diff --git a/RYFS.okm b/RYFS.okm index b0b2fc8..9262131 100644 --- a/RYFS.okm +++ b/RYFS.okm @@ -251,9 +251,10 @@ MODULE RYFS; startSector: SHORT; thisSector: SHORT; bytesToLoad: INT; + modulo: INT; BEGIN originalSize := size; - sectorsToLoad := ryfs_ceil(size, 506) / 506; + sectorsToLoad := ((struct^.seekOffset MOD 506) + size + 505) /| 506; (* get the number of sectors to traverse before we reach our seek offset *) sectorsToTraverse := ryfs_ceil(struct^.seekOffset, 506) / 506; @@ -273,18 +274,19 @@ MODULE RYFS; END; END; thisSector := startSector; + modulo := struct^.seekOffset MOD 506; WHILE sectorsToLoad DO (* load the working sector into the temporary buffer *) read_sector(thisSector, struct^.diskId, PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF)); - IF size >|= 506 THEN - bytesToLoad := 506; - ELSE + bytesToLoad := 506 - modulo; + + IF bytesToLoad >|= size THEN bytesToLoad := size; END; (* copy from the temporary buffer to the caller's final buffer *) - copy_memory_bytes(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 6 + (struct^.seekOffset MOD 506), destination, bytesToLoad); + copy_memory_bytes(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 6 + modulo, destination, bytesToLoad); (* point to the next linked sector *) thisSector := GETSHORT(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 2); @@ -296,6 +298,7 @@ MODULE RYFS; size := size - bytesToLoad; sectorsToLoad := sectorsToLoad - 1; + modulo := 0; END; (* add to the file's seek offset *) @@ -309,8 +312,9 @@ MODULE RYFS; thisSector: SHORT; bytesToLoad: INT; temp: INT; + modulo: INT; BEGIN - sectorsToLoad := ryfs_ceil(size, 506) / 506; + sectorsToLoad := ((struct^.seekOffset MOD 506) + size + 505) /| 506; (* get the number of sectors to traverse before we reach our seek offset *) sectorsToTraverse := ryfs_ceil(struct^.seekOffset, 506) / 506; @@ -330,10 +334,11 @@ MODULE RYFS; END; END; thisSector := startSector; + modulo := struct^.seekOffset MOD 506; WHILE sectorsToLoad DO - IF size >|= 506 THEN - bytesToLoad := 506; - ELSE + bytesToLoad := 506 - modulo; + + IF bytesToLoad >|= size THEN bytesToLoad := size; END; @@ -346,7 +351,7 @@ MODULE RYFS; read_sector(thisSector, struct^.diskId, PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF)); (* copy from the caller's buffer to the temporary buffer *) - copy_memory_bytes(source, PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 6 + (struct^.seekOffset MOD 506), bytesToLoad); + copy_memory_bytes(source, PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 6 + modulo, bytesToLoad); (* write the sector back out to disk *) write_sector(thisSector, struct^.diskId, PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF)); @@ -364,6 +369,8 @@ MODULE RYFS; (* add to the file's seek offset *) struct^.seekOffset := struct^.seekOffset + bytesToLoad; + + modulo := 0; END; END; @@ -456,7 +463,10 @@ MODULE RYFS; END; (* get the number of sectors to traverse before we reach the end *) - sectorsToTraverse := ryfs_ceil(sizeInBytesBefore, 506) / 506; + sectorsToTraverse := sizeInSectorsBefore; + IF (struct^.seekOffset >| 0) & (struct^.seekOffset MOD 506 = 0) THEN + sectorsToTraverse := sectorsToTraverse + 1; + END; (* traverse through linked sectors starting at struct^.firstSector *) thisSector := struct^.firstSector; @@ -478,9 +488,15 @@ MODULE RYFS; (* link the newly-found sector to the end of the file *) PUTSHORT(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 2, temp); + (* clear the "last sector size" field *) + PUTSHORT(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 4, 0); + (* write out the changes to disk *) write_sector(oldThisSector, struct^.diskId, PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF)); + (* mark the sector as used *) + ryfs_mark_used(temp, struct^.diskId); + (* prepare an empty sector of remaining size for the file *) PUTCHAR(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF), 0FFH); (* magic *) PUTCHAR(PTROF(TEMP_SECTOR_BUF) + 1, 0); (* alignment *) @@ -511,7 +527,7 @@ MODULE RYFS; VAR remainder: INT; BEGIN IF number = 0 THEN - RETURN(ceilNumber); + RETURN(0); END; remainder := number MOD ceilNumber; IF remainder = 0 THEN