$ docker-compose up -d
Check that things are running
$ docker-compose logs -f
Since we disabled user registration we need to create a user by using the gitea cli
$ docker-compose exec <container> /bin/bash
$ gitea --help
$ gitea admin --help
$ gitea admin create-user --help
$ gitea admin create-user --admin --username <user> --password <tmp pass> --must-change-password --email <email>
Some config values can be set in docker-compose.yml
, but not all so this is a good time to add some more.
The config file will be located here: <DATA_PATH>/gitea/conf/app.ini
; Use the build in dark theme
DEFAULT_THEME = arc-green
It's nice to be able to customize how things are going to look. I removed some stuff I didn't want the world to see.
$ mkdir -p <DATA_PATH>/gitea/templates/base
$ cp ./gitea/head_navbar.tmpl <DATA_PATH>/gitea/templates/base/
You need to restart the container to apply the new config and template override.
$ docker-compose restart
Somethings can't be changed from the GUI or config. Then we need to edit the database directly.
Example: change a users theme
sqlite> select id,name,theme from user;
sqlite> update user set theme='arc-green' where id=1;
sqlite> select id,name,theme from user;