The Thread Router associate to ExtremeCloud IQ device
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | The unique identifier | |
create_time | datetime | The create time | |
update_time | datetime | The last update time | |
org_id | int | The organization identifier, valid when enabling HIQ feature | [optional] |
owner_id | int | The owner id | [optional] |
device_id | int | The device unique identifier | [optional] |
serial_number | str | The device serial number | [optional] |
eui64 | str | The Extended Unique Identifier | [optional] |
ext_mac | str | The Extended Mac Address | [optional] |
rloc16 | str | The router RLOC16 | [optional] |
global_ipv6 | str | The global IPv6 address | [optional] |
tx_power | int | The transmit power | [optional] |
region | str | The device region | [optional] |
thread_platform | str | The thread platform | [optional] |
device_role | str | The thread device role/state | [optional] |
router_interface | XiqThreadNetworkInterface | [optional] | |
veth0 | XiqThreadNetworkInterface | [optional] | |
network_data | XiqThreadNetworkData | [optional] | |
thread_mle_link_mode | XiqThreadMleLinkMode | [optional] | |
thread_version | XiqThreadVersion | [optional] | |
leader_service | XiqThreadLeaderService | [optional] | |
border_router_service | XiqThreadBorderRouterService | [optional] | |
backbone_border_router_service | XiqThreadBackboneBorderRouterService | [optional] | |
border_agent_service | XiqThreadBorderAgentService | [optional] | |
commissioner_service | XiqThreadCommissionerService | [optional] | |
nat64_service | XiqThreadNat64Service | [optional] | |
network_config | XiqThreadNetworkConfig | [optional] | |
active_clients | int | The count of active connected clients | [optional] |
hostname | str | The device hostname | [optional] |
last_reported | datetime | The last reported datetime | [optional] |
thread_connected | bool | Is router connected to thread network | [optional] |