create half --cpu-threads 2  --mem-gib 8. --storage-gib 256.

Updating a profile

Note: updating a profile will cancel all current offer subscriptions.

Usage is similar to profile creation.


ya-provider profile update half --cpu-threads 3  --mem-gib 5. --storage-gib 128.

Removing a profile

Note: removing an active profile will cancel all current offer subscriptions.


ya-provider profile remove half

Activating a profile

Note: activating a different profile will cancel all current offer subscriptions.


ya-provider profile activate some_other_profile

Running the Provider Agent

While the yagna service is still running (and you are in the ya-prov directory) you can now start Provider Agent.

cargo run -p ya-provider run