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HAProxy Ingress helm chart

HAProxy Ingress is an Ingress controller that uses ConfigMap to store the global haproxy configuration, and ingress annotations to configure per-backend settings.


This chart bootstraps an HAProxy Ingress deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Helm 3 installed, see installation instructions here
  • Kubernetes 1.19+ with Beta APIs enabled

Installing the Chart

To install the latest stable version with the release name ingress in the current namespace and using default configurations:

$ helm repo add haproxy-ingress
$ helm install ingress haproxy-ingress/haproxy-ingress

The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Installation tips:

  • All resources will be created in the current namespace. Add --create-namespace --namespace=<ns> command-line options to install HAProxy Ingress in another one
  • The default configuration installs HAProxy Ingress as a deployment, add --set controller.kind=DaemonSet command-line option to install as a DaemonSet
  • The default service type is LoadBalancer, add --set controller.service.type=<type> command-line option to change to ClusterIP or NodePort
  • Ingress status will not report the IP address of the service unless you add --set controller.publishService.enabled=true command line option
  • If the release name is haproxy-ingress, the resource names will not add the release name prefix and will have a shorter name
  • Chart versions are in sync with minor HAProxy Ingress versions, so:
    • Use eg --version '~0.8' command-line option to install the latest v0.8 release of HAProxy Ingress
    • See available chart and controller versions with helm search repo haproxy-ingress -l
    • Add --devel command-line option to enable or list non stable versions as well

Upgrading to a new Chart version

To upgrade the release ingress to the latest stable version:

$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade ingress haproxy-ingress/haproxy-ingress

Upgrade warning: charts since 0.8.1 changed name patterns and this should break upgrades. It is recommended to uninstall and reinstall the HAProxy Ingress chart - and always test upgrades on a staging environment.

Upgrade tips:

  • helm preserve the installation options, eg a --set controller.service.type=ClusterIP used when installing the chart doesn't need to be configured when upgrading it
  • --version and --devel also available to point to an older version or a non stable one

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the ingress release:

$ helm delete ingress

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Running in Dual-Stack Mode

To run the HAProxy Ingress in dual-stack mode you will need a Kubernetes cluster that supports dual-stack services (v1.20+ with the IPv6DualStack feature gate enabled), and make the following configuration changes:

    bind-ip-addr-http: "[::]"
    bind-ip-addr-tcp: "[::]"
    ipFamilyPolicy: RequireDualStack

You may need to make additional configuration changes if you have an IPv6-only or IPv6-first dual-stack cluster.

For more information, see the Kubernetes IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack documentation for instructions on configuring your cluster.

Note that in IPv6-only mode, logging does not work by default. Enable the external/sidecar HAProxy setting and leave logs disabled to work around this:

    enabled: false
    enabled: true


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the HAProxy Ingress chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources true
rbac.secret.write If true, and rbac.create is true, add write access to secrets, used by acme false If true, and rbac.create is true, create & use PSP resources on Kubernetes clusters up to v1.25 false
serviceAccount.create If true, create serviceAccount true ServiceAccount to be used ``
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Automount API credentials for the ServiceAccount true
controller.automountServiceAccountToken Automount API credentials to the controller's pod true name of the controller component controller
controller.image.registry controller container image registry
controller.image.repository controller container image repository jcmoraisjr/haproxy-ingress
controller.image.tag controller container image tag v0.15.0-alpha.3
controller.image.pullPolicy controller container image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
controller.imagePullSecrets controller image pull secrets []
controller.extraArgs extra command line arguments for the haproxy-ingress-controller {}
controller.extraEnvs extra environment variables for the haproxy-ingress-controller []
controller.extraVolumes extra volumes for the haproxy-ingress-controller []
controller.extraVolumeMounts extra volume mounts for the haproxy-ingress-controller []
controller.extraContainers extra containers that to the haproxy-ingress-controller []
controller.initContainers extra containers that can initialize the haproxy-ingress-controller []
controller.template custom template for haproxy-ingress-controller {}
controller.templateFile custom haproxy template path for haproxy-ingress-controller ""
controller.defaultBackendService backend service to use if defaultBackend.enabled==false ""
controller.ingressClass name of the ingress class to route through this controller haproxy
controller.ingressClassResource.enabled create an IngressClass resource for this controller false
controller.ingressClassResource.default mark the IngressClass as default for the cluster false
controller.ingressClassResource.controllerClass customizes the controller name ''
controller.ingressClassResource.parameters {}
controller.haproxy.enabled set true to configure haproxy as a sidecar instead of use the embedded version false
controller.haproxy.image.registry haproxy container image registry, when enabled
controller.haproxy.image.repository haproxy container image repository, when enabled haproxy
controller.haproxy.image.tag haproxy container image tag 2.6.17-alpine
controller.haproxy.image.pullPolicy haproxy container image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
controller.haproxy.extraArgs extra command line arguments for haproxy {}
controller.haproxy.resources haproxy container resource requests & limits {}
controller.haproxy.lifecycle Lifecycle hooks for haproxy container {}
controller.haproxy.securityContext Security context settings for the haproxy container {}
controller.healthzPort The haproxy health check (monitoring) port 10253
controller.legacySecurityContext Defines if controller.securityContext should be applied to the controller's pod (legacy: true) or container (legacy: false) true
controller.livenessProbe.path The liveness probe path /healthz
controller.livenessProbe.port The liveness probe port 10253
controller.livenessProbe.failureThreshold The livneness probe failure threshold 3
controller.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The livneness probe initial delay (in seconds) 60
controller.livenessProbe.periodSeconds The livneness probe period (in seconds) 10
controller.livenessProbe.successThreshold The livneness probe success threshold 1
controller.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds The livneness probe timeout (in seconds) 1
controller.readinessProbe.path The readiness probe path /healthz
controller.readinessProbe.port The readiness probe port 10253
controller.readinessProbe.failureThreshold The readiness probe failure threshold 3
controller.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The readiness probe initial delay (in seconds) 10
controller.readinessProbe.periodSeconds The readiness probe period (in seconds) 10
controller.readinessProbe.successThreshold The readiness probe success threshold 1
controller.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds The readiness probe timeout (in seconds) 1
controller.annotations Annotations to be added to DaemonSet/Deployment definitions {}
controller.podAnnotations Annotations for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod {}
controller.podLabels Labels for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod {}
controller.podAffinity Add affinity to the controller pods to control scheduling {}
controller.podSecurityContext Security context settings for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod {}
controller.priorityClassName Priority Class to be used ``
controller.securityContext Security context settings for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod or container, see controller.legacySecurityContext {}
controller.config additional haproxy-ingress ConfigMap entries {}
controller.customFiles Custom files to be mounted in the controller pod(s) {}
controller.hostNetwork Optionally set to true when using CNI based kubernetes installations false
controller.dnsPolicy Optionally change this to ClusterFirstWithHostNet in case you have 'hostNetwork: true' ClusterFirst
controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds How much to wait before terminating a pod (in seconds) 60
controller.topologySpreadConstraints Configures topology spread constraints in the controller pod {}
controller.lifecycle Lifecycle hooks for controller container {}
controller.kind Type of deployment, DaemonSet or Deployment Deployment
controller.tcp TCP service ConfigMap: <port>: <namespace>/<servicename>:<portnumber>[:[<in-proxy>][:<out-proxy>]] {}
controller.enableStaticPorts Set to false to only rely on ports from controller.tcp true
controller.containerPorts.http HTTP container port in the controller 80
controller.containerPorts.https HTTPS container port in the controller 443
controller.daemonset.useHostPort Set to true to use host ports 80 and 443 false
controller.daemonset.hostIP Change the IP the host ports will bind to nil
controller.daemonset.hostPorts.http If controller.daemonset.useHostPort is true and this is non-empty sets the hostPort for http "80"
controller.daemonset.hostPorts.https If controller.daemonset.useHostPort is true and this is non-empty sets the hostPort for https "443"
controller.daemonset.hostPorts.tcp If controller.daemonset.useHostPort is true use hostport for these ports from tcp []
controller.updateStrategy the update strategy settings see defaults below
controller.updateStrategy.type the update strategy type to use RollingUpdate
controller.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable the max number of unavailable controllers when doing rolling updates 1
controller.minReadySeconds seconds to avoid killing pods before we are ready 0
controller.replicaCount the number of replicas to deploy (when controller.kind is Deployment) 1
controller.minAvailable PodDisruptionBudget minimum available controller pods 1
controller.resources controller container resource requests & limits {}
controller.autoscaling.enabled enabling controller horizontal pod autoscaling (when controller.kind is Deployment) false
controller.autoscaling.minReplicas minimum number of replicas
controller.autoscaling.maxReplicas maximum number of replicas
controller.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage target cpu utilization
controller.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage target memory utilization
controller.autoscaling.customMetrics Extra custom metrics to add to the HPA []
controller.tolerations to control scheduling to servers with taints []
controller.affinity to control scheduling {}
controller.nodeSelector to control scheduling {}
controller.publishService.enabled Enable 'publishService' or not, ignored if controller.extraArgs.publish-service is set false
controller.publishService.pathOverride Allows overriding of the publish service to bind to, ignored if controller.extraArgs.publish-service is set ""
controller.service.annotations annotations for controller service {}
controller.service.labels labels for controller service {}
controller.service.clusterIP internal controller cluster service IP nil
controller.service.clusterIPs list of internal controller cluster service IPs (for dual-stack) []
controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy If controller.service.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer, set this to Local to enable source IP preservation Local
controller.service.externalIPs list of IP addresses at which the controller services are available []
controller.service.extraPorts list of extra TCP ports that should be added to the controller service []
controller.service.ipFamilies list of IP families assigned to the service (for dual-stack) nil
controller.service.ipFamilyPolicy represents the dual-stack-ness of the service nil
controller.service.loadBalancerClass The loadBalancerClass of the controller service ""
controller.service.loadBalancerIP IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) ""
controller.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges []
controller.service.httpPorts The http ports to open, that map to the Ingress' port 80. Each entry specifies a port, targetPort and an optional nodePort. [ port: 80, targetPort: http ]
controller.service.httpsPorts The https ports to open, that map to the Ingress' port 443. Each entry specifies a port, targetPort and an optional nodePort. [ port: 443 , targetPort: https]
controller.service.type type of controller service to create LoadBalancer
controller.stats.enabled whether to enable exporting stats false
controller.stats.port The port number used haproxy-ingress-controller for haproxy statistics 1936
controller.stats.hostPort The host port number used haproxy-ingress-controller for haproxy statistics ~
controller.stats.service.annotations annotations for stats service {}
controller.stats.service.clusterIP internal stats cluster service IP nil
controller.stats.service.externalIPs list of IP addresses at which the stats service is available []
controller.stats.service.loadBalancerIP IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) ""
controller.stats.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges []
controller.stats.service.servicePort the port number exposed by the stats service 1936
controller.stats.service.type type of controller service to create ClusterIP
controller.metrics.enabled If controller.stats.enabled = true and controller.metrics.enabled = true, Prometheus metrics will be exported false
controller.metrics.embedded defines if embedded haproxy's exporter should be used true
controller.metrics.port port number the exporter is listening to 9101
controller.metrics.controllerPort port number the controller is exporting metrics on 10254
controller.metrics.image.registry prometheus-exporter image registry when embedded is false
controller.metrics.image.repository prometheus-exporter image repository when embedded is false prometheus/haproxy-exporter
controller.metrics.image.tag prometheus-exporter image tag v0.11.0
controller.metrics.image.pullPolicy prometheus-exporter image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
controller.metrics.extraArgs Extra arguments to the prometheus-exporter {}
controller.metrics.resources prometheus-exporter container resource requests & limits {}
controller.metrics.securityContext Security context settings for sidecar metrics container {}
controller.metrics.service.annotations annotations for metrics service {}
controller.metrics.service.clusterIP internal metrics cluster service IP nil
controller.metrics.service.externalIPs list of IP addresses at which the metrics service is available []
controller.metrics.service.loadBalancerClass The loadBalancerClass of the service ""
controller.metrics.service.loadBalancerIP IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) ""
controller.metrics.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges []
controller.metrics.service.servicePort the port number exposed by the metrics service 9101
controller.metrics.service.serviceControllerPort the controller port number exposed by the metrics service 10254
controller.metrics.service.type type of controller service to create ClusterIP
controller.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable creation of ServiceMonitor ( This has effect only when controller.stats.enabled = true and controller.metrics.enabled = true false
controller.serviceMonitor.labels Additional labels for the ServiceMonitor resource {}
controller.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations for ServiceMonitor resource {}
controller.serviceMonitor.honorLabels HonorLabels chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels true
controller.serviceMonitor.interval Prometheus scrape interval 10s
controller.serviceMonitor.params Use extra parameters from Prometheus when requesting metrics false
controller.serviceMonitor.metrics.metricRelabelings Metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for proxy metric []
controller.serviceMonitor.metrics.relabelings Relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for proxy metric []
controller.serviceMonitor.ctrlMetrics.metricRelabelings Metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for controller metric []
controller.serviceMonitor.ctrlMetrics.relabelings Relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for controller metric []
controller.logs.enabled enable an access-logs sidecar container that collects access logs from haproxy and outputs to stdout false
controller.logs.image.registry access-logs container image registry
controller.logs.image.repository access-logs container image repository crisu1710/kube-syslog-sidecar
controller.logs.image.tag access-logs image tag 0.2.0
controller.logs.image.pullPolicy access-logs image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
controller.logs.extraVolumeMounts extra volume mounts for the access-logs container []
controller.logs.port port used by sidecar logs container 514
controller.logs.probes enable tcp based liveness and readiness probes in the log container false
controller.logs.securityContext Security context settings for sidecar logs container {}
controller.logs.resources access-logs container resource requests & limits {}
defaultBackend.enabled whether to use the default backend component false name of the default backend component default-backend
defaultBackend.image.registry default backend container image registry
defaultBackend.image.repository default backend container image repository defaultbackend-amd64
defaultBackend.image.tag default backend container image repository tag 1.5
defaultBackend.image.pullPolicy default backend container image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
defaultBackend.imagePullSecrets default backend pull secrets []
defaultBackend.tolerations to control scheduling to servers with taints []
defaultBackend.affinity to control scheduling {}
defaultBackend.nodeSelector to control scheduling {}
defaultBackend.podAnnotations Annotations for the default backend pod {}
defaultBackend.podLabels Labels for the default backend pod {}
defaultBackend.replicaCount the number of replicas to deploy (when controller.kind is Deployment) 1
defaultBackend.minAvailable PodDisruptionBudget minimum available default backend pods 1
defaultBackend.podSecurityContext custom POD security context for the default backend {runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 65000, runAsGroup: 65000, fsGroup: 65000}
defaultBackend.resources default backend pod resources see defaults below
defaultBackend.resources.limits.cpu default backend cpu resources limit 10m
defaultBackend.resources.limits.memory default backend memory resources limit 20Mi name of default backend service to create ingress-default-backend
defaultBackend.service.annotations annotations for metrics service {}
defaultBackend.service.clusterIP internal metrics cluster service IP nil
defaultBackend.service.externalIPs list of externalIPs for the defaultBackend service []
defaultBackend.service.loadBalancerClass The loadBalancerClass of the service ""
defaultBackend.service.loadBalancerIP IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) ""
defaultBackend.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges []
defaultBackend.service.servicePort the port number exposed by the metrics service 1936
defaultBackend.service.type type of controller service to create ClusterIP
defaultBackend.securityContext custom POD security context for the default backend container {runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 65000, runAsGroup: 65000, fsGroup: 65000}
defaultBackend.priorityClassName Priority Class to be used ``