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Partial Least Squares implementation in Python


  1. PartialLeastSquares(CrossValidation, ValsetValidation, Prediction)
  • CrossValidation, cv
  • ValsetValidation, vv
  • Prediction, predict
It should be pointed out that before using 'predict', 'cv' or 'vv' must be run first.

Take 'cv' for example, its outputs include 'cv_result' and 'cal_result'.

Assume the DataSet consists of 80 spectra, 700 wavelength points, the max num of latent variable is 5. The cal_result's outputs are as following:

'cal_result' including:
    'b': (回归系数,(700,5))
    't2_limit': (t2阈值,(6,5))
    'leverage_limit': (杠杆值阈值,(5,))
    'q_limit': (Q残差阈值,(6,5),最后一列nan)
    't_critical_value': (y学生化残差阈值,(6,5))
    'r2': (决定系数R2,(5,))
    'press': (预测残差平方和,(5,))
    'rmsec': (RMSEC校正均方根误差,(5,))
    'sec': (SEC校正标准偏差,(5,))
    'rpd': (RPD,(5,))
    'bias': (Bias,(5,))
    'x_loadings': (X载荷,(700,5))
    'x_scores_weights': (X权重,(700,5))
    'linear_regression_coefficient': (包含斜率Slope和截距Offset,(2,5))
    'fitting_x_list': (list, 每个元素代表1个隐变量下的拟合光谱矩阵)
    'residual_matrix_list': (list, 每个元素代表1个隐变量下的残差光谱矩阵)
    'fit_value': (拟合值,(80,5))
    'y_residual': (拟合残差,(80,5))
    'x_residual': (X残差,(80,5))
    't2': (T2,(80,5))
    'leverage': (Leverage,(80,5))
    'x_scores': (X得分,(80,5))
    'x_fvalue': (X残差F分布统计量,(80,5))
    'x_fprob': (X残差F分布累积概率值,(80,5))
    'y_fvalue': (y残差F分布统计量,(80,5))
    'y_fprob': (y残差F分布累积概率值,(80,5))
    'y_tvalue': (y学生化残差,(80,5))  # 学生化残差
    'x_sample_residuals': (80,5)
    'x_variable_residuals': (700,5)
    'x_total_residuals': (1,5)
    'explained_x_sample_variance': (80,5)
    'explained_x_variable_variance': (700,5)
    'explained_x_total_variance': (1,5)
    'explained_x_variance_ratio': (1,5)
  1. Three PLS Algorithms:
  • Improved Kernel Partial Least Squares, IKPLS
  • Nonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares,NIPALS
  • Straightforward Implementation of a statistically inspired Modification of the Partial Least Squares, SIMPLS
  1. Several Sampling Algorithms:
  • montecarlo_sampling
  • ks_sampling(Kennard-Stone)
  • spxy_sampling
  1. Several Samples split Algorithms:
  • samples_systematic_split
  • samples_ks_split
  • samples_spxy_split
  • samples_random_split
  1. Popular Pretreat methods for Spectroscopy
  • Multiplicative Scatter Correction (多元散射校正, MSC)
  • Savitzky-Golay + Multiplicative Scatter Correction (一阶导+多元散射校正, SGMSC)
  • Vector Normalization (矢量归一化, VN)
  • Standard Normal Variate transformation (标准正态变量变换, SNV)
  • Eliminate Constant Offset (消除常数偏移量, ECO)
  • Subtract Straight Line (减去一条直线, SSL)
  • De-Trending (去趋势, DT)
  • Min-Max Normalization (最小最大归一化, MMN)
  • Savitzky-Golay (平滑与求导), SG
  • Savitzky-Golay + SNV (一阶导+标准正态变量变换, SGSNV)
  • SNV + DT (标准正态变量变换+去趋势, SNVDT)
  • SG + SSL (一阶导+减去一条直线, SGSSL)
  • Mean Centering (均值中心化, MC)
  • Zscore Standardization (Zscore标准化, ZS)


  • Python 3.11.5
  • numpy 1.24.3
  • scipy 1.11.1


  • OPUS by Bruker
  • Unscrambler by CAMO
  • Pirouette by Infometrix
  • PLS_Toolbox by Eigenvector


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