Taken from https://github.com/nest/nest-simulator/tree/master/pynest/examples/Potjans_2014
Time of writing: 11.03.2023, last update to model: 01.02.2023
To reproduce the performance shown in the data for the NEST simulations it is needed to use high-performance computing systems, the systems used for the paper are described in the "Hardware and Software" subsection 2.5.
These scripts were tested with NEST simulator version 3.3 Installation instructions can be found at:
Furthermore to run the full scaled microcircuit in a compute node, while taking all the advantage of compute power, MPI usage is required.
To obtain the same network construction times as shown in the results section 3, jemalloc is needed. To allow NEST to take advantage of its functionalities, exporting the path to the compiled, shared library is needed:
export LD_PRELOAD=PATH_TO/libjemalloc.so
[Optional]: This can be set in L23 of benchmark.sh script.
Additionally to run the scripts to post process the data, Python and additional packages are required. To run the data post processing scripts we used:
- Python 3.8.6
- Numpy 1.22
These files did not change with respect to the source at time of writing:
These files were modified for benchmarking purposes:
These files were added for benchmarking purposes:
- run_benchmark.py: Python script based on the original simulation script of the model with additional adaptations for benchmarking, notably the addition of command line argument handling, simulation timers (cf Models sub-section 2.4), and data exporting to json files.
- Added handling of number of threads and processes passed as arguments.
- Added computing of mean firing rate of neurons using the local_spike_counter kernel attribute.
- merge_data.py: Python script to merge output of multiple MPI processes during a single simulation.
- This Python script is meant to be run by the
script found in each model directory.- To run it individually, examples of local execution are found in each corresponding
- To run it individually, examples of local execution are found in each corresponding
- This Python script is meant to be run by the
- gather_data.py: Python script designed to collect the data from all of the simulation runs of a benchmark and compute the mean values and the standard deviation of the simulation timers.
- benchmark.sh: Bash script to automatically benchmark the model with 10 different random generation seeds and collect the data.
To run a 10 simulation benchmark using 10 different random generation seeds:
bash benchmark.sh
By default this script runs with SLURM in an interactive session, this can be changed to run locally by commenting L62 and uncommenting L59. Additionally setting the specific MPI executor (e.g. mpirun, mpiexec), the number of processes argument (e.g. -n, -np) and the MPI process binding is necessary.