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Using Angular CLI to create a ToDos list using App Module, Components, Services & Router

This should be working; that you can deploy to gh-pages, and its suppose to run

Application Architecture

In the FirstBasicAppComponent branch, we created:

  • Created our Todo application using the Angular CLI
  • Created an AppComponent component to display the user interface
  • Created a Todo class to represent individual todos
  • Created a TodoDataService service to create, update and remove todos

In the ComponentRefactoring branch, we created:

  • a TodoListComponent to display a list of todo’s
  • a TodoListItemComponent to display a single todo
  • a TodoListHeaderComponent to create a new todo
  • a TodoListFooterComponent to show how many todo’s there are

In the process, we learned:

  • the basics of Angular component architecture
  • how to pass data into a component using property bindings
  • how to listen for events emitted by a component using event listeners
  • how splitting components into smaller reusable components makes our code easier to reuse and maintain
  • how we can use smart and dumb to make our life a whole lot easier when we need to refactor our application’s business logic


Here is a super-short primer on Angular’s template syntax in case you haven’t seen it yet:

  • [property]="expression": set property of an element to the value of expression
  • (event)="statement": execute statement when event occurred
  • [(property)]="expression": create two-way binding with expression
  • [class.special]="expression": add special CSS class to element when the value of expression is truthy
  • [style.color]="expression": set color CSS property to the value of expression
  • [(ngModel)]="newTodo.title": adds a two-way binding between the input value and newTodo.title
  • (keyup.enter)="addTodo()": tells Angular to execute addTodo() when the enter key was pressed while typing in the input element
  • *ngIf="todos.length > 0": only show the section element and all its children when there is at least one todo
  • *ngFor="let todo of todos": loop over all todo’s and assign current todo to a variable called todo for each iteration
  • [class.completed]="todo.complete": apply CSS class completed to li element when todo.complete is truthy
  • (click)="toggleTodoComplete(todo)": execute toggleTodoComplete(todo) when the checkbox is clicked
  • [checked]="todo.complete": assign the value of todo.complete to the property checked of the element
  • (click)="removeTodo(todo)": execute removeTodo(todo) when the destroy button is clicked

If you’re not familiar with Angular’s template syntax, you should definitely read the official template syntax documentation.

In Summary

By the end of this project I should understand:

  • the basics of Angular component architecture
  • how you can pass data into a component using property bindings
  • how you can listen for events emitted by a component using event listeners
  • why it is a good practice to split components into smaller reusable components
  • the difference between smart and dumb components and why keeping components dumb is a good practice

Still looking to Master Routing!