The device on the location hierarchy.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
device_name | str | The name of the device. | |
serial_number | str | The device serial number. | [optional] |
mac_address | str | The device MAC address. | |
device_function | str | The device function, such as AP, Router, Switch, etc. | [optional] |
product_type | str | The product type, such as: AP_230, BR_100, NX9600, etc. | [optional] |
ip_address | str | The device IPv4 address. | [optional] |
location_id | int | The location ID of the device on the location hierarchy. | [optional] |
map_name | str | The associated background map for the device. | [optional] |
x | float | The x-position of the device relative to the horizontal scale in meter. | [optional] |
y | float | The y-position of the device relative to the vertical scale in meter. | [optional] |
scale_x | float | The horizontal scale for the background map in meter. | [optional] |
scale_y | float | The vertical scale for the background map in meter. | [optional] |