Creates new store with initial state. See Restate<T>
Store options:
propagateUndefined: boolean
- iffalse
, derived stores won't be recalculated when one of its signals is undefined. See tests for examples. Defaulttrue
import { createStore } from 'svelte-restate'
export interface State {
isLoading: boolean
todos: {
id: string
description: string
completed: boolean
const initState: State = {
isLoading: true,
todos: []
export default createStore(initState)
Connects to Redux Devtools. To dispatch mutations from the devtools you need to pass them as second argument.
State object returned by createState
Root subscription.
regRootSub<V, Args extends any[]>(name: string, computationFn: (values: StoresValues<Subscription<T>>, args: Args) => V): (...args: Args) => Subscription<V>
Creates new root subscription and caches it. The returned function will accept subscription's arguments and will create a new subscription on the first call and return cached subscription on consecutive calls.
- name of the subscriptioncomputationFn
- this function will receive root state and an array of subscription's arguments. It should calculate subscription value and return it.
import store from './store'
const todos = store.regRootSub(
($root) => $root.todos
export default {
regSub<V, S extends Subscriptions, Args extends any[]>(name: string, inputStoresFn: (args: Args) => S, computationFn: (values: StoresValues<S>, args: Args) => V): (...args: Args) => Subscription<V>
Works like ReguRootSub
, but accepts inputStoresFn
as the second arguments.
- name of the subscriptioninputStoresFn
- accept subscription's arguments and returns subscriptionscomputationFn
- this function will receive values of subscriptions returned byinputStoresFn
and subscription's arguments. It should calculate subscription value and return it.
import store from './store'
// you can register subscription without paramenters
const activeTodos = store.regSub(
() => todos(),
($todos) => $todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed)
// and with parameters
const todo = store.regSub(
() => todos(),
($todos, [id]: [string]) => {$todos.find(todo => === id)}
// also you can pass paramenter to inputstoresfn
const todoDescriptionLenght = store.RegSub(
([id]: [string]) => todos(id),
($todo) => $todo.description.lenght
// or to both functions
const isTodoIncludesString = store.RegSub(
([id, str]: [string, string]) => todos(id),
($todo, [_, str]: [string, string]) => $todo.description.includes(str)
regMut<Params>(name: string, handler: (draft: Draft<T>, params: Params) => void): MutHandlerWithParams<T, Params>
Registers new mutation handler.
- name of the mutationhandler
- this function will receive root state with mutation's arguments. It should mutatedraft
. You can read more about update patterns in Immer documentation
import store from './store'
const setLoading = store.regMut<boolean>(
(draft, value) => draft.isLoading = value
const addTodo = store.regMut<Todo>(
(draft, todo) => {
export default {
<a id=transaction></a>
### `transaction(fn: (tx: Transaction<T>) => MutReturnValue[]): void`
Executes multiple mutations within transaction.
* `fn` - transaction function, should return an array of mutations
import muts from './muts'
import subs from './subs'
import store from './store'
export function loadTodos() {
const [ids, entities] = fetchTodos()
store.transaction((tx) => [
muts.setLoading(false, tx),
muts.insertTodos([ids, entities], tx)
Listens for subscription creation and removal.
- receives action name and parameters
import store from './store'
store.listenSubs((action, params) => {
console.log(name, params)
Listens for mutations.
- receives mutation name and parameters
import store from './store'
store.listenMuts((name, params) => {
console.log(name, params)
Directy mutates state. It is recomended to use mutations when you need to change state. This function is used for integration with Redux Devtools.
Returns states of all cached subscriptions.
Subscribes to subscription.
Returns subscription's state.