This repository contains a a GUI for the Ford-Fulkerson method using Depth-First Search in MATLAB
R2020a to solve the problem of maximum flow between a source and target nodes in a directed and weighted graph.
The GUI receives an capacity matrix contained in a CSV file as in matrizCapacidades.csv
, where the entry in the i-th row, j-th column denote the weight between the i-th and j-th nodes, and 0 is used to denote that there is not an edge between the nodes.
If you want to run this GUI, you may want to use the provided binaries.
- Version 9.8 (R2020a) of the MATLAB Runtime is required.
- If you don't have the MATLb Runtime installed in your computer, go to
, download and installMyAppInstaller_web.exe
Jorge Esteban Mendoza Ortiz ([email protected]), Applied Mathematician at Faculty of Sciences, UNAM.