Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | str | The LDAP server name | [optional] |
description | str | The LDAP server description | [optional] |
enable_tls | bool | enable TLS or not, if ture, caCertificateId, clientCertificateId and clientKeyId must be specified | [optional] |
bind_dn | str | The LDAP server bind DN name | [optional] |
bind_dn_password | str | The LDAP server bind DN password | [optional] |
base_dn | str | The RADIUS user base DN | [optional] |
l3_address_profile_id | int | The L3 address profile ID | [optional] |
protocol_type | XiqLdapProtocolType | [optional] | |
enable_strip_realm_name | bool | enable strip realm name or not | [optional] |
destination_port | int | The LDAP server destination port (1 ~ 65535) | [optional] |
verification_mode | XiqLdapServerVerificationMode | [optional] | |
ca_certificate_id | int | The CA certificate ID, refer to XiqCertificate | [optional] |
client_certificate_id | int | The client certificate ID, refer to XiqCertificate | [optional] |
client_key_id | int | The client key ID, refer to XiqCertificate | [optional] |