diff --git a/docs/.eslintrc.json b/docs/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffb357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/.eslintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "extends": "next/core-web-vitals"
diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ for more about ignoring files.
+# dependencies
+# testing
+# next.js
+# production
+# misc
+# debug
+# local env files
+# vercel
+# typescript
diff --git a/docs/LICENSE b/docs/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7a1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd. Nisab
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbda438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+## Documentation Template
+This feature-packed documentation template, built with Next.js, offers a sleek and responsive design, perfect for all your project documentation needs.
+This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app).
+## Getting Started
+First, run the development server:
+npm run dev
+# or
+yarn dev
+# or
+pnpm dev
+# or
+bun dev
+Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result.
+You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
+This project uses [`next/font`](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/font-optimization) to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.
+## Learn More
+To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
+- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn about Next.js features and API.
+- [Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn) - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
+You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/) - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
+## Deploy on Vercel
+The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme) from the creators of Next.js.
+Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment) for more details.
+[![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https://github.com/nisabmohd/Documentation-Template)
+Got it! Here's a way to present the features in a more structured and visually appealing way using a table:
+## Features
+├── MDX supported
+├── Syntax highlighting
+├── Table of contents
+├── Pagination
+├── Search
+├── Code line highlight & code title
+├── Static site generation
+├── Custom components
+├── Light mode & dark mode
+├── Code Switcher
+├── Code copy
+└── Table of content observer highlight
diff --git a/docs/app/docs/[[...slug]]/layout.tsx b/docs/app/docs/[[...slug]]/layout.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d74d702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/docs/[[...slug]]/layout.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { Leftbar } from "@/components/leftbar";
+export default function DocsLayout({
+ children,
+}: Readonly<{
+ children: React.ReactNode;
+}>) {
+ return (
+ );
diff --git a/docs/app/docs/[[...slug]]/page.tsx b/docs/app/docs/[[...slug]]/page.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6873934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/docs/[[...slug]]/page.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import DocsBreadcrumb from '@/components/docs-breadcrumb'
+import Pagination from '@/components/pagination'
+import Toc from '@/components/toc'
+import { page_routes } from '@/lib/routes-config'
+import { notFound } from 'next/navigation'
+import { getMarkdownForSlug } from '@/lib/markdown'
+import { PropsWithChildren, cache } from 'react'
+type PageProps = {
+ params: { slug: string[] }
+const cachedGetMarkdownForSlug = cache(getMarkdownForSlug)
+export default async function DocsPage({ params: { slug = [] } }: PageProps) {
+ const pathName = slug.join('/')
+ const res = await cachedGetMarkdownForSlug(pathName)
+ if (!res) notFound()
+ return (
+ {res.frontmatter.title}
+ {res.frontmatter.description}
+ {res.content}
+ )
+function Markdown({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )
+export async function generateMetadata({ params: { slug = [] } }: PageProps) {
+ const pathName = slug.join('/')
+ const res = await cachedGetMarkdownForSlug(pathName)
+ if (!res) return null
+ const { frontmatter } = res
+ return {
+ title: frontmatter.title,
+ description: frontmatter.description,
+ }
+export function generateStaticParams() {
+ return page_routes.map((item) => ({
+ slug: item.href.split('/'),
+ }))
diff --git a/docs/app/error.tsx b/docs/app/error.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..592d98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/error.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+"use client"; // Error components must be Client Components
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import { useEffect } from "react";
+export default function Error({
+ error,
+ reset,
+}: {
+ error: Error & { digest?: string };
+ reset: () => void;
+}) {
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // Log the error to an error reporting service
+ console.error(error);
+ }, [error]);
+ return (
Something went wrong!
+ }
+ >
+ Try again
+ );
diff --git a/docs/app/favicon.ico b/docs/app/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b68735
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/app/favicon.ico differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f7532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/globals.css
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+@tailwind base;
+@tailwind components;
+@tailwind utilities;
+@layer base {
+ :root {
+ --background: 0 0% 100%;
+ --foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
+ --card: 0 0% 100%;
+ --card-foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
+ --popover: 0 0% 100%;
+ --popover-foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
+ --primary: 240 5.9% 10%;
+ --primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --secondary: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+ --secondary-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
+ --muted: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+ --muted-foreground: 240 3.8% 46.1%;
+ --accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+ --accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
+ --destructive: 0 84.2% 60.2%;
+ --destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --border: 240 5.9% 90%;
+ --input: 240 5.9% 90%;
+ --ring: 240 5.9% 10%;
+ --radius: 0.5rem;
+ }
+ .dark {
+ --background: 240 10% 3.9%;
+ --foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --card: 240 10% 3.9%;
+ --card-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --popover: 240 10% 3.9%;
+ --popover-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --primary: 0 0% 98%;
+ --primary-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
+ --secondary: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+ --secondary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --muted: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+ --muted-foreground: 240 5% 64.9%;
+ --accent: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+ --accent-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --destructive: 0 62.8% 30.6%;
+ --destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+ --border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+ --input: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+ --ring: 240 4.9% 83.9%;
+ }
+@layer base {
+ * {
+ @apply border-border;
+ }
+ body {
+ @apply bg-background text-foreground;
+ }
+.prose {
+ margin: 0 !important;
+pre {
+ padding: 0 !important;
+ width: inherit !important;
+ overflow-x: auto;
+pre>code {
+ display: grid;
+ max-width: inherit !important;
+ padding: 14px 0 !important;
+.code-line {
+ padding: 0.75px 12.5px;
+.line-number::before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 1rem;
+ margin-right: 22px;
+ margin-left: -2px;
+ color: rgb(110, 110, 110);
+ content: attr(line);
+ font-size: 13.5px;
+ text-align: right;
+.highlight-line {
+ @apply dark:bg-neutral-800/90;
+ @apply bg-neutral-200/90;
+.punctuation {
+ color: gray;
+.comment {
+ color: gray;
+.keyword {
+ color: rgb(255, 50, 115)
+.function {
+ color: hsla(210, 100%, 66%, 1)
+.number {
+ color: hsl(0, 0%, 29%)
+.dark .string,
+.dark .constant,
+.dark .annotation,
+.dark .boolean,
+.dark.number {
+ color: hsl(0, 0%, 71%)
+.dark .keyword {
+ color: hsla(341, 90%, 67%, 1)
+.attr-value {
+ color: hsla(131, 43%, 57%, 1)
+.tag {
+ color: hsla(341, 90%, 67%, 1)
+.attr-name {
+ color: #414141;
+.dark .attr-name {
+ color: #cacaca;
+.rehype-code-title {
+ @apply px-2;
+ @apply -mb-8;
+ @apply w-full;
+ @apply text-sm;
+ @apply pt-1;
+ @apply pb-5;
+ @apply font-normal;
+ @apply tracking-wider;
+ @apply font-medium;
+ font-family: var(--font-code) !important;
+.highlight-comp>code {
+ background-color: transparent !important;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/app/layout.tsx b/docs/app/layout.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97342b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/layout.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import type { Metadata } from 'next'
+import { ThemeProvider } from '@/components/theme-provider'
+import { Navbar } from '@/components/navbar'
+import { GeistSans } from 'geist/font/sans'
+import { GeistMono } from 'geist/font/mono'
+import { Footer } from '@/components/footer'
+import './globals.css'
+import Head from 'next/head'
+export const metadata: Metadata = {
+ title: 'Duck UI',
+ metadataBase: new URL('https://duck-ui.vercel.app/'),
+ description:
+ 'This comprehensive documentation template, crafted with Next.js and available as open-source, delivers a sleek and responsive design, tailored to meet all your project documentation requirements.',
+ icons: {
+ icon: '/logo.png',
+ shortcut: '/logo.png',
+ },
+export default function RootLayout({
+ children,
+}: Readonly<{
+ children: React.ReactNode
+}>) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )
diff --git a/docs/app/not-found.tsx b/docs/app/not-found.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db747bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/not-found.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { buttonVariants } from '@/components/ui/button'
+import Link from 'next/link'
+export default function NotFound() {
+ return (
+ Back to homepage
+ )
diff --git a/docs/app/page.tsx b/docs/app/page.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3bab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/app/page.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { buttonVariants } from '@/components/ui/button'
+import { page_routes } from '@/lib/routes-config'
+import { MoveUpRightIcon, TerminalIcon } from 'lucide-react'
+import Link from 'next/link'
+export default function Home() {
+ return (
+ Simplify UI Creation with Elegant and Versatile Components.
+ Duck UI is a versatile UI library that simplifies creating modern, customizable interfaces. It provides a set of
+ pre-built components for fast and consistent design across applications.
+ Get Stared
+ Github
+ ~ pnpm add @ahmedayob/duck-ui
+ )
diff --git a/docs/components.json b/docs/components.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0f0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "$schema": "https://ui.shadcn.com/schema.json",
+ "style": "default",
+ "rsc": true,
+ "tsx": true,
+ "tailwind": {
+ "config": "tailwind.config.ts",
+ "css": "app/globals.css",
+ "baseColor": "zinc",
+ "cssVariables": true,
+ "prefix": ""
+ },
+ "aliases": {
+ "components": "@/components",
+ "utils": "@/lib/utils"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/components/anchor.tsx b/docs/components/anchor.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a86e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/anchor.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+"use client";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+import Link from "next/link";
+import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
+import { ComponentProps } from "react";
+type AnchorProps = ComponentProps & {
+ absolute?: boolean;
+ activeClassName?: string;
+ disabled?: boolean;
+export default function Anchor({
+ absolute,
+ className = "",
+ activeClassName = "",
+ disabled,
+ children,
+ ...props
+}: AnchorProps) {
+ const path = usePathname();
+ const isMatch = absolute
+ ? props.href.toString().split("/")[1] == path.split("/")[1]
+ : path === props.href;
+ if (disabled)
+ return (
+ {children}
+ );
+ return (
+ {children}
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/copy.tsx b/docs/components/copy.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..608f8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/copy.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+"use client";
+import { CheckIcon, CopyIcon } from "lucide-react";
+import { Button } from "./ui/button";
+import { useState } from "react";
+export default function Copy({ content }: { content: string }) {
+ const [isCopied, setIsCopied] = useState(false);
+ async function handleCopy() {
+ await navigator.clipboard.writeText(content);
+ setIsCopied(true);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ setIsCopied(false);
+ }, 2000);
+ }
+ return (
+ {isCopied ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/docs-breadcrumb.tsx b/docs/components/docs-breadcrumb.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660fbe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/docs-breadcrumb.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import {
+ Breadcrumb,
+ BreadcrumbItem,
+ BreadcrumbLink,
+ BreadcrumbList,
+ BreadcrumbPage,
+ BreadcrumbSeparator,
+} from "@/components/ui/breadcrumb";
+import { Fragment } from "react";
+export default function DocsBreadcrumb({ paths }: { paths: string[] }) {
+ return (
+ Docs
+ {paths.map((path, index) => (
+ {index < paths.length - 1 ? (
+ {toTitleCase(path)}
+ ) : (
+ {toTitleCase(path)}
+ )}
+ ))}
+ );
+function toTitleCase(input: string): string {
+ const words = input.split("-");
+ const capitalizedWords = words.map(
+ (word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)
+ );
+ return capitalizedWords.join(" ");
diff --git a/docs/components/footer.tsx b/docs/components/footer.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c49fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/footer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import Link from 'next/link'
+import { buttonVariants } from './ui/button'
+import { HeartIcon, HexagonIcon, TriangleIcon } from 'lucide-react'
+import Image from 'next/image'
+import { logo } from '@/public'
+export function Footer() {
+ return (
+ Build by{' '}
+ Ahmed Ayob
+ . The source code is available on
+ GitHub
+ .
+ )
+export function FooterButtons() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ Sponsor
+ >
+ )
diff --git a/docs/components/leftbar.tsx b/docs/components/leftbar.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6442c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/leftbar.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import { ROUTES } from "@/lib/routes-config";
+import Anchor from "./anchor";
+import { ScrollArea } from "@/components/ui/scroll-area";
+import {
+ Sheet,
+ SheetClose,
+ SheetContent,
+ SheetHeader,
+ SheetTrigger,
+} from "@/components/ui/sheet";
+import { Logo, NavMenu } from "./navbar";
+import { Button } from "./ui/button";
+import { AlignLeftIcon } from "lucide-react";
+import { FooterButtons } from "./footer";
+export function Leftbar() {
+ return (
+ );
+export function SheetLeftbar() {
+ return (
+ );
+function Menu({ isSheet = false }) {
+ return (
+ <>
+ {ROUTES.map(({ href, items, title }) => {
+ return (
+ {items.map((subItem) => {
+ const key = `/docs/${href}${subItem.href}`;
+ const Comp = (
+ {subItem.title}
+ );
+ return isSheet ? (
+ {Comp}
+ ) : (
+ Comp
+ );
+ })}
+ );
+ })}
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/navbar.tsx b/docs/components/navbar.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6388130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/navbar.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import { ModeToggle } from '@/components/theme-toggle'
+import { GithubIcon, TwitterIcon, HexagonIcon } from 'lucide-react'
+import Link from 'next/link'
+import { buttonVariants } from './ui/button'
+import Search from './search'
+import Anchor from './anchor'
+import { SheetLeftbar } from './leftbar'
+import { page_routes } from '@/lib/routes-config'
+import { SheetClose } from '@/components/ui/sheet'
+import { logo } from '@/public'
+import Image from 'next/image'
+export const NAVLINKS = [
+ {
+ title: 'Documentation',
+ href: `/docs/${page_routes[0].href}`,
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Examples',
+ href: '/not-found',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Guides',
+ href: '/not-found',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Community',
+ href: '/not-found',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Blog',
+ href: '/not-found',
+ },
+export function Navbar() {
+ return (
+ )
+export function Logo() {
+ return (
+ Duck UI
+ )
+export function NavMenu({ isSheet = false }) {
+ return (
+ <>
+ {NAVLINKS.map((item) => {
+ const Comp = (
+ {item.title}
+ )
+ return isSheet ? (
+ {Comp}
+ ) : (
+ Comp
+ )
+ })}
+ >
+ )
diff --git a/docs/components/note.tsx b/docs/components/note.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db15c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/note.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+import clsx from "clsx";
+import { PropsWithChildren } from "react";
+type NoteProps = PropsWithChildren & {
+ title?: string;
+ type?: "note" | "danger" | "warning" | "success";
+export default function Note({
+ children,
+ title = "Note",
+ type = "note",
+}: NoteProps) {
+ const noteClassNames = clsx({
+ "dark:bg-neutral-900 bg-neutral-100": type == "note",
+ "dark:bg-red-950 bg-red-100 border-red-200 dark:border-red-900":
+ type === "danger",
+ "dark:bg-orange-950 bg-orange-100 border-orange-200 dark:border-orange-900":
+ type === "warning",
+ "dark:bg-green-950 bg-green-100 border-green-200 dark:border-green-900":
+ type === "success",
+ });
+ return (
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/pagination.tsx b/docs/components/pagination.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7ec79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/pagination.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import { getPreviousNext } from "@/lib/markdown";
+import { buttonVariants } from "./ui/button";
+import { ChevronLeftIcon, ChevronRightIcon } from "lucide-react";
+import Link from "next/link";
+export default function Pagination({ pathname }: { pathname: string }) {
+ const res = getPreviousNext(pathname);
+ return (
+ {res.prev && (
+ )}
+ {res.next && (
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/pre.tsx b/docs/components/pre.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f831e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/pre.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { ComponentProps } from "react";
+import Copy from "./copy";
+export default function Pre({
+ children,
+ raw,
+ ...rest
+}: ComponentProps<"pre"> & { raw?: string }) {
+ return (
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/search.tsx b/docs/components/search.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2a2b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/search.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+"use client";
+import { CommandIcon, FileTextIcon, SearchIcon } from "lucide-react";
+import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
+import {
+ Dialog,
+ DialogContent,
+ DialogHeader,
+ DialogTrigger,
+ DialogClose,
+} from "@/components/ui/dialog";
+import { page_routes } from "@/lib/routes-config";
+import { ScrollArea } from "@/components/ui/scroll-area";
+import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
+import Anchor from "./anchor";
+export default function Search() {
+ const [searchedInput, setSearchedInput] = useState("");
+ const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const handleKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
+ if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === "k") {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ setIsOpen(true);
+ }
+ };
+ window.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
+ return () => {
+ window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
+ };
+ }, []);
+ const filteredResults = useMemo(
+ () =>
+ page_routes.filter((item) =>
+ item.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchedInput.toLowerCase())
+ ),
+ [searchedInput]
+ );
+ return (
+ if (!open) setSearchedInput("");
+ setIsOpen(open);
+ }}
+ >
+ setSearchedInput(e.target.value)}
+ placeholder="Type something to search..."
+ autoFocus
+ className="h-14 px-4 bg-transparent border-b text-[15px] outline-none"
+ />
+ {filteredResults.length == 0 && searchedInput && (
+ No results found for{" "}
+ {`"${searchedInput}"`}
+ )}
+ {filteredResults.map((item) => (
+ key={item.href}
+ asChild
+ >
+ {" "}
+ {item.title}
+ ))}
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/theme-provider.tsx b/docs/components/theme-provider.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ff266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/theme-provider.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+"use client";
+import * as React from "react";
+import { ThemeProvider as NextThemesProvider } from "next-themes";
+import { type ThemeProviderProps } from "next-themes/dist/types";
+export function ThemeProvider({ children, ...props }: ThemeProviderProps) {
+ return {children} ;
diff --git a/docs/components/theme-toggle.tsx b/docs/components/theme-toggle.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3079558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/theme-toggle.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"use client";
+import * as React from "react";
+import { Moon, Sun } from "lucide-react";
+import { useTheme } from "next-themes";
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import {
+ DropdownMenu,
+ DropdownMenuContent,
+ DropdownMenuItem,
+ DropdownMenuTrigger,
+} from "@/components/ui/dropdown-menu";
+export function ModeToggle() {
+ const { setTheme } = useTheme();
+ return (
+ Toggle theme
+ setTheme("light")}>
+ Light
+ setTheme("dark")}>
+ Dark
+ setTheme("system")}>
+ System
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/toc-observer.tsx b/docs/components/toc-observer.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcea1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/toc-observer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+"use client";
+import { getTocs } from "@/lib/markdown";
+import clsx from "clsx";
+import Link from "next/link";
+import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
+type Props = { data: Awaited> };
+export default function TocObserver({ data }: Props) {
+ const [activeId, setActiveId] = useState(null);
+ const observer = useRef(null);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const handleIntersect = (entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) => {
+ const visibleEntry = entries.find((entry) => entry.isIntersecting);
+ if (visibleEntry) {
+ setActiveId(visibleEntry.target.id);
+ }
+ };
+ observer.current = new IntersectionObserver(handleIntersect, {
+ root: null,
+ rootMargin: "-20px 0px 0px 0px",
+ threshold: 0.1,
+ });
+ const elements = data.map((item) =>
+ document.getElementById(item.href.slice(1))
+ );
+ elements.forEach((el) => {
+ if (el && observer.current) {
+ observer.current.observe(el);
+ }
+ });
+ return () => {
+ if (observer.current) {
+ elements.forEach((el) => {
+ if (el) {
+ observer.current!.unobserve(el);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ }, [data]);
+ return (
+ {data.map(({ href, level, text }) => {
+ return (
+ {text}
+ );
+ })}
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/toc.tsx b/docs/components/toc.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91581db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/toc.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { getTocs } from "@/lib/markdown";
+import TocObserver from "./toc-observer";
+import { ScrollArea } from "@/components/ui/scroll-area";
+export default async function Toc({ path }: { path: string }) {
+ const tocs = await getTocs(path);
+ return (
On this page
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/accordion.tsx b/docs/components/ui/accordion.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c788c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/accordion.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+"use client"
+import * as React from "react"
+import * as AccordionPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-accordion"
+import { ChevronDown } from "lucide-react"
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
+const Accordion = AccordionPrimitive.Root
+const AccordionItem = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+AccordionItem.displayName = "AccordionItem"
+const AccordionTrigger = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ svg]:rotate-180",
+ className
+ )}
+ {...props}
+ >
+ {children}
+AccordionTrigger.displayName = AccordionPrimitive.Trigger.displayName
+const AccordionContent = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+AccordionContent.displayName = AccordionPrimitive.Content.displayName
+export { Accordion, AccordionItem, AccordionTrigger, AccordionContent }
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/breadcrumb.tsx b/docs/components/ui/breadcrumb.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a5c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/breadcrumb.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import * as React from "react"
+import { Slot } from "@radix-ui/react-slot"
+import { ChevronRight, MoreHorizontal } from "lucide-react"
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
+const Breadcrumb = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLElement,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"nav"> & {
+ separator?: React.ReactNode
+ }
+>(({ ...props }, ref) => )
+Breadcrumb.displayName = "Breadcrumb"
+const BreadcrumbList = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLOListElement,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"ol">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+BreadcrumbList.displayName = "BreadcrumbList"
+const BreadcrumbItem = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLLIElement,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"li">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+BreadcrumbItem.displayName = "BreadcrumbItem"
+const BreadcrumbLink = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLAnchorElement,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"a"> & {
+ asChild?: boolean
+ }
+>(({ asChild, className, ...props }, ref) => {
+ const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "a"
+ return (
+ )
+BreadcrumbLink.displayName = "BreadcrumbLink"
+const BreadcrumbPage = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLSpanElement,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"span">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+BreadcrumbPage.displayName = "BreadcrumbPage"
+const BreadcrumbSeparator = ({
+ children,
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.ComponentProps<"li">) => (
+ svg]:size-3.5", className)}
+ {...props}
+ >
+ {children ?? }
+BreadcrumbSeparator.displayName = "BreadcrumbSeparator"
+const BreadcrumbEllipsis = ({
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.ComponentProps<"span">) => (
+ More
+BreadcrumbEllipsis.displayName = "BreadcrumbElipssis"
+export {
+ Breadcrumb,
+ BreadcrumbList,
+ BreadcrumbItem,
+ BreadcrumbLink,
+ BreadcrumbPage,
+ BreadcrumbSeparator,
+ BreadcrumbEllipsis,
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/button.tsx b/docs/components/ui/button.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6520f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/button.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import * as React from "react";
+import { Slot } from "@radix-ui/react-slot";
+import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const buttonVariants = cva(
+ "inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-md text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background transition-colors focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50",
+ {
+ variants: {
+ variant: {
+ default: "bg-primary text-primary-foreground hover:bg-primary/90",
+ destructive:
+ "bg-destructive text-destructive-foreground hover:bg-destructive/90",
+ outline:
+ "border border-input bg-background hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground",
+ secondary:
+ "bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground hover:bg-secondary/80",
+ ghost: "hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground",
+ link: "text-primary underline-offset-4 hover:underline",
+ },
+ size: {
+ default: "h-10 px-4 py-2",
+ sm: "h-9 rounded-md px-3",
+ lg: "h-11 rounded-md px-8",
+ icon: "h-9 w-9",
+ xs: "h-7 rounded-md px-2",
+ },
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ variant: "default",
+ size: "default",
+ },
+ }
+export interface ButtonProps
+ extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes,
+ VariantProps {
+ asChild?: boolean;
+const Button = React.forwardRef(
+ ({ className, variant, size, asChild = false, ...props }, ref) => {
+ const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "button";
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+Button.displayName = "Button";
+export { Button, buttonVariants };
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/dialog.tsx b/docs/components/ui/dialog.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a31e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/dialog.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+"use client";
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as DialogPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-dialog";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const Dialog = DialogPrimitive.Root;
+const DialogTrigger = DialogPrimitive.Trigger;
+const DialogPortal = DialogPrimitive.Portal;
+const DialogClose = DialogPrimitive.Close;
+const DialogOverlay = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+DialogOverlay.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Overlay.displayName;
+const DialogContent = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+ {/* */}
+ Esc
+ Close
+DialogContent.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Content.displayName;
+const DialogHeader = ({
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes) => (
+DialogHeader.displayName = "DialogHeader";
+const DialogFooter = ({
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes) => (
+DialogFooter.displayName = "DialogFooter";
+const DialogTitle = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+DialogTitle.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Title.displayName;
+const DialogDescription = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+DialogDescription.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Description.displayName;
+export {
+ Dialog,
+ DialogPortal,
+ DialogOverlay,
+ DialogClose,
+ DialogTrigger,
+ DialogContent,
+ DialogHeader,
+ DialogFooter,
+ DialogTitle,
+ DialogDescription,
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/dropdown-menu.tsx b/docs/components/ui/dropdown-menu.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f69a0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/dropdown-menu.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+"use client"
+import * as React from "react"
+import * as DropdownMenuPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu"
+import { Check, ChevronRight, Circle } from "lucide-react"
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
+const DropdownMenu = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Root
+const DropdownMenuTrigger = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Trigger
+const DropdownMenuGroup = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Group
+const DropdownMenuPortal = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Portal
+const DropdownMenuSub = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Sub
+const DropdownMenuRadioGroup = DropdownMenuPrimitive.RadioGroup
+const DropdownMenuSubTrigger = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef & {
+ inset?: boolean
+ }
+>(({ className, inset, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+DropdownMenuSubTrigger.displayName =
+ DropdownMenuPrimitive.SubTrigger.displayName
+const DropdownMenuSubContent = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+DropdownMenuSubContent.displayName =
+ DropdownMenuPrimitive.SubContent.displayName
+const DropdownMenuContent = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, sideOffset = 4, ...props }, ref) => (
+DropdownMenuContent.displayName = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Content.displayName
+const DropdownMenuItem = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef & {
+ inset?: boolean
+ }
+>(({ className, inset, ...props }, ref) => (
+DropdownMenuItem.displayName = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Item.displayName
+const DropdownMenuCheckboxItem = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, children, checked, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+DropdownMenuCheckboxItem.displayName =
+ DropdownMenuPrimitive.CheckboxItem.displayName
+const DropdownMenuRadioItem = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+DropdownMenuRadioItem.displayName = DropdownMenuPrimitive.RadioItem.displayName
+const DropdownMenuLabel = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef & {
+ inset?: boolean
+ }
+>(({ className, inset, ...props }, ref) => (
+DropdownMenuLabel.displayName = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Label.displayName
+const DropdownMenuSeparator = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+DropdownMenuSeparator.displayName = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Separator.displayName
+const DropdownMenuShortcut = ({
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes) => {
+ return (
+ )
+DropdownMenuShortcut.displayName = "DropdownMenuShortcut"
+export {
+ DropdownMenu,
+ DropdownMenuTrigger,
+ DropdownMenuContent,
+ DropdownMenuItem,
+ DropdownMenuCheckboxItem,
+ DropdownMenuRadioItem,
+ DropdownMenuLabel,
+ DropdownMenuSeparator,
+ DropdownMenuShortcut,
+ DropdownMenuGroup,
+ DropdownMenuPortal,
+ DropdownMenuSub,
+ DropdownMenuSubContent,
+ DropdownMenuSubTrigger,
+ DropdownMenuRadioGroup,
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/input.tsx b/docs/components/ui/input.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677d05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/input.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import * as React from "react"
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
+export interface InputProps
+ extends React.InputHTMLAttributes {}
+const Input = React.forwardRef(
+ ({ className, type, ...props }, ref) => {
+ return (
+ )
+ }
+Input.displayName = "Input"
+export { Input }
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/scroll-area.tsx b/docs/components/ui/scroll-area.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b4a48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/scroll-area.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+"use client"
+import * as React from "react"
+import * as ScrollAreaPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-scroll-area"
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
+const ScrollArea = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+ScrollArea.displayName = ScrollAreaPrimitive.Root.displayName
+const ScrollBar = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, orientation = "vertical", ...props }, ref) => (
+ScrollBar.displayName = ScrollAreaPrimitive.ScrollAreaScrollbar.displayName
+export { ScrollArea, ScrollBar }
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/sheet.tsx b/docs/components/ui/sheet.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06312f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/sheet.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+"use client";
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as SheetPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-dialog";
+import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority";
+import { X } from "lucide-react";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const Sheet = SheetPrimitive.Root;
+const SheetTrigger = SheetPrimitive.Trigger;
+const SheetClose = SheetPrimitive.Close;
+const SheetPortal = SheetPrimitive.Portal;
+const SheetOverlay = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+SheetOverlay.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Overlay.displayName;
+const sheetVariants = cva(
+ "fixed z-50 gap-4 bg-background p-6 shadow-lg transition ease-in-out data-[state=open]:animate-in data-[state=closed]:animate-out data-[state=closed]:duration-300 data-[state=open]:duration-500",
+ {
+ variants: {
+ side: {
+ top: "inset-x-0 top-0 border-b data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-top data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-top",
+ bottom:
+ "inset-x-0 bottom-0 border-t data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-bottom data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-bottom",
+ left: "inset-y-0 left-0 h-full w-3/4 border-r data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-left data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-left sm:max-w-sm",
+ right:
+ "inset-y-0 right-0 h-full w-3/4 border-l data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-right data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-right sm:max-w-sm",
+ },
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ side: "right",
+ },
+ }
+interface SheetContentProps
+ extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef,
+ VariantProps {}
+const SheetContent = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ SheetContentProps
+>(({ side = "right", className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+ {children}
+ Close
+SheetContent.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Content.displayName;
+const SheetHeader = ({
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes) => (
+SheetHeader.displayName = "SheetHeader";
+const SheetFooter = ({
+ className,
+ ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes) => (
+SheetFooter.displayName = "SheetFooter";
+const SheetTitle = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+SheetTitle.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Title.displayName;
+const SheetDescription = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+SheetDescription.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Description.displayName;
+export {
+ Sheet,
+ SheetPortal,
+ SheetOverlay,
+ SheetTrigger,
+ SheetClose,
+ SheetContent,
+ SheetHeader,
+ SheetFooter,
+ SheetTitle,
+ SheetDescription,
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/stepper.tsx b/docs/components/ui/stepper.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..871f3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/stepper.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+import clsx from "clsx";
+import { Children, PropsWithChildren } from "react";
+export function Stepper({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
+ const length = Children.count(children);
+ return (
+ {Children.map(children, (child, index) => {
+ return (
+ {index + 1}
+ {child}
+ );
+ })}
+ );
+export function StepperItem({
+ children,
+ title,
+}: PropsWithChildren & { title?: string }) {
+ return (
+ );
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/table.tsx b/docs/components/ui/table.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3502f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/table.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import * as React from "react"
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
+const Table = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableElement,
+ React.HTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+Table.displayName = "Table"
+const TableHeader = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableSectionElement,
+ React.HTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TableHeader.displayName = "TableHeader"
+const TableBody = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableSectionElement,
+ React.HTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TableBody.displayName = "TableBody"
+const TableFooter = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableSectionElement,
+ React.HTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+ tr]:last:border-b-0",
+ className
+ )}
+ {...props}
+ />
+TableFooter.displayName = "TableFooter"
+const TableRow = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableRowElement,
+ React.HTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TableRow.displayName = "TableRow"
+const TableHead = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableCellElement,
+ React.ThHTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TableHead.displayName = "TableHead"
+const TableCell = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableCellElement,
+ React.TdHTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TableCell.displayName = "TableCell"
+const TableCaption = React.forwardRef<
+ HTMLTableCaptionElement,
+ React.HTMLAttributes
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TableCaption.displayName = "TableCaption"
+export {
+ Table,
+ TableHeader,
+ TableBody,
+ TableFooter,
+ TableHead,
+ TableRow,
+ TableCell,
+ TableCaption,
diff --git a/docs/components/ui/tabs.tsx b/docs/components/ui/tabs.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c13e841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/components/ui/tabs.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+'use client'
+import * as React from 'react'
+import * as TabsPrimitive from '@radix-ui/react-tabs'
+import { cn } from '@/lib/utils'
+const Tabs = TabsPrimitive.Root
+const TabsList = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TabsList.displayName = TabsPrimitive.List.displayName
+const TabsTrigger = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TabsTrigger.displayName = TabsPrimitive.Trigger.displayName
+const TabsContent = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+TabsContent.displayName = TabsPrimitive.Content.displayName
+export { Tabs, TabsList, TabsTrigger, TabsContent }
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/Components/Button/DuckButton.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/Components/Button/DuckButton.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11aabff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/Components/Button/DuckButton.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+title: DuckButton
+description: This section covers the DuckButton component.
+The `DuckButton` component is a versatile UI element designed to provide a customizable button with integrated tooltips and command shortcuts. It offers various options for styling, interaction, and accessibility, making it a valuable addition to your React application.
+## Features
+- **Customizable Button**: Use any icon, title, and label with full styling options.
+- **Integrated Tooltip**: Display additional information or actions using tooltips.
+- **Command Shortcuts**: Define keyboard shortcuts to trigger button actions.
+- **Flexible Collapse State**: Adapt the button's appearance based on its collapsed or expanded state.
+## Usage
+To use the `DuckButton` component, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Ensure you have the required package installed.
+ ```bash
+ pnpm add @ahmedayob/duck-ui
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the `DuckButton` component into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckButton } from "@ahmedayob/duck-ui";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the `DuckButton` in your React component.
+ ```jsx
+ import React, { useState } from 'react';
+ import { DuckButton } from "@ahmedayob/duck-ui";
+ import { ArrowRightFromLine } from 'lucide-react';
+ function App() {
+ const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
+ return (
+ setOpen(!open),
+ }}
+ delayDuration={0}
+ command={{
+ key: 's',
+ label: 'expand',
+ state: open,
+ action: () => setOpen(!open),
+ }}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+ Basic Example
+ Advanced Example
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckButton } from "@ahmedayob/duck-ui";
+ import { ArrowRightFromLine } from 'lucide-react';
+ const BasicExample = () => (
+ alert('Button clicked'),
+ }}
+ />
+ );
+ ```
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckButton } from "@ahmedayob/duck-ui";
+ import { ArrowRightFromLine } from 'lucide-react';
+ const AdvancedExample = () => (
+ console.log('Button clicked'),
+ }}
+ delayDuration={300}
+ command={{
+ key: 'e',
+ label: 'Expand',
+ action: () => console.log('Command triggered'),
+ }}
+ />
+ );
+ ```
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| `button` | `TooltipButton` | Configuration for the button including icon, title, label, and onClick handler. |
+| `isCollapsed` | `boolean` | Determines if the button is in a collapsed state. |
+| `delayDuration`| `number` | Duration to delay the tooltip. |
+| `command` | `CommandType` | Configuration for command shortcuts including key, label, state, and action. |
+## Conclusion
+The `DuckButton` component is a highly customizable and interactive button suited for various UI needs. By leveraging its features, you can enhance user interactions and provide a polished experience in your application.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckButton.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckButton.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b220c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckButton.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+title: DuckButton
+description: This section covers the DuckButton component.
+The `DuckButton` component is a versatile button element with integrated tooltips and command shortcuts. It provides a customizable button with support for icons, titles, labels, and keyboard commands.
+## Features
+- **Customizable Button**: Supports various button configurations including icons, titles, labels, and styles.
+- **Tooltips**: Displays tooltips with optional command shortcuts and labels.
+- **Keyboard Shortcuts**: Handles keyboard shortcuts for button actions.
+- **Collapsible State**: Adjusts appearance based on a collapsible state.
+## Usage
+To use the `DuckButton` component, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Ensure you have the required package installed.
+ ```bash
+ pnpm add @ahmedayob/duck-ui
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the `DuckButton` component and required types into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckButton, DuckButtonProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { Inbox } from 'lucide-react';
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the `DuckButton` in your React component.
+ ```jsx
+ import React from 'react';
+ import { DuckButton, DuckButtonProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { Inbox } from 'lucide-react';
+ const buttonProps: DuckButtonProps = {
+ button: {
+ icon: Inbox,
+ title: 'Inbox',
+ label: '1',
+ variant: 'primary',
+ size: 'default',
+ onClick: () => alert('Inbox clicked!')
+ },
+ isCollapsed: false,
+ delayDuration: 200,
+ command: {
+ label: 'Ctrl+I',
+ key: 'i',
+ action: () => alert('Command triggered!')
+ }
+ };
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `button` | `TooltipButton` | Configuration for the button, including icon, title, label, and styles. |
+| `isCollapsed` | `boolean` (optional) | Determines if the button is displayed in a collapsed state. |
+| `delayDuration`| `number` (optional) | The delay duration for the tooltip appearance. |
+| `command` | `CommandType` (optional) | Configuration for keyboard shortcuts, including key, label, and action. |
+### TooltipButton
+The `TooltipButton` type defines the properties for the button.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
+| `icon` | `typeof Inbox` | The icon to display in the button. |
+| `title` | `string | JSX.Element` (optional) | The title to display in the tooltip. |
+| `label` | `string` (optional) | The label to display next to the button. |
+| `route` | `string` (optional) | The route to navigate to on button click. |
+### CommandType
+The `CommandType` interface defines the properties for keyboard shortcuts.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
+| `label` | `string` | The label to display for the command. |
+| `key` | `string` | The key associated with the command. |
+| `state` | `unknown` (optional) | Optional state for the command. |
+| `action` | `(arg?: T) => void` (optional) | The action to perform when the command is triggered. |
+## Conclusion
+The `DuckButton` component provides a flexible and feature-rich button solution with support for tooltips, keyboard commands, and dynamic content. Customize it to fit your application's needs and enhance user interaction with integrated shortcuts and tooltips.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckHeader.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckHeader.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924a35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckHeader.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+title: DuckHeader
+description: This section covers the DuckHeader component.
+The `DuckHeader` component is a versatile header component designed to integrate various UI elements, such as navigation groups, switchers, and footers. It provides a customizable layout for application headers, supporting collapsible states and dynamic content.
+## Features
+- **Integrated Navigation**: Includes a navigation group with customizable buttons and routing.
+- **Customizable Switcher**: Optionally includes a switcher component for selecting accounts.
+- **Dynamic Footer**: Optionally includes a footer with customizable buttons.
+- **Collapsible State**: Supports a collapsible state for the header.
+## Usage
+To use the `DuckHeader` component, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Ensure you have the required package installed.
+ ```bash
+ pnpm add @ahmedayob/duck-ui
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the `DuckHeader` component and required types into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckHeader, DuckHeaderProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { DuckNavGroupProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { DuckSwitcherProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the `DuckHeader` in your React component.
+ ```jsx
+ import * as React from 'react';
+ import { DuckHeader } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { DuckNavGroupProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { DuckSwitcherProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { useNavigate } from '@tanstack/react-router';
+ const navigationKeys = [
+ {
+ button: { title: 'Home', route: '/home' },
+ command: { key: 'h', label: 'Go to Home' }
+ },
+ {
+ button: { title: 'Settings', route: '/settings' },
+ command: { key: 's', label: 'Go to Settings' }
+ }
+ ];
+ const nav = {
+ isCollabsed: false,
+ router: useNavigate(),
+ location: { href: '/home' },
+ navigationKeys
+ };
+ const switcher = {
+ accounts: [
+ { label: 'User1', icon: Mail, email: 'user1@example.com' },
+ { label: 'User2', icon: Mail, email: 'user2@example.com' }
+ ]
+ };
+ const footer = {
+ buttons: [Help , Contact ]
+ };
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `header` | `HeaderType` | Configuration for the header, including collapsible state and additional attributes. |
+| `nav` | `DuckNavGroupProps` | Configuration for the navigation group, including routing and navigation keys. |
+| `switcher` | `SwitcherType` (optional) | Configuration for the switcher component, including accounts to display. |
+| `footer` | `FooterType` (optional) | Configuration for the footer, including buttons to display. |
+### HeaderType
+The `HeaderType` interface defines the properties for the header.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
+| `isCollabsed` | `boolean` (optional) | Determines if the header is collapsed. |
+### SwitcherType
+The `SwitcherType` interface defines the properties for the switcher component.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
+| `accounts` | `AccountType[]` | Array of accounts to display in the switcher. |
+### FooterType
+The `FooterType` interface defines the properties for the footer.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
+| `buttons` | `React.ReactNode[]` | Array of buttons to display in the footer. |
+## Conclusion
+The `DuckHeader` component provides a comprehensive and customizable header solution for your application. With support for navigation, switcher, and footer elements, it enables the creation of a dynamic and feature-rich header section.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckNavGroup.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckNavGroup.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b4487d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckNavGroup.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+title: DuckNavGroup
+description: This section covers the DuckNavGroup component.
+The `DuckNavGroup` component is a versatile navigation group designed to integrate with `DuckButton` components, providing a structured and customizable navigation menu. It supports collapsible states and integrates seamlessly with navigation and routing functionalities.
+## Features
+- **Customizable Navigation**: Display navigation buttons with custom styling and actions.
+- **Collapsible State**: Adapt the appearance and behavior based on the collapsed state.
+- **Integration with Routing**: Use with navigation and routing functionalities for seamless transitions.
+- **Flexible Styling**: Apply custom styles and classes to fit your application's design.
+## Usage
+To use the `DuckNavGroup` component, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Ensure you have the required package installed.
+ ```bash
+ pnpm add @ahmedayob/duck-ui
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the `DuckNavGroup` component and required types into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckNavGroup, DuckButtonProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { ParsedLocation, UseNavigateResult } from '@tanstack/react-router';
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the `DuckNavGroup` in your React component.
+ ```jsx
+ import * as React from 'react';
+ import { DuckNavGroup } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { DuckButtonProps } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { useNavigate } from '@tanstack/react-router';
+ const navigationKeys: DuckButtonProps[] = [
+ {
+ button: { title: 'Home', route: '/home' },
+ command: { key: 'h', label: 'Go to Home' }
+ },
+ {
+ button: { title: 'Settings', route: '/settings' },
+ command: { key: 's', label: 'Go to Settings' }
+ }
+ ];
+ const nav = {
+ group: [0, 1],
+ router: useNavigate(),
+ location: { href: '/home' },
+ isCollabsed: false
+ };
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ----------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `navigationKeys` | `DuckButtonProps[]` | Array of button properties used to generate navigation items. |
+| `nav` | `NavType` | Configuration for navigation, including routing, location, and collapsible state. |
+## NavType
+The `NavType` interface combines `NavCollabsableType` and additional navigation attributes.
+### NavCollabsableType
+The `NavCollabsableType` interface is used for defining collapsible states.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| ---------------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------- |
+| `isCollabsed` | `boolean` (optional) | Determines if the navigation is collapsed. |
+## DuckButtonProps
+The `DuckButtonProps` interface defines the properties for each navigation button.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| ---------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| `button` | `TooltipButton` | Configuration for the button, including title, route, and styling. |
+| `isCollapsed` | `boolean` (optional) | Determines if the button should adapt based on the collapsed state. |
+| `delayDuration` | `number` (optional) | Duration to delay the tooltip. |
+| `command` | `CommandType` (optional) | Configuration for command shortcuts. |
+## Conclusion
+The `DuckNavGroup` component provides a flexible and customizable navigation solution for your application. Its integration with routing and collapsible states makes it a powerful tool for creating dynamic and responsive navigation menus.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckSwitcher.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckSwitcher.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e0a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/Components/DuckSwitcher.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+title: DuckSwitcher
+description: This section covers the DuckSwitcher component.
+The `DuckSwitcher` component is a versatile UI element designed to allow users to switch between different accounts. It features a customizable dropdown with tooltips for enhanced user experience and integrates seamlessly with other UI components.
+## Features
+- **Account Switching**: Easily switch between accounts using a dropdown menu.
+- **Customizable Appearance**: Adapt the appearance based on the collapsed state.
+- **Tooltip Integration**: Display additional information with tooltips.
+- **Flexible Styling**: Apply custom styles to match your application's design.
+## Usage
+To use the `DuckSwitcher` component, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Ensure you have the required package installed.
+ ```bash
+ pnpm add @ahmedayob/duck-ui
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the `DuckSwitcher` component into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { DuckSwitcher } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { Inbox } from 'lucide-react';
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the `DuckSwitcher` in your React component.
+ ```jsx
+ import * as React from 'react';
+ import { DuckSwitcher } from '@ahmedayob/duck-ui';
+ import { Inbox } from 'lucide-react';
+ function App() {
+ const [navIsCollabsed, setNavIsCollabsed] = React.useState(false);
+ const switcher = {
+ accounts: [
+ { label: 'Personal', icon: Inbox, email: 'personal@example.com' },
+ { label: 'Work', icon: Inbox, email: 'work@example.com' }
+ ]
+ };
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| `isCollapsed` | `boolean` | Determines if the switcher is in a collapsed state. |
+| `accounts` | `AccountType[]` | Array of accounts to be displayed in the switcher. |
+| `className` | `string` | Optional custom CSS class for styling the component. |
+## AccountType
+The `AccountType` interface defines the structure of an account object used in the `DuckSwitcher` component.
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| ------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------- |
+| `label` | `string` | Display name for the account. |
+| `icon` | `typeof Inbox` | Icon to be displayed for the account. |
+| `email` | `string` | Email address associated with the account. |
+## Conclusion
+The `DuckSwitcher` component provides a flexible and customizable solution for account switching in your application. Its integration with tooltips and customizable styles enhances the user experience and fits seamlessly into various UI designs.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/getting-started/installation.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/getting-started/installation.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafc987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/getting-started/installation.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+title: Installation
+description: Installation guide for our application.
+To get started with our application, follow these simple steps:
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Prerequisites
+Before installing our application, make sure you have the following:
+- Node.js installed on your machine
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Numquam iste dolorum
+ tempore consectetur explicabo.
+## Installation Steps
+Start by creating a new React project using vite:
+git clone https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git
+Install `tailwindcss` and its peer dependencies, then add your `tailwind.config.js` and postcss.config.js files:
+import "@/styles/globals.css";
+import { Inter as FontSans } from "next/font/google";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const fontSans = FontSans({
+ subsets: ["latin"],
+ variable: "--font-sans",
+export default function RootLayout({ children }: RootLayoutProps) {
+ return (
+ ...
+ );
+ Install the necessary dependencies using npm or yarn.
+npm install
+# or
+yarn install
+## Additional Information
+For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, refer to our [documentation](#).
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/getting-started/introduction.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/getting-started/introduction.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a47ddd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/getting-started/introduction.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+title: Introduction
+description: This section provides an overview of Introduction.
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Getting Started
+To begin using the Documentation Template, follow these simple steps:
+1. **Clone the Repository**: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine.
+2. **Install Dependencies**: If any dependencies are required, follow the installation instructions provided.
+3. **Customize**: Replace placeholder content with your actual documentation.
+4. **Publish**: Once customized, publish your documentation for others to access.
+## Blockquotes
+Blockquotes are useful for emphasizing key points or quoting external sources:
+> "Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self." - Damian Conway
+Feel free to use blockquotes to highlight important information or quotes relevant to your documentation.
+## Code Examples with switch
+Here a custom tab component from shadcn ui is used.
+ layout.jsx
+ layout.tsx
+ ```jsx {7} showLineNumbers
+import ThemeProvider from './theme-provider'
+export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )}
+```tsx {11} showLineNumbers
+import ThemeProvider from './theme-provider'
+export default function RootLayout({
+ children,
+}: {
+ children: React.ReactNode
+}) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )
+## Project Structure
+This file serves as the introduction to your documentation. Customize it to provide an overview of your project, highlight key features, and guide users on what to expect from the documentation. Start here to set the tone and direction for your documentation portal.
+├── app
+├── content
+│ └── docs
+│ └── getting-started
+│ ├── introduction.mdx /*Get started by editing this file*/
+│ └── installation.mdx
+└── package.json
+The structure ought to be obvious and simple to comprehend thanks to this representation. In the event that you wish to add new routes or a routes section, you can edit the `routes.config.ts` file as necessary.
+```ts:lib/routes-config.ts {8}
+export const ROUTES = [
+ {
+ title: "Getting Started",
+ href: "getting-started",
+ items: [
+ { title: "Introduction", href: "/introduction" },
+ - { title: "Installation", href: "/installation" },
+ + { title: "Refrences", href: "/refrences" },
+ ],
+ },
+## Conclusion
+Thank you for choosing the Documentation Template for your project. Whether you're documenting software, APIs, or processes, we're here to support you in creating clear and effective documentation. Happy documenting!
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/gh/changelog.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/gh/changelog.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34aa28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/gh/changelog.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: Changelog
+description: This section provides an overview of Changelog.
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Overview
+Welcome to the `Changelog` section. Here, you'll find all the information you need to get started with our application.
+## Content
+- **Introduction**: Get to know the basics.
+- **Installation**: Step-by-step guide to set up the application.
+- **Configuration**: Learn how to configure the application.
+- **Examples**: Check out some practical examples.
+- **FAQ**: Frequently Asked Questions.
+## Getting Started
+### Step 1: Introduction
+The `Changelog` section introduces you to the core concepts and functionalities of our application. It is designed to help you understand the essentials and get started quickly.
+### Step 2: Installation
+Follow these steps to install the necessary components:
+1. **Install Node.js**: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
+2. **Clone the Repository**: Clone our GitHub repository to your local machine.
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git
+ ```
+3. **Install Dependencies**: Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies.
+ ```bash
+ cd your-project
+ npm install
+ ```
+### Step 3: Configuration
+Configure your application by creating a `config.json` file and setting the required parameters.
+### Step 4: Examples
+Here are some examples to help you get started:
+// Basic usage example
+import React from "react";
+import { ExampleComponent } from "your-library";
+function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+export default App;
+### Step 5: FAQ
+Find answers to common questions in our [FAQ section](#).
+## Conclusion
+The `Changelog` section is your starting point for exploring the application. Follow the steps above to get started quickly and easily.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/gh/faq.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/gh/faq.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b71bf26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/gh/faq.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: FAQ
+description: This section provides an overview of FAQ.
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Overview
+Welcome to the `FAQ` section. Here, you'll find all the information you need to get started with our application.
+## Content
+- **Introduction**: Get to know the basics.
+- **Installation**: Step-by-step guide to set up the application.
+- **Configuration**: Learn how to configure the application.
+- **Examples**: Check out some practical examples.
+- **FAQ**: Frequently Asked Questions.
+## Getting Started
+### Step 1: Introduction
+The `FAQ` section introduces you to the core concepts and functionalities of our application. It is designed to help you understand the essentials and get started quickly.
+### Step 2: Installation
+Follow these steps to install the necessary components:
+1. **Install Node.js**: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
+2. **Clone the Repository**: Clone our GitHub repository to your local machine.
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git
+ ```
+3. **Install Dependencies**: Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies.
+ ```bash
+ cd your-project
+ npm install
+ ```
+### Step 3: Configuration
+Configure your application by creating a `config.json` file and setting the required parameters.
+### Step 4: Examples
+Here are some examples to help you get started:
+// Basic usage example
+import React from "react";
+import { ExampleComponent } from "your-library";
+function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+export default App;
+### Step 5: FAQ
+Find answers to common questions in our [FAQ section](#).
+## Conclusion
+The `FAQ` section is your starting point for exploring the application. Follow the steps above to get started quickly and easily.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/gh/installation.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/gh/installation.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafc987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/gh/installation.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+title: Installation
+description: Installation guide for our application.
+To get started with our application, follow these simple steps:
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Prerequisites
+Before installing our application, make sure you have the following:
+- Node.js installed on your machine
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Numquam iste dolorum
+ tempore consectetur explicabo.
+## Installation Steps
+Start by creating a new React project using vite:
+git clone https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git
+Install `tailwindcss` and its peer dependencies, then add your `tailwind.config.js` and postcss.config.js files:
+import "@/styles/globals.css";
+import { Inter as FontSans } from "next/font/google";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const fontSans = FontSans({
+ subsets: ["latin"],
+ variable: "--font-sans",
+export default function RootLayout({ children }: RootLayoutProps) {
+ return (
+ ...
+ );
+ Install the necessary dependencies using npm or yarn.
+npm install
+# or
+yarn install
+## Additional Information
+For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, refer to our [documentation](#).
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/gh/introduction.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/gh/introduction.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a47ddd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/gh/introduction.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+title: Introduction
+description: This section provides an overview of Introduction.
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Getting Started
+To begin using the Documentation Template, follow these simple steps:
+1. **Clone the Repository**: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine.
+2. **Install Dependencies**: If any dependencies are required, follow the installation instructions provided.
+3. **Customize**: Replace placeholder content with your actual documentation.
+4. **Publish**: Once customized, publish your documentation for others to access.
+## Blockquotes
+Blockquotes are useful for emphasizing key points or quoting external sources:
+> "Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self." - Damian Conway
+Feel free to use blockquotes to highlight important information or quotes relevant to your documentation.
+## Code Examples with switch
+Here a custom tab component from shadcn ui is used.
+ layout.jsx
+ layout.tsx
+ ```jsx {7} showLineNumbers
+import ThemeProvider from './theme-provider'
+export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )}
+```tsx {11} showLineNumbers
+import ThemeProvider from './theme-provider'
+export default function RootLayout({
+ children,
+}: {
+ children: React.ReactNode
+}) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )
+## Project Structure
+This file serves as the introduction to your documentation. Customize it to provide an overview of your project, highlight key features, and guide users on what to expect from the documentation. Start here to set the tone and direction for your documentation portal.
+├── app
+├── content
+│ └── docs
+│ └── getting-started
+│ ├── introduction.mdx /*Get started by editing this file*/
+│ └── installation.mdx
+└── package.json
+The structure ought to be obvious and simple to comprehend thanks to this representation. In the event that you wish to add new routes or a routes section, you can edit the `routes.config.ts` file as necessary.
+```ts:lib/routes-config.ts {8}
+export const ROUTES = [
+ {
+ title: "Getting Started",
+ href: "getting-started",
+ items: [
+ { title: "Introduction", href: "/introduction" },
+ - { title: "Installation", href: "/installation" },
+ + { title: "Refrences", href: "/refrences" },
+ ],
+ },
+## Conclusion
+Thank you for choosing the Documentation Template for your project. Whether you're documenting software, APIs, or processes, we're here to support you in creating clear and effective documentation. Happy documenting!
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/gh/project-structure.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/gh/project-structure.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0bb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/gh/project-structure.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: Project Structure
+description: This section provides an overview of Project Structure.
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Overview
+Welcome to the `Project Structure` section. Here, you'll find all the information you need to get started with our application.
+## Content
+- **Introduction**: Get to know the basics.
+- **Installation**: Step-by-step guide to set up the application.
+- **Configuration**: Learn how to configure the application.
+- **Examples**: Check out some practical examples.
+- **FAQ**: Frequently Asked Questions.
+## Getting Started
+### Step 1: Introduction
+The `Project Structure` section introduces you to the core concepts and functionalities of our application. It is designed to help you understand the essentials and get started quickly.
+### Step 2: Installation
+Follow these steps to install the necessary components:
+1. **Install Node.js**: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
+2. **Clone the Repository**: Clone our GitHub repository to your local machine.
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git
+ ```
+3. **Install Dependencies**: Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies.
+ ```bash
+ cd your-project
+ npm install
+ ```
+### Step 3: Configuration
+Configure your application by creating a `config.json` file and setting the required parameters.
+### Step 4: Examples
+Here are some examples to help you get started:
+// Basic usage example
+import React from "react";
+import { ExampleComponent } from "your-library";
+function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+export default App;
+### Step 5: FAQ
+Find answers to common questions in our [FAQ section](#).
+## Conclusion
+The `Project Structure` section is your starting point for exploring the application. Follow the steps above to get started quickly and easily.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/gh/quick-start-guide.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/gh/quick-start-guide.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b57091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/gh/quick-start-guide.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: Quick Start Guide
+description: This section provides an overview of Quick Start Guide.
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam
+## Overview
+Welcome to the `Quick Start Guide` section. Here, you'll find all the information you need to get started with our application.
+## Content
+- **Introduction**: Get to know the basics.
+- **Installation**: Step-by-step guide to set up the application.
+- **Configuration**: Learn how to configure the application.
+- **Examples**: Check out some practical examples.
+- **FAQ**: Frequently Asked Questions.
+## Getting Started
+### Step 1: Introduction
+The `Quick Start Guide` section introduces you to the core concepts and functionalities of our application. It is designed to help you understand the essentials and get started quickly.
+### Step 2: Installation
+Follow these steps to install the necessary components:
+1. **Install Node.js**: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
+2. **Clone the Repository**: Clone our GitHub repository to your local machine.
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git
+ ```
+3. **Install Dependencies**: Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies.
+ ```bash
+ cd your-project
+ npm install
+ ```
+### Step 3: Configuration
+Configure your application by creating a `config.json` file and setting the required parameters.
+### Step 4: Examples
+Here is an code block with line highlight and filename:
+```jsx:app.jsx showLineNumbers {8}
+// Basic usage example
+import React from 'react';
+import { ExampleComponent } from 'your-library';
+function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+export default App;
+### Step 5: FAQ
+Find answers to common questions in our [FAQ section](#).
+## Conclusion
+The `Quick Start Guide` section is your starting point for exploring the application. Follow the steps above to get started quickly and easily.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-analytics.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-analytics.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6f54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-analytics.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useAnalytics
+description: This section covers the useAnalytics function.
+The `useAnalytics` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useAnalytics` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useAnalytics } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useAnalytics();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useAnalytics` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useAnalytics();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useAnalytics({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useAnalytics` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-auth.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-auth.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd5468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-auth.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useAuth
+description: This section covers the useAuth function.
+The `useAuth` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useAuth` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useAuth } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useAuth();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useAuth` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useAuth();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useAuth({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useAuth` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-cart.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-cart.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802d1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-cart.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useCart
+description: This section covers the useCart function.
+The `useCart` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useCart` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useCart } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useCart();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useCart` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useCart();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useCart({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useCart` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-data.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-data.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cc3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-data.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useData
+description: This section covers the useData function.
+The `useData` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useData` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useData } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useData();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useData` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useData();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useData({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useData` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-fetch.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-fetch.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16d7650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-fetch.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useFetch
+description: This section covers the useFetch function.
+The `useFetch` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useFetch` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useFetch } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useFetch();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useFetch` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useFetch();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useFetch({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useFetch` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-inventory.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-inventory.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f570de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-inventory.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useInventory
+description: This section covers the useInventory function.
+The `useInventory` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useInventory` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useInventory } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useInventory();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useInventory` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useInventory();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useInventory({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useInventory` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-notification.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-notification.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e3b714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-notification.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useNotification
+description: This section covers the useNotification function.
+The `useNotification` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useNotification` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useNotification } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useNotification();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useNotification` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useNotification();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useNotification({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useNotification` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-order.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-order.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdf62e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-order.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useOrder
+description: This section covers the useOrder function.
+The `useOrder` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useOrder` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useOrder } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useOrder();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useOrder` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useOrder();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useOrder({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useOrder` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-payment.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-payment.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ab50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-payment.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: usePayment
+description: This section covers the usePayment function.
+The `usePayment` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `usePayment` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { usePayment } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = usePayment();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `usePayment` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = usePayment();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = usePayment({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `usePayment` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-product.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-product.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d9aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-product.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useProduct
+description: This section covers the useProduct function.
+The `useProduct` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useProduct` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useProduct } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useProduct();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useProduct` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useProduct();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useProduct({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useProduct` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-review.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-review.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1857d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-review.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useReview
+description: This section covers the useReview function.
+The `useReview` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useReview` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useReview } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useReview();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useReview` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useReview();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useReview({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useReview` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-router.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-router.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eace7b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-router.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useRouter
+description: This section covers the useRouter function.
+The `useRouter` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useRouter` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useRouter } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useRouter();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useRouter` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useRouter();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useRouter({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useRouter` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-session.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-session.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f8136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-session.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useSession
+description: This section covers the useSession function.
+The `useSession` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useSession` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useSession } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useSession();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useSession` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useSession();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useSession({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useSession` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-settings.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-settings.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28817d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-settings.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useSettings
+description: This section covers the useSettings function.
+The `useSettings` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useSettings` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useSettings } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useSettings();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useSettings` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useSettings();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useSettings({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useSettings` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-shipping.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-shipping.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4616741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-shipping.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useShipping
+description: This section covers the useShipping function.
+The `useShipping` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useShipping` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useShipping } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useShipping();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useShipping` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useShipping();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useShipping({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useShipping` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-theme.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-theme.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7bfa71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-theme.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useTheme
+description: This section covers the useTheme function.
+The `useTheme` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useTheme` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useTheme } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useTheme();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useTheme` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useTheme();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useTheme({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useTheme` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/re/use-user.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-user.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bfceb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/re/use-user.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: useUser
+description: This section covers the useUser function.
+The `useUser` function is designed to provide functionality and flexibility for your application. It is easy to use and integrate into your projects.
+## Features
+- Feature 1: Detailed description of feature 1.
+- Feature 2: Detailed description of feature 2.
+- Feature 3: Detailed description of feature 3.
+## Usage
+To use the `useUser` function, follow these steps:
+1. **Installation**: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.
+ ```bash
+ npm install your-library
+ ```
+2. **Import**: Import the function into your project.
+ ```jsx
+ import { useUser } from "your-library";
+ ```
+3. **Implementation**: Implement the function in your code.
+ ```jsx
+ function App() {
+ const data = useUser();
+ return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
+ );
+ }
+ export default App;
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of how to use the `useUser` function in different scenarios.
+### Basic Example
+const data = useUser();
+### Advanced Example
+const data = useUser({ param: "value" });
+## Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| `paramName` | `type` | Description of the parameter |
+| `paramName2` | `type` | Another description of the parameter |
+## Conclusion
+The `useUser` function is a versatile and essential part of your toolkit. By understanding its features and usage, you can leverage its full potential to enhance your applications.
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/se/getRole.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/se/getRole.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc7f462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/se/getRole.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+title: getRole
+description: This section covers the getRole server function.
+The `getRole` function is used to determine the role of the currently authenticated user. This can be useful for implementing role-based access control (RBAC) in your application.
+## Usage
+import { getRole } from "auth";
+async function handleRequest(req, res) {
+ const role = await getRole(req);
+ if (role) {
+ // Role retrieved successfully
+ res.status(200).json({ message: "Role retrieved successfully", role });
+ } else {
+ // No role available
+ res.status(401).json({ message: "No role available" });
+ }
+## Parameters
+- **`req`**: The request object, typically provided by the server framework (e.g., Next.js, Express).
+- **`res`**: The response object,
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/se/getSession.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/se/getSession.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4241d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/se/getSession.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+title: getSession
+description: This section covers the getSession server function.
+The `getSession` function is a key component in managing user sessions in your application. It is designed to retrieve the current session details for a user, ensuring that the session management is seamless and efficient.
+## Usage
+import { getSession } from "auth";
+async function handleRequest(req, res) {
+ const session = await getSession(req);
+ if (session) {
+ // User is authenticated
+ res
+ .status(200)
+ .json({ message: "Session retrieved successfully", session });
+ } else {
+ // User is not authenticated
+ res.status(401).json({ message: "No active session" });
+ }
+## Parameters
+- **`req`**: The request object, typically provided by the server framework (e.g., Next.js, Express).
+- **`res`**: The response object,
diff --git a/docs/contents/docs/se/getToken.mdx b/docs/contents/docs/se/getToken.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ae3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contents/docs/se/getToken.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+title: getToken
+description: This section covers the getToken server function.
+The `getToken` function is used to retrieve the authentication token associated with the current user session. This token is essential for making authenticated requests to your server or external APIs.
+## Usage
+import { getToken } from "auth";
+async function handleRequest(req, res) {
+ const token = await getToken(req);
+ if (token) {
+ // Token retrieved successfully
+ res.status(200).json({ message: "Token retrieved successfully", token });
+ } else {
+ // No token available
+ res.status(401).json({ message: "No token available" });
+ }
+## Parameters
+- **`req`**: The request object, typically provided by the server framework (e.g., Next.js, Express).
+- **`res`**: The response object,
diff --git a/docs/lib/markdown.ts b/docs/lib/markdown.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..553338e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/lib/markdown.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import { compileMDX } from 'next-mdx-remote/rsc'
+import path from 'path'
+import { promises as fs } from 'fs'
+import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'
+import rehypePrism from 'rehype-prism-plus'
+import rehypeAutolinkHeadings from 'rehype-autolink-headings'
+import rehypeSlug from 'rehype-slug'
+import rehypeCodeTitles from 'rehype-code-titles'
+import { page_routes } from './routes-config'
+import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'
+// custom components imports
+import { Tabs, TabsContent, TabsList, TabsTrigger } from '@/components/ui/tabs'
+import Pre from '@/components/pre'
+import Note from '@/components/note'
+import { Stepper, StepperItem } from '@/components/ui/stepper'
+type MdxFrontmatter = {
+ title: string
+ description: string
+// add custom components
+const components = {
+ Tabs,
+ TabsContent,
+ TabsList,
+ TabsTrigger,
+ pre: Pre,
+ Note,
+ Stepper,
+ StepperItem,
+export async function getMarkdownForSlug(slug: string) {
+ try {
+ const contentPath = getContentPath(slug)
+ const rawMdx = await fs.readFile(contentPath, 'utf-8')
+ return await compileMDX({
+ source: rawMdx,
+ options: {
+ parseFrontmatter: true,
+ mdxOptions: {
+ rehypePlugins: [preProcess, rehypeCodeTitles, rehypePrism, rehypeSlug, rehypeAutolinkHeadings, postProcess],
+ remarkPlugins: [remarkGfm],
+ },
+ },
+ components,
+ })
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err)
+ }
+export async function getTocs(slug: string) {
+ const contentPath = getContentPath(slug)
+ const rawMdx = await fs.readFile(contentPath, 'utf-8')
+ // captures between ## - #### can modify accordingly
+ const headingsRegex = /^(#{2,4})\s(.+)$/gm
+ let match
+ const extractedHeadings = []
+ while ((match = headingsRegex.exec(rawMdx)) !== null) {
+ const headingLevel = match[1].length
+ const headingText = match[2].trim()
+ const slug = sluggify(headingText)
+ extractedHeadings.push({
+ level: headingLevel,
+ text: headingText,
+ href: `#${slug}`,
+ })
+ }
+ return extractedHeadings
+export function getPreviousNext(path: string) {
+ const index = page_routes.findIndex(({ href }) => href == path)
+ return {
+ prev: page_routes[index - 1],
+ next: page_routes[index + 1],
+ }
+function sluggify(text: string) {
+ const slug = text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-')
+ return slug.replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, '')
+function getContentPath(slug: string) {
+ return path.join(process.cwd(), '/contents/docs/', `${slug}.mdx`)
+// for copying the code
+const preProcess = () => (tree: any) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
+ if (node?.type === 'element' && node?.tagName === 'pre') {
+ const [codeEl] = node.children
+ if (codeEl.tagName !== 'code') return
+ node.raw = codeEl.children?.[0].value
+ }
+ })
+const postProcess = () => (tree: any) => {
+ visit(tree, 'element', (node) => {
+ if (node?.type === 'element' && node?.tagName === 'pre') {
+ node.properties['raw'] = node.raw
+ // console.log(node);
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/docs/lib/routes-config.ts b/docs/lib/routes-config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a54c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/lib/routes-config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// for page navigation & to sort on leftbar
+export const ROUTES = [
+ {
+ title: 'Getting Started',
+ href: 'getting-started',
+ items: [
+ { title: 'introduction', href: '/introduction' },
+ { title: 'Installation', href: '/installation' },
+ { title: 'Quick Start Guide', href: '/quick-start-guide' },
+ { title: 'Project Structure', href: '/project-structure' },
+ { title: 'Changelog', href: '/changelog' },
+ { title: 'FAQ', href: '/faq' },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Components',
+ href: 'Components',
+ items: [
+ { title: 'Button', href: '/DuckButton' },
+ { title: 'Header', href: '/DuckHeader' },
+ { title: 'NavGroup', href: '/DuckNavGroup' },
+ { title: 'Switcher', href: '/DuckSwitcher' },
+ ],
+ },
+export const page_routes = ROUTES.map(({ href, items }) => {
+ return items.map((link) => {
+ return {
+ title: link.title,
+ href: href + link.href,
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/docs/lib/utils.ts b/docs/lib/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d084cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/lib/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import { type ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx"
+import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"
+export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
+ return twMerge(clsx(inputs))
diff --git a/docs/next.config.mjs b/docs/next.config.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4678774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/next.config.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
+const nextConfig = {};
+export default nextConfig;
diff --git a/docs/package.json b/docs/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75835c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,5823 @@
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+ specifier: ^0.18.0
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+ specifier: ^0.7.0
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+ specifier: ^2.1.0
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+ specifier: ^14.2.4
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+ specifier: ^2.0.0
+ version: 2.0.0
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+ specifier: ^6.0.0
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+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0
+ '@eslint-community/regexpp@4.11.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-G/M/tIiMrTAxEWRfLfQJMmGNX28IxBg4PBz8XqQhqUHLFI6TL2htpIB1iQCj144V5ee/JaKyT9/WZ0MGZWfA7A==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ '@eslint/eslintrc@2.1.4':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-269Z39MS6wVJtsoUl10L60WdkhJVdPG24Q4eZTH3nnF6lpvSShEK3wQjDX9JRWAUPvPh7COouPpU9IrqaZFvtQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ '@eslint/js@8.57.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ys+3g2TaW7gADOJzPt83SJtCDhMjndcDMFVQ/Tj9iA1BfJzFKD9mAUXT3OenpuPHbI6P/myECxRJrofUsDx/5g==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ '@floating-ui/core@1.6.7':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-yDzVT/Lm101nQ5TCVeK65LtdN7Tj4Qpr9RTXJ2vPFLqtLxwOrpoxAHAJI8J3yYWUc40J0BDBheaitK5SJmno2g==}
+ '@floating-ui/dom@1.6.10':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fskgCFv8J8OamCmyun8MfjB1Olfn+uZKjOKZ0vhYF3gRmEUXcGOjxWL8bBr7i4kIuPZ2KD2S3EUIOxnjC8kl2A==}
+ '@floating-ui/react-dom@2.1.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4h84MJt3CHrtG18mGsXuLCHMrug49d7DFkU0RMIyshRveBeyV2hmV/pDaF2Uxtu8kgq5r46llp5E5FQiR0K2Yg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: '>=16.8.0'
+ react-dom: '>=16.8.0'
+ '@floating-ui/utils@0.2.7':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-X8R8Oj771YRl/w+c1HqAC1szL8zWQRwFvgDwT129k9ACdBoud/+/rX9V0qiMl6LWUdP9voC2nDVZYPMQQsb6eA==}
+ '@humanwhocodes/config-array@0.11.14':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3T8LkOmg45BV5FICb15QQMsyUSWrQ8AygVfC7ZG32zOalnqrilm018ZVCw0eapXux8FtA33q8PSRSstjee3jSg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.10.0'}
+ deprecated: Use @eslint/config-array instead
+ '@humanwhocodes/module-importer@1.0.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bxveV4V8v5Yb4ncFTT3rPSgZBOpCkjfK0y4oVVVJwIuDVBRMDXrPyXRL988i5ap9m9bnyEEjWfm5WkBmtffLfA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.22'}
+ '@humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-93zYdMES/c1D69yZiKDBj0V24vqNzB/koF26KPaagAfd3P/4gUlh3Dys5ogAK+Exi9QyzlD8x/08Zt7wIKcDcA==}
+ deprecated: Use @eslint/object-schema instead
+ '@isaacs/cliui@8.0.2':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-O8jcjabXaleOG9DQ0+ARXWZBTfnP4WNAqzuiJK7ll44AmxGKv/J2M4TPjxjY3znBCfvBXFzucm1twdyFybFqEA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ '@jridgewell/gen-mapping@0.3.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IzL8ZoEDIBRWEzlCcRhOaCupYyN5gdIK+Q6fbFdPDg6HqX6jpkItn7DFIpW9LQzXG6Df9sA7+OKnq0qlz/GaQg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ '@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.2':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bRISgCIjP20/tbWSPWMEi54QVPRZExkuD9lJL+UIxUKtwVJA8wW1Trb1jMs1RFXo1CBTNZ/5hpC9QvmKWdopKw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ '@jridgewell/set-array@1.2.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-R8gLRTZeyp03ymzP/6Lil/28tGeGEzhx1q2k703KGWRAI1VdvPIXdG70VJc2pAMw3NA6JKL5hhFu1sJX0Mnn/A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.5.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gv3ZRaISU3fjPAgNsriBRqGWQL6quFx04YMPW/zD8XMLsU32mhCCbfbO6KZFLjvYpCZ8zyDEgqsgf+PwPaM7GQ==}
+ '@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.25':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vNk6aEwybGtawWmy/PzwnGDOjCkLWSD2wqvjGGAgOAwCGWySYXfYoxt00IJkTF+8Lb57DwOb3Aa0o9CApepiYQ==}
+ '@mdx-js/mdx@3.0.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eIQ4QTrOWyL3LWEe/bu6Taqzq2HQvHcyTMaOrI95P2/LmJE7AsfPfgJGuFLPVqBUE1BC1rik3VIhU+s9u72arA==}
+ '@mdx-js/react@3.0.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9ZrPIU4MGf6et1m1ov3zKf+q9+deetI51zprKB1D/z3NOb+rUxxtEl3mCjW5wTGh6VhRdwPueh1oRzi6ezkA8A==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '>=16'
+ react: '>=16'
+ '@next/env@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/zZGkrTOsraVfYjGP8uM0p6r0BDT6xWpkjdVbcz66PJVSpwXX3yNiRycxAuDfBKGWBrZBXRuK/YVlkNgxHGwmA==}
+ '@next/eslint-plugin-next@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LY3btOpPh+OTIpviNojDpUdIbHW9j0JBYBjsIp8IxtDFfYFyORvw3yNq6N231FVqQA7n7lwaf7xHbVJlA1ED7g==}
+ '@next/swc-darwin-arm64@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/9zVxJ+K9lrzSGli1///ujyRfon/ZneeZ+v4ptpiPoOU+GKZnm8Wj8ELWU1Pm7GHltYRBklmXMTUqM/DqQ99FQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [darwin]
+ '@next/swc-darwin-x64@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vXHOPCwfDe9qLDuq7U1OYM2wUY+KQ4Ex6ozwsKxp26BlJ6XXbHleOUldenM67JRyBfVjv371oneEvYd3H2gNSA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [darwin]
+ '@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vlhB8wI+lj8q1ExFW8lbWutA4M2ZazQNvMWuEDqZcuJJc78iUnLdPPunBPX8rC4IgT6lIx/adB+Cwrl99MzNaA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [linux]
+ '@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NpDB9NUR2t0hXzJJwQSGu1IAOYybsfeB+LxpGsXrRIb7QOrYmidJz3shzY8cM6+rO4Aojuef0N/PEaX18pi9OA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [linux]
+ '@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8XFikMSxWleYNryWIjiCX+gU201YS+erTUidKdyOVYi5qUQo/gRxv/3N1oZFCgqpesN6FPeqGM72Zve+nReVXQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [linux]
+ '@next/swc-linux-x64-musl@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6QLwi7RaYiQDcRDSU/os40r5o06b5ue7Jsk5JgdRBGGp8l37RZEh9JsLSM8QF0YDsgcosSeHjglgqi25+m04IQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [linux]
+ '@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1GpG2VhbspO+aYoMOQPQiqc/tG3LzmsdBH0LhnDS3JrtDx2QmzXe0B6mSZZiN3Bq7IOMXxv1nlsjzoS1+9mzZw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [win32]
+ '@next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Igh9ZlxwvCDsu6438FXlQTHlRno4gFpJzqPjSIBZooD22tKeI4fE/YMRoHVJHmrQ2P5YL1DoZ0qaOKkbeFWeMg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [ia32]
+ os: [win32]
+ '@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc@14.2.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tEQ7oinq1/CjSG9uSTerca3v4AZ+dFa+4Yu6ihaG8Ud8ddqLQgFGcnwYls13H5X5CPDPZJdYxyeMui6muOLd4g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [win32]
+ '@nodelib/fs.scandir@2.1.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vq24Bq3ym5HEQm2NKCr3yXDwjc7vTsEThRDnkp2DK9p1uqLR+DHurm/NOTo0KG7HYHU7eppKZj3MyqYuMBf62g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ '@nodelib/fs.stat@2.0.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RkhPPp2zrqDAQA/2jNhnztcPAlv64XdhIp7a7454A5ovI7Bukxgt7MX7udwAu3zg1DcpPU0rz3VV1SeaqvY4+A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ '@nodelib/fs.walk@1.2.8':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oGB+UxlgWcgQkgwo8GcEGwemoTFt3FIO9ababBmaGwXIoBKZ+GTy0pP185beGg7Llih/NSHSV2XAs1lnznocSg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ '@pkgjs/parseargs@0.11.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+1VkjdD0QBLPodGrJUeqarH8VAIvQODIbwh9XpP5Syisf7YoQgsJKPNFoqqLQlu+VQ/tVSshMR6loPMn8U+dPg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ '@radix-ui/number@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-V3gRzhVNU1ldS5XhAPTom1fOIo4ccrjjJgmE+LI2h/WaFpHmx0MQApT+KZHnx8abG6Avtfcz4WoEciMnpFT3HQ==}
+ '@radix-ui/primitive@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4Z8dn6Upk0qk4P74xBhZ6Hd/w0mPEzOOLxy4xiPXOXqjF7jZS0VAKk7/x/H6FyY2zCkYJqePf1G5KmkmNJ4RBA==}
+ '@radix-ui/react-accordion@1.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HJOzSX8dQqtsp/3jVxCU3CXEONF7/2jlGAB28oX8TTw1Dz8JYbEI1UcL8355PuLBE41/IRRMvCw7VkiK/jcUOQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-arrow@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FmlW1rCg7hBpEBwFbjHwCW6AmWLQM6g/v0Sn8XbP9NvmSZ2San1FpQeyPtufzOMSIx7Y4dzjlHoifhp+7NkZhw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-collapsible@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zQY7Epa8sTL0mq4ajSJpjgn2YmCgyrG7RsQgLp3C0LQVkG7+Tf6Pv1CeNWZLyqMjhdPkBa5Lx7wYBeSu7uCSTA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-collection@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GZsZslMJEyo1VKm5L1ZJY8tGDxZNPAoUeQUIbKeJfoi7Q4kmig5AsgLMYYuyYbfjd8fBmFORAIwYAkXMnXZgZw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-compose-refs@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-b4inOtiaOnYf9KWyO3jAeeCG6FeyfY6ldiEPanbUjWd+xIk5wZeHa8yVwmrJ2vderhu/BQvzCrJI0lHd+wIiqw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-context@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OKrckBy+sMEgYM/sMmqmErVn0kZqrHPJze+Ql3DzYsDDp0hl0L62nx/2122/Bvps1qz645jlcu2tD9lrRSdf8A==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-dialog@1.1.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zysS+iU4YP3STKNS6USvFVqI4qqx8EpiwmT5TuCApVEBca+eRCbONi4EgzfNSuVnOXvC5UPHHMjs8RXO6DH9Bg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-direction@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BUuBvgThEiAXh2DWu93XsT+a3aWrGqolGlqqw5VU1kG7p/ZH2cuDlM1sRLNnY3QcBS69UIz2mcKhMxDsdewhjg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-dismissable-layer@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/UovfmmXGptwGcBQawLzvn2jOfM0t4z3/uKffoBlj724+n3FvBbZ7M0aaBOmkp6pqFYpO4yx8tSVJjx3Fl2jig==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu@2.1.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-y8E+x9fBq9qvteD2Zwa4397pUVhYsh9iq44b5RD5qu1GMJWBCBuVg1hMyItbc6+zH00TxGRqd9Iot4wzf3OoBQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-focus-guards@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-w6XZNUPVv6xCpZUqb/yN9DL6auvpGX3C/ee6Hdi16v2UUy25HV2Q5bcflsiDyT/g5RwbPQ/GIT1vLkeRb+ITBw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-focus-scope@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-200UD8zylvEyL8Bx+z76RJnASR2gRMuxlgFCPAe/Q/679a/r0eK3MBVYMb7vZODZcffZBdob1EGnky78xmVvcA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-id@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EJUrI8yYh7WOjNOqpoJaf1jlFIH2LvtgAl+YcFqNCa+4hj64ZXmPkAKOFs/ukjz3byN6bdb/AVUqHkI8/uWWMA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-menu@2.1.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oa3mXRRVjHi6DZu/ghuzdylyjaMXLymx83irM7hTxutQbD+7IhPKdMdRHD26Rm+kHRrWcrUkkRPv5pd47a2xFQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-popper@1.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZnRMshKF43aBxVWPWvbj21+7TQCvhuULWJ4gNIKYpRlQt5xGRhLx66tMp8pya2UkGHTSlhpXwmjqltDYHhw7Vg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-portal@1.1.1':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-A3UtLk85UtqhzFqtoC8Q0KvR2GbXF3mtPgACSazajqq6A41mEQgo53iPzY4i6BwDxlIFqWIhiQ2G729n+2aw/g==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-presence@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gq6wuRN/asf9H/E/VzdKoUtT8GC9PQc9z40/vEr0VCJ4u5XvvhWIrSsCB6vD2/cH7ugTdSfYq9fLJCcM00acrQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-primitive@2.0.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZSpFm0/uHa8zTvKBDjLFWLo8dkr4MBsiDLz0g3gMUwqgLHz9rTaRRGYDgvZPtBJgYCBKXkS9fzmoySgr8CO6Cw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-roving-focus@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EA6AMGeq9AEeQDeSH0aZgG198qkfHSbvWTf1HvoDmOB5bBG/qTxjYMWUKMnYiV6J/iP/J8MEFSuB2zRU2n7ODA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-scroll-area@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9ArIZ9HWhsrfqS765h+GZuLoxaRHD/j0ZWOWilsCvYTpYJp8XwCqNG7Dt9Nu/TItKOdgLGkOPCodQvDc+UMwYg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-slot@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FUCf5XMfmW4dtYl69pdS4DbxKy8nj4M7SafBgPllysxmdachynNflAdp/gCsnYWNDnge6tI9onzMp5ARYc1KNw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-tabs@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bZgOKB/LtZIij75FSuPzyEti/XBhJH52ExgtdVqjCIh+Nx/FW+LhnbXtbCzIi34ccyMsyOja8T0thCzoHFXNKA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ '@types/react-dom': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@types/react-dom':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-callback-ref@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CasTfvsy+frcFkbXtSJ2Zu9JHpN8TYKxkgJGWbjiZhFivxaeW7rMeZt7QELGVLaYVfFMsKHjb7Ak0nMEe+2Vfw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-controllable-state@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MtfMVJiSr2NjzS0Aa90NPTnvTSg6C/JLCV7ma0W6+OMV78vd8OyRpID+Ng9LxzsPbLeuBnWBA1Nq30AtBIDChw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-escape-keydown@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-L7vwWlR1kTTQ3oh7g1O0CBF3YCyyTj8NmhLR+phShpyA50HCfBFKVJTpshm9PzLiKmehsrQzTYTpX9HvmC9rhw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-layout-effect@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+FPE0rOdziWSrH9athwI1R0HDVbWlEhd+FR+aSDk4uWGmSJ9Z54sdZVDQPZAinJhJXwfT+qnj969mCsT2gfm5w==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-rect@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0Fmkebhr6PiseyZlYAOtLS+nb7jLmpqTrJyv61Pe68MKYW6OWdRE2kI70TaYY27u7H0lajqM3hSMMLFq18Z7nQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-size@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XW3/vWuIXHa+2Uwcc2ABSfcCledmXhhQPlGbfcRXbiUQI5Icjcg19BGCZVKKInYbvUCut/ufbbLLPFC5cbb1hw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': '*'
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ '@radix-ui/rect@1.1.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-A9+lCBZoaMJlVKcRBz2YByCG+Cp2t6nAnMnNba+XiWxnj6r4JUFqfsgwocMBZU9LPtdxC6wB56ySYpc7LQIoJg==}
+ '@reach/auto-id@0.18.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XwY1IwhM7mkHZFghhjiqjQ6dstbOdpbFLdggeke75u8/8icT8uEHLbovFUgzKjy9qPvYwZIB87rLiR8WdtOXCg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ react-dom: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ '@reach/descendants@0.18.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GXUxnM6CfrX5URdnipPIl3Tlc6geuz4xb4n61y4tVWXQX1278Ra9Jz9DMRN8x4wheHAysvrYwnR/SzAlxQzwtA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ react-dom: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ '@reach/polymorphic@0.18.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N9iAjdMbE//6rryZZxAPLRorzDcGBnluf7YQij6XDLiMtfCj1noa7KyLpEc/5XCIB/EwhX3zCluFAwloBKdblA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ '@reach/tabs@0.18.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gTRJzStWJJtgMhn9FDEmKogAJMcqNaGZx0i1SGoTdVM+D29DBhVeRdO8qEg+I2l2k32DkmuZxG/Mrh+GZTjczQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ react-dom: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ '@reach/utils@0.18.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KdVMdpTgDyK8FzdKO9SCpiibuy/kbv3pwgfXshTI6tEcQT1OOwj7BAksnzGC0rPz0UholwC+AgkqEl3EJX3M1A==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ react-dom: ^16.8.0 || 17.x
+ '@rushstack/eslint-patch@1.10.4':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WJgX9nzTqknM393q1QJDJmoW28kUfEnybeTfVNcNAPnIx210RXm2DiXiHzfNPJNIUUb1tJnz/l4QGtJ30PgWmA==}
+ '@swc/counter@0.1.3':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-e2BR4lsJkkRlKZ/qCHPw9ZaSxc0MVUd7gtbtaB7aMvHeJVYe8sOB8DBZkP2DtISHGSku9sCK6T6cnY0CtXrOCQ==}
+ '@swc/helpers@0.5.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KGYxvIOXcceOAbEk4bi/dVLEK9z8sZ0uBB3Il5b1rhfClSpcX0yfRO0KmTkqR2cnQDymwLB+25ZyMzICg/cm/A==}
+ '@tailwindcss/typography@0.5.14':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZvOCjUbsJBjL9CxQBn+VEnFpouzuKhxh2dH8xMIWHILL+HfOYtlAkWcyoon8LlzE53d2Yo6YO6pahKKNW3q1YQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ tailwindcss: '>=3.0.0 || insiders'
+ '@types/acorn@4.0.6':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-veQTnWP+1D/xbxVrPC3zHnCZRjSrKfhbMUlEA43iMZLu7EsnTtkJklIuwrCPbOi8YkvDQAiW05VQQFvvz9oieQ==}
+ '@types/debug@4.1.12':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vIChWdVG3LG1SMxEvI/AK+FWJthlrqlTu7fbrlywTkkaONwk/UAGaULXRlf8vkzFBLVm0zkMdCquhL5aOjhXPQ==}
+ '@types/estree-jsx@1.0.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-52CcUVNFyfb1A2ALocQw/Dd1BQFNmSdkuC3BkZ6iqhdMfQz7JWOFRuJFloOzjk+6WijU56m9oKXFAXc7o3Towg==}
+ '@types/estree@1.0.5':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/kYRxGDLWzHOB7q+wtSUQlFrtcdUccpfy+X+9iMBpHK8QLLhx2wIPYuS5DYtR9Wa/YlZAbIovy7qVdB1Aq6Lyw==}
+ '@types/hast@2.3.10':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-McWspRw8xx8J9HurkVBfYj0xKoE25tOFlHGdx4MJ5xORQrMGZNqJhVQWaIbm6Oyla5kYOXtDiopzKRJzEOkwJw==}
+ '@types/hast@3.0.4':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WPs+bbQw5aCj+x6laNGWLH3wviHtoCv/P3+otBhbOhJgG8qtpdAMlTCxLtsTWA7LH1Oh/bFCHsBn0TPS5m30EQ==}
+ '@types/json5@0.0.29':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dRLjCWHYg4oaA77cxO64oO+7JwCwnIzkZPdrrC71jQmQtlhM556pwKo5bUzqvZndkVbeFLIIi+9TC40JNF5hNQ==}
+ '@types/mdast@4.0.4':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kGaNbPh1k7AFzgpud/gMdvIm5xuECykRR+JnWKQno9TAXVa6WIVCGTPvYGekIDL4uwCZQSYbUxNBSb1aUo79oA==}
+ '@types/mdx@2.0.13':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+OWZQfAYyio6YkJb3HLxDrvnx6SWWDbC0zVPfBRzUk0/nqoDyf6dNxQi3eArPe8rJ473nobTMQ/8Zk+LxJ+Yuw==}
+ '@types/ms@0.7.34':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-nG96G3Wp6acyAgJqGasjODb+acrI7KltPiRxzHPXnP3NgI28bpQDRv53olbqGXbfcgF5aiiHmO3xpwEpS5Ld9g==}
+ '@types/node@20.14.15':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fz1xDMCF/B00/tYSVMlmK7hVeLh7jE5f3B7X1/hmV0MJBwE27KlS7EvD/Yp+z1lm8mVhwV5w+n8jOZG8AfTlKw==}
+ '@types/prismjs@1.26.4':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rlAnzkW2sZOjbqZ743IHUhFcvzaGbqijwOu8QZnZCjfQzBqFE3s4lOTJEsxikImav9uzz/42I+O7YUs1mWgMlg==}
+ '@types/prop-types@15.7.12':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5zvhXYtRNRluoE/jAp4GVsSduVUzNWKkOZrCDBWYtE7biZywwdC2AcEzg+cSMLFRfVgeAFqpfNabiPjxFddV1Q==}
+ '@types/react-dom@18.3.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EhwApuTmMBmXuFOikhQLIBUn6uFg81SwLMOAUgodJF14SOBOCMdU04gDoYi0WOJJHD144TL32z4yDqCW3dnkQg==}
+ '@types/react@18.3.3':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hti/R0pS0q1/xx+TsI73XIqk26eBsISZ2R0wUijXIngRK9R/e7Xw/cXVxQK7R5JjW+SV4zGcn5hXjudkN/pLIw==}
+ '@types/unist@2.0.10':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IfYcSBWE3hLpBg8+X2SEa8LVkJdJEkT2Ese2aaLs3ptGdVtABxndrMaxuFlQ1qdFf9Q5rDvDpxI3WwgvKFAsQA==}
+ '@types/unist@3.0.2':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dqId9J8K/vGi5Zr7oo212BGii5m3q5Hxlkwy3WpYuKPklmBEvsbMYYyLxAQpSffdLl/gdW0XUpKWFvYmyoWCoQ==}
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5FKsVcHTk6TafQKQbuIVkXq58Fnbkd2wDL4LB7AURN7RUOu1utVP+G8+6u3ZhEroW3DF6hyo3ZEXxgKgp4KeCg==}
+ engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^8.56.0
+ typescript: '*'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ typescript:
+ optional: true
+ '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@7.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Qh976RbQM/fYtjx9hs4XkayYujB/aPwglw2choHmf3zBjB4qOywWSdt9+KLRdHubGcoSwBnXUH2sR3hkyaERRg==}
+ engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0}
+ '@typescript-eslint/types@7.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XFtUHPI/abFhm4cbCDc5Ykc8npOKBSJePY3a3s+lwumt7XWJuzP5cZcfZ610MIPHjQjNsOLlYK8ASPaNG8UiyA==}
+ engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0}
+ '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@7.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-cyxS5WQQCoBwSakpMrvMXuMDEbhOo9bNHHrNcEWis6XHx6KF518tkF1wBvKIn/tpq5ZpUYK7Bdklu8qY0MsFIA==}
+ engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0}
+ peerDependencies:
+ typescript: '*'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ typescript:
+ optional: true
+ '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@7.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-c6EIQRHhcpl6+tO8EMR+kjkkV+ugUNXOmeASA1rlzkd8EPIriavpWoiEz1HR/VLhbVIdhqnV6E7JZm00cBDx2A==}
+ engines: {node: ^16.0.0 || >=18.0.0}
+ '@ungap/structured-clone@1.2.0':
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zuVdFrMJiuCDQUMCzQaD6KL28MjnqqN8XnAqiEq9PNm/hCPTSGfrXCOfwj1ow4LFb/tNymJPwsNbVePc1xFqrQ==}
+ acorn-jsx@5.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rq9s+JNhf0IChjtDXxllJ7g41oZk5SlXtp0LHwyA5cejwn7vKmKp4pPri6YEePv2PU65sAsegbXtIinmDFDXgQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ acorn: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0
+ acorn@8.12.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tcpGyI9zbizT9JbV6oYE477V6mTlXvvi0T0G3SNIYE2apm/G5huBa1+K89VGeovbg+jycCrfhl3ADxErOuO6Jg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'}
+ hasBin: true
+ ajv@6.12.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g==}
+ ansi-regex@5.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-quJQXlTSUGL2LH9SUXo8VwsY4soanhgo6LNSm84E1LBcE8s3O0wpdiRzyR9z/ZZJMlMWv37qOOb9pdJlMUEKFQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ ansi-regex@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-n5M855fKb2SsfMIiFFoVrABHJC8QtHwVx+mHWP3QcEqBHYienj5dHSgjbxtC0WEZXYt4wcD6zrQElDPhFuZgfA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ ansi-styles@3.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-VT0ZI6kZRdTh8YyJw3SMbYm/u+NqfsAxEpWO0Pf9sq8/e94WxxOpPKx9FR1FlyCtOVDNOQ+8ntlqFxiRc+r5qA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ ansi-styles@4.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zbB9rCJAT1rbjiVDb2hqKFHNYLxgtk8NURxZ3IZwD3F6NtxbXZQCnnSi1Lkx+IDohdPlFp222wVALIheZJQSEg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ ansi-styles@6.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bN798gFfQX+viw3R7yrGWRqnrN2oRkEkUjjl4JNn4E8GxxbjtG3FbrEIIY3l8/hrwUwIeCZvi4QuOTP4MErVug==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ any-promise@1.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7UvmKalWRt1wgjL1RrGxoSJW/0QZFIegpeGvZG9kjp8vrRu55XTHbwnqq2GpXm9uLbcuhxm3IqX9OB4MZR1b2A==}
+ anymatch@3.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KMReFUr0B4t+D+OBkjR3KYqvocp2XaSzO55UcB6mgQMd3KbcE+mWTyvVV7D/zsdEbNnV6acZUutkiHQXvTr1Rw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ arg@5.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PYjyFOLKQ9y57JvQ6QLo8dAgNqswh8M1RMJYdQduT6xbWSgK36P/Z/v+p888pM69jMMfS8Xd8F6I1kQ/I9HUGg==}
+ argparse@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8+9WqebbFzpX9OR+Wa6O29asIogeRMzcGtAINdpMHHyAg10f05aSFVBbcEqGf/PXw1EjAZ+q2/bEBg3DvurK3Q==}
+ aria-hidden@1.2.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-y+CcFFwelSXpLZk/7fMB2mUbGtX9lKycf1MWJ7CaTIERyitVlyQx6C+sxcROU2BAJ24OiZyK+8wj2i8AlBoS3A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ aria-query@5.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-R5iJ5lkuHybztUfuOAznmboyjWq8O6sqNqtK7CLOqdydi54VNbORp49mb14KbWgG1QD3JFO9hJdZ+y4KutfdOQ==}
+ array-buffer-byte-length@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ahC5W1xgou+KTXix4sAO8Ki12Q+jf4i0+tmk3sC+zgcynshkHxzpXdImBehiUYKKKDwvfFiJl1tZt6ewscS1Mg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ array-includes@3.1.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-itaWrbYbqpGXkGhZPGUulwnhVf5Hpy1xiCFsGqyIGglbBxmG5vSjxQen3/WGOjPpNEv1RtBLKxbmVXm8HpJStQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ array-union@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HGyxoOTYUyCM6stUe6EJgnd4EoewAI7zMdfqO+kGjnlZmBDz/cR5pf8r/cR4Wq60sL/p0IkcjUEEPwS3GFrIyw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ array.prototype.findlast@1.2.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CVvd6FHg1Z3POpBLxO6E6zr+rSKEQ9L6rZHAaY7lLfhKsWYUBBOuMs0e9o24oopj6H+geRCX0YJ+TJLBK2eHyQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ array.prototype.findlastindex@1.2.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zfETvRFA8o7EiNn++N5f/kaCw221hrpGsDmcpndVupkPzEc1Wuf3VgC0qby1BbHs7f5DVYjgtEU2LLh5bqeGfQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ array.prototype.flat@1.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-djYB+Zx2vLewY8RWlNCUdHjDXs2XOgm602S9E7P/UpHgfeHL00cRiIF+IN/G/aUJ7kGPb6yO/ErDI5V2s8iycA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ array.prototype.flatmap@1.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ewyx0c9PmpcsByhSW4r+9zDU7sGjFc86qf/kKtuSCRdhfbk0SNLLkaT5qvcHnRGgc5NP/ly/y+qkXkqONX54CQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ array.prototype.tosorted@1.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-p6Fx8B7b7ZhL/gmUsAy0D15WhvDccw3mnGNbZpi3pmeJdxtWsj2jEaI4Y6oo3XiHfzuSgPwKc04MYt6KgvC/wA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bMxMKAjg13EBSVscxTaYA4mRc5t1UAXa2kXiGTNfZ079HIWXEkKmkgFrh/nJqamaLSrXO5H4WFFkPEaLJWbs3A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ ast-types-flow@0.0.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OH/2E5Fg20h2aPrbe+QL8JZQFko0YZaF+j4mnQ7BGhfavO7OpSLa8a0y9sBwomHdSbkhTS8TQNayBfnW5DwbvQ==}
+ astring@1.8.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ISvCdHdlTDlH5IpxQJIex7BWBywFWgjJSVdwst+/iQCoEYnyOaQ95+X1JGshuBjGp6nxKUy1jMgE3zPqN7fQdg==}
+ hasBin: true
+ autoprefixer@10.4.20:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XY25y5xSv/wEoqzDyXXME4AFfkZI0P23z6Fs3YgymDnKJkCGOnkL0iTxCa85UTqaSgfcqyf3UA6+c7wUvx/16g==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.1.0
+ available-typed-arrays@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wvUjBtSGN7+7SjNpq/9M2Tg350UZD3q62IFZLbRAR1bSMlCo1ZaeW+BJ+D090e4hIIZLBcTDWe4Mh4jvUDajzQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ axe-core@4.10.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mr2ZakwQ7XUAjp7pAwQWRhhK8mQQ6JAaNWSjmjxil0R8BPioMtQsTLOolGYkji1rcL++3dCqZA3zWqpT+9Ew6g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ axobject-query@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-goKlv8DZrK9hUh975fnHzhNIO4jUnFCfv/dszV5VwUGDFjI6vQ2VwoyjYjYNEbBE8AH87TduWP5uyDR1D+Iteg==}
+ bail@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0xO6mYd7JB2YesxDKplafRpsiOzPt9V02ddPCLbY1xYGPOX24NTyN50qnUxgCPcSoYMhKpAuBTjQoRZCAkUDRw==}
+ balanced-match@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3oSeUO0TMV67hN1AmbXsK4yaqU7tjiHlbxRDZOpH0KW9+CeX4bRAaX0Anxt0tx2MrpRpWwQaPwIlISEJhYU5Pw==}
+ binary-extensions@2.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ceh+7ox5qe7LJuLHoY0feh3pHuUDHAcRUeyL2VYghZwfpkNIy/+8Ocg0a3UuSoYzavmylwuLWQOf3hl0jjMMIw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ brace-expansion@1.1.11:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA==}
+ brace-expansion@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XnAIvQ8eM+kC6aULx6wuQiwVsnzsi9d3WxzV3FpWTGA19F621kwdbsAcFKXgKUHZWsy+mY6iL1sHTxWEFCytDA==}
+ braces@3.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-yQbXgO/OSZVD2IsiLlro+7Hf6Q18EJrKSEsdoMzKePKXct3gvD8oLcOQdIzGupr5Fj+EDe8gO/lxc1BzfMpxvA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ browserslist@4.23.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-btwCFJVjI4YWDNfau8RhZ+B1Q/VLoUITrm3RlP6y1tYGWIOa+InuYiRGXUBXo8nA1qKmHMyLB/iVQg5TT4eFoA==}
+ engines: {node: ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 || ^10 || ^11 || ^12 || >=13.7}
+ hasBin: true
+ busboy@1.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8SFQbg/0hQ9xy3UNTB0YEnsNBbWfhf7RtnzpL7TkBiTBRfrQ9Fxcnz7VJsleJpyp6rVLvXiuORqjlHi5q+PYuA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.16.0'}
+ call-bind@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GHTSNSYICQ7scH7sZ+M2rFopRoLh8t2bLSW6BbgrtLsahOIB5iyAVJf9GjWK3cYTDaMj4XdBpM1cA6pIS0Kv2w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ callsites@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-P8BjAsXvZS+VIDUI11hHCQEv74YT67YUi5JJFNWIqL235sBmjX4+qx9Muvls5ivyNENctx46xQLQ3aTuE7ssaQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ camelcase-css@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QOSvevhslijgYwRx6Rv7zKdMF8lbRmx+uQGx2+vDc+KI/eBnsy9kit5aj23AgGu3pa4t9AgwbnXWqS+iOY+2aA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ caniuse-lite@1.0.30001651:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9Cf+Xv1jJNe1xPZLGuUXLNkE1BoDkqRqYyFJ9TDYSqhduqA4hu4oR9HluGoWYQC/aj8WHjsGVV+bwkh0+tegRg==}
+ ccount@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eyrF0jiFpY+3drT6383f1qhkbGsLSifNAjA61IUjZjmLCWjItY6LB9ft9YhoDgwfmclB2zhu51Lc7+95b8NRAg==}
+ chalk@2.4.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mti+f9lpJNcwF4tWV8/OrTTtF1gZi+f8FqlyAdouralcFWFQWF2+NgCHShjkCb+IFBLq9buZwE1xckQU4peSuQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ chalk@4.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKnbhFyRIXpUuez8iBMmyEa4nbj4IOQyuhc/wy9kY7/WVPcwIO9VA668Pu8RkO7+0G76SLROeyw9CpQ061i4mA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ character-entities-html4@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1v7fgQRj6hnSwFpq1Eu0ynr/CDEw0rXo2B61qXrLNdHZmPKgb7fqS1a2JwF0rISo9q77jDI8VMEHoApn8qDoZA==}
+ character-entities-legacy@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RpPp0asT/6ufRm//AJVwpViZbGM/MkjQFxJccQRHmISF/22NBtsHqAWmL+/pmkPWoIUJdWyeVleTl1wydHATVQ==}
+ character-entities@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-shx7oQ0Awen/BRIdkjkvz54PnEEI/EjwXDSIZp86/KKdbafHh1Df/RYGBhn4hbe2+uKC9FnT5UCEdyPz3ai9hQ==}
+ character-reference-invalid@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iBZ4F4wRbyORVsu0jPV7gXkOsGYjGHPmAyv+HiHG8gi5PtC9KI2j1+v8/tlibRvjoWX027ypmG/n0HtO5t7unw==}
+ chokidar@3.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7VT13fmjotKpGipCW9JEQAusEPE+Ei8nl6/g4FBAmIm0GOOLMua9NDDo/DWp0ZAxCr3cPq5ZpBqmPAQgDda2Pw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8.10.0'}
+ class-variance-authority@0.7.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jFI8IQw4hczaL4ALINxqLEXQbWcNjoSkloa4IaufXCJr6QawJyw7tuRysRsrE8w2p/4gGaxKIt/hX3qz/IbD1A==}
+ client-only@0.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IV3Ou0jSMzZrd3pZ48nLkT9DA7Ag1pnPzaiQhpW7c3RbcqqzvzzVu+L8gfqMp/8IM2MQtSiqaCxrrcfu8I8rMA==}
+ clsx@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rQ1+kcj+ttHG0MKVGBUXwayCCF1oh39BF5COIpRzuCEv8Mwjv0XucrI2ExNTOn9IlLifGClWQcU9BrZORvtw6Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ clsx@2.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eYm0QWBtUrBWZWG0d386OGAw16Z995PiOVo2B7bjWSbHedGl5e0ZWaq65kOGgUSNesEIDkB9ISbTg/JK9dhCZA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ collapse-white-space@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-loKTxY1zCOuG4j9f6EPnuyyYkf58RnhhWTvRoZEokgB+WbdXehfjFviyOVYkqzEWz1Q5kRiZdBYS5SwxbQYwzw==}
+ color-convert@1.9.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QfAUtd+vFdAtFQcC8CCyYt1fYWxSqAiK2cSD6zDB8N3cpsEBAvRxp9zOGg6G/SHHJYAT88/az/IuDGALsNVbGg==}
+ color-convert@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=7.0.0'}
+ color-name@1.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-72fSenhMw2HZMTVHeCA9KCmpEIbzWiQsjN+BHcBbS9vr1mtt+vJjPdksIBNUmKAW8TFUDPJK5SUU3QhE9NEXDw==}
+ color-name@1.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA==}
+ comma-separated-tokens@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fu4hJdvzeylCfQPp9SGWidpzrMs7tTrlu6Vb8XGaRGck8QSNZJJp538Wrb60Lax4fPwR64ViY468OIUTbRlGZg==}
+ commander@4.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NOKm8xhkzAjzFx8B2v5OAHT+u5pRQc2UCa2Vq9jYL/31o2wi9mxBA7LIFs3sV5VSC49z6pEhfbMULvShKj26WA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ concat-map@0.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Srv4dswyQNBfohGpz9o6Yb3Gz3SrUDqBH5rTuhGR7ahtlbYKnVxw2bCFMRljaA7EXHaXZ8wsHdodFvbkhKmqg==}
+ cross-spawn@7.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iRDPJKUPVEND7dHPO8rkbOnPpyDygcDFtWjpeWNCgy8WP2rXcxXL8TskReQl6OrB2G7+UJrags1q15Fudc7G6w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ cssesc@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Tb/JcjK111nNScGob5MNtsntNM1aCNUDipB/TkwZFhyDrrE47SOx/18wF2bbjgc3ZzCSKW1T5nt5EbFoAz/Vg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ hasBin: true
+ csstype@3.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-M1uQkMl8rQK/szD0LNhtqxIPLpimGm8sOBwU7lLnCpSbTyY3yeU1Vc7l4KT5zT4s/yOxHH5O7tIuuLOCnLADRw==}
+ damerau-levenshtein@1.0.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sdQSFB7+llfUcQHUQO3+B8ERRj0Oa4w9POWMI/puGtuf7gFywGmkaLCElnudfTiKZV+NvHqL0ifzdrI8Ro7ESA==}
+ data-view-buffer@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0lht7OugA5x3iJLOWFhWK/5ehONdprk0ISXqVFn/NFrDu+cuc8iADFrGQz5BnRK7LLU3JmkbXSxaqX+/mXYtUA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ data-view-byte-length@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4J7wRJD3ABAzr8wP+OcIcqq2dlUKp4DVflx++hs5h5ZKydWMI6/D/fAot+yh6g2tHh8fLFTvNOaVN357NvSrOQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ data-view-byte-offset@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-t/Ygsytq+R995EJ5PZlD4Cu56sWa8InXySaViRzw9apusqsOO2bQP+SbYzAhR0pFKoB+43lYy8rWban9JSuXnA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ debug@3.2.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CFjzYYAi4ThfiQvizrFQevTTXHtnCqWfe7x1AhgEscTz6ZbLbfoLRLPugTQyBth6f8ZERVUSyWHFD/7Wu4t1XQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ supports-color: '*'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ supports-color:
+ optional: true
+ debug@4.3.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-O/09Bd4Z1fBrU4VzkhFqVgpPzaGbw6Sm9FEkBT1A/YBXQFGuuSxa1dN2nxgxS34JmKXqYx8CZAwEVoJFImUXIg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ supports-color: '*'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ supports-color:
+ optional: true
+ decode-named-character-reference@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-O8x12RzrUF8xyVcY0KJowWsmaJxQbmy0/EtnNtHRpsOcT7dFk5W598coHqBVpmWo1oQQfsCqfCmkZN5DJrZVdg==}
+ deep-equal@2.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZIwpnevOurS8bpT4192sqAowWM76JDKSHYzMLty3BZGSswgq6pBaH3DhCSW5xVAZICZyKdOBPjwww5wfgT/6PA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ deep-is@0.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oIPzksmTg4/MriiaYGO+okXDT7ztn/w3Eptv/+gSIdMdKsJo0u4CfYNFJPy+4SKMuCqGw2wxnA+URMg3t8a/bQ==}
+ define-data-property@1.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rBMvIzlpA8v6E+SJZoo++HAYqsLrkg7MSfIinMPFhmkorw7X+dOXVJQs+QT69zGkzMyfDnIMN2Wid1+NbL3T+A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ define-properties@1.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8QmQKqEASLd5nx0U1B1okLElbUuuttJ/AnYmRXbbbGDWh6uS208EjD4Xqq/I9wK7u0v6O08XhTWnt5XtEbR6Dg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ dequal@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0je+qPKHEMohvfRTCEo3CrPG6cAzAYgmzKyxRiYSSDkS6eGJdyVJm7WaYA5ECaAD9wLB2T4EEeymA5aFVcYXCA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ detect-node-es@1.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ypdmJU/TbBby2Dxibuv7ZLW3Bs1QEmM7nHjEANfohJLvE0XVujisn1qPJcZxg+qDucsr+bP6fLD1rPS3AhJ7EQ==}
+ devlop@1.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RWmIqhcFf1lRYBvNmr7qTNuyCt/7/ns2jbpp1+PalgE/rDQcBT0fioSMUpJ93irlUhC5hrg4cYqe6U+0ImW0rA==}
+ didyoumean@1.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gxtyfqMg7GKyhQmb056K7M3xszy/myH8w+B4RT+QXBQsvAOdc3XymqDDPHx1BgPgsdAA5SIifona89YtRATDzw==}
+ dir-glob@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WkrWp9GR4KXfKGYzOLmTuGVi1UWFfws377n9cc55/tb6DuqyF6pcQ5AbiHEshaDpY9v6oaSr2XCDidGmMwdzIA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dlv@1.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+HlytyjlPKnIG8XuRG8WvmBP8xs8P71y+SKKS6ZXWoEgLuePxtDoUEiH7WkdePWrQ5JBpE6aoVqfZfJUQkjXwA==}
+ doctrine@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-35mSku4ZXK0vfCuHEDAwt55dg2jNajHZ1odvF+8SSr82EsZY4QmXfuWso8oEd8zRhVObSN18aM0CjSdoBX7zIw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ doctrine@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-yS+Q5i3hBf7GBkd4KG8a7eBNNWNGLTaEwwYWUijIYM7zrlYDM0BFXHjjPWlWZ1Rg7UaddZeIDmi9jF3HmqiQ2w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ eastasianwidth@0.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-I88TYZWc9XiYHRQ4/3c5rjjfgkjhLyW2luGIheGERbNQ6OY7yTybanSpDXZa8y7VUP9YmDcYa+eyq4ca7iLqWA==}
+ electron-to-chromium@1.5.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jwXWsM5RPf6j9dPYzaorcBSUg6AiqocPEyMpkchkvntaH9HGfOOMZwxMJjDY/XEs3T5dM7uyH1VhRMkqUU9qVw==}
+ emoji-regex@8.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MSjYzcWNOA0ewAHpz0MxpYFvwg6yjy1NG3xteoqz644VCo/RPgnr1/GGt+ic3iJTzQ8Eu3TdM14SawnVUmGE6A==}
+ emoji-regex@9.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-L18DaJsXSUk2+42pv8mLs5jJT2hqFkFE4j21wOmgbUqsZ2hL72NsUU785g9RXgo3s0ZNgVl42TiHp3ZtOv/Vyg==}
+ enhanced-resolve@5.17.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LMHl3dXhTcfv8gM4kEzIUeTQ+7fpdA0l2tUf34BddXPkz2A5xJ5L/Pchd5BL6rdccM9QGvu0sWZzK1Z1t4wwyg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'}
+ entities@4.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-V0hjH4dGPh9Ao5p0MoRY6BVqtwCjhz6vI5LT8AJ55H+4g9/4vbHx1I54fS0XuclLhDHArPQCiMjDxjaL8fPxhw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.12'}
+ es-abstract@1.23.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-e+HfNH61Bj1X9/jLc5v1owaLYuHdeHHSQlkhCBiTK8rBvKaULl/beGMxwrMXjpYrv4pz22BlY570vVePA2ho4A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ es-define-property@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jxayLKShrEqqzJ0eumQbVhTYQM27CfT1T35+gCgDFoL82JLsXqTJ76zv6A0YLOgEnLUMvLzsDsGIrl8NFpT2gQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ es-errors@1.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Zf5H2Kxt2xjTvbJvP2ZWLEICxA6j+hAmMzIlypy4xcBg1vKVnx89Wy0GbS+kf5cwCVFFzdCFh2XSCFNULS6csw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ es-get-iterator@1.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sPZmqHBe6JIiTfN5q2pEi//TwxmAFHwj/XEuYjTuse78i8KxaqMTTzxPoFKuzRpDpTJ+0NAbpfenkmH2rePtuw==}
+ es-iterator-helpers@1.0.19:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zoMwbCcH5hwUkKJkT8kDIBZSz9I6mVG//+lDCinLCGov4+r7NIy0ld8o03M0cJxl2spVf6ESYVS6/gpIfq1FFw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ es-object-atoms@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MZ4iQ6JwHOBQjahnjwaC1ZtIBH+2ohjamzAO3oaHcXYup7qxjF2fixyH+Q71voWHeOkI2q/TnJao/KfXYIZWbw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ es-set-tostringtag@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3T8uNMC3OQTHkFUsFq8r/BwAXLHvU/9O9mE0fBc/MY5iq/8H7ncvO947LmYA6ldWw9Uh8Yhf25zu6n7nML5QWQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ es-shim-unscopables@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-J3yBRXCzDu4ULnQwxyToo/OjdMx6akgVC7K6few0a7F/0wLtmKKN7I73AH5T2836UuXRqN7Qg+IIUw/+YJksRw==}
+ es-to-primitive@1.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QCOllgZJtaUo9miYBcLChTUaHNjJF3PYs1VidD7AwiEj1kYxKeQTctLAezAOH5ZKRH0g2IgPn6KwB4IT8iRpvA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ escalade@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ErCHMCae19vR8vQGe50xIsVomy19rg6gFu3+r3jkEO46suLMWBksvVyoGgQV+jOfl84ZSOSlmv6Gxa89PmTGmA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ escape-string-regexp@1.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vbRorB5FUQWvla16U8R/qgaFIya2qGzwDrNmCZuYKrbdSUMG6I1ZCGQRefkRVhuOkIGVne7BQ35DSfo1qvJqFg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.8.0'}
+ escape-string-regexp@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtpcNJ3XAzx3Gq8sWRzJaVajRs0uVxA2YAkdb1jm2YkPz4G6egUFAyA3n5vtEIZefPk5Wa4UXbKuS5fKkJWdgA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ escape-string-regexp@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/veY75JbMK4j1yjvuUxuVsiS/hr/4iHs9FTT6cgTexxdE0Ly/glccBAkloH/DofkjRbZU3bnoj38mOmhkZ0lHw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ eslint-config-next@14.2.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zogs9zlOiZ7ka+wgUnmcM0KBEDjo4Jis7kxN1jvC0N4wynQ2MIx/KBkg4mVF63J5EK4W0QMCn7xO3vNisjaAoA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^7.23.0 || ^8.0.0
+ typescript: '>=3.3.1'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ typescript:
+ optional: true
+ eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WFj2isz22JahUv+B788TlO3N6zL3nNJGU8CcZbPZvVEkBPaJdCV4vy5wyghty5ROFbCRnm132v8BScu5/1BQ8g==}
+ eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xgdptdoi5W3niYeuQxKmzVDTATvLYqhpwmykwsh7f6HIOStGWEIL9iqZgQDF9u9OEzrRwR8no5q2VT+bjAujTg==}
+ engines: {node: ^14.18.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: '*'
+ eslint-plugin-import: '*'
+ eslint-module-utils@2.8.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rXDXR3h7cs7dy9RNpUlQf80nX31XWJEyGq1tRMo+6GsO5VmTe4UTwtmonAD4ZkAsrfMVDA2wlGJ3790Ys+D49Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser': '*'
+ eslint: '*'
+ eslint-import-resolver-node: '*'
+ eslint-import-resolver-typescript: '*'
+ eslint-import-resolver-webpack: '*'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser':
+ optional: true
+ eslint:
+ optional: true
+ eslint-import-resolver-node:
+ optional: true
+ eslint-import-resolver-typescript:
+ optional: true
+ eslint-import-resolver-webpack:
+ optional: true
+ eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BbPC0cuExzhiMo4Ff1BTVwHpjjv28C5R+btTOGaCRC7UEz801up0JadwkeSk5Ued6TG34uaczuVuH6qyy5YUxw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser': '*'
+ eslint: ^2 || ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7.2.0 || ^8
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser':
+ optional: true
+ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@6.9.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-nOFOCaJG2pYqORjK19lqPqxMO/JpvdCZdPtNdxY3kvom3jTvkAbOvQvD8wuD0G8BYR0IGAGYDlzqWJOh/ybn2g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7 || ^8
+ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@4.6.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QzliNJq4GinDBcD8gPB5v0wh6g8q3SUi6EFF0x8N/BL9PoVs0atuGc47ozMRyOWAKdwaZ5OnbOEa3WR+dSGKuQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0
+ eslint-plugin-react@7.35.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-v501SSMOWv8gerHkk+IIQBkcGRGrO2nfybfj5pLxuJNFTPxxA3PSryhXTK+9pNbtkggheDdsC0E9Q8CuPk6JKA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9.7
+ eslint-scope@7.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOt21O7lTMhDM+X9mB4GX+DZrZtCUJPL/wlcTqxyrx5IvO0IYtILdtrQGQp+8n5S0gwSVmOf9NQrjMOgfQZlIg==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpc+LXeiyiisxPlEkUzU6svyS1frIO3Mgxj1fdy7Pm8Ygzguax2N3Fa/D/ag1WqbOprdI+uY6wMUl8/a2G+iag==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ eslint@8.57.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dZ6+mexnaTIbSBZWgou51U6OmzIhYM2VcNdtiTtI7qPNZm35Akpr0f6vtw3w1Kmn5PYo+tZVfh13WrhpS6oLqQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ hasBin: true
+ espree@9.6.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oruZaFkjorTpF32kDSI5/75ViwGeZginGGy2NoOSg3Q9bnwlnmDm4HLnkl0RE3n+njDXR037aY1+x58Z/zFdwQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ esquery@1.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ca9pw9fomFcKPvFLXhBKUK90ZvGibiGOvRJNbjljY7s7uq/5YO4BOzcYtJqExdx99rF6aAcnRxHmcUHcz6sQsg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10'}
+ esrecurse@4.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KmfKL3b6G+RXvP8N1vr3Tq1kL/oCFgn2NYXEtqP8/L3pKapUA4G8cFVaoF3SU323CD4XypR/ffioHmkti6/Tag==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+ estraverse@5.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MMdARuVEQziNTeJD8DgMqmhwR11BRQ/cBP+pLtYdSTnf3MIO8fFeiINEbX36ZdNlfU/7A9f3gUw49B3oQsvwBA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+ estree-util-attach-comments@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-cKUwm/HUcTDsYh/9FgnuFqpfquUbwIqwKM26BVCGDPVgvaCl/nDCCjUfiLlx6lsEZ3Z4RFxNbOQ60pkaEwFxGw==}
+ estree-util-build-jsx@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8U5eiL6BTrPxp/CHbs2yMgP8ftMhR5ww1eIKoWRMlqvltHF8fZn5LRDvTKuxD3DUn+shRbLGqXemcP51oFCsGQ==}
+ estree-util-is-identifier-name@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hFtqIDZTIUZ9BXLb8y4pYGyk6+wekIivNVTcmvk8NoOh+VeRn5y6cEHzbURrWbfp1fIqdVipilzj+lfaadNZmg==}
+ estree-util-to-js@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WDF+xj5rRWmD5tj6bIqRi6CkLIXbbNQUcxQHzGysQzvHmdYG2G7p/Tf0J0gpxGgkeMZNTIjT/AoSvC9Xehcgdg==}
+ estree-util-visit@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-m5KgiH85xAhhW8Wta0vShLcUvOsh3LLPI2YVwcbio1l7E09NTLL1EyMZFM1OyWowoH0skScNbhOPl4kcBgzTww==}
+ estree-walker@3.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7RUKfXgSMMkzt6ZuXmqapOurLGPPfgj6l9uRZ7lRGolvk0y2yocc35LdcxKC5PQZdn2DMqioAQ2NoWcrTKmm6g==}
+ esutils@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kVscqXk4OCp68SZ0dkgEKVi6/8ij300KBWTJq32P/dYeWTSwK41WyTxalN1eRmA5Z9UU/LX9D7FWSmV9SAYx6g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ extend@3.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fjquC59cD7CyW6urNXK0FBufkZcoiGG80wTuPujX590cB5Ttln20E2UB4S/WARVqhXffZl2LNgS+gQdPIIim/g==}
+ fast-deep-equal@3.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q==}
+ fast-glob@3.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oX2ruAFQwf/Orj8m737Y5adxDQO0LAB7/S5MnxCdTNDd4p6BsyIVsv9JQsATbTSq8KHRpLwIHbVlUNatxd+1Ow==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.6.0'}
+ fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lhd/wF+Lk98HZoTCtlVraHtfh5XYijIjalXck7saUtuanSDyLMxnHhSXEDJqHxD7msR8D0uCmqlkwjCV8xvwHw==}
+ fast-levenshtein@2.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DCXu6Ifhqcks7TZKY3Hxp3y6qphY5SJZmrWMDrKcERSOXWQdMhU9Ig/PYrzyw/ul9jOIyh0N4M0tbC5hodg8dw==}
+ fastq@1.17.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sRVD3lWVIXWg6By68ZN7vho9a1pQcN/WBFaAAsDDFzlJjvoGx0P8z7V1t72grFJfJhu3YPZBuu25f7Kaw2jN1w==}
+ file-entry-cache@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Gps/XWymbLk2QLYK4NzpMOrYjMhdIxXuIvy2QBsLE6ljuodKvdkWs/cpyJJ3CVIVpH0Oi1Hvg1ovbMzLdFBBg==}
+ engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0}
+ fill-range@7.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-YsGpe3WHLK8ZYi4tWDg2Jy3ebRz2rXowDxnld4bkQB00cc/1Zw9AWnC0i9ztDJitivtQvaI9KaLyKrc+hBW0yg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ find-up@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-78/PXT1wlLLDgTzDs7sjq9hzz0vXD+zn+7wypEe4fXQxCmdmqfGsEPQxmiCSQI3ajFV91bVSsvNtrJRiW6nGng==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ flat-cache@3.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CYcENa+FtcUKLmhhqyctpclsq7QF38pKjZHsGNiSQF5r4FtoKDWabFDl3hzaEQMvT1LHEysw5twgLvpYYb4vbw==}
+ engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0}
+ flatted@3.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-X8cqMLLie7KsNUDSdzeN8FYK9rEt4Dt67OsG/DNGnYTSDBG4uFAJFBnUeiV+zCVAvwFy56IjM9sH51jVaEhNxw==}
+ for-each@0.3.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jqYfLp7mo9vIyQf8ykW2v7A+2N4QjeCeI5+Dz9XraiO1ign81wjiH7Fb9vSOWvQfNtmSa4H2RoQTrrXivdUZmw==}
+ foreground-child@3.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ld2g8rrAyMYFXBhEqMz8ZAHBi4J4uS1i/CxGMDnjyFWddMXLVcDp051DZfu+t7+ab7Wv6SMqpWmyFIj5UbfFvg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ fraction.js@4.3.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZsDfxO51wGAXREY55a7la9LScWpwv9RxIrYABrlvOFBlH/ShPnrtsXeuUIfXKKOVicNxQ+o8JTbJvjS4M89yew==}
+ fs.realpath@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OO0pH2lK6a0hZnAdau5ItzHPI6pUlvI7jMVnxUQRtw4owF2wk8lOSabtGDCTP4Ggrg2MbGnWO9X8K1t4+fGMDw==}
+ fsevents@2.3.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5xoDfX+fL7faATnagmWPpbFtwh/R77WmMMqqHGS65C3vvB0YHrgF+B1YmZ3441tMj5n63k0212XNoJwzlhffQw==}
+ engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0}
+ os: [darwin]
+ function-bind@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XHNxH7qX9xG5mIwxkhumTox/MIRNcOgDrxWsMt2pAr23WHp6MrRlN7FBSFpCpr+oVO0F744iUgR82nJMfG2SA==}
+ function.prototype.name@1.1.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Z5kx79swU5P27WEayXM1tBi5Ze/lbIyiNgU3qyXUOf9b2rgXYyF9Dy9Cx+IQv/Lc8WCG6L82zwUPpSS9hGehIg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ functions-have-names@1.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xckBUXyTIqT97tq2x2AMb+g163b5JFysYk0x4qxNFwbfQkmNZoiRHb6sPzI9/QV33WeuvVYBUIiD4NzNIyqaRQ==}
+ geist@1.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q4gC1pBVPN+D579pBaz0TRRnGA4p9UK6elDY/xizXdFk/g4EKR5g0I+4p/Kj6gM0SajDBZ/0FvDV9ey9ud7BWw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ next: '>=13.2.0'
+ get-intrinsic@1.2.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5uYhsJH8VJBTv7oslg4BznJYhDoRI6waYCxMmCdnTrcCrHA/fCFKoTFz2JKKE0HdDFUF7/oQuhzumXJK7paBRQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ get-nonce@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FJhYRoDaiatfEkUK8HKlicmu/3SGFD51q3itKDGoSTysQJBnfOcxU5GxnhE1E6soB76MbT0MBtnKJuXyAx+96Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ get-symbol-description@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-g0QYk1dZBxGwk+Ngc+ltRH2IBp2f7zBkBMBJZCDerh6EhlhSR6+9irMCuT/09zD6qkarHUSn529sK/yL4S27mg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ get-tsconfig@4.7.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZAqrLlu18NbDdRaHq+AKXzAmqIUPswPWKUchfytdAjiRFnCe5ojG2bstg6mRiZabkKfCoL/e98pbBELIV/YCeA==}
+ github-slugger@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IaOQ9puYtjrkq7Y0Ygl9KDZnrf/aiUJYUpVf89y8kyaxbRG7Y1SrX/jaumrv81vc61+kiMempujsM3Yw7w5qcw==}
+ glob-parent@5.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AOIgSQCepiJYwP3ARnGx+5VnTu2HBYdzbGP45eLw1vr3zB3vZLeyed1sC9hnbcOc9/SrMyM5RPQrkGz4aS9Zow==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ glob-parent@6.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XxwI8EOhVQgWp6iDL+3b0r86f4d6AX6zSU55HfB4ydCEuXLXc5FcYeOu+nnGftS4TEju/11rt4KJPTMgbfmv4A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'}
+ glob@10.3.10:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fa46+tv1Ak0UPK1TOy/pZrIybNNt4HCv7SDzwyfiOZkvZLEbjsZkJBPtDHVshZjbecAoAGSC20MjLDG/qr679g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ hasBin: true
+ glob@10.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Bv8RF0k6xjo7d4A/PxYLbUCfb6c+Vpd2/mB2yRDlew7Jb5hEXiCD9ibfO7wpk8i4sevK6DFny9h7EYbM3/sHg==}
+ hasBin: true
+ glob@7.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-nFR0zLpU2YCaRxwoCJvL6UvCH2JFyFVIvwTLsIf21AuHlMskA1hhTdk+LlYJtOlYt9v6dvszD2BGRqBL+iQK9Q==}
+ deprecated: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
+ globals@13.24.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AhO5QUcj8llrbG09iWhPU2B204J1xnPeL8kQmVorSsy+Sjj1sk8gIyh6cUocGmH4L0UuhAJy+hJMRA4mgA4mFQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ globalthis@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DpLKbNU4WylpxJykQujfCcwYWiV/Jhm50Goo0wrVILAv5jOr9d+H+UR3PhSCD2rCCEIg0uc+G+muBTwD54JhDQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ globby@11.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ gopd@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-d65bNlIadxvpb/A2abVdlqKqV563juRnZ1Wtk6s1sIR8uNsXR70xqIzVqxVf1eTqDunwT2MkczEeaezCKTZhwA==}
+ graceful-fs@4.2.11:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RbJ5/jmFcNNCcDV5o9eTnBLJ/HszWV0P73bc+Ff4nS/rJj+YaS6IGyiOL0VoBYX+l1Wrl3k63h/KrH+nhJ0XvQ==}
+ graphemer@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EtKwoO6kxCL9WO5xipiHTZlSzBm7WLT627TqC/uVRd0HKmq8NXyebnNYxDoBi7wt8eTWrUrKXCOVaFq9x1kgag==}
+ has-bigints@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tSvCKtBr9lkF0Ex0aQiP9N+OpV4zi2r/Nee5VkRDbaqv35RLYMzbwQfFSZZH0kR+Rd6302UJZ2p/bJCEoR3VoQ==}
+ has-flag@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sKJf1+ceQBr4SMkvQnBDNDtf4TXpVhVGateu0t918bl30FnbE2m4vNLX+VWe/dpjlb+HugGYzW7uQXH98HPEYw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ has-flag@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EykJT/Q1KjTWctppgIAgfSO0tKVuZUjhgMr17kqTumMl6Afv3EISleU7qZUzoXDFTAHTDC4NOoG/ZxU3EvlMPQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ has-property-descriptors@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-55JNKuIW+vq4Ke1BjOTjM2YctQIvCT7GFzHwmfZPGo5wnrgkid0YQtnAleFSqumZm4az3n2BS+erby5ipJdgrg==}
+ has-proto@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SJ1amZAJUiZS+PhsVLf5tGydlaVB8EdFpaSO4gmiUKUOxk8qzn5AIy4ZeJUmh22znIdk/uMAUT2pl3FxzVUH+Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ has-symbols@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3LCuF6MgDNwTDKkdYGEihYjt5pRPbEg46rtlmnSPlUbgmB8LOIrKJbYYFBSbnPaJexMKtiPO8hmeRjRz2Td+A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ has-tostringtag@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NqADB8VjPFLM2V0VvHUewwwsw0ZWBaIdgo+ieHtK3hasLz4qeCRjYcqfB6AQrBggRKppKF8L52/VqdVsO47Dlw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ hasown@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0hJU9SCPvmMzIBdZFqNPXWa6dqh7WdH0cII9y+CyS8rG3nL48Bclra9HmKhVVUHyPWNH5Y7xDwAB7bfgSjkUMQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ hast-util-from-html@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RXQBLMl9kjKVNkJTIO6bZyb2n+cUH8LFaSSzo82jiLT6Tfc+Pt7VQCS+/h3YwG4jaNE2TA2sdJisGWR+aJrp0g==}
+ hast-util-from-parse5@8.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Er/Iixbc7IEa7r/XLtuG52zoqn/b3Xng/w6aZQ0xGVxzhw5xUFxcRqdPzP6yFi/4HBYRaifaI5fQ1RH8n0ZeOQ==}
+ hast-util-heading-rank@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EJKb8oMUXVHcWZTDepnr+WNbfnXKFNf9duMesmr4S8SXTJBJ9M4Yok08pu9vxdJwdlGRhVumk9mEhkEvKGifwA==}
+ hast-util-is-element@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Val9mnv2IWpLbNPqc/pUem+a7Ipj2aHacCwgNfTiK0vJKl0LF+4Ba4+v1oPHFpf3bLYmreq0/l3Gud9S5OH42g==}
+ hast-util-parse-selector@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jdlwBjEexy1oGz0aJ2f4GKMaVKkA9jwjr4MjAAI22E5fM/TXVZHuS5OpONtdeIkRKqAaryQ2E9xNQxijoThSZA==}
+ hast-util-parse-selector@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wkQCkSYoOGCRKERFWcxMVMOcYE2K1AaNLU8DXS9arxnLOUEWbOXKXiJUNzEpqZ3JOKpnha3jkFrumEjVliDe7A==}
+ hast-util-to-estree@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lfX5g6hqVh9kjS/B9E2gSkvHH4SZNiQFiqWS0x9fENzEl+8W12RqdRxX6d/Cwxi30tPQs3bIO+aolQJNp1bIyw==}
+ hast-util-to-jsx-runtime@2.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-H/y0+IWPdsLLS738P8tDnrQ8Z+dj12zQQ6WC11TIM21C8WFVoIxcqWXf2H3hiTVZjF1AWqoimGwrTWecWrnmRQ==}
+ hast-util-to-string@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OGkAxX1Ua3cbcW6EJ5pT/tslVb90uViVkcJ4ZZIMW/R33DX/AkcJcRrPebPwJkHYwlDHXz4aIwvAAaAdtrACFA==}
+ hast-util-whitespace@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-88JUN06ipLwsnv+dVn+OIYOvAuvBMy/Qoi6O7mQHxdPXpjy+Cd6xRkWwux7DKO+4sYILtLBRIKgsdpS2gQc7qw==}
+ hast@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vFUqlRV5C+xqP76Wwq2SrM0kipnmpxJm7OfvVXpB35Fp+Fn4MV+ozr+JZr5qFvyR1q/U+Foim2x+3P+x9S1PLA==}
+ deprecated: Renamed to rehype
+ hastscript@7.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtYPq24IldU8iKoJQqvZOuhi5CyCQRAbvDOX0x1eW6rsHSxa/1i2CCiptNTotGHJ3VoHRGmqiv6/D3q113ikkw==}
+ hastscript@8.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dMOtzCEd3ABUeSIISmrETiKuyydk1w0pa+gE/uormcTpSYuaNJPbX1NU3JLyscSLjwAQM8bWMhhIlnCqnRvDTw==}
+ ignore@5.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5Fytz/IraMjqpwfd34ke28PTVMjZjJG2MPn5t7OE4eUCUNf8BAa7b5WUS9/Qvr6mwOQS7Mk6vdsMno5he+T8Xw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 4'}
+ import-fresh@3.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-veYYhQa+D1QBKznvhUHxb8faxlrwUnxseDAbAp457E0wLNio2bOSKnjYDhMj+YiAq61xrMGhQk9iXVk5FzgQMw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ imurmurhash@0.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JmXMZ6wuvDmLiHEml9ykzqO6lwFbof0GG4IkcGaENdCRDDmMVnny7s5HsIgHCbaq0w2MyPhDqkhTUgS2LU2PHA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.8.19'}
+ inflight@1.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-k92I/b08q4wvFscXCLvqfsHCrjrF7yiXsQuIVvVE7N82W3+aqpzuUdBbfhWcy/FZR3/4IgflMgKLOsvPDrGCJA==}
+ deprecated: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
+ inherits@2.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==}
+ inline-style-parser@0.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7NXolsK4CAS5+xvdj5OMMbI962hU/wvwoxk+LWR9Ek9bVtyuuYScDN6eS0rUm6TxApFpw7CX1o4uJzcd4AyD3Q==}
+ inline-style-parser@0.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qlD8YNDqyTKTyuITrDOffsl6Tdhv+UC4hcdAVuQsK4IMQ99nSgd1MIA/Q+jQYoh9r3hVUXhYh7urSRmXPkW04g==}
+ internal-slot@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NGnrKwXzSms2qUUih/ILZ5JBqNTSa1+ZmP6flaIp6KmSElgE9qdndzS3cqjrDovwFdmwsGsLdeFgB6suw+1e9g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ invariant@2.2.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-phJfQVBuaJM5raOpJjSfkiD6BpbCE4Ns//LaXl6wGYtUBY83nWS6Rf9tXm2e8VaK60JEjYldbPif/A2B1C2gNA==}
+ is-alphabetical@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FWyyY60MeTNyeSRpkM2Iry0G9hpr7/9kD40mD/cGQEuilcZYS4okz8SN2Q6rLCJ8gbCt6fN+rC+6tMGS99LaxQ==}
+ is-alphanumerical@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hmbYhX/9MUMF5uh7tOXyK/n0ZvWpad5caBA17GsC6vyuCqaWliRG5K1qS9inmUhEMaOBIW7/whAnSwveW/LtZw==}
+ is-arguments@1.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8Q7EARjzEnKpt/PCD7e1cgUS0a6X8u5tdSiMqXhojOdoV9TsMsiO+9VLC5vAmO8N7/GmXn7yjR8qnA6bVAEzfA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-array-buffer@3.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wcjaerHw0ydZwfhiKbXJWLDY8A7yV7KhjQOpb83hGgGfId/aQa4TOvwyzn2PuswW2gPCYEL/nEAiSVpdOj1lXw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-async-function@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y1JXKrfykRJGdlDwdKlLpLyMIiWqWvuSd17TvZk68PLAOGOoF4Xyav1z0Xhoi+gCYjZVeC5SI+hYFOfvXmGRCA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-bigint@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zB9CruMamjym81i2JZ3UMn54PKGsQzsJeo6xvN3HJJ4CAsQNB6iRutp2To77OfCNuoxspsIhzaPoO1zyCEhFOg==}
+ is-binary-path@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ is-boolean-object@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gDYaKHJmnj4aWxyj6YHyXVpdQawtVLHU5cb+eztPGczf6cjuTdwve5ZIEfgXqH4e57An1D1AKf8CZ3kYrQRqYA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-callable@1.2.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1BC0BVFhS/p0qtw6enp8e+8OD0UrK0oFLztSjNzhcKA3WDuJxxAPXzPuPtKkjEY9UUoEWlX/8fgKeu2S8i9JTA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-core-module@2.15.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Dd+Lb2/zvk9SKy1TGCt1wFJFo/MWBPMX5x7KcvLajWTGuomczdQX61PvY5yK6SVACwpoexWo81IfFyoKY2QnTA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-data-view@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AHkaJrsUVW6wq6JS8y3JnM/GJF/9cf+k20+iDzlSaJrinEo5+7vRiteOSwBhHRiAyQATN1AmY4hwzxJKPmYf+w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-date-object@1.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9YQaSxsAiSwcvS33MBk3wTCVnWK+HhF8VZR2jRxehM16QcVOdHqPn4VPHmRK4lSr38n9JriurInLcP90xsYNfQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-decimal@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AAB9hiomQs5DXWcRB1rqsxGUstbRroFOPPVAomNk/3XHR5JyEZChOyTWe2oayKnsSsr/kcGqF+z6yuH6HHpN0A==}
+ is-extglob@2.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SbKbANkN603Vi4jEZv49LeVJMn4yGwsbzZworEoyEiutsN3nJYdbO36zfhGJ6QEDpOZIFkDtnq5JRxmvl3jsoQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ is-finalizationregistry@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0by5vtUJs8iFQb5TYUHHPudOR+qXYIMKtiUzvLIZITZUjknFmziyBJuLhVRc+Ds0dREFlskDNJKYIdIzu/9pfw==}
+ is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ is-generator-function@1.0.10:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jsEjy9l3yiXEQ+PsXdmBwEPcOxaXWLspKdplFUVI9vq1iZgIekeC0L167qeu86czQaxed3q/Uzuw0swL0irL8A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-glob@4.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xelSayHH36ZgE7ZWhli7pW34hNbNl8Ojv5KVmkJD4hBdD3th8Tfk9vYasLM+mXWOZhFkgZfxhLSnrwRr4elSSg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ is-hexadecimal@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DgZQp241c8oO6cA1SbTEWiXeoxV42vlcJxgH+B3hi1AiqqKruZR3ZGF8In3fj4+/y/7rHvlOZLZtgJ/4ttYGZg==}
+ is-map@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1Qed0/Hr2m+YqxnM09CjA2d/i6YZNfF6R2oRAOj36eUdS6qIV/huPJNSEpKbupewFs+ZsJlxsjjPbc0/afW6Lw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-negative-zero@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5KoIu2Ngpyek75jXodFvnafB6DJgr3u8uuK0LEZJjrU19DrMD3EVERaR8sjz8CCGgpZvxPl9SuE1GMVPFHx1mw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-number-object@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-k1U0IRzLMo7ZlYIfzRu23Oh6MiIFasgpb9X76eqfFZAqwH44UI4KTBvBYIZ1dSL9ZzChTB9ShHfLkR4pdW5krQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-number@7.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.12.0'}
+ is-path-inside@3.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fd4gABb+ycGAmKou8eMftCupSir5lRxqf4aD/vd0cD2qc4HL07OjCeuHMr8Ro4CoMaeCKDB0/ECBOVWjTwUvPQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ is-plain-obj@4.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Pgi+vMuUNkJyExiMBt5IlFoMyKnr5zhJ4Uspz58WOhBF5QoIZkFyNHIbBAtHwzVAgk5RtndVNsDRN61/mmDqg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ is-reference@3.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-v3rht/LgVcsdZa3O2Nqs+NMowLOxeOm7Ay9+/ARQ2F+qEoANRcqrjAZKGN0v8ymUetZGgkp26LTnGT7H0Qo9Pg==}
+ is-regex@1.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kvRdxDsxZjhzUX07ZnLydzS1TU/TJlTUHHY4YLL87e37oUA49DfkLqgy+VjFocowy29cKvcSiu+kIv728jTTVg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-set@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iPAjerrse27/ygGLxw+EBR9agv9Y6uLeYVJMu+QNCoouJ1/1ri0mGrcWpfCqFZuzzx3WjtwxG098X+n4OuRkPg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-shared-array-buffer@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-nA2hv5XIhLR3uVzDDfCIknerhx8XUKnstuOERPNNIinXG7v9u+ohXF67vxm4TPTEPU6lm61ZkwP3c9PCB97rhg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-string@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tE2UXzivje6ofPW7l23cjDOMa09gb7xlAqG6jG5ej6uPV32TlWP3NKPigtaGeHNu9fohccRYvIiZMfOOnOYUtg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-symbol@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-C/CPBqKWnvdcxqIARxyOh4v1UUEOCHpgDa0WYgpKDFMszcrPcffg5uhwSgPCLD2WWxmq6isisz87tzT01tuGhg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-typed-array@1.1.13:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-uZ25/bUAlUY5fR4OKT4rZQEBrzQWYV9ZJYGGsUmEJ6thodVJ1HX64ePQ6Z0qPWP+m+Uq6e9UugrE38jeYsDSMw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-weakmap@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-K5pXYOm9wqY1RgjpL3YTkF39tni1XajUIkawTLUo9EZEVUFga5gSQJF8nNS7ZwJQ02y+1YCNYcMh+HIf1ZqE+w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ is-weakref@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qctsuLZmIQ0+vSSMfoVvyFe2+GSEvnmZ2ezTup1SBse9+twCCeial6EEi3Nc2KFcf6+qz2FBPnjXsk8xhKSaPQ==}
+ is-weakset@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LvIm3/KWzS9oRFHugab7d+M/GcBXuXX5xZkzPmN+NxihdQlZUQ4dWuSV1xR/sq6upL1TJEDrfBgRepHFdBtSNQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ isarray@2.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xHjhDr3cNBK0BzdUJSPXZntQUx/mwMS5Rw4A7lPJ90XGAO6ISP/ePDNuo0vhqOZU+UD5JoodwCAAoZQd3FeAKw==}
+ isexe@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHxMLp9lnKHGHRng9QFhRCMbYAcVpn69smSGcq3f36xjgVVWThj4qqLbTLlq7Ssj8B+fIQ1EuCEGI2lKsyQeIw==}
+ iterator.prototype@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DR33HMMr8EzwuRL8Y9D3u2BMj8+RqSE850jfGu59kS7tbmPLzGkZmVSfyCFSDxuZiEY6Rzt3T2NA/qU+NwVj1w==}
+ jackspeak@2.3.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N3yCS/NegsOBokc8GAdM8UcmfsKiSS8cipheD/nivzr700H+nsMOxJjQnvwOcRYVuFkdH0wGUvW2WbXGmrZGbQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ jackspeak@3.4.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OGlZQpz2yfahA/Rd1Y8Cd9SIEsqvXkLVoSw/cgwhnhFMDbsQFeZYoJJ7bIZBS9BcamUW96asq/npPWugM+RQBw==}
+ jiti@1.21.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2yTgeWTWzMWkHu6Jp9NKgePDaYHbntiwvYuuJLbbN9vl7DC9DvXKOB2BC3ZZ92D3cvV/aflH0osDfwpHepQ53w==}
+ hasBin: true
+ js-tokens@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RdJUflcE3cUzKiMqQgsCu06FPu9UdIJO0beYbPhHN4k6apgJtifcoCtT9bcxOpYBtpD2kCM6Sbzg4CausW/PKQ==}
+ js-yaml@4.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpxZs9NoxZaJESJGIZTyDEaYpl0FKSA+FB9aJiyemKhMwkxQg63h4T1KJgUGHpTqPDNRcmmYLugrRjJlBtWvRA==}
+ hasBin: true
+ json-buffer@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4bV5BfR2mqfQTJm+V5tPPdf+ZpuhiIvTuAB5g8kcrXOZpTT/QwwVRWBywX1ozr6lEuPdbHxwaJlm9G6mI2sfSQ==}
+ json-schema-traverse@0.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xbbCH5dCYU5T8LcEhhuh7HJ88HXuW3qsI3Y0zOZFKfZEHcpWiHU/Jxzk629Brsab/mMiHQti9wMP+845RPe3Vg==}
+ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Bdboy+l7tA3OGW6FjyFHWkP5LuByj1Tk33Ljyq0axyzdk9//JSi2u3fP1QSmd1KNwq6VOKYGlAu87CisVir6Pw==}
+ json5@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-g1MWMLBiz8FKi1e4w0UyVL3w+iJceWAFBAaBnnGKOpNa5f8TLktkbre1+s6oICydWAm+HRUGTmI+//xv2hvXYA==}
+ hasBin: true
+ jsx-ast-utils@3.3.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZZow9HBI5O6EPgSJLUb8n2NKgmVWTwCvHGwFuJlMjvLFqlGG6pjirPhtdsseaLZjSibD8eegzmYpUZwoIlj2cQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+ keyv@4.5.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oxVHkHR/EJf2CNXnWxRLW6mg7JyCCUcG0DtEGmL2ctUo1PNTin1PUil+r/+4r5MpVgC/fn1kjsx7mjSujKqIpw==}
+ language-subtag-registry@0.3.23:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0K65Lea881pHotoGEa5gDlMxt3pctLi2RplBb7Ezh4rRdLEOtgi7n4EwK9lamnUCkKBqaeKRVebTq6BAxSkpXQ==}
+ language-tags@1.0.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MbjN408fEndfiQXbFQ1vnd+1NoLDsnQW41410oQBXiyXDMYH5z505juWa4KUE1LqxRC7DgOgZDbKLxHIwm27hA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10'}
+ levn@0.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+bT2uH4E5LGE7h/n3evcS/sQlJXCpIp6ym8OWJ5eV6+67Dsql/LaaT7qJBAt2rzfoa/5QBGBhxDix1dMt2kQKQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ lilconfig@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-utWOt/GHzuUxnLKxB6dk81RoOeoNeHgbrXiuGk4yyF5qlRz+iIVWu56E2fqGHFrXz0QNUhLB/8nKqvRH66JKGQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ lilconfig@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eop+wDAvpItUys0FWkHIKeC9ybYrTGbU41U5K7+bttZZeohvnY7M9dZ5kB21GNWiFT2q1OoPTvncPCgSOVO5ow==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ lines-and-columns@1.2.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7ylylesZQ/PV29jhEDl3Ufjo6ZX7gCqJr5F7PKrqc93v7fzSymt1BpwEU8nAUXs8qzzvqhbjhK5QZg6Mt/HkBg==}
+ locate-path@6.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iPZK6eYjbxRu3uB4/WZ3EsEIMJFMqAoopl3R+zuq0UjcAm/MO6KCweDgPfP3elTztoKP3KtnVHxTn2NHBSDVUw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ lodash.castarray@4.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-aVx8ztPv7/2ULbArGJ2Y42bG1mEQ5mGjpdvrbJcJFU3TbYybe+QlLS4pst9zV52ymy2in1KpFPiZnAOATxD4+Q==}
+ lodash.isplainobject@4.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oSXzaWypCMHkPC3NvBEaPHf0KsA5mvPrOPgQWDsbg8n7orZ290M0BmC/jgRZ4vcJ6DTAhjrsSYgdsW/F+MFOBA==}
+ lodash.merge@4.6.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KpjqXRVvrYyCsX1swR/XTK0va6VQkQM6MNo7PqW77ByjAhoARA8EfrP1N4+KlKj8YS0ZUCtRT/YUuhyYDujIQ==}
+ longest-streak@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9Ri+o0JYgehTaVBBDoMqIl8GXtbWg711O3srftcHhZ0dqnETqLaoIK0x17fUw9rFSlK/0NlsKe0Ahhyl5pXE2g==}
+ loose-envify@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lyuxPGr/Wfhrlem2CL/UcnUc1zcqKAImBDzukY7Y5F/yQiNdko6+fRLevlw1HgMySw7f611UIY408EtxRSoK3Q==}
+ hasBin: true
+ lru-cache@10.4.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JNAzZcXrCt42VGLuYz0zfAzDfAvJWW6AfYlDBQyDV5DClI2m5sAmK+OIO7s59XfsRsWHp02jAJrRadPRGTt6SQ==}
+ lucide-react@0.368.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-soryVrCjheZs8rbXKdINw9B8iPi5OajBJZMJ1HORig89ljcOcEokKKAgGbg3QWxSXel7JwHOfDFUdDHAKyUAMw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.5.1 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ markdown-extensions@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-o5vL7aDWatOTX8LzaS1WMoaoxIiLRQJuIKKe2wAw6IeULDHaqbiqiggmx+pKvZDb1Sj+pE46Sn1T7lCqfFtg1Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16'}
+ markdown-table@3.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Z1NL3Tb1M9wH4XESsCDEksWoKTdlUafKc4pt0GRwjUyXaCFZ+dc3g2erqB6zm3szA2IUSi7VnPI+o/9jnxh9hw==}
+ mdast-util-find-and-replace@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SG21kZHGC3XRTSUhtofZkBzZTJNM5ecCi0SK2IMKmSXR8vO3peL+kb1O0z7Zl83jKtutG4k5Wv/W7V3/YHvzPA==}
+ mdast-util-from-markdown@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-aJEUyzZ6TzlsX2s5B4Of7lN7EQtAxvtradMMglCQDyaTFgse6CmtmdJ15ElnVRlCg1vpNyVtbem0PWzlNieZsA==}
+ mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FyzMsduZZHSc3i0Px3PQcBT4WJY/X/RCtEJKuybiC6sjPqLv7h1yqAkmILZtuxMSsUyaLUWNp71+vQH2zqp5cg==}
+ mdast-util-gfm-footnote@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5jOT2boTSVkMnQ7LTrd6n/18kqwjmuYqo7JUPe+tRCY6O7dAuTFMtTPauYYrMPpox9hlN0uOx/FL8XvEfG9/mQ==}
+ mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-mKKb915TF+OC5ptj5bJ7WFRPdYtuHv0yTRxK2tJvi+BDqbkiG7h7u/9SI89nRAYcmap2xHQL9D+QG/6wSrTtXg==}
+ mdast-util-gfm-table@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-78UEvebzz/rJIxLvE7ZtDd/vIQ0RHv+3Mh5DR96p7cS7HsBhYIICDBCu8csTNWNO6tBWfqXPWekRuj2FNOGOZg==}
+ mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IrtvNvjxC1o06taBAVJznEnkiHxLFTzgonUdy8hzFVeDun0uTjxxrRGVaNFqkU1wJR3RBPEfsxmU6jDWPofrTQ==}
+ mdast-util-gfm@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dgQEX5Amaq+DuUqf26jJqSK9qgixgd6rYDHAv4aTBuA92cTknZlKpPfa86Z/s8Dj8xsAQpFfBmPUHWJBWqS4Bw==}
+ mdast-util-mdx-expression@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fGCu8eWdKUKNu5mohVGkhBXCXGnOTLuFqOvGMvdikr+J1w7lDJgxThOKpwRWzzbyXAU2hhSwsmssOY4yTokluw==}
+ mdast-util-mdx-jsx@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eKMQDeywY2wlHc97k5eD8VC+9ASMjN8ItEZQNGwJ6E0XWKiW/Z0V5/H8pvoXUf+y+Mj0VIgeRRbujBmFn4FTyA==}
+ mdast-util-mdx@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JfbYLAW7XnYTTbUsmpu0kdBUVe+yKVJZBItEjwyYJiDJuZ9w4eeaqks4HQO+R7objWgS2ymV60GYpI14Ug554w==}
+ mdast-util-mdxjs-esm@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EcmOpxsZ96CvlP03NghtH1EsLtr0n9Tm4lPUJUBccV9RwUOneqSycg19n5HGzCf+10LozMRSObtVr3ee1WoHtg==}
+ mdast-util-phrasing@4.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TqICwyvJJpBwvGAMZjj4J2n0X8QWp21b9l0o7eXyVJ25YNWYbJDVIyD1bZXE6WtV6RmKJVYmQAKWa0zWOABz2w==}
+ mdast-util-to-hast@13.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QGYKEuUsYT9ykKBCMOEDLsU5JRObWQusAolFMeko/tYPufNkRffBAQjIE+99jbA87xv6FgmjLtwjh9wBWajwAA==}
+ mdast-util-to-markdown@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SR2VnIEdVNCJbP6y7kVTJgPLifdr8WEU440fQec7qHoHOUz/oJ2jmNRqdDQ3rbiStOXb2mCDGTuwsK5OPUgYlQ==}
+ mdast-util-to-string@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0H44vDimn51F0YwvxSJSm0eCDOJTRlmN0R1yBh4HLj9wiV1Dn0QoXGbvFAWj2hSItVTlCmBF1hqKlIyUBVFLPg==}
+ merge2@1.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ micromark-core-commonmark@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CUQyKr1e///ZODyD1U3xit6zXwy1a8q2a1S1HKtIlmgvurrEpaw/Y9y6KSIbF8P59cn/NjzHyO+Q2fAyYLQrAA==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oOg7knzhicgQ3t4QCjCWgTmfNhvQbDDnJeVu9v81r7NltNCVmhPy1fJRX27pISafdjL+SVc4d3l48Gb6pbRypw==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm-footnote@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/yPhxI1ntnDNsiHtzLKYnE3vf9JZ6cAisqVDauhp4CEHxlb4uoOTxOCJ+9s51bIB8U1N1FJ1RXOKTIlD5B/gqw==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ADVjpOOkjz1hhkZLlBiYA9cR2Anf8F4HqZUO6e5eDcPQd0Txw5fxLzzxnEkSkfnD0wziSGiv7sYhk/ktvbf1uw==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm-table@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ub2ncQv+fwD70/l4ou27b4YzfNaCJOvyX4HxXU15m7mpYY+rjuWzsLIPZHJL253Z643RpbcP1oeIJlQ/SKW67g==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xHlTOmuCSotIA8TW1mDIM6X2O1SiX5P9IuDtqGonFhEK0qgRI4yeC6vMxEV2dgyr2TiD+2PQ10o+cOhdVAcwfg==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qIBZhqxqI6fjLDYFTBIa4eivDMnP+OZqsNwmQ3xNLE4Cxwc+zfQEfbs6tzAo2Hjq+bh6q5F+Z8/cksrLFYWQQw==}
+ micromark-extension-gfm@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vsKArQsicm7t0z2GugkCKtZehqUm31oeGBV/KVSorWSy8ZlNAv7ytjFhvaryUiCUJYqs+NoE6AFhpQvBTM6Q4w==}
+ micromark-extension-mdx-expression@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sI0nwhUDz97xyzqJAbHQhp5TfaxEvZZZ2JDqUo+7NvyIYG6BZ5CPPqj2ogUoPJlmXHBnyZUzISg9+oUmU6tUjQ==}
+ micromark-extension-mdx-jsx@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-uvhhss8OGuzR4/N17L1JwvmJIpPhAd8oByMawEKx6NVdBCbesjH4t+vjEp3ZXft9DwvlKSD07fCeI44/N0Vf2w==}
+ micromark-extension-mdx-md@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EpAiszsB3blw4Rpba7xTOUptcFeBFi+6PY8VnJ2hhimH+vCQDirWgsMpz7w1XcZE7LVrSAUGb9VJpG9ghlYvYQ==}
+ micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DJFl4ZqkErRpq/dAPyeWp15tGrcrrJho1hKK5uBS70BCtfrIFg81sqcTVu3Ta+KD1Tk5vAtBNElWxtAa+m8K9A==}
+ micromark-extension-mdxjs@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-A873fJfhnJ2siZyUrJ31l34Uqwy4xIFmvPY1oj+Ean5PHcPBYzEsvqvWGaWcfEIr11O5Dlw3p2y0tZWpKHDejQ==}
+ micromark-factory-destination@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-j9DGrQLm/Uhl2tCzcbLhy5kXsgkHUrjJHg4fFAeoMRwJmJerT9aw4FEhIbZStWN8A3qMwOp1uzHr4UL8AInxtA==}
+ micromark-factory-label@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RR3i96ohZGde//4WSe/dJsxOX6vxIg9TimLAS3i4EhBAFx8Sm5SmqVfR8E87DPSR31nEAjZfbt91OMZWcNgdZw==}
+ micromark-factory-mdx-expression@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-F0ccWIUHRLRrYp5TC9ZYXmZo+p2AM13ggbsW4T0b5CRKP8KHVRB8t4pwtBgTxtjRmwrK0Irwm7vs2JOZabHZfg==}
+ micromark-factory-space@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TKr+LIDX2pkBJXFLzpyPyljzYK3MtmllMUMODTQJIUfDGncESaqB90db9IAUcz4AZAJFdd8U9zOp9ty1458rxg==}
+ micromark-factory-title@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jY8CSxmpWLOxS+t8W+FG3Xigc0RDQA9bKMY/EwILvsesiRniiVMejYTE4wumNc2f4UbAa4WsHqe3J1QS1sli+A==}
+ micromark-factory-whitespace@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-28kbwaBjc5yAI1XadbdPYHX/eDnqaUFVikLwrO7FDnKG7lpgxnvk/XGRhX/PN0mOZ+dBSZ+LgunHS+6tYQAzhA==}
+ micromark-util-character@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KvOVV+X1yLBfs9dCBSopq/+G1PcgT3lAK07mC4BzXi5E7ahzMAF8oIupDDJ6mievI6F+lAATkbQQlQixJfT3aQ==}
+ micromark-util-chunked@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-anK8SWmNphkXdaKgz5hJvGa7l00qmcaUQoMYsBwDlSKFKjc6gjGXPDw3FNL3Nbwq5L8gE+RCbGqTw49FK5Qyvg==}
+ micromark-util-classify-character@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-S0ze2R9GH+fu41FA7pbSqNWObo/kzwf8rN/+IGlW/4tC6oACOs8B++bh+i9bVyNnwCcuksbFwsBme5OCKXCwIw==}
+ micromark-util-combine-extensions@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vZZio48k7ON0fVS3CUgFatWHoKbbLTK/rT7pzpJ4Bjp5JjkZeasRfrS9wsBdDJK2cJLHMckXZdzPSSr1B8a4oQ==}
+ micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bmkNc7z8Wn6kgjZmVHOX3SowGmVdhYS7yBpMnuMnPzDq/6xwVA604DuOXMZTO1lvq01g+Adfa0pE2UKGlxL1XQ==}
+ micromark-util-decode-string@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-r4Sc6leeUTn3P6gk20aFMj2ntPwn6qpDZqWvYmAG6NgvFTIlj4WtrAudLi65qYoaGdXYViXYw2pkmn7QnIFasA==}
+ micromark-util-encode@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pS+ROfCXAGLWCOc8egcBvT0kf27GoWMqtdarNfDcjb6YLuV5cM3ioG45Ys2qOVqeqSbjaKg72vU+Wby3eddPsA==}
+ micromark-util-events-to-acorn@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fk+xmBrOv9QZnEDguL9OI9/NQQp6Hz4FuQ4YmCb/5V7+9eAh1s6AYSvL20kHkD67YIg7EpE54TiSlcsf3vyZgA==}
+ micromark-util-html-tag-name@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xNn4Pqkj2puRhKdKTm8t1YHC/BAjx6CEwRFXntTaRf/x16aqka6ouVoutm+QdkISTlT7e2zU7U4ZdlDLJd2Mcw==}
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2xhYT0sfo85FMrUPtHcPo2rrp1lwbDEEzpx7jiH2xXJLqBuy4H0GgXk5ToU8IEwoROtXuL8ND0ttVa4rNqYK3w==}
+ micromark-util-resolve-all@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6KU6qO7DZ7GJkaCgwBNtplXCvGkJToU86ybBAUdavvgsCiG8lSSvYxr9MhwmQ+udpzywHsl4RpGJsYWG1pDOcA==}
+ micromark-util-sanitize-uri@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WhYv5UEcZrbAtlsnPuChHUAsu/iBPOVaEVsntLBIdpibO0ddy8OzavZz3iL2xVvBZOpolujSliP65Kq0/7KIYw==}
+ micromark-util-subtokenize@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jZNtiFl/1aY73yS3UGQkutD0UbhTt68qnRpw2Pifmz5wV9h8gOVsN70v+Lq/f1rKaU/W8pxRe8y8Q9FX1AOe1Q==}
+ micromark-util-symbol@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8JZt9ElZ5kyTnO94muPxIGS8oyElRJaiJO8EzV6ZSyGQ1Is8xwl4Q45qU5UOg+bGH4AikWziz0iN4sFLWs8PGw==}
+ micromark-util-types@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oNh6S2WMHWRZrmutsRmDDfkzKtxF+bc2VxLC9dvtrDIRFln627VsFP6fLMgTryGDljgLPjkrzQSDcPrjPyDJ5w==}
+ micromark@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-o/sd0nMof8kYff+TqcDx3VSrgBTcZpSvYcAHIfHhv5VAuNmisCxjhx6YmxS8PFEpb9z5WKWKPdzf0jM23ro3RQ==}
+ micromatch@4.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LPP/3KorzCwBxfeUuZmaR6bG2kdeHSbe0P2tY3FLRU4vYrjYz5hI4QZwV0njUx3jeuKe67YukQ1LSPZBKDqO/Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.6'}
+ minimatch@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-J7p63hRiAjw1NDEww1W7i37+ByIrOWO5XQQAzZ3VOcL0PNybwpfmV/N05zFAzwQ9USyEcX6t3UO+K5aqBQOIHw==}
+ minimatch@9.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHiac9mvaRw0x3AYRgDC1CxAP7HTcNrrECeA8YYJeWnpo+2Q5CegtZjaotWTWxDG3UeGA1coE05iH1mPjT/2mg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ minimatch@9.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-G6T0ZX48xgozx7587koeX9Ys2NYy6Gmv//P89sEte9V9whIapMNF4idKxnW2QtCcLiTWlb/wfCabAtAFWhhBow==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ minimist@1.2.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2yyAR8qBkN3YuheJanUpWC5U3bb5osDywNB8RzDVlDwDHbocAJveqqj1u8+SVD7jkWT4yvsHCpWqqWqAxb0zCA==}
+ minipass@7.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qOOzS1cBTWYF4BH8fVePDBOO9iptMnGUEZwNc/cMWnTV2nVLZ7VoNWEPHkYczZA0pdoA7dl6e7FL659nX9S2aw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ ms@2.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==}
+ ms@2.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA==}
+ mz@2.7.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-z81GNO7nnYMEhrGh9LeymoE4+Yr0Wn5McHIZMK5cfQCl+NDX08sCZgUc9/6MHni9IWuFLm1Z3HTCXu2z9fN62Q==}
+ nanoid@3.3.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eSRppjcPIatRIMC1U6UngP8XFcz8MQWGQdt1MTBQ7NaAmvXDfvNxbvWV3x2y6CdEUciCSsDHDQZbhYaB8QEo2g==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || ^13.7 || ^14 || >=15.0.1}
+ hasBin: true
+ natural-compare@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OWND8ei3VtNC9h7V60qff3SVobHr996CTwgxubgyQYEpg290h9J0buyECNNJexkFm5sOajh5G116RYA1c8ZMSw==}
+ next-mdx-remote@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RNNbqRpK9/dcIFZs/esQhuLA8jANqlH694yqoDBK8hkVdJUndzzGmnPHa2nyi90N4Z9VmzuSWNRpr5ItT3M7xQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14', npm: '>=7'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: '>=16'
+ next-themes@0.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/QHIrsYpd6Kfk7xakK4svpDI5mmXP0gfvCoJdGpZQ2TOrQZmsW0QxjaiLn8wbIKjtm4BTSqLoix4lxYYOnLJ/w==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^16.8 || ^17 || ^18
+ react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17 || ^18
+ next@14.2.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0f8aRfBVL+mpzfBjYfQuLWh2WyAwtJXCRfkPF4UJ5qd2YwrHczsrSzXU4tRMV0OAxR8ZJZWPFn6uhSC56UTsLA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=18.17.0'}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.1.0
+ '@playwright/test': ^1.41.2
+ react: ^18.2.0
+ react-dom: ^18.2.0
+ sass: ^1.3.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@opentelemetry/api':
+ optional: true
+ '@playwright/test':
+ optional: true
+ sass:
+ optional: true
+ node-releases@2.0.18:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-d9VeXT4SJ7ZeOqGX6R5EM022wpL+eWPooLI+5UpWn2jCT1aosUQEhQP214x33Wkwx3JQMvIm+tIoVOdodFS40g==}
+ normalize-path@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ normalize-range@0.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bdok/XvKII3nUpklnV6P2hxtMNrCboOjAcyBuQnWEhO665FwrSNRxU+AqpsyvO6LgGYPspN+lu5CLtw4jPRKNA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ object-assign@4.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ object-hash@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RSn9F68PjH9HqtltsSnqYC1XXoWe9Bju5+213R98cNGttag9q9yAOTzdbsqvIa7aNm5WffBZFpWYr2aWrklWAw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ object-inspect@1.13.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IRZSRuzJiynemAXPYtPe5BoI/RESNYR7TYm50MC5Mqbd3Jmw5y790sErYw3V6SryFJD64b74qQQs9wn5Bg/k3g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object-is@1.1.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-F8cZ+KfGlSGi09lJT7/Nd6KJZ9ygtvYC0/UYYLI9nmQKLMnydpB9yvbv9K1uSkEu7FU9vYPmVwLg328tX+ot3Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object-keys@1.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuAESUOUMrlIXOfHKzD6bpPu3tYt3xvjNdRIQ+FeT0lNb4K8WR70CaDxhuNguS2XG+GjkyMwOzsN5ZktImfhLA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object.assign@4.1.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-byy+U7gp+FVwmyzKPYhW2h5l3crpmGsxl7X2s8y43IgxvG4g3QZ6CffDtsNQy1WsmZpQbO+ybo0AlW7TY6DcBQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object.entries@1.1.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-cmopxi8VwRIAw/fkijJohSfpef5PdN0pMQJN6VC/ZKvn0LIknWD8KtgY6KlQdEc4tIjcQ3HxSMmnvtzIscdaYQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object.fromentries@2.0.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-k6E21FzySsSK5a21KRADBd/NGneRegFO5pLHfdQLpRDETUNJueLXs3WCzyQ3tFRDYgbq3KHGXfTbi2bs8WQ6rQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object.groupby@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Lhy3TQTuzXI5hevh8sBGqbmurHbbIjAi0Z4S63nthVLmLxfbj4T54a4CfZrXIrt9iP4mVAPYMo/v99taj3wjQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ object.values@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-yBYjY9QX2hnRmZHAjG/f13MzmBzxzYgQhFrke06TTyKY5zSTEqkOeukBzIdVA3j3ulu8Qa3MbVFShV7T2RmGtQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ once@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==}
+ optionator@0.9.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6IpQ7mKUxRcZNLIObR0hz7lxsapSSIYNZJwXPGeF0mTVqGKFIXj1DQcMoT22S3ROcLyY/rz0PWaWZ9ayWmad9g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ p-limit@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TYOanM3wGwNGsZN2cVTYPArw454xnXj5qmWF1bEoAc4+cU/ol7GVh7odevjp1FNHduHc3KZMcFduxU5Xc6uJRQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ p-locate@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LaNjtRWUBY++zB5nE/NwcaoMylSPk+S+ZHNB1TzdbMJMny6dynpAGt7X/tl/QYq3TIeE6nxHppbo2LGymrG5Pw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ package-json-from-dist@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dATvCeZN/8wQsGywez1mzHtTlP22H8OEfPrVMLNr4/eGa+ijtLn/6M5f0dY8UKNrC2O9UCU6SSoG3qRKnt7STw==}
+ parent-module@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GQ2EWRpQV8/o+Aw8YqtfZZPfNRWZYkbidE9k5rpl/hC3vtHHBfGm2Ifi6qWV+coDGkrUKZAxE3Lot5kcsRlh+g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ parse-entities@4.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SWzvYcSJh4d/SGLIOQfZ/CoNv6BTlI6YEQ7Nj82oDVnRpwe/Z/F1EMx42x3JAOwGBlCjeCH0BRJQbQ/opHL17w==}
+ parse-numeric-range@1.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-twN+njEipszzlMJd4ONUYgSfZPDxgHhT9Ahed5uTigpQn90FggW4SA/AIPq/6a149fTbE9qBEcSwE3FAEp6wQQ==}
+ parse5@7.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Czj1WaSVpaoj0wbhMzLmWD69anp2WH7FXMB9n1Sy8/ZFF9jolSQVMu1Ij5WIyGmcBmhk7EOndpO4mIpihVqAXw==}
+ path-exists@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ak9Qy5Q7jYb2Wwcey5Fpvg2KoAc/ZIhLSLOSBmRmygPsGwkVVt0fZa0qrtMz+m6tJTAHfZQ8FnmB4MG4LWy7/w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ path-is-absolute@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AVbw3UJ2e9bq64vSaS9Am0fje1Pa8pbGqTTsmXfaIiMpnr5DlDhfJOuLj9Sf95ZPVDAUerDfEk88MPmPe7UCQg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ path-key@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ path-parse@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==}
+ path-scurry@1.11.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Xa4Nw17FS9ApQFJ9umLiJS4orGjm7ZzwUrwamcGQuHSzDyth9boKDaycYdDcZDuqYATXw4HFXgaqWTctW/v1HA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.18'}
+ path-type@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gDKb8aZMDeD/tZWs9P6+q0J9Mwkdl6xMV8TjnGP3qJVJ06bdMgkbBlLU8IdfOsIsFz2BW1rNVT3XuNEl8zPAvw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ periscopic@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vKiQ8RRtkl9P+r/+oefh25C3fhybptkHKCZSPlcXiJux2tJF55GnEj3BVn4A5gKfq9NWWXXrxkHBwVPUfH0opw==}
+ picocolors@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-anP1Z8qwhkbmu7MFP5iTt+wQKXgwzf7zTyGlcdzabySa9vd0Xt392U0rVmz9poOaBj0uHJKyyo9/upk0HrEQew==}
+ picomatch@2.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JU3teHTNjmE2VCGFzuY8EXzCDVwEqB2a8fsIvwaStHhAWJEeVd1o1QD80CU6+ZdEXXSLbSsuLwJjkCBWqRQUVA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.6'}
+ pify@2.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-udgsAY+fTnvv7kI7aaxbqwWNb0AHiB0qBO89PZKPkoTmGOgdbrHDKD+0B2X4uTfJ/FT1R09r9gTsjUjNJotuog==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ pirates@4.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-saLsH7WeYYPiD25LDuLRRY/i+6HaPYr6G1OUlN39otzkSTxKnubR9RTxS3/Kk50s1g2JTgFwWQDQyplC5/SHZg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ possible-typed-array-names@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-d7Uw+eZoloe0EHDIYoe+bQ5WXnGMOpmiZFTuMWCwpjzzkL2nTjcKiAk4hh8TjnGye2TwWOk3UXucZ+3rbmBa8Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ postcss-import@15.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hpr+J05B2FVYUAXHeK1YyI267J/dDDhMU6B6civm8hSY1jYJnBXxzKDKDswzJmtLHryrjhnDjqqp/49t8FALew==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.0.0
+ postcss-js@4.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dDLF8pEO191hJMtlHFPRa8xsizHaM82MLfNkUHdUtVEV3tgTp5oj+8qbEqYM57SLfc74KSbw//4SeJma2LRVIw==}
+ engines: {node: ^12 || ^14 || >= 16}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.4.21
+ postcss-load-config@4.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bSVhyJGL00wMVoPUzAVAnbEoWyqRxkjv64tUl427SKnPrENtq6hJwUojroMz2VB+Q1edmi4IfrAPpami5VVgMQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 14'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: '>=8.0.9'
+ ts-node: '>=9.0.0'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ postcss:
+ optional: true
+ ts-node:
+ optional: true
+ postcss-nested@6.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HQbt28KulC5AJzG+cZtj9kvKB93CFCdLvog1WFLf1D+xmMvPGlBstkpTEZfK5+AN9hfJocyBFCNiqyS48bpgzQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.2.14
+ postcss-selector-parser@6.0.10:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IQ7TZdoaqbT+LCpShg46jnZVlhWD2w6iQYAcYXfHARZ7X1t/UGhhceQDs5X0cGqKvYlHNOuv7Oa1xmb0oQuA3w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ postcss-selector-parser@6.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-b4dlw/9V8A71rLIDsSwVmak9z2DuBUB7CA1/wSdelNEzqsjoSPeADTWNO09lpH49Diy3/JIZ2bSPB1dI3LJCHg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ postcss-value-parser@4.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1NNCs6uurfkVbeXG4S8JFT9t19m45ICnif8zWLd5oPSZ50QnwMfK+H3jv408d4jw/7Bttv5axS5IiHoLaVNHeQ==}
+ postcss@8.4.31:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PS08Iboia9mts/2ygV3eLpY5ghnUcfLV/EXTOW1E2qYxJKGGBUtNjN76FYHnMs36RmARn41bC0AZmn+rR0OVpQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14}
+ postcss@8.4.41:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TesUflQ0WKZqAvg52PWL6kHgLKP6xB6heTOdoYM0Wt2UHyxNa4K25EZZMgKns3BH1RLVbZCREPpLY0rhnNoHVQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14}
+ prelude-ls@1.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vkcDPrRZo1QZLbn5RLGPpg/WmIQ65qoWWhcGKf/b5eplkkarX0m9z8ppCat4mlOqUsWpyNuYgO3VRyrYHSzX5g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ prop-types@15.8.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oj87CgZICdulUohogVAR7AjlC0327U4el4L6eAvOqCeudMDVU0NThNaV+b9Df4dXgSP1gXMTnPdhfe/2qDH5cg==}
+ property-information@6.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PgTgs/BlvHxOu8QuEN7wi5A0OmXaBcHpmCSTehcs6Uuu9IkDIEo13Hy7n898RHfrQ49vKCoGeWZSaAK01nwVig==}
+ punycode@2.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vYt7UD1U9Wg6138shLtLOvdAu+8DsC/ilFtEVHcH+wydcSpNE20AfSOduf6MkRFahL5FY7X1oU7nKVZFtfq8Fg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ queue-microtask@1.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuaNSa6flKT5JaSYQzJok04JzTL1CA6aGhv5rfLW3PgqA+M2ChpZQnAC8h8i4ZFkBS8X5RqkDBHA7r4hej3K9A==}
+ react-dom@18.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5m4nQKp+rZRb09LNH59GM4BxTh9251/ylbKIbpe7TpGxfJ+9kv6BLkLBXIjjspbgbnIBNqlI23tRnTWT0snUIw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^18.3.1
+ react-is@16.13.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-24e6ynE2H+OKt4kqsOvNd8kBpV65zoxbA4BVsEOB3ARVWQki/DHzaUoC5KuON/BiccDaCCTZBuOcfZs70kR8bQ==}
+ react-remove-scroll-bar@2.3.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DtSYaao4mBmX+HDo5YWYdBWQwYIQQshUV/dVxFxK+KM26Wjwp1gZ6rv6OC3oujI6Bfu6Xyg3TwK533AQutsn/g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ react-remove-scroll@2.5.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FnrTWO4L7/Bhhf3CYBNArEG/yROV0tKmTv7/3h9QCFvH6sndeFf1wPqOcbFVu5VAulS5dV1wGT3GZZ/1GawqiA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ react-style-singleton@2.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZWj0fHEMyWkHzKYUr2Bs/4zU6XLmq9HsgBURm7g5pAVfyn49DgUiNgY2d4lXRlYSiCif9YBGpQleewkcqddc7g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ react@18.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wS+hAgJShR0KhEvPJArfuPVN1+Hz1t0Y6n5jLrGQbkb4urgPE/0Rve+1kMB1v/oWgHgm4WIcV+i7F2pTVj+2iQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ read-cache@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Owdv/Ft7IjOgm/i0xvNDZ1LrRANRfew4b2prF3OWMQLxLfu3bS8FVhCsrSCMK4lR56Y9ya+AThoTpDCTxCmpRA==}
+ readdirp@3.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hOS089on8RduqdbhvQ5Z37A0ESjsqz6qnRcffsMU3495FuTdqSm+7bhJ29JvIOsBDEEnan5DPu9t3To9VRlMzA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.10.0'}
+ reflect.getprototypeof@1.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fmfw4XgoDke3kdI6h4xcUz1dG8uaiv5q9gcEwLS4Pnth2kxT+GZ7YehS1JTMGBQmtV7Y4GFGbs2re2NqhdozUg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ refractor@4.8.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/fk5sI0iTgFYlmVGYVew90AoYnNMP6pooClx/XKqyeeCQXrL0Kvgn8V0VEht5ccdljbzzF1i3Q213gcntkRExg==}
+ regexp.prototype.flags@1.5.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NcDiDkTLuPR+++OCKB0nWafEmhg/Da8aUPLPMQbK+bxKKCm1/S5he+AqYa4PlMCVBalb4/yxIRub6qkEx5yJbw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ rehype-autolink-headings@7.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rItO/pSdvnvsP4QRB1pmPiNHUskikqtPojZKJPPPAVx9Hj8i8TwMBhofrrAYRhYOOBZH9tgmG5lPqDLuIWPWmw==}
+ rehype-code-titles@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bSr2YJ0GHbHFarUNDZ3VpcGi9HqjLNrA9Lj3nuyox2aGGLhN53dFP2WJtPRnnRqU/vpbCatIgOYxEvWP1YYKrw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16'}
+ rehype-parse@9.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WG7nfvmWWkCR++KEkZevZb/uw41E8TsH4DsY9UxsTbIXCVGbAs4S+r8FrQ+OtH5EEQAs+5UxKC42VinkmpA1Yw==}
+ rehype-prism-plus@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FeM/9V2N7EvDZVdR2dqhAzlw5YI49m9Tgn7ZrYJeYHIahM6gcXpH0K1y2gNnKanZCydOMluJvX2cB9z3lhY8XQ==}
+ rehype-slug@6.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lWyvf/jwu+oS5+hL5eClVd3hNdmwM1kAC0BUvEGD19pajQMIzcNUd/k9GsfQ+FfECvX+JE+e9/btsKH0EjJT6A==}
+ remark-gfm@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-U92vJgBPkbw4Zfu/IiW2oTZLSL3Zpv+uI7My2eq8JxKgqraFdU8YUGicEJCEgSbeaG+QDFqIcwwfMTOEelPxuA==}
+ remark-mdx@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3Pz3yPQ5Rht2pM5R+0J2MrGoBSrzf+tJG94N+t/ilfdh8YLyyKYtidAYwTveB20BoHAcwIopOUqhcmh2F7hGYA==}
+ remark-parse@11.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FCxlKLNGknS5ba/1lmpYijMUzX2esxW5xQqjWxw2eHFfS2MSdaHVINFmhjo+qN1WhZhNimq0dZATN9pH0IDrpA==}
+ remark-rehype@11.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-z3tJrAs2kIs1AqIIy6pzHmAHlF1hWQ+OdY4/hv+Wxe35EhyLKcajL33iUEn3ScxtFox9nUvRufR/Zre8Q08H/g==}
+ remark-stringify@11.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1OSmLd3awB/t8qdoEOMazZkNsfVTeY4fTsgzcQFdXNq8ToTN4ZGwrMnlda4K6smTFKD+GRV6O48i6Z4iKgPPpw==}
+ resolve-from@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pb/MYmXstAkysRFx8piNI1tGFNQIFA3vkE3Gq4EuA1dF6gHp/+vgZqsCGJapvy8N3Q+4o7FwvquPJcnZ7RYy4g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ resolve-pkg-maps@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-seS2Tj26TBVOC2NIc2rOe2y2ZO7efxITtLZcGSOnHHNOQ7CkiUBfw0Iw2ck6xkIhPwLhKNLS8BO+hEpngQlqzw==}
+ resolve@1.22.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKWePCxqpd6FlLvGV1VU0x7bkPmmCNolxzjMf4NczoDnQcIWrAF+cPtZn5i6n+RfD2d9i0tzpKnG6Yk168yIyw==}
+ hasBin: true
+ resolve@2.0.0-next.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-U7WjGVG9sH8tvjW5SmGbQuui75FiyjAX72HX15DwBBwF9dNiQZRQAg9nnPhYy+TUnE0+VcrttuvNI8oSxZcocA==}
+ hasBin: true
+ reusify@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw==}
+ engines: {iojs: '>=1.0.0', node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ rimraf@3.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA==}
+ deprecated: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported
+ hasBin: true
+ run-parallel@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA==}
+ safe-array-concat@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vj6RsCsWBCf19jIeHEfkRMw8DPiBb+DMXklQ/1SGDHOMlHdPUkZXFQ2YdplS23zESTijAcurb1aSgJA3AgMu1Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.4'}
+ safe-regex-test@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CdASjNJPvRa7roO6Ra/gLYBTzYzzPyyBXxIMdGW3USQLyjWEls2RgW5UBTXaQVp+OrpeCK3bLem8smtmheoRuw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ scheduler@0.23.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-UOShsPwz7NrMUqhR6t0hWjFduvOzbtv7toDH1/hIrfRNIDBnnBWd0CwJTGvTpngVlmwGCdP9/Zl/tVrDqcuYzQ==}
+ semver@6.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BR7VvDCVHO+q2xBEWskxS6DJE1qRnb7DxzUrogb71CWoSficBxYsiAGd+Kl0mmq/MprG9yArRkyrQxTO6XjMzA==}
+ hasBin: true
+ semver@7.6.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oVekP1cKtI+CTDvHWYFUcMtsK/00wmAEfyqKfNdARm8u1wNVhSgaX7A8d4UuIlUI5e84iEwOhs7ZPYRmzU9U6A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ hasBin: true
+ set-function-length@1.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pgRc4hJ4/sNjWCSS9AmnS40x3bNMDTknHgL5UaMBTMyJnU90EgWh1Rz+MC9eFu4BuN/UwZjKQuY/1v3rM7HMfg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ set-function-name@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7PGFlmtwsEADb0WYyvCMa1t+yke6daIG4Wirafur5kcf+MhUnPms1UeR0CKQdTZD81yESwMHbtn+TR+dMviakQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ shebang-command@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ shebang-regex@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ side-channel@1.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fDW/EZ6Q9RiO8eFG8Hj+7u/oW+XrPTIChwCOM2+th2A6OblDtYYIpve9m+KvI9Z4C9qSEXlaGR6bTEYHReuglA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ signal-exit@4.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzyZ1e88w9O1iNJbKnOlvYTrWPDl46O1bG0D3XInv+9tkPrxrN8jUUTiFlDkkmKWgn1M6CfIA13SuGqOa9Korw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ slash@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-g9Q1haeby36OSStwb4ntCGGGaKsaVSjQ68fBxoQcutl5fS1vuY18H3wSt3jFyFtrkx+Kz0V1G85A4MyAdDMi2Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ source-map-js@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-itJW8lvSA0TXEphiRoawsCksnlf8SyvmFzIhltqAHluXd88pkCd+cXJVHTDwdCr0IzwptSm035IHQktUu1QUMg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ source-map@0.7.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3BikUxvPOcn5E74dZiq5BGsTb5yEwhaTSzccU6t4sDOH8NWJCstKO5QT2CvtFoK6F0saL7p9xHAqHOlCPJygA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ space-separated-tokens@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PEGlAwrG8yXGXRjW32fGbg66JAlOAwbObuqVoJpv/mRgoWDQfgH1wDPvtzWyUSNAXBGSk8h755YDbbcEy3SH2Q==}
+ stop-iteration-iterator@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCGQj+0l0HOdZ2AEeBADlsRC+vsnDsZsbdSiH1yNSjcfKM7fdpCMfqAL/dwF5BLiw/XhRft/Wax6zQbhq2BcjQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ streamsearch@1.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mcc5wHehp9aXz1ax6bZUyY5afg9u2rv5cqQI3mRrYkGC8rW2hM02jWuwjtL++LS5qinSyhj2QfLyNsuc+VsExg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'}
+ string-width@4.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ string-width@5.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HnLOCR3vjcY8beoNLtcjZ5/nxn2afmME6lhrDrebokqMap+XbeW8n9TXpPDOqdGK5qcI3oT0GKTW6wC7EMiVqA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ string.prototype.includes@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-E34CkBgyeqNDcrbU76cDjL5JLcVrtSdYq0MEh/B10r17pRP4ciHLwTgnuLV8Ay6cgEMLkcBkFCKyFZ43YldYzg==}
+ string.prototype.matchall@4.0.11:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NUdh0aDavY2og7IbBPenWqR9exH+E26Sv8e0/eTe1tltDGZL+GtBkDAnnyBtmekfK6/Dq3MkcGtzXFEd1LQrtg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ string.prototype.repeat@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0u/TldDbKD8bFCQ/4f5+mNRrXwZ8hg2w7ZR8wa16e8z9XpePWl3eGEcUD0OXpEH/VJH/2G3gjUtR3ZOiBe2S/w==}
+ string.prototype.trim@1.2.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-klHuCNxiMZ8MlsOihJhJEBJAiMVqU3Z2nEXWfWnIqjN0gEFS9J9+IxKozWWtQGcgoa1WUZzLjKPTr4ZHNFTFxw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ string.prototype.trimend@1.0.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-p73uL5VCHCO2BZZ6krwwQE3kCzM7NKmis8S//xEC6fQonchbum4eP6kR4DLEjQFO3Wnj3Fuo8NM0kOSjVdHjZQ==}
+ string.prototype.trimstart@1.0.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-UXSH262CSZY1tfu3G3Secr6uGLCFVPMhIqHjlgCUtCCcgihYc/xKs9djMTMUOb2j1mVSeU8EU6NWc/iQKU6Gfg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ stringify-entities@4.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IwfBptatlO+QCJUo19AqvrPNqlVMpW9YEL2LIVY+Rpv2qsjCGxaDLNRgeGsQWJhfItebuJhsGSLjaBbNSQ+ieg==}
+ strip-ansi@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y38VPSHcqkFrCpFnQ9vuSXmquuv5oXOKpGeT6aGrr3o3Gc9AlVa6JBfUSOCnbxGGZF+/0ooI7KrPuUSztUdU5A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ strip-ansi@7.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iq6eVVI64nQQTRYq2KtEg2d2uU7LElhTJwsH4YzIHZshxlgZms/wIc4VoDQTlG/IvVIrBKG06CrZnp0qv7hkcQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ strip-bom@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vavAMRXOgBVNF6nyEEmL3DBK19iRpDcoIwW+swQ+CbGiu7lju6t+JklA1MHweoWtadgt4ISVUsXLyDq34ddcwA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ strip-json-comments@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6fPc+R4ihwqP6N/aIv2f1gMH8lOVtWQHoqC4yK6oSDVVocumAsfCqjkXnqiYMhmMwS/mEHLp7Vehlt3ql6lEig==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ style-to-object@0.4.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HYNoHZa2GorYNyqiCaBgsxvcJIn7OHq6inEga+E6Ke3m5JkoqpQbnFssk4jwe+K7AhGa2fcha4wSOf1Kn01dMg==}
+ style-to-object@1.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-khxq+Qm3xEyZfKd/y9L3oIWQimxuc4STrQKtQn8aSDRHb8mFgpukgX1hdzfrMEW6JCjyJ8p89x+IUMVnCBI1PA==}
+ styled-jsx@5.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pW7uC1l4mBZ8ugbiZrcIsiIvVx1UmTfw7UkC3Um2tmfUq9Bhk8IiyEIPl6F8agHgjzku6j0xQEZbfA5uSgSaCw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 12.0.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@babel/core': '*'
+ babel-plugin-macros: '*'
+ react: '>= 16.8.0 || 17.x.x || ^18.0.0-0'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@babel/core':
+ optional: true
+ babel-plugin-macros:
+ optional: true
+ sucrase@3.35.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8EbVDiu9iN/nESwxeSxDKe0dunta1GOlHufmSSXxMD2z2/tMZpDMpvXQGsc+ajGo8y2uYUmixaSRUc/QPoQ0GA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ hasBin: true
+ supports-color@5.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QjVjwdXIt408MIiAqCX4oUKsgU2EqAGzs2Ppkm4aQYbjm+ZEWEcW4SfFNTr4uMNZma0ey4f5lgLrkB0aX0QMow==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ supports-color@7.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qpCAvRl9stuOHveKsn7HncJRvv501qIacKzQlO/+Lwxc9+0q2wLyv4Dfvt80/DPn2pqOBsJdDiogXGR9+OvwRw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ tailwind-merge@2.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-a6Q/isR5XAo9IR7Hjh80BQDkn8PG9ONJpSO/U3vGzdKyKG125lPHNXdiPfeQ5X0EOG0qKlS/0qnxdBYkLlD6tA==}
+ tailwindcss-animate@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bl6mpH3T7I3UFxuvDEXLxy/VuFxBk5bbzplh7tXI68mwMokNYd1t9qPBHlnyTwfa4JGC4zP516I1hYYtQ/vspA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ tailwindcss: '>=3.0.0 || insiders'
+ tailwindcss@3.4.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1SEOvRr6sSdV5IDf9iC+NU4dhwdqzF4zKKq3sAbasUWHEM6lsMhX+eNN5gkPx1BvLFEnZQEUFbXnGj8Qlp83Pg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'}
+ hasBin: true
+ tapable@2.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GNzQvQTOIP6RyTfE2Qxb8ZVlNmw0n88vp1szwWRimP02mnTsx3Wtn5qRdqY9w2XduFNUgvOwhNnQsjwCp+kqaQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ text-table@0.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N+8UisAXDGk8PFXP4HAzVR9nbfmVJ3zYLAWiTIoqC5v5isinhr+r5uaO8+7r3BMfuNIufIsA7RdpVgacC2cSpw==}
+ thenify-all@1.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RNxQH/qI8/t3thXJDwcstUO4zeqo64+Uy/+sNVRBx4Xn2OX+OZ9oP+iJnNFqplFra2ZUVeKCSa2oVWi3T4uVmA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.8'}
+ thenify@3.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RVZSIV5IG10Hk3enotrhvz0T9em6cyHBLkH/YAZuKqd8hRkKhSfCGIcP2KUY0EPxndzANBmNllzWPwak+bheSw==}
+ to-regex-range@5.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-65P7iz6X5yEr1cwcgvQxbbIw7Uk3gOy5dIdtZ4rDveLqhrdJP+Li/Hx6tyK0NEb+2GCyneCMJiGqrADCSNk8sQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.0'}
+ trim-lines@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kRj8B+YHZCc9kQYdWfJB2/oUl9rA99qbowYYBtr4ui4mZyAQ2JpvVBd/6U2YloATfqBhBTSMhTpgBHtU0Mf3Rg==}
+ trough@2.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tmMpK00BjZiUyVyvrBK7knerNgmgvcV/KLVyuma/SC+TQN167GrMRciANTz09+k3zW8L8t60jWO1GpfkZdjTaw==}
+ ts-api-utils@1.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-UQMIo7pb8WRomKR1/+MFVLTroIvDVtMX3K6OUir8ynLyzB8Jeriont2bTAtmNPa1ekAgN7YPDyf6V+ygrdU+eQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ typescript: '>=4.2.0'
+ ts-interface-checker@0.1.13:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y/arvbn+rrz3JCKl9C4kVNfTfSm2/mEp5FSz5EsZSANGPSlQrpRI5M4PKF+mJnE52jOO90PnPSc3Ur3bTQw0gA==}
+ tsconfig-paths@3.15.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2Ac2RgzDe/cn48GvOe3M+o82pEFewD3UPbyoUHHdKasHwJKjds4fLXWf/Ux5kATBKN20oaFGu+jbElp1pos0mg==}
+ tslib@2.6.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xNvxJEOUiWPGhUuUdQgAJPKOOJfGnIyKySOc09XkKsgdUV/3E2zvwZYdejjmRgPCgcym1juLH3226yA7sEFJKQ==}
+ type-check@0.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XleUoc9uwGXqjWwXaUTZAmzMcFZ5858QA2vvx1Ur5xIcixXIP+8LnFDgRplU30us6teqdlskFfu+ae4K79Ooew==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ type-fest@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ne+eE4r0/iWnpAxD852z3A+N0Bt5RN//NjJwRd2VFHEmrywxf5vsZlh4R6lixl6B+wz/8d+maTSAkN1FIkI3LQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ typed-array-buffer@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gEymJYKZtKXzzBzM4jqa9w6Q1Jjm7x2d+sh19AdsD4wqnMPDYyvwpsIc2Q/835kHuo3BEQ7CjelGhfTsoBb2MQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ typed-array-byte-length@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3iMJ9q0ao7WE9tWcaYKIptkNBuOIcZCCT0d4MRvuuH88fEoEH62IuQe0OtraD3ebQEoTRk8XCBoknUNc1Y67pw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ typed-array-byte-offset@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ous0vodHa56FviZucS2E63zkgtgrACj7omjwd/8lTEMEPFFyjfixMZ1ZXenpgCFBBt4EC1J2XsyVS2gkG0eTFA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ typed-array-length@1.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/OxDN6OtAk5KBpGb28T+HZc2M+ADtvRxXrKKbUwtsLgdoxgX13hyy7ek6bFRl5+aBs2yZzB0c4CnQfAtVypW/g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ typescript@5.5.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mtq29sKDAEYP7aljRgtPOpTvOfbwRWlS6dPRzwjdE+C0R4brX/GUyhHSecbHMFLNBLcJIPt9nl9yG5TZ1weH+Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.17'}
+ hasBin: true
+ unbox-primitive@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-61pPlCD9h51VoreyJ0BReideM3MDKMKnh6+V9L08331ipq6Q8OFXZYiqP6n/tbHx4s5I9uRhcye6BrbkizkBDw==}
+ undici-types@5.26.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JlCMO+ehdEIKqlFxk6IfVoAUVmgz7cU7zD/h9XZ0qzeosSHmUJVOzSQvvYSYWXkFXC+IfLKSIffhv0sVZup6pA==}
+ unified@11.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xKvGhPWw3k84Qjh8bI3ZeJjqnyadK+GEFtazSfZv/rKeTkTjOJho6mFqh2SM96iIcZokxiOpg78GazTSg8+KHA==}
+ unist-util-filter@5.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pHx7D4Zt6+TsfwylH9+lYhBhzyhEnCXs/lbq/Hstxno5z4gVdyc2WEW0asfjGKPyG4pEKrnBv5hdkO6+aRnQJw==}
+ unist-util-is@5.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-u9njyyfEh43npf1M+yGKDGVPbY/JWEemg5nH05ncKPfi+kBbKBJoTdsogMu33uhytuLlv9y0O7GH7fEdwLdLQw==}
+ unist-util-is@6.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2qCTHimwdxLfz+YzdGfkqNlH0tLi9xjTnHddPmJwtIG9MGsdbutfTc4P+haPD7l7Cjxf/WZj+we5qfVPvvxfYw==}
+ unist-util-position-from-estree@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KaFVRjoqLyF6YXCbVLNad/eS4+OfPQQn2yOd7zF/h5T/CSL2v8NpN6a5TPvtbXthAGw5nG+PuTtq+DdIZr+cRQ==}
+ unist-util-position@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fucsC7HjXvkB5R3kTCO7kUjRdrS0BJt3M/FPxmHMBOm8JQi2BsHAHFsy27E0EolP8rp0NzXsJ+jNPyDWvOJZPA==}
+ unist-util-remove-position@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Hp5Kh3wLxv0PHj9m2yZhhLt58KzPtEYKQQ4yxfYFEO7EvHwzyDYnduhHnY1mDxoqr7VUwVuHXk9RXKIiYS1N8Q==}
+ unist-util-remove@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kfCqZK5YVY5yEa89tvpl7KnBBHu2c6CzMkqHUrlOqaRgGOMp0sMvwWOVrbAtj03KhovQB7i96Gda72v/EFE0vw==}
+ unist-util-stringify-position@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0ASV06AAoKCDkS2+xw5RXJywruurpbC4JZSm7nr7MOt1ojAzvyyaO+UxZf18j8FCF6kmzCZKcAgN/yu2gm2XgQ==}
+ unist-util-visit-parents@5.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-x6+y8g7wWMyQhL1iZfhIPhDAs7Xwbn9nRosDXl7qoPTSCy0yNxnKc+hWokFifWQIDGi154rdUqKvbCa4+1kLhg==}
+ unist-util-visit-parents@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-L/PqWzfTP9lzzEa6CKs0k2nARxTdZduw3zyh8d2NVBnsyvHjSX4TWse388YrrQKbvI8w20fGjGlhgT96WwKykw==}
+ unist-util-visit@4.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MSd8OUGISqHdVvfY9TPhyK2VdUrPgxkUtWSuMHF6XAAFuL4LokseigBnZtPnJMu+FbynTkFNnFlyjxpVKujMRg==}
+ unist-util-visit@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MR04uvD+07cwl/yhVuVWAtw+3GOR/knlL55Nd/wAdblk27GCVt3lqpTivy/tkJcZoNPzTwS1Y+KMojlLDhoTzg==}
+ update-browserslist-db@1.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EdRAaAyk2cUE1wOf2DkEhzxqOQvFOoRJFNS6NeyJ01Gp2beMRpBAINjM2iDXE3KCuKhwnvHIQCJm6ThL2Z+HzQ==}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ browserslist: '>= 4.21.0'
+ uri-js@4.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rKUyy33Q1yc98pQ1DAmLtwX109F7TIfWlW1Ydo8Wl1ii1SeHieeh0HHfPeL2fMXK6z0s8ecKs9frCuLJvndBg==}
+ use-callback-ref@1.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-elOQwe6Q8gqZgDA8mrh44qRTQqpIHDcZ3hXTLjBe1i4ph8XpNJnO+aQf3NaG+lriLopI4HMx9VjQLfPQ6vhnoA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ use-sidecar@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-epTbsLuzZ7lPClpz2TyryBfztm7m+28DlEv2ZCQ3MDr5ssiwyOwGH/e5F9CkfWjJ1t4clvI58yF822/GUkjjhw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/react': ^16.9.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/react':
+ optional: true
+ util-deprecate@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EPD5q1uXyFxJpCrLnCc1nHnq3gOa6DZBocAIiI2TaSCA7VCJ1UJDMagCzIkXNsUYfD1daK//LTEQ8xiIbrHtcw==}
+ vfile-location@5.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5yXvWDEgqeiYiBe1lbxYF7UMAIm/IcopxMHrMQDq3nvKcjPKIhZklUKL+AE7J7uApI4kwe2snsK+eI6UTj9EHg==}
+ vfile-matter@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jhPSqlj8hTSkTXOqyxbUeZAFFVq/iwu/jukcApEqc/7DOidaAth6rDc0Zgg0vWpzUnWkwFP7aK28l6nBmxMqdQ==}
+ vfile-message@4.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jRDZ1IMLttGj41KcZvlrYAaI3CfqpLpfpf+Mfig13viT6NKvRzWZ+lXz0Y5D60w6uJIBAOGq9mSHf0gktF0duw==}
+ vfile@6.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zND7NlS8rJYb/sPqkb13ZvbbUoExdbi4w3SfRrMq6R3FvnLQmmfpajJNITuuYm6AZ5uao9vy4BAos3EXBPf2rg==}
+ web-namespaces@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bKr1DkiNa2krS7qxNtdrtHAmzuYGFQLiQ13TsorsdT6ULTkPLKuu5+GsFpDlg6JFjUTwX2DyhMPG2be8uPrqsQ==}
+ which-boxed-primitive@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bwZdv0AKLpplFY2KZRX6TvyuN7ojjr7lwkg6ml0roIy9YeuSr7JS372qlNW18UQYzgYK9ziGcerWqZOmEn9VNg==}
+ which-builtin-type@1.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bppkmBSsHFmIMSl8BO9TbsyzsvGjVoppt8xUiGzwiu/bhDCGxnpOKCxgqj6GuyHE0mINMDecBFPlOm2hzY084w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ which-collection@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-K4jVyjnBdgvc86Y6BkaLZEN933SwYOuBFkdmBu9ZfkcAbdVbpITnDmjvZ/aQjRXQrv5EPkTnD1s39GiiqbngCw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ which-typed-array@1.1.15:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oV0jmFtUky6CXfkqehVvBP/LSWJ2sy4vWMioiENyJLePrBO/yKyV9OyJySfAKosh+RYkIl5zJCNZ8/4JncrpdA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ which@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BLI3Tl1TW3Pvl70l3yq3Y64i+awpwXqsGBYWkkqMtnbXgrMD+yj7rhW0kuEDxzJaYXGjEW5ogapKNMEKNMjibA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ hasBin: true
+ word-wrap@1.2.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BN22B5eaMMI9UMtjrGd5g5eCYPpCPDUy0FJXbYsaT5zYxjFOckS53SQDE3pWkVoWpHXVb3BrYcEN4Twa55B5cA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ wrap-ansi@7.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-YVGIj2kamLSTxw6NsZjoBxfSwsn0ycdesmc4p+Q21c5zPuZ1pl+NfxVdxPtdHvmNVOQ6XSYG4AUtyt/Fi7D16Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ wrap-ansi@8.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-si7QWI6zUMq56bESFvagtmzMdGOtoxfR+Sez11Mobfc7tm+VkUckk9bW2UeffTGVUbOksxmSw0AA2gs8g71NCQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ wrappy@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-l4Sp/DRseor9wL6EvV2+TuQn63dMkPjZ/sp9XkghTEbV9KlPS1xUsZ3u7/IQO4wxtcFB4bgpQPRcR3QCvezPcQ==}
+ yaml@2.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2wWLbGbYDiSqqIKoPjar3MPgB94ErzCtrNE1FdqGuaO0pi2JGjmE8aW8TDZwzU7vuxcGRdL/4gPQwQ7hD5AMSw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 14'}
+ hasBin: true
+ yocto-queue@0.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ zwitch@2.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bXE4cR/kVZhKZX/RjPEflHaKVhUVl85noU3v6b8apfQEc1x4A+zBxjZ4lN8LqGd6WZ3dl98pY4o717VFmoPp+A==}
+ '@alloc/quick-lru@5.2.0': {}
+ '@babel/code-frame@7.24.7':
+ dependencies:
+ '@babel/highlight': 7.24.7
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ '@babel/helper-validator-identifier@7.24.7': {}
+ '@babel/highlight@7.24.7':
+ dependencies:
+ '@babel/helper-validator-identifier': 7.24.7
+ chalk: 2.4.2
+ js-tokens: 4.0.0
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ '@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0(eslint@8.57.0)':
+ dependencies:
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ '@eslint-community/regexpp@4.11.0': {}
+ '@eslint/eslintrc@2.1.4':
+ dependencies:
+ ajv: 6.12.6
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ espree: 9.6.1
+ globals: 13.24.0
+ ignore: 5.3.1
+ import-fresh: 3.3.0
+ js-yaml: 4.1.0
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ strip-json-comments: 3.1.1
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ '@eslint/js@8.57.0': {}
+ '@floating-ui/core@1.6.7':
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/utils': 0.2.7
+ '@floating-ui/dom@1.6.10':
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/core': 1.6.7
+ '@floating-ui/utils': 0.2.7
+ '@floating-ui/react-dom@2.1.1(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)':
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/dom': 1.6.10
+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
+ '@floating-ui/utils@0.2.7': {}
+ '@humanwhocodes/config-array@0.11.14':
+ dependencies:
+ '@humanwhocodes/object-schema': 2.0.3
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
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+ '@radix-ui/react-direction': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
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+ '@radix-ui/react-use-layout-effect': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@types/react-dom': 18.3.0
+ '@radix-ui/react-slot@1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)':
+ dependencies:
+ '@radix-ui/react-compose-refs': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react: 18.3.1
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
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+ '@radix-ui/react-context': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
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+ react: 18.3.1
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@types/react-dom': 18.3.0
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-callback-ref@1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)':
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+ react: 18.3.1
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-controllable-state@1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)':
+ dependencies:
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-callback-ref': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react: 18.3.1
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-escape-keydown@1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)':
+ dependencies:
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-callback-ref': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react: 18.3.1
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-layout-effect@1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)':
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
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+ '@radix-ui/rect': 1.1.0
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+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-size@1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)':
+ dependencies:
+ '@radix-ui/react-use-layout-effect': 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react: 18.3.1
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@radix-ui/rect@1.1.0': {}
+ '@reach/auto-id@0.18.0(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)':
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+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
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+ react: 18.3.1
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+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
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+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
+ '@rushstack/eslint-patch@1.10.4': {}
+ '@swc/counter@0.1.3': {}
+ '@swc/helpers@0.5.5':
+ dependencies:
+ '@swc/counter': 0.1.3
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+ lodash.castarray: 4.4.0
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+ lodash.merge: 4.6.2
+ postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.10
+ tailwindcss: 3.4.9
+ '@types/acorn@4.0.6':
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+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ '@types/debug@4.1.12':
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+ '@types/ms': 0.7.34
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+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ '@types/estree@1.0.5': {}
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+ '@types/unist': 2.0.10
+ '@types/hast@3.0.4':
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+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ '@types/json5@0.0.29': {}
+ '@types/mdast@4.0.4':
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+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
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+ '@types/ms@0.7.34': {}
+ '@types/node@20.14.15':
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+ undici-types: 5.26.5
+ '@types/prismjs@1.26.4': {}
+ '@types/prop-types@15.7.12': {}
+ '@types/react-dom@18.3.0':
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ '@types/react@18.3.3':
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+ '@types/unist@3.0.2': {}
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4)':
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+ '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 7.2.0
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ optionalDependencies:
+ typescript: 5.5.4
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@7.2.0':
+ dependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/types': 7.2.0
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+ '@typescript-eslint/types@7.2.0': {}
+ '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@7.2.0(typescript@5.5.4)':
+ dependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/types': 7.2.0
+ '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 7.2.0
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ globby: 11.1.0
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+ minimatch: 9.0.3
+ semver: 7.6.3
+ ts-api-utils: 1.3.0(typescript@5.5.4)
+ optionalDependencies:
+ typescript: 5.5.4
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@7.2.0':
+ dependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/types': 7.2.0
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ '@ungap/structured-clone@1.2.0': {}
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+ dependencies:
+ acorn: 8.12.1
+ acorn@8.12.1: {}
+ ajv@6.12.6:
+ dependencies:
+ fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3
+ fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0
+ json-schema-traverse: 0.4.1
+ uri-js: 4.4.1
+ ansi-regex@5.0.1: {}
+ ansi-regex@6.0.1: {}
+ ansi-styles@3.2.1:
+ dependencies:
+ color-convert: 1.9.3
+ ansi-styles@4.3.0:
+ dependencies:
+ color-convert: 2.0.1
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+ anymatch@3.1.3:
+ dependencies:
+ normalize-path: 3.0.0
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+ arg@5.0.2: {}
+ argparse@2.0.1: {}
+ aria-hidden@1.2.4:
+ dependencies:
+ tslib: 2.6.3
+ aria-query@5.1.3:
+ dependencies:
+ deep-equal: 2.2.3
+ array-buffer-byte-length@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ is-array-buffer: 3.0.4
+ array-includes@3.1.8:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ is-string: 1.0.7
+ array-union@2.1.0: {}
+ array.prototype.findlast@1.2.5:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2
+ array.prototype.findlastindex@1.2.5:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2
+ array.prototype.flat@1.3.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2
+ array.prototype.flatmap@1.3.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2
+ array.prototype.tosorted@1.1.4:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2
+ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@1.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ array-buffer-byte-length: 1.0.1
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ is-array-buffer: 3.0.4
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+ ast-types-flow@0.0.8: {}
+ astring@1.8.6: {}
+ autoprefixer@10.4.20(postcss@8.4.41):
+ dependencies:
+ browserslist: 4.23.3
+ caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001651
+ fraction.js: 4.3.7
+ normalize-range: 0.1.2
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ postcss: 8.4.41
+ postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0
+ available-typed-arrays@1.0.7:
+ dependencies:
+ possible-typed-array-names: 1.0.0
+ axe-core@4.10.0: {}
+ axobject-query@3.1.1:
+ dependencies:
+ deep-equal: 2.2.3
+ bail@2.0.2: {}
+ balanced-match@1.0.2: {}
+ binary-extensions@2.3.0: {}
+ brace-expansion@1.1.11:
+ dependencies:
+ balanced-match: 1.0.2
+ concat-map: 0.0.1
+ brace-expansion@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ balanced-match: 1.0.2
+ braces@3.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ fill-range: 7.1.1
+ browserslist@4.23.3:
+ dependencies:
+ caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001651
+ electron-to-chromium: 1.5.6
+ node-releases: 2.0.18
+ update-browserslist-db: 1.1.0(browserslist@4.23.3)
+ busboy@1.6.0:
+ dependencies:
+ streamsearch: 1.1.0
+ call-bind@1.0.7:
+ dependencies:
+ es-define-property: 1.0.0
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ function-bind: 1.1.2
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ set-function-length: 1.2.2
+ callsites@3.1.0: {}
+ camelcase-css@2.0.1: {}
+ caniuse-lite@1.0.30001651: {}
+ ccount@2.0.1: {}
+ chalk@2.4.2:
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 3.2.1
+ escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5
+ supports-color: 5.5.0
+ chalk@4.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 4.3.0
+ supports-color: 7.2.0
+ character-entities-html4@2.1.0: {}
+ character-entities-legacy@3.0.0: {}
+ character-entities@2.0.2: {}
+ character-reference-invalid@2.0.1: {}
+ chokidar@3.6.0:
+ dependencies:
+ anymatch: 3.1.3
+ braces: 3.0.3
+ glob-parent: 5.1.2
+ is-binary-path: 2.1.0
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ normalize-path: 3.0.0
+ readdirp: 3.6.0
+ optionalDependencies:
+ fsevents: 2.3.3
+ class-variance-authority@0.7.0:
+ dependencies:
+ clsx: 2.0.0
+ client-only@0.0.1: {}
+ clsx@2.0.0: {}
+ clsx@2.1.1: {}
+ collapse-white-space@2.1.0: {}
+ color-convert@1.9.3:
+ dependencies:
+ color-name: 1.1.3
+ color-convert@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ color-name: 1.1.4
+ color-name@1.1.3: {}
+ color-name@1.1.4: {}
+ comma-separated-tokens@2.0.3: {}
+ commander@4.1.1: {}
+ concat-map@0.0.1: {}
+ cross-spawn@7.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ path-key: 3.1.1
+ shebang-command: 2.0.0
+ which: 2.0.2
+ cssesc@3.0.0: {}
+ csstype@3.1.3: {}
+ damerau-levenshtein@1.0.8: {}
+ data-view-buffer@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ is-data-view: 1.0.1
+ data-view-byte-length@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ is-data-view: 1.0.1
+ data-view-byte-offset@1.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ is-data-view: 1.0.1
+ debug@3.2.7:
+ dependencies:
+ ms: 2.1.3
+ debug@4.3.6:
+ dependencies:
+ ms: 2.1.2
+ decode-named-character-reference@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ character-entities: 2.0.2
+ deep-equal@2.2.3:
+ dependencies:
+ array-buffer-byte-length: 1.0.1
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-get-iterator: 1.1.3
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ is-arguments: 1.1.1
+ is-array-buffer: 3.0.4
+ is-date-object: 1.0.5
+ is-regex: 1.1.4
+ is-shared-array-buffer: 1.0.3
+ isarray: 2.0.5
+ object-is: 1.1.6
+ object-keys: 1.1.1
+ object.assign: 4.1.5
+ regexp.prototype.flags: 1.5.2
+ side-channel: 1.0.6
+ which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2
+ which-collection: 1.0.2
+ which-typed-array: 1.1.15
+ deep-is@0.1.4: {}
+ define-data-property@1.1.4:
+ dependencies:
+ es-define-property: 1.0.0
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ define-properties@1.2.1:
+ dependencies:
+ define-data-property: 1.1.4
+ has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2
+ object-keys: 1.1.1
+ dequal@2.0.3: {}
+ detect-node-es@1.1.0: {}
+ devlop@1.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ dequal: 2.0.3
+ didyoumean@1.2.2: {}
+ dir-glob@3.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ path-type: 4.0.0
+ dlv@1.1.3: {}
+ doctrine@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ esutils: 2.0.3
+ doctrine@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ esutils: 2.0.3
+ eastasianwidth@0.2.0: {}
+ electron-to-chromium@1.5.6: {}
+ emoji-regex@8.0.0: {}
+ emoji-regex@9.2.2: {}
+ enhanced-resolve@5.17.1:
+ dependencies:
+ graceful-fs: 4.2.11
+ tapable: 2.2.1
+ entities@4.5.0: {}
+ es-abstract@1.23.3:
+ dependencies:
+ array-buffer-byte-length: 1.0.1
+ arraybuffer.prototype.slice: 1.0.3
+ available-typed-arrays: 1.0.7
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ data-view-buffer: 1.0.1
+ data-view-byte-length: 1.0.1
+ data-view-byte-offset: 1.0.0
+ es-define-property: 1.0.0
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ es-set-tostringtag: 2.0.3
+ es-to-primitive: 1.2.1
+ function.prototype.name: 1.1.6
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ get-symbol-description: 1.0.2
+ globalthis: 1.0.4
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2
+ has-proto: 1.0.3
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ internal-slot: 1.0.7
+ is-array-buffer: 3.0.4
+ is-callable: 1.2.7
+ is-data-view: 1.0.1
+ is-negative-zero: 2.0.3
+ is-regex: 1.1.4
+ is-shared-array-buffer: 1.0.3
+ is-string: 1.0.7
+ is-typed-array: 1.1.13
+ is-weakref: 1.0.2
+ object-inspect: 1.13.2
+ object-keys: 1.1.1
+ object.assign: 4.1.5
+ regexp.prototype.flags: 1.5.2
+ safe-array-concat: 1.1.2
+ safe-regex-test: 1.0.3
+ string.prototype.trim: 1.2.9
+ string.prototype.trimend: 1.0.8
+ string.prototype.trimstart: 1.0.8
+ typed-array-buffer: 1.0.2
+ typed-array-byte-length: 1.0.1
+ typed-array-byte-offset: 1.0.2
+ typed-array-length: 1.0.6
+ unbox-primitive: 1.0.2
+ which-typed-array: 1.1.15
+ es-define-property@1.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ es-errors@1.3.0: {}
+ es-get-iterator@1.1.3:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ is-arguments: 1.1.1
+ is-map: 2.0.3
+ is-set: 2.0.3
+ is-string: 1.0.7
+ isarray: 2.0.5
+ stop-iteration-iterator: 1.0.0
+ es-iterator-helpers@1.0.19:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-set-tostringtag: 2.0.3
+ function-bind: 1.1.2
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ globalthis: 1.0.4
+ has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2
+ has-proto: 1.0.3
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ internal-slot: 1.0.7
+ iterator.prototype: 1.1.2
+ safe-array-concat: 1.1.2
+ es-object-atoms@1.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-set-tostringtag@2.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ es-shim-unscopables@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ es-to-primitive@1.2.1:
+ dependencies:
+ is-callable: 1.2.7
+ is-date-object: 1.0.5
+ is-symbol: 1.0.4
+ escalade@3.1.2: {}
+ escape-string-regexp@1.0.5: {}
+ escape-string-regexp@4.0.0: {}
+ escape-string-regexp@5.0.0: {}
+ eslint-config-next@14.2.5(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4):
+ dependencies:
+ '@next/eslint-plugin-next': 14.2.5
+ '@rushstack/eslint-patch': 1.10.4
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser': 7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4)
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.9
+ eslint-import-resolver-typescript: 3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0)
+ eslint-plugin-import: 2.29.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0)
+ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: 6.9.0(eslint@8.57.0)
+ eslint-plugin-react: 7.35.0(eslint@8.57.0)
+ eslint-plugin-react-hooks: 4.6.2(eslint@8.57.0)
+ optionalDependencies:
+ typescript: 5.5.4
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - eslint-import-resolver-webpack
+ - supports-color
+ eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9:
+ dependencies:
+ debug: 3.2.7
+ is-core-module: 2.15.0
+ resolve: 1.22.8
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0):
+ dependencies:
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ enhanced-resolve: 5.17.1
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-module-utils: 2.8.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0)
+ eslint-plugin-import: 2.29.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0)
+ fast-glob: 3.3.2
+ get-tsconfig: 4.7.6
+ is-core-module: 2.15.0
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - '@typescript-eslint/parser'
+ - eslint-import-resolver-node
+ - eslint-import-resolver-webpack
+ - supports-color
+ eslint-module-utils@2.8.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0):
+ dependencies:
+ debug: 3.2.7
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser': 7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4)
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.9
+ eslint-import-resolver-typescript: 3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0)
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0):
+ dependencies:
+ array-includes: 3.1.8
+ array.prototype.findlastindex: 1.2.5
+ array.prototype.flat: 1.3.2
+ array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.2
+ debug: 3.2.7
+ doctrine: 2.1.0
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.9
+ eslint-module-utils: 2.8.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.1(@typescript-eslint/parser@7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.29.1(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0))(eslint@8.57.0)
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ is-core-module: 2.15.0
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ object.fromentries: 2.0.8
+ object.groupby: 1.0.3
+ object.values: 1.2.0
+ semver: 6.3.1
+ tsconfig-paths: 3.15.0
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@typescript-eslint/parser': 7.2.0(eslint@8.57.0)(typescript@5.5.4)
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - eslint-import-resolver-typescript
+ - eslint-import-resolver-webpack
+ - supports-color
+ eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@6.9.0(eslint@8.57.0):
+ dependencies:
+ aria-query: 5.1.3
+ array-includes: 3.1.8
+ array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.2
+ ast-types-flow: 0.0.8
+ axe-core: 4.10.0
+ axobject-query: 3.1.1
+ damerau-levenshtein: 1.0.8
+ emoji-regex: 9.2.2
+ es-iterator-helpers: 1.0.19
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ jsx-ast-utils: 3.3.5
+ language-tags: 1.0.9
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ object.fromentries: 2.0.8
+ safe-regex-test: 1.0.3
+ string.prototype.includes: 2.0.0
+ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@4.6.2(eslint@8.57.0):
+ dependencies:
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-plugin-react@7.35.0(eslint@8.57.0):
+ dependencies:
+ array-includes: 3.1.8
+ array.prototype.findlast: 1.2.5
+ array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.2
+ array.prototype.tosorted: 1.1.4
+ doctrine: 2.1.0
+ es-iterator-helpers: 1.0.19
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ jsx-ast-utils: 3.3.5
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ object.entries: 1.1.8
+ object.fromentries: 2.0.8
+ object.values: 1.2.0
+ prop-types: 15.8.1
+ resolve: 2.0.0-next.5
+ semver: 6.3.1
+ string.prototype.matchall: 4.0.11
+ string.prototype.repeat: 1.0.0
+ eslint-scope@7.2.2:
+ dependencies:
+ esrecurse: 4.3.0
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3: {}
+ eslint@8.57.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@eslint-community/eslint-utils': 4.4.0(eslint@8.57.0)
+ '@eslint-community/regexpp': 4.11.0
+ '@eslint/eslintrc': 2.1.4
+ '@eslint/js': 8.57.0
+ '@humanwhocodes/config-array': 0.11.14
+ '@humanwhocodes/module-importer': 1.0.1
+ '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8
+ '@ungap/structured-clone': 1.2.0
+ ajv: 6.12.6
+ chalk: 4.1.2
+ cross-spawn: 7.0.3
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ doctrine: 3.0.0
+ escape-string-regexp: 4.0.0
+ eslint-scope: 7.2.2
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ espree: 9.6.1
+ esquery: 1.6.0
+ esutils: 2.0.3
+ fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3
+ file-entry-cache: 6.0.1
+ find-up: 5.0.0
+ glob-parent: 6.0.2
+ globals: 13.24.0
+ graphemer: 1.4.0
+ ignore: 5.3.1
+ imurmurhash: 0.1.4
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ is-path-inside: 3.0.3
+ js-yaml: 4.1.0
+ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1
+ levn: 0.4.1
+ lodash.merge: 4.6.2
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ natural-compare: 1.4.0
+ optionator: 0.9.4
+ strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+ text-table: 0.2.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ espree@9.6.1:
+ dependencies:
+ acorn: 8.12.1
+ acorn-jsx: 5.3.2(acorn@8.12.1)
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ esquery@1.6.0:
+ dependencies:
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ esrecurse@4.3.0:
+ dependencies:
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ estraverse@5.3.0: {}
+ estree-util-attach-comments@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ estree-util-build-jsx@3.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ estree-util-is-identifier-name: 3.0.0
+ estree-walker: 3.0.3
+ estree-util-is-identifier-name@3.0.0: {}
+ estree-util-to-js@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ astring: 1.8.6
+ source-map: 0.7.4
+ estree-util-visit@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ estree-walker@3.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ esutils@2.0.3: {}
+ extend@3.0.2: {}
+ fast-deep-equal@3.1.3: {}
+ fast-glob@3.3.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5
+ '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8
+ glob-parent: 5.1.2
+ merge2: 1.4.1
+ micromatch: 4.0.7
+ fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0: {}
+ fast-levenshtein@2.0.6: {}
+ fastq@1.17.1:
+ dependencies:
+ reusify: 1.0.4
+ file-entry-cache@6.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ flat-cache: 3.2.0
+ fill-range@7.1.1:
+ dependencies:
+ to-regex-range: 5.0.1
+ find-up@5.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ locate-path: 6.0.0
+ path-exists: 4.0.0
+ flat-cache@3.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ flatted: 3.3.1
+ keyv: 4.5.4
+ rimraf: 3.0.2
+ flatted@3.3.1: {}
+ for-each@0.3.3:
+ dependencies:
+ is-callable: 1.2.7
+ foreground-child@3.3.0:
+ dependencies:
+ cross-spawn: 7.0.3
+ signal-exit: 4.1.0
+ fraction.js@4.3.7: {}
+ fs.realpath@1.0.0: {}
+ fsevents@2.3.3:
+ optional: true
+ function-bind@1.1.2: {}
+ function.prototype.name@1.1.6:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ functions-have-names: 1.2.3
+ functions-have-names@1.2.3: {}
+ geist@1.3.1(next@14.2.5(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)):
+ dependencies:
+ next: 14.2.5(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)
+ get-intrinsic@1.2.4:
+ dependencies:
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ function-bind: 1.1.2
+ has-proto: 1.0.3
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ get-nonce@1.0.1: {}
+ get-symbol-description@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ get-tsconfig@4.7.6:
+ dependencies:
+ resolve-pkg-maps: 1.0.0
+ github-slugger@2.0.0: {}
+ glob-parent@5.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ glob-parent@6.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ glob@10.3.10:
+ dependencies:
+ foreground-child: 3.3.0
+ jackspeak: 2.3.6
+ minimatch: 9.0.5
+ minipass: 7.1.2
+ path-scurry: 1.11.1
+ glob@10.4.5:
+ dependencies:
+ foreground-child: 3.3.0
+ jackspeak: 3.4.3
+ minimatch: 9.0.5
+ minipass: 7.1.2
+ package-json-from-dist: 1.0.0
+ path-scurry: 1.11.1
+ glob@7.2.3:
+ dependencies:
+ fs.realpath: 1.0.0
+ inflight: 1.0.6
+ inherits: 2.0.4
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ once: 1.4.0
+ path-is-absolute: 1.0.1
+ globals@13.24.0:
+ dependencies:
+ type-fest: 0.20.2
+ globalthis@1.0.4:
+ dependencies:
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ globby@11.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ array-union: 2.1.0
+ dir-glob: 3.0.1
+ fast-glob: 3.3.2
+ ignore: 5.3.1
+ merge2: 1.4.1
+ slash: 3.0.0
+ gopd@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ graceful-fs@4.2.11: {}
+ graphemer@1.4.0: {}
+ has-bigints@1.0.2: {}
+ has-flag@3.0.0: {}
+ has-flag@4.0.0: {}
+ has-property-descriptors@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ es-define-property: 1.0.0
+ has-proto@1.0.3: {}
+ has-symbols@1.0.3: {}
+ has-tostringtag@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ hasown@2.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ function-bind: 1.1.2
+ hast-util-from-html@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ hast-util-from-parse5: 8.0.1
+ parse5: 7.1.2
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ hast-util-from-parse5@8.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ hastscript: 8.0.0
+ property-information: 6.5.0
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ vfile-location: 5.0.3
+ web-namespaces: 2.0.1
+ hast-util-heading-rank@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ hast-util-is-element@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ hast-util-parse-selector@3.1.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 2.3.10
+ hast-util-parse-selector@4.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ hast-util-to-estree@3.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ estree-util-attach-comments: 3.0.0
+ estree-util-is-identifier-name: 3.0.0
+ hast-util-whitespace: 3.0.0
+ mdast-util-mdx-expression: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-mdx-jsx: 3.1.2
+ mdast-util-mdxjs-esm: 2.0.1
+ property-information: 6.5.0
+ space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2
+ style-to-object: 0.4.4
+ unist-util-position: 5.0.0
+ zwitch: 2.0.4
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ hast-util-to-jsx-runtime@2.3.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ estree-util-is-identifier-name: 3.0.0
+ hast-util-whitespace: 3.0.0
+ mdast-util-mdx-expression: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-mdx-jsx: 3.1.2
+ mdast-util-mdxjs-esm: 2.0.1
+ property-information: 6.5.0
+ space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2
+ style-to-object: 1.0.6
+ unist-util-position: 5.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ hast-util-to-string@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ hast-util-whitespace@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ hast@1.0.0: {}
+ hastscript@7.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 2.3.10
+ comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3
+ hast-util-parse-selector: 3.1.1
+ property-information: 6.5.0
+ space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2
+ hastscript@8.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3
+ hast-util-parse-selector: 4.0.0
+ property-information: 6.5.0
+ space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2
+ ignore@5.3.1: {}
+ import-fresh@3.3.0:
+ dependencies:
+ parent-module: 1.0.1
+ resolve-from: 4.0.0
+ imurmurhash@0.1.4: {}
+ inflight@1.0.6:
+ dependencies:
+ once: 1.4.0
+ wrappy: 1.0.2
+ inherits@2.0.4: {}
+ inline-style-parser@0.1.1: {}
+ inline-style-parser@0.2.3: {}
+ internal-slot@1.0.7:
+ dependencies:
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ side-channel: 1.0.6
+ invariant@2.2.4:
+ dependencies:
+ loose-envify: 1.4.0
+ is-alphabetical@2.0.1: {}
+ is-alphanumerical@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ is-alphabetical: 2.0.1
+ is-decimal: 2.0.1
+ is-arguments@1.1.1:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-array-buffer@3.0.4:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ is-async-function@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-bigint@1.0.4:
+ dependencies:
+ has-bigints: 1.0.2
+ is-binary-path@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ binary-extensions: 2.3.0
+ is-boolean-object@1.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-callable@1.2.7: {}
+ is-core-module@2.15.0:
+ dependencies:
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ is-data-view@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ is-typed-array: 1.1.13
+ is-date-object@1.0.5:
+ dependencies:
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-decimal@2.0.1: {}
+ is-extglob@2.1.1: {}
+ is-finalizationregistry@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0: {}
+ is-generator-function@1.0.10:
+ dependencies:
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-glob@4.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ is-extglob: 2.1.1
+ is-hexadecimal@2.0.1: {}
+ is-map@2.0.3: {}
+ is-negative-zero@2.0.3: {}
+ is-number-object@1.0.7:
+ dependencies:
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-number@7.0.0: {}
+ is-path-inside@3.0.3: {}
+ is-plain-obj@4.1.0: {}
+ is-reference@3.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ is-regex@1.1.4:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-set@2.0.3: {}
+ is-shared-array-buffer@1.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ is-string@1.0.7:
+ dependencies:
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-symbol@1.0.4:
+ dependencies:
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ is-typed-array@1.1.13:
+ dependencies:
+ which-typed-array: 1.1.15
+ is-weakmap@2.0.2: {}
+ is-weakref@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ is-weakset@2.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ isarray@2.0.5: {}
+ isexe@2.0.0: {}
+ iterator.prototype@1.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ reflect.getprototypeof: 1.0.6
+ set-function-name: 2.0.2
+ jackspeak@2.3.6:
+ dependencies:
+ '@isaacs/cliui': 8.0.2
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@pkgjs/parseargs': 0.11.0
+ jackspeak@3.4.3:
+ dependencies:
+ '@isaacs/cliui': 8.0.2
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@pkgjs/parseargs': 0.11.0
+ jiti@1.21.6: {}
+ js-tokens@4.0.0: {}
+ js-yaml@4.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ argparse: 2.0.1
+ json-buffer@3.0.1: {}
+ json-schema-traverse@0.4.1: {}
+ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1: {}
+ json5@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ minimist: 1.2.8
+ jsx-ast-utils@3.3.5:
+ dependencies:
+ array-includes: 3.1.8
+ array.prototype.flat: 1.3.2
+ object.assign: 4.1.5
+ object.values: 1.2.0
+ keyv@4.5.4:
+ dependencies:
+ json-buffer: 3.0.1
+ language-subtag-registry@0.3.23: {}
+ language-tags@1.0.9:
+ dependencies:
+ language-subtag-registry: 0.3.23
+ levn@0.4.1:
+ dependencies:
+ prelude-ls: 1.2.1
+ type-check: 0.4.0
+ lilconfig@2.1.0: {}
+ lilconfig@3.1.2: {}
+ lines-and-columns@1.2.4: {}
+ locate-path@6.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ p-locate: 5.0.0
+ lodash.castarray@4.4.0: {}
+ lodash.isplainobject@4.0.6: {}
+ lodash.merge@4.6.2: {}
+ longest-streak@3.1.0: {}
+ loose-envify@1.4.0:
+ dependencies:
+ js-tokens: 4.0.0
+ lru-cache@10.4.3: {}
+ lucide-react@0.368.0(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ react: 18.3.1
+ markdown-extensions@2.0.0: {}
+ markdown-table@3.0.3: {}
+ mdast-util-find-and-replace@3.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ escape-string-regexp: 5.0.0
+ unist-util-is: 6.0.0
+ unist-util-visit-parents: 6.0.1
+ mdast-util-from-markdown@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-to-string: 4.0.0
+ micromark: 4.0.0
+ micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-decode-string: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ unist-util-stringify-position: 4.0.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ ccount: 2.0.1
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-find-and-replace: 3.0.1
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ mdast-util-gfm-footnote@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 2.0.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-gfm-table@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ markdown-table: 3.0.3
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-gfm@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-gfm-footnote: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-gfm-table: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-mdx-expression@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-mdx-jsx@3.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ ccount: 2.0.1
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ parse-entities: 4.0.1
+ stringify-entities: 4.0.4
+ unist-util-remove-position: 5.0.0
+ unist-util-stringify-position: 4.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-mdx@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-mdx-expression: 2.0.0
+ mdast-util-mdx-jsx: 3.1.2
+ mdast-util-mdxjs-esm: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-mdxjs-esm@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.5
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ mdast-util-phrasing@4.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ unist-util-is: 6.0.0
+ mdast-util-to-hast@13.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ '@ungap/structured-clone': 1.2.0
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 2.0.0
+ trim-lines: 3.0.1
+ unist-util-position: 5.0.0
+ unist-util-visit: 5.0.0
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ mdast-util-to-markdown@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ longest-streak: 3.1.0
+ mdast-util-phrasing: 4.1.0
+ mdast-util-to-string: 4.0.0
+ micromark-util-decode-string: 2.0.0
+ unist-util-visit: 5.0.0
+ zwitch: 2.0.4
+ mdast-util-to-string@4.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ merge2@1.4.1: {}
+ micromark-core-commonmark@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-factory-destination: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-label: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-title: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-whitespace: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-chunked: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-classify-character: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-html-tag-name: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-resolve-all: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-subtokenize: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-footnote@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-core-commonmark: 2.0.1
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-util-chunked: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-classify-character: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-resolve-all: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-table@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal: 2.1.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-footnote: 2.1.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough: 2.1.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-table: 2.1.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-combine-extensions: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdx-expression@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-factory-mdx-expression: 2.0.1
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-events-to-acorn: 2.0.2
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdx-jsx@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/acorn': 4.0.6
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ estree-util-is-identifier-name: 3.0.0
+ micromark-factory-mdx-expression: 2.0.1
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ micromark-extension-mdx-md@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-core-commonmark: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-events-to-acorn: 2.0.2
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ unist-util-position-from-estree: 2.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ micromark-extension-mdxjs@3.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ acorn: 8.12.1
+ acorn-jsx: 5.3.2(acorn@8.12.1)
+ micromark-extension-mdx-expression: 3.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdx-jsx: 3.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdx-md: 2.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm: 3.0.0
+ micromark-util-combine-extensions: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-destination@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-label@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-mdx-expression@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-events-to-acorn: 2.0.2
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ unist-util-position-from-estree: 2.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ micromark-factory-space@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-title@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-factory-whitespace@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character@2.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-chunked@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-classify-character@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-combine-extensions@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-chunked: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-decode-string@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-encode@2.0.0: {}
+ micromark-util-events-to-acorn@2.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/acorn': 4.0.6
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ estree-util-visit: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ micromark-util-html-tag-name@2.0.0: {}
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-resolve-all@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-sanitize-uri@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-encode: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-subtokenize@2.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-util-chunked: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-symbol@2.0.0: {}
+ micromark-util-types@2.0.0: {}
+ micromark@4.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/debug': 4.1.12
+ debug: 4.3.6
+ decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ micromark-core-commonmark: 2.0.1
+ micromark-factory-space: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-character: 2.1.0
+ micromark-util-chunked: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-combine-extensions: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-encode: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-resolve-all: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-subtokenize: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-symbol: 2.0.0
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ micromatch@4.0.7:
+ dependencies:
+ braces: 3.0.3
+ picomatch: 2.3.1
+ minimatch@3.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion: 1.1.11
+ minimatch@9.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion: 2.0.1
+ minimatch@9.0.5:
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion: 2.0.1
+ minimist@1.2.8: {}
+ minipass@7.1.2: {}
+ ms@2.1.2: {}
+ ms@2.1.3: {}
+ mz@2.7.0:
+ dependencies:
+ any-promise: 1.3.0
+ object-assign: 4.1.1
+ thenify-all: 1.6.0
+ nanoid@3.3.7: {}
+ natural-compare@1.4.0: {}
+ next-mdx-remote@5.0.0(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ '@babel/code-frame': 7.24.7
+ '@mdx-js/mdx': 3.0.1
+ '@mdx-js/react': 3.0.1(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react: 18.3.1
+ unist-util-remove: 3.1.1
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ vfile-matter: 5.0.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - '@types/react'
+ - supports-color
+ next-themes@0.3.0(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
+ next@14.2.5(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ '@next/env': 14.2.5
+ '@swc/helpers': 0.5.5
+ busboy: 1.6.0
+ caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001651
+ graceful-fs: 4.2.11
+ postcss: 8.4.31
+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-dom: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
+ styled-jsx: 5.1.1(react@18.3.1)
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@next/swc-darwin-arm64': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-darwin-x64': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-linux-x64-musl': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc': 14.2.5
+ '@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc': 14.2.5
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - '@babel/core'
+ - babel-plugin-macros
+ node-releases@2.0.18: {}
+ normalize-path@3.0.0: {}
+ normalize-range@0.1.2: {}
+ object-assign@4.1.1: {}
+ object-hash@3.0.0: {}
+ object-inspect@1.13.2: {}
+ object-is@1.1.6:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ object-keys@1.1.1: {}
+ object.assign@4.1.5:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ object-keys: 1.1.1
+ object.entries@1.1.8:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ object.fromentries@2.0.8:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ object.groupby@1.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ object.values@1.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ once@1.4.0:
+ dependencies:
+ wrappy: 1.0.2
+ optionator@0.9.4:
+ dependencies:
+ deep-is: 0.1.4
+ fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6
+ levn: 0.4.1
+ prelude-ls: 1.2.1
+ type-check: 0.4.0
+ word-wrap: 1.2.5
+ p-limit@3.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ yocto-queue: 0.1.0
+ p-locate@5.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ p-limit: 3.1.0
+ package-json-from-dist@1.0.0: {}
+ parent-module@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ callsites: 3.1.0
+ parse-entities@4.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 2.0.10
+ character-entities: 2.0.2
+ character-entities-legacy: 3.0.0
+ character-reference-invalid: 2.0.1
+ decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2
+ is-alphanumerical: 2.0.1
+ is-decimal: 2.0.1
+ is-hexadecimal: 2.0.1
+ parse-numeric-range@1.3.0: {}
+ parse5@7.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ entities: 4.5.0
+ path-exists@4.0.0: {}
+ path-is-absolute@1.0.1: {}
+ path-key@3.1.1: {}
+ path-parse@1.0.7: {}
+ path-scurry@1.11.1:
+ dependencies:
+ lru-cache: 10.4.3
+ minipass: 7.1.2
+ path-type@4.0.0: {}
+ periscopic@3.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ estree-walker: 3.0.3
+ is-reference: 3.0.2
+ picocolors@1.0.1: {}
+ picomatch@2.3.1: {}
+ pify@2.3.0: {}
+ pirates@4.0.6: {}
+ possible-typed-array-names@1.0.0: {}
+ postcss-import@15.1.0(postcss@8.4.41):
+ dependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.41
+ postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0
+ read-cache: 1.0.0
+ resolve: 1.22.8
+ postcss-js@4.0.1(postcss@8.4.41):
+ dependencies:
+ camelcase-css: 2.0.1
+ postcss: 8.4.41
+ postcss-load-config@4.0.2(postcss@8.4.41):
+ dependencies:
+ lilconfig: 3.1.2
+ yaml: 2.5.0
+ optionalDependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.41
+ postcss-nested@6.2.0(postcss@8.4.41):
+ dependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.41
+ postcss-selector-parser: 6.1.1
+ postcss-selector-parser@6.0.10:
+ dependencies:
+ cssesc: 3.0.0
+ util-deprecate: 1.0.2
+ postcss-selector-parser@6.1.1:
+ dependencies:
+ cssesc: 3.0.0
+ util-deprecate: 1.0.2
+ postcss-value-parser@4.2.0: {}
+ postcss@8.4.31:
+ dependencies:
+ nanoid: 3.3.7
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ source-map-js: 1.2.0
+ postcss@8.4.41:
+ dependencies:
+ nanoid: 3.3.7
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ source-map-js: 1.2.0
+ prelude-ls@1.2.1: {}
+ prop-types@15.8.1:
+ dependencies:
+ loose-envify: 1.4.0
+ object-assign: 4.1.1
+ react-is: 16.13.1
+ property-information@6.5.0: {}
+ punycode@2.3.1: {}
+ queue-microtask@1.2.3: {}
+ react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ loose-envify: 1.4.0
+ react: 18.3.1
+ scheduler: 0.23.2
+ react-is@16.13.1: {}
+ react-remove-scroll-bar@2.3.6(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-style-singleton: 2.2.1(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ tslib: 2.6.3
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ react-remove-scroll@2.5.7(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ react: 18.3.1
+ react-remove-scroll-bar: 2.3.6(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ react-style-singleton: 2.2.1(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ tslib: 2.6.3
+ use-callback-ref: 1.3.2(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ use-sidecar: 1.1.2(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1)
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ react-style-singleton@2.2.1(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ get-nonce: 1.0.1
+ invariant: 2.2.4
+ react: 18.3.1
+ tslib: 2.6.3
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ react@18.3.1:
+ dependencies:
+ loose-envify: 1.4.0
+ read-cache@1.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ pify: 2.3.0
+ readdirp@3.6.0:
+ dependencies:
+ picomatch: 2.3.1
+ reflect.getprototypeof@1.0.6:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ globalthis: 1.0.4
+ which-builtin-type: 1.1.4
+ refractor@4.8.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 2.3.10
+ '@types/prismjs': 1.26.4
+ hastscript: 7.2.0
+ parse-entities: 4.0.1
+ regexp.prototype.flags@1.5.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ set-function-name: 2.0.2
+ rehype-autolink-headings@7.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@ungap/structured-clone': 1.2.0
+ hast-util-heading-rank: 3.0.0
+ hast-util-is-element: 3.0.0
+ unified: 11.0.5
+ unist-util-visit: 5.0.0
+ rehype-code-titles@1.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ hast: 1.0.0
+ unist-util-visit: 4.1.2
+ rehype-parse@9.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ hast-util-from-html: 2.0.1
+ unified: 11.0.5
+ rehype-prism-plus@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ hast-util-to-string: 3.0.0
+ parse-numeric-range: 1.3.0
+ refractor: 4.8.1
+ rehype-parse: 9.0.0
+ unist-util-filter: 5.0.1
+ unist-util-visit: 5.0.0
+ rehype-slug@6.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ github-slugger: 2.0.0
+ hast-util-heading-rank: 3.0.0
+ hast-util-to-string: 3.0.0
+ unist-util-visit: 5.0.0
+ remark-gfm@4.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ mdast-util-gfm: 3.0.0
+ micromark-extension-gfm: 3.0.0
+ remark-parse: 11.0.0
+ remark-stringify: 11.0.0
+ unified: 11.0.5
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ remark-mdx@3.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ mdast-util-mdx: 3.0.0
+ micromark-extension-mdxjs: 3.0.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ remark-parse@11.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ mdast-util-from-markdown: 2.0.1
+ micromark-util-types: 2.0.0
+ unified: 11.0.5
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ remark-rehype@11.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/hast': 3.0.4
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ mdast-util-to-hast: 13.2.0
+ unified: 11.0.5
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ remark-stringify@11.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/mdast': 4.0.4
+ mdast-util-to-markdown: 2.1.0
+ unified: 11.0.5
+ resolve-from@4.0.0: {}
+ resolve-pkg-maps@1.0.0: {}
+ resolve@1.22.8:
+ dependencies:
+ is-core-module: 2.15.0
+ path-parse: 1.0.7
+ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0
+ resolve@2.0.0-next.5:
+ dependencies:
+ is-core-module: 2.15.0
+ path-parse: 1.0.7
+ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0
+ reusify@1.0.4: {}
+ rimraf@3.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ glob: 7.2.3
+ run-parallel@1.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ queue-microtask: 1.2.3
+ safe-array-concat@1.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ isarray: 2.0.5
+ safe-regex-test@1.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ is-regex: 1.1.4
+ scheduler@0.23.2:
+ dependencies:
+ loose-envify: 1.4.0
+ semver@6.3.1: {}
+ semver@7.6.3: {}
+ set-function-length@1.2.2:
+ dependencies:
+ define-data-property: 1.1.4
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ function-bind: 1.1.2
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2
+ set-function-name@2.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ define-data-property: 1.1.4
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ functions-have-names: 1.2.3
+ has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2
+ shebang-command@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ shebang-regex: 3.0.0
+ shebang-regex@3.0.0: {}
+ side-channel@1.0.6:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ object-inspect: 1.13.2
+ signal-exit@4.1.0: {}
+ slash@3.0.0: {}
+ source-map-js@1.2.0: {}
+ source-map@0.7.4: {}
+ space-separated-tokens@2.0.2: {}
+ stop-iteration-iterator@1.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ internal-slot: 1.0.7
+ streamsearch@1.1.0: {}
+ string-width@4.2.3:
+ dependencies:
+ emoji-regex: 8.0.0
+ is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0
+ strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+ string-width@5.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ eastasianwidth: 0.2.0
+ emoji-regex: 9.2.2
+ strip-ansi: 7.1.0
+ string.prototype.includes@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ string.prototype.matchall@4.0.11:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ get-intrinsic: 1.2.4
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ internal-slot: 1.0.7
+ regexp.prototype.flags: 1.5.2
+ set-function-name: 2.0.2
+ side-channel: 1.0.6
+ string.prototype.repeat@1.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ string.prototype.trim@1.2.9:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-abstract: 1.23.3
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ string.prototype.trimend@1.0.8:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ string.prototype.trimstart@1.0.8:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ define-properties: 1.2.1
+ es-object-atoms: 1.0.0
+ stringify-entities@4.0.4:
+ dependencies:
+ character-entities-html4: 2.1.0
+ character-entities-legacy: 3.0.0
+ strip-ansi@6.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex: 5.0.1
+ strip-ansi@7.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex: 6.0.1
+ strip-bom@3.0.0: {}
+ strip-json-comments@3.1.1: {}
+ style-to-object@0.4.4:
+ dependencies:
+ inline-style-parser: 0.1.1
+ style-to-object@1.0.6:
+ dependencies:
+ inline-style-parser: 0.2.3
+ styled-jsx@5.1.1(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ client-only: 0.0.1
+ react: 18.3.1
+ sucrase@3.35.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@jridgewell/gen-mapping': 0.3.5
+ commander: 4.1.1
+ glob: 10.4.5
+ lines-and-columns: 1.2.4
+ mz: 2.7.0
+ pirates: 4.0.6
+ ts-interface-checker: 0.1.13
+ supports-color@5.5.0:
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag: 3.0.0
+ supports-color@7.2.0:
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag: 4.0.0
+ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0: {}
+ tailwind-merge@2.5.0: {}
+ tailwindcss-animate@1.0.7(tailwindcss@3.4.9):
+ dependencies:
+ tailwindcss: 3.4.9
+ tailwindcss@3.4.9:
+ dependencies:
+ '@alloc/quick-lru': 5.2.0
+ arg: 5.0.2
+ chokidar: 3.6.0
+ didyoumean: 1.2.2
+ dlv: 1.1.3
+ fast-glob: 3.3.2
+ glob-parent: 6.0.2
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ jiti: 1.21.6
+ lilconfig: 2.1.0
+ micromatch: 4.0.7
+ normalize-path: 3.0.0
+ object-hash: 3.0.0
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ postcss: 8.4.41
+ postcss-import: 15.1.0(postcss@8.4.41)
+ postcss-js: 4.0.1(postcss@8.4.41)
+ postcss-load-config: 4.0.2(postcss@8.4.41)
+ postcss-nested: 6.2.0(postcss@8.4.41)
+ postcss-selector-parser: 6.1.1
+ resolve: 1.22.8
+ sucrase: 3.35.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - ts-node
+ tapable@2.2.1: {}
+ text-table@0.2.0: {}
+ thenify-all@1.6.0:
+ dependencies:
+ thenify: 3.3.1
+ thenify@3.3.1:
+ dependencies:
+ any-promise: 1.3.0
+ to-regex-range@5.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ is-number: 7.0.0
+ trim-lines@3.0.1: {}
+ trough@2.2.0: {}
+ ts-api-utils@1.3.0(typescript@5.5.4):
+ dependencies:
+ typescript: 5.5.4
+ ts-interface-checker@0.1.13: {}
+ tsconfig-paths@3.15.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/json5': 0.0.29
+ json5: 1.0.2
+ minimist: 1.2.8
+ strip-bom: 3.0.0
+ tslib@2.6.3: {}
+ type-check@0.4.0:
+ dependencies:
+ prelude-ls: 1.2.1
+ type-fest@0.20.2: {}
+ typed-array-buffer@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ es-errors: 1.3.0
+ is-typed-array: 1.1.13
+ typed-array-byte-length@1.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ for-each: 0.3.3
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-proto: 1.0.3
+ is-typed-array: 1.1.13
+ typed-array-byte-offset@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ available-typed-arrays: 1.0.7
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ for-each: 0.3.3
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-proto: 1.0.3
+ is-typed-array: 1.1.13
+ typed-array-length@1.0.6:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ for-each: 0.3.3
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-proto: 1.0.3
+ is-typed-array: 1.1.13
+ possible-typed-array-names: 1.0.0
+ typescript@5.5.4: {}
+ unbox-primitive@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ has-bigints: 1.0.2
+ has-symbols: 1.0.3
+ which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2
+ undici-types@5.26.5: {}
+ unified@11.0.5:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ bail: 2.0.2
+ devlop: 1.1.0
+ extend: 3.0.2
+ is-plain-obj: 4.1.0
+ trough: 2.2.0
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ unist-util-filter@5.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-is: 6.0.0
+ unist-util-visit-parents: 6.0.1
+ unist-util-is@5.2.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 2.0.10
+ unist-util-is@6.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-position-from-estree@2.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-position@5.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-remove-position@5.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-visit: 5.0.0
+ unist-util-remove@3.1.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 2.0.10
+ unist-util-is: 5.2.1
+ unist-util-visit-parents: 5.1.3
+ unist-util-stringify-position@4.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-visit-parents@5.1.3:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 2.0.10
+ unist-util-is: 5.2.1
+ unist-util-visit-parents@6.0.1:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-is: 6.0.0
+ unist-util-visit@4.1.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 2.0.10
+ unist-util-is: 5.2.1
+ unist-util-visit-parents: 5.1.3
+ unist-util-visit@5.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-is: 6.0.0
+ unist-util-visit-parents: 6.0.1
+ update-browserslist-db@1.1.0(browserslist@4.23.3):
+ dependencies:
+ browserslist: 4.23.3
+ escalade: 3.1.2
+ picocolors: 1.0.1
+ uri-js@4.4.1:
+ dependencies:
+ punycode: 2.3.1
+ use-callback-ref@1.3.2(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ react: 18.3.1
+ tslib: 2.6.3
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ use-sidecar@1.1.2(@types/react@18.3.3)(react@18.3.1):
+ dependencies:
+ detect-node-es: 1.1.0
+ react: 18.3.1
+ tslib: 2.6.3
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@types/react': 18.3.3
+ util-deprecate@1.0.2: {}
+ vfile-location@5.0.3:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ vfile-matter@5.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ vfile: 6.0.2
+ yaml: 2.5.0
+ vfile-message@4.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-stringify-position: 4.0.0
+ vfile@6.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/unist': 3.0.2
+ unist-util-stringify-position: 4.0.0
+ vfile-message: 4.0.2
+ web-namespaces@2.0.1: {}
+ which-boxed-primitive@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ is-bigint: 1.0.4
+ is-boolean-object: 1.1.2
+ is-number-object: 1.0.7
+ is-string: 1.0.7
+ is-symbol: 1.0.4
+ which-builtin-type@1.1.4:
+ dependencies:
+ function.prototype.name: 1.1.6
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ is-async-function: 2.0.0
+ is-date-object: 1.0.5
+ is-finalizationregistry: 1.0.2
+ is-generator-function: 1.0.10
+ is-regex: 1.1.4
+ is-weakref: 1.0.2
+ isarray: 2.0.5
+ which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2
+ which-collection: 1.0.2
+ which-typed-array: 1.1.15
+ which-collection@1.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ is-map: 2.0.3
+ is-set: 2.0.3
+ is-weakmap: 2.0.2
+ is-weakset: 2.0.3
+ which-typed-array@1.1.15:
+ dependencies:
+ available-typed-arrays: 1.0.7
+ call-bind: 1.0.7
+ for-each: 0.3.3
+ gopd: 1.0.1
+ has-tostringtag: 1.0.2
+ which@2.0.2:
+ dependencies:
+ isexe: 2.0.0
+ word-wrap@1.2.5: {}
+ wrap-ansi@7.0.0:
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 4.3.0
+ string-width: 4.2.3
+ strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+ wrap-ansi@8.1.0:
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 6.2.1
+ string-width: 5.1.2
+ strip-ansi: 7.1.0
+ wrappy@1.0.2: {}
+ yaml@2.5.0: {}
+ yocto-queue@0.1.0: {}
+ zwitch@2.0.4: {}
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/postcss.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module.exports = {
+ plugins: {
+ tailwindcss: {},
+ autoprefixer: {},
+ },
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import logo from './logo.png'
+export { logo }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tailwind.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";
+const config = {
+ darkMode: ["class"],
+ content: [
+ "./pages/**/*.{ts,tsx}",
+ "./components/**/*.{ts,tsx}",
+ "./app/**/*.{ts,tsx}",
+ "./src/**/*.{ts,tsx}",
+ ],
+ prefix: "",
+ theme: {
+ container: {
+ center: true,
+ padding: "2rem",
+ screens: {
+ "2xl": "1400px",
+ },
+ },
+ extend: {
+ colors: {
+ border: "hsl(var(--border))",
+ input: "hsl(var(--input))",
+ ring: "hsl(var(--ring))",
+ background: "hsl(var(--background))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--foreground))",
+ primary: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--primary))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--primary-foreground))",
+ },
+ secondary: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--secondary))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--secondary-foreground))",
+ },
+ destructive: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--destructive))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--destructive-foreground))",
+ },
+ muted: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--muted))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--muted-foreground))",
+ },
+ accent: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--accent))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--accent-foreground))",
+ },
+ popover: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--popover))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--popover-foreground))",
+ },
+ card: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--card))",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--card-foreground))",
+ },
+ },
+ borderRadius: {
+ lg: "var(--radius)",
+ md: "calc(var(--radius) - 2px)",
+ sm: "calc(var(--radius) - 4px)",
+ },
+ fontFamily: {
+ code: ["var(--font-geist-mono)"],
+ regular: ["var(--font-geist-sans)"],
+ },
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+ "accordion-down": {
+ from: { height: "0" },
+ to: { height: "var(--radix-accordion-content-height)" },
+ },
+ "accordion-up": {
+ from: { height: "var(--radix-accordion-content-height)" },
+ to: { height: "0" },
+ },
+ },
+ animation: {
+ "accordion-down": "accordion-down 0.2s ease-out",
+ "accordion-up": "accordion-up 0.2s ease-out",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ plugins: [require("tailwindcss-animate"), require("@tailwindcss/typography")],
+} satisfies Config;
+export default config;
diff --git a/docs/tsconfig.json b/docs/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ff90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
+ "strict": true,
+ "noEmit": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "module": "esnext",
+ "moduleResolution": "bundler",
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "isolatedModules": true,
+ "jsx": "preserve",
+ "incremental": true,
+ "plugins": [
+ {
+ "name": "next"
+ }
+ ],
+ "paths": {
+ "@/*": ["./*"]
+ }
+ },
+ "include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", ".next/types/**/*.ts"],
+ "exclude": ["node_modules"]