- Resolves
error during inventory update from the default"poles"
server (#9)
- Read
FTP download info directly from website to avoid problems associated with changed username or password (#4).
- Turned on markdown support for roxygen
New features:
- File retrieval from A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles provided by The National Center for Atmospheric Research at http://poles.tpdc.ac.cn/en/data/9775f2b4-7370-4e5e-a537-3482c9a83d88/.
- Initialized 'tinytest' unit testing (tbc).
- Server order has changed and now defaults to
c("poles", "nasanex", "ecocast")
- In case server is unavailable, updateInventory() returns offline files list for target server straight away without testing alternate servers first.
- Handle expired ECOCAST SSL certificate in updateInventory().
- gimms:::updateNasanex() now yields valid online filepaths.
- Removed 'RCurl' dependency.
- Roxygen2 update
- Use DOI hyperlinks rather than direct journal links due to deprecation issues.
- Rasterized NDVI3g.v0 images are no longer kept in memory, but linked to corresponding file on disk if 'filename' is specified.
New features:
- Function oldNaming() to transform new .nc4 file names into "traditional" NDVI3g.v0 naming convention, optionally appending a suffix (e.g., '.tif').
- Added parallel support to significantTau(),'RasterStackBrick'-method.
- Issued MIT license.
New features:
- Added support for the recently released NDVI3g.v1 to all package functions.
- Included local file inventories for all available GIMMS products (NDVI3g.v0 and NDVI3g.v1) and their respective servers (ECOCAST, NASANEX).
- rasterizeGimms() now includes an extent argument ('ext') to enable clipping based on raster::crop().
- Quality control has been added to rasterizeGimms() through specifying permitted flag values ('keep'), rendering the subsequent application of a separate function unnecessary. For reasons of convenience, however, qualityControl() is still available.
- Scaling and the rejection of water and nodata-mask values are no longer optional.
- If 'timestamp = TRUE', monthlyIndices() now returns an object of class 'Date' (instead of 'character') and '...' is no longer available.
New features:
- Enabled retrieval of quality flags from rasterizeGimms().
- Added parallel support to downloadGimms(), rasterizeGimms() and monthlyComposite().
- Revised package documentation.