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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 7 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tue, March 12, 2019 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hours


  1. Constantinople Go Live
  2. Update on ProgPow Audit
  3. Hudson to give update
  4. Subcommittee update
  5. Issue 11 - Moving ProgPoW into Istanbul Hard Fork
  6. Hard Fork Coordination
  7. Updates on the action items from Constantinople Post mortem
  8. Moloch DAO & Aragon Discussion
  9. Community Outreach
  10. Update on the Ethereum Development Portal designs/structure
  11. Any Other Business
  12. Review Actions from Meeting #6
  13. Next Meeting

Moderator - Brett Robertson

1. Constantinople Go Live

  • Brett: Success - no major issues to report.

2. Update on ProgPoW Audit

2.1 Hudson's update

  • Brett: Unable to attend so no update.

2.2 Subcommittee update

  • Brett: Still looking to engage auditors.
  • Charles: Full audit still be sought. Waiting on full auditor proposal. Whiteblock Gitcoin has been updated.
  • Trenton: Strange that this is a one is generic and on going.

ACTION: Identify if this is the new Gitcoin grant for the Whiteblock audit

2.3 Issue #11 Moving ProgPoW into the Istanbul Hard Fork

  • Tim: EIP be conditional on the audit? If it passes then implement. If it is fails then pull the EIP.
  • Lane: Time wise we can propose this. All Core Devs would need to make this decision.

ACTION: Tim Beiko: Add comment to the All Core Devs Agenda regarding tentatively adding the ProgPoW EIP into Instanbul pending audit. Lane to assist with making it an agenda item.

3. Hardfork Coordination

  • Brett: ECH is looking to get the wheel moving for Hard Fork Coordination and in this regard there will be a meeting on the 13 March 2018 to discuss the Hard Fork Coordination. This is not a public call but is more to assist with the Ethereum Cat Herders to get their head around the requirements of the task.
  • Lane: No Hard Fork Coordinator has been selected. May be good to have two people. Wait for Hudson to comment.

ACTION: Hudson to provide feedback on Hard Fork Coordinator/s.

4. Updates on the action items from Constantinople Post mortem

  • Pooja: Telegram group for the Constantinople Post Mortem has been created. No updates on this as Hudson and Charles have been travelling.

5. Moloch DAO & Aragon Discussion

  • Brett: Chris has created a Aragon DAO for the Cat Herders on the mainnet. Cat Herders who join are granted a HERD token and this will be trialled to perform governance tasks and assist with funding decisions in the future.
  • Hugo: No update on the Moloch DAO.

6. Community Outreach

  • Brett: Medium Post has been well received. Hudson gave a talk at EthCC and this was again well received but there is still an area of uncertainty in the community around project management and centralisation of activities in a decentralised space. I will be giving a talk at Edcon in Sydney in April to help introduce the Ethereum Cat Herders further.

7. Update on the Ethereum Development Portal designs/structure

  • Charles: Design should be completed in the next couple of days. Once this is done it will be shared for discussion.

8. Any Other Business

  • Pooja: Team of project managers trying to help the Ethereum Core Developers. Propose that we should have shape. Documentation is essential. Until we decide on using a specific PM metholodogy we can use central document to help define area and processes within the Ethereum Cat Herders. Moving on we must involve the community. We can then do things like publish the task in the ECH defined area. Then encourage the community to get involved. We must also look to reward the work performed. Hopely by doing this we will start to clarify the questions in the community.
  • Brett: This is a great start and once we start to define the process and areas of management we can look to perhaps publish it throught the website?
  • Hugo: Website could absolutely be updated to reflect the process management.
  • Brett: Great resource for assisting the community to understand the process.
  • Lane: Great to get our house in order.

NOTE: The initial master document proposed by Pooja can be found here

ACTION: Pooja to manage. Cat Herders to review Pooja's initial master document to manage process flow and start to build this process.

8.2 Handbook or Guidelines for the community

  • Lane: This was proposed here

ACTION: Cat Herders to look the Handbook proposed by Luke Schoen and discuss over the next couple weeks.

8.3 Ethereum Website

  • Lane: Hudson and I met the developer team working on it. Still managed internally and will be opened up very soon. Not sure if it is Foundation specific or the community. Hope the latter. This should be a relatively open process. Will keep

Review Actions from Meeting #6

  • ACTION 6.1: Hudson to coordinate setting up of Bounties and Gitcoin funding for ProgPoW audit. - COMPLETE

  • ACTION 6.2: William and Hudson to engage with Least Authority via call. - COMPLETE

  • ACTION 6.5: Hudson to review Ethereum Cat Herders draft before Brett posts to Medium. - COMPLETE

  • ACTION 6.6: Chris to continue to work on Aragon DAO for ECH to manage funding. - COMPLETE

  • ACTION 6.8: Pooja to set up a Telegram group for the Constantinople Delay ACTION ITEMS subcommittee. - COMPLETE

  • ACTION 6.3: ProgPoW subcommitte to review feedback from stakeholders to see if anything should be included in technical audit. - ON GOING

  • ACTION 6.4: Joseph to post the updated communications checklist to the ECH internal gitter channel. - ON GOING

  • ACTION 6.7: Hugo & Joseph to work together to write up a general overview of how Moloch DAO might benefit the Ethereum Community. - ON GOING

9. Next Meeting: 26 March 2019 at 2pm UTC.


  • ACTION 6.3: ProgPoW subcommitte to review feedback from stakeholders to see if anything should be included in technical audit.
  • ACTION 6.4: Joseph to post the updated communications checklist to the ECH internal gitter channel.
  • ACTION 6.7: Hugo & Joseph to work together to write up a general overview of how Moloch DAO might benefit the Ethereum Community.
  • ACTION 7.1: Identify if the new Gitcoin grant was for the Whiteblock audit
  • ACTION 7.2: Tim Beiko: Add comment to the All Core Devs Agenda regarding tentatively adding the ProgPoW EIP into Instanbul pending audit. Lane to assist with making it an agenda item.
  • ACTION 7.3: Hudson to provide feedback on Hard Fork Coordinator/s.
  • ACTION 7.4: Pooja to manage. Cat Herders to review Pooja's initial master document to manage process flow and start to build this process - here.
  • ACTION 7.5: Cat Herders to look the Handbook proposed by Luke Schoen and discuss over the next couple weeks - here.


  • Lane Rettig
  • Brett Robertson
  • Tim Beiko
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Hugo Sanchez
  • Charles St Louis
  • Trenton van Epps