diff --git a/resources/project/Root.type.Files/tbx.type.File/bear.type.File/Contents.m.type.File.xml b/resources/project/Root.type.Files/tbx.type.File/bear.type.File/Contents.m.type.File.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a6326b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/project/Root.type.Files/tbx.type.File/bear.type.File/Contents.m.type.File.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tbx/bear/BEARsettings.m b/tbx/bear/BEARsettings.m
index 5763215..518b1b3 100644
--- a/tbx/bear/BEARsettings.m
+++ b/tbx/bear/BEARsettings.m
@@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
function [settings] = BEARsettings(VARtype, varargin)
-%BEARSETTINGS gets the corresponding settings object based on the given
-%VARtype. The user can optionally pass a name-value property with the
-%ExcelFile. Alternatively, the xlsx file in pwd is taken. If more than one
-%xlsx file exist an error is thrown. It is also possible to pass any of the
-%VARtype properties as name-value pairs.
+% BEARSETTINGS gets the corresponding settings object based on the given
+% VARtype.
+% opts = BEARsettings(VARtype, name = value)
+% opts = BEARsettings(VARtype, ExcelFile = 'data.xlsx', name = value)
+% VARtype is the type of BEAR to be estimated, and can take the values
+% ExcelFile is an optional key-value pair with the location in disk of the
+% Excel file with the inputs. If not specified, BEAR will use a default
+% one.
+% It is also possible to pass any of the % VARtype properties as name-value
+% paris. These will depend on the choosen VARtype
+% See also:
+% Base settings for BEAR
+% BVAR settings
+% OLS settings
+% Panel settings
+% Stocahstic Volatility
+% Time Varing panel settings
+% Mixed Frequency
p = inputParser;
p.KeepUnmatched = true;
diff --git a/tbx/bear/Contents.m b/tbx/bear/Contents.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7208fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbx/bear/Contents.m
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% BEAR summary
+% Version 5.2.0 19-Dec-2023
+% Description of first group of files
+% BEARmain - Estimate a Bayesian VAR model using BEAR
+% BEARsettings - Create a settigs object with the parameters to run BEAR
+% Documentation
+% GettingStarted - Quick guide to get started with BEAR
+% Technical Guide - PDF with all implementation details on BEAR
+% For more information, see the BEAR GitHub page.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tbx/doc/GettingStarted.mlx b/tbx/doc/GettingStarted.mlx
index 529350e..b279ea7 100644
Binary files a/tbx/doc/GettingStarted.mlx and b/tbx/doc/GettingStarted.mlx differ