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## Documentation
-For a full BEAR documentation please visit our [doc page](https://github.com/european-central-bank/BEAR-toolbox/tree/master/tbx/doc).
+To get started running the code, please visit:
+[Full doc](/doc/Getting_started_2.md)
+For the actual technical documentation, please look at the [technical guides](https://github.com/european-central-bank/BEAR-toolbox/tree/master/tbx/doc)
## Distribute BEAR
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+## Table of Contents
+[Quick Guide](#H_5194ADD6)
+[OLS VAR](#H_C9D87C44)
+ [Bayesian VAR](#H_8F830DE7)
+ [Stochastic Volatility](#H_0C663C91)
+ [Time Varying Panel](#H_F7A1563A)
+ [Mixed Frequency](#H_413C373A)
+ [Impulse Response Functions](#H_231A6857)
+ [Unconditional Forecasts](#H_8DFCADBE)
+ [Forecast Error Variance](#H_811CB45A)
+ [Historical Decompositions](#H_4C47CFC6)
+ [Conditional Forecasts](#H_EE37E1B9)
+# Quick Guide
+First of all, you should probably understand basic [OLS VAR models](#H_C9D87C44)
+BEAR has two sets of inputs.
+- A number of timeseries and tables that you normally enter in an Excel file
+- A nubmer of inputs that you pass in as a struct.
+You can create such a group of settings and run BEAR as follows
+s = BEARsettings('BVAR', data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+# **Common Settings**
+Here we discuss how to run a generic BEAR model and the basic "generic" settings. The equivalent to the Blue Box in the BEAR app. For example:
+s = BEARsettings("BVAR", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+Optional inputs:
+- frequency % data frequency (1=yearly, 2= quarterly, 3=monthly, 4=weekly, 5=daily, 6=undated)
+- startdate % sample start date; must be a string consistent with the date formats of the toolbox
+- enddate % sample end date; must be a string consistent with the date formats of the toolbox
+- varendo % endogenous variables; must be a single string, with variable names separated by a space
+- varexo % exogenous variables, if any; must be a single string, with variable names separated by a space
+- lags % number of lags
+- const % inclusion of a constant (1=yes, 0=no)
+- data
+- results % save the results in the excel file (true/false)
+- results_path % path where there results file is stored
+- results_sub % name of the results file
+- plot % plot the results (true/false)
+- Debug % save error
+- workspace % save the workspace as a .mat file (true/false)
+# **VAR Type**
+This is the most important setting for BEAR. It decides which type of model you are running.
+This settings cannot be changed, becuase a lot of properties are dependent on it, so once you create a specific settings object, you either stick with it or recreate.
+Brief explanation
+s = BEARsettings("OLS", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+[Detailed Explanation](./OLS.mlx)
+## Bayesian VAR
+Brief explanation
+s = BEARsettings("BVAR", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+Brief explanation
+s = BEARsettings("PANEL", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+## Stochastic Volatility
+Brief explanation
+s = BEARsettings("SV", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+## Time Varying Panel
+Brief explanation
+s = BEARsettings("TVP", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+## Mixed Frequency
+Brief explanation
+s = BEARsettings("MFVAR", data = "default_bear_data.xlsx")
+# Applications
+This is where the applications tab is explained
+## Impulse Response Functions
+Basic description and quick example
+s = BEARsettings('BVAR', IRF = 1, IRFt = 'Cholesky', IRFperiods = 20)
+[More here](./IRF.mlx)
+## Unconditional Forecasts
+## Forecast Error Variance
+Basic description and quick example
+s = BEARsettings('BVAR', F = 1, Fstartdate = '2014q1', Fenddate = '2016q4', Fendsmpl = true)
+[More here](./Forecasts.mlx)
+## Historical Decompositions
+## Conditional Forecasts
+# Replications
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