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path: /usage/directory/
- title: How to proxy servers with Fontist?
path: /usage/proxy/
+ - title: How to use Fontist Ruby library?
+ path: /usage/ruby/
{{ content }}
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index 11a6e75..cdda8e3 100644
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+++ b/docs/usage.adoc
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= Usage
Fontist can be used via its command-line interface (CLI), or as a
-Ruby library. This section describes how to use it with CLI.
+link:ruby/[Ruby library]. This section describes how to use it with CLI.
diff --git a/docs/usage/ruby.adoc b/docs/usage/ruby.adoc
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+layout: docs
+= How to use Fontist Ruby library?
+In addition to the command-line interface Fontist can be used as a Ruby library.
+=== `Fontist::Font`
+The `Fontist::Font` is your go-to place to deal with any font using Fontist.
+This interface allows you to find a font or install a font.
+==== Finding a font
+The `Fontist::Font.find` interface can be used a find a font in your system.
+It will look into the operating system specific font directories, and also the
+fontist specific `~/.fontist` directory.
+* If Fontist finds a font, then it will return the paths.
+* Otherwise, it will either raise an unsupported font error, or trigger display
+of installation instructions for that specific font.
+==== Install a font
+The `Fontist::Font.install` interface can be used to install any supported font.
+This interface first checks if you already have that font installed or not and
+if you do then it will return the paths.
+If you don't have a font but that font is supported by Fontist, then it will
+download the font and copy it to `~/.fontist` directory and also return the
+Fontist::Font.install(name, confirmation: "no")
+If there are issues detected with the provided font, such as the font is not
+supported, those errors would be raised.
+==== List all fonts
+The `Fontist::Font` interface exposes an interface to list all supported fonts.
+This might be useful if want to know the name of the font or the available
+styles. You can do that by using:
+The return values are `OpenStruct` objects, so you can easily do any other
+operation you would do in any ruby object.
+=== `Fontist::Formula`
+The `fontist` gem internally usages the `Fontist::Formula` interface to find a
+registered formula or fonts supported by any formula. Unless, you need to do
+anything with that you shouldn't need to work with this interface directly. But
+if you do then these are the public interface it offers.
+==== Find a formula
+The `Fontist::Formula.find` interface allows you to find any of the registered
+formula. This interface takes a font name as an argument and it looks through
+each of the registered formula that offers this font installation. Usages:
+This method will search and return a Fontist formula for the provided keyword
+which allows for further processing, such as license checks or proceeding with
+installation of the font in your system.
+==== List font styles supported by a formula
+Normally, each font name can be associated with multiple styles or collection,
+for example the `Calibri` font might contains a `regular`, `bold` or `italic`
+styles fonts and if you want a interface that can return the complete list then
+this is your friend.
+You can use it as following:
+==== List all formulas
+The `Fontist::Formula` interface exposes an interface to list all registered
+font formula. This might be useful if want to know the name of the formula or
+what type fonts can be installed using that formula. Usages:
+The return values are `OpenStruct` objects, so you can easily do any other
+operation you would do in any ruby object.
+=== `Fontist::Manifest`
+==== Global options
+Fontist can be switched to use the preferred family names. This format was
+used prior to v1.10.
+Fontist.preferred_family = true
+==== `Fontist::Manifest::Locations`
+Fontist lets you find font locations from a defined manifest Hash in the
+following format:
+ "Segoe UI"=>["Regular", "Bold"],
+ "Roboto Mono"=>["Regular"]
+Calling the following code returns a nested Hash with font paths and names.
+Font name is useful to choose a specific font in a font collection file (TTC).
+ "Segoe UI"=> {
+ "Regular"=>{
+ "full_name"=>"Segoe UI",
+ "paths"=>["/Users/user/.fontist/fonts/SEGOEUI.TTF"]
+ },
+ "Bold"=>{
+ "full_name"=>"Segoe UI Bold",
+ "paths"=>["/Users/user/.fontist/fonts/SEGOEUIB.TTF"]
+ }
+ },
+ "Roboto Mono"=> {
+ "Regular"=>{
+ "full_name"=>nil,
+ "paths"=>[]
+ }
+ }
+==== `Fontist::Manifest::Install`
+Fontist lets you not only to obtain font locations but also to install fonts
+from the manifest:
+Fontist::Manifest::Install.from_hash(manifest, confirmation: "yes")
+It will install fonts and return their locations:
+ "Segoe UI"=> {
+ "Regular"=>{
+ "full_name"=>"Segoe UI",
+ "paths"=>["/Users/user/.fontist/fonts/SEGOEUI.TTF"]},
+ "Bold"=>{
+ "full_name"=>"Segoe UI Bold",
+ "paths"=>["/Users/user/.fontist/fonts/SEGOEUIB.TTF"]
+ }
+ },
+ "Roboto Mono"=> {
+ "Regular"=>{
+ "full_name"=>"Roboto Mono Regular",
+ "paths"=>["/Users/user/.fontist/fonts/RobotoMono-VariableFont_wght.ttf"]
+ }
+ }
+==== Support of YAML format
+Both commands support a YAML file as an input with a `from_file` method. For
+example, if there is a `manifest.yml` file containing:
+Segoe UI:
+- Regular
+- Bold
+Roboto Mono:
+- Regular
+Then the following calls would return font names and paths, as from the
+`from_hash` method (see <> and <>).
+Fontist::Manifest::Install.from_file("manifest.yml", confirmation: "yes")
+=== `Fontist::Fontconfig`
+Fontist supports work with Fontconfig via the Ruby interface:
+Fontist::Fontconfig.update # let detect fontist fonts
+Fontist::Fontconfig.remove # disable detection
+Fontist::Fontconfig.remove(force: true) # do not fail if no config exists