This is a Chrome extension that makes it a little easier to test user auth endpoints for locally with a REST client like Paw or Postman.
When testing user API endpoints (such as GET v0/user
and POST v0/notifications/dismissed_statuses
) in a REST client, you need to send the api_session
and vagov_session_dev
cookies with any request. You do this by creating a single header named Cookie
to pass along the value of those cookies.
An example of the value for the Cookie
header for local testing would be:
api_session=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--068924b4abb306a7eb1b0138477b740c70f1dc68; vagov_session_dev=fzdVGr0CT1FgDv_SxjWQty1LfIF5Vgcmj9OgWC-VFx6Liyt8YkrIgjCr6NFFx__Snv9DRG61DNIRwjot-JpA6sT2S1xP17YgD4mmKI9r5XX8x4lzZp0U5LtoBBfSHRqlOlWQmVFbIEc4aQP8kxhv7o91Duu997raWNyKizUmCoVJ-H_wVWCQI-tdn48jPyNT0Wi-Y-Cq-EbFtcfDDQX0LVqpTlTaIPd_QgjuY9v1Kn96p0EcBQwJzjFv28hv9KEx
NOTE: The name of the second cookie is no longer stable. For example, when testing locally the cookie name might be
instead ofvagov_session_dev
. This only makes it more tedious to get the cookie names manually, making this Chrome extension even more useful.
Because valid cookie values change whenever you sign in, updating the Cookie
header is a pain; you need to copy the current cookie values from the web inspector and paste them into the long string shown above. This is slow, tedious, and error-prone. Mostly slow. And oh so tedious.
This Chrome extension aims to make it easier to update the Cookie
header in a REST client like Postman or Paw. Once you are signed into (in either the prod, staging, dev, or local environments), click on the extension's icon and then on the Copy VA user cookies
button. This will copy the current cookie values to your clipboard.
Then, in your REST client, paste the clipboard contents into the value of the Cookie
header. Voilà! You can now make user-authenticated requests from your REST client.
First, clone this repo to someplace on your computer.
Then install it in Chrome as an "unpacked extension"1:
- Open the Extension Management page by navigating to
. - Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode.
- Click the LOAD UNPACKED button and select the extension directory (where you cloned this repo to on your computer).
- This is my first Chrome extension so I'm open to suggestions for improvement.
- I wanted to make this a single-click operation that didn't require a popup menu. But since I'm relying on the
API, I need to embed the relevant code into a popup HTML page :( - Now that I've done this, I wonder if Chrome has a command-line API that would let me grab the cookies so that this could be done in a shell script.
1: Instructions copied from the Chrome developer site