##Capstone Project, University of Sydney
##Links to preview: https://falgunisanyal.github.io/Mastt-demo/
This is the demo of the work done as part of our final year capstone project. We have worked with Switch Maven and played a consultancy role during this project. Our responsiblitiy was to understand their business values and create data visualisation concepts that helps the users of the system.
Use the navigation bar at the top to change into other visualisations
There are two axes where the horizontal axis depicts months of a year and the vertical axis depicts value in terms of money. There are four different aspects in this visualisation. With three of them being line chart, and one line chart with an area shown below it. The first line shows the budget of a project throughout the current year. The second line indicates the forecast for each month of that project. Then the line “Current Contract” shows the amount of contracts created for the project during that month. Where as the “Commitments” line shows the amount spent for that project during that month. There is also a vertical line indicating current month
Each category of claims are arranged in different segments and color coded. The categories are labeled underneath along with a count of claims in that category. The size of the claim icons indicate the relative value. Bigger size denotes bigger value. Hovering over an icon will show concrete information within a popup. Another aspect of the visualisation is to highlight claims that require attention. In this prototype, if an approved claim remains unpaid for over 10 days then it is indicated with a different color(orange)
This is a concept of network graph. On a program level the center node represents the program with all the projects connected around it. All other nodes are different users based on their permission levels and are also color coded. The links between the users and other nodes represents average user activity(average hours spent on the system) by modifying the link thickness. A thicker link indicates higher level of activity. This way the viewer can quickly identify active users. For more concrete information, hovering over any node will show details in a popup