diff --git a/src/Widgets/DwellClickTimer.vala b/src/Widgets/DwellClickTimer.vala
index 84d3b11f6..a2e9ac4a0 100644
--- a/src/Widgets/DwellClickTimer.vala
+++ b/src/Widgets/DwellClickTimer.vala
@@ -1,183 +1,168 @@
-// Copyright 2020 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io)
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-namespace Gala {
- public class DwellClickTimer : Clutter.Actor, Clutter.Animatable {
- private const double BACKGROUND_OPACITY = 0.7;
- private const int BORDER_WIDTH_PX = 1;
- private const double START_ANGLE = 3 * Math.PI / 2;
- /**
- * Delay, in milliseconds, before showing the animation.
- * libinput uses a timeout of 180ms when tapping is enabled. Use that value plus a safety
- * margin so the animation is never displayed when tapping.
- */
- private const double DELAY_TIMEOUT = 185;
- private float scaling_factor = 1.0f;
- private int cursor_size = 24;
- private Cogl.Pipeline pipeline;
- private Clutter.PropertyTransition transition;
- private Cairo.Pattern stroke_color;
- private Cairo.Pattern fill_color;
- private GLib.Settings interface_settings;
- private Cairo.ImageSurface surface;
- public Meta.Display display { get; construct; }
- public double angle { get; set; }
- public DwellClickTimer (Meta.Display display) {
- Object (display: display);
- }
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020, 2025 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io)
+ */
- construct {
- visible = false;
- reactive = false;
+public class Gala.DwellClickTimer : Clutter.Actor, Clutter.Animatable {
+ private const double BACKGROUND_OPACITY = 0.7;
+ private const int BORDER_WIDTH_PX = 1;
+ private const double START_ANGLE = 3 * Math.PI / 2;
+ /**
+ * Delay, in milliseconds, before showing the animation.
+ * libinput uses a timeout of 180ms when tapping is enabled. Use that value plus a safety
+ * margin so the animation is never displayed when tapping.
+ */
+ private const double DELAY_TIMEOUT = 185;
+ private float scaling_factor = 1.0f;
+ private int cursor_size = 24;
+ private Cogl.Pipeline pipeline;
+ private Clutter.PropertyTransition transition;
+ private Cairo.Pattern stroke_color;
+ private Cairo.Pattern fill_color;
+ private GLib.Settings interface_settings;
+ private Cairo.ImageSurface surface;
+ public Meta.Display display { get; construct; }
+ public double angle { get; set; }
+ public DwellClickTimer (Meta.Display display) {
+ Object (display: display);
+ }
+ construct {
+ visible = false;
+ reactive = false;
- unowned var backend = context.get_backend ();
+ unowned var backend = context.get_backend ();
- unowned var backend = Clutter.get_default_backend ();
+ unowned var backend = Clutter.get_default_backend ();
- pipeline = new Cogl.Pipeline (backend.get_cogl_context ());
+ pipeline = new Cogl.Pipeline (backend.get_cogl_context ());
- transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("angle");
- transition.set_progress_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD);
- transition.set_animatable (this);
- transition.set_from_value (START_ANGLE);
- transition.set_to_value (START_ANGLE + (2 * Math.PI));
+ transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("angle");
+ transition.set_progress_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD);
+ transition.set_animatable (this);
+ transition.set_from_value (START_ANGLE);
+ transition.set_to_value (START_ANGLE + (2 * Math.PI));
- transition.new_frame.connect (() => {
- queue_redraw ();
- });
+ transition.new_frame.connect (() => {
+ queue_redraw ();
+ });
- interface_settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.interface");
+ interface_settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.interface");
- var seat = backend.get_default_seat ();
- seat.set_pointer_a11y_dwell_click_type (Clutter.PointerA11yDwellClickType.PRIMARY);
+ var seat = backend.get_default_seat ();
+ seat.set_pointer_a11y_dwell_click_type (Clutter.PointerA11yDwellClickType.PRIMARY);
- seat.ptr_a11y_timeout_started.connect ((device, type, timeout) => {
- var scale = display.get_monitor_scale (display.get_current_monitor ());
- update_cursor_size (scale);
+ seat.ptr_a11y_timeout_started.connect ((device, type, timeout) => {
+ var scale = display.get_monitor_scale (display.get_current_monitor ());
+ update_cursor_size (scale);
- unowned var tracker = display.get_cursor_tracker ();
- Graphene.Point coords = {};
- tracker.get_pointer (out coords, null);
+ unowned var tracker = display.get_cursor_tracker ();
+ Graphene.Point coords = {};
+ tracker.get_pointer (out coords, null);
- x = coords.x - (width / 2);
- y = coords.y - (width / 2);
+ x = coords.x - (width / 2);
+ y = coords.y - (width / 2);
- transition.set_duration (timeout);
- visible = true;
- transition.start ();
- });
+ transition.set_duration (timeout);
+ visible = true;
+ transition.start ();
+ });
- seat.ptr_a11y_timeout_stopped.connect ((device, type, clicked) => {
- transition.stop ();
- visible = false;
- });
- }
- private void update_cursor_size (float scale) {
- scaling_factor = scale;
+ seat.ptr_a11y_timeout_stopped.connect ((device, type, clicked) => {
+ transition.stop ();
+ visible = false;
+ });
+ }
- cursor_size = (int) (interface_settings.get_int ("cursor-size") * scaling_factor * 1.25);
+ private void update_cursor_size (float scale) {
+ scaling_factor = scale;
- if (surface == null || surface.get_width () != cursor_size || surface.get_height () != cursor_size) {
- surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, cursor_size, cursor_size);
- }
+ cursor_size = (int) (interface_settings.get_int ("cursor-size") * scaling_factor * 1.25);
- set_size (cursor_size, cursor_size);
+ if (surface == null || surface.get_width () != cursor_size || surface.get_height () != cursor_size) {
+ surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, cursor_size, cursor_size);
- public override void paint (Clutter.PaintContext context) {
- if (angle == 0) {
- return;
- }
+ set_size (cursor_size, cursor_size);
+ }
- var rgba = Drawing.StyleManager.get_instance ().theme_accent_color;
+ public override void paint (Clutter.PaintContext context) {
+ if (angle == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
- /* Don't use alpha from the stylesheet to ensure contrast */
- stroke_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgb (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue);
- fill_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgba (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue, BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
+ var rgba = Drawing.StyleManager.get_instance ().theme_accent_color;
- var radius = int.min (cursor_size / 2, cursor_size / 2);
- var end_angle = START_ANGLE + angle;
- var border_width = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (BORDER_WIDTH_PX, scaling_factor);
+ /* Don't use alpha from the stylesheet to ensure contrast */
+ stroke_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgb (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue);
+ fill_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgba (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue, BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
- var cr = new Cairo.Context (surface);
+ var radius = int.min (cursor_size / 2, cursor_size / 2);
+ var end_angle = START_ANGLE + angle;
+ var border_width = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (BORDER_WIDTH_PX, scaling_factor);
- // Clear the surface
- cr.save ();
- cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
- cr.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.SOURCE);
- cr.paint ();
- cr.restore ();
+ var cr = new Cairo.Context (surface);
- cr.set_line_cap (Cairo.LineCap.ROUND);
- cr.set_line_join (Cairo.LineJoin.ROUND);
- cr.translate (cursor_size / 2, cursor_size / 2);
+ // Clear the surface
+ cr.save ();
+ cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
+ cr.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.SOURCE);
+ cr.paint ();
+ cr.restore ();
- cr.move_to (0, 0);
- cr.arc (0, 0, radius - border_width, START_ANGLE, end_angle);
- cr.line_to (0, 0);
- cr.close_path ();
+ cr.set_line_cap (Cairo.LineCap.ROUND);
+ cr.set_line_join (Cairo.LineJoin.ROUND);
+ cr.translate (cursor_size / 2, cursor_size / 2);
- cr.set_line_width (0);
- cr.set_source (fill_color);
- cr.fill_preserve ();
+ cr.move_to (0, 0);
+ cr.arc (0, 0, radius - border_width, START_ANGLE, end_angle);
+ cr.line_to (0, 0);
+ cr.close_path ();
- cr.set_line_width (border_width);
- cr.set_source (stroke_color);
- cr.stroke ();
+ cr.set_line_width (0);
+ cr.set_source (fill_color);
+ cr.fill_preserve ();
- var cogl_context = context.get_framebuffer ().get_context ();
+ cr.set_line_width (border_width);
+ cr.set_source (stroke_color);
+ cr.stroke ();
- try {
- var texture = new Cogl.Texture2D.from_data (cogl_context, cursor_size, cursor_size, Cogl.PixelFormat.BGRA_8888_PRE,
- surface.get_stride (), surface.get_data ());
+ var cogl_context = context.get_framebuffer ().get_context ();
- pipeline.set_layer_texture (0, texture);
+ try {
+ var texture = new Cogl.Texture2D.from_data (cogl_context, cursor_size, cursor_size, Cogl.PixelFormat.BGRA_8888_PRE,
+ surface.get_stride (), surface.get_data ());
- context.get_framebuffer ().draw_rectangle (pipeline, 0, 0, cursor_size, cursor_size);
- } catch (Error e) {}
+ pipeline.set_layer_texture (0, texture);
- base.paint (context);
- }
+ context.get_framebuffer ().draw_rectangle (pipeline, 0, 0, cursor_size, cursor_size);
+ } catch (Error e) {}
- public bool interpolate_value (string property_name, Clutter.Interval interval, double progress, out Value @value) {
- if (property_name == "angle") {
- @value = 0;
+ base.paint (context);
+ }
- var elapsed_time = transition.get_elapsed_time ();
- if (elapsed_time > DELAY_TIMEOUT) {
- double delayed_progress = (elapsed_time - DELAY_TIMEOUT) / (transition.duration - DELAY_TIMEOUT);
- @value = (delayed_progress * 2 * Math.PI);
- }
+ public bool interpolate_value (string property_name, Clutter.Interval interval, double progress, out Value @value) {
+ if (property_name == "angle") {
+ @value = 0;
- return true;
+ var elapsed_time = transition.get_elapsed_time ();
+ if (elapsed_time > DELAY_TIMEOUT) {
+ double delayed_progress = (elapsed_time - DELAY_TIMEOUT) / (transition.duration - DELAY_TIMEOUT);
+ @value = (delayed_progress * 2 * Math.PI);
- return base.interpolate_value (property_name, interval, progress, out @value);
+ return true;
+ return base.interpolate_value (property_name, interval, progress, out @value);
diff --git a/src/Widgets/PointerLocator.vala b/src/Widgets/PointerLocator.vala
index 43469bc25..79d6650c7 100644
--- a/src/Widgets/PointerLocator.vala
+++ b/src/Widgets/PointerLocator.vala
@@ -1,165 +1,151 @@
-// Copyright 2020 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io)
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-namespace Gala {
- public class PointerLocator : Clutter.Actor, Clutter.Animatable {
- private const int WIDTH_PX = 300;
- private const int HEIGHT_PX = 300;
- private const int ANIMATION_TIME_MS = 300;
- private const int BORDER_WIDTH_PX = 1;
- private const double BACKGROUND_OPACITY = 0.7;
- public Meta.Display display { get; construct; }
- private float scaling_factor = 1.0f;
- private int surface_width = WIDTH_PX;
- private int surface_height = HEIGHT_PX;
- private GLib.Settings settings;
- private Cogl.Pipeline pipeline;
- private Cairo.ImageSurface surface;
- private Cairo.Pattern stroke_color;
- private Cairo.Pattern fill_color;
- public PointerLocator (Meta.Display display) {
- Object (display: display);
- }
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2025 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io)
+ */
+public class Gala.PointerLocator : Clutter.Actor, Clutter.Animatable {
+ private const int WIDTH_PX = 300;
+ private const int HEIGHT_PX = 300;
+ private const int ANIMATION_TIME_MS = 300;
+ private const int BORDER_WIDTH_PX = 1;
+ private const double BACKGROUND_OPACITY = 0.7;
- construct {
- visible = false;
- reactive = false;
+ public Meta.Display display { get; construct; }
+ private float scaling_factor = 1.0f;
+ private int surface_width = WIDTH_PX;
+ private int surface_height = HEIGHT_PX;
+ private GLib.Settings settings;
+ private Cogl.Pipeline pipeline;
+ private Cairo.ImageSurface surface;
+ private Cairo.Pattern stroke_color;
+ private Cairo.Pattern fill_color;
+ public PointerLocator (Meta.Display display) {
+ Object (display: display);
+ }
- settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.interface");
+ construct {
+ visible = false;
+ reactive = false;
+ settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.interface");
- unowned var ctx = context.get_backend ().get_cogl_context ();
+ unowned var ctx = context.get_backend ().get_cogl_context ();
- unowned var ctx = Clutter.get_default_backend ().get_cogl_context ();
+ unowned var ctx = Clutter.get_default_backend ().get_cogl_context ();
- pipeline = new Cogl.Pipeline (ctx);
+ pipeline = new Cogl.Pipeline (ctx);
- var pivot = Graphene.Point ();
- pivot.init (0.5f, 0.5f);
- pivot_point = pivot;
- }
+ var pivot = Graphene.Point ();
+ pivot.init (0.5f, 0.5f);
+ pivot_point = pivot;
+ }
- private void update_surface (float cur_scale) {
- if (surface == null || cur_scale != scaling_factor) {
- scaling_factor = cur_scale;
- surface_width = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (WIDTH_PX, scaling_factor);
- surface_height = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (HEIGHT_PX, scaling_factor);
+ private void update_surface (float cur_scale) {
+ if (surface == null || cur_scale != scaling_factor) {
+ scaling_factor = cur_scale;
+ surface_width = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (WIDTH_PX, scaling_factor);
+ surface_height = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (HEIGHT_PX, scaling_factor);
- surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, surface_width, surface_height);
+ surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, surface_width, surface_height);
- set_size (surface_width, surface_height);
- }
+ set_size (surface_width, surface_height);
+ }
- public override void paint (Clutter.PaintContext context) {
- var radius = int.min (surface_width / 2, surface_height / 2);
+ public override void paint (Clutter.PaintContext context) {
+ var radius = int.min (surface_width / 2, surface_height / 2);
- var cr = new Cairo.Context (surface);
- var border_width = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (BORDER_WIDTH_PX, scaling_factor);
+ var cr = new Cairo.Context (surface);
+ var border_width = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (BORDER_WIDTH_PX, scaling_factor);
- // Clear the surface
- cr.save ();
- cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
- cr.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.SOURCE);
- cr.paint ();
- cr.restore ();
+ // Clear the surface
+ cr.save ();
+ cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
+ cr.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.SOURCE);
+ cr.paint ();
+ cr.restore ();
- cr.set_line_cap (Cairo.LineCap.ROUND);
- cr.set_line_join (Cairo.LineJoin.ROUND);
- cr.translate (surface_width / 2, surface_height / 2);
+ cr.set_line_cap (Cairo.LineCap.ROUND);
+ cr.set_line_join (Cairo.LineJoin.ROUND);
+ cr.translate (surface_width / 2, surface_height / 2);
- cr.move_to (radius - BORDER_WIDTH_PX, 0);
- cr.arc (0, 0, radius - border_width, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
- cr.close_path ();
+ cr.move_to (radius - BORDER_WIDTH_PX, 0);
+ cr.arc (0, 0, radius - border_width, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
+ cr.close_path ();
- cr.set_line_width (0);
- cr.set_source (fill_color);
- cr.fill_preserve ();
+ cr.set_line_width (0);
+ cr.set_source (fill_color);
+ cr.fill_preserve ();
- cr.set_line_width (border_width);
- cr.set_source (stroke_color);
- cr.stroke ();
+ cr.set_line_width (border_width);
+ cr.set_source (stroke_color);
+ cr.stroke ();
- var cogl_context = context.get_framebuffer ().get_context ();
+ var cogl_context = context.get_framebuffer ().get_context ();
- try {
- var texture = new Cogl.Texture2D.from_data (cogl_context, surface_width, surface_height,
- Cogl.PixelFormat.BGRA_8888_PRE, surface.get_stride (), surface.get_data ());
+ try {
+ var texture = new Cogl.Texture2D.from_data (cogl_context, surface_width, surface_height,
+ Cogl.PixelFormat.BGRA_8888_PRE, surface.get_stride (), surface.get_data ());
- pipeline.set_layer_texture (0, texture);
+ pipeline.set_layer_texture (0, texture);
- context.get_framebuffer ().draw_rectangle (pipeline, 0, 0, surface_width, surface_height);
- } catch (Error e) {}
+ context.get_framebuffer ().draw_rectangle (pipeline, 0, 0, surface_width, surface_height);
+ } catch (Error e) {}
- base.paint (context);
+ base.paint (context);
+ }
+ public void show_ripple () {
+ if (!settings.get_boolean ("locate-pointer")) {
+ return;
- public void show_ripple () {
- if (!settings.get_boolean ("locate-pointer")) {
- return;
- }
- unowned var old_transition = get_transition ("circle");
- if (old_transition != null) {
- old_transition.stop ();
- }
- var transition = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
- transition.remove_on_complete = true;
- var transition_x = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
- var transition_y = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
- var start_val = Value (typeof (double));
- start_val.set_double (1);
- var stop_val = Value (typeof (double));
- stop_val.set_double (0);
- transition_x.set_from_value (start_val);
- transition_y.set_from_value (start_val);
- transition_x.set_to_value (stop_val);
- transition_y.set_to_value (stop_val);
- transition.progress_mode = Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD;
- transition.duration = ANIMATION_TIME_MS;
- transition.add_transition (transition_x);
- transition.add_transition (transition_y);
- transition.stopped.connect (() => { visible = false; });
- transition.started.connect (() => { visible = true; });
- add_transition ("circle", transition);
- var rgba = Drawing.StyleManager.get_instance ().theme_accent_color;
- /* Don't use alpha from the stylesheet to ensure contrast */
- stroke_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgb (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue);
- fill_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgba (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue, BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
- unowned var tracker = display.get_cursor_tracker ();
- Graphene.Point coords = {};
- tracker.get_pointer (out coords, null);
- update_surface (display.get_monitor_scale (display.get_current_monitor ()));
- x = coords.x - (width / 2);
- y = coords.y - (width / 2);
- transition.start ();
+ unowned var old_transition = get_transition ("circle");
+ if (old_transition != null) {
+ old_transition.stop ();
+ var transition = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+ transition.remove_on_complete = true;
+ var transition_x = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
+ var transition_y = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
+ var start_val = Value (typeof (double));
+ start_val.set_double (1);
+ var stop_val = Value (typeof (double));
+ stop_val.set_double (0);
+ transition_x.set_from_value (start_val);
+ transition_y.set_from_value (start_val);
+ transition_x.set_to_value (stop_val);
+ transition_y.set_to_value (stop_val);
+ transition.progress_mode = Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD;
+ transition.duration = ANIMATION_TIME_MS;
+ transition.add_transition (transition_x);
+ transition.add_transition (transition_y);
+ transition.stopped.connect (() => { visible = false; });
+ transition.started.connect (() => { visible = true; });
+ add_transition ("circle", transition);
+ var rgba = Drawing.StyleManager.get_instance ().theme_accent_color;
+ /* Don't use alpha from the stylesheet to ensure contrast */
+ stroke_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgb (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue);
+ fill_color = new Cairo.Pattern.rgba (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue, BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
+ unowned var tracker = display.get_cursor_tracker ();
+ Graphene.Point coords = {};
+ tracker.get_pointer (out coords, null);
+ update_surface (display.get_monitor_scale (display.get_current_monitor ()));
+ x = coords.x - (width / 2);
+ y = coords.y - (width / 2);
+ transition.start ();
diff --git a/src/Widgets/WindowIconActor.vala b/src/Widgets/WindowIconActor.vala
index 4abd60da0..0e73eca6e 100644
--- a/src/Widgets/WindowIconActor.vala
+++ b/src/Widgets/WindowIconActor.vala
@@ -1,177 +1,164 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Tom Beckmann
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-namespace Gala {
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Tom Beckmann
+ * 2025 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io)
+ */
+ * Private class which is basically just a container for the actual
+ * icon and takes care of blending the same icon in different sizes
+ * over each other and various animations related to the icons
+ */
+public class Gala.WindowIconActor : Clutter.Actor {
+ public Meta.Window window { get; construct; }
+ private float cur_icon_scale = 1.0f;
+ private float desired_icon_scale = 1.0f;
+ private int _icon_size;
- * Private class which is basically just a container for the actual
- * icon and takes care of blending the same icon in different sizes
- * over each other and various animations related to the icons
+ * The icon size of the WindowIcon. Once set the new icon will be
+ * faded over the old one and the actor animates to the new size.
- public class WindowIconActor : Clutter.Actor {
- public Meta.Window window { get; construct; }
- private float cur_icon_scale = 1.0f;
- private float desired_icon_scale = 1.0f;
- private int _icon_size;
- /**
- * The icon size of the WindowIcon. Once set the new icon will be
- * faded over the old one and the actor animates to the new size.
- */
- public int icon_size {
- get {
- return _icon_size;
+ public int icon_size {
+ get {
+ return _icon_size;
+ }
+ private set {
+ if (value == _icon_size && cur_icon_scale == desired_icon_scale) {
+ return;
- private set {
- if (value == _icon_size && cur_icon_scale == desired_icon_scale) {
- return;
- }
- _icon_size = value;
- cur_icon_scale = desired_icon_scale;
+ _icon_size = value;
+ cur_icon_scale = desired_icon_scale;
- var scaled_size = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (_icon_size, cur_icon_scale);
- set_size (scaled_size, scaled_size);
+ var scaled_size = InternalUtils.scale_to_int (_icon_size, cur_icon_scale);
+ set_size (scaled_size, scaled_size);
- fade_new_icon ();
- }
+ fade_new_icon ();
+ }
- private bool _temporary;
- /**
- * Mark the WindowIcon as temporary. Only effect of this is that a pulse
- * animation will be played on the actor. Used while DnDing window thumbs
- * over the group.
- */
- public bool temporary {
- get {
- return _temporary;
- }
- set {
- if (_temporary && !value) {
- remove_transition ("pulse");
- } else if (!_temporary && value && AnimationsSettings.get_enable_animations ()) {
- var transition = new Clutter.TransitionGroup () {
- duration = 800,
- auto_reverse = true,
- repeat_count = -1,
- progress_mode = Clutter.AnimationMode.LINEAR
- };
- var opacity_transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
- opacity_transition.set_from_value (100);
- opacity_transition.set_to_value (255);
- opacity_transition.auto_reverse = true;
- var scale_x_transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
- scale_x_transition.set_from_value (0.8);
- scale_x_transition.set_to_value (1.1);
- scale_x_transition.auto_reverse = true;
- var scale_y_transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
- scale_y_transition.set_from_value (0.8);
- scale_y_transition.set_to_value (1.1);
- scale_y_transition.auto_reverse = true;
- transition.add_transition (opacity_transition);
- transition.add_transition (scale_x_transition);
- transition.add_transition (scale_y_transition);
- add_transition ("pulse", transition);
- }
- _temporary = value;
+ private bool _temporary;
+ /**
+ * Mark the WindowIcon as temporary. Only effect of this is that a pulse
+ * animation will be played on the actor. Used while DnDing window thumbs
+ * over the group.
+ */
+ public bool temporary {
+ get {
+ return _temporary;
+ }
+ set {
+ if (_temporary && !value) {
+ remove_transition ("pulse");
+ } else if (!_temporary && value && AnimationsSettings.get_enable_animations ()) {
+ var transition = new Clutter.TransitionGroup () {
+ duration = 800,
+ auto_reverse = true,
+ repeat_count = -1,
+ progress_mode = Clutter.AnimationMode.LINEAR
+ };
+ var opacity_transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
+ opacity_transition.set_from_value (100);
+ opacity_transition.set_to_value (255);
+ opacity_transition.auto_reverse = true;
+ var scale_x_transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
+ scale_x_transition.set_from_value (0.8);
+ scale_x_transition.set_to_value (1.1);
+ scale_x_transition.auto_reverse = true;
+ var scale_y_transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
+ scale_y_transition.set_from_value (0.8);
+ scale_y_transition.set_to_value (1.1);
+ scale_y_transition.auto_reverse = true;
+ transition.add_transition (opacity_transition);
+ transition.add_transition (scale_x_transition);
+ transition.add_transition (scale_y_transition);
+ add_transition ("pulse", transition);
+ _temporary = value;
+ }
- private WindowIcon? icon = null;
- private WindowIcon? old_icon = null;
+ private WindowIcon? icon = null;
+ private WindowIcon? old_icon = null;
- public WindowIconActor (Meta.Window window) {
- Object (window: window);
- }
+ public WindowIconActor (Meta.Window window) {
+ Object (window: window);
+ }
- construct {
- set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
+ construct {
+ set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
- window.notify["on-all-workspaces"].connect (on_all_workspaces_changed);
- }
+ window.notify["on-all-workspaces"].connect (on_all_workspaces_changed);
+ }
- ~WindowIconActor () {
- window.notify["on-all-workspaces"].disconnect (on_all_workspaces_changed);
- }
+ ~WindowIconActor () {
+ window.notify["on-all-workspaces"].disconnect (on_all_workspaces_changed);
+ }
- private void on_all_workspaces_changed () {
- // we don't display windows that are on all workspaces
- if (window.on_all_workspaces)
- destroy ();
- }
+ private void on_all_workspaces_changed () {
+ // we don't display windows that are on all workspaces
+ if (window.on_all_workspaces)
+ destroy ();
+ }
- /**
- * Shortcut to set both position and size of the icon
- *
- * @param x The x coordinate to which to animate to
- * @param y The y coordinate to which to animate to
- * @param size The size to which to animate to and display the icon in
- */
- public void place (float x, float y, int size, float scale) {
- desired_icon_scale = scale;
- set_position (x, y);
- icon_size = size;
- }
+ /**
+ * Shortcut to set both position and size of the icon
+ *
+ * @param x The x coordinate to which to animate to
+ * @param y The y coordinate to which to animate to
+ * @param size The size to which to animate to and display the icon in
+ */
+ public void place (float x, float y, int size, float scale) {
+ desired_icon_scale = scale;
+ set_position (x, y);
+ icon_size = size;
+ }
- /**
- * Fades out the old icon and fades in the new icon
- */
- private void fade_new_icon () {
- var new_icon = new WindowIcon (window, icon_size, (int)Math.round (cur_icon_scale));
- new_icon.add_constraint (new Clutter.BindConstraint (this, Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0));
- new_icon.opacity = 0;
+ /**
+ * Fades out the old icon and fades in the new icon
+ */
+ private void fade_new_icon () {
+ var new_icon = new WindowIcon (window, icon_size, (int)Math.round (cur_icon_scale));
+ new_icon.add_constraint (new Clutter.BindConstraint (this, Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0));
+ new_icon.opacity = 0;
- add_child (new_icon);
+ add_child (new_icon);
- new_icon.save_easing_state ();
- new_icon.set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD);
- new_icon.set_easing_duration (AnimationsSettings.get_animation_duration (500));
- new_icon.restore_easing_state ();
+ new_icon.save_easing_state ();
+ new_icon.set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD);
+ new_icon.set_easing_duration (AnimationsSettings.get_animation_duration (500));
+ new_icon.restore_easing_state ();
- if (icon == null) {
- icon = new_icon;
- } else {
- old_icon = icon;
- }
+ if (icon == null) {
+ icon = new_icon;
+ } else {
+ old_icon = icon;
+ }
+ new_icon.opacity = 255;
- new_icon.opacity = 255;
- if (old_icon != null) {
- old_icon.opacity = 0;
- var transition = old_icon.get_transition ("opacity");
- if (transition != null) {
- transition.completed.connect (() => {
- old_icon.destroy ();
- old_icon = null;
- });
- } else {
+ if (old_icon != null) {
+ old_icon.opacity = 0;
+ var transition = old_icon.get_transition ("opacity");
+ if (transition != null) {
+ transition.completed.connect (() => {
old_icon.destroy ();
old_icon = null;
- }
+ });
+ } else {
+ old_icon.destroy ();
+ old_icon = null;
- icon = new_icon;
+ icon = new_icon;