# This example demonstrates how to regrid between a Grid and a Mesh.
+import esmpy
+import numpy
+import os
+import esmpy.util.helpers as helpers
+import esmpy.api.constants as constants
+# This call enables debug logging
+mg = esmpy.Manager(debug=True)
+# ESMPy uses Fortran style dimension ordering (as of November 2017)
+[lat,lon] = [1,0]
+# Create the source grid from memory with periodic dimension specified.
+lons = numpy.arange(5, 350.1, 10)
+lats = numpy.arange(-85, 85.1, 10)
+srcgrid = esmpy.Grid(numpy.array([lons.size, lats.size]),
+ coord_sys=esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG,
+ staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER,
+ num_peri_dims=1, periodic_dim=0, pole_dim=1)
+# Get and set the source grid coordinates.
+srcGridCoordLon = srcgrid.get_coords(lon)
+srcGridCoordLat = srcgrid.get_coords(lat)
+slons_par = lons[srcgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]:srcgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]]
+slats_par = lats[srcgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]:srcgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]]
+# make sure to use indexing='ij' as ESMPy backend uses matrix indexing (not Cartesian)
+lonm, latm = numpy.meshgrid(slons_par, slats_par, indexing='ij')
+srcGridCoordLon[:] = lonm
+srcGridCoordLat[:] = latm
+# Create the dest grid from memory with periodic dimension specified.
+lons = numpy.arange(2.5, 357.6, 5)
+lats = numpy.arange(-87.5, 87.6, 5)
+dstgrid = esmpy.Grid(numpy.array([lons.size, lats.size]),
+ coord_sys=esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG,
+ staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER,
+ num_peri_dims=1, periodic_dim=1, pole_dim=0)
+# Get and set the source grid coordinates.
+dstGridCoordLat = dstgrid.get_coords(lat)
+dstGridCoordLon = dstgrid.get_coords(lon)
+dlons_par = lons[dstgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]:dstgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]]
+dlats_par = lats[dstgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]:dstgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]]
+# make sure to use indexing='ij' as ESMPy backend uses matrix indexing (not Cartesian)
+lonm, latm = numpy.meshgrid(dlons_par, dlats_par, indexing='ij')
+dstGridCoordLon[:] = lonm
+dstGridCoordLat[:] = latm
+# Create a field on the centers of the source grid with the mask applied.
+srcfield = esmpy.Field(srcgrid, name="srcfield", staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
+# Create a field on the centers of the source grid with the mask applied.
+dstfield = esmpy.Field(dstgrid, name="dstfield", staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
+xctfield = esmpy.Field(dstgrid, name="xctfield", staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
+gridLon = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lon, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
+gridLat = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lat, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
+# wave = lambda x,k: numpy.sin(x*k*numpy.pi/180.0)
+# srcfield.data[...] = numpy.outer(wave(slons_par,3), wave(slats_par,3)) + 2
+srcfield.data[:,:] = 2.0 + numpy.cos(numpy.radians(srcGridCoordLat)[...])**2 * \
+ numpy.cos(2.0*numpy.radians(srcGridCoordLon)[...])
+# wave = lambda x,k: numpy.sin(x*k*numpy.pi/180.0)
+# xctfield.data[...] = numpy.outer(wave(dlons_par,3), wave(dlats_par,3)) + 2
+xctfield.data[:,:] = 2.0 + numpy.cos(numpy.radians(dstGridCoordLat)[...])**2 * \
+ numpy.cos(2.0*numpy.radians(dstGridCoordLon)[...])
+dstfield.data[:] = 1e20
+# write regridding weights to file
+filename = "esmpy_example_weight_file.nc"
+if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
+ if os.path.isfile(
+ os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)):
+ os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))
+regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield, filename=filename,
+ regrid_method=esmpy.RegridMethod.BILINEAR,
+ unmapped_action=esmpy.UnmappedAction.IGNORE)
+# # create a regrid object from file
+regrid = esmpy.RegridFromFile(srcfield, dstfield, filename)
+# calculate the regridding from source to destination field
+dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield)
+# compute the mean relative error
+num_nodes = numpy.prod(xctfield.data.shape[:])
+relerr = 0
+meanrelerr = 0
+if num_nodes != 0:
+ relerr = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(dstfield.data - xctfield.data) /
+ numpy.abs(xctfield.data))
+ meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
+# handle the parallel case
+if esmpy.pet_count() > 1:
+ relerr = helpers.reduce_val(relerr, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)
+ num_nodes = helpers.reduce_val(num_nodes, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)
+# output the results from one processor only
+if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
+ meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
+ print ("ESMPy Grid Mesh Regridding Example")
+ print (" interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr))
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)):
+ os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))
+# set to 1 to output results
+# if esmpy.pet_count() == 0:
+# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# fig = plt.figure(1, (15, 6))
+# fig.suptitle('ESMPy Periodic Grids', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
+# ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
+# im = ax.imshow(srcfield.data, vmin=1, vmax=3, cmap='gist_ncar', aspect='auto',
+# extent=[min(slons_par), max(slons_par), min(slats_par), max(slats_par)])
+# ax.set_xbound(lower=min(slons_par), upper=max(slons_par))
+# ax.set_ybound(lower=min(slats_par), upper=max(slats_par))
+# ax.set_xlabel("Longitude")
+# ax.set_ylabel("Latitude")
+# ax.set_title("Source Data")
+# ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
+# im = ax.imshow(dstfield.data, vmin=1, vmax=3, cmap='gist_ncar', aspect='auto',
+# extent=[min(dlons_par), max(dlons_par), min(dlats_par), max(dlats_par)])
+# ax.set_xlabel("Longitude")
+# ax.set_ylabel("Latitude")
+# ax.set_title("Regrid Solution")
+# fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8)
+# cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8])
+# fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
+# plt.show()