The EMQ broker 1.0 is more like a network Switch or Router, not a traditional enterprise message queue. Compared to a network router that routes packets based on IP or MPLS label, the EMQ broker routes MQTT messages based on topic trie.
The EMQ 2.0 seperated the Message Flow Plane and Monitor/Control Plane, the Architecture is something like:
- Focus on handling millions of MQTT connections and routing MQTT messages between clustered nodes.
- Embrace Erlang/OTP, The Soft-Realtime, Low-Latency, Concurrent and Fault-Tolerant Platform.
- Layered Design: Connection, Session, PubSub and Router Layers.
- Separate the Message Flow Plane and the Control/Management Plane.
- Stream MQTT messages to various backends including MQ or databases.
Connection Layer
Handle TCP and WebSocket connections, encode/decode MQTT packets.
Session Layer
Process MQTT PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE Packets received from client, and deliver MQTT messages to client.
PubSub Layer
Dispatch MQTT messages to subscribers in a node.
Routing(Distributed) Layer
Route MQTT messages among clustered nodes.
This layer is built on the eSockd library which is a general Non-blocking TCP/SSL Socket Server:
- Acceptor Pool and Asynchronous TCP Accept
- Parameterized Connection Module
- Max connections management
- Allow/Deny by peer address or CIDR
- Keepalive Support
- Rate Limit based on The Leaky Bucket Algorithm
- Fully Asynchronous TCP RECV/SEND
This layer is also responsible for encoding/decoding MQTT frames:
- Parse MQTT frames received from client
- Serialize MQTT frames sent to client
- MQTT Connection Keepalive
Main erlang modules of this layer:
Module | Description |
emqx_connection | TCP Client |
emqx_ws_connection | WebSocket Client |
emqx_protocol | MQTT Protocol Handler |
emqx_frame | MQTT Frame Parser |
The session layer processes MQTT packets received from client and delivers PUBLISH packets to client.
A MQTT session will store the subscriptions and inflight messages in memory:
- The Client’s subscriptions.
- Inflight qos1/2 messages sent to the client but unacked, QoS 2 messages which have been sent to the Client, but have not been completely acknowledged.
- Inflight qos2 messages received from client and waiting for PUBREL. QoS 2 messages which have been received from the Client, but have not been completely acknowledged.
- All qos1, qos2 messages published to when client is disconnected.
Concept of Message Queue and Inflight Window:
- Inflight Window to store the messages delivered and await for PUBACK.
- Enqueue messages when the inflight window is full.
- If the queue is full, drop qos0 messages if store_qos0 is true, otherwise drop the oldest one.
The larger the inflight window size is, the higher the throughput is. The smaller the window size is, the more strict the message order is.
The 16-bit PacketId is defined by MQTT Protocol Specification, used by client/server to PUBLISH/PUBACK packets. A GUID(128-bit globally unique Id) will be generated by the broker and assigned to a MQTT message.
Format of the globally unique message id:
- Timestamp: erlang:system_time if Erlang >= R18, otherwise os:timestamp
- NodeId: encode node() to 2 bytes integer
- Pid: encode pid to 4 bytes integer
- Sequence: 2 bytes sequence in one process
The PacketId and MessageId in a End-to-End Message PubSub Sequence:
The PubSub layer maintains a subscription table and is responsible to dispatch MQTT messages to subscribers.
MQTT messages will be dispatched to the subscriber's session, which finally delivers the messages to client.
The routing(distributed) layer maintains and replicates the global Topic Trie and Routing Table. The topic tire is composed of wildcard topics created by subscribers. The Routing Table maps a topic to nodes in the cluster.
For example, if node1 subscribed 't/+/x' and 't/+/y', node2 subscribed 't/#' and node3 subscribed 't/a', there will be a topic trie and route table:
The routing layer would route MQTT messages among clustered nodes by topic trie match and routing table lookup:
The routing design follows two rules:
- A message only gets forwarded to other cluster nodes if a cluster node is interested in it. This reduces the network traffic tremendously, because it prevents nodes from forwarding unnecessary messages.
- As soon as a client on a node subscribes to a topic it becomes known within the cluster. If one of the clients somewhere in the cluster is publishing to this topic, the message will be delivered to its subscriber no matter to which cluster node it is connected.
The EMQ broker implements a simple but powerful hooks mechanism to help users develop plugin. The broker would run the hooks when a client is connected/disconnected, a topic is subscribed/unsubscribed or a MQTT message is published/delivered/acked.
Hooks defined by the EMQ 3.0 broker:
Hook | Description |
client.authenticate | Run when client is trying to connect to the broker |
client.check_acl | Run when client is trying to publish or subscribe to a topic |
client.connected | Run when client connected to the broker successfully |
client.subscribe | Run before client subscribes topics |
client.unsubscribe | Run when client unsubscribes topics |
session.subscribed | Run After client(session) subscribed a topic |
session.unsubscribed | Run After client(session) unsubscribed a topic |
message.publish | Run when a MQTT message is published |
message.deliver | Run when a MQTT message is delivering to target client |
message.acked | Run when a MQTT message is acked |
client.disconnected | Run when client disconnected from broker |
The EMQ broker uses the Chain-of-responsibility_pattern to implement hook mechanism. The callback functions registered to hook will be executed one by one:
The callback function for a hook should return:
Return | Description |
ok | Continue |
{ok, NewAcc} | Return Acc and Continue |
stop | Break |
{stop, NewAcc} | Return Acc and Break |
The input arguments for a callback function depends on the types of hook. Checkout the emq_plugin_template project to see the hook examples in detail.
The hook APIs are defined in the emqx
-spec(hook(emqx_hooks:hookpoint(), emqx_hooks:action()) -> ok | {error, already_exists}).
hook(HookPoint, Action) ->
emqx_hooks:add(HookPoint, Action).
-spec(hook(emqx_hooks:hookpoint(), emqx_hooks:action(), emqx_hooks:filter() | integer())
-> ok | {error, already_exists}).
hook(HookPoint, Action, Priority) when is_integer(Priority) ->
emqx_hooks:add(HookPoint, Action, Priority);
hook(HookPoint, Action, Filter) when is_function(Filter); is_tuple(Filter) ->
emqx_hooks:add(HookPoint, Action, Filter);
hook(HookPoint, Action, InitArgs) when is_list(InitArgs) ->
emqx_hooks:add(HookPoint, Action, InitArgs).
-spec(hook(emqx_hooks:hookpoint(), emqx_hooks:action(), emqx_hooks:filter(), integer())
-> ok | {error, already_exists}).
hook(HookPoint, Action, Filter, Priority) ->
emqx_hooks:add(HookPoint, Action, Filter, Priority).
-spec(unhook(emqx_hooks:hookpoint(), emqx_hooks:action()) -> ok).
unhook(HookPoint, Action) ->
emqx_hooks:del(HookPoint, Action).
-spec(run_hook(emqx_hooks:hookpoint(), list(any())) -> ok | stop).
run_hook(HookPoint, Args) ->
emqx_hooks:run(HookPoint, Args).
-spec(run_fold_hook(emqx_hooks:hookpoint(), list(any()), any()) -> any()).
run_fold_hook(HookPoint, Args, Acc) ->
emqx_hooks:run_fold(HookPoint, Args, Acc).
The emq_plugin_template project provides the examples for hook usage:
-export([load/1, unload/0]).
-export([on_message_publish/2, on_message_deliver/3, on_message_acked/3]).
load(Env) ->
emqx:hook('message.publish', fun ?MODULE:on_message_publish/2, [Env]),
emqx:hook('message.deliver', fun ?MODULE:on_message_deliver/3, [Env]),
emqx:hook('message.acked', fun ?MODULE:on_message_acked/3, [Env]).
on_message_publish(Message, _Env) ->
io:format("publish ~s~n", [emqx_message:format(Message)]),
{ok, Message}.
on_message_deliver(Credentials, Message, _Env) ->
io:format("deliver to client ~s: ~s~n", [Credentials, emqx_message:format(Message)]),
{ok, Message}.
on_message_acked(Credentials, Message, _Env) ->
io:format("client ~s acked: ~s~n", [Credentials, emqx_message:format(Message)]),
{ok, Message}.
unload() ->
emqx:unhook('message.publish', fun ?MODULE:on_message_publish/2),
emqx:unhook('message.acked', fun ?MODULE:on_message_acked/3),
emqx:unhook('message.deliver', fun ?MODULE:on_message_deliver/3).
The EMQ broker supports extensible Authentication/ACL by hooking to hook-points client.authenticate
and client.check_acl
To register a callback function to client.authenticate
emqx:hook('client.authenticate', fun ?MODULE:on_client_authenticate/1, []).
The callbacks must have an argument that receives the Credentials
, and returns an updated Credentials:
on_client_authenticate(Credentials = #{password := Password}) ->
{ok, Credentials#{result => success}}.
The Credentials
is a map that contains AUTH related info:
client_id => ClientId, %% The client id
username => Username, %% The username
peername => Peername, %% The peer IP Address and Port
password => Password, %% The password (Optional)
result => Result %% The authentication result, must be set to ``success`` if OK,
%% or ``bad_username_or_password`` or ``not_authorized`` if failed.
To register a callback function to client.authenticate
emqx:hook('client.check_acl', fun ?MODULE:on_client_check_acl/4, []).
The callbacks must have arguments that receives the Credentials
, AccessType
, Topic
, ACLResult
, and then returns a new ACLResult:
on_client_check_acl(#{client_id := ClientId}, AccessType, Topic, ACLResult) ->
{ok, allow}.
AccessType can be one of publish
and subscribe
. Topic is the MQTT topic. The ACLResult is either allow
or deny
The module emqx_mod_acl_internal
implements the default ACL based on etc/acl.conf file:
%%% -type who() :: all | binary() |
%%% {ipaddr, esockd_access:cidr()} |
%%% {client, binary()} |
%%% {user, binary()}.
%%% -type access() :: subscribe | publish | pubsub.
%%% -type topic() :: binary().
%%% -type rule() :: {allow, all} |
%%% {allow, who(), access(), list(topic())} |
%%% {deny, all} |
%%% {deny, who(), access(), list(topic())}.
{allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.
{allow, {ipaddr, ""}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.
{deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.
{allow, all}.
The Authentication/ACL plugins implemented by emqx organization:
Plugin | Authentication |
emq_auth_username | Username and Password |
emq_auth_clientid | ClientID and Password |
emq_auth_ldap | LDAP |
emq_auth_http | HTTP API |
emq_auth_mysql | MySQL |
emq_auth_pgsql | PostgreSQL |
emq_auth_redis | Redis |
emq_auth_mongo | MongoDB |
emq_auth_jwt | JWT |
Plugin is a normal erlang application that can be started/stopped dynamically by a running EMQ broker.
The plugin mechanism is implemented by emqx_plugins module:
-export([load/1, unload/1]).
%% @doc Load a Plugin
load(PluginName :: atom()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
%% @doc UnLoad a Plugin
unload(PluginName :: atom()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
Use './bin/emqx_ctl' CLI to load/unload a plugin:
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emq_auth_redis ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins unload emq_auth_redis
Table | Type | Description |
emqx_conn | ets | Connection Table |
emqx_metrics | ets | Metrics Table |
emqx_session | ets | Session Table |
emqx_hooks | ets | Hooks Table |
emqx_subscriber | ets | Subscriber Table |
emqx_subscription | ets | Subscription Table |
emqx_admin | mnesia | The Dashboard admin users Table |
emqx_retainer | mnesia | Retained Message Table |
emqx_shared_subscription | mnesia | Shared Subscription Table |
emqx_session_registry | mnesia | Global Session Registry Table |
emqx_alarm_history | mnesia | Alarms History |
emqx_alarm | mnesia | Alarms |
emqx_banned | mnesia | Built-In Banned Table |
emqx_route | mnesia | Global Route Table |
emqx_trie | mnesia | Trie Table |
emqx_trie_node | mnesia | Trie Node Table |
mqtt_app | mnesia | App table |