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307 lines (207 loc) · 8.46 KB


  1. an ISO standard C++11 compiler, like GNU GCC v5.0* or Microsoft Visual C++ 2019

  2. CMake v3.2*

  3. GNU Scientific Library (GSL) 1.16*

  4. libCCD, library for a collision detection between two convex shapes.

  5. [optional] FreeGlut3 for visualization

    *or newer version

Building on Linux

  1. Get prerequisites

    If you use Fedora or any other RedHat lines of distributions:

    > sudo yum install gcc-c++ cmake gsl gsl-devel

    or on Ubuntu Linux and some other Debian families, install the following:

    > sudo apt-get install gcc-c++ cmake gsl-bin libgsl0-dev

    You also need LibCCD, which is not available as packaged distribution. 'Clone or Download' the repository, build with the 'Using CMake' installation.

    NOTE: You must set the ENABLE_DOUBLE_PRECISION option to compile using double precision

    > mkdir build && cd build
    > make
    > sudo make install
  2. Get source codes:

    You can git clone the repository

    > git clone
    > cd modern_egfrd

    or download and unzip:

    > wget
    > unzip master
    > cd modern_egfrd-master
  3. Configure and build:

    In general 'out-of-source' builds are preferred, so first make a sub-folder. Then generate and build a Release configuration.

    > mkdir build
    > cd build
    > cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    > make RunGfrd
  4. Execute the sample:

    > ./bin/RunGfrd ../samples/simple/simple.gfrd
  5. Build and execute tests

    > make TestGreensFunctions TestGFRD TestCCD test
  6. Build and execute 3D Visualizer [Optional]

    Get prerequisites for you platform:

    fedora> sudo yum install freeglut-devel
    ubuntu> sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

    build the project:

    > make gfrdVisualizer
    > ./bin/gfrdVisualizer

    When running press keys f, d, i, s and a for some action, press h for help.

Building on Microsoft Windows

  1. Get a Visual Studio IDE 2019 (any flavor)

    Run the installer and select "Desktop development with C++" and under 'Individual Components' check 'Visual C++ tools for CMake' and 'Git for Windows'.

  2. Get the dependencies:

    Install and setup Microsoft Vcpkg (

    Add the following lines to file '\ports\ccd\protfile.cmake' after PREFER_NINJA


    Get and build the required packages:

    > vcpkg install gsl:x64-windows freeglut:x64-windows ccd:x64-windows

    Setup a VCPKG_ROOT environment variable:

    > SET VCPKG_ROOT=<your vcpkg path>

    or for a more permanent solution, open the Windows 'Advanced System Settings' and set the environment variable VCPKG_ROOT there. Then also check that 'vcpkg' directory and 'CMake' are in the PATH environment variable.

  3. Get source codes:

    You can clone the repository, either with git or TortoiseSVN

    > git clone
    > cd modern_egfrd

    or download and unzip.

Workflow I: Command Line:

  1. Configure and build:

    In general 'out-of-source' builds are preferred, so first make a sub-folder. Run cmake with the path to the VCPKG toolchain. Then build 'RunGfrd' in Release configuration.

    > mkdir build
    > cd build
    > cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ..
    > cmake --build . --config Release --target RunGfrd
  2. Execute the sample:

    > .\bin\Release\RunGfrd.exe ..\samples\simple\simple.gfrd
  3. Build and execute tests

    > cmake --build . --config Release
    > ctest -C Release
  4. Build and execute 3D Visualizer [Optional]

    build the project:

    > cmake --build . --config Release --target gfrdVisualizer
    > .\bin\Release\gfrdVisualizer

    When running press keys f, d, i, s and a for some action, press h for help.

Workflow II: Visual Studio IDE:

  1. Configure and build:

    Start Visual Studio and choose 'File', 'Open', 'Folder', select 'modern_egfrd' root folder.

    Visual Studio will process the CMakeList.txt and CMakeSettings.json configuration files and generate the projects.

    When ready click 'CMake' from the menubar and choose 'Build All'.

  2. Execute the sample:

    To run the sample, the command line arguments need to be specified. To do this click 'CMake' from the menubar and choose 'Debug and Launch Settings' for 'RunGfrd'. In the 'launch.vs.json' file add a comma and the following line after "name":

    "args": ["${workspaceRoot}\\samples\\simple\\simple.gfrd"]

    Then click 'CMake' from the menubar and choose 'Debug', 'RunGfrd'. or use the 'Select Startup Item'-toolbar to choose 'RunGfrd' and click it to start.

  3. Build and execute tests

    Click 'CMake' from the menubar and choose 'Run Test' for 'CMakeLists.txt (Project modern_egfrd).

  4. Build and execute 3D Visualizer [Optional]

    Then click 'CMake' from the menubar and choose 'Debug', 'gfrdVisualizer'. or use the 'Select Startup Item'-toolbar to choose 'gfrdVisualizer' and click it to start.

    When running press keys f, d, i, s and a for some action, press h for help.

Building on Apple MacOS

  1. Get prerequisites

    Assuming 'Command Line Tools or Xcode' and 'HomeBrew' are installed:

    > brew install cmake gsl
  2. Get source codes:

    You can git clone the repository

    > git clone
    > cd modern_egfrd

    or download and unzip:

    > wget
    > unzip master
    > cd modern_egfrd-master
  3. Configure and build:

    In general 'out-of-source' builds are preferred, so first make a sub-folder. Then generate and build a Release configuration.

    > mkdir build
    > cd build
    > cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    > make RunGfrd
  4. Execute the sample:

    > ./bin/RunGfrd ../samples/simple/simple.gfrd
  5. Build and execute tests

    > make TestGreensFunctions TestGFRD test
  6. Build and execute 3D Visualizer [Optional]

    Get prerequisites (XQuartz and FreeGLUT)*:

    > brew cask install xquartz 
    > brew install freeglut

    In build folder, erase the CMakeCache file and regenerate:

    > rm CMakeCache.txt
    > cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

    It should now find 'OpenGL' and 'FreeGlut' so you can build the visualizer:

    > make gfrdVisualizer
    > ./bin/gfrdVisualizer

    When running press keys f, d, i, s and a for some action, press h for help.

    • The OS-X version of GLUT does not include the 'additional features' that FreeGLUT provides.
    • The brew installation of FreeGLUT links to the X11 window manager. When you build FreeGLUT manually, it uses the native window manager. In that case toggle the flag in /src/gfrdVisualizer/CMakeLists.txt file line 26.


This package has been tested on:

Distribution CMake C++ GSL
CentOS 7 v3.6.3 g++ v5.3.1 v1.15
Fedora 25 g++ v6.3.1 v2.1
Ubuntu 16 v3.5.1 g++ v5.4.0 v2.1
Debian 8.8 g++ v4.9.2 v1.16
Ubuntu 14 * v3.2.2 g++ v4.9.2 v1.16
CentOS 6.6 g++ v4.9.2 v1.13
Win7 / VS2017 v3.7 MSVC v19.10 v1.16
Win10 / VS2017 v3.7 MSVC v19.10 v2.3
Win10 / VS2019 * v3.15 MSVC v19.24 v2.3
macOS Mojave 10.14.1 v3.13 LLVM v10.0.0 v2.5
  • Running continues integration builds, others may need tweaking for recent updates.

For all distributions checked so far everything builds with zero errors and (almost) zero warnings!

If you have compilation problems please let us know by filing an issue