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Ox is simple "compiler of compilers" framework based on the excellent Lark library.

Why Ox?

Python have a few good libraries for creating parsers (like PLY, Lark, PyParsing, etc) using various different algorithms and approaches. Ox uses Lark internally and leverage its builtin capabilities for handling different parsing algorithms, automatic creation and shaping of parsing trees and a convenient EBNF syntax to describe grammars. None of those libraries, however, cover other features expected in a complete "compiler of compilers suite". Namely, Lark is concerned only with parsing, but does not implement code analysis and generation.

Ox is a minimalistic framework and provides a few utilities in this area. It will never be nowhere near a Python replacement for, say, LLVM, but it was created to be useful for a few projects of mine and since Python can be much more productive than C++, it might even compete with LLVM in some cases. You might find Ox useful if you want to create a language that targets Python since it has some since features to conveniently generate Python code.

Ox is not stable enough to be recommended for production code yet. It was created as a tool for an introductory compilers course at University of Brasilia and this use case will always play an important part on the design decisions and the overall shape of this library. One explicit pedagogical goal of Ox is to make the boundaries of the different compilation phases very explicit and easily pluggable into each other. This approach is good for teaching, but it does not lead to the most efficient or robust implementations of real compilers. Ox, as most compiler generators, is good for quick experimentation but it is limited in terms of performance and, more importantly, Ox parsers generally fail to provide nice error messages for syntax errors. We hope to work on those areas, but it is still a low priority.


Compilation is usually broken into a few steps:

  1. Tokenization/lexical analysis: a string of source code is broken into a list of tokens. Ox lexers are any function that receives a string of source code and return a sequence (or any iterable) of tokens.
  2. Parsing: the sequence of tokens is converted into a syntax tree. In Ox, the parser is derived from a grammar in EBNF form. It receives a list of tokens and outputs an arbitrary parse tree.
  3. Semantic analysis: the parse tree is scanned for semantic errors (e.g. invalid variable names, invalid type signatures, etc). The parse tree may be converted to different representations in this process.
  4. Code optimization: many optimizations are applied in order to generate efficient internal representations. This is highly dependent on the target language and runtime and it tends to be the largest part of a real compiler.
  5. Code generation: the intermediate representation is used to emit code in the target language. The target language is often a low level language such as assembly or machine code. Nothing prevents us from emitting Python or Javascript, however.

Ox is mostly concerned with steps 1, 2 (via Lark) and 5. The library has very limited support to semantic analysis and almost no help for code optimization.


Ox can be installed using pip:

$ python3 -m pip install ox-parser --user

It only works on Python 3.6+.


We show how to build a simple calculator using Ox. The following examples explicitly separate parsing into separate steps of lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis and code generation. Compilers for complex languages usually blur of those lines a little bit, and Ox has some support for that.


A lexer reads a string and generate a sequence of tokens. Ox builds the lexer function from a list of token names associated with their corresponding regular expressions:

import ox

lexer = ox.lexer(
    NUMBER={r'\d+(\.\d*)?': float},

Each argument can be either a regular expression or a dictionary mapping the regular expression to a function. This function is used to associate a value to the token instead of just using its string content.

This declares a tokenizer function that receives a string of source code and returns a sequence of tokens:

>>> tokens = lexer('21 + 21')
>>> list(tokens)
[Token(NUMBER, 21.0), Token(PLUS, '+'), Token(NUMBER, 21.0)]

We can easily retrieve the value or the type for each token on the list:

>>> [tk.value for tk in lexer('21 + 21')]  # values
[21.0, '+', 21.0]
>>> [tk.type for tk in lexer('21 + 21')]   # token types


The next step is to pass the list of tokens to a parser in order to generate the parse tree. We can easily declare a parser in Ox from a mapping of grammar rules to their corresponding handler functions.

# Handle binary operations
binop = lambda x, op, y: (op.value, x, y)

parser = ox.parser(
            'expr PLUS term': binop,
            'term': None,
            'term MUL atom': binop,
            'atom': None,
            'NUMBER | NAME': lambda x: x.value,
             '"(" expr ")"': None,

The parser consumes a list of tokens and convert them to an AST passing each element (terminals and non-terminals) to their corresponding handler function. The rule "expr: expr PLUS term", for instance, produces tree elements, an "expr" node, followed by a "PLUS" terminal and a "term" node. Those arguments are passed to the handler function binop, which generates a node of the syntax tree.

In the example above, we create tuples to build our AST as LISP-like S-expressions.

The resulting parser is again just a function that receives a string of code and return the abstract syntax tree.

>>> parser('2 + 2 * 20')
('+', 2.0, ('*', 2.0, 20.0))


We can easily evaluate an algebraic expression from syntax trees. Bellow is a very straightforward expression evaluator:

import operator as op

operations = {'+': op.add, '-': op.sub, '*': op.mul, '/': op.truediv}

def eval_ast(node, env):
    if isinstance(node, tuple):
        head, *tail = node
        func = operations[head]
        args = (eval_ast(x, env) for x in tail)
        return func(*args)
    elif isinstance(node, str):
        return env[node]
        return node

The user should pass a dictionary of all free variables with their corresponding numeric values.

The eval function receives an AST, but we can easily compose it with the other functions in order to accept string inputs.

def eval_expr(src, **kwargs):
    return eval_ast(parser(src), env=kwargs)
>>> eval_expr('2 + x * 20', x=2.0)

We can call those functions in a loop to create a nice calculator written with only a few lines of Python code!

def eval_loop(**env):
    while True:
        expr = input('> ')
        if not expr:
            if input('quit? [y/N] ').lower() == 'y':
        ast = parser(expr)
        print(eval_ast(ast, env))


The final step is to build a compiler. The goal with this simple calculator is to read a string containing a mathematical expression and create a Python function that evaluates this code. The function receive the missing variables as keyword arguments. This is somewhat of a pointless exercise since our calculator language is already a subset of Python. Anyway, it demonstrates how to approach code generation in Ox and showcase some of its capabilities for analysing Python code.

Notice how the main compiler function looks deceptively like the interpreter.

import operator as op
from import py

operations = {'+': op.add, '-': op.sub, '*': op.mul, '/': op.truediv}

def compile_expression(node):
    if isinstance(node, tuple):
        head, *tail = node
        func = operations[head]
        args = (compile_expression(x) for x in tail)
        return func(*args)
    elif isinstance(node, str):
        return py[node]
        return py(node)

There are a few notable differences: we do not pass an environment dictionary to the compiler and the leaf nodes are wrapped into the py special object. Let us call this function to check what it does:

>>> compile_expression(parser('1 + 1'))
py['1.0 + 1.0']

The py object is an expression factory that construct Python abstract syntax tree nodes by always selecting the tree node that replicates any operation performed with it. For instance, accessing an attribute creates a node that represents a Python name:

>>> py.x

Add it with a value or to other nodes creates an AST that represents the sum of two expressions

>>> py.x + py.y + 1
py['x + y + 1']

The resulting value is always a wrapped AST node that replicates the operation performed to it. It accepts almost all Python operators, attribute access, function calling, and indexing. It fails with most named binary operators like "and", "or", "is" and "is not".

S-Expression notation

We can construct more complex AST nodes calling the py object as if it is represented by LISP-like S-Expression. The idea is that any tree node is composed by a "head" symbol and a list of arguments. The head is usually an string, and the list of arguments depends on the expression being generated. Usually, this is very straightforward, like

>>> py('return', py.x)
py['return x']

Python syntax, however, can be very subtle and complicated in some places, and you'll surely have to consult the documentation to understand those corner cases. That said, we need to know how to declare a function to continue with our little project. This is one of those complicated bits since argument specification in Python can be really non-trivial.

Our goal is to convert an expression like this

(2 * x) + 1

into something like this

def func(x):
    return (2 * x) + 1

A function node is declared as a def` S-Expression with 3 arguments: the name the list of arguments, and the body as a list of statements.

>>> py('def', py.func, [py.x], [py('return', (2 * py.x) + 1)])
py['def func(x):',
   '    return 2 * x + 1']

It accepts more complicated declarations with keyword arguments, type annotations, variadic arguments, etc. We will not cover that for now, but we encourage you to try figuring out how those advanced features work.

Extracting trees from py objects

The py object provides a powerful mechanism to generate syntax trees, but it has a serious limitation: the wrapped AST cannot have any method since calling methods and accessing attributes simply create new and more complex nodes.

>>> (py.x + py.y).source()
py['(x + y).source()']

Once the basic abstract tree is created, it must be extracted from the factory object. This is done with the unwrap function

>>> from ox.ast import unwrap
>>> unwrap(py.x + py.y)
BinOp(Op.ADD, Name('x'), Name('y'))

The resulting objects have many useful tree-related methods for introspection, searching, transformation, and code generation. We can convert, for instance, any tree to a string of Python code calling its source() method,

>>> ast = unwrap(py.x + py.y)
>>> ast.source()
'x + y'

Python AST nodes implement lots of useful functions. We refer to the documentation for a complete list, but let us investigate a few that may be relevant for us now. In order to complete our calculator, we need to inspect the free variables of the parsed expression tree. This is easily done:

>>> ast.free_vars() == {'x', 'y'}

Ox can also evaluate expressions whose values we can determine statically. This is called "constant propagation" in compilers terminology and it is implemented by the simplify method. Consider the trivial expression,

>>> ast = unwrap(py(40) + py(2))
>>> ast
BinOp(Op.ADD, Atom(40), Atom(2))

Now, let us simplify it to hold only the computed 42 number:

>>> ast.simplify()

Constant propagation is a subtle topic and is heavily dependent on typing information about each expression. For instance, we cannot simplify x + 40 + 2 to x + 42 unless we know that x is an integer or some other compatible numeric type. Python is very dynamic and any class can override operators do do any funny stuff they like, including violating basic laws of arithmetic.

Wrapping up

We now know how to complete the puzzle for building a full compiler (or maybe should we say "transpiler") from Calculator to Python.

def compile_expr(src, function_name='calc'):
    ast = parser(src)
    expr = unwrap(compile_expression(ast))
    expr = expr.simplify()
    args = sorted(expr.free_vars())
    args = [py[x] for x in args]
    fn = py('def', function_name, args, [
        py('return', expr),
    return unwrap(fn).source()

Now we can simply call "compile_calculator" to convert it from Calculator to Python:

>>> print(compile_expr('40 + 2 + x'))
def calc(x):
    return 42.0 + x

We can make it available into our own Python code running it with eval():

>> ns = {} >>> exec(compile_expr('40 + 2 + x'), ns) >>> expr = ns['calc'] >>> expr(x=1) 43.0

What about the name?

Ox was initially based on PLY, which is is a Pythonic implementation/interpretation of Yacc. The most widespread Yacc implementation is of course GNU Bison. We decided to keep the bovine theme alive and used Ox. The correct pronunciation (if we can impose such a thing) is in Portuguese: [ɔ-ʃis] (Portuguese speakers will say ó-xis).