The configuration of RADIUS proxy
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | The unique identifier | |
create_time | datetime | The create time | |
update_time | datetime | The last update time | |
org_id | int | The organization identifier, valid when enabling HIQ feature | [optional] |
name | str | The RADIUS proxy name | [optional] |
description | str | The RADIUS proxy description | [optional] |
format_type | XiqRadiusProxyFormatType | [optional] | |
retry_count | int | The retry count of RADIUS proxy | [optional] |
retry_delay | int | The retry delay of RADIUS proxy | [optional] |
dead_time | int | The dead time of RADIUS proxy | [optional] |
enable_inject_operator_name_attribute | bool | The flag for enable inject operator name attribute | [optional] |
clients | list[XiqRadiusClient] | The RADIUS clients of RADIUS proxy | [optional] |
realms | list[XiqRadiusProxyRealm] | The RADIUS realms of RADIUS proxy | [optional] |