We as members, contributors, and leaders are not easily offended by strangers on the internet. If something is stupid, or wrong, or dumb, please speak up and tell us so.
We do not support unnessesary hate speech, but cultures where people are afraid to speak their mind are not helpful in any online communities which were DESIGNED to allow people the freedom to say what they please.
We want to allow you to express yourselves in the way that you best see fit. We hope that it is constructive, but recogonize there can be value in even the most offensive posts.
Any forms of idoloty or hero worship are not welcome here. Ideas should be able to stand on their own merit.
Obviously the subject matter at hand is Bitcoin, programming it, and making it viable as the facilitator of a reliable, fun, safe, and secure marketplace.
So if you can't stay on that topic, please go elsewhere.