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For anything that isn't ready to ship and will be enabled at a later date
Runs the 'Record Screenshots' CI job and adds a commit with any new screenshots found.
Starts a Maestro Cloud session to run integration tests
Prevents work, causes data loss and/or has no workaround
Severely degrades major functionality or product features, with no satisfactory workaround
Impairs non-critical functionality or suitable workarounds exist
Something isn't working: bugs, crashes, hangs and other reported problems
New features, changes in functionality, performance boosts, user-facing improvements
Questions, user support, anything else
Refactoring, enabling or disabling functionality, other engineering tasks
Potential release blocker
This issue is blocked awaiting information from the reporter
Issue needs input from Product team
This issue needs a Rust SDK change. It must have a link to a Rust SDK issue
Stories and Epics which are ready for review by product, design and QA
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