This document describes the development guideline to contribute to ML pipeline project. Please check the main page for instruction on how to deploy a ML pipeline system.
The Pipeline system is included in kubeflow. See Getting Started Guide for how to deploy with Kubeflow.
To be able to use GKE, the Docker images need to be uploaded to a public Docker repository, such as GCR
To build the API server image and upload it to GCR:
# Run in the repository root directory
$ docker build -t<your-gcp-project>/api-server:latest -f backend/Dockerfile .
# Push to GCR
$ gcloud auth configure-docker
$ docker push<your-gcp-project>/api-server:latest
To build the scheduled workflow controller image and upload it to GCR:
# Run in the repository root directory
$ docker build -t<your-gcp-project>/scheduledworkflow:latest -f backend/Dockerfile.scheduledworkflow .
# Push to GCR
$ gcloud auth configure-docker
$ docker push<your-gcp-project>/scheduledworkflow:latest
To build the persistence agent image and upload it to GCR:
# Run in the repository root directory
$ docker build -t<your-gcp-project>/persistenceagent:latest -f backend/Dockerfile.persistenceagent .
# Push to GCR
$ gcloud auth configure-docker
$ docker push<your-gcp-project>/persistenceagent:latest
To build the frontend image and upload it to GCR:
# Run in the repository root directory
$ docker build -t<your-gcp-project>/frontend:latest -f frontend/Dockerfile .
# Push to GCR
$ gcloud auth configure-docker
$ docker push<your-gcp-project>/frontend:latest
Minikube can pick your local Docker image so you don't need to upload to remote repository.
For example, to build API server image
$ docker build -t ml-pipeline-api-server -f backend/Dockerfile .
Run unit test for the API server
cd backend/src/ && go test ./...
TODO: add instruction
pip install ./dsl/ --upgrade && python ./dsl/tests/
pip install ./dsl-compiler/ --upgrade && python ./dsl-compiler/tests/
Check this page for more details.
TODO: Add instruction
Q: How to access to the database directly?
You can inspect mysql database directly by running:
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h mysql
mysql> use mlpipeline;
mysql> select * from jobs;
Q: How to inspect object store directly?
Minio provides its own UI to inspect the object store directly:
kubectl port-forward -n ${NAMESPACE} $(kubectl get pods -l app=minio -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n ${NAMESPACE}) 9000:9000
Access Key:minio
Secret Key:minio123
Q: I see an error of exceeding Github rate limit when deploying the system. What can I do?
See Ksonnet troubleshooting page page
Q: How do I check my API server log?
API server logs are located at /tmp directory of the pod. To SSH into the pod, run:
kubectl exec -it -n ${NAMESPACE} $(kubectl get pods -l app=ml-pipeline -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n ${NAMESPACE}) -- /bin/bash
Q: How to check my cluster status if I am using Minikube?
Minikube provides dashboard for deployment
minikube dashboard