As of v7.0.
These instructions are supplementary to the server configuration guidelines. All configuration settings listed here are made on Windows Server 2019.
!!! note
[URL Rewrite]( must be installed on the IIS server.
To сonfigure IIS server for EspoCRM, do the following steps.
1.1. Go to IIS Manager, select your Site.
1.2. Right-click on Site > Manage Website > Advanced Settings.
1.3. Specify your EspoCRM public directory path (e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\EspoCRM-7.2.7\public
) in the Physical Path field.
1.4. Click on OK.
2.1. Right-click on Site in IIS manager > Add Virtual Directory.
2.3. Type the client name in the Alias field.
2.4. Specify your EspoCRM client directory path (e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\EspoCRM-7.2.7\client
) in the Physical Path field.
2.5. Click on OK.
3.1. Navigate the Handler Mappings scope of your Site.
3.2. Select the PHP_via_FastCGI module > Actions > Edit.
3.3. Specify "C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.4\php-cgi.exe"
path in the Executable (Optional) field (double quotes are required).
3.4. Navigate Request Restrictions > Verbs.
3.5. Specify the verbs to be handled. Select All verbs or specify One of the following verbs: GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,PATCH
, click on OK.
3.6. Click on OK and Yes.
3.1. Open %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationhost.config
3.2. Locate the < handlers > tag.
3.3. Locate the "PHP_via_FastCGI" section, add all HTTP methods modifying verb="GET,HEAD,POST"
3.4. Save the ApplicationHost.config file.
4.1. Open your EspoCRM instance directory, right-click on it > Properties > Security > Edit.
4.2. For user names IIS_IUSRS, check all available boxes in the Allow column.
4.3. Click on Apply and OK.
Reboot your IIS server after all the steps are done.