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OAuth2 Provider

This repo provides both the design and implementation for a complete OAuth2 provider. This provider implements the "Authorization Code" flow as described by RFC 6749 section 1.3.1.

Looking at the Protocol Flow this repo implements the Authorization Server (and your service the Resource Server). Included is the design and implementation for three different types of requests:

  • The request coming from the resource owner that authorizes the client. As a concrete example if your service implemented Facebook then the request would be the post sent by the end user upon accepting the "Request for Permission" displayed when adding an app such as Spotify. The result of this request is a redirection to a pre-configured Spotify URI with an authorization code in the redirect URL query string. The Spotify app can now use the authorization code to retrieve a refresh and access token from Facebook.

  • The request coming from the client to exchange the authorization code obtained in the step above for a refresh and access tokens. Keeping with the Facebook example this request comes from Spotify after it receives the authorization code from the redirect to retrieve a refresh and access token. At this point Spotify can make requests on behalf of the end user using the access token to authenticate against our service (Facebook).

  • The request coming from the client to renew an access token using a refresh token obtained in the step above. In the Facebook example this request would be again from Spotify when or before an access token expires to retrieve a fresh new access token.

The last two requests are depicted in "Figure 2: Refreshing an Expired Access Token" in section 1.5 of the RFC as steps (A), (B) and (G), (H).

The complete flow is depicted in "Figure 3: Authorization Code Flow" in section 4.1 of the RFC. Remember that this repo implements the "Authorization Server" and that the "Client" is the 3rd party service wanting to use OAuth2 to send requests to your service on behalf of the "Resource Owner" (i.e. end user of your service).


Using the provider consists of two parts:

  1. Import the design package in the design of the API that implements the OAuth2 provider and call the OAuth2 function which creates the security scheme. Use the scheme to secure the API endpoints as needed. See Design below.
  2. Implement and mount the oauth2 provider controller onto the service. See Implement below.


First import the OAuth2 design package in your design:

package design

import (
    . ""
    . ""
    . ""

Then call the OAuth2 function to create the OAuth2 security scheme. This function accepts three arguments:

  • authorizationEndpoint is the request path to the authorization endpoint as described by This endpoint receives requests from the resource owner to grant access to the client. It responds with a redirect to a preconfigured URI and provides the authorization code as a query string.

  • tokenEndpoint is the request path to the token endpoint as described by This endpoint exchanges authorization codes and refresh tokens for access tokens.

  • dsl is an optional anonymous function that may define scopes for the grants associated with the access tokens.

Here is an example creating a OAuth2 security scheme using /oauth2/authorize and /oauth2/token as endpoints and definiting two scopes api:read and api:write:

var OAuth2Sec = OAuth2("/oauth2/authorize", "/oauth2/token", func() {

Not too bad uh? this scheme can now be used to secure endpoints in the service, for example:

var _ = Resource("secure_resource", func() {
    Description("The actions of this resource require a valid OAuth2 access token with a 'api:read' scope")

    Security(OAuth2Sec, func() {

    Action("super_secure", func() {
        Description("This action also requires the 'api:write' scope")

        Security(OAuth2Sec, func() {

        // ...

    // ...

That's it! You now have designed an OAuth2 enabled service. Onto implementation.


Implementing the OAuth2 provider controller defined in the generated oauth2_provider.go is done by instantiating the ProviderController struct provided in this package and using its methods to implement the generated controller actions.

There are two actions genererated: Authorize and GetToken. The ProviderController struct exposes methods with the same names that provide the implementation for the respective actions.

Concretly here is how the generated controller could be implemented. The following should be written in the generated oauth2_provider.go file and replace the correspodning placeholder functions:

// NewOAuth2ProviderController creates a OAuth2Provider controller.
func NewOAuth2ProviderController(service *goa.Service, provider oauth2.Provider) *OAuth2ProviderController {
	return &OAuth2ProviderController{
		ProviderController: oauth2.NewProviderController(service, provider),

// Authorize runs the authorize action.
func (c *OAuth2ProviderController) Authorize(ctx *app.AuthorizeOauth2ProviderContext) error {
	return c.ProviderController.Authorize(ctx.Context, ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)

// GetToken runs the get_token action.
func (c *OAuth2ProviderController) GetToken(ctx *app.GetTokenOauth2ProviderContext) error {
	p := ctx.Payload
	return c.ProviderController.GetToken(ctx.Context, ctx.ResponseWriter, p.GrantType,
		p.Code, p.RedirectURI, p.RefreshToken, p.Scope)

As you can see instantiating the provider controller requires passing in a provider parameter of type oauth2.Provider. This interface exposes four high level methods that makes it possible to inject the actual OAuth2 authorization logic. The definition of the interface is:

// Provider is the interface that provides the actual implementation for the authorize
// and token endpoints.
Provider interface {
	// Authorize implements
	// Given a client identifier the implementation must verify that the redirect URI
	// matches the pre-registered URI. The implementation should also validate the
	// scope. Upon success Authorize should return the authorization code and a nil
	// error. Upon failure the error should implement Error otherwise a generic error
	// HTTP response is sent back to the client.
	Authorize(clientID, scope, redirectURI string) (code string, err error)

	// Exchange implements It must
	// check that the given authorization code was generated for the client with the
	// given identifier and that the redirect URI matches the pre-registered redirect
	// URI. Upon success it should return a refresh and access token pair as well as an
	// optional expiration deadline in seconds. Upon failure the error should implement
	// Error otherwise a generic error HTTP response is sent back to the client.
	Exchange(clientID, code, redirectURI string) (refreshToken, accessToken string, expiresIn int, err error)

	// Refresh implements
	// It must check that the given refresh token and scope are valid.  Upon success it
	// should return a valid access token and optionally a new refresh token and
	// expiration deadline in seconds. Upon failure the error should implement Error
	// otherwise a generic error HTTP response is sent back to the client.
	Refresh(refreshToken, scope string) (newRefreshToken, accessToken string, expiresIn int, err error)

	// Authenticate performs client authentication as described in
	// It should return nil if the client is authorized, a non-nil error otherwise.
	// The error message is returned in the Unauthorized response body.
	Authenticate(clientID, clientSecret string) error

The bulk of the work thus consists of implementing this interface. The package then takes care of validating the incoming requests, invoking the methods above in the right places and returning properly formatted success or error responses.

The implementation of these methods can take advantage of the errors defined in this package. In particular the NewError function should be used to create the instances of errors returned by the methods.

The security example contains a complete implementation of a OAuth2 provider as well as instructions for how to use the generated client to make requests to go through the authorization flow.