HAProxy Ingress is an Ingress controller that uses ConfigMap to store the global haproxy configuration, and ingress annotations to configure per-backend settings.
This chart bootstraps an HAProxy Ingress deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
- Helm 3 installed, see installation instructions here
- Kubernetes 1.19+ with Beta APIs enabled
To install the latest stable version with the release name ingress
in the current namespace and using default configurations:
$ helm repo add haproxy-ingress https://haproxy-ingress.github.io/charts
$ helm install ingress haproxy-ingress/haproxy-ingress
The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Installation tips:
- All resources will be created in the current namespace. Add
--create-namespace --namespace=<ns>
command-line options to install HAProxy Ingress in another one - The default configuration installs HAProxy Ingress as a deployment, add
--set controller.kind=DaemonSet
command-line option to install as a DaemonSet - The default service type is
, add--set controller.service.type=<type>
command-line option to change toClusterIP
- Ingress status will not report the IP address of the service unless you add
--set controller.publishService.enabled=true
command line option - If the release name is
, the resource names will not add the release name prefix and will have a shorter name - Chart versions are in sync with minor HAProxy Ingress versions, so:
- Use eg
--version '~0.8'
command-line option to install the latestv0.8
release of HAProxy Ingress - See available chart and controller versions with
helm search repo haproxy-ingress -l
- Add
command-line option to enable or list non stable versions as well
- Use eg
To upgrade the release ingress
to the latest stable version:
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade ingress haproxy-ingress/haproxy-ingress
Upgrade warning: charts since 0.8.1 changed name patterns and this should break upgrades. It is recommended to uninstall and reinstall the HAProxy Ingress chart - and always test upgrades on a staging environment.
Upgrade tips:
- helm preserve the installation options, eg a
--set controller.service.type=ClusterIP
used when installing the chart doesn't need to be configured when upgrading it --version
also available to point to an older version or a non stable one
To uninstall/delete the ingress
$ helm delete ingress
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
To run the HAProxy Ingress in dual-stack mode you will need a Kubernetes cluster that supports dual-stack services (v1.20+ with the IPv6DualStack
feature gate enabled), and make the following configuration changes:
bind-ip-addr-http: "[::]"
bind-ip-addr-tcp: "[::]"
ipFamilyPolicy: RequireDualStack
You may need to make additional configuration changes if you have an IPv6-only or IPv6-first dual-stack cluster.
For more information, see the Kubernetes IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack documentation for instructions on configuring your cluster.
Note that in IPv6-only mode, logging does not work by default. Enable the external/sidecar HAProxy setting and leave logs disabled to work around this:
enabled: false
enabled: true
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the HAProxy Ingress chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
rbac.create |
If true, create & use RBAC resources | true |
rbac.secret.write |
If true, and rbac.create is true, add write access to secrets, used by acme | false |
rbac.security.enable |
If true, and rbac.create is true, create & use PSP resources on Kubernetes clusters up to v1.25 | false |
serviceAccount.create |
If true, create serviceAccount | true |
serviceAccount.name |
ServiceAccount to be used | `` |
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken |
Automount API credentials for the ServiceAccount | true |
controller.automountServiceAccountToken |
Automount API credentials to the controller's pod | true |
controller.name |
name of the controller component | controller |
controller.image.registry |
controller container image registry | quay.io |
controller.image.repository |
controller container image repository | jcmoraisjr/haproxy-ingress |
controller.image.tag |
controller container image tag | v0.15.0-alpha.3 |
controller.image.pullPolicy |
controller container image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
controller.imagePullSecrets |
controller image pull secrets | [] |
controller.extraArgs |
extra command line arguments for the haproxy-ingress-controller | {} |
controller.extraEnvs |
extra environment variables for the haproxy-ingress-controller | [] |
controller.extraVolumes |
extra volumes for the haproxy-ingress-controller | [] |
controller.extraVolumeMounts |
extra volume mounts for the haproxy-ingress-controller | [] |
controller.extraContainers |
extra containers that to the haproxy-ingress-controller | [] |
controller.initContainers |
extra containers that can initialize the haproxy-ingress-controller | [] |
controller.template |
custom template for haproxy-ingress-controller | {} |
controller.templateFile |
custom haproxy template path for haproxy-ingress-controller | "" |
controller.defaultBackendService |
backend service to use if defaultBackend.enabled==false | "" |
controller.ingressClass |
name of the ingress class to route through this controller | haproxy |
controller.ingressClassResource.enabled |
create an IngressClass resource for this controller | false |
controller.ingressClassResource.default |
mark the IngressClass as default for the cluster | false |
controller.ingressClassResource.controllerClass |
customizes the controller name | '' |
controller.ingressClassResource.parameters |
{} |
controller.haproxy.enabled |
set true to configure haproxy as a sidecar instead of use the embedded version |
false |
controller.haproxy.image.registry |
haproxy container image registry, when enabled | docker.io |
controller.haproxy.image.repository |
haproxy container image repository, when enabled | haproxy |
controller.haproxy.image.tag |
haproxy container image tag | 2.6.17-alpine |
controller.haproxy.image.pullPolicy |
haproxy container image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
controller.haproxy.extraArgs |
extra command line arguments for haproxy | {} |
controller.haproxy.resources |
haproxy container resource requests & limits | {} |
controller.haproxy.lifecycle |
Lifecycle hooks for haproxy container | {} |
controller.haproxy.securityContext |
Security context settings for the haproxy container | {} |
controller.healthzPort |
The haproxy health check (monitoring) port | 10253 |
controller.legacySecurityContext |
Defines if controller.securityContext should be applied to the controller's pod (legacy: true) or container (legacy: false) |
true |
controller.livenessProbe.path |
The liveness probe path | /healthz |
controller.livenessProbe.port |
The liveness probe port | 10253 |
controller.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
The livneness probe failure threshold | 3 |
controller.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
The livneness probe initial delay (in seconds) | 60 |
controller.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
The livneness probe period (in seconds) | 10 |
controller.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
The livneness probe success threshold | 1 |
controller.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
The livneness probe timeout (in seconds) | 1 |
controller.readinessProbe.path |
The readiness probe path | /healthz |
controller.readinessProbe.port |
The readiness probe port | 10253 |
controller.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
The readiness probe failure threshold | 3 |
controller.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
The readiness probe initial delay (in seconds) | 10 |
controller.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
The readiness probe period (in seconds) | 10 |
controller.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
The readiness probe success threshold | 1 |
controller.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
The readiness probe timeout (in seconds) | 1 |
controller.annotations |
Annotations to be added to DaemonSet/Deployment definitions | {} |
controller.podAnnotations |
Annotations for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod | {} |
controller.podLabels |
Labels for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod | {} |
controller.podAffinity |
Add affinity to the controller pods to control scheduling | {} |
controller.podSecurityContext |
Security context settings for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod | {} |
controller.priorityClassName |
Priority Class to be used | `` |
controller.securityContext |
Security context settings for the haproxy-ingress-controller pod or container, see controller.legacySecurityContext |
{} |
controller.config |
additional haproxy-ingress ConfigMap entries | {} |
controller.customFiles |
Custom files to be mounted in the controller pod(s) | {} |
controller.hostNetwork |
Optionally set to true when using CNI based kubernetes installations | false |
controller.dnsPolicy |
Optionally change this to ClusterFirstWithHostNet in case you have 'hostNetwork: true' | ClusterFirst |
controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
How much to wait before terminating a pod (in seconds) | 60 |
controller.topologySpreadConstraints |
Configures topology spread constraints in the controller pod | {} |
controller.lifecycle |
Lifecycle hooks for controller container | {} |
controller.kind |
Type of deployment, DaemonSet or Deployment | Deployment |
controller.tcp |
TCP service ConfigMap: <port>: <namespace>/<servicename>:<portnumber>[:[<in-proxy>][:<out-proxy>]] |
{} |
controller.enableStaticPorts |
Set to false to only rely on ports from controller.tcp |
true |
controller.containerPorts.http |
HTTP container port in the controller | 80 |
controller.containerPorts.https |
HTTPS container port in the controller | 443 |
controller.daemonset.useHostPort |
Set to true to use host ports 80 and 443 | false |
controller.daemonset.hostIP |
Change the IP the host ports will bind to | nil |
controller.daemonset.hostPorts.http |
If controller.daemonset.useHostPort is true and this is non-empty sets the hostPort for http |
"80" |
controller.daemonset.hostPorts.https |
If controller.daemonset.useHostPort is true and this is non-empty sets the hostPort for https |
"443" |
controller.daemonset.hostPorts.tcp |
If controller.daemonset.useHostPort is true use hostport for these ports from tcp |
[] |
controller.updateStrategy |
the update strategy settings | see defaults below |
controller.updateStrategy.type |
the update strategy type to use | RollingUpdate |
controller.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable |
the max number of unavailable controllers when doing rolling updates | 1 |
controller.minReadySeconds |
seconds to avoid killing pods before we are ready | 0 |
controller.replicaCount |
the number of replicas to deploy (when controller.kind is Deployment ) |
1 |
controller.minAvailable |
PodDisruptionBudget minimum available controller pods | 1 |
controller.resources |
controller container resource requests & limits | {} |
controller.autoscaling.enabled |
enabling controller horizontal pod autoscaling (when controller.kind is Deployment ) |
false |
controller.autoscaling.minReplicas |
minimum number of replicas | |
controller.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
maximum number of replicas | |
controller.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
target cpu utilization | |
controller.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
target memory utilization | |
controller.autoscaling.customMetrics |
Extra custom metrics to add to the HPA | [] |
controller.tolerations |
to control scheduling to servers with taints | [] |
controller.affinity |
to control scheduling | {} |
controller.nodeSelector |
to control scheduling | {} |
controller.publishService.enabled |
Enable 'publishService' or not, ignored if controller.extraArgs.publish-service is set | false |
controller.publishService.pathOverride |
Allows overriding of the publish service to bind to, ignored if controller.extraArgs.publish-service is set | "" |
controller.service.annotations |
annotations for controller service | {} |
controller.service.labels |
labels for controller service | {} |
controller.service.clusterIP |
internal controller cluster service IP | nil |
controller.service.clusterIPs |
list of internal controller cluster service IPs (for dual-stack) | [] |
controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy |
If controller.service.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer , set this to Local to enable source IP preservation |
Local |
controller.service.externalIPs |
list of IP addresses at which the controller services are available | [] |
controller.service.extraPorts |
list of extra TCP ports that should be added to the controller service | [] |
controller.service.ipFamilies |
list of IP families assigned to the service (for dual-stack) | nil |
controller.service.ipFamilyPolicy |
represents the dual-stack-ness of the service | nil |
controller.service.loadBalancerClass |
The loadBalancerClass of the controller service | "" |
controller.service.loadBalancerIP |
IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) | "" |
controller.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
controller.service.httpPorts |
The http ports to open, that map to the Ingress' port 80. Each entry specifies a port , targetPort and an optional nodePort . |
[ port: 80, targetPort: http ] |
controller.service.httpsPorts |
The https ports to open, that map to the Ingress' port 443. Each entry specifies a port , targetPort and an optional nodePort . |
[ port: 443 , targetPort: https] |
controller.service.type |
type of controller service to create | LoadBalancer |
controller.stats.enabled |
whether to enable exporting stats | false |
controller.stats.port |
The port number used haproxy-ingress-controller for haproxy statistics | 1936 |
controller.stats.hostPort |
The host port number used haproxy-ingress-controller for haproxy statistics | ~ |
controller.stats.service.annotations |
annotations for stats service | {} |
controller.stats.service.clusterIP |
internal stats cluster service IP | nil |
controller.stats.service.externalIPs |
list of IP addresses at which the stats service is available | [] |
controller.stats.service.loadBalancerIP |
IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) | "" |
controller.stats.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
controller.stats.service.servicePort |
the port number exposed by the stats service | 1936 |
controller.stats.service.type |
type of controller service to create | ClusterIP |
controller.metrics.enabled |
If controller.stats.enabled = true and controller.metrics.enabled = true , Prometheus metrics will be exported |
false |
controller.metrics.embedded |
defines if embedded haproxy's exporter should be used | true |
controller.metrics.port |
port number the exporter is listening to | 9101 |
controller.metrics.controllerPort |
port number the controller is exporting metrics on | 10254 |
controller.metrics.image.registry |
prometheus-exporter image registry when embedded is false |
quay.io |
controller.metrics.image.repository |
prometheus-exporter image repository when embedded is false |
prometheus/haproxy-exporter |
controller.metrics.image.tag |
prometheus-exporter image tag | v0.11.0 |
controller.metrics.image.pullPolicy |
prometheus-exporter image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
controller.metrics.extraArgs |
Extra arguments to the prometheus-exporter | {} |
controller.metrics.resources |
prometheus-exporter container resource requests & limits | {} |
controller.metrics.securityContext |
Security context settings for sidecar metrics container | {} |
controller.metrics.service.annotations |
annotations for metrics service | {} |
controller.metrics.service.clusterIP |
internal metrics cluster service IP | nil |
controller.metrics.service.externalIPs |
list of IP addresses at which the metrics service is available | [] |
controller.metrics.service.loadBalancerClass |
The loadBalancerClass of the service | "" |
controller.metrics.service.loadBalancerIP |
IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) | "" |
controller.metrics.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
controller.metrics.service.servicePort |
the port number exposed by the metrics service | 9101 |
controller.metrics.service.serviceControllerPort |
the controller port number exposed by the metrics service | 10254 |
controller.metrics.service.type |
type of controller service to create | ClusterIP |
controller.serviceMonitor.enabled |
Enable creation of ServiceMonitor (https://coreos.com/operators/prometheus/docs/latest/api.html#servicemonitor). This has effect only when controller.stats.enabled = true and controller.metrics.enabled = true |
false |
controller.serviceMonitor.labels |
Additional labels for the ServiceMonitor resource | {} |
controller.serviceMonitor.annotations |
Annotations for ServiceMonitor resource | {} |
controller.serviceMonitor.honorLabels |
HonorLabels chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels | true |
controller.serviceMonitor.interval |
Prometheus scrape interval | 10s |
controller.serviceMonitor.params |
Use extra parameters from Prometheus when requesting metrics | false |
controller.serviceMonitor.metrics.metricRelabelings |
Metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for proxy metric | [] |
controller.serviceMonitor.metrics.relabelings |
Relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for proxy metric | [] |
controller.serviceMonitor.ctrlMetrics.metricRelabelings |
Metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for controller metric | [] |
controller.serviceMonitor.ctrlMetrics.relabelings |
Relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion for controller metric | [] |
controller.logs.enabled |
enable an access-logs sidecar container that collects access logs from haproxy and outputs to stdout | false |
controller.logs.image.registry |
access-logs container image registry | ghcr.io |
controller.logs.image.repository |
access-logs container image repository | crisu1710/kube-syslog-sidecar |
controller.logs.image.tag |
access-logs image tag | 0.2.0 |
controller.logs.image.pullPolicy |
access-logs image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
controller.logs.extraVolumeMounts |
extra volume mounts for the access-logs container | [] |
controller.logs.port |
port used by sidecar logs container | 514 |
controller.logs.probes |
enable tcp based liveness and readiness probes in the log container | false |
controller.logs.securityContext |
Security context settings for sidecar logs container | {} |
controller.logs.resources |
access-logs container resource requests & limits | {} |
defaultBackend.enabled |
whether to use the default backend component | false |
defaultBackend.name |
name of the default backend component | default-backend |
defaultBackend.image.registry |
default backend container image registry | k8s.gcr.io |
defaultBackend.image.repository |
default backend container image repository | defaultbackend-amd64 |
defaultBackend.image.tag |
default backend container image repository tag | 1.5 |
defaultBackend.image.pullPolicy |
default backend container image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
defaultBackend.imagePullSecrets |
default backend pull secrets | [] |
defaultBackend.tolerations |
to control scheduling to servers with taints | [] |
defaultBackend.affinity |
to control scheduling | {} |
defaultBackend.nodeSelector |
to control scheduling | {} |
defaultBackend.podAnnotations |
Annotations for the default backend pod | {} |
defaultBackend.podLabels |
Labels for the default backend pod | {} |
defaultBackend.replicaCount |
the number of replicas to deploy (when controller.kind is Deployment ) |
1 |
defaultBackend.minAvailable |
PodDisruptionBudget minimum available default backend pods | 1 |
defaultBackend.podSecurityContext |
custom POD security context for the default backend | {runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 65000, runAsGroup: 65000, fsGroup: 65000} |
defaultBackend.resources |
default backend pod resources | see defaults below |
defaultBackend.resources.limits.cpu |
default backend cpu resources limit | 10m |
defaultBackend.resources.limits.memory |
default backend memory resources limit | 20Mi |
defaultBackend.service.name |
name of default backend service to create | ingress-default-backend |
defaultBackend.service.annotations |
annotations for metrics service | {} |
defaultBackend.service.clusterIP |
internal metrics cluster service IP | nil |
defaultBackend.service.externalIPs |
list of externalIPs for the defaultBackend service | [] |
defaultBackend.service.loadBalancerClass |
The loadBalancerClass of the service | "" |
defaultBackend.service.loadBalancerIP |
IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) | "" |
defaultBackend.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
defaultBackend.service.servicePort |
the port number exposed by the metrics service | 1936 |
defaultBackend.service.type |
type of controller service to create | ClusterIP |
defaultBackend.securityContext |
custom POD security context for the default backend container | {runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 65000, runAsGroup: 65000, fsGroup: 65000} |
defaultBackend.priorityClassName |
Priority Class to be used | `` |