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gsip 184

Fernando Miño edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 7 revisions

GSIP 184 - Support for Layer Groups on Geofence


The purpose of this proposal is to add layers groups security support, as it is currently available in GeoServer, to Geofence integrated plugin. This implies that Geofence will need to be extended to support layer groups and Geofence integrated plugin UI extended to support the new options.

Proposed By

Fernando Miño

Assigned to Release

This proposal is for GeoServer 2.17-beta, and to backport to 2.16.2 after the one month cool-down.


  • Under Discussion
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • Deferred


Allow Geofence advanced security capabilities to be used on layer groups, for example the spatial filtering.


Functionality from Geoserver Layer security should be reused on Geofence plugin allowing to have restriction rules and spatial filters for inside-workspace Layer Groups and global Layer Groups. To achieve this some refactoring will be done to make the layer-groups security code reusable by Geofence (and other resource managers).

Taking into account the behavior for access on Layer Groups already available on Geoserver, all these behavior should be respected on Geofence Layer Groups support work, this means Layer Groups security behavior should apply the following rules defining relationships between the security of a layer group and the one of its underlying layers:

Mode Public behavior Restricted behavior
Single Looks like a stand-alone layer, can be requested directly and acts as an alias for a layer list. Layers are also visible at root level Does not control layer access at all
Named tree Contained layers are visible as children in the capabilities document, the name can be used as a shortcut to request all layers. Restricting access to the group restricts also the contained layers, unless another "tree" group allows access to the same layer
Container tree Same as "named tree", but does not have a name published in the capabilities document and thus cannot be requested directly Same as "named tree"
Earth observation tree Same as "named tree", but has a special layer configured that will be returned if the group is called by name, instead of the layers contained in it. Same as "named tree"
Opaque container The group is published as a stand alone layer in the capabilities tree, the layers in it are not showing up in the capabilities document unless also contained in a "tree" group type. The layers are also not accessible via GetMap/GetFeatureInfo calls. Same as public, the layers in the layergroup are not available for access by themselves, but only as part of the group (unless also contained in another tree mode group allowing access to them).

For this we should check Layer Group rules when a Layer is requested on WMS to compute the extra access logic described in base to its parent Layer Group.

On user interface the only addition is the possibility of selecting a Layer Group in the Layer selector. The user will be able to enter the desired spatial filter directly from GeoServer integrated GeoFence web UI as usual:


Changes in Geofence

We will need to adapt WorkspacesManagerServiceImpl for getting also LayerGroups from Geoserver and the UI for supporting global scope (no workspace) Layer groups.

Changes in GeoServer Geofence integrated plugin

On Geofence code, Layer Group access check should be implemented on method:

We should make sure requests rules like spatial filters are correctly applied to Layer groups.

  • org.geoserver.geofence.GeofenceAccessManager.overrideGetMapRequest(Request, String, String, Authentication, GetMapRequest)

In Rule persistence class (org.geoserver.geofence.core.model.Rule) both fields layer and workspace are String typed so there is no restriction for declaring and persisting a global (no workspace attached) layer group. Also the LayerType enum (org.geoserver.geofence.core.model.enums.LayerType) already supports the LAYERGROUP type for using on LayerDetails entity.

Geofence UI wise we would need:

  • To list and let the user to select available Layer Groups (in the same select component where Layers are listed), so geoserver-internal and standalone UI controllers will need to change for supporting this, with the unique difference that Layer Groups can be at global scope (no workspace).
  • So adding an option for representing Global Workspace level should be added on Workspace selector too.

Layer Group security work done:

Opaque layer group mode work done:

Backwards Compatibility



Project Steering Committee:

  • Alessio Fabiani:
  • Andrea Aime:
  • Ian Turton:
  • Jody Garnett:
  • Jukka Rahkonen:
  • Kevin Smith:
  • Simone Giannecchini:
  • Torben Barsballe
  • Nuno Oliveira
