+import io
+import json
+import math
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import tempfile
+import threading
+import time
+import types
+import uuid
+import numpy as np
+import PIL
+import PIL.Image
+import PIL.ImageCms
+import PIL.ImageColor
+import PIL.ImageDraw
+from .. import config, exceptions
+from ..cache_util import getTileCache, methodcache, strhash
+ SourcePriority, TileInputUnits, TileOutputMimeTypes,
+ TileOutputPILFormat, dtypeToGValue)
+from .jupyter import IPyLeafletMixin
+from .tiledict import LazyTileDict
+from .utilities import (JSONDict, _encodeImage, # noqa: F401
+ _encodeImageBinary, _gdalParameters, _imageToNumpy,
+ _imageToPIL, _letterboxImage, _makeSameChannelDepth,
+ _vipsCast, _vipsParameters, dictToEtree, etreeToDict,
+ getPaletteColors, histogramThreshold, nearPowerOfTwo)
class TileSource(IPyLeafletMixin):
# Name of the tile source
name = None
# A dictionary of known file extensions and the ``SourcePriority`` given
# to each. It must contain a None key with a priority for the tile source
# when the extension does not match.
extensions = {
None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK,
# A dictionary of common mime-types handled by the source and the
# ``SourcePriority`` given to each. This are used in place of or in
# additional to extensions.
mimeTypes = {
None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK,
# A dictionary with regex strings as the keys and the ``SourcePriority``
# given to names that match that expression. This is used in addition to
# extensions and mimeTypes, with the highest priority match taken.
nameMatches = {
geospatial = False
def __init__(self, encoding='JPEG', jpegQuality=95, jpegSubsampling=0,
tiffCompression='raw', edge=False, style=None, noCache=None,
*args, **kwargs):
Initialize the tile class.
:param jpegQuality: when serving jpegs, use this quality.
:param jpegSubsampling: when serving jpegs, use this subsampling (0 is
full chroma, 1 is half, 2 is quarter).
:param encoding: 'JPEG', 'PNG', 'TIFF', or 'TILED'.
:param edge: False to leave edge tiles whole, True or 'crop' to crop
edge tiles, otherwise, an #rrggbb color to fill edges.
:param tiffCompression: the compression format to use when encoding a
:param style: if None, use the default style for the file. Otherwise,
this is a string with a json-encoded dictionary. The style can
contain the following keys:
:band: if -1 or None, and if style is specified at all, the
greyscale value is used. Otherwise, a 1-based numerical
index into the channels of the image or a string that
matches the interpretation of the band ('red', 'green',
'blue', 'gray', 'alpha'). Note that 'gray' on an RGB or
RGBA image will use the green band.
:frame: if specified, override the frame value for this band.
When used as part of a bands list, this can be used to
composite multiple frames together. It is most efficient
if at least one band either doesn't specify a frame
parameter or specifies the same frame value as the primary
:framedelta: if specified and frame is not specified, override
the frame value for this band by using the current frame
plus this value.
:min: the value to map to the first palette value. Defaults to
0. 'auto' to use 0 if the reported minimum and maximum of
the band are between [0, 255] or use the reported minimum
otherwise. 'min' or 'max' to always uses the reported
minimum or maximum. 'full' to always use 0.
:max: the value to map to the last palette value. Defaults to
255. 'auto' to use 0 if the reported minimum and maximum
of the band are between [0, 255] or use the reported
maximum otherwise. 'min' or 'max' to always uses the
reported minimum or maximum. 'full' to use the maximum
value of the base data type (either 1, 255, or 65535).
:palette: a list of two or more color strings, where color
strings are of the form #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGB, #RGBA, or
any string parseable by the PIL modules, or, if it is
installed, byt matplotlib. Alternately, this can be a
single color, which implies ['#000', <color>], or the name
of a palettable paletter or, if available, a matplotlib
:nodata: the value to use for missing data. null or unset to
not use a nodata value.
:composite: either 'lighten' or 'multiply'. Defaults to
'lighten' for all except the alpha band.
:clamp: either True to clamp (also called clip or crop) values
outside of the [min, max] to the ends of the palette or
False to make outside values transparent.
:dtype: convert the results to the specified numpy dtype.
Normally, if a style is applied, the results are
intermediately a float numpy array with a value range of
[0,255]. If this is 'uint16', it will be cast to that and
multiplied by 65535/255. If 'float', it will be divided by
255. If 'source', this uses the dtype of the source image.
:axis: keep only the specified axis from the numpy intermediate
results. This can be used to extract a single channel
after compositing.
Alternately, the style object can contain a single key of 'bands',
which has a value which is a list of style dictionaries as above,
excepting that each must have a band that is not -1. Bands are
composited in the order listed. This base object may also contain
the 'dtype' and 'axis' values.
:param noCache: if True, the style can be adjusted dynamically and the
source is not elibible for caching. If there is no intention to
reuse the source at a later time, this can have performance
benefits, such as when first cataloging images that can be read.
self.logger = config.getConfig('logger')
self.cache, self.cache_lock = getTileCache()
self.tileWidth = None
self.tileHeight = None
self.levels = None
self.sizeX = None
self.sizeY = None
self._sourceLock = threading.RLock()
self._dtype = None
self._bandCount = None
if encoding not in TileOutputMimeTypes:
raise ValueError('Invalid encoding "%s"' % encoding)
self.encoding = encoding
self.jpegQuality = int(jpegQuality)
self.jpegSubsampling = int(jpegSubsampling)
self.tiffCompression = tiffCompression
self.edge = edge
def __getstate__(self):
Allow pickling.
We reconstruct our state via the creation caused by the inverse of
reduce, so we don't report state here.
return None
def __reduce__(self):
Allow pickling.
Reduce can pass the args but not the kwargs, so use a partial class
call to recosntruct kwargs.
import functools
import pickle
if not hasattr(self, '_initValues') or hasattr(self, '_unpickleable'):
msg = 'Source cannot be pickled'
raise pickle.PicklingError(msg)
return functools.partial(type(self), **self._initValues[1]), self._initValues[0]
def __repr__(self):
return self.getState()
def _repr_png_(self):
return self.getThumbnail(encoding='PNG')[0]
def _setStyle(self, style):
Check and set the specified style from a json string or a dictionary.
:param style: The new style.
for key in {'_unlocked_classkey', '_classkeyLock'}:
delattr(self, key)
except Exception:
if not hasattr(self, '_bandRanges'):
self._bandRanges = {}
self._jsonstyle = style
if style is not None:
if isinstance(style, dict):
self._style = JSONDict(style)
self._jsonstyle = json.dumps(style, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
self._style = None
style = json.loads(style)
if not isinstance(style, dict):
raise TypeError
self._style = JSONDict(style)
except (TypeError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
msg = 'Style is not a valid json object.'
raise exceptions.TileSourceError(msg)
def getBounds(self, *args, **kwargs):
return {
'sizeX': self.sizeX,
'sizeY': self.sizeY,
def getCenter(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns (Y, X) center location."""
if self.geospatial:
bounds = self.getBounds(*args, **kwargs)
return (
(bounds['ymax'] - bounds['ymin']) / 2 + bounds['ymin'],
(bounds['xmax'] - bounds['xmin']) / 2 + bounds['xmin'],
bounds = TileSource.getBounds(self, *args, **kwargs)
return (bounds['sizeY'] / 2, bounds['sizeX'] / 2)
def style(self):
return self._style
def style(self, value):
if not hasattr(self, '_unstyledStyle') and value == getattr(self, '_unstyledStyle', None):
if not getattr(self, '_noCache', False):
msg = 'Cannot set the style of a cached source'
raise exceptions.TileSourceError(msg)
args, kwargs = self._initValues
kwargs['style'] = value
self._initValues = (args, kwargs.copy())
oldval = getattr(self, '_jsonstyle', None)
if oldval == getattr(self, '_jsonstyle', None):
self._classkey = str(uuid.uuid4())
if (kwargs.get('style') != getattr(self, '_unstyledStyle', None) and
not hasattr(self, '_unstyledInstance')):
subkwargs = kwargs.copy()
subkwargs['style'] = getattr(self, '_unstyledStyle', None)
self._unstyledInstance = self.__class__(*args, **subkwargs)
def dtype(self):
with self._sourceLock:
if not self._dtype:
self._dtype = 'check'
sample, _ = getattr(self, '_unstyledInstance', self).getRegion(
region=dict(left=0, top=0, width=1, height=1),
self._dtype = sample.dtype
self._bandCount = len(
getattr(getattr(self, '_unstyledInstance', self), '_bandInfo', []))
if not self._bandCount:
self._bandCount = sample.shape[-1] if len(sample.shape) == 3 else 1
return self._dtype
def bandCount(self):
if not self._bandCount:
if not self._dtype or str(self._dtype) == 'check':
return None
return self._bandCount
def getLRUHash(*args, **kwargs):
Return a string hash used as a key in the recently-used cache for tile
:returns: a string hash value.
return strhash(
kwargs.get('encoding', 'JPEG'), kwargs.get('jpegQuality', 95),
kwargs.get('jpegSubsampling', 0), kwargs.get('tiffCompression', 'raw'),
kwargs.get('edge', False),
'__STYLESTART__', kwargs.get('style', None), '__STYLEEND__')
def getState(self):
Return a string reflecting the state of the tile source. This is used
as part of a cache key when hashing function return values.
:returns: a string hash value of the source state.
if hasattr(self, '_classkey'):
return self._classkey
return '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,__STYLESTART__,%s,__STYLEEND__' % (
def wrapKey(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return a key for a tile source and function parameters that can be used
as a unique cache key.
:param args: arguments to add to the hash.
:param kwaths: arguments to add to the hash.
:returns: a cache key.
return strhash(self.getState()) + strhash(*args, **kwargs)
def _ignoreSourceNames(self, configKey, path, default=None):
Given a path, if it is an actual file and there is a setting
"source_<configKey>_ignored_names", raise a TileSoruceError if the
path matches the ignore names setting regex in a case-insensitive
:param configKey: key to use to fetch value from settings.
:param path: the file path to check.
:param default: a default ignore regex, or None for no default.
ignored_names = config.getConfig('source_%s_ignored_names' % configKey) or default
if not ignored_names or not os.path.isfile(path):
if re.search(ignored_names, os.path.basename(path), flags=re.IGNORECASE):
raise exceptions.TileSourceError('File will not be opened by %s reader' % configKey)
def _calculateWidthHeight(self, width, height, regionWidth, regionHeight):
Given a source width and height and a maximum destination width and/or
height, calculate a destination width and height that preserves the
aspect ratio of the source.
:param width: the destination width. None to only use height.
:param height: the destination height. None to only use width.
:param regionWidth: the width of the source data.
:param regionHeight: the height of the source data.
:returns: the width and height that is no larger than that specified
and preserves aspect ratio, and the scaling factor used for
the conversion.
if regionWidth == 0 or regionHeight == 0:
return 0, 0, 1
# Constrain the maximum size if both width and height weren't
# specified, in case the image is very short or very narrow.
if height and not width:
width = height * 16
if width and not height:
height = width * 16
scaledWidth = max(1, int(regionWidth * height / regionHeight))
scaledHeight = max(1, int(regionHeight * width / regionWidth))
if scaledWidth == width or (
width * regionHeight > height * regionWidth and not scaledHeight == height):
scale = float(regionHeight) / height
width = scaledWidth
scale = float(regionWidth) / width
height = scaledHeight
return width, height, scale
def _scaleFromUnits(self, metadata, units, desiredMagnification, **kwargs):
Get scaling parameters based on the source metadata and specified
:param metadata: the metadata associated with this source.
:param units: the units used for the scale.
:param desiredMagnification: the output from getMagnificationForLevel
for the desired magnification used to convert mag_pixels and mm.
:param kwargs: optional parameters.
:returns: (scaleX, scaleY) scaling parameters in the horizontal and
vertical directions.
scaleX = scaleY = 1
if units == 'fraction':
scaleX = metadata['sizeX']
scaleY = metadata['sizeY']
elif units == 'mag_pixels':
if not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('scale'):
msg = 'No magnification to use for units'
raise ValueError(msg)
scaleX = scaleY = desiredMagnification['scale']
elif units == 'mm':
if (not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('scale') or
not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('mm_x') or
not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('mm_y')):
desiredMagnification = self.getNativeMagnification().copy()
desiredMagnification['scale'] = 1.0
if (not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('scale') or
not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('mm_x') or
not (desiredMagnification or {}).get('mm_y')):
msg = 'No mm_x or mm_y to use for units'
raise ValueError(msg)
scaleX = (desiredMagnification['scale'] /
scaleY = (desiredMagnification['scale'] /
elif units in ('base_pixels', None):
raise ValueError('Invalid units %r' % units)
return scaleX, scaleY
def _getRegionBounds(self, metadata, left=None, top=None, right=None,
bottom=None, width=None, height=None, units=None,
desiredMagnification=None, cropToImage=True,
Given a set of arguments that can include left, right, top, bottom,
width, height, and units, generate actual pixel values for left, top,
right, and bottom. If left, top, right, or bottom are negative they
are interpreted as an offset from the right or bottom edge of the
:param metadata: the metadata associated with this source.
:param left: the left edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:param top: the top edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:param right: the right edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:param bottom: the bottom edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:param width: the width of the region to process. Ignored if both
left and right are specified.
:param height: the height of the region to process. Ignores if both
top and bottom are specified.
:param units: either 'base_pixels' (default), 'pixels', 'mm', or
'fraction'. base_pixels are in maximum resolution pixels.
pixels is in the specified magnification pixels. mm is in the
specified magnification scale. fraction is a scale of 0 to 1.
pixels and mm are only available if the magnification and mm
per pixel are defined for the image.
:param desiredMagnification: the output from getMagnificationForLevel
for the desired magnification used to convert mag_pixels and mm.
:param cropToImage: if True, don't return region coordinates outside of
the image.
:param kwargs: optional parameters. These are passed to
_scaleFromUnits and may include unitsWH.
:returns: left, top, right, bottom bounds in pixels.
if units not in TileInputUnits:
raise ValueError('Invalid units %r' % units)
# Convert units to max-resolution pixels
units = TileInputUnits[units]
scaleX, scaleY = self._scaleFromUnits(metadata, units, desiredMagnification, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('unitsWH'):
if kwargs['unitsWH'] not in TileInputUnits:
raise ValueError('Invalid units %r' % kwargs['unitsWH'])
scaleW, scaleH = self._scaleFromUnits(
metadata, TileInputUnits[kwargs['unitsWH']], desiredMagnification, **kwargs)
# if unitsWH is specified, prefer width and height to right and
# bottom
if left is not None and right is not None and width is not None:
right = None
if top is not None and bottom is not None and height is not None:
bottom = None
scaleW, scaleH = scaleX, scaleY
region = {'left': left, 'top': top, 'right': right,
'bottom': bottom, 'width': width, 'height': height}
region = {key: region[key] for key in region if region[key] is not None}
for key, scale in (
('left', scaleX), ('right', scaleX), ('width', scaleW),
('top', scaleY), ('bottom', scaleY), ('height', scaleH)):
if key in region and scale and scale != 1:
region[key] = region[key] * scale
# convert negative references to right or bottom offsets
for key in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'):
if key in region and region.get(key) < 0:
region[key] += metadata[
'sizeX' if key in ('left', 'right') else 'sizeY']
# Calculate the region we need to fetch
left = region.get(
(region.get('right') - region.get('width'))
if ('right' in region and 'width' in region) else 0)
right = region.get(
(left + region.get('width'))
if ('width' in region) else metadata['sizeX'])
top = region.get(
'top', region.get('bottom') - region.get('height')
if 'bottom' in region and 'height' in region else 0)
bottom = region.get(
'bottom', top + region.get('height')
if 'height' in region else metadata['sizeY'])
if cropToImage:
# Crop the bounds to integer pixels within the actual source data
left = min(metadata['sizeX'], max(0, int(round(left))))
right = min(metadata['sizeX'], max(left, int(round(right))))
top = min(metadata['sizeY'], max(0, int(round(top))))
bottom = min(metadata['sizeY'], max(top, int(round(bottom))))
return left, top, right, bottom
def _tileIteratorInfo(self, **kwargs):
Get information necessary to construct a tile iterator.
If one of width or height is specified, the other is determined by
preserving aspect ratio. If both are specified, the result may not be
that size, as aspect ratio is always preserved. If neither are
specified, magnification, mm_x, and/or mm_y are used to determine the
size. If none of those are specified, the original maximum resolution
is returned.
:param format: a tuple of allowed formats. Formats are members of
TILE_FORMAT_*. This will avoid converting images if they are
in the desired output encoding (regardless of subparameters).
Otherwise, TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY is returned.
:param region: a dictionary of optional values which specify the part
of the image to process.
:left: the left edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:top: the top edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:right: the right edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:bottom: the bottom edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:width: the width of the region to process.
:height: the height of the region to process.
:units: either 'base_pixels' (default), 'pixels', 'mm', or
'fraction'. base_pixels are in maximum resolution pixels.
pixels is in the specified magnification pixels. mm is in the
specified magnification scale. fraction is a scale of 0 to 1.
pixels and mm are only available if the magnification and mm
per pixel are defined for the image.
:unitsWH: if not specified, this is the same as `units`.
Otherwise, these units will be used for the width and height if
:param output: a dictionary of optional values which specify the size
of the output.
:maxWidth: maximum width in pixels.
:maxHeight: maximum height in pixels.
:param scale: a dictionary of optional values which specify the scale
of the region and / or output. This applies to region if
pixels or mm are used for units. It applies to output if
neither output maxWidth nor maxHeight is specified.
:magnification: the magnification ratio.
:mm_x: the horizontal size of a pixel in millimeters.
:mm_y: the vertical size of a pixel in millimeters.
:exact: if True, only a level that matches exactly will be
returned. This is only applied if magnification, mm_x, or mm_y
is used.
:param tile_position: if present, either a number to only yield the
(tile_position)th tile [0 to (xmax - min) * (ymax - ymin)) that the
iterator would yield, or a dictionary of {region_x, region_y} to
yield that tile, where 0, 0 is the first tile yielded, and
xmax - xmin - 1, ymax - ymin - 1 is the last tile yielded, or a
dictionary of {level_x, level_y} to yield that specific tile if it
is in the region.
:param tile_size: if present, retile the output to the specified tile
size. If only width or only height is specified, the resultant
tiles will be square. This is a dictionary containing at least
one of:
:width: the desired tile width.
:height: the desired tile height.
:param tile_overlap: if present, retile the output adding a symmetric
overlap to the tiles. If either x or y is not specified, it
defaults to zero. The overlap does not change the tile size,
only the stride of the tiles. This is a dictionary containing:
:x: the horizontal overlap in pixels.
:y: the vertical overlap in pixels.
:edges: if True, then the edge tiles will exclude the overlap
distance. If unset or False, the edge tiles are full size.
:param kwargs: optional arguments. Some options are encoding,
jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling, tiffCompression, frame.
:returns: a dictionary of information needed for the tile iterator.
This is None if no tiles will be returned. Otherwise, this
:region: a dictionary of the source region information:
:width, height: the total output of the iterator in pixels.
This may be larger than the requested resolution (given by
output width and output height) if there isn't an exact
match between the requested resolution and available native
:left, top, right, bottom: the coordinates within the image of
the region returned in the level pixel space.
:xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: the tiles that will be included during the
iteration: [xmin, xmax) and [ymin, ymax).
:mode: either 'RGB' or 'RGBA'. This determines the color space
used for tiles.
:level: the tile level used for iteration.
:metadata: tile source metadata (from getMetadata)
:output: a dictionary of the output resolution information.
:width, height: the requested output resolution in pixels. If
this is different that region width and region height, then
the original request was asking for a different scale than
is being delivered.
:frame: the frame value for the base image.
:format: a tuple of allowed output formats.
:encoding: if the output format is TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE, the desired
:requestedScale: the scale needed to convert from the region width
and height to the output width and height.
maxWidth = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxWidth')
maxHeight = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxHeight')
if ((maxWidth is not None and
(not isinstance(maxWidth, int) or maxWidth < 0)) or
(maxHeight is not None and
(not isinstance(maxHeight, int) or maxHeight < 0))):
msg = 'Invalid output width or height. Minimum value is 0.'
raise ValueError(msg)
magLevel = None
mag = None
if maxWidth is None and maxHeight is None:
# If neither width nor height as specified, see if magnification,
# mm_x, or mm_y are requested.
magArgs = (kwargs.get('scale') or {}).copy()
magArgs['rounding'] = None
magLevel = self.getLevelForMagnification(**magArgs)
if magLevel is None and kwargs.get('scale', {}).get('exact'):
return None
mag = self.getMagnificationForLevel(magLevel)
metadata = self.getMetadata()
left, top, right, bottom = self._getRegionBounds(
metadata, desiredMagnification=mag, **kwargs.get('region', {}))
regionWidth = right - left
regionHeight = bottom - top
requestedScale = None
if maxWidth is None and maxHeight is None:
if mag.get('scale') in (1.0, None):
maxWidth, maxHeight = regionWidth, regionHeight
requestedScale = 1
maxWidth = regionWidth / mag['scale']
maxHeight = regionHeight / mag['scale']
requestedScale = mag['scale']
outWidth, outHeight, calcScale = self._calculateWidthHeight(
maxWidth, maxHeight, regionWidth, regionHeight)
requestedScale = calcScale if requestedScale is None else requestedScale
if (regionWidth < 0 or regionHeight < 0 or outWidth == 0 or
outHeight == 0):
return None
preferredLevel = metadata['levels'] - 1
# If we are scaling the result, pick the tile level that is at least
# the resolution we need and is preferred by the tile source.
if outWidth != regionWidth or outHeight != regionHeight:
newLevel = self.getPreferredLevel(preferredLevel + int(
math.ceil(round(math.log(max(float(outWidth) / regionWidth,
float(outHeight) / regionHeight)) /
math.log(2), 4))))
if newLevel < preferredLevel:
# scale the bounds to the level we will use
factor = 2 ** (preferredLevel - newLevel)
left = int(left / factor)
right = int(right / factor)
regionWidth = right - left
top = int(top / factor)
bottom = int(bottom / factor)
regionHeight = bottom - top
preferredLevel = newLevel
requestedScale /= factor
# If an exact magnification was requested and this tile source doesn't
# have tiles at the appropriate level, indicate that we won't return
# anything.
if (magLevel is not None and magLevel != preferredLevel and
kwargs.get('scale', {}).get('exact')):
return None
tile_size = {
'width': metadata['tileWidth'],
'height': metadata['tileHeight'],
tile_overlap = {
'x': int(kwargs.get('tile_overlap', {}).get('x', 0) or 0),
'y': int(kwargs.get('tile_overlap', {}).get('y', 0) or 0),
'edges': kwargs.get('tile_overlap', {}).get('edges', False),
'offset_x': 0,
'offset_y': 0,
'range_x': 0,
'range_y': 0,
if not tile_overlap['edges']:
# offset by half the overlap
tile_overlap['offset_x'] = tile_overlap['x'] // 2
tile_overlap['offset_y'] = tile_overlap['y'] // 2
tile_overlap['range_x'] = tile_overlap['x']
tile_overlap['range_y'] = tile_overlap['y']
if 'tile_size' in kwargs:
tile_size['width'] = int(kwargs['tile_size'].get(
'width', kwargs['tile_size'].get('height', tile_size['width'])))
tile_size['height'] = int(kwargs['tile_size'].get(
'height', kwargs['tile_size'].get('width', tile_size['height'])))
# Tile size includes the overlap
tile_size['width'] -= tile_overlap['x']
tile_size['height'] -= tile_overlap['y']
if tile_size['width'] <= 0 or tile_size['height'] <= 0:
msg = 'Invalid tile_size or tile_overlap.'
raise ValueError(msg)
resample = (
False if round(requestedScale, 2) == 1.0 or
kwargs.get('resample') in (None, False) else kwargs.get('resample'))
# If we need to resample to make tiles at a non-native resolution,
# adjust the tile size and tile overlap parameters appropriately.
if resample is not False:
tile_size['width'] = max(1, int(math.ceil(tile_size['width'] * requestedScale)))
tile_size['height'] = max(1, int(math.ceil(tile_size['height'] * requestedScale)))
tile_overlap['x'] = int(math.ceil(tile_overlap['x'] * requestedScale))
tile_overlap['y'] = int(math.ceil(tile_overlap['y'] * requestedScale))
# If the overlapped tiles don't run over the edge, then the functional
# size of the region is reduced by the overlap. This factor is stored
# in the overlap offset_*.
xmin = int(left / tile_size['width'])
xmax = max(int(math.ceil((float(right) - tile_overlap['range_x']) /
tile_size['width'])), xmin + 1)
ymin = int(top / tile_size['height'])
ymax = max(int(math.ceil((float(bottom) - tile_overlap['range_y']) /
tile_size['height'])), ymin + 1)
tile_overlap.update({'xmin': xmin, 'xmax': xmax,
'ymin': ymin, 'ymax': ymax})
# Use RGB for JPEG, RGBA for PNG
mode = 'RGBA' if kwargs.get('encoding') in {'PNG', 'TIFF', 'TILED'} else 'RGB'
info = {
'region': {
'top': top,
'left': left,
'bottom': bottom,
'right': right,
'width': regionWidth,
'height': regionHeight,
'xmin': xmin,
'ymin': ymin,
'xmax': xmax,
'ymax': ymax,
'mode': mode,
'level': preferredLevel,
'metadata': metadata,
'output': {
'width': outWidth,
'height': outHeight,
'frame': kwargs.get('frame'),
'format': kwargs.get('format', (TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, )),
'encoding': kwargs.get('encoding'),
'requestedScale': requestedScale,
'resample': resample,
'tile_overlap': tile_overlap,
'tile_position': kwargs.get('tile_position'),
'tile_size': tile_size,
return info
def _tileIterator(self, iterInfo):
Given tile iterator information, iterate through the tiles.
Each tile is returned as part of a dictionary that includes
:x, y: (left, top) coordinate in current magnification pixels
:width, height: size of current tile in current magnification
:tile: cropped tile image
:format: format of the tile. One of TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY,
only returned if it was explicitly allowed and the tile is
already in the correct image encoding.
:level: level of the current tile
:level_x, level_y: the tile reference number within the level.
Tiles are numbered (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), etc. The 0th tile
yielded may not be (0, 0) if a region is specified.
:tile_position: a dictionary of the tile position within the
iterator, containing:
:level_x, level_y: the tile reference number within the level.
:region_x, region_y: 0, 0 is the first tile in the full
iteration (when not restricting the iteration to a single
:position: a 0-based value for the tile within the full
:iterator_range: a dictionary of the output range of the iterator:
:level_x_min, level_x_max: the tiles that are be included
during the full iteration: [layer_x_min, layer_x_max).
:level_y_min, level_y_max: the tiles that are be included
during the full iteration: [layer_y_min, layer_y_max).
:region_x_max, region_y_max: the number of tiles included during
the full iteration. This is layer_x_max - layer_x_min,
layer_y_max - layer_y_min.
:position: the total number of tiles included in the full
iteration. This is region_x_max * region_y_max.
:magnification: magnification of the current tile
:mm_x, mm_y: size of the current tile pixel in millimeters.
:gx, gy: (left, top) coordinates in maximum-resolution pixels
:gwidth, gheight: size of of the current tile in maximum-resolution
:tile_overlap: the amount of overlap with neighboring tiles (left,
top, right, and bottom). Overlap never extends outside of the
requested region.
If a region that includes partial tiles is requested, those tiles are
cropped appropriately. Most images will have tiles that get cropped
along the right and bottom edges in any case.
:param iterInfo: tile iterator information. See _tileIteratorInfo.
:yields: an iterator that returns a dictionary as listed above.
regionWidth = iterInfo['region']['width']
regionHeight = iterInfo['region']['height']
left = iterInfo['region']['left']
top = iterInfo['region']['top']
xmin = iterInfo['xmin']
ymin = iterInfo['ymin']
xmax = iterInfo['xmax']
ymax = iterInfo['ymax']
level = iterInfo['level']
metadata = iterInfo['metadata']
tileSize = iterInfo['tile_size']
tileOverlap = iterInfo['tile_overlap']
format = iterInfo['format']
encoding = iterInfo['encoding']
'Fetching region of an image with a source size of %d x %d; '
'getting %d tiles',
regionWidth, regionHeight, (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin))
# If tile is specified, return at most one tile
if iterInfo.get('tile_position') is not None:
tilePos = iterInfo.get('tile_position')
if isinstance(tilePos, dict):
if tilePos.get('position') is not None:
tilePos = tilePos['position']
elif 'region_x' in tilePos and 'region_y' in tilePos:
tilePos = (tilePos['region_x'] +
tilePos['region_y'] * (xmax - xmin))
elif 'level_x' in tilePos and 'level_y' in tilePos:
tilePos = ((tilePos['level_x'] - xmin) +
(tilePos['level_y'] - ymin) * (xmax - xmin))
if tilePos < 0 or tilePos >= (ymax - ymin) * (xmax - xmin):
xmax = xmin
ymin += int(tilePos / (xmax - xmin))
ymax = ymin + 1
xmin += int(tilePos % (xmax - xmin))
xmax = xmin + 1
mag = self.getMagnificationForLevel(level)
scale = mag.get('scale', 1.0)
retile = (tileSize['width'] != metadata['tileWidth'] or
tileSize['height'] != metadata['tileHeight'] or
tileOverlap['x'] or tileOverlap['y'])
for y in range(ymin, ymax):
for x in range(xmin, xmax):
crop = None
posX = int(x * tileSize['width'] - tileOverlap['x'] // 2 +
tileOverlap['offset_x'] - left)
posY = int(y * tileSize['height'] - tileOverlap['y'] // 2 +
tileOverlap['offset_y'] - top)
tileWidth = tileSize['width'] + tileOverlap['x']
tileHeight = tileSize['height'] + tileOverlap['y']
# crop as needed
if (posX < 0 or posY < 0 or posX + tileWidth > regionWidth or
posY + tileHeight > regionHeight):
crop = (max(0, -posX),
max(0, -posY),
int(min(tileWidth, regionWidth - posX)),
int(min(tileHeight, regionHeight - posY)))
posX += crop[0]
posY += crop[1]
tileWidth = crop[2] - crop[0]
tileHeight = crop[3] - crop[1]
overlap = {
'left': max(0, x * tileSize['width'] + tileOverlap['offset_x'] - left - posX),
'top': max(0, y * tileSize['height'] + tileOverlap['offset_y'] - top - posY),
overlap['right'] = (
max(0, tileWidth - tileSize['width'] - overlap['left'])
if x != xmin or not tileOverlap['range_x'] else
min(tileWidth, tileOverlap['range_x'] - tileOverlap['offset_x']))
overlap['bottom'] = (
max(0, tileHeight - tileSize['height'] - overlap['top'])
if y != ymin or not tileOverlap['range_y'] else
min(tileHeight, tileOverlap['range_y'] - tileOverlap['offset_y']))
if tileOverlap['range_x']:
overlap['left'] = 0 if x == tileOverlap['xmin'] else overlap['left']
overlap['right'] = 0 if x + 1 == tileOverlap['xmax'] else overlap['right']
if tileOverlap['range_y']:
overlap['top'] = 0 if y == tileOverlap['ymin'] else overlap['top']
overlap['bottom'] = 0 if y + 1 == tileOverlap['ymax'] else overlap['bottom']
tile = LazyTileDict({
'x': x,
'y': y,
'frame': iterInfo.get('frame'),
'level': level,
'format': format,
'encoding': encoding,
'crop': crop,
'requestedScale': iterInfo['requestedScale'],
'retile': retile,
'metadata': metadata,
'source': self,
}, {
'x': posX + left,
'y': posY + top,
'width': tileWidth,
'height': tileHeight,
'level': level,
'level_x': x,
'level_y': y,
'magnification': mag['magnification'],
'mm_x': mag['mm_x'],
'mm_y': mag['mm_y'],
'tile_position': {
'level_x': x,
'level_y': y,
'region_x': x - iterInfo['xmin'],
'region_y': y - iterInfo['ymin'],
'position': ((x - iterInfo['xmin']) +
(y - iterInfo['ymin']) *
(iterInfo['xmax'] - iterInfo['xmin'])),
'iterator_range': {
'level_x_min': iterInfo['xmin'],
'level_y_min': iterInfo['ymin'],
'level_x_max': iterInfo['xmax'],
'level_y_max': iterInfo['ymax'],
'region_x_max': iterInfo['xmax'] - iterInfo['xmin'],
'region_y_max': iterInfo['ymax'] - iterInfo['ymin'],
'position': ((iterInfo['xmax'] - iterInfo['xmin']) *
(iterInfo['ymax'] - iterInfo['ymin'])),
'tile_overlap': overlap,
tile['gx'] = tile['x'] * scale
tile['gy'] = tile['y'] * scale
tile['gwidth'] = tile['width'] * scale
tile['gheight'] = tile['height'] * scale
yield tile
def _pilFormatMatches(self, image, match=True, **kwargs):
Determine if the specified PIL image matches the format of the tile
source with the specified arguments.
:param image: the PIL image to check.
:param match: if 'any', all image encodings are considered matching,
if 'encoding', then a matching encoding matches regardless of
quality options, otherwise, only match if the encoding and quality
options match.
:param kwargs: additional parameters to use in determining format.
encoding = TileOutputPILFormat.get(self.encoding, self.encoding)
if match == 'any' and encoding in ('PNG', 'JPEG'):
return True
if image.format != encoding:
return False
if encoding == 'PNG':
return True
if encoding == 'JPEG':
if match == 'encoding':
return True
originalQuality = None
if image.format == 'JPEG' and hasattr(image, 'quantization'):
if image.quantization[0][58] <= 100:
originalQuality = int(100 - image.quantization[0][58] / 2)
originalQuality = int(5000.0 / 2.5 / image.quantization[0][15])
except Exception:
return False
return abs(originalQuality - self.jpegQuality) <= 1
# We fail for the TIFF file format; it is general enough that ensuring
# compatibility could be an issue.
return False
def histogram(self, dtype=None, onlyMinMax=False, bins=256, # noqa
density=False, format=None, *args, **kwargs):
Get a histogram for a region.
:param dtype: if specified, the tiles must be this numpy.dtype.
:param onlyMinMax: if True, only return the minimum and maximum value
of the region.
:param bins: the number of bins in the histogram. This is passed to
numpy.histogram, but needs to produce the same set of edges for
each tile.
:param density: if True, scale the results based on the number of
:param format: ignored. Used to override the format for the
:param range: if None, use the computed min and (max + 1). Otherwise,
this is the range passed to numpy.histogram. Note this is only
accessible via kwargs as it otherwise overloads the range function.
If 'round', use the computed values, but the number of bins may be
reduced or the bin_edges rounded to integer values for
integer-based source data.
:param args: parameters to pass to the tileIterator.
:param kwargs: parameters to pass to the tileIterator.
:returns: if onlyMinMax is true, this is a dictionary with keys min and
max, each of which is a numpy array with the minimum and maximum of
all of the bands. If onlyMinMax is False, this is a dictionary
with a single key 'histogram' that contains a list of histograms
per band. Each entry is a dictionary with min, max, range, hist,
bins, and bin_edges. range is [min, (max + 1)]. hist is the
counts (normalized if density is True) for each bin. bins is the
number of bins used. bin_edges is an array one longer than the
hist array that contains the boundaries between bins.
lastlog = time.time()
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
histRange = kwargs.pop('range', None)
results = None
for tile in self.tileIterator(format=TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, *args, **kwargs):
if time.time() - lastlog > 10:
'Calculating histogram min/max %d/%d',
tile['tile_position']['position'], tile['iterator_range']['position'])
lastlog = time.time()
tile = tile['tile']
if dtype is not None and tile.dtype != dtype:
if tile.dtype == np.uint8 and dtype == np.uint16:
tile = np.array(tile, dtype=np.uint16) * 257
tilemin = np.array([
np.amin(tile[:, :, idx]) for idx in range(tile.shape[2])], tile.dtype)
tilemax = np.array([
np.amax(tile[:, :, idx]) for idx in range(tile.shape[2])], tile.dtype)
tilesum = np.array([
np.sum(tile[:, :, idx]) for idx in range(tile.shape[2])], float)
tilesum2 = np.array([
np.sum(np.array(tile[:, :, idx], float) ** 2)
for idx in range(tile.shape[2])], float)
tilecount = tile.shape[0] * tile.shape[1]
if results is None:
results = {
'min': tilemin,
'max': tilemax,
'sum': tilesum,
'sum2': tilesum2,
'count': tilecount,
results['min'] = np.minimum(results['min'], tilemin[:len(results['min'])])
results['max'] = np.maximum(results['max'], tilemax[:len(results['min'])])
results['sum'] += tilesum[:len(results['min'])]
results['sum2'] += tilesum2[:len(results['min'])]
results['count'] += tilecount
results['mean'] = results['sum'] / results['count']
results['stdev'] = np.maximum(
results['sum2'] / results['count'] - results['mean'] ** 2,
[0] * results['sum2'].shape[0]) ** 0.5
results.pop('sum', None)
results.pop('sum2', None)
results.pop('count', None)
if results is None or onlyMinMax:
return results
results['histogram'] = [{
'min': results['min'][idx],
'max': results['max'][idx],
'mean': results['mean'][idx],
'stdev': results['stdev'][idx],
'range': ((results['min'][idx], results['max'][idx] + 1)
if histRange is None or histRange == 'round' else histRange),
'hist': None,
'bin_edges': None,
'bins': bins,
'density': bool(density),
} for idx in range(len(results['min']))]
if histRange == 'round' and np.issubdtype(dtype or self.dtype, np.integer):
for record in results['histogram']:
if (record['range'][1] - record['range'][0]) < bins * 10:
step = int(math.ceil((record['range'][1] - record['range'][0]) / bins))
rbins = int(math.ceil((record['range'][1] - record['range'][0]) / step))
record['range'] = (record['range'][0], record['range'][0] + step * rbins)
record['bins'] = rbins
for tile in self.tileIterator(format=TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, *args, **kwargs):
if time.time() - lastlog > 10:
'Calculating histogram %d/%d',
tile['tile_position']['position'], tile['iterator_range']['position'])
lastlog = time.time()
tile = tile['tile']
if dtype is not None and tile.dtype != dtype:
if tile.dtype == np.uint8 and dtype == np.uint16:
tile = np.array(tile, dtype=np.uint16) * 257
for idx in range(len(results['min'])):
entry = results['histogram'][idx]
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(
tile[:, :, idx], entry['bins'], entry['range'], density=False)
if entry['hist'] is None:
entry['hist'] = hist
entry['bin_edges'] = bin_edges
entry['hist'] += hist
for idx in range(len(results['min'])):
entry = results['histogram'][idx]
if entry['hist'] is not None:
entry['samples'] = np.sum(entry['hist'])
if density:
entry['hist'] = entry['hist'].astype(float) / entry['samples']
return results
def _unstyledClassKey(self):
Create a class key that doesn't use style. If already created, just
return the created value.
if not hasattr(self, '_classkey_unstyled'):
key = self._classkey
if '__STYLEEND__' in key:
parts = key.split('__STYLEEND__', 1)
key = key.split('__STYLESTART__', 1)[0] + parts[1]
key += '__unstyled'
self._classkey_unstyled = key
return self._classkey_unstyled
def _scanForMinMax(self, dtype, frame=None, analysisSize=1024, onlyMinMax=True, **kwargs):
Scan the image at a lower resolution to find the minimum and maximum
:param dtype: the numpy dtype. Used for guessing the range.
:param frame: the frame to use for auto-ranging.
:param analysisSize: the size of the image to use for analysis.
:param onlyMinMax: if True, only find the min and max. If False, get
the entire histogram.
self._bandRanges[frame] = getattr(self, '_unstyledInstance', self).histogram(
output={'maxWidth': min(self.sizeX, analysisSize),
'maxHeight': min(self.sizeY, analysisSize)},
frame=frame, **kwargs)
if self._bandRanges[frame]:
self.logger.info('Style range is %r', {
k: v for k, v in self._bandRanges[frame].items() if k in {
'min', 'max', 'mean', 'stdev'}})
def _validateMinMaxValue(self, value, frame, dtype):
Validate the min/max setting and return a specific string or float
value and with any threshold.
:param value: the specified value, 'auto', 'min', or 'max'. 'auto'
uses the parameter specified in 'minmax' or 0 or 255 if the
band's minimum is in the range [0, 254] and maximum is in the range
[2, 255]. 'min:<value>' and 'max:<value>' use the histogram to
threshold the image based on the value. 'auto:<value>' applies a
histogram threshold if the parameter specified in minmax is used.
:param dtype: the numpy dtype. Used for guessing the range.
:param frame: the frame to use for auto-ranging.
:returns: the validated value and a threshold from [0-1].
threshold = 0
if value not in {'min', 'max', 'auto', 'full'}:
if ':' in str(value) and value.split(':', 1)[0] in {'min', 'max', 'auto'}:
threshold = float(value.split(':', 1)[1])
value = value.split(':', 1)[0]
value = float(value)
except ValueError:
self.logger.warning('Style min/max value of %r is not valid; using "auto"', value)
value = 'auto'
if value in {'min', 'max', 'auto'} and (
frame not in self._bandRanges or (
threshold and 'histogram' not in self._bandRanges[frame])):
self._scanForMinMax(dtype, frame, onlyMinMax=not threshold)
return value, threshold
def _getMinMax(self, minmax, value, dtype, bandidx=None, frame=None): # noqa
Get an appropriate minimum or maximum for a band.
:param minmax: either 'min' or 'max'.
:param value: the specified value, 'auto', 'min', or 'max'. 'auto'
uses the parameter specified in 'minmax' or 0 or 255 if the
band's minimum is in the range [0, 254] and maximum is in the range
[2, 255]. 'min:<value>' and 'max:<value>' use the histogram to
threshold the image based on the value. 'auto:<value>' applies a
histogram threshold if the parameter specified in minmax is used.
:param dtype: the numpy dtype. Used for guessing the range.
:param bandidx: the index of the channel that could be used for
determining the min or max.
:param frame: the frame to use for auto-ranging.
frame = frame or 0
value, threshold = self._validateMinMaxValue(value, frame, dtype)
if value == 'full':
value = 0
if minmax != 'min':
if dtype == np.uint16:
value = 65535
elif dtype.kind == 'f':
value = 1
value = 255
if value == 'auto':
if (self._bandRanges.get(frame) and
np.all(self._bandRanges[frame]['min'] >= 0) and
np.all(self._bandRanges[frame]['min'] <= 254) and
np.all(self._bandRanges[frame]['max'] >= 2) and
np.all(self._bandRanges[frame]['max'] <= 255)):
value = 0 if minmax == 'min' else 255
value = minmax
if value == 'min':
if bandidx is not None and self._bandRanges.get(frame):
if threshold:
value = histogramThreshold(
self._bandRanges[frame]['histogram'][bandidx], threshold)
value = self._bandRanges[frame]['min'][bandidx]
value = 0
elif value == 'max':
if bandidx is not None and self._bandRanges.get(frame):
if threshold:
value = histogramThreshold(
self._bandRanges[frame]['histogram'][bandidx], threshold, True)
value = self._bandRanges[frame]['max'][bandidx]
elif dtype == np.uint16:
value = 65535
elif dtype.kind == 'f':
value = 1
value = 255
return float(value)
def _applyStyleFunction(self, image, sc, stage, function=None):
Check if a style ahs a style function for the current stage. If so,
apply it.
:param image: the numpy image to adjust. This varies by stage:
For pre, this is the source image.
For preband, this is the band image (often the source image).
For band, this is the scaled band image before palette has been
For postband, this is the output image at the current time.
For main, this is the output image before adjusting to the target
For post, this is the final output image.
:param sc: the style context.
:param stage: one of the stages: pre, preband, band, postband, main,
:param function: if None, this is taken from the sc.style object using
the appropriate band index. Otherwise, this is a style: either a
list of style objects, or a style object with name (the
module.function_name), stage (either a stage or a list of stages
that this function applies to), context (falsy to not pass the
style context to the function, True to pass it as the parameter
'context', or a string to pass it as a parameter of that name),
parameters (a dictionary of parameters to pass to the function).
If function is a string, it is shorthand for {'name': <function>}.
:returns: the modified numpy image.
import importlib
if function is None:
function = (
sc.style.get('function') if not hasattr(sc, 'styleIndex') else
if function is None:
return image
if isinstance(function, (list, tuple)):
for func in function:
image = self._applyStyleFunction(image, sc, stage, func)
return image
if isinstance(function, str):
function = {'name': function}
useOnStages = (
[function['stage']] if isinstance(function.get('stage'), str)
else function.get('stage', ['main', 'band']))
if stage not in useOnStages:
return image
sc.stage = stage
module_name, func_name = function['name'].rsplit('.', 1)
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
func = getattr(module, func_name)
except Exception as exc:
self._styleFunctionWarnings = getattr(self, '_styleFunctionWarnings', {})
if function['name'] not in self._styleFunctionWarnings:
self._styleFunctionWarnings[function['name']] = exc
self.logger.exception('Failed to import style function %s', function['name'])
return image
kwargs = function.get('parameters', {}).copy()
if function.get('context'):
kwargs['context' if function['context'] is True else function['context']] = sc
return func(image, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
self._styleFunctionWarnings = getattr(self, '_styleFunctionWarnings', {})
if function['name'] not in self._styleFunctionWarnings:
self._styleFunctionWarnings[function['name']] = exc
self.logger.exception('Failed to execute style function %s', function['name'])
return image
def getICCProfiles(self, idx=None, onlyInfo=False):
Get a list of all ICC profiles that are available for the source, or
get a specific profile.
:param idx: a 0-based index into the profiles to get one profile, or
None to get a list of all profiles.
:param onlyInfo: if idx is None and this is true, just return the
profile information.
:returns: either one or a list of PIL.ImageCms.CmsProfile objects, or
None if no profiles are available. If a list, entries in the list
may be None.
if not hasattr(self, '_iccprofiles'):
return None
results = []
for pidx, prof in enumerate(self._iccprofiles):
if idx is not None and pidx != idx:
if hasattr(self, '_iccprofilesObjects') and self._iccprofilesObjects[pidx] is not None:
prof = self._iccprofilesObjects[pidx]['profile']
elif not isinstance(prof, PIL.ImageCms.ImageCmsProfile):
prof = PIL.ImageCms.getOpenProfile(io.BytesIO(prof))
except PIL.ImageCms.PyCMSError:
if idx == pidx:
return prof
if onlyInfo:
results = [
PIL.ImageCms.getProfileInfo(prof).strip() or 'present'
if prof else None for prof in results]
return results
def _applyICCProfile(self, sc, frame):
Apply an ICC profile to an image.
:param sc: the style context.
:param frame: the frame to use for auto ranging.
:returns: an image with the icc profile, if any, applied.
profileIdx = frame if frame and len(self._iccprofiles) >= frame + 1 else 0
sc.iccimage = sc.image
sc.iccapplied = False
if not self._iccprofiles[profileIdx]:
return sc.image
if not hasattr(self, '_iccprofilesObjects'):
self._iccprofilesObjects = [None] * len(self._iccprofiles)
image = _imageToPIL(sc.image)
mode = image.mode
if hasattr(PIL.ImageCms, 'Intent'): # PIL >= 9
intent = getattr(PIL.ImageCms.Intent, str(sc.style.get('icc')).upper(),
intent = getattr(PIL.ImageCms, 'INTENT_' + str(sc.style.get('icc')).upper(),
if not hasattr(self, '_iccsrgbprofile'):
self._iccsrgbprofile = PIL.ImageCms.createProfile('sRGB')
except ImportError:
self._iccsrgbprofile = None
'Failed to import PIL.ImageCms. Cannot perform ICC '
'color adjustments. Does your platform support '
if self._iccsrgbprofile is None:
return sc.image
key = (mode, intent)
if self._iccprofilesObjects[profileIdx] is None:
self._iccprofilesObjects[profileIdx] = {
'profile': self.getICCProfiles(profileIdx),
if key not in self._iccprofilesObjects[profileIdx]:
self._iccprofilesObjects[profileIdx][key] = \
self._iccsrgbprofile, mode, mode,
'Created an ICC profile transform for mode %s, intent %s', mode, intent)
transform = self._iccprofilesObjects[profileIdx][key]
PIL.ImageCms.applyTransform(image, transform, inPlace=True)
sc.iccimage = _imageToNumpy(image)[0]
sc.iccapplied = True
except Exception as exc:
if not hasattr(self, '_iccerror'):
self._iccerror = exc
self.logger.exception('Failed to apply ICC profile')
return sc.iccimage
def _applyStyle(self, image, style, x, y, z, frame=None): # noqa
Apply a style to a numpy image.
:param image: the image to modify.
:param style: a style object.
:param x: the x tile position; used for multi-frame styles.
:param y: the y tile position; used for multi-frame styles.
:param z: the z tile position; used for multi-frame styles.
:param frame: the frame to use for auto ranging.
:returns: a styled image.
sc = types.SimpleNamespace(
image=image, originalStyle=style, x=x, y=y, z=z, frame=frame,
mainImage=image, mainFrame=frame, dtype=None, axis=None)
if not style or ('icc' in style and len(style) == 1):
sc.style = {'icc': (style or {}).get(
'icc', config.getConfig('icc_correction', True)), 'bands': []}
sc.style = style if 'bands' in style else {'bands': [style]}
sc.dtype = style.get('dtype')
sc.axis = style.get('axis')
if hasattr(self, '_iccprofiles') and sc.style.get(
'icc', config.getConfig('icc_correction', True)):
image = self._applyICCProfile(sc, frame)
if not style or ('icc' in style and len(style) == 1):
sc.output = image
newwidth = 4
if (len(sc.style['bands']) == 1 and sc.style['bands'][0].get('band') != 'alpha' and
image.shape[-1] == 1):
palette = getPaletteColors(sc.style['bands'][0].get('palette', ['#000', '#FFF']))
if np.array_equal(palette, getPaletteColors('#fff')):
newwidth = 1
sc.output = np.zeros(
(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], newwidth),
np.float32 if image.dtype != np.float64 else image.dtype)
image = self._applyStyleFunction(image, sc, 'pre')
for eidx, entry in enumerate(sc.style['bands']):
sc.styleIndex = eidx
sc.dtype = sc.dtype if sc.dtype is not None else entry.get('dtype')
if sc.dtype == 'source':
if sc.mainImage.dtype == np.uint16:
sc.dtype = 'uint16'
elif sc.mainImage.dtype.kind == 'f':
sc.dtype = 'float'
sc.axis = sc.axis if sc.axis is not None else entry.get('axis')
sc.bandidx = 0 if image.shape[2] <= 2 else 1
sc.band = None
if ((entry.get('frame') is None and not entry.get('framedelta')) or
entry.get('frame') == sc.mainFrame):
image = sc.mainImage
frame = sc.mainFrame
frame = entry['frame'] if entry.get('frame') is not None else (
sc.mainFrame + entry['framedelta'])
image = getattr(self, '_unstyledInstance', self).getTile(
x, y, z, frame=frame, numpyAllowed=True)
image = image[:sc.mainImage.shape[0],
if (isinstance(entry.get('band'), int) and
entry['band'] >= 1 and entry['band'] <= image.shape[2]):
sc.bandidx = entry['band'] - 1
sc.composite = entry.get('composite', 'lighten')
if (hasattr(self, '_bandnames') and entry.get('band') and
str(entry['band']).lower() in self._bandnames and
image.shape[2] > self._bandnames[str(entry['band']).lower()]):
sc.bandidx = self._bandnames[str(entry['band']).lower()]
if entry.get('band') == 'red' and image.shape[2] > 2:
sc.bandidx = 0
elif entry.get('band') == 'blue' and image.shape[2] > 2:
sc.bandidx = 2
sc.band = image[:, :, 2]
elif entry.get('band') == 'alpha':
sc.bandidx = image.shape[2] - 1 if image.shape[2] in (2, 4) else None
sc.band = (image[:, :, -1] if image.shape[2] in (2, 4) else
np.full(image.shape[:2], 255, np.uint8))
sc.composite = entry.get('composite', 'multiply')
if sc.band is None:
sc.band = image[:, :, sc.bandidx]
sc.band = self._applyStyleFunction(sc.band, sc, 'preband')
sc.palette = getPaletteColors(entry.get(
'palette', ['#000', '#FFF']
if entry.get('band') != 'alpha' else ['#FFF0', '#FFFF']))
sc.discrete = entry.get('scheme') == 'discrete'
sc.palettebase = np.linspace(0, 1, len(sc.palette), endpoint=True)
sc.nodata = entry.get('nodata')
sc.min = self._getMinMax(
'min', entry.get('min', 'auto'), image.dtype, sc.bandidx, frame)
sc.max = self._getMinMax(
'max', entry.get('max', 'auto'), image.dtype, sc.bandidx, frame)
sc.clamp = entry.get('clamp', True)
delta = sc.max - sc.min if sc.max != sc.min else 1
if sc.nodata is not None:
sc.mask = sc.band != float(sc.nodata)
sc.mask = np.full(image.shape[:2], True)
sc.band = (sc.band - sc.min) / delta
if not sc.clamp:
sc.mask = sc.mask & (sc.band >= 0) & (sc.band <= 1)
sc.band = self._applyStyleFunction(sc.band, sc, 'band')
# To implement anything other multiply or lighten, we should mimic
# mapnik (and probably delegate to a family of functions).
# mapnik's options are: clear src dst src_over dst_over src_in
# dst_in src_out dst_out src_atop dst_atop xor plus minus multiply
# screen overlay darken lighten color_dodge color_burn hard_light
# soft_light difference exclusion contrast invert grain_merge
# grain_extract hue saturation color value linear_dodge linear_burn
# divide.
# See https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-concepts-layer-modes.html for
# some details.
for channel in range(sc.output.shape[2]):
if np.all(sc.palette[:, channel] == sc.palette[0, channel]):
if ((sc.palette[0, channel] == 0 and sc.composite != 'multiply') or
(sc.palette[0, channel] == 255 and sc.composite == 'multiply')):
clrs = np.full(sc.band.shape, sc.palette[0, channel], dtype=sc.band.dtype)
# Don't recompute if the sc.palette is repeated two channels
# in a row.
if not channel or np.any(
sc.palette[:, channel] != sc.palette[:, channel - 1]):
if not sc.discrete:
clrs = np.interp(sc.band, sc.palettebase, sc.palette[:, channel])
clrs = sc.palette[
np.floor(sc.band * len(sc.palette)).astype(int).clip(
0, len(sc.palette) - 1), channel]
if sc.composite == 'multiply':
if eidx:
sc.output[:sc.mask.shape[0], :sc.mask.shape[1], channel] = np.multiply(
sc.output[:sc.mask.shape[0], :sc.mask.shape[1], channel],
np.where(sc.mask, clrs / 255, 1))
if not eidx:
channel] = np.where(sc.mask, clrs, 0)
sc.output[:sc.mask.shape[0], :sc.mask.shape[1], channel] = np.maximum(
sc.output[:sc.mask.shape[0], :sc.mask.shape[1], channel],
np.where(sc.mask, clrs, 0))
sc.output = self._applyStyleFunction(sc.output, sc, 'postband')
if hasattr(sc, 'styleIndex'):
del sc.styleIndex
sc.output = self._applyStyleFunction(sc.output, sc, 'main')
if sc.dtype == 'uint16':
sc.output = (sc.output * 65535 / 255).astype(np.uint16)
elif sc.dtype == 'float':
sc.output /= 255
if sc.axis is not None and 0 <= int(sc.axis) < sc.output.shape[2]:
sc.output = sc.output[:, :, sc.axis:sc.axis + 1]
sc.output = self._applyStyleFunction(sc.output, sc, 'post')
return sc.output
def _outputTileNumpyStyle(self, tile, applyStyle, x, y, z, frame=None):
Convert a tile to a numpy array. Optionally apply the style to a tile.
Always returns a numpy tile.
:param tile: the tile to convert.
:param applyStyle: if True and there is a style, apply it.
:param x: the x tile position; used for multi-frame styles.
:param y: the y tile position; used for multi-frame styles.
:param z: the z tile position; used for multi-frame styles.
:param frame: the frame to use for auto-ranging.
:returns: a numpy array and a target PIL image mode.
tile, mode = _imageToNumpy(tile)
if applyStyle and (getattr(self, 'style', None) or hasattr(self, '_iccprofiles')):
tile = self._applyStyle(tile, getattr(self, 'style', None), x, y, z, frame)
if tile.shape[0] != self.tileHeight or tile.shape[1] != self.tileWidth:
extend = np.zeros(
(self.tileHeight, self.tileWidth, tile.shape[2]),
extend[:min(self.tileHeight, tile.shape[0]),
:min(self.tileWidth, tile.shape[1])] = tile
tile = extend
return tile, mode
def _outputTile(self, tile, tileEncoding, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False,
numpyAllowed=False, applyStyle=True, **kwargs):
Convert a tile from a numpy array, PIL image, or image in memory to the
desired encoding.
:param tile: the tile to convert.
:param tileEncoding: the current tile encoding.
:param x: tile x value. Used for cropping or edge adjustment.
:param y: tile y value. Used for cropping or edge adjustment.
:param z: tile z (level) value. Used for cropping or edge adjustment.
:param pilImageAllowed: True if a PIL image may be returned.
:param numpyAllowed: True if a numpy image may be returned. 'always'
to return a numpy array.
:param applyStyle: if True and there is a style, apply it.
:returns: either a numpy array, a PIL image, or a memory object with an
image file.
isEdge = False
if self.edge:
sizeX = int(self.sizeX * 2 ** (z - (self.levels - 1)))
sizeY = int(self.sizeY * 2 ** (z - (self.levels - 1)))
maxX = (x + 1) * self.tileWidth
maxY = (y + 1) * self.tileHeight
isEdge = maxX > sizeX or maxY > sizeY
hasStyle = (
len(set(getattr(self, 'style', {})) - {'icc'}) or
getattr(self, 'style', {}).get('icc', config.getConfig('icc_correction', True)))
if (tileEncoding not in (TILE_FORMAT_PIL, TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY) and
numpyAllowed != 'always' and tileEncoding == self.encoding and
not isEdge and (not applyStyle or not hasStyle)):
return tile
if self._dtype is None or str(self._dtype) == 'check':
if tileEncoding == TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY:
self._dtype = tile.dtype
self._bandCount = tile.shape[-1] if len(tile.shape) == 3 else 1
elif tileEncoding == TILE_FORMAT_PIL:
self._dtype = np.uint8 if ';16' not in tile.mode else np.uint16
self._bandCount = len(tile.mode)
_img = _imageToNumpy(tile)[0]
self._dtype = _img.dtype
self._bandCount = _img.shape[-1] if len(_img.shape) == 3 else 1
mode = None
if (numpyAllowed == 'always' or tileEncoding == TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY or
(applyStyle and hasStyle) or isEdge):
tile, mode = self._outputTileNumpyStyle(
tile, applyStyle, x, y, z, self._getFrame(**kwargs))
if isEdge:
contentWidth = min(self.tileWidth,
sizeX - (maxX - self.tileWidth))
contentHeight = min(self.tileHeight,
sizeY - (maxY - self.tileHeight))
tile, mode = _imageToNumpy(tile)
if self.edge in (True, 'crop'):
tile = tile[:contentHeight, :contentWidth]
color = PIL.ImageColor.getcolor(self.edge, mode)
tile = tile.copy()
tile[:, contentWidth:] = color
tile[contentHeight:] = color
if isinstance(tile, np.ndarray) and numpyAllowed:
return tile
tile = _imageToPIL(tile)
if pilImageAllowed:
return tile
# If we can't redirect, but the tile is read from a file in the desired
# output format, just read the file
if getattr(tile, 'fp', None) and self._pilFormatMatches(tile):
return tile.fp.read()
result = _encodeImageBinary(
tile, self.encoding, self.jpegQuality, self.jpegSubsampling, self.tiffCompression)
return result
def _getAssociatedImage(self, imageKey):
Get an associated image in PIL format.
:param imageKey: the key of the associated image.
:return: the image in PIL format or None.
return None
def canRead(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Check if we can read the input. This takes the same parameters as
:returns: True if this class can read the input. False if it cannot.
return False
def metadata(self):
return self.getMetadata()
def _addMetadataFrameInformation(self, metadata, channels=None):
Given a metadata response that has a `frames` list, where each frame
has some of `Index(XY|Z|C|T)`, populate the `Frame`, `Index` and
possibly the `Channel` of each frame in the list and the `IndexRange`,
`IndexStride`, and possibly the `channels` and `channelmap` entries of
the metadata.
:param metadata: the metadata response that might contain `frames`.
:param channels: an optional list of channel names.
if 'frames' not in metadata:
maxref = {}
refkeys = {'IndexC'}
index = 0
for idx, frame in enumerate(metadata['frames']):
refkeys |= {key for key in frame
if key.startswith('Index') and len(key.split('Index', 1)[1])}
for key in refkeys:
if key in frame and frame[key] + 1 > maxref.get(key, 0):
maxref[key] = frame[key] + 1
frame['Frame'] = idx
if idx and (any(
frame.get(key) != metadata['frames'][idx - 1].get(key)
for key in refkeys if key != 'IndexC') or not any(
metadata['frames'][idx].get(key) for key in refkeys)):
index += 1
frame['Index'] = index
if any(val > 1 for val in maxref.values()):
metadata['IndexRange'] = {key: value for key, value in maxref.items() if value > 1}
metadata['IndexStride'] = {
key: [idx for idx, frame in enumerate(metadata['frames']) if frame[key] == 1][0]
for key in metadata['IndexRange']
if channels and len(channels) >= maxref.get('IndexC', 1):
metadata['channels'] = channels[:maxref.get('IndexC', 1)]
metadata['channelmap'] = {
cname: c for c, cname in enumerate(channels[:maxref.get('IndexC', 1)])}
for frame in metadata['frames']:
frame['Channel'] = channels[frame.get('IndexC', 0)]
def _getFrame(self, frame=None, **kwargs):
Get the current frame number. If a style is used that completely
specified the frame, use that value instead.
:param frame: an integer or string with the frame number.
:returns: an integer frame number.
frame = int(frame or 0)
if (hasattr(self, '_style') and 'bands' in self.style and
len(self.style['bands']) and
all(entry.get('frame') is not None for entry in self.style['bands'])):
frame = int(self.style['bands'][0]['frame'])
return frame
def _xyzInRange(self, x, y, z, frame=None, numFrames=None):
Check if a tile at x, y, z is in range based on self.levels,
self.tileWidth, self.tileHeight, self.sizeX, and self.sizeY, Raise an
``TileSourceXYZRangeError`` exception if not.
if z < 0 or z >= self.levels:
msg = 'z layer does not exist'
raise exceptions.TileSourceXYZRangeError(msg)
scale = 2 ** (self.levels - 1 - z)
offsetx = x * self.tileWidth * scale
if not (0 <= offsetx < self.sizeX):
msg = 'x is outside layer'
raise exceptions.TileSourceXYZRangeError(msg)
offsety = y * self.tileHeight * scale
if not (0 <= offsety < self.sizeY):
msg = 'y is outside layer'
raise exceptions.TileSourceXYZRangeError(msg)
if frame is not None and numFrames is not None:
if frame < 0 or frame >= numFrames:
msg = 'Frame does not exist'
raise exceptions.TileSourceXYZRangeError(msg)
def _xyzToCorners(self, x, y, z):
Convert a tile in x, y, z to corners and scale factor. The corners
are in full resolution image coordinates. The scale is always a power
of two >= 1.
To convert the output to the resolution at the specified z level,
integer divide the corners by the scale (e.g., x0z = x0 // scale).
:param x, y, z: the tile position.
:returns: x0, y0, x1, y1, scale.
step = int(2 ** (self.levels - 1 - z))
x0 = x * step * self.tileWidth
x1 = min((x + 1) * step * self.tileWidth, self.sizeX)
y0 = y * step * self.tileHeight
y1 = min((y + 1) * step * self.tileHeight, self.sizeY)
return x0, y0, x1, y1, step
def getTile(self, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False, numpyAllowed=False,
sparseFallback=False, frame=None):
Get a tile from a tile source, returning it as an binary image, a PIL
image, or a numpy array.
:param x: the 0-based x position of the tile on the specified z level.
0 is left.
:param y: the 0-based y position of the tile on the specified z level.
0 is top.
:param z: the z level of the tile. May range from [0, self.levels],
where 0 is the lowest resolution, single tile for the whole source.
:param pilImageAllowed: True if a PIL image may be returned.
:param numpyAllowed: True if a numpy image may be returned. 'always'
to return a numpy array.
:param sparseFallback: if False and a tile doesn't exist, raise an
error. If True, check if a lower resolution tile exists, and, if
so, interpolate the needed data for this tile.
:param frame: the frame number within the tile source. None is the
same as 0 for multi-frame sources.
:returns: either a numpy array, a PIL image, or a memory object with an
image file.
raise NotImplementedError
def getTileMimeType(self):
Return the default mimetype for image tiles.
:returns: the mime type of the tile.
return TileOutputMimeTypes.get(self.encoding, 'image/jpeg')
def getThumbnail(self, width=None, height=None, **kwargs):
Get a basic thumbnail from the current tile source. Aspect ratio is
preserved. If neither width nor height is given, a default value is
used. If both are given, the thumbnail will be no larger than either
size. A thumbnail has the same options as a region except that it
always includes the entire image and has a default size of 256 x 256.
:param width: maximum width in pixels.
:param height: maximum height in pixels.
:param kwargs: optional arguments. Some options are encoding,
jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling, and tiffCompression.
:returns: thumbData, thumbMime: the image data and the mime type.
if ((width is not None and (not isinstance(width, int) or width < 2)) or
(height is not None and (not isinstance(height, int) or height < 2))):
msg = 'Invalid width or height. Minimum value is 2.'
raise ValueError(msg)
if width is None and height is None:
width = height = 256
params = dict(kwargs)
params['output'] = {'maxWidth': width, 'maxHeight': height}
params.pop('region', None)
return self.getRegion(**params)
def getPreferredLevel(self, level):
Given a desired level (0 is minimum resolution, self.levels - 1 is max
resolution), return the level that contains actual data that is no
lower resolution.
:param level: desired level
:returns level: a level with actual data that is no lower resolution.
metadata = self.getMetadata()
if metadata['levels'] is None:
return level
return max(0, min(level, metadata['levels'] - 1))
def convertRegionScale(
self, sourceRegion, sourceScale=None, targetScale=None,
targetUnits=None, cropToImage=True):
Convert a region from one scale to another.
:param sourceRegion: a dictionary of optional values which specify the
part of an image to process.
:left: the left edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:top: the top edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:right: the right edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:bottom: the bottom edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:width: the width of the region to process.
:height: the height of the region to process.
:units: either 'base_pixels' (default), 'pixels', 'mm', or
'fraction'. base_pixels are in maximum resolution pixels.
pixels is in the specified magnification pixels. mm is in the
specified magnification scale. fraction is a scale of 0 to 1.
pixels and mm are only available if the magnification and mm
per pixel are defined for the image.
:param sourceScale: a dictionary of optional values which specify the
scale of the source region. Required if the sourceRegion is
in "mag_pixels" units.
:magnification: the magnification ratio.
:mm_x: the horizontal size of a pixel in millimeters.
:mm_y: the vertical size of a pixel in millimeters.
:param targetScale: a dictionary of optional values which specify the
scale of the target region. Required in targetUnits is in
"mag_pixels" units.
:magnification: the magnification ratio.
:mm_x: the horizontal size of a pixel in millimeters.
:mm_y: the vertical size of a pixel in millimeters.
:param targetUnits: if not None, convert the region to these units.
Otherwise, the units are will either be the sourceRegion units if
those are not "mag_pixels" or base_pixels. If "mag_pixels", the
targetScale must be specified.
:param cropToImage: if True, don't return region coordinates outside of
the image.
units = sourceRegion.get('units')
if units not in TileInputUnits:
raise ValueError('Invalid units %r' % units)
units = TileInputUnits[units]
if targetUnits is not None:
if targetUnits not in TileInputUnits:
raise ValueError('Invalid units %r' % targetUnits)
targetUnits = TileInputUnits[targetUnits]
if (units != 'mag_pixels' and (
targetUnits is None or targetUnits == units)):
return sourceRegion
magArgs = (sourceScale or {}).copy()
magArgs['rounding'] = None
magLevel = self.getLevelForMagnification(**magArgs)
mag = self.getMagnificationForLevel(magLevel)
metadata = self.getMetadata()
# Get region in base pixels
left, top, right, bottom = self._getRegionBounds(
metadata, desiredMagnification=mag, cropToImage=cropToImage,
# If requested, convert region to targetUnits
magArgs = (targetScale or {}).copy()
magArgs['rounding'] = None
magLevel = self.getLevelForMagnification(**magArgs)
desiredMagnification = self.getMagnificationForLevel(magLevel)
scaleX, scaleY = self._scaleFromUnits(metadata, targetUnits, desiredMagnification)
left = float(left) / scaleX
right = float(right) / scaleX
top = float(top) / scaleY
bottom = float(bottom) / scaleY
targetRegion = {
'left': left,
'top': top,
'right': right,
'bottom': bottom,
'width': right - left,
'height': bottom - top,
'units': TileInputUnits[targetUnits],
# Reduce region information to match what was supplied
for key in ('left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'width', 'height'):
if key not in sourceRegion:
del targetRegion[key]
return targetRegion
def getRegion(self, format=(TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE, ), **kwargs):
Get a rectangular region from the current tile source. Aspect ratio is
preserved. If neither width nor height is given, the original size of
the highest resolution level is used. If both are given, the returned
image will be no larger than either size.
:param format: the desired format or a tuple of allowed formats.
Formats are members of (TILE_FORMAT_PIL, TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY,
:param kwargs: optional arguments. Some options are region, output,
encoding, jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling, tiffCompression, fill. See
:returns: regionData, formatOrRegionMime: the image data and either the
mime type, if the format is TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE, or the format.
if not isinstance(format, (tuple, set, list)):
format = (format, )
if 'tile_position' in kwargs:
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs.pop('tile_position', None)
iterInfo = self._tileIteratorInfo(**kwargs)
if iterInfo is None:
image = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (0, 0))
return _encodeImage(image, format=format, **kwargs)
regionWidth = iterInfo['region']['width']
regionHeight = iterInfo['region']['height']
top = iterInfo['region']['top']
left = iterInfo['region']['left']
mode = None if TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in format else iterInfo['mode']
outWidth = iterInfo['output']['width']
outHeight = iterInfo['output']['height']
tiled = TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE in format and kwargs.get('encoding') == 'TILED'
image = None
for tile in self._tileIterator(iterInfo):
# Add each tile to the image
subimage, _ = _imageToNumpy(tile['tile'])
x0, y0 = tile['x'] - left, tile['y'] - top
if x0 < 0:
subimage = subimage[:, -x0:]
x0 = 0
if y0 < 0:
subimage = subimage[-y0:, :]
y0 = 0
subimage = subimage[:min(subimage.shape[0], regionHeight - y0),
:min(subimage.shape[1], regionWidth - x0)]
image = self._addRegionTileToImage(
image, subimage, x0, y0, regionWidth, regionHeight, tiled, tile, **kwargs)
# Scale if we need to
outWidth = int(math.floor(outWidth))
outHeight = int(math.floor(outHeight))
if tiled:
return self._encodeTiledImage(image, outWidth, outHeight, iterInfo, **kwargs)
if outWidth != regionWidth or outHeight != regionHeight:
dtype = image.dtype
image = _imageToPIL(image, mode).resize(
(outWidth, outHeight),
getattr(PIL.Image, 'Resampling', PIL.Image).BICUBIC
if outWidth > regionWidth else
getattr(PIL.Image, 'Resampling', PIL.Image).LANCZOS)
if dtype == np.uint16 and TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in format:
image = _imageToNumpy(image)[0].astype(dtype) * 257
maxWidth = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxWidth')
maxHeight = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxHeight')
if kwargs.get('fill') and maxWidth and maxHeight:
image = _letterboxImage(_imageToPIL(image, mode), maxWidth, maxHeight, kwargs['fill'])
return _encodeImage(image, format=format, **kwargs)
def _addRegionTileToImage(
self, image, subimage, x, y, width, height, tiled=False, tile=None, **kwargs):
Add a subtile to a larger image.
:param image: the output image record. None for not created yet.
:param subimage: a numpy array with the sub-image to add.
:param x: the location of the upper left point of the sub-image within
the output image.
:param y: the location of the upper left point of the sub-image within
the output image.
:param width: the output image size.
:param height: the output image size.
:param tiled: true to generate a tiled output image.
:param tile: the original tile record with the current scale, etc.
:returns: the output image record.
if tiled:
return self._addRegionTileToTiled(image, subimage, x, y, width, height, tile, **kwargs)
if image is None:
if (x, y, width, height) == (0, 0, subimage.shape[1], subimage.shape[0]):
return subimage
image = np.zeros(
(height, width, subimage.shape[2]),
except MemoryError:
raise exceptions.TileSourceError(
'Insufficient memory to get region of %d x %d pixels.' % (
width, height))
image, subimage = _makeSameChannelDepth(image, subimage)
image[y:y + subimage.shape[0], x:x + subimage.shape[1], :] = subimage
return image
def _vipsAddAlphaBand(self, vimg, *otherImages):
Add an alpha band to a vips image. The alpha value is either 1, 255,
or 65535 depending on the max value in the image and any other images
passed for reference.
:param vimg: the image to modify.
:param otherImages: a list of other images to use for determining the
alpha value.
:returns: the original image with an alpha band.
maxValue = vimg.max()
for img in otherImages:
maxValue = max(maxValue, img.max())
alpha = 1
if maxValue >= 2 and maxValue < 2**9:
alpha = 255
elif maxValue >= 2**8 and maxValue < 2**17:
alpha = 65535
return vimg.bandjoin(alpha)
def _addRegionTileToTiled(self, image, subimage, x, y, width, height, tile=None, **kwargs):
Add a subtile to a vips image.
:param image: an object with information on the output.
:param subimage: a numpy array with the sub-image to add.
:param x: the location of the upper left point of the sub-image within
the output image.
:param y: the location of the upper left point of the sub-image within
the output image.
:param width: the output image size.
:param height: the output image size.
:param tile: the original tile record with the current scale, etc.
:returns: the output object.
import pyvips
if subimage.dtype.char not in dtypeToGValue:
subimage = subimage.astype('d')
vimgMem = pyvips.Image.new_from_memory(
subimage.shape[1], subimage.shape[0], subimage.shape[2],
vimg = pyvips.Image.new_temp_file('%s.v')
if image is None:
image = {
'width': width,
'height': height,
'mm_x': tile.get('mm_x') if tile else None,
'mm_y': tile.get('mm_y') if tile else None,
'magnification': tile.get('magnification') if tile else None,
'channels': subimage.shape[2],
'strips': {},
if y not in image['strips']:
image['strips'][y] = vimg
if not x:
return image
if image['strips'][y].bands + 1 == vimg.bands:
image['strips'][y] = self._vipsAddAlphaBand(image['strips'][y], vimg)
elif vimg.bands + 1 == image['strips'][y].bands:
vimg = self._vipsAddAlphaBand(vimg, image['strips'][y])
image['strips'][y] = image['strips'][y].insert(vimg, x, 0, expand=True)
return image
def _encodeTiledImage(self, image, outWidth, outHeight, iterInfo, **kwargs):
Given an image record of a set of vips image strips, generate a tiled
tiff file at the specified output size.
:param image: a record with partial vips images and the current output
:param outWidth: the output size after scaling and before any
:param outHeight: the output size after scaling and before any
:param iterInfo: information about the region based on the tile
Additional parameters are available.
:param fill: a color to use in letterboxing.
:param maxWidth: the output size if letterboxing is applied.
:param maxHeight: the output size if letterboxing is applied.
:param compression: the internal compression format. This can handle
a variety of options similar to the converter utility.
:returns: a pathlib.Path of the output file and the output mime type.
vimg = image['strips'][0]
for y in sorted(image['strips'].keys())[1:]:
if image['strips'][y].bands + 1 == vimg.bands:
image['strips'][y] = self._vipsAddAlphaBand(image['strips'][y], vimg)
elif vimg.bands + 1 == image['strips'][y].bands:
vimg = self._vipsAddAlphaBand(vimg, image['strips'][y])
vimg = vimg.insert(image['strips'][y], 0, y, expand=True)
if outWidth != image['width'] or outHeight != image['height']:
scale = outWidth / image['width']
vimg = vimg.resize(outWidth / image['width'], vscale=outHeight / image['height'])
image['width'] = outWidth
image['height'] = outHeight
image['mm_x'] = image['mm_x'] / scale if image['mm_x'] else image['mm_x']
image['mm_y'] = image['mm_y'] / scale if image['mm_y'] else image['mm_y']
image['magnification'] = (
image['magnification'] * scale
if image['magnification'] else image['magnification'])
return self._encodeTiledImageFromVips(vimg, iterInfo, image, **kwargs)
def _encodeTiledImageFromVips(self, vimg, iterInfo, image, **kwargs):
Save a vips image as a tiled tiff.
:param vimg: a vips image.
:param iterInfo: information about the region based on the tile
:param image: a record with partial vips images and the current output
Additional parameters are available.
:param compression: the internal compression format. This can handle
a variety of options similar to the converter utility.
:returns: a pathlib.Path of the output file and the output mime type.
import pyvips
convertParams = _vipsParameters(defaultCompression='lzw', **kwargs)
vimg = _vipsCast(vimg, convertParams['compression'] in {'webp', 'jpeg'})
maxWidth = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxWidth')
maxHeight = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxHeight')
if (kwargs.get('fill') and str(kwargs.get('fill')).lower() != 'none' and
maxWidth and maxHeight and
(maxWidth > image['width'] or maxHeight > image['height'])):
corner, fill = False, kwargs.get('fill')
if fill.lower().startswith('corner:'):
corner, fill = True, fill.split(':', 1)[1]
color = PIL.ImageColor.getcolor(
fill, ['L', 'LA', 'RGB', 'RGBA'][vimg.bands - 1])
if isinstance(color, int):
color = [color]
lbimage = pyvips.Image.black(maxWidth, maxHeight, bands=vimg.bands)
lbimage = lbimage.cast(vimg.format)
lbimage = lbimage.draw_rect(
[c * (257 if vimg.format == pyvips.BandFormat.USHORT else 1) for c in color],
0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight, fill=True)
vimg = lbimage.insert(
(maxWidth - image['width']) // 2 if not corner else 0,
(maxHeight - image['height']) // 2 if not corner else 0)
if image['mm_x'] and image['mm_y']:
vimg = vimg.copy(xres=1 / image['mm_x'], yres=1 / image['mm_y'])
fd, outputPath = tempfile.mkstemp('.tiff', 'tiledRegion_')
vimg.write_to_file(outputPath, **convertParams)
return pathlib.Path(outputPath), TileOutputMimeTypes['TILED']
except Exception as exc:
except Exception:
raise exc
def tileFrames(self, format=(TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE, ), frameList=None,
framesAcross=None, **kwargs):
Given the parameters for getRegion, plus a list of frames and the
number of frames across, make a larger image composed of a region from
each listed frame composited together.
:param format: the desired format or a tuple of allowed formats.
Formats are members of (TILE_FORMAT_PIL, TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY,
:param frameList: None for all frames, or a list of 0-based integers.
:param framesAcross: the number of frames across the final image. If
unspecified, this is the ceiling of sqrt(number of frames in frame
:param kwargs: optional arguments. Some options are region, output,
encoding, jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling, tiffCompression, fill. See
:returns: regionData, formatOrRegionMime: the image data and either the
mime type, if the format is TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE, or the format.
lastlog = time.time()
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs.pop('tile_position', None)
kwargs.pop('frame', None)
numFrames = len(self.getMetadata().get('frames', [0]))
if frameList:
frameList = [f for f in frameList if f >= 0 and f < numFrames]
if not frameList:
frameList = list(range(numFrames))
if len(frameList) == 1:
return self.getRegion(format=format, frame=frameList[0], **kwargs)
if not framesAcross:
framesAcross = int(math.ceil(len(frameList) ** 0.5))
framesAcross = min(len(frameList), framesAcross)
framesHigh = int(math.ceil(len(frameList) / framesAcross))
if not isinstance(format, (tuple, set, list)):
format = (format, )
tiled = TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE in format and kwargs.get('encoding') == 'TILED'
iterInfo = self._tileIteratorInfo(frame=frameList[0], **kwargs)
if iterInfo is None:
image = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (0, 0))
return _encodeImage(image, format=format, **kwargs)
frameWidth = iterInfo['output']['width']
frameHeight = iterInfo['output']['height']
maxWidth = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxWidth')
maxHeight = kwargs.get('output', {}).get('maxHeight')
if kwargs.get('fill') and maxWidth and maxHeight:
frameWidth, frameHeight = maxWidth, maxHeight
outWidth = frameWidth * framesAcross
outHeight = frameHeight * framesHigh
tile = next(self._tileIterator(iterInfo))
image = None
for idx, frame in enumerate(frameList):
subimage, _ = self.getRegion(format=TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, frame=frame, **kwargs)
offsetX = (idx % framesAcross) * frameWidth
offsetY = (idx // framesAcross) * frameHeight
if time.time() - lastlog > 10:
'Tiling frame %d (%d/%d), offset %dx%d',
frame, idx, len(frameList), offsetX, offsetY)
lastlog = time.time()
'Tiling frame %d (%d/%d), offset %dx%d',
frame, idx, len(frameList), offsetX, offsetY)
image = self._addRegionTileToImage(
image, subimage, offsetX, offsetY, outWidth, outHeight, tiled,
tile=tile, **kwargs)
if tiled:
return self._encodeTiledImage(image, outWidth, outHeight, iterInfo, **kwargs)
return _encodeImage(image, format=format, **kwargs)
def getRegionAtAnotherScale(self, sourceRegion, sourceScale=None,
targetScale=None, targetUnits=None, **kwargs):
This takes the same parameters and returns the same results as
getRegion, except instead of region and scale, it takes sourceRegion,
sourceScale, targetScale, and targetUnits. These parameters are the
same as convertRegionScale. See those two functions for parameter
for key in ('region', 'scale'):
if key in kwargs:
raise TypeError('getRegionAtAnotherScale() got an unexpected '
'keyword argument of "%s"' % key)
region = self.convertRegionScale(sourceRegion, sourceScale,
targetScale, targetUnits)
return self.getRegion(region=region, scale=targetScale, **kwargs)
def getPointAtAnotherScale(self, point, sourceScale=None, sourceUnits=None,
targetScale=None, targetUnits=None, **kwargs):
Given a point as a (x, y) tuple, convert it from one scale to another.
The sourceScale, sourceUnits, targetScale, and targetUnits parameters
are the same as convertRegionScale, where sourceUnits are the units
used with sourceScale.
sourceRegion = {
'units': 'base_pixels' if sourceUnits is None else sourceUnits,
'left': point[0],
'top': point[1],
'right': point[0],
'bottom': point[1],
region = self.convertRegionScale(
sourceRegion, sourceScale, targetScale, targetUnits,
return (region['left'], region['top'])
def getNativeMagnification(self):
Get the magnification for the highest-resolution level.
:return: magnification, width of a pixel in mm, height of a pixel in mm.
return {
'magnification': None,
'mm_x': None,
'mm_y': None,
def getMagnificationForLevel(self, level=None):
Get the magnification at a particular level.
:param level: None to use the maximum level, otherwise the level to get
the magnification factor of.
:return: magnification, width of a pixel in mm, height of a pixel in mm.
mag = self.getNativeMagnification()
if level is not None and self.levels and level != self.levels - 1:
mag['scale'] = 2.0 ** (self.levels - 1 - level)
if mag['magnification']:
mag['magnification'] /= mag['scale']
if mag['mm_x'] and mag['mm_y']:
mag['mm_x'] *= mag['scale']
mag['mm_y'] *= mag['scale']
if self.levels:
mag['level'] = level if level is not None else self.levels - 1
if mag.get('level') == self.levels - 1:
mag['scale'] = 1.0
return mag
def tileIterator(self, format=(TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, ), resample=True,
Iterate on all tiles in the specified region at the specified scale.
Each tile is returned as part of a dictionary that includes
:x, y: (left, top) coordinates in current magnification pixels
:width, height: size of current tile in current magnification pixels
:tile: cropped tile image
:format: format of the tile
:level: level of the current tile
:level_x, level_y: the tile reference number within the level.
Tiles are numbered (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), etc. The 0th tile
yielded may not be (0, 0) if a region is specified.
:tile_position: a dictionary of the tile position within the
iterator, containing:
:level_x, level_y: the tile reference number within the level.
:region_x, region_y: 0, 0 is the first tile in the full
iteration (when not restricting the iteration to a single
:position: a 0-based value for the tile within the full
:iterator_range: a dictionary of the output range of the iterator:
:level_x_min, level_x_max: the tiles that are be included
during the full iteration: [layer_x_min, layer_x_max).
:level_y_min, level_y_max: the tiles that are be included
during the full iteration: [layer_y_min, layer_y_max).
:region_x_max, region_y_max: the number of tiles included during
the full iteration. This is layer_x_max - layer_x_min,
layer_y_max - layer_y_min.
:position: the total number of tiles included in the full
iteration. This is region_x_max * region_y_max.
:magnification: magnification of the current tile
:mm_x, mm_y: size of the current tile pixel in millimeters.
:gx, gy: (left, top) coordinates in maximum-resolution pixels
:gwidth, gheight: size of of the current tile in maximum-resolution
:tile_overlap: the amount of overlap with neighboring tiles (left,
top, right, and bottom). Overlap never extends outside of the
requested region.
If a region that includes partial tiles is requested, those tiles are
cropped appropriately. Most images will have tiles that get cropped
along the right and bottom edges in any case. If an exact
magnification or scale is requested, no tiles will be returned.
:param format: the desired format or a tuple of allowed formats.
Formats are members of (TILE_FORMAT_PIL, TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY,
:param resample: If True or one of PIL.Image.Resampling.NEAREST,
LANCZOS, BILINEAR, or BICUBIC to resample tiles that are not the
target output size. Tiles that are resampled will have additional
dictionary entries of:
:scaled: the scaling factor that was applied (less than 1 is
:tile_x, tile_y: (left, top) coordinates before scaling
:tile_width, tile_height: size of the current tile before
:tile_magnification: magnification of the current tile before
:tile_mm_x, tile_mm_y: size of a pixel in a tile in millimeters
before scaling.
Note that scipy.misc.imresize uses PIL internally.
:param region: a dictionary of optional values which specify the part
of the image to process:
:left: the left edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:top: the top edge (inclusive) of the region to process.
:right: the right edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:bottom: the bottom edge (exclusive) of the region to process.
:width: the width of the region to process.
:height: the height of the region to process.
:units: either 'base_pixels' (default), 'pixels', 'mm', or
'fraction'. base_pixels are in maximum resolution pixels.
pixels is in the specified magnification pixels. mm is in the
specified magnification scale. fraction is a scale of 0 to 1.
pixels and mm are only available if the magnification and mm
per pixel are defined for the image.
:param output: a dictionary of optional values which specify the size
of the output.
:maxWidth: maximum width in pixels. If either maxWidth or maxHeight
is specified, magnification, mm_x, and mm_y are ignored.
:maxHeight: maximum height in pixels.
:param scale: a dictionary of optional values which specify the scale
of the region and / or output. This applies to region if
pixels or mm are used for inits. It applies to output if
neither output maxWidth nor maxHeight is specified.
:magnification: the magnification ratio. Only used if maxWidth and
maxHeight are not specified or None.
:mm_x: the horizontal size of a pixel in millimeters.
:mm_y: the vertical size of a pixel in millimeters.
:exact: if True, only a level that matches exactly will be returned.
This is only applied if magnification, mm_x, or mm_y is used.
:param tile_position: if present, either a number to only yield the
(tile_position)th tile [0 to (xmax - min) * (ymax - ymin)) that the
iterator would yield, or a dictionary of {region_x, region_y} to
yield that tile, where 0, 0 is the first tile yielded, and
xmax - xmin - 1, ymax - ymin - 1 is the last tile yielded, or a
dictionary of {level_x, level_y} to yield that specific tile if it
is in the region.
:param tile_size: if present, retile the output to the specified tile
size. If only width or only height is specified, the resultant
tiles will be square. This is a dictionary containing at least
one of:
:width: the desired tile width.
:height: the desired tile height.
:param tile_overlap: if present, retile the output adding a symmetric
overlap to the tiles. If either x or y is not specified, it
defaults to zero. The overlap does not change the tile size,
only the stride of the tiles. This is a dictionary containing:
:x: the horizontal overlap in pixels.
:y: the vertical overlap in pixels.
:edges: if True, then the edge tiles will exclude the overlap
distance. If unset or False, the edge tiles are full size.
The overlap is conceptually split between the two sides of
the tile. This is only relevant to where overlap is reported
or if edges is True
As an example, suppose an image that is 8 pixels across
(01234567) and a tile size of 5 is requested with an overlap of
4. If the edges option is False (the default), the following
tiles are returned: 01234, 12345, 23456, 34567. Each tile
reports its overlap, and the non-overlapped area of each tile
is 012, 3, 4, 567. If the edges option is True, the tiles
returned are: 012, 0123, 01234, 12345, 23456, 34567, 4567, 567,
with the non-overlapped area of each as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
:param encoding: if format includes TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE, a valid PIL
encoding (typically 'PNG', 'JPEG', or 'TIFF') or 'TILED' (identical
to TIFF). Must also be in the TileOutputMimeTypes map.
:param jpegQuality: the quality to use when encoding a JPEG.
:param jpegSubsampling: the subsampling level to use when encoding a
:param tiffCompression: the compression format when encoding a TIFF.
This is usually 'raw', 'tiff_lzw', 'jpeg', or 'tiff_adobe_deflate'.
Some of these are aliased: 'none', 'lzw', 'deflate'.
:param frame: the frame number within the tile source. None is the
same as 0 for multi-frame sources.
:param kwargs: optional arguments.
:yields: an iterator that returns a dictionary as listed above.
if not isinstance(format, tuple):
format = (format, )
if TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE in format:
encoding = kwargs.get('encoding')
if encoding not in TileOutputMimeTypes:
raise ValueError('Invalid encoding "%s"' % encoding)
iterFormat = format if resample in (False, None) else (
iterInfo = self._tileIteratorInfo(format=iterFormat, resample=resample,
if not iterInfo:
# check if the desired scale is different from the actual scale and
# resampling is needed. Ignore small scale differences.
if (resample in (False, None) or
round(iterInfo['requestedScale'], 2) == 1.0):
resample = False
for tile in self._tileIterator(iterInfo):
tile.setFormat(format, resample, kwargs)
yield tile
def tileIteratorAtAnotherScale(self, sourceRegion, sourceScale=None,
targetScale=None, targetUnits=None,
This takes the same parameters and returns the same results as
tileIterator, except instead of region and scale, it takes
sourceRegion, sourceScale, targetScale, and targetUnits. These
parameters are the same as convertRegionScale. See those two functions
for parameter definitions.
for key in ('region', 'scale'):
if key in kwargs:
raise TypeError('getRegionAtAnotherScale() got an unexpected '
'keyword argument of "%s"' % key)
region = self.convertRegionScale(sourceRegion, sourceScale,
targetScale, targetUnits)
return self.tileIterator(region=region, scale=targetScale, **kwargs)
def getSingleTile(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return any single tile from an iterator. This takes exactly the same
parameters as tileIterator. Use tile_position to get a specific tile,
otherwise the first tile is returned.
:return: a tile dictionary or None.
return next(self.tileIterator(*args, **kwargs), None)
def getSingleTileAtAnotherScale(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return any single tile from a rescaled iterator. This takes exactly
the same parameters as tileIteratorAtAnotherScale. Use tile_position
to get a specific tile, otherwise the first tile is returned.
:return: a tile dictionary or None.
return next(self.tileIteratorAtAnotherScale(*args, **kwargs), None)
def getTileCount(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the number of tiles that the tileIterator will return. See
tileIterator for parameters.
:return: the number of tiles that the tileIterator will yield.
tile = next(self.tileIterator(*args, **kwargs), None)
if tile is not None:
return tile['iterator_range']['position']
return 0
def getAssociatedImagesList(self):
Return a list of associated images.
:return: the list of image keys.
return []
def getAssociatedImage(self, imageKey, *args, **kwargs):
Return an associated image.
:param imageKey: the key of the associated image to retrieve.
:param kwargs: optional arguments. Some options are width, height,
encoding, jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling, and tiffCompression.
:returns: imageData, imageMime: the image data and the mime type, or
None if the associated image doesn't exist.
image = self._getAssociatedImage(imageKey)
if not image:
imageWidth, imageHeight = image.size
width = kwargs.get('width')
height = kwargs.get('height')
if width or height:
width, height, calcScale = self._calculateWidthHeight(
width, height, imageWidth, imageHeight)
image = image.resize(
(width, height),
getattr(PIL.Image, 'Resampling', PIL.Image).BICUBIC
if width > imageWidth else
getattr(PIL.Image, 'Resampling', PIL.Image).LANCZOS)
return _encodeImage(image, **kwargs)
def getPixel(self, includeTileRecord=False, **kwargs):
Get a single pixel from the current tile source.
:param includeTileRecord: if True, include the tile used for computing
the pixel in the response.
:param kwargs: optional arguments. Some options are region, output,
encoding, jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling, tiffCompression, fill. See
:returns: a dictionary with the value of the pixel for each channel on
a scale of [0-255], including alpha, if available. This may
contain additional information.
regionArgs = kwargs.copy()
regionArgs['region'] = regionArgs.get('region', {}).copy()
regionArgs['region']['width'] = regionArgs['region']['height'] = 1
regionArgs['region']['unitsWH'] = 'base_pixels'
pixel = {}
# This could be
# img, format = self.getRegion(format=TILE_FORMAT_PIL, **regionArgs)
# where img is the PIL image (rather than tile['tile'], but using
# _tileIteratorInfo and the _tileIterator is slightly more efficient.
iterInfo = self._tileIteratorInfo(format=TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, **regionArgs)
if iterInfo is not None:
tile = next(self._tileIterator(iterInfo), None)
if includeTileRecord:
pixel['tile'] = tile
pixel['value'] = [v.item() for v in tile['tile'][0][0]]
img = _imageToPIL(tile['tile'])
if img.size[0] >= 1 and img.size[1] >= 1:
if len(img.mode) > 1:
pixel.update(dict(zip(img.mode.lower(), img.load()[0, 0])))
pixel.update(dict(zip([img.mode.lower()], [img.load()[0, 0]])))
return JSONDict(pixel)
def frames(self):
"""A property with the number of frames."""
if not hasattr(self, '_frameCount'):
self._frameCount = len(self.getMetadata().get('frames', [])) or 1
return self._frameCount
class FileTileSource(TileSource):
def __init__(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available
:param path: a filesystem path for the tile source.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Expand the user without converting datatype of path.
path = (path.expanduser() if callable(getattr(path, 'expanduser', None)) else
except TypeError:
# Don't fail if the path is unusual -- maybe a source can handle it
self.largeImagePath = path
def getLRUHash(*args, **kwargs):
return strhash(
args[0], kwargs.get('encoding', 'JPEG'), kwargs.get('jpegQuality', 95),
kwargs.get('jpegSubsampling', 0), kwargs.get('tiffCompression', 'raw'),
kwargs.get('edge', False),
'__STYLESTART__', kwargs.get('style', None), '__STYLEEND__')
def getState(self):
if hasattr(self, '_classkey'):
return self._classkey
return '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,__STYLESTART__,%s,__STYLE_END__' % (
def _getLargeImagePath(self):
return self.largeImagePath
def canRead(cls, path, *args, **kwargs):
Check if we can read the input. This takes the same parameters as
:returns: True if this class can read the input. False if it
cls(path, *args, **kwargs)
return True
except exceptions.TileSourceError:
return False