Golang version of getmillipede with some exclusive features.
- ./: the millipede Golang API
- ./cmd/millipede-go: the millipede CLI
- ./cmd/millipede-web: the millipede web server
- ./cmd/millipede-fuse: the millipede file-system
$ millipede-go -h
millipede-go - Print a beautiful millipede
millipede-go [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
1.3.0-dev (HEAD)
Millipede crew <https://github.com/getmillipede/millipede-go>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--reverse, -r reverse the millipede
--opposite, -o go the opposite direction
--chameleon the millipede use its environment color
--rainbow the millipede live with care bears
--zalgo invoke the hive-mind representing chaos
--animate he is alive !
--center, -C millipede in the midle
--skin, --template, -s, -t "default" millipede skin (default, frozen, love, corporate, musician, bocal, ascii, inception, humancentipede, finger)
--width, -w "3" millipede width
--curve, -c "4" millipede curve size
--random RANDOMZ!
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
$ millipede-go
╚⊙ ⊙╝
$ millipede-go 42
╚⊙ ⊙╝
$ millipede-go --reverse
╔⊙ ⊙╗
$ millipede-go --opposite
╚⊙ ⊙╝
$ millipede-go --skin=bocal --opposite --reverse
╔⊙ ⊙╗
$ millipede-go --skin=ascii --width=7
\o o/
$ millipede-go --skin=bocal --curve=8 --opposite
╚⊙ ⊙╝
$ millipede-go --skin=bocal --curve=0
╚⊙ ⊙╝
$ millipede-go --zalgo
╚⊙̲͋ ⊙̴╝͇͠
$ millipede-go --animate
$ millipede-go --animate --rainbow --curve=8 --width=5 --skin=humancentipede --chameleon 21
$ millipede-go --animate --zalgo
$ millipede-web
2015/07/30 18:57:57 About to listen on 4242. Go to
$ curl localhost:4242
╚⊙ ⊙╝
$ curl localhost:4242/\?skin=bocal
╚⊙ ⊙╝
Install using Golang
$ go get github.com/getmillipede/millipede-go/...
Install git version using homebrew
$ brew install getmillipede/millipede/millipede-go --HEAD
Install a released version using homebrew
$ brew install getmillipede/millipede/millipede-go
Download a statically compiled binary
See all releases: https://github.com/getmillipede/millipede-go/releases