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  • awards diff --git a/feed/search-index.json b/feed/search-index.json index 008846d8..dd6f9fc5 100644 --- a/feed/search-index.json +++ b/feed/search-index.json @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -[{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-4/","title":"TEI Publisher 4.0","content":" > eXist Solutions are proud to announce the final 4.0 release of TEI > Publisher. This release is the next big step towards our vision of a > tool which enables XML-savy scholars and editors to publish materials > without becoming programmers or forcing them into a one-size-fits-it-all > framework. TEI Publisher goes Web Components Past projects we realized could prove that the TEI Processing Model is indeed a truly universal and powerful tool for any kind of XML, not just TEI. However, creating an online edition requires more than just text transformation: the text needs to be embedded into an application context, adding navigation, pagination, search, facsimiles and so on. Moving towards the emerging web component standard, TEI Publisher 4.0 implements all this functionality as small \"lego\" blocks to be freely arranged, recombined and extended. Earlier versions of TEI Publisher were limited to showing a single text view by default. Creating more complex layouts required at least basic XQuery, HTML and CSS skills. As showcased by the example documents, the new version allows users to realize custom views without actually writing code. Users can pick from a toolbox of ready-made components, including text views based on an ODD transformation, IIIF-powered image viewers, maps and many more. All those building blocks come as custom HTML elements, which are easy to write and configure. Each of them encapsulates a certain functionality and appearance. Have a look at the documentation and the web components API to see how to use components. Open Source We strongly believe in Open Source, standards and reusability. TEI Publisher is a major milestone towards our vision, but there's always more to be done and we would like to invite the community to contribute ideas, goals and implementations. Missing a certain functionality or component? Tell us. Get It! TEI Publisher 4.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (4.x.x series) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Our special thanks go to the erabbinica.org project for funding a major part of the migration to web components. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-41/","title":"TEI Publisher 4.1.0","content":" > This is mainly a bug fix release based on user feedback, but also > includes various enhancements and features new demos. Release Highlights: Dynamic Layout and Custom Translation Alignment Many users were interested in the correspondence examples, in particular the Serafin and Cortés letters showing transcription and translation side by side. We have focused on enhancing those use cases and close some gaps in functionality. One problem arising in many TEI projects is how to align two or more texts, e.g. a transcription and a translation. In the simplest case, the texts may be aligned on the level of divisions or page breaks. Unfortunately things are not always as simple as that. TEI allows a wide variety of alignment mechanisms, some more complex than others. TEI Publisher 4.1.0 thus implements a generic mechanism to define a mapping function written in XQuery. This is a simple, yet powerful approach. The letter from Cortés to Dantiscus (Mexico) showcases a rather complex mapping. Van Gogh: Dynamic, Multi Column Example ! The Van Gogh edition is often considered a model example for correspondence and several users expressed their wish to create something similar with TEI Publisher. With recent release of XML sources for all the letters we've decided to use one letter from Van Gogh to Gauguin and try to reproduce the dynamic, user configurable, multi column display of the original Van Gogh website using the webcomponents provided by TEI Publisher. The corresponding webcomponents (`/`) have been reworked to make this possible. Other New Features and Bug Fixes - Sort and filter documents by title, author or file name - Autocomplete suggestions are now displayed for all search boxes - Allow arbitrary footnote labels to be passed via the @n parameter of the note behaviour - Support plain images to be displayed by `` - if a IIIF server is not needed or available - Fix uploads of files containing spaces in their names Get It! TEI Publisher 4.1.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (4.x.x series) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-5/","title":"TEI Publisher 5.0.0","content":" > This is major release building on the faceting feature added in eXist-db > 5.0.0 RC8 and introducing Word document import and draft coverage of DTS > API. Release Highlights: Facets Facets allow users to quickly navigate through a result set by selecting from the list of predefined categories. This way, users can drill down into the set, reducing the number of displayed items with every step. As the user chooses a facet, the set necessarily becomes smaller, so non-matching entries will disappear from sight. Facets are a new feature in eXist 5.0.0. They are *super fast* because eXist will create them when indexing the document. No extra computation is needed when the user clicks on a facet to drill down into a displayed set: all information is already available in the index. By default TEI Publisher configures two facets: *Genre* and *Language* while Van Gogh demo presents a more elaborate example of facets in action. Van Gogh demo ! The Van Gogh edition is often considered a model example for correspondence. Following the recent release of XML sources for all the letters we've decided to use this excellent resource to showcase the new faceting feature of eXist 5.0.0 as well as the dynamic, user configurable, multi column display of the original Van Gogh website using the webcomponents provided by TEI Publisher in a playful styling. DOCX import New docx module based on custom ODD for docx to TEI transformation is available to allow for importing documents in docx format, preserving their textual content, structure and basic semantics of the text. Due to the particularities of docx, reconstructing logical document structure can be only based on certain heuristics but TEI Publisher preserves basic document divisions and headings, lists, tables, embedded images, foot- and endnotes, as well as recognizing styles whose names start with `tei:` as TEI elements with the same name, e.g *Johann Wolfgang Goethe* styled with `tei:persName` style will be converted to `Johann Wolfgang Goethe`. DTS API TEI Publisher now implements a Distributed Text Services client and exposes core endpoints of DTS API. Custom `` component allows for browsing remote DTS server collections and documents which are rendered via TEI Publisher's ODD. ! Main New Features and Bug Fixes - Facets based document filtering - DOCX (Word) document format import - Draft implementation of the DTS API - New pb-toggle-feature UI component for switching between two states of a parameter passed to ODD, e.g. normalized and diplomatic view - Coverage for embedding TEI Publisher output components in other websites (e.g. WordPress) - Remove dependency on monex and calls to deprecated map functions - i18n: Performance improvements, support for multiple catalogue files for a single language, Dutch translation - Fix DocBook support for generated apps - Simplify login configuration - Use new field definitions for metadata in index config - Support page breaks in non-TEI vocabularies Get It! TEI Publisher 5.0.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 RC8 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Our thanks go to Office of the Historian of the United States Department of State for funding a large part of work on the faceting feature for eXist-db. We are also grateful to the Van Gogh Museum & Huygens ING for releasing XML source files of Vincent Van Gogh letters under an open licence which allowed us to use this data as our demo samples. Same goes for EEBO-TCP and Bodleian First Folio, already protagonists of TEI Publisher demos for a longer time. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/pages/home/","title":"","content":" e-editiones is an international non profit society consisting of owners of smaller and larger edition projects, cultural heritage institutions, and individual researchers. Its goal is to empower digital editions of cultural, scientific, and artistic works by promoting open standards related to digital editions and advancing open source applications based on them. While digital editions may differ considerably in structure and content, there is a large overlap in terms of the basic technical functionality that each edition must offer. Starting point for the initiators of the Society is their shared use of TEI Publisher – which originated from a project of the TEI community. This toolbox allows editions to reuse existing building blocks in a modular way. However, such software requires a constant exchange between developers and users, who are familiar with the technical requirements of their respective edition projects. The Society would like to put this exchange of information as well as the communication between edition projects on a firm footing. Focus of the Society - Initiating and coordinating developments in open source software for digital editions - Promotion of information exchange and communication between the stakeholders involved - Fundraising for the purposes of the society - Ensuring long term availability of digital editions A more detailed description can be found in our strategy paper. If you would like to become a member of e-editiones, don’t hesitate to contact us: info@e-editiones.org, check out our workshops and community events, and get in touch with others. ! "},{"id":"/posts/embeding-tei-publisher-components/","title":"TEI Publisher Components in Wordpress","content":" This is a short rewrite of Wolfgang’s post on Embedding TEI Publisher Components in Hugo . For Wordpress you can do the same thing very easily. I used the example of Wolfgang’s post; just make sure that your site is whitelisted. Just install the Code Embed Plugin and create a custom field 1 with the name \"CODEpbembed\" and the value: {{CODEpbfacsimile}} * * * 1. Custom fields are hidden by default on most WordPress sites. To make them visible, select the Screen Options tab at the top of any WordPress editor page, and choose Custom Fields ↩","tags":["hugo","pb-component","wordpress"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-502/","title":"TEI Publisher 5.0.2","content":" > This is a minor release introducing primarily new features of Word > document import along some bugfixes. Release Highlights: Word document import Docx module introduced in 5.0.0 allows for importing documents in docx format, preserving their textual content, structure and basic semantics of the text. TEI Publisher preserves document's structural divisions and headings, lists, tables, embedded images, foot- and endnotes, as well as recognizes styles whose names start with tei: as TEI elements with the same name, e.g *Johann Wolfgang Goethe* styled with `tei:persName` style will be converted to `Johann Wolfgang Goethe`. This release introduces a default convention for encoding additional attributes: text in angle brackets will be interpreted as a list of attribute-value pairs. Multiple items can be separated with a “;”. For example, to set a `@rend` and provide a `@ref` for a `placeName`, you can write `Frankfurt`. This notation can be modified by extending the ODD with additional rules for project-specific workflow. For example, if persName does always need a `@ref` attribute in your edition, you could have a simplified rule which parses: `Friedrich Dürrenmatt<118527908>`. Further conventions have been introduced to distinguish between different kinds of notes (e.g. editor's commentary, source annotations, and text-critical notes). Footnotes marked with a custom mark (to be found under *Format* \\> *Custom Mark* in Word's *Footnote Dialog*) are converted into note `n=\"custom mark\" type=\"original\"`. Yet another mechanism, based on Word comments, can be leveraged to mark arbitrary spans of text. Word comments insert a start and end marker, which can be easily converted to TEI using `anchor` and `note` element combination and output accordingly later. Please refer to the sample Word conversion document for detailed discussion of the import features and conventions. Historical dictionary example: Bogactwa mowy polskiej On a mission to provide a rich spectrum of examples showcasing different uses of TEI we're adding a small sample for a genre so far unrepresented in TEI Publisher - a 19th century manuscript collocative dictionary of Polish _Bogactwa mowy polskiej_ (_Riches of the Polish tongue_) by Alojzy Osiński, edited by Ewa Rudnicka. This example features a transcription and facsimile parallel view with regions of interest highlighted in the facsimile panel thanks to the use of `pb-facs-link` component. ! Main New Features and Bug Fixes - DOCX (Word) document format import - Examples: Word import sample and historical dictionary sample - Fixes related to user login - `pb-popover`: fix spacing - `pb-view`: scroll to target element if an id is given in the URLs hash Get It! TEI Publisher 5.0.2 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/first-community-event-on-may-18th-2020/","title":"First Community Event on May 18th 2020","content":" If you missed it ... the recorded live stream of our first community event on May 18th 2020 is available on youtube: ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/pages/board/","title":"Board","content":" - Dr. Andreas Kränzle, Karl Barth-Archiv, Basel - Dr. Pascale Sutter, Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins - Dr. des. Anne Diekjobst, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Historisches Seminar - dipl. soz. Wolfgang Meier, eXist Solutions GmbH, Lenzkirch/Berlin - Prof. em. Dr. Martin Mueller, North Western University, Deparment of English - Dr. des. Roberta Padlina, Data Scientist, Memoriav Contact info@e-editiones.org Postal Address e-editiones
    c/o Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde St.Gallen
    Notkerstrasse 22
    CH-9000 St. Gallen "},{"id":"/pages/community/","title":"Community","content":""},{"id":"/pages/how-to-become-a-member/","title":"How to join","content":"> re-using components, pooling resources and sharing best practices benefits everyone in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come To become a member please contact board@e-editiones.org. Institutional membership Do you represent a legal entity in the broadly understood research, academic or cultural heritage domains? With institutional membership contribution available from CHF 500.– you will benefit from full membership rights and receive e-editiones support in funding proposals. Individual membership Natural persons membership fee is reduced to CHF 50.– In justified cases individual membership fee may be waived at discretion of the board. !Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash ‍ "},{"id":"/pages/","title":"Board","content":""},{"id":"/pages/members/","title":"Members","content":" Institutional Members - Digital Humanities/Walter Benjamin Kolleg der Universität Bern - The Hans Christian Andersen Centre, University of Southern Denmark - Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana - Karl Barth-Stiftung, Basel - Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien e.V. - Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins - Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / FHNW - Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW) - Staatsarchiv Zürich, Zürich - Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde der Stadt St.Gallen - Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen - Stiftung Eisenbibliothek, Klostergut Paradies, Schlatt TG - Trägerschaft Archives Online - Zentrum Digitale Editionen & Editionsanalytik, Universität Zürich - eXist Solutions GmbH, Lenzkirch/Berlin Individual Members - Elisa Beshero-Bondar, PhD, Program Chair of Digital Media, Arts, and Technology Professor of Digital Humanities | Director of the Digital Humanities Lab at Penn State Erie, the Behrend College, Member of the TEI Technical Council - Philip R. «Pib» Burns, Senior Developer, Research Computing Services Northwestern University - Giuliano Di Bacco, PhD, music historian and medievalist, director of the Resources and Studies for the History of Music Theory (CHMTL, Indiana University Bloomington), including the Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum - Anne Diekjobst, Dr. des., Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, u.a. Edition des Zinsrodels des Klosters Feldbach - Rita Gautschy, Dr., Privatdozentin an der Universität Basel, Direktorin des Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH) - Sulamith Gehr, Basler Edition der Bernoulli-Briefwechsel - Mascha Hansen, Dr., Lecturer, Department of British and North American Studies (IfAA), University of Greifswald - Pauline Jacsont, Research Associate in Digital Humanities, project «Desenrollando el cordel», University of Geneva - Boris Lehečka, freelance developer (Persian-Czech Dictionary, digital edition of J. A. Comenius’s work) - Prof. Dr. Christina Lechtermann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Philologie Germanistisches Institut - Stephan Makowski, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Digital Humanities, DFG-Projekt \"Index Librorum Civitatum\", Bergische Universität Wuppertal - David Maus, Leiter der Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky - Christopher F. Minty, Ph.D., Managing Editor, Center for Digital Editing, University of Virginia - Wolfgang Meier, Mitarbeiter at the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften; Jinntec GmbH and exist Solutions, Berlin - Emmanuelle Morlock, Ingénieure au CNRS – Humanités numériques & données de la recherche | Laboratoire HiSoMA (UMR 5189) – Lyon | Chargée de mission « Science ouverte » à l’Institut des Sciences humaines et sociales (InSHS) pour la politique de soutien aux revues scientifiques et données de la recherche - Martin Mueller, PhD, Professor Emeritus of English & Classics, Northwestern University, project lead of Early Print - Elli Mylonas, Center for Digital Scholarship, University Library, Brown University - Maria Niku, Software Developer, Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki; Lea – critical edition, Forest Finns' Letters to Gottlund - Dr. Andreas Kränzle, Research Fellow for the Digital Edition at Karl Barth-Archiv, University of Basel and k & r, Zürich - Krzysztof Nowak, Medieval Latin lexicographer and corpus linguist, project lead of the Electronic corpus of Polish Medieval Latin and developer of dictionary and digital edition applications | Departement of Medieval Latin, Institute of Polish Language (Polish Academy of Sciences) - Roberta Padlina, Dr. des., Coordinator NIE-INE, Universität Basel - Gerold Ritter, Dr., e-hist, Zürich - Antonio Rojas-Castro, PhD, /Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Universidad Internacional de la Rioja - Gil Shalit, DH Development - Sinai Rusinek, Elijah Lab, Haifa University; project leader of TraveLab - Roman Sigg, Stadtarchivar Stein am Rhein - Christian Sinn, Dr. phil., Professor, Präsident der Masterarbeitskommission Studienbereichsleiter Sprachen und Literatur, Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen - Anna Skolimowska, Dr. hab., Head of the Laboratory for Source Editing & Digital Humanities, Faculty of «Artes Liberales», University of Warsaw - Spadini, Elena, Dr., Research Navigator, Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE), Universität Basel - Claudia Sutter, freie Historikerin, Archivarin, Stein am Rhein, Urbar des Dominikanerinnenklosters St. Katharinen St.Gallen - Pascale Sutter, Dr., Leiterin der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins, c/o Universität St. Gallen - Cristina Vertan, Dr., Projektleiterin von Annotation und Analyse von historischen Dokumenten, Arbeitsstelle Computerphilologie, Universität Hamburg - Georg Vogeler, Dr. phil., Professor Digital Humanities, Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, Universität Graz - Andreas Wagner, Dr., Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory - Arman Weidenmann, Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde St. Gallen - Joseph Wicentowski, PhD, Historian, Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State - Rolf Wissmann, M.A, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter SNF-Forschungsprojekt: «Vicentino21», Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz | Musik-Akademie Basel, Hochschule für Musik | Schola Cantorum Basiliensis - Christian von Zimmermann, Dr. phil., Privatdozent, Leiter Forschungsstelle Jeremias Gotthelf, Bern - Elias Zimmermann, Elias Zimmermann, Dr., wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Proto4DigEd, and Digitale Edition Annemarie Schwarzenbach "},{"id":"/pages/statuten-des-vereins-e-editiones-german/","title":"Statuten des Vereins e-editiones (German)","content":" Revidierte Version vom 5. November 2020 Art. 1 Name Unter dem Namen «e-editiones» besteht ein Verein im Sinne von Art. 60 ff. des schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches mit Sitz in St.Gallen. Art. 2 Vereinszweck (1) Der Verein leistet einen Beitrag für die Erschliessung, Erhaltung und Vermittlung des Kulturerbes, indem er den fachlichen Austausch und die Förderung der Vernetzung und Standardisierung digitaler wissenschaftlicher Editionen sowie die Interessenvertretung digitaler Editionen verfolgt. Der Verein bemüht sich um die Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsverbesserung mittels anerkannter technischer Standards sowie um die technische Pflege der Inhalte und ermöglicht die freie Nachnutzung zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken. (2) Der Verein hat insbesondere folgende Aufgaben: a) Förderung und Koordination von Entwicklungen im Open Source Bereich für wissenschaftliche digitale Editionen
    b) Betrieb einer Informations- und Kommunikationsplattform für die Mitglieder
    c) Unterstützung von Editionsprojekten bei der dauerhaften Speicherung digitaler Daten und Zugänglichmachung digitaler Daten
    d) Beratung und Unterstützung von Editionsprojekten
    (3) Der Verein verfolgt keine kommerziellen Zwecke und erstrebt keinen Gewinn. Art. 3 Finanzierung (1) Zur Verfolgung des Vereinszwecks kann über folgende Mittel verfügt werden: a) Mitgliederbeiträge
    b) Zuwendungen, Spenden und Subventionen
    (2) Der volle Mitgliederbeitrag beträgt CHF 500.–. Für natürliche Personen gibt es einen ermässigten Mitgliederbeitrag von CHF 50.–. (3) Das Geschäftsjahr entspricht dem Kalenderjahr. Art. 4 Mitgliedschaft (1) Mitglieder können juristische Personen und natürliche Personen werden, die den Vereinszweck unterstützen. (2) Aufnahmegesuche sind an den Vorstand zu richten, der die Aufnahme der Mitgliederversammlung vorschlägt. Art. 5 Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft Die Mitgliedschaft erlischt durch Austritt, Ausschluss oder Auflösung der jeweiligen juristischen oder natürlichen Person. Art. 6 Austritt Der Austritt aus dem Verein ist jederzeit möglich und ist dem Vorstand schriftlich mitzuteilen. Für das laufende Jahr ist der volle Mitgliederbeitrag geschuldet. Art. 7 Ausschluss (1) Bei anhaltenden Verstössen gegen den Vereinszweck oder bei Nichterfüllen der Beitragspflicht kann ein Mitglied aus dem Verein ausgeschlossen werden. (2) Den Ausschlussentscheid kann die Mitgliederversammlung mit einfacher Mehrheit fällen. Das auszuschliessende Mitglied muss vorgängig angehört werden. Art. 8 Organe des Vereins Die Organe des Vereins sind: a) die Mitgliederversammlung
    b) der Vorstand
    c) die Revisionsstelle
    Art. 9 Die Mitgliederversammlung Das oberste Organ des Vereins ist die Mitgliederversammlung. In ihre Kompetenz fallen insbesondere: a) Entscheid über die Aufnahme von Neumitgliedern
    b) Genehmigung des Protokolls der letzten Mitgliederversammlung
    c) Genehmigung des Jahresberichts des Vorstands
    d) Entgegennahme des Revisionsberichts und Genehmigung der Jahresrechnung
    e) Entlastung des Vorstandes
    f) Wahl des Präsidenten, der weiteren Vorstandsmitglieder sowie der Revisionsstelle
    g) Genehmigung des Jahresbudgets
    h) Genehmigung des Tätigkeitsprogramms
    i) Beschlussfassung über Anträge des Vorstands und der Mitglieder
    j) Beschlussfassung über Änderung der Statuten
    k) Beschlussfassung über die Auflösung des Vereins und die Verwendung des - Vereinsvermögens
    Art. 10 Einberufung der Mitgliederversammlung (1) Eine ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung findet jährlich statt. (2) Zur Mitgliederversammlung werden die Mitglieder spätestens 10 Tage im Voraus schriftlich (Brief oder E-Mail) unter Angabe der Traktanden eingeladen. (3) Der Vorstand oder 1/5 der Mitglieder können jederzeit die Einberufung einer ausserordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung unter Angaben des Zwecks verlangen. Die Versammlung hat spätestens vier Wochen nach Eingang des Begehrens zu erfolgen. Art. 11 Stimmrecht und Beschlussfassung (1) Stimmberechtigt sind nur Mitglieder, die den vollen Mitgliederbeitrag leisten. (2) Jede ordnungsgemäss einberufene Mitgliederversammlung ist beschlussfähig, wenn 1/5 der stimmberechtigten Mitglieder daran teilnimmt. (3) Die stimmberechtigten Mitglieder fassen die Beschlüsse mit dem einfachen Mehr. Bei Stimmengleichheit fällt die/der Präsident/in den Stichentscheid. (4) Statutenänderungen benötigen die Zustimmung einer 2/3–Mehrheit der Stimmberechtigten. (5) Die Teilnahme an der Mitgliederversammlung ist auch per Telefon- oder Videokonferenz möglich. (6) Zirkularbeschlüsse sind zulässig. (7) Über die gefassten Beschlüsse ist ein Protokoll abzufassen. Art. 12 Vorstand (1) Der Vorstand besteht aus mindestens drei Personen: Präsident/in, Schriftführer/in und Kassier/in. Die Amtszeit dauert zwei Jahre, wobei Wiederwahl möglich ist. (2) Der Vorstand konstituiert sich selbst. (3) Der Vorstand führt die laufenden Geschäfte und vertritt den Verein gegen aussen. (4) Die/der Präsident/in besorgt die Geschäfte, die ihr/ihm der Vorstand überträgt, und leitet die Mitgliederversammlung. (5) Die/der Präsident/in legt dem Vorstand und der Mitgliederversammlung Rechenschaft ab. (6) Der Vorstand kann für die Erreichung der Vereinsziele Dritte gegen eine angemessene Entschädigung anstellen oder beauftragen. (7) Zirkularbeschlüsse sind zulässig. Art. 13 Zeichnungsberechtigung Der Vorstand entscheidet über die Zeichnungsberechtigung seiner Mitglieder. Art. 14 Die Revisionsstelle (1) Die Mitgliederversammlung wählt zwei Rechnungsrevisoren/innen oder eine juristische Person, welche jährlich die Buchführung und die Jahresrechnung kontrollieren. (2) Die Revisionsstelle erstattet dem Vorstand zuhanden der Mitgliederversammlung Bericht. (3) Die Amtszeit dauert zwei Jahre, wobei Wiederwahl möglich ist. Art. 15 Haftung Für die Verbindlichkeiten des Vereins haftet ausschliesslich das Vereinsvermögen. Art. 16 Auflösung des Vereins (1) Zur Auflösung des Vereins bedarf es einer 2/3-Mehrheit der in einer Mitgliederversammlung anwesenden Mitglieder. (2) Bei einer Auflösung des Vereins fällt das Vereinsvermögen an eine nicht kommerzielle, steuerbefreite Organisation, welche den gleichen oder einen ähnlichen Zweck verfolgt. Die Verteilung des Vereinsvermögens unter den Mitgliedern ist ausgeschlossen. Art. 17 Inkrafttreten Diese Statuten wurden an der Gründungsversammlung vom 4. Mai 2020 angenommen und sind mit diesem Datum in Kraft getreten. "},{"id":"/pages/strategy/","title":"Strategy","content":" e-editiones: Focus of the Society The focus of the the e-editiones society rests on 4 pillars: 1. Initiating and Coordinating Developments in Open Source Software for Digital Editions 2. Promotion of Information Exchange and Communication between the stakeholders involved 3. Fundraising for the purposes of the society 4. Ensuring long term availability of digital editions 1\\. Initiating and Coordinating Developments in Open Source Software for Digital Editions The society promotes the use of open standards and open source software for digital editions. While digital editions may differ considerably in structure and content, there is great overlap in the basic technical functionality that each edition must offer. Small projects often face the challenge of publishing an edition under time pressure and with limited resources and would benefit from access to free, open source. standards-based software that could provide much of this functionality out of the box. All projects, including those that are well-resourced, would benefit from such software, by avoiding the need to reinvent the wheel and incur high development and maintenance costs, which threaten their long term sustainability. The society therefore focuses on the promotion of open source, standard-based software. Editions should be able to reuse existing building blocks in a modular way, achieving quick solutions at low cost, but without being forced into a corset, neither technically nor scholarly. The society therefore focuses on the promotion of open source, standard-based software. Editions should be able to reuse existing building blocks in a modular way, achieving quick solutions at low cost, but without being forced into a technical or scholarly corset. The starting point for the founders of the society is their shared use of TEI Publisher, which meets above conditions: 1. TEI Publisher is consistently based on TEI and related standards such as ODD and TEI Processing Model; 2. TEI Publisher is implemented as a toolbox: the entire user interface consists of small components complying with W3C standards, which can be recombined and reassembled as needed; 3. TEI Publisher supports exchange and communication between different editions; and 4. as a free, open source software project TEI Publisher enables and stimulates competition between commercial service providers serving the publishing industry. The society thus initially aims to further support the development of TEI Publisher and TEI Publisher-based projects. However, such software cannot be created in isolation. Rather, it requires a constant exchange between developers and users, who are familiar with the technical requirements of their respective edition projects. This is how TEI Publisher originated—as an initiative of the TEI Community and has since been continuously developed in interaction with a large number of projects. The Society would like to provide a stable and productive forum for this exchange of information, but it does not limit itself specifically to TEI Publisher. Direct communication between edition projects is also central: instead of having to solve the same problems over and over again, projects should benefit from the experience and developments of other editions. In most cases, the technical requirements of an edition can already be covered with existing building blocks. Where this does not suffice and new blocks are needed, edition projects should coordinate with others to avoid duplicate developments. If possible, new building blocks should be created in a generic way so that other editions can easily adapt them to their requirements. To do this, the project’s context has to be extended beyond the single edition and a broader perspective needs to be adopted. It is a main objective of the society to coordinate such developments and channel existing funds or funding applications in a way that supports sustainability, from which all members derive long term benefits. 2\\. Promotion of Information Exchange and Communication between the stakeholders involved A second important goal of the society is to promote a constant exchange of information between the members. This includes establishing a communication platform open to all members for questions, suggestions, and other contributions. However, based on our experience with open source projects, we know that such communication only works in the long run if there are responsible individuals taking on a coordination role, overseeing requests, and, if necessary, referring communications to the right people. The society therefore intends to appoint a secretary who will take on these responsibilities and be available as a contact person for all members. In addition to electronic communication, the society also plans workshops, seminars, and talks—or arranges these on request. It can often be assumed that the projects themselves have funds to cover travel costs. However, this is not always the case. The society should therefore be able to cover part of the costs from membership fees—e.g., travel expenses or a compensation for invited experts. The society also actively seeks members and promotes sustainable solutions—e.g., through conference talks or workshops. 3\\. Fundraising for the purposes of the society The society can support its members in writing project funding applications, or it can apply for funding itself and in this case represent the interests of all members. All software development shall be for the benefit of the general public and must be available for further use as open source. 4\\. Ensuring long term availability of digital editions Especially for smaller edition projects with limited resources, hosting can be a massive problem. Running a server and maintaining the associated infrastructure is expensive and requires constant commitment, which likely extends beyond the planned duration of the project. And even if hosting is provided by an institutional service infrastructure, those institutions’ own resource constraints may limit their role to providing updates and minimal maintenance only, a tragic pattern that too often leads services to become partially or completely inaccessible after a few years. The society is therefore committed to ensuring that public memory institutions (i.e., archives, libraries, and universities) provide the editions on a long-term basis. The society wants to dramatically lower the cost and effort for institutions charged with maintaining the editions. In early 2020, the swissuniversities project, Nationale Infrastruktur Editionen (NIE-INE), sponsored improvements to TEI Publisher to facilitate long-term updates and enable shared hosting of heterogeneous edition projects on one platform. The society also assists edition projects to secure a (public) provider for the time after the completion of the funding period and plan for the long-term archiving of the project’s raw data. Since the entire software is freely available, it is also possible for infrastructure providers to set up a corresponding service. The society explicitly welcomes and supports this. "},{"id":"/posts/stay-home-learn-tei-publisher-from-scratch-june-2020/","title":"«Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch»","content":" «Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch» Online Course A 3-part online course: 8th, 15th and 22nd of June 4-5 pm (CEST) Find all informations on github: https://github.com/eeditiones/workshop !Photo by Headway on Unsplash ","tags":["events","workshop"]},{"id":"/pages/meeting-minutes/","title":"Meeting Minutes","content":" Assembly 2024 16th April 2024 (16 h CEST) MS Teams - Invitation/Agenda - 4nd AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Protokoll der Sitzung vom 2.5.2023 (german) Protokoll der 3. GV e-editiones - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2023 PDF), bilance PDF revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2024 Assembly 2023 2nd May 2023 (16 h CEST) - Invitation/Agenda - 3nd AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Protokoll der Sitzung vom 5.4.2022 (german) Protokoll der 2. GV e-editiones - [ad 4\\] Annual Report (english)/Newsletter 2023/1 - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2022 PDF revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2023 Assembly 2022 5th April 2022 - Invitation/Agenda - 2nd AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Protokoll der Sitzung vom 1.3.2021 (deutsch) [PDF] - [ad 4\\] Annual Report (english)/Newsletter 2022/1 - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2021 PDF and revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2022 PDF Assembly 2021 1st March 2021 - Invitation/Agenda - 1st AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Minutes of May 4, 2020 (german) PDF - [ad 3\\] Amendments to the statues 5th Nov 2020 (german) PDF - [ad 4\\] Annual Report (english)/Newsletter 2021/1 - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2020 PDF and revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2021 PDF - [ad 6\\] TEI Publisher 8 PDF Amendments to the statutes 5th Nov 2020 - Protokoll (german) PDF Founding meeting 4th May 2020 - Protokoll (german) PDF "},{"id":"/pages/get-in-touch/","title":"Get in Touch","content":" The following channels are open for community discussions. You don't need to be a member to join the conversation, though we certainly encourage you to join forces and become one. Mailing List The mailing list serves as general communication hub for announcements, questions, suggestions, introductions, exchange of ideas and everything else you would like to share. Please note that this should not replace existing mailing lists like TEI-L or exist-open, so please consider first if your particular question would better be asked on one of the more specialized lists. However, do not hesitate to communicate and remember: there are no silly questions and our community is open and welcoming. The list is subscription only and open to the public. Please subscribe by filling out the form. To post a message to all the list members, send email to: community@e-editiones.org. Slack Community Slack allows a more direct communication than the mailing list, so it's good for ongoing discussions between users present at the same time, but messages will not be archived forever. Two channels are available: - `community` - open to everyone, including non-members - `members` - only visible for members The board will treat communications in the `members` channel with a higher priority. Please join the slack workspace. Twitter and LinkedIn We will post news via our Twitter account and LinkedIn. If you would like to share something about a project or forthcoming events, please contact the board or mention @EEditiones so we can retweet. GitHub You can find the source code of the TEI Publisher and many examples on GitHub. YouTube On YouTube you can find some recordings of meetings and workshops: YouTube Zenodo On Zenodo we have a community with different TEI datasets from projects which are using the TEI Publisher: Zenodo "},{"id":"/pages/getting-started/","title":"Getting Started","content":" If you want to dive in straight away go to the TEI Publisher Documentation. TEI Publisher From Scratch To get started you can work through our workshop «TEI Publisher From Scratch». It is recommended to first view the instructions by Wolfgang Meier. If you have to catch up with some technologies or standards you will find helpful links and literature below. GitHub repository of the workshop Part 1 - Simple renditions with model - Using predicates - Passing parameters to behaviours - Integrating information from the TEI header - Using modelSequence - Showing Metadata from the teiHeader Workshop Live recording (Video) Slides Assignments Solutions (Video) Part 2 - Showing a Facsimile - Output metadata in a separate column - Display additional metadata Workshop Live recording (Video) Slides Assignments Solutions (Video) Part 3 - Generating a separate application - Add a static page - Global document styles - Download the application to local disk Workshop Live recording (Video) Slides Assignements Solutions (Video) Helpful Literature and Websites Working with TEI Publisher requires some knowledge of TEI, basic XPath and a little CSS. If you don't know any XPath yet, we recommend to read the short introduction linked below. TEI Publisher Documentation - TEI Publisher documentation XML - Introduction to XML - A Gentle Introduction to XML CSS - Mozilla MDN - DevDocs: searchable reference of CSS features and properties XPath - Follow the XPath!: short introduction to XPath - XPath and XQuery Functions: the official W3C specification covering all standard XPath functions - XQuery for Humanists: book with companion website TEI - https://teibyexample.org/ - TEI Guidelines: the ultimate reference - What is the Text Encoding Initiative?, a French translation is also available TEI Processing Model - Section of the TEI Guidelines: the official specification of the TEI Processing Model - TEI Publisher Documentation TEI Publisher Hands on Workshop - Slides of Lars Windauers 'TEI-Publisher Hands-On' presentation at the \"Winter School 2021 - Digitale Editionen-Masterclass\" by Bergische Universität Wupertal. Slides are in German. "},{"id":"/pages/how-to-contribute/","title":"How to Contribute","content":" > re-using components, **pooling resources** and sharing best practices **benefits everyone** in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come During the past years a growing number of projects from small to large have decided to publish their materials with the TEI Publisher. It gives us all not only the opportunity but also the responsibility to make the project thrive for years to come and to make it truly sustainable option for XML publishing! While we are very happy with the achievements so far, we still have a much broader vision to fulfill. To make this happen we invite the community to contribute to the project - by means of code, ideas, documentation, tutorials and funding. Become a Member or Supporter We would be thrilled if you can convince your organization to become a member of e-editiones. Institutional membership gives our society the best leverage when applying for funding or infrastructural support. If this is difficult in your institution, consider to join the society as an individual. Add your project to our registry We love to hear back from people and organizations who use software or resources curated by e-editiones. Add your project, however large or small, to our registry. We are more than happy to list initiatives already at an early stage of development. Your entry informs us of the reaches of our community and demonstrate impact to the funding bodies. It also fosters communication and collaboration between the projects. Source Code on Github Found a bug? Miss a feature? File an issue on our GitHub. Even better if you can help us by sharing your fixes and features. Don't be shy to make a Pull Request! Help with funding We're happy to join funding bids which relate to the goals of our society or accept partners contributing seed funds to the proposals we make. Need a feature but can't finance it in full? Please get in touch and we'll try to pool resources within our community to make it happen. Last but not least, we have a Donate button and your contributions go into open source development. Share your expertise There are community members who struggle with one or another aspect of their project. Help and mentor others - publish teaching materials, answer questions and troubleshoot problems other users may have on our Slack workspace, mailing list and other forums. Enhance our FAQ. We also welcome contributions to our website discussing particular use cases, best practices or solutions. Translations on Crowdin Thanks to our international user community, TEI Publisher is already localized into 20 languages! If you could help us with a new translation or review an existing one, please go to Crowdin to make the TEI Publisher even more international. Just one hour of your time can make a huge difference. TEI Examples To make the TEI Publisher as versatile as possible we are looking for TEI examples which can be used for development, tests and also for teaching. Create new or enhance existing example documents and ODDs so we present showcases for various TEI applications. The collection is hosted on GitHub. Tell people about us Follow us on Mastodon, LinkedIn and Twitter. Repost and like related posts. We'll be grateful for credit on your project page, so just grab the most fitting logo from GitHub. If you are a already a member of e-editiones you are especially encouraged to use our member logo. "},{"id":"/posts/community-event-on-music-encoding/","title":"Community Event on Music Encoding","content":" We would like to invite all members and non-members of e-editiones.org to another community event on 8th of July, 16:00 CEST (check your local time). Community members Giuliano Di Bacco and Dennis Ried will give us a lightning introduction to the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) and its practical use. We'll then have an open conversation about possible integrations of MEI into TEI Publisher. There will be also be room for further discussion in the \"any other business\" section afterwards. So if you have other topics or questions beyond music encoding, do not hesitate to bring them up. Join us on jitsi: https://meet.jit.si/e-editiones-events This event will be the first in a series of community meetups we would like to establish on a monthly basis. Looking forward to see you all next week.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-60/","title":"TEI Publisher 6.0.0","content":" > This is a major release introducing the refactored and extended TEI > Publisher component library as well as numerous bugfixes and new > features. Release Highlight: User Interface Components as an Independent Library Publisher's library of web components is now distributed via npm. Thanks to the increasing support for the web component standards in modern browsers, the heavier framework used before (Polymer) could be dropped and has been replaced by LitElement, which is just a thin wrapper around native web components. While invisible to users, this redesign greatly improves modularity of Publisher-based applications. Thanks to npm releases, updating the user interface for all Publisher-based apps becomes simply a question of changing a single variable in the configuration file. Furthermore, Publisher's library of web components - true to the basic idea of Web Components Standard - can be included in any HTML webpage. This means it can be embedded into existing CMS or any other publishing solution, even if it's not running eXist-db (e.g. the popular Hugo or WordPress). A few lines of HTML is sufficient to embed a document view anywhere you like: Similarly, if you prefer to write your own application using any of the popular frameworks like angular, vue or react you can easily import the pb-components package and use it directly in your project. As a final consequence, this change decouples the component library from the TEI Publisher app. It is now possible to host multiple applications, which depend on different versions of the component library, without conflict, within the same eXist-db instance, a point of importance for institutions with numerous projects. Main New Features and Bug Fixes - Redesigned and simplified CSS styling customization Styling properties are now exposed via standard CSS files and theme variables. Stylesheets can also be specified within the ODD, as previously, or through `pb-view` component configuration attributes. - Extended internationalization - full i18n support for all the labels in HTML templates and within web components - mechanism for project specific language files extending the default Publisher collection - a number of new languages added and existing ones updated. Currently TEI Publisher is fully translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. - Subcorpora - new TEI Publisher data organization Publisher's pre-populated data collection is now split into Playground and TEI Publisher demo collection areas which illustrate how this mechanism could be used to host multiple subcorpora within single TEI Publisher application. - New and improved web components - `pb-select-feature` and `pb-toggle-feature` components have been extended to allow for interactive changing of display parameters (like switching between regularized or original spelling) which can be then processed client or server-side - new API documentation app and web component demo pages - pb-mei component for rendering Music Encoding Initiative documents based on Verovio; supports optional MIDI playback using web-midi-player ! - Redesigned ODD editor providing an improved user experience - Documentation: - reorganized and extended TEI Publisher documentation - pb-components API documentation and demos Get It! TEI Publisher 6.0.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. A 3-part online course on TEI Publisher 6 has been led by Wolfgang Meier in June 2020. Course material, as well as video recordings of all the sessions, and a walk-through for the assignments are available for self-learning. Find all informations on the workshop GitHub page. Thanks Our thanks go to the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding a large part of work on the web component refactoring. Work on components for toggling has been aided by a small grant from ACE – Austrian Corpora and Editions of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. We are also grateful for the generous contributions of numerous individuals who used the Crowdin platform to translate and proofread Publisher's language files: Boris Lehečka, Øyvind Gjesdal, Sandra Romano Martin, Antonio Rojas Castro, Isabel Marti, Natalia Kotsyba, Elena Spadini, Pietro Liuzzo, Karolina Bielenin-Lenczowska, Jaqueline Pierazzo, Emmanuelle Morlock, Emmanuel Château-Dutier, Clement Plancq, Eduard Drenth, Wout Dillen, Anna-Maria Sichani, Maria Akritidou, Elli Mylonas, Matija Ogrin, Cristina Vertan, Dimitar Illiev, Arman Weidenmann, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Irina Lobzhanidze, Joseph Wicentowski, Juri Leino, Daniel Stoekl, Yael Netzer, Naoki Kokaze, Kiyonori Nagasaki, Toma Tasovac, Alexandra von Criegern, Bettina Pandula, Daria Elagina, and others whom we unfortunately only know by their usernames. e-editiones May of 2020 saw an advent of a new scholarly society: e-editiones. Its goal is to promote open standards for digital editions and free software based on them with a focus on TEI Publisher development. All TEI Publisher source repositories have been moved to the e-editiones github. We encourage you to join the society, through your institution or individually, and take part in our work and discussions, shaping the future of the TEI Publisher. ![](https://e-editiones.org) ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-6/","title":"TEI Publisher 6","content":" Today the new TEI Publisher 6.0.0 is finally out. This is a major release introducing the refactored and extended component library as well as numerous bugfixes and new features. !Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash All Publisher's web components are now available as a LitElement library distributed via npm. While invisible to users, this redesign greatly improves modularity and simplifies updates of Publisher-based applications. It also facilitates embedding of Publisher custom components into CMS systems (e.g. Hugo or WordPress) and other application frameworks (like angular, vue or react). This version also brings extended internationalization and full localization into 19 languages, simplified styling, support for data organization based on subcollections, several new and enhanced components (including one for notated music encoded in MEI), improved ODD editor and major extension and revision of the documentation. !Demo page of the pb-mei component More information about this release can be found on the TEI Publisher blog. A 3-part online course on TEI Publisher 6 has been led by Wolfgang Meier in June 2020. Video recordings of all the sessions, and a walk-through for the assignments are available for self-study. Our special thanks for supporting this release go to: - Numerous community members who helped to translate and proofread language files via Crowdin - Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding a large part of work on the web component refactoring. - ACE – Austrian Corpora and Editions of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften for a small grant to enhance toggling mechanisms ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","mei","pb-component","release"]},{"id":"/posts/music-is-in-the-air/","title":"Music is in the air - MEI and TEI Publisher","content":" On Wednesday, July 8th we had the opportunity to join another e-editiones online event, this time a session dedicated to MEI (Music Encoding Initiative). Giuliano Di Bacco and Dennis Ried introduced us to MEI and challenges of publishing MEI and MEI-in-TEI collections on the web (see slides). Wolfgang Meier presented early results of his work on integration of MEI into the TEI Publisher. !Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash As we learned from Giuliano's and Dennis' introduction _MEI, like the TEI, is an umbrella term which simultaneously describes an organization, a research community, and a markup language_ (music-encoding.org). It's almost 20 years since the first public presentation of the XML schema created by Perry Roland (Univ. of Virginia) for the representation of music notation. Now it has become a thriving community of around 400 members worldwide, specialists from various music research groups, including technologists, librarians, historians, and theorists. This open-source effort to define guidelines for encoding musical documents in a machine-readable structure draws in many aspects on TEI: using an ODD metalanguage to define both the schema and encoding guidelines, dividing the document into metadata, facsimile and text parts, recording logical and structural divisions of the document (albeit named differently) or \"borrowing\" a number of element names from TEI to deal with metadata, textual content, critical apparatus, linking etc. Nevertheless, MEI was designed to specialize in the encoding of music documents, therefore MEI data is predominantly about the meaning of the music notation: notes, rests, chords, measures. That said MEI allows for multiple additional layers of annotations: - about the visual aspects of the notation, and/or of the features of a physical copy of a score - metadata - editorial markup While MEI encoding allows for sophisticated analysis of various features of the musical piece, rendering of MEI documents often poses a substantial challenge. We need to consider that music notation is a very complex system; actually, many systems were developed since the medieval times, and MEI strives to give a sophisticated representation not only of the symbols but of their meaning and of the logic that brings them together in pieces of music of all ages. However, it is still difficult, if not impossible, to render graphically all the nuances of the encoding. Major breakthrough in this respect has been the creation of the Verovio music engraving library which is considered the most advanced solution in the field to generate score visualisations in SVG. Verovio is quite helpful to render the notation for the most common use cases for MEI: - to create transcriptions/editions of music pieces - to produce bibliographies and catalogs Difficulties arise when we need to deal with mixed textual and musical content: from music treatises (see Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum), composers’ letters quoting musical phrases, to opera librettos and listening guides, papers including snippets of music notation (e.g. music textbooks)... Such situations often require the simultaneous use of both TEI and MEI (and for instance a MEI file can be referenced in a TEI document using the \\`\\` element). Giuliano and Dennis walked us through a number of different approaches employed in various projects, where tools specialized just for a single vocabulary do not meet their ideal criteria for broad application: - ease of setting up - TEI and MEI support - facsimile integration Following this cue, Wolfgang has demonstrated his new pb-mei web component which uses Verovio under the hood to generate SVG representation of the score. For TEI documents applying \\`\\` element to include a pointer to a MEI encoding of a music notation it is very straightforward to adjust the ODD to transform this pointer to a pb-mei component, as demonstrated in the pb-mei demo. !Demo page of the pb-mei component This proved to be a very pleasant surprise and a convincing argument that TEI Publisher could be adapted to fit the needs of MEI community. A short discussion followed ranging from detailed questions on MEI encoding, through workflows on creating MEI sources cf. Verovio editor to information important for preparing an ODD and customization modules for supporting MEI in TEI Publisher. We agreed to work with Giuliano and Dennis on including MEI-in-TEI and pure MEI examples in the next minor version of the TEI Publisher to demonstrate fully its capability. We were happy to see that this event gathered the audience of around 17 participants and are looking forward to establishing a monthly meetup online to provide an arena for lively discussions on subjects of interest to the community. Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss a particular topic. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/common-exist-db-tei-publisher-deployment-scenarios/","title":"Common eXist-db / TEI Publisher Deployment Scenarios","content":" This E-editiones online event covers different scenarios of running eXist-db applications by the example of TEI Publisher. Olaf Schreck and Lars Windauer from eXist Solutions will present the different possibilities and requirements for: - Editors presenting their TEI documents - Developers implementing new features - Sysadmins hosting digital editions in TEI Publisher The first part of the event is intended also for the non-technical audience and will provide an overview of the different usage scenarios of TEI Publisher while the second part focuses on setting up and maintaining TEI Publisher for production environments with a focus on the IT automation software Ansible. The event took place on Tuesday the 8th of September from 16:00 till 17:00 CEST on Jitsi. - Slides: Common-eXist-db-TEI-Publisher-Deployment-Scenarios - Workshop Recording Thanks to NIE-INE for sponsoring this event. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-vanilla-a-scoop-of-tei-for-everyone/","title":"TEI Vanilla - a scoop of TEI for everyone","content":" Following the spontaneous but inspiring exchange on e-editiones Slack channel, we'd like to invite you to a new e-editiones community meeting to discuss the emerging TEI Vanilla proposal. The event will take place online at 4pm CET on October 20th, 2020. Many of us at some point expressed their frustration with starting a TEI project. Without previous experience with this extensive and robust vocabulary the learning curve may be quite steep and the whole process overwhelming. TEI Vanilla is a grassroots movement to help newcomers to the TEI community in smooth on-boarding. We feel that a number of prospective users, both individual and institutional, would benefit from a gentler introduction than TEI's excellent but extensive Guidelines provide. Vanilla is meant to pick up where earlier 2015 TEI Simple project, led by the late Sebastian Rahtz, Martin Mueller and Brian Pytlik-Zillig, left off. As some of you would remember, main outcome of the TEI Simple was the TEI Processing Model, now lying at the heart of the TEI Publisher. Nevertheless, the other goal envisioned for Simple was creating a schema which would provide a good starting point for majority, if not most, larger scale editorial projects. We based our selection on a survey of usage through large volume corpora, among them EEBO-TCP and DTA, and believed it to be a solid 80/20 solution: addressing 80% of users needs with 20% of the effort and heartache. Thanks to the space for discussion on e-editiones Slack we found out there are many like-minded individuals willing to join forces in the work of reviewing the schema and working on its own dedicated Guidelines and a body of examples, tutorials and other auxiliary resources. At this point we would like to share our motivations and preliminary goals but above all solicit opinions, perspectives and requirements from our community. Join us for the event and share your thoughts on Slack. ","tags":["announcements","tei","tei vanilla"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-7-rc/","title":"TEI Publisher 7.0.0 RC","content":" > We're happy to announce the availability of version 7 of TEI Publisher > as a release candidate. Release Highlight: Open API Version 7 represents the logical next step on our mission to improve interoperability, sustainability and long-term maintenance of editions created with TEI Publisher. While version 6 addressed the client side by extracting all webcomponents into a separate package, version 7 applies a similar redesign to the server side: 1. It exposes a well-defined, clear API specification following the Open API standard. Understanding how exactly TEI Publisher routes requests through the various layers was often challenging. With the new API we have a single, well-documented entry point to which you can also add your own functionality. 2. Updating becomes much easier due to defined API versions, clear configuration and separation of concerns 3. The API can be easily accessed by other software outside TEI Publisher or its webcomponents, say, for example, Python or R scripts ! The basis of this redesign is the new OAS-Router library, which reads a service specification following the Open API standard and maps incoming requests to the XQuery library implementing the actual functionality. By using Open API we can benefit from a wide choice of tools and utilities available for many programming languages. Users can extend or modify the API by adding their own endpoints to `custom-api.json`. Open API allows you to describe all the details of an API call (i.e. parameters, response codes etc.), so your XQuery code can concentrate on implementing the actual functionality without having to bother with parameter or response types. Furthermore, every API operation is independently tested against the specification, to assure that e.g. parameter and response types correspond exactly to the definition. For this our main Git repositories now use a sophisticated setup for running automated tests. Other Improvements The webcomponent library saw a number of important bug fixes and improvements. Despite the API changes, the library is fully backwards compatible: it first checks which version of TEI Publisher is running on the server and adjusts accordingly. Among other things we improved the component handling file uploads, introduced a way to navigate back to the parent collection of a document being viewed, fixed bugs in the visual ODD editor, the search component and many others. Upgrading While version 7 tries to ensure that future updates will become much smoother, upgrading to 7 does still require a few manual steps, which are described in the documentation. Get It! TEI Publisher 7.0.0 RC is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Again our special thanks go to the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding most of the redesign! ![ ](https://www.nie-ine.ch/) The Open API implementation was inspired by earlier work funded by Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO). A lot of bug fixes were supported by the Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-vanilla-meeting-summary/","title":"TEI \"Vanilla\" meeting summary","content":" Following the spontaneous exchange on e-editiones Slack channel, we have held an online community meeting to discuss the emerging TEI Vanilla proposal on October 20th. It was a pleasure to see such a broad interest and diverse representation of participants, spanning the entire range from TEI newcomers to current and former TEI Council and Board members. Main motivation for what Martin Mueller and I initially codenamed TEI Vanilla were recurring voices expressing frustration of starting a TEI project. Without previous experience with this extensive and robust vocabulary the learning curve may be quite steep and the whole process overwhelming. During the meeting we had a chance to hear many opinions on history, theory, practice and local circumstances of conducting a TEI project. These voices cannot be easily reconciled but form an excellent base for further discussion. Nevertheless, there was a shared agreement on certain shortcomings in the availability of: - introductory and advanced material for self-study - curated repository of extensive examples in different languages and covering different domains - critical commentary focusing on the bigger picture and decision making through the whole process: from encoding to publishing Similarly, we agreed during the meeting, that a particular customization tied to a schema, following the path of TEI Lite or TEI Simple is at the moment a secondary concern. Rather a “kleine Katechismus”, presenting main concepts and considerations in a linear progression is sorely missed. Naturally, there’s no single path through the richness of the TEI but we imagine such an introductory guide would embrace the 80/20 approach and focus on issues relevant for virtually all projects. All these postulates are not new and there is a lot of diverse material dispersed through the web already. TEI website and wiki pages try to point its user towards projects, tools and tutorials. Nevertheless, these lists, or resources they refer to, are often dated or fragmentary, therefore do not give an adequate overview, particularly of emerging practices. It is obvious that gathering and preparing resources helpful for broad spectre of TEI users is a task both daunting as well as never-ending, and can only be undertaken and then maintained within the interested communities of practice themselves. e-editiones society sees its important role in providing a space for publication and coordinating efforts on preparation of guides, tutorials and best practice recommendations for digital editions and would like to invite you to submit proposals for: - guest blog posts on e-editiones.org covering various aspects of preparing and publishing a digital edition - TEI-encoded samples for various domains - accompanying ODD schema and processing model customizations You can discuss and submit proposals via TEI Vanilla issue tracker. PS We hoped to provide a recording of our online meeting and did not minute it. Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, the recording quality is insufficient for publication. I am very sorry for this and would like to encourage other participants to share their perspectives, opinions and points for discussion I might have missed in this summary. Hoping to hear from you soon, Magdalena Turska ","tags":["meetups","events","tei","tei vanilla"]},{"id":"/posts/vscode/","title":"New Visual Studio Code extension for TEI Publisher","content":" Enhancing TEI documents with semantic markup, i.e. encode places, people or terms, can be a time consuming and tedious task. For the Karl Barth edition project, we have thus created a new extension for Visual Studio Code (vscode) and published it as Open Source. Where it all started: a Word plugin Within the Karl Barth edition, texts to be published in new volumes are encoded in Microsoft Word and transformed to TEI using TEI Publisher's powerful docx2TEI conversion feature based on the TEI processing model. To simplify semantic encoding, eXist Solutions created a **Word plugin** for the project, which allows editors to easily encode entities occurring within the text: select a string representing an entity, click a button and the plugin will run a query against the database of the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, showing potential matches for each possible category. With another click, the selected entity is inserted into the Word document, including a reference to the entity in the database. This proved to be a huge timesaver: what took minutes before - switching to a different window, doing a search and copying the ID - is now done in seconds. A screenshot of the Word plugin is shown below: !MS Word screenshot The plugin also allows editors to get a preview of how the current text would look like in TEI and how it would be rendered to HTML by TEI Publisher's ODD-based transformations. The preview feature sends the underlying Word XML to a TEI Publisher instance, which transforms it first to TEI, and then - if requested - to HTML. Editors can thus see the text as it would later appear on the website. Porting it to Visual Studio Code However, the Word-workflow only covers the new volumes: we still have 54 already published volumes in TEI, which need to be extended. Parts of this is done automatically (via entity detection), but there's still a lot of manual editing involved. Thus the question arised if the Word plugin could be ported to an XML editor. For sure, oXygen would have been the obvious choice, but since the Word Plugin was already written in javascript/typescript, we decided to give Visual Studio Code a try. It turned out to be rather straightforward and the first usable version was done within one evening. Thrilled by the success, we invested two more days to make the plugin more generic, in particular, add connectors for other authority databases. Beyond the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, we now have connectors for the German GND, metagrid, Geonames and Google places. !Enity lookup screencast The TEI snippet to be inserted for each of the entity types can be configured in the settings. For example, you could replace `` with `` if you like. Previews The HTML preview feature has been ported as well: pressing a keyboard shortcut or clicking the toolbar icon will present you with a list of ODDs available for transformations, and then open a new editor panel showing the transformation result in HTML. All you need is a TEI Publisher 7 instance which has a matching ODD installed. The plugin uses the general API introduced with TEI Publisher 7, which will also be exposed automatically by any application generated from it. !HTML preview screencast Snippets Finally, it is rather straightforward to create reusable snippets in vscode. To start with, we implemented the one shortcut we use most in oXygen and miss everywhere else: wrap the current selection with an element (the Scholarly XML extension described below also has this, but it doesn't hurt to have it twice in case you're not using that). And since we have to encode a lot of foreign texts, we also added one for ``. Doing more would be easy: maybe you have some suggestions? Just write them into our github issues. Combine with other extensions If you combine this with other extensions available on the vscode marketplace, you get rather decent XML editing support - not as sophisticated as with oXygen, but good enough for some serious work. For schema-based validation and context sensitive suggestions one can choose between two extensions: Scholary XML is lightweight and provides nice suggestions with documentation. It only understands relax-ng though and does not support catalogs, which means you need to reference the schema via a processing instruction in every TEI file. The second option, XML Language Support by Red Hat, supports XML schema and catalogs, which you can use to associate the TEI namespace with a schema once and for all. On the downside, it uses more system resources as it starts a background Java process. To set up a catalog, just create a file `catalog.xml` somewhere with e.g. the following content and change the vscode configuration property `xml.catalogs` to point to it: Finally, if you use TEI Publisher as a basis for your own editions, you definitely want to install the Language Server and Client for XQuery/eXistdb. It supports working on XQuery files, syncing your local changes with the database, installing XAR files and more. Get it The extension is available from Microsoft's Visual Studio Marketplace. To install it in your own Visual Studio Code, just open the _Extensions_ tab and search for `tei-publisher-vscode`. All source code is available on the e-editiones github and we would like to invite others to further extend it, e.g. by adding connectors to other authority APIs. Connectors are simple javascript/typescript classes with just two methods. See the existing connectors for inspiration. If you have questions, suggestions or would like to discuss further extensions: you'll find us in the e-editiones slack rooms. ","tags":["announcements","semantic-encoding","tei-publisher","vscode"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-7-final/","title":"TEI Publisher 7: an example of collaborative development","content":" We're happy to announce the final release of TEI Publisher 7. This is the second release coordinated by e-editiones and another important step to improve interoperability, sustainability and long-term maintenance of editions created with TEI Publisher. While release 6 came with a major redesign of the client side parts of TEI Publisher, version 7 focusses on the server, featuring a clean and extensible API based on the Open API standard. !Photo by Marcel Eberle on Unsplash The plan for TEI Publisher 7 (and 6 before) was born during a meeting in Basel in November last year, when some of the Swiss edition projects using TEI Publisher came together to discuss how the software could be developed into an even more sustainable platform. Many of them became founding members of e-editiones a few months later. Fortunately the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions agreed to support the outlined ideas, funding a substantial part of the work. Other member projects contributed time and money, and served as testbeds for the new versions. TEI Publisher 7 is thus more than just another technological milestone - it is the product of a cooperative development model in which users, researchers, institutions and developers work hand in hand towards a shared goal. We're looking forward to continue this success story next year and would again like to invite everybody to become part of it. Support the common cause by becoming a member, convince your institutions to take part, and contribute in one of the many possible ways. Read the full release notes on the TEI Publisher website. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-7/","title":"TEI Publisher 7.0.0","content":" > Version 7 of the TEI Publisher released with Open API and Markdown > support along numerous other features and bugfixes. Release Highlight: Open API Version 7 represents the logical next step on our mission to improve interoperability, sustainability and long-term maintenance of editions created with TEI Publisher. A major redesign to the server side allowed us to expose a well-defined, clear API specification following the Open API standard. Integrated Swagger UI allows you to visualize and interact with the API’s resources. Read more in 7.0.0 Release Candidate notice. The API can be easily extended to cover project-specific functionality. ! Release Highlight: Markdown support In addition to various XML vocabularies, like TEI or DocBook, you can now use Markdown format. Markdown documents with `.md` extension will be correctly rendered via marked library. This feature is particularly useful for static content, like introductory material or project news. Release Highlight: Flexible collection configuration Previous versions of TEI Publisher allowed the view configuration to be specified either on the app level, through default odd, template and related variables in `modules/config.xqm`, or on the document level via processing instructions. Current version extends the application configuration mechanism in the `$config:collection-config` allowing for specifying view parameters per collection or document with arbitrary filtering expression (e.g. only documents in a certain language or of a particular type) without the need to change documents themselves. Other Improvements The webcomponent library saw a number of important bug fixes and improvements. Despite the API changes, the library is fully backwards compatible: it first checks which version of TEI Publisher is running on the server and adjusts accordingly. Among other things we improved the component handling file uploads, introduced a way to navigate back to the parent collection of a document being viewed, switched to xml:id based navigation where available, fixed bugs in the visual ODD editor, the search component and many others. Furthermore we have fixed some issues with DocBook configuration, introduced more sensible defaults for indexing and sorting and streamlined naming conventions of commonly customized modules. Support for nested footnotes has been improved. Publisher 7 is available in 20 languages and we'll be happy to collaborate on extending the coverage for other, especially non-European languages. Extended FAQ section has been moved to an external site, automatically generated from markdown files stored in tei-publisher-faq repository. Quick edits are possible via GitHub, all contributions are welcome. Upgrading While version 7 tries to ensure that future updates will become much smoother, upgrading to 7 does still require a few manual steps, which are described in the documentation. Get It! TEI Publisher 7.0.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Again our special thanks go to the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding most of the redesign! ![ ](https://www.nie-ine.ch/) The Open API implementation was inspired by earlier work funded by Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO). A lot of bug fixes were supported by the Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/osa20/","title":"Open Source Advent","content":" Through December we're aiming to present a number of recent open source developments related to e-editiones mission to empower digital editions of cultural, scientific, and artistic works by promoting open standards related to digital editions and advancing open source applications based on them. ! Trying to create the atmosphere of joyful expectation and bring some holiday cheer to the dark hours of corona winter, we'll only reveal one \"present\" at a time and adjust the calendar and this post as we go along. In the first instance we are presenting projects coordinated by e-editiones and its members. We certainly hope to see others joining the fun - please use the OSA20 hashtag on Twitter and let us know so we can update the list. * * * List of OSA20 presents in December - Dec 11th: Visual Studio Code plugin - Dec 18th: TEI Publisher 7 release - Dec 21st: TEI Publisher FAQ launch - Dec 23rd Cross search - Dec 31st ELTeC: European Literary Corpus","tags":["events"]},{"id":"/posts/cross-search/","title":"Cross search","content":" With a growing number of editions realized with the TEI Publisher it is a logical next step to wish for a search service which can run queries across multiple corpora at the same time. Usually the problem to solve would be the great diversity of encoding across projects, even if they all use TEI as a vocabulary of choice. Even commonly represented information, like the language of the source document, can be stored in various locations in a TEI document. Lucene-based fields and facets, introduced in eXist-db 5.0 provide a mechanism to smoothly abstract away these encoding differences - we can just define, say, a _language_ facet and it's the collection index configuration's role to take care of specifying where exactly to grab data from. The next potential issue would be actually running the queries across corpora, particularly with the decentralized infrastructure where editions are hosted on diverse servers. The answer here is to define an API which individual editions need to expose, so that the aggregate search engine can just poll all its registered 'members', regardless of their location or how they implement the search internally. !Cross-search results page The cross-search prototype is exactly such a search engine. With a simple configuration one can register all 'member' editions. Only requirement for the editions themselves is that they expose the `api/search/document` API endpoint, which is a matter of simple customization for all TEI Publisher 7 applications which support Open API specifications out of the box. The `api/search/document` endpoint must accept a number of parameters defined in the specification. For this prototype the title, author and lang(uage) fields as well as genre, language and corpus facets were assumed. We are very happy to report that our prototype works really well as a proof of concept with the eclectic collection of documents from TEI Publisher demo apps, all originating with vastly different projects with diverse encoding styles. Next, we intend to extend this idea into a general portal for archives and libraries and we would welcome collaboration from such institutions. Our sincere thanks go to the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF / Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF for supporting this project.","tags":["announcements","interoperability","osa20","tei","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/roaster-an-open-api-router-for-exist/","title":"Roaster: an Open API Router for eXist","content":" !{.left width=220} We're happy to announce that the request routing library, which was originally developed for TEI Publisher 7, has been released as a separate package with extended functionality. The library, called **roaster**, is generic and can be used for any eXist-based project. It implements the Open API 3.0 standard to support well-documented, versioned and formally specified APIs. Background In previous versions of TEI Publisher, clients (i.e. your web browser) would communicate with the server by directly calling a variety of XQuery scripts. The server-side API, if you can even call it one, was thus scattered over many different files. Finding your way through the code, figuring out what parameters are expected or how the response should look like was rather difficult. Overwriting the default behaviour - e.g. to replace the generated table of contents - required substantial coding skills. The scripts also changed between TEI Publisher versions. So, if you were working on a standalone edition generated from Publisher, updates could be tricky. With TEI Publisher 7, the entire server-side API can be viewed on a single documentation page. It clearly describes the URL paths you can use, as well as any parameter you can pass in and the type it should conform to. One can also see the different possible responses and what kind of content they would return. The new API Looking at the first route of the _documents_ section in the API (see screenshot below), it is easy to construct a URL which returns the source XML: the path template to use is `/api/document/{id}` and `{id}` should contain the path to a document - relative to the data root of TEI Publisher. !Documents API screenshot So to retrieve the TEI/XML for _Graves' letter_, located in the file path `test/graves6.xml`, we can use the following URL: https://teipublisher.com/exist/apps/tei-publisher/api/document/test%2Fgraves6.xml Note that the / in the path needs to be URL encoded with `%2F`. This is a requirement of the Open API specification. If instead of the TEI/XML we would like to see the letter rendered to HTML, we can use the third route in the list and simply add `/html` to the end of the URL: https://teipublisher.com/exist/apps/tei-publisher/api/document/test%2Fgraves6.xml/html or if we prefer a PDF: https://teipublisher.com/exist/apps/tei-publisher/api/document/test%2Fgraves6.xml/pdf For sure, as an ordinary user, you don't need to know any of this: using the web interface of TEI Publisher, the web components on the page take care of constructing and calling above URLs for you. But if you are a developer, having a well-defined API is a game changer. Just imagine that you want to support your co-workers with a script which allows them to preview a local TEI document as HTML on the fly: sending the content of the document with an HTTP POST request to `/api/preview` is all you need! Our Visual Studio Code plugin does it like this. You can use any script or programming language you like, say bash, python, perl - you name it. And because Open API is a widely used standard, there are plenty of tools for documentation, testing or code generation. The API documentation page in TEI Publisher is generated by such a tool (Swagger UI). Implementation **roaster** is essentially an implementation of the Open API standard in pure XQuery. It reads the formal API specification (in JSON format) and determines for each HTTP request coming in, which route to take. It will also check if the parameters, headers or request bodies passed in comply to the rules given in the definition of the route. An error will be generated if the request is not in compliance with the definition, e.g. because a required parameter is missing or has a wrong type. It can also fill in default values for parameters, enforce correct content types for the response etc. From a developer perspective, this means you don't have to worry about parameters. Your handler function will receive a single parameter, containing all the necessary information about the request and you can safely assume that it complies with the spec you provided. If you are interested in the details, please refer to the README. For a TEI Publisher-related example, check out the FAQ article, which describes how to replace the default table of contents with a custom one. Roaster 1.0.0 can be installed into your local eXist via the package manager in the dashboard. TEI Publisher 7 shipped with a slightly older version, 0.5.1., but you can run both versions side by side.","tags":["announcements","open-api","roaster","release"]},{"id":"/posts/newsletter-2021-1/","title":"Newsletter 21/1","content":" !Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash We're happy to send our first newsletter covering the past year of activities and developments within e-editiones and would like to encourage institutions or individuals who are not yet members to join forces. e-editiones as a Society The e-editiones society was founded on 4 May 2020 by more than 20 international partners. Our institutional members are academies, archives and libraries, edition projects and their sponsors, as well as companies. Among individual members we are proud to count archivists, librarians, editors, researchers from the (digital) humanities, and software developers. After our first attempt to obtain a non-profit association status from the St. Gallen tax office failed, e-editiones was recognized as a non-profit association with tax exemption, following an amendment to the statutes (5th November 2020). A huge thanks to the Karl Barth Foundation for generously sponsoring the necessary legal advice. Building on these foundations and developments and events listed below, our still young society is off to a great start. We hope to broaden the community and increase our membership in 2021. More Information - Current list of members - Statutes (in German) - How to become a member 2020 Events e-editiones organized various meetings and workshops in 2020 for members and the wider community to get to know each other and exchange ideas. _Meetings_ - 04.05.2020: Virtual foundation of e-editions and first community event for members - 18.05.2020: First Public Community Event: Presentation of e-editiones by Andreas Kränzle with a short introduction to TEI Publisher for digital editions by Wolfgang Meier, discussion moderated by Joe Wicentowski Video - 20.10.2020: TEI «Vanilla» by Magdalena Turska Report _Workshops_ - Three-part online Course: Learn TEI Publisher by Wolfgang Meier - Learn TEI Publisher 1: «Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch» , 8th Jun 2020 Video - Learn TEI Publisher 2, 15th Jun 2020 Video - Learn TEI Publisher 3, 22nd Jun 2020 Video - Music is in the air – MEI and TEI Publisher by Giuliano Di Bacco and Dennis Ried, 8th Jul 2020 Video - Common eXist-db/TEI Publisher. Deployment Scenarios by Olaf Schreck and Lars Windauer covers different deployment scenarios of eXist-db and TEI Publisher, 9th Sep 2020 Video - Open Source Advent: Presentation of a number of open source developments, 11th – 31st Dec 2020 Link More Information - e-editiones-YouTube-Channel - e-editiones blog Communication The association immediately set up communication facilities for its members and the community. For technical questions about TEI Publisher, the central communication channel is Slack. Recurring issues and questions are incorporated into the new FAQ page. For announcements and important messages, we use Twitter. Follow us! More Information - e-editiones workspace on Slack - TEI Publisher FAQ - e-editiones.org on Twitter - Up-to-date list of e-editiones communication channels ! TEI Publisher Developments: Versions 6 and 7 In 2020 two major versions of TEI Publisher were released: versions 6 and 7. The plan for these versions was born during a meeting in Basel in November 2019, when several Swiss edition projects using TEI Publisher came together to discuss how the software could be developed into an even more sustainable platform. A number of them later became founding members of e-editiones. Their primary goal was to enable institutions to manage and maintain a larger number of editions, either on the same or several servers. To reduce maintenance costs, keeping editions up to date with newer TEI Publisher versions needed to be as simple as possible. Editions relying on different versions needed to be able to run alongside each other. Two areas had to be addressed to achieve these goals: 1. On the **client side** TEI Publisher was already a collection of small, modular web components, which together formed the user interface. These components had to be extracted into a separate library, so projects could benefit from bug fixes and new components without having to update the rest of the edition's application. 2. On the **server side** TEI Publisher needed a well defined API. Such an API would provide a standardized communication channel, through which the web components on the client could talk to the server. To accommodate future updates and support backwards compatibility, the API would need to be versioned, ensuring that both sides could speak the same language. Fortunately the _Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen – Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions_ agreed to support the outlined ideas, funding a substantial part of the work. With the release of TEI Publisher 7, both areas mentioned above have been addressed and the goal has been fully reached. Contributions also came from member institutions: the Collection of Swiss Law Sources Online and the St. Galler Missiven were built on an early version of TEI Publisher 4. Both funded a major update of their code to version 7. A number of regressions and new bugs were encountered during the migration, and appropriate fixes were contributed back into the TEI Publisher code base. The Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe likewise served as a test bed during TEI Publisher 7 development. Furthermore, the Karl Barth project financed the Microsoft Word to TEI transformation, which is now part of TEI Publisher. The source code of TEI Publisher and its related repositories have been moved under the roof of e-editiones and are hosted within its GitHub organization. Other Software Packages Beyond TEI Publisher itself, e-editiones released a number of other software packages: - The Open API routing library at the heart of TEI Publisher 7, called Roaster, proved to be useful even outside the humanities and has already been adopted by a project in the medical realm. - Born out of the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, e-editiones published an extension for the Visual Studio Code editor to help editors work on TEI. This includes an entity explorer to help with the markup of entities in a text by querying external authority databases from within the XML editor. - The Cross Search package provides a blueprint for a portal incorporating multiple editions, supporting cross-edition search facilities. This will become the basis for future hosting services. Community Contributions Last but not least, we would like to point out the many contributions we received with respect to translations: TEI Publisher has now been translated to more than 20 languages! We hope to see similar interest in other areas, e.g., the newly established FAQ website. We would like to encourage everyone to add entries and turn this into a knowledge base for all users. It already hosts questions and answers concerning encoding, workflows, or best practice recommendations. The Future Continuing our cooperative development model, the following new components and features are scheduled to appear in the forthcoming minor version of TEI Publisher: - A component for displaying mathematical formulae, sponsored by the Bernoulli project (Uni Basel). - A feature to automatically register persistent DOI identifiers with every resource uploaded to TEI Publisher (financed by the DIPF). e-editiones is actively apply for funding: a first proposal has been sent to a Swiss foundation, and we're waiting for feedback. The features we hope to obtain sponsorship for include: - Better navigation within an edition by allowing arbitrary identification schemes for resources. - Speaking and bookmarkable URLs. - Improved accessibility. - A timeline component. - Components to improve the editorial workflow: - Git integration into the user interface for synchronization. - An annotation feature allowing editions to perform semantic markup tasks directly on the rendered text. If you have other features on your list, please do not hesitate to propose them. We can achieve more at lower costs if we all work together. If you need a certain feature and plan to apply for funding, why not ask other projects which may have similar requirements? e-editiones is a welcoming umbrella under which your project can come together with other projects from different academic disciplines, coordinate needs, and potentially convince funding agencies to look beyond the perspective of a single project. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/posts/save-the-dates/","title":"Save the dates","content":" New e-editiones events are coming up. Please save the dates: 1st March 2021, 17.00 CET: Assembly - Assembly of e-editiones (members only) 8th March 2021, 17.00 CET: Beginners Workshop - A Gentle Introduction to Git (Joseph Wicentowski) - Workflows for TEI Editing and App Development (Wolfgang Meier) A recording is available on the e-editiones youtube channel. 30th March 2021, 17.00 CET: Workshop - Versioning and Archiving Data: TEI2Zenodo (Dr. Andreas Wagner, Digital Humanities Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt) All events are **free**. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-to-zenodo/","title":"TEI2Zenodo","content":" 2021-03-30, 17.00 CEST *Versioning and Archiving Data: TEI2Zenodo* Dr. Andreas Wagner, Digital Humanities, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt How can I get Persistent Identifiers for the works of my digital edition? How can I deposit their TEI XML sources at a long-time archival repository? And how can I do all this when I don't have an affiliated institution/library taking care of it all? It's in response to questions as these that the \"TEI2Zenodo\"-Service offers a software (and, for the time being, a platform) that can facilitate archival and sustainable citation of your data. This workshop will introduce the platforms github and zenodo, and discuss the roles that they can play in such an endeavour. We will see and experiment with configurations for various ways of connecting them, particularly ones making use of the TEI2Zenodo service. After the workshop, participants should be capable of sustainably depositing the data of their digital edition, taking profit of free and open services and platforms. The workshop is **free**. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/beginner-workshop/","title":"Beginners Workshop (Git, Editing Workflows)","content":" - A Gentle Introduction to Git (Joseph Wicentowski) - Workflows for TEI Editing and App Development (Wolfgang Meier) A recording is available on the e-editiones youtube channel. !Photo by Headway on Unsplash The workshop is **free**. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","workshop"]},{"id":"/pages/community-meetings/","title":"Community Meetings","content":" !Photo by Redd on Unsplash In April 2021 e-editions have launched a series of regular community meetings that will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 17:00 CET/CEST. As of 12 June 2023 meetings will be held online on Teams. We will publish the respective link with the announcement of the event. The objective of these meetings is to give the community a space to discuss topics and present editions, projects, challenges and solutions. Meetings will last one hour and a short presentation of the topic or the project will be followed by an open discussion. We warmly invite you to propose topics at info@e-editiones.org for the future community meetings dates. See the list of past and scheduled meetups "},{"id":"/posts/new-hosting-offer/","title":"Archives Online offers hosting in cooperation with e-editiones","content":" In cooperation with e-editiones, Archives Online is building an infrastructure for digital scholarly editions based on TEI Publisher and IIIF. It is offering comprehensive, long-term support and maintenance to keep digital editions from going dark. The offer is **available to all interested editions** world-wide. The offer will be complemented by a portal, which allows users to search across all editions participating in the service. The portal application has been developed by e-editiones, Archives Online and the Staatsarchiv Zürich, and will go online as soon as the first editions are ready for publication. All code will be made available as free software. The distributed search feature was based on earlier work financed by the DIPF Berlin (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education), and the Karl Barth-Gesamtausgabe supported the server set up and automation. The goal is to provide an easy, long-term hosting option for editions based on minimal, well-documented requirements: ultimately any edition which complies with the recommended practices can benefit from the hosting offer and participate in the portal service. If you are interested in having an edition hosted, please contact Archives Online. The service will not be for free: any serious long-term hosting has to cover certain maintenance costs if it wants to follow more than an \"install and forget\" policy. But we're confident that our solution minimizes the costs while providing the best possible service, in particular if you're looking towards long-term availability. Technical Background e-editiones central goal is to provide editions with a sustainable publishing solution which ensures long term availability with minimal maintenance. With the redesign of TEI Publisher 6 and 7, we prepared the necessary technical foundations: all editions generated by TEI Publisher now share a common API. With the new version 7 it became possible to: 1. host multiple editions created with different versions of the libraries side by side, 2. simplify the update procedure to make sure editions benefit from new developments while keeping maintenance costs very low, 3. search across local and distributed editions (hosted on a different server) by leveraging the shared API Also, despite looking different on the surface, the building blocks for any TEI Publisher-based edition are the same, which allows server administrators to create automated setup and maintenance routines. Outlook Among many other things, TEI Publisher 8 will further improve the architecture by introducing more generic concepts for persistent URLs, navigation and addressing documents, allowing editions to use an addressing scheme which better reflects the logic of the edition rather than technical requirements. A direct integration with git will allow editions to update published data without having to touch the command line. The upcoming version will also include index configuration and API endpoints for local and distributed portal search, so generated editions can automatically participate in a multi-edition portal like sources-online. With these low-level technical questions solved, e-editiones is now also putting a strong focus on describing the practical recommendations for the encoding of texts. The idea is to create a set of best practice guidelines for corpora with a pledge that any text following these guidelines will look good out of the box when rendered via TEI Publisher and will be ready for incorporation into the search portal. Initial work is carried out now and we expect a community meetup soon to discuss on a broader forum. This way we aim to: flatten the learning curve for many projects starting with TEI encoding, reduce the amount of customization work required for an edition, allowing users to publish materials with minimal effort, and assure that the project data is ready to be integrated into larger scale search portals. Needless to say, recommendations we have in mind are intended only with an eye towards interoperability and do not limit in any way customization capacities already embodied by the TEI Publisher approach.","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","hosting","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/pages/member-directory/","title":"Member Directory","content":" \\[profilepress-member-directory id=\"1\"\\] "},{"id":"/posts/contributing-to-tei-publisher-a-gentle-introduction/","title":"Contributing to TEI Publisher - a gentle introduction","content":" Talk by Wolfgang Meier (eXist Solutions) on Tuesday, the 6th of July 2021 at 17:00 CEST. Open source projects like TEI Publisher depend on an active, contributing community. Many believe that you need to be a programmer to contribute, but this is a misconception! Documentation, communication, supporting users or providing feedback are at least as important for an open source project as thousands of lines of code. This session targets non-programmers as well as those with some development skills. We'll start with simple things, e.g. contributing to the FAQ, and then move on and show you how to create your own little web component to plug into TEI Publisher. We'll use a grid component for displaying tabular data as an example. Open source projects like TEI Publisher depend on an active, contributing community. Many believe that you need to be a programmer to contribute, but this is a misconception! Documentation, communication, supporting users or providing feedback are at least as important for an open source project as thousands of lines of code. This session targets non-programmers as well as those with some development skills. We'll start with simple things, e.g. contributing to the FAQ, and then move on and show you how to create your own little web component to plug into TEI Publisher. We'll use a grid component for displaying tabular data as an example. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/fore-humanists-metadata-forms-and-more/","title":"For(e) humanists - Metadata, Forms and more","content":" 2021-06-15: For(e) humanists - Metadata, Forms and more Joern Turner, eXistSolutions and Jinntec GmbH Fore is a model-driven forms framework that follows the ideas of the XForms 2.0 Standard but translates those into the world of HTML5 Web Components. Many edition project require some sort of complex input form sooner or later - just think about collecting metadata for the TEI header. The talk will focus on TEI and show you how to author such forms in HTML5. https://meet.existsolutions.com/eeditiones ","tags":["meetups","events"]},{"id":"/pages/map/","title":"TEI Publisher Registry","content":" If your are using TEI Publisher, please let us know. Send us the title of your edition, a postal address, url, email and a very short description: info@e-editiones.org. \\[put\\_wpgm id=2\\] "},{"id":"/posts/annotation-editor-released-with-new-tei-publisher-7-1-0/","title":"Annotation editor released with new TEI Publisher 7.1.0","content":" Answering the secret dream of many TEI users, the new TEI Publisher version 7.1.0 incorporates a — beautifully simple to use, yet powerful — way to enrich existing TEI documents. Just select a text passage, click on a button and within seconds — and without a pointy bracket in sight! — mark it as one of many supported annotation types. A place or person? Sure, and with built-in connectors for external authority files, too. Critical apparatus entries? We got you! Dates, corrections, regularizations and even quick fixes for typos in your transcription. As usual, everything is customizable and extendable, so if you want a particular kind of annotation we do not support out of the box, it's not difficult to add your own or tinker existing ones. Read more in the documentation. The good news doesn't end there: you can now use the TEI formula element with TeX notation for math. See the component's demo page which presents some elaborate formulae or visit Publisher's Demo collection which now sports shiny new examples: _Euler's Algebra_ for a wee help with your quadratic equations or _The Italienische Madrigal_ by Alfred (not Albert!) Einstein, with musical scores encoded with MEI. It is nicely rendered with Verovio library through a dedicated pb-mei component and you can even listen to the piece to cheer up. And you can now set Publisher's interface even to simplified or traditional Chinese. TEI Publisher 7.1.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. It's not for the first time that our special thanks go to the Office of the Historian of the United States Department of State - this time for funding the major portion of the annotation editor. The Math support has been kindly funded by Bernoulli-Euler Zentrum in Basel.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release","annotations"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-71/","title":"TEI Publisher 7.1.0","content":" > Version 7.1.0 of the TEI Publisher boasting in-browser annotations > support along other features and bugfixes. Release Highlight: Annotations Answering the secret dream of many TEI users this new TEI Publisher version 7.1.0 incorporates a — beautifully simple to use, yet powerful — way to enrich existing TEI documents. Users can just select a text passage, click on a button and within seconds — and without a pointy bracket in sight! — mark it as one of many supported annotation types. A place or person? Sure, and with built-in connectors for external authority files, too. Critical apparatus entries? We got you! Dates, corrections, regularizations and even quick fixes for typos in your transcription. As usual, everything is customizable and extendable, so if you want a particular kind of annotation we do not support out of the box, it's not difficult to add your own or tinker existing ones. Read more in the documentation ! Release Highlight: support for mathematical formulae You can now use the TEI formula element with TeX notation for mathematical formulae, so something like can be nicely rendered in HTML thanks to the new `pb-formula` component. See the component's demo page which presents some elaborate formulae. ! Other Improvements The Demo collection has several new examples, most notably a Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) example _The Italienische Madrigal_ by Alfred (not Albert!) Einstein, with musical scores encoded with MEI music notation. It is nicely rendered with Verovio library through a dedicated `pb-mei` component and you can even listen to it. Other point of interest is the Euler's Algebra with mathematic formulas rendered via `pb-formula` component. Publisher 7.1.0 is available in 21 languages, now proudly boasting both simplified and traditional Chinese. We'll be happy to collaborate on extending the coverage for other, especially non-European languages. Upgrading Version 7.1.0 is fully compatible with 7 except for some minor changes which are described in the documentation. Get It! TEI Publisher 7.1.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks It's not for the first time that our special thanks go to the Office of the Historian of the United States Department of State - this time for spearheading and funding the efforts which resulted in the annotation editor. The Math support has been kindly funded by Bernoulli-Euler Zentrum in Basel. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/manuscript-mondays/","title":"Manuscript Mondays – Einführung in das digitale Edieren handschriftlicher Quellen","content":" by Anne Diekjobst, Claudia Sutter Der Workshop richtet sich an Forschende aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, die ihre erste eigene digitale Edition erstellen wollen, die sich aber überfordert fühlen von der Fülle der verfügbaren Hilfsmittel, die online zu finden sind. Wir wollen eine niederschwellige Einführung für die ersten Schritte bieten, einen Mix aus Vortrag und Workshop vornehmen und uns die Zeit nehmen, individuelle Fragen und Probleme zusammen zu besprechen. Der Workshop bietet eine begleitete Einführung, bei der die Teilnehmenden viel Zeit haben, das Gehörte selbst anzuwenden. Ziel ist es, eine eigenständige digitale Edition in TEI/XML zu erstellen und im TEI Publisher darzustellen. ! The workshop is **free** and will be held in **German** over 5 Mondays. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","workshop"]},{"id":"/posts/digital-editions-survival-kit/","title":"Digital editions survival kit","content":" Reconstructing an edition Computer systems are not meant to last, to the contrary - not only do they require regular maintenance but we need to take into account the unavoidable cycle of major refurbishments. This paper, just presented at the virtual TEI conference, aims to demonstrate how critically important aspects of an edition can be reconstructed from a rather minimal data set and how such a _survival kit_ can be useful not only for disaster recovery but also as a sustainable approach for the maintenance of scholarly publications. !Poster for 2021 TEI Conference by Magdalena Turska The following schemata are the key components of the _survival kit_: - Source documents - Document encoding and transformation scheme - Layout templates - Interoperable metadata mapping specification TEI is the perfect archival format for text-centric data: human readable and easy to process - as long as we have the capacity to read text files we can recover the information from a repository of TEI texts. TEI encoded documents with an associated ODD schema and documentation already form a solid basis for reconstruction even if the ODD would say nothing about the final form of the publication as intended by the editors. !TEI source and rendition via the Processing Model The TEI Processing Model covers part of this territory, describing how a source document should be transformed for publication. Nevertheless, in the virtual realm, the document is always accompanied by a certain context on the page: controls to zoom in or out, facing facsimile image or switch between normalized and original spellings, just to name a few options. To explicitly define such a context and specify how a publication page would look and behave we can rely on HTML5 layout templates. A modern, web components based approach to website design gives us a beautifully simple and expressive method of assembling web pages from a virtual Lego block equivalent. !HTML5 page layout using web components The last missing piece is to document how abstract concepts, e.g. author or date of creation are realized in the encoding so we can recover and use them for queries within the publication as well as for data interchange with other systems. Given the richness of TEI it’s impossible to prescribe what metadata needs to be gathered and how exactly it should be encoded in any given project. On the other hand, it is rather simple to express the mapping in XML, e.g. with an index configuration syntax. !Sample index configuration with fields and facets Such a set of specifications preserves all the information necessary to rebuild the edition from scratch, focusing on the intentions and decisions of the editor while filtering out the ephemeral or secondary presentation aspects. Good to put in the vault and send into space but equally useful when the time to migrate to a new infrastructure comes. !Original Dodis layout How does it work in practice? You might want to have a closer look at one of the TEI Publisher's demo apps _When the Wall came Down_ which we managed to recreate on the basis of TEI sources and accompanying ODD released by Dodis on the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. We managed to get a draft version in only 165 lines of custom code and during just one day of pre-conference workshop. Our task would be still simpler if we also had the web page template and index configuration available. !Recreated document view Given that there's barely an extra effort involved in assembling the survival kit, preparing it is a clear win. After all, we already have the sources and the ODD! Enriching it with a processing model is not particularly difficult, especially if we use it to generate our transformations. Similarly, in most database systems we will need to prepare the index configurations. At this point we probably don't need to mention that TEI Publisher already implements this approach since quite a few versions (ODD with the processing model from inception, web components for user interface since version 4 and fields and facets since version 5). Just think about it, if you pack your edition nicely, it becomes a present which archives and libraries would very much like to keep safe in their vaults and running on their servers forever...","tags":["report","best practice","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-conference-2021-talk-flexible-browser-based-annotations-for-tei/","title":"TEI Conference 2021 Talk: \"Flexible, Browser-Based Annotations for TEI\"","content":" Wolfgang Meier and Joe Wicentowski explain the web-based annotation feature introduced with TEI Publisher 7.1. We briefly introduce TEI Publisher 7.1's Annotation Facility and the workflows it supports. Joe Wicentowski then demonstrates how the Office of the Historian uses the tool to annotate documents from the Foreign Relations series. ","tags":["events","conference","annotations","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/call-for-proposals-big-prizes/","title":"Call for Proposals","content":" We are thrilled and deeply honoured that e-editiones has been awarded the 2021 TEI Community Prize. We would like to reinvest the funds into a community challenge, with its own big prizes! !Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash Many users explore the possibilities of TEI by looking at TEI Publisher's Featured Demos collection. Very often they use the provided encoding examples and re-use code snippets to build their own custom edition. We are aware how important it is for the community to have an extensive set of high quality examples covering the various domains, languages, and research approaches. While highly praised, the examples available in TEI Publisher so far cover only a limited range of applications and represent only a small selection of what can be done. To extend this collection we desperately need you—the experts in the field! E-editiones encourages everyone to propose examples which could serve as a model or blueprint for other users working on digital editions. If you have something in mind, please send a short proposal to the e-editiones board, briefly describing the source material you'd like to make available, major points of interest regarding the TEI encoding (or an encoded sample), as well as the features, techniques, or area of research you would like to demonstrate with it. If the board agrees on incorporating your example, you will receive **500 Swiss Francs** as compensation for your preparation effort, and we'll help you with technical questions you may have along the way. ! Finished examples will include the source TEI under a license allowing redistribution, an ODD for display, and, where necessary, an HTML template. We in particular look for examples covering one or more of the following areas: - The sample TEI material is from a domain or focuses on research topics not yet covered by TEI Publisher examples. - It demonstrates one or more particular features of the TEI Processing Model and TEI Publisher in a way other users can learn from. For example, ODD processing model rules, a special use of components in an HTML template, or well-designed, high quality print output. - It covers languages or scripts not currently represented in TEI Publisher, especially RTL or CJK languages. We would appreciate if this could be accompanied by a translation into one of the European languages to make the example easier to interpret for users unfamiliar with a particular script. The first 5 proposals accepted will receive 500 Swiss Francs each upon delivery of the complete sample. For the first round, proposals should be submitted to the board via email (info@e-editiones.org) until **Dec. 10, 2021**. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","awards"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-community-prize/","title":"e-editiones receives TEI Community Prize","content":" We are deeply honoured that e-editiones has been awarded the 2021 TEI Community Prize! The awards panel offered us these kind words: > The awards panel was especially impressed by the way e-editiones has managed to gather a non-profit community of those creating scholarly digital editions and made the process of doing so easier through the coordination of ongoing development of the TEI Publisher software. The awards panel also noted the provision of training opportunities and open availability of the workshop materials for those wishing to (re)learn the software in their own time. !Colorful fireworks over a lake. Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash We are delighted that our efforts to build a thriving, diverse, and supportive open source software community together resonate so strongly with the broader community of TEI practitioners. The roots of e-editiones run deep in the TEI—starting with our initial implementation of the TEI Processing Model and continuing with the development and expansion of TEI Publisher. Throughout, we have been relentlessly driven by the simple goal to empower editors—whose digital training may focus on TEI encoding—to create high quality, sustainable, and interoperable publications. TEI Publisher is the synergistic product of strengths of our contributors: deep expertise in textual scholarship and TEI combined with technical excellence and sensitivity to the needs of humanities scholars. We are striving to carry on the legacy of Sebastian Rahtz’s passion, sharing his community-oriented, open-source-first approach, and a wish to work on challenging projects that advance the state of the field for the entire TEI Community. In the community spirit, we will use the prize as a seed fund to expand our set of high quality examples to domains and use cases not yet covered in the TEI Publisher's demo collection. A call for contributions will be announced shortly.","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","awards"]},{"id":"/posts/cultural-heritage-grant-ukraine/","title":"Call for Applications / Оголошення про подачу заявок","content":" Українська ![](ukr) Small grants program for scholars affected by war in Ukraine !{.left}e-editiones and the TEI Consortium in collaboration with Archives Online and JinnTec announce a small grant program aiming to help scholars of Ukrainian cultural heritage to continue their work that has been disrupted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We urge other institutions to support this call so we can offer funding for more of our colleagues affected by the war. Who is eligible? Any scholar who had to leave Ukraine or relocate within Ukrainian territory because of the war and is working on sources broadly conceived as textual cultural heritage and plans to make data and results openly available. What is offered? - Initial funding ranging between 500 and 2000 EUR to support the continuation of research work on materials related to cultural heritage available in TEI - Help with encoding and other conceptual aspects of a digital edition - Technical support in converting data sources into the TEI Standard and/or publishing them as a digital edition online - Hosting of the edition for at least 3 years on Sources Online servers How to apply? Please send a brief description of the project and its current state to info@e-editiones.org. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The number of grants awarded will depend on the funding contributions we will be able to secure, the confirmed initial pool is 10 000 EUR. Please include a description of your personal situation and why you should be eligible. How can I contribute? If you or your organization would like to contribute funds or services to this initiative, please email info@e-editiones.org with details. Individuals are encouraged to donate via PayPal. e-editiones is registered as a non-profit society in Switzerland. Supporters
    • SAGW (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Science)
    • Archives Online
    * * * Програма малих грантів для вчених, які постраждали від війни в Україні e-editiones та Консорціум TEI у співпраці з Archives Online і JinnTec оголошують програму невеликих грантів, спрямовану на допомогу дослідникам української культурної спадщини, щоб ті могли продовжувати свою роботу, перервану вторгненням Росії в Україну. Ми закликаємо інші установи підтримати цей звернення, щоб ми могли запропонувати фінансування для більшої кількості наших колег, що постраждали від війни. Хто має право? Будь-який науковець, який був змушений виїхати з України чи переїхати в межах української території через війну і працює над джерелами, що широко розуміються як текстова культурна спадщина та планує викласти дані та результати у відкритому доступі. Що пропонується? - Початкове фінансування від 500 до 2000 євро для підтримки продовження науково-дослідницької роботи над матеріалами, що стосуються культурної спадщини, доступними в TEI - Допомога з кодуванням та іншими концептуальними аспектами цифрового видання - Технічна підтримка перетворення джерел даних у стандарт TEI та/або їх публікація у вигляді цифрового видання в Інтернеті - Хостинг видання не менше 3 років на серверах Sources Online Як подати заявку? Будь ласка, надішліть короткий опис проекту та його поточний стан на адресу info@e-editiones.org. Заявки розглядатимуться на постійній основі. Кількість наданих грантів залежатиме від фінансових внесків, які ми зможемо забазпечити, при підтвердженому початковому бюджеті 10000 євро. Будь ласка додайте опис вашої особистої ситуації та обгрунтуйте, чому ваша кандидатура має бути розглянута позитивно. Як я можу зробити свій внесок? Якщо ви або ваша організація бажаєте внести кошти чи послуги на користь цієї ініціативи, будь ласка, напишіть деталі на адресу info@e-editiones.org. Фізичним особам пропонується робити пожертви через PayPal. e-editiones є зареєстровані як некомерційна організація у Швейцарії.
    • SAGW (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Science)
    • Archives Online
    ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","ukraine","grants"]},{"id":"/posts/newsletter-2022-1/","title":"Newsletter 22/1","content":" e-editiones as a Society A highlight of the past year was e-editiones being awarded the 2021 TEI Community Prize. The jury offered us these kind words: > «The awards panel was especially impressed by the way e-editiones has managed to gather a non-profit community of those creating scholarly digital editions and made the process of doing so easier through the coordination of ongoing development of the TEI Publisher software. The awards panel also noted the provision of training opportunities and open availability of the workshop materials for those wishing to (re)learn the software in their own time.» !Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash 2021 has fortunately seen an increase in membership. Today there are 12 institutional and 30 individual members. However, it remains our goal to attract new members who will continuously support the association. One of e-editiones' strategic goals is to ensure the long-term availability of digital editions. To this end e-editiones supports hosting offers that also include the continuous maintenance of digital editions (software updates). This year Archives Online has set up such an offer with «Sources Online». Some of the editions associated with e-editiones already use the Sources Online servers. In February 2021, e-editiones received a grant by the Ernst Göhner Stiftung. The joint proposal was backed by a number of members and their institutions. Together with the additional generous contributions made by participating projects, this grant supported a larger part of the development work past year. With the Escher correspondence, a prominent Swiss edition has been migrated to TEI Publisher. This step has been necessary since maintenance and hosting with the previous setup became too expensive in the long term. With TEI Publisher application hosted by Sources Online, the annual costs are reduced to a third. More Information - Current list of members - Statutes (in German) - How to become a member Events Community Meetings e-editiones was able to hold 7 community meetings and thus contribute to the exchange of expertise. Many of the meetings were extremely well received. However, the number of participants varied greatly. - 2021-10-05 An introduction to the Distributed Text Services (DTS) - 2021-09-07: TEI Publisher 7.1 – configuring web annotations - 2021-07-06: Contributing to TEI Publisher – a gentle introduction - 2021-06-15: For(e) humanists – Metadata, Forms and more - 2021-06-01: FairCopy - 2021-05-04: Open access scholarly digital editions at the Finnish Literature Society: experiences with TEI Publisher - 2021-04-06: Workflow from Word files or Transkribus to TEI Publisher Workshops Among the workshops, special mention should be made of the 5-part introductory workshop by Anne Diekjobst and Claudia Sutter, which received very good feedback. - 2021-08-2021 Manuscript Mondays – Einführung in das digitale Edieren handschriftlicher Quellen (5-teilig) - 2021-03-30, 17.00 CEST Versioning and Archiving Data: TEI2Zenodo - 2021-03-08 Beginners Workshop (Git, Editing Workflows) A big thank you to all who actively participated in the meetings and workshops. More Information - e-editiones-YouTube-Channel (3 neue Videos) - e-editiones blog Communication On Slack, we had 218 active members at the end of 2021; on average, there were 16 active members daily, with 3 to 4 members posting a total of about 8 messages daily. On Twitter, we post 4 to 5 tweets per month. 2021 brought us 172 new followers. Our mailing list, on the other hand, is not very actively used. We are happy to receive suggestions and ideas on how to proceed with it. ! TEI Publisher Developments In February 2021 e-editiones successfully applied for a grant by the Ernst Göhner Stiftung, from which we received 30000 SFR for further TEI Publisher development. The joint proposal was backed by a number of members and their institutions and included features like: - support for web annotations - versioning and long term availability - persistent URLs - accessibility - showing and navigating events in a timeline - display of mathematical formulas Obviously the budget did not suffice to cover everything planned, but thanks to the additional contributions provided by the member institutions, we could address the main topics and even go beyond in some areas. Web Annotations The most visible feature is the editor for web-based annotations, released in version 7.1.0. The development team had been contemplating this feature already for a couple years and thanks to additional generous funding by the Office of the Historian at the US Department of State, it finally became reality. Being able to annotate TEI documents via a graphic, web based interface eases the burden of enhancing a transcription with semantic, analytic or text-critical markup. Users work in a user-friendly environment in which XML code is neatly hidden from sight. The integration of external authority databases saves a lot of time, improves consistency and opens possibilities for data exchange and interoperability. At the same time, the annotation editor is fully configurable, allowing complex, nested markup where necessary. Several member institutions are actively using the editor in their daily work and continue to contribute to its development. The annotation editor marks the first milestone in our endeavour to extend TEI Publisher to support the entire editing workflow rather than just publishing the end result. Further steps are already in planning, e.g. form-based editing of the TEI header, which will offer the same level of customizability and extensibility. Web Components Several new web components have been released during the past year: most notable, a new timeline component allows users to visualise dates and events in an interactive, graphical display. The component can be used to directly select a date or date range, or it can be connected to a facetted search to drill down into a collection of items. Development was supported by the Staatsarchiv Zürich. This component is prominently featured in the remake of the Alfred Escher correspondence edition (to be announced soon). The Bernoulli edition in Basel financed a component to display mathematical formulas embedded in the TEI text, using either MathML or TeX notation. Other new components include a grid element for viewing tabular data, and a \"split list\", which comes handy when browsing lists of places, people or abbreviations. The latter was again financed by the Staatsarchiv Zürich and first appeared in the Escher correspondence. As usual, many other components have seen major improvements needed by concrete projects. For example, the map component is now able to display a large number of places at once by clustering the markers. TEI Publisher 8 The next major release of TEI Publisher is currently being finalized. It will include a few breaking changes, mainly in the libraries used, but as usual we're aiming to remain as backwards compatible as possible. One reason for the breaking changes is to better support persistent, bookmarkable URLs as well as browsing the navigation history. The goal is to make the URL structure as seen by the end-user completely independent of the underlying organization of documents and collections. This involves both a server- and client-side part. The main remaining task on the way to the release is to extensively document the possibilities and approaches enabled by those changes. Other Software Packages In line with our modular development policy, a number of software packages which should be considered part of Publisher 8 are published in separate repositories: - tuttle - a Git Integration for eXist-db (stable): allows synchronizing a data collection directly from a github or gitlab repository to the database. It can deal with multiple repositories as well as incremental updates. Thanks to the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe for contributing funding. - TEI Publisher Named Entity Recognition API (beta): adds named entity recognition to the web-based annotation editor. Use it to identify places, people and other entities while annotating a document. The package also provides scripts to train your own model based on already annotated documents via machine learning. Training data is automatically extracted from the annotated document by TEI Publisher, so there's no need to go through the tedious task of compiling suitable data by hand. - Static Site Generator for TEI Publisher (beta): transform a website based on TEI Publisher into a static version, which no longer requires TEI Publisher nor eXist-db. The feature intends to provide a low cost option for small editions whose main purpose is to allow users to browse through a collection of texts without demanding sophisticated search or navigation facilities. Generated files can be easily hosted on free services like GitHub pages. To see it in action, visit our viewer for the TEI Guidelines, which we used as a testbed. - Docker Compose Configuration (beta): a configuration to help users install a TEI Publisher-based application on a docker-enabled host. It handles the more difficult tasks of installing a reverse proxy in front of Publisher as well as registering an SSL certificate. Hosting via docker compose can be a viable option for smaller projects with limited budget and users who lack the server administration skills necessary to set up a dedicated hosting service. - Fore: an XForms-inspired library for building complex forms with web components. While this is not an integral part of TEI Publisher yet, it will become the fundament for many of the future, workflow-related features we have in mind (see below). The Future The e-editiones board will prepare a new joint funding proposal soon. To be successfull we'll again need projects or institutions to express interest and signal readiness to make a contribution (in whatever way). If you are working with TEI Publisher and wish for a certain feature, please do not hesitate to contact us, so we can add it to the list of topics. A main area we currently have in mind is to further enhance TEI Publisher with respect to supporting the editorial workflow: - integrate general metadata - i.e. TEI header - editing facilities based on customizable forms - add an interface to manage local authorities within the annotation framework - support other annotation types, e.g. empty elements and stand-off annotations which are not inlined - named entitiy recognition: automatically connect detected entities with matching authority entries - allow batch processing of entire documents via named entity recognition - support multi-user workflows with support for a annotate/review/merge process Other areas might be: - a form-based interface to customize basic settings and CSS variables - direct integration with Transkribus and other HTR/OCR software - support for other input formats (Excel, CSV) - remove the dependency on Google Material Design to make all visual aspects configurable - port the core TEI processing model implementation to be usable without eXist (e.g. directly within oXygen) - drop the somewhat arbitrary distinction between browsing and searching currently imposed by publisher and refactor the search API to be more easily customizable - enhance and speed up search result display (KWIC) If any of this rings a bell, please consider if you could support it by taking part in the joint funding proposal. Obviously we'll also be more than happy to pick up suggestions not yet on the list. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/posts/names-sell-named-entity-recognition-in-tei-publisher/","title":"Names sell: Named entity recognition in TEI Publisher","content":" TEI Publisher 8 will include experimental support for detecting and tagging named entities in texts. The idea is to further simplify the work of editors when annotating documents via TEI Publisher’s web-based annotation editor by automatically identifying potential candidates for people, places etc. ! If you have the development branch (or future TEI Publisher 8) installed and the named entity recognition (NER) service running (more on this below), an additional button will be shown in the top left toolbar. Clicking on it gives you a choice of NER models to use. By default those are the standard models provided by the NER engine we're using. Below we see NER in action, detecting entities in a modern-language text copied from wikipedia. !NER in action Entities identified by NER get a marker in striped color, which allows users to distinguish them from annotations, which were manually tagged. The user can now review the identified entities, assign them an authority entry etc. As each annotation is reviewed, the stripes will be removed. While NER works well in this case on a modern language text, you'll soon encounter the limits of the standard model when trying it out on different types of literature. However, we can gradually improve the quality of the entity recognition by feeding completely annotated documents back into the process, i.e. train our own recognition model. The ideal workflow could be imagined as follows: - editors manually tag a portion of documents via web-based annotations - once a certain number of entities has been tagged, we can train a custom model - continuing the annotation process, the custom model can be used to identify potential candidates for semantic annotations, thus improving the workflow - the model is retrained on the growing set of fully annotated documents, resulting in better prediction rates The ultimate goal is to make this process as smooth as possible, i.e. it should not hinder your editing work, but support it! The integration in TEI Publisher is completely functional, but we need more testing, experimenting and kicking the tires with some real-world use cases. NLP is not a simple subject and I’m in no way an expert, so I’d like to invite the community to help. I have just prepared the ground work. Technical Background There are plenty of NLP and NER libraries and tools. However, such libraries work on plain text, not structured texts like TEI. They will get confused by angle brackets (just like many humans). The trick thus is to transform the XML into a plain text without loosing context, which means we somehow need to keep track of element boundaries, offsets of inline elements etc. Likewise, the result of running NER is again a plain text document, accompanied by a list of detected entities and character offsets. Those need to be mapped back onto the XML structure and eventually merged into the TEI. This back-and-forth conversion is the main job handled by TEI Publisher and its API. My first idea was to integrate another, existing command-line tool for enriching TEI with named entities. But after a few first experiments, it occurred to me that TEI Publisher already had some important bits and pieces in place within the annotation framework: - it defines a standoff JSON format to keep annotations separate from the TEI as long as the user is making changes. The web-based editor reads this format to display the nice fruit salad - i.e. marked entities - you see on screen. - it implements algorithms to merge the standoff annotations into inline TEI elements. This works loss-less: anything which is not an annotation is left untouched. The merge algorithm is fast and reliable. We could thus reuse those building blocks and just add a communication layer, which mediates between TEI Publisher and the external NLP library. This communication layer has been realized through a set of Open API endpoints on both sides, allowing them to have a conversation, sending data back and forth. Below you see the NLP API endpoints exposed by TEI Publisher: ! The NLP part is a python service using spaCy as the underlying NLP library. Compared to many NLP libraries I have seen before, spaCy has a rather simple, clean API. Getting started proved to be smooth and painless as most of the functionality comes pre-configured and ready to be used. A Python notebook demonstrating how to do a simple NER with spaCy is shown below: ! SpaCy can do more than just NER, e.g. part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, sentence segmentation, text classification, lemmatization, morphological analysis. It is also quite extensible, allowing other libraries to be plugged into its pipelines. Training a model Whenever you use a general-purpose NER model, you’ll quickly notice that it works great for some types of texts, i.e. texts similar to the ones it was trained on. However, results quickly degrade if you apply it to other genres or texts written in a slightly different period of time. For example, the German standard model in spaCy produces good results when run on a text from Wikipedia, but it already starts missing things when you apply it to letters written in the first half of the 20th century: the language used back then was just different, some would say: more sophisticated, than the language used today. For example, if we run the standard German model against a letter by theologian Karl Barth written in 1921, many words are wrongly identified as places: ! For most real world scenarios, there’s thus no way around training your own custom model. Fortunately this fits rather well into the annotation workflow implemented by TEI Publisher: usually, training a model involves going through a large amount of text to tell the NLP engine which words are considered part of an entity and which are not. Sometimes this is done in tabular form - which is quite tedious, but there are also tools to support the task, e.g. Prodigy, a commercial application created by the makers of spaCy. All those approaches have one disadvantage: you do all the hard work just for the purpose of training a model. Compared to this, enriching the TEI with entities is a useful task in itself. Even if you figure out later that you can’t really use NER, the work invested is not lost. TEI Publisher tries to make this as seamless as possible, being able to transform any semantically rich TEI into training data. Preparing training data is thus kind of a natural side effect of annotating documents and does not require additional manual steps or separate tagging. TEI Publisher exposes an API endpoint through which you can download training data in JSON format for either a single document or a whole collection. It chunks the text into blocks (paragraphs, headings etc.) and extracts a plain text representation of each. Here it is important that sentences are preserved semantically. Inline notes, apps or choices would appear out of context in the middle of a sentence, so they have to be removed. Notes will be moved into separate blocks at the end. All existing entities in a block, i.e. persName, placeName etc., are listed along with the text, recording their type, start and end positions: This will contact a TEI Publisher generated app called `hsg-annotate`and retrieve training data from the `frus1981-88v05` collection below the app's data root, using English as the training language. The output of the command will pretty much look the same as the output you saw on the web before. Conclusion Even in its current, rudimentary form, the NER integration in TEI Publisher can already help to speed up the editing workflow. We do need to gain more experience with training custom models though and the community is warmly invited to help with this. There’s also a lot of room for improving the annotation workflow, e.g. with - automatically linking detected entities to authority entries (where non-ambiguous) - implement a wizard-like dialog, which walks users through the entities identified by NER one by one, allowing them to quickly confirm or reject an annotation and associate it with the correct authority entry - employ rule-based detection models in addition to the statistical, trained models: for example, if you already have a list of names from a back of book index, a rule-based algorithm may produce better results than a trained model - support batch operation across multiple documents - integrate other spaCy features like part-of-speech tagging etc. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","tutorial","intermediate","NLP","NER"]},{"id":"/posts/shaping-the-future/","title":"Shaping the future","content":" In this months meetup we’ll talk about ongoing and planned developments in TEI Publisher. There’s a long list of pending and ongoing activities over which we’ll try to give you an overview. The community is invited to contribute ideas, requests or take part in future joint funding proposals. We’ll reserve sufficient time for discussions, so please join and help shape the future! View the presentation.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/past-meetings/","title":"Past Community Meetings","content":" Past Meetings ! 2022 2022-07-18 Register of Older Slovenian Manuscripts Matija Ogrin (Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies ZRC SAZU Ljubljana) and Magdalena Tuska (JinnTec GmbH) 2022-07-05 TraveLab: a multilingual mapped edition of Benjamin of Tudela's travelog. Dr. Sinai Rusinek, Elijah Lab (Haifa University) and OMILab (Open University), and Gil Shalit, independent developer, DH-Dev.com We will show different stages in the preparation of a multi-lingual travelog edition, from modelling, digitization, geo-referencing and alignment, through to the adaptation of TEI-Publisher to provide a meaningful interaction with the texts. We will look specifically at aligning three versions with each other and at extending the pb-leaflet-map’s functionality with Javascript hooks. We will also briefly demonstrate XMLPlanter, an open online tool we have developed to assist in preparing parallel editions. 2022-06-07 Names sell: Named entity recognition in TEI Publisher In this talk we'll learn how to enable the named entity recognition feature in the forthcoming TEI Publisher 8 to assist with semantic annotations. We'll also see how to train a custom recognition model from a set of already annotated documents, discuss the current (early) state of the feature and possible future developments (transcript of the talk). 2022-05-03 Cancelled 2022-04-12 Anatomy of the Alfred Escher Edition: Remastering a sophisticated project to TEI Publisher The Alfred Escher correspondence represents a prominent edition, which has recently been ported to TEI Publisher to save it from shutting down. The goal was to preserve the existing functionality and site organization while reducing the long-term maintenance costs. In this talk we'll have a close look at how this task was undertaken and hope to provide some hints for others who may find themselves confronted with similar challenges. On the way we'll also meet some of the new features coming to Publisher 8. 2022-03-01 Orchestrating TEI Publisher and Fore to edit and publish LGPN-Ling Magdalena Turska _LGPN-Ling: _Etymological and Semantic analysis of ancient Greek personal names__ is a dictionary accompanying the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. The purpose of _LGPN-Ling_ is to elucidate the meaning of Greek names, a task which has never before been systematically undertaken and to provide an essential semantical complement to the LGPN Database. Technical scaffolding of the LGPN-Ling project comprises of: - eXist database of TEI encoded documents, - TEI Publisher-based application with an extended API to publish and query the  data, - Fore XForms to edit the data. ! 2022-02-01 Tutorial: Connecting components to custom API endpoints Wolfgang Meier This will be a tutorial session demonstrating  a new component for displaying categorized lists, e.g. to browse through people or places and paginate the results by first letter of alphabet, country or other categories. We'll learn how to connect this component to the API by creating a custom endpoint. We'll also look at an enhanced version of the map component to display all places mentioned in an edition in a clustered view. ! 2021 2021-12-07 Combined Workflow for Publishing Jurisprudentia Frisica Eduard Drenth, Fryske Akademy Designing a robust workflow for editors working both in word and in teipublisher. 2021-10-05 An introduction to the Distributed Text Services (DTS) Pietro Liuzzo, Universität Hamburg The Distributed Text Services (DTS) Specification defines an API for working with collections of text as machine-actionable data. More Information: https://distributed-text-services.github.io/specifications/ Slides of the talk. 2021-09-07: TEI Publisher 7.1 - Configuring Web Annotations In this session we'll have a closer look at the new web annotations editor in TEI Publisher 7.1. We'll learn how to create a custom annotation app and configure it to match the requirements of a specific edition, i.e. add new annotation types and modify the existing ones. 2021-07-06: Contributing to TEI Publisher - A Gentle Introduction Talk by Wolfgang Meier (eXist Solutions) on Tuesday, the 6th of July 2021 at 17:00 CEST. Open source projects like TEI Publisher depend on an active, contributing community. Many believe that you need to be a programmer to contribute, but this is a misconception! Documentation, communication, supporting users or providing feedback are at least as important for an open source project as thousands of lines of code. This session targets non-programmers as well as those with some development skills. We'll start with simple things, e.g. contributing to the FAQ, and then move on and show you how to create your own little web component to plug into TEI Publisher. We'll use a grid component for displaying tabular data as an example. 2021-06-15: For(e) humanists - Metadata, Forms and more Joern Turner, eXistSolutions and Jinntec GmbH Fore is a model-driven forms framework that follows the ideas of the XForms 2.0 Standard but translates those into the world of HTML5 Web Components. Many edition project require some sort of complex input form sooner or later - just think about collecting metadata for the TEI header. The talk will focus on TEI and show you how to author such forms in HTML5. Join the talk here: https://meet.existsolutions.com/eeditiones 2021-06-01: FairCopy Nick Laiacona, President Performant Software Solutions https://www.performantsoftware.com FairCopy is a specialized word processor for studying manuscripts and historical texts. It gives scholars a desktop editing environment to create TEI encoded texts without writing XML code. In this demonstration, we will explore what sorts of editions you can build using FairCopy and how it can fit into a larger ecosystem of tools leveraging TEI XML. In addition, Wolfgang will give us a sneak preview of some exciting TEI Publisher 8 features under development. 2021-05-04: Open access scholarly digital editions at the Finnish Literature Society: experiences with TEI Publisher Maria Niku, Tiedekustantamo, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura – Finnish Literature Society The Finnish Literature Society (https://www.finlit.fi/en) publishes open access scholarly digital editions of archival material as well as digital critical editions of printed works. We began using eXist-db and TEI Publisher in 2020 for all of our XML-based publications, with two editions published so far and at least three more to be published this year. Published edition links: https://kivi.finlit.fi/lea https://gottlund.finlit.fi The former is in Finnish only, the latter in Finnish and Swedish, but we'll be adding English to the latter in April * * * 2021-04-06: Workflow from Word files or Transkribus to TEI Publisher Elisa Bastianello, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History Reto Baumgartner, University of Zurich Science IT (S3IT) The digital edition of the Heinrich Wölfflin - Gesammelte Werke (Complete Works): https://www.biblhertz.it/en/dept-weddigen/woelfflin https://www.woelfflin.uzh.ch/de.html 2020 2020-10-20 TEI Vanilla meeting More information: https://e-editiones.org/tei-vanilla-meeting-summary 2020-07-08 Community Event on Music Encoding More information: https://e-editiones.org/music-is-in-the-air/ 2020-05-18 First Community Event More information: https://e-editiones.org/news/first-community-event-on-may-18th-2020/ ","tags":["meetups","events"]},{"id":"/pages/developer/","title":"Developers","content":"If you are a developer working with humanities scholars or in publishing, the following situation may be too familiar: you inherit an edition project, which has been running for years. Looking at the code, you are confronted with thousands of lines implementing TEI2HTML or TEI2PDF transformations. You need a week just to get a rough overview of the code repository and the various servers, services and libraries it seems to pull in. !Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash > why reinvent the wheel? e-editiones was co-funded by developers who have been in this exact situation countless times. Rooted in ideas and standards which were born in the TEI community, we set out to create a flexible and sustainable ecosystem, which helps to establish coherence based on standards and best practices without limiting your freedom. Editions created with our toolbox may look very different on the outside, but behind the scenes, the fundamental building blocks are always the same, allowing developers to jump between a dozen projects without getting lost. Today we may work with Chinese inscriptions, tomorrow we do a Greek dictionary. Some of the standards making this possible are: * the **TEI Processing Model**: part of the TEI guidelines, the processing model implements a media-independent transformation language, all written in TEI. Replace a thousand lines of handwritten code with a hundred lines of TEI! And since it's all standardardised, it's meant to last. * **Open API**: handles all the client-server communication through well-defined APIs, which you can easily extend * **Web Components**: built into all modern web browsers, components work like small, monadic Lego blocks, which can be freely rearranged and moved around. As a developer you may use the entire toolbox or just pick one of those parts while sticking to your preferred framework. It's up to you! And while we love the TEI, our tools are not limited to it: they will work with any XML."},{"id":"/pages/memory/","title":"Libraries, Archives, Cultural Heritage and Memory Institutions","content":" Do you work in an archive or library and got a truckload of data dumps from terminated projects? Are you responsible for a digital humanities initiative and funding is about to dry out? Worried about future maintenance and long-term prospects? Asking yourself **\"What now?!\"**. This community has the answers you need. !Photo by Aditya on Unsplash > rooted in standards, built by the community, meant to last Building upon various open community standards (from TEI and JATS, to IIIF and OpenAPI) we managed to create a **flexible** and **sustainable open source ecosystem** that **empowers the editor** and puts **interoperability, longevity and best practices in the center**, allowing for **low-cost** integration and maintenance as well as co-hosting of **heterogeneous resources** in a shared infrastructure. Imagine a universe, where a digital publication can be assembled very much **like playing with Lego** blocks, and, like Lego, it **will fit with other collections** who embrace the same design principles, however different they may be in other respects. From ancient inscriptions, correspondence, writer's notebooks to lexicon entries or anything else, following this design - modular and flexible, yet with solid foundation in standards - results in data and application packages that can be easily created and distributed, hosted on standard infrastructure and ready to be plugged into overarching search and discovery system as well as expose standardized programming interface (API) for interactions with external resources. At the same time, all resources are based on human-readable and well documented formats (like TEI XML), ultimately fitting for **long-term** safe-keeping but also allowing for single-source transformations into a range output formats (web, ebook, pdf) right here and now. In the ideal world, projects requesting to hand over their resources to a memory institution would already follow such a modular and standardized design. Nevertheless, for legacy collections, it is still feasible to transform the source material at relatively low cost into required form, thus saving the research data and giving it a new lease of life and sound prospects for the future."},{"id":"/pages/researcher/","title":"Editors & Researchers","content":" If you are a researcher working with texts or wanting to publish **any kind of textual material**, this is the right place. !Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash > power to the editor The motivation for a number of projects, institutions and individuals which eventually led to formation of the e-editiones was to create solutions which enable scholars and editors to create, process and publish their materials **without becoming programmers**, but also **do not compromise the individuality of research** nor force anyone into a rigid framework. It all started with simple but not trivial observation that all projects with a digital component have **significant overlap** regarding their basic needs: > Documents worth encoding in TEI are different (...) — but not that different, and eight out of ten probably will benefit from staying within the confines of a well thought-out standard schema and its surrounding processing rules. And even the two that don’t, may benefit from staying within that standard schema as far as possible. — Martin Mueller on *TEI Simple* 2014 In time, building upon various community standards, partial solutions, and interdisciplinary experience we managed to create a **flexible** and **sustainable ecosystem** that **empowers the editor** and puts **interoperability, longevity and best practices in the center**. The TEI Processing Model and TEI Publisher lie at the heart of this open source universe. Long story short, we welcome you to **join our community** and **explore** how tools and workflows we create and develop can **help you** to work focusing on the research and not technicalities. > re-using components, pooling resources and sharing best practices benefits everyone in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come It all starts with your source documents, regardless if they are in **TEI**, other form of **XML** or perhaps even **Word** or Markdown. It doesn't matter if they are ancient inscriptions, correspondence, writer's notebooks, lexicon entries or anything else: they can be **easily transformed** into a range of output formats for publication - from a **modern web page** that you can open on your laptop or mobile device, to an **ebook**, a **mobile app**, or a high quality **PDF** for sending **straight to your publisher** for printing. > rooted in standards, built by the community, meant to last More than that, your publication can be assembled very much **like playing with Lego** blocks, and, like Lego, it **will still fit with others** who embrace the same basic principles, however different they may look and feel on the surface. As a side effect, without any extra effort on your part, you end up with a kind of **survival kit**, resilient data and application package fit for **easy distribution, long-term archiving** but also future hosting and **maintenance** through infrastructure on institutional and national level."},{"id":"/posts/community-meeting-roaster/","title":"What's that scent?","content":" Upcoming community meetup on Nov. 15, 2022: Juri Leino (eXistSolutions/Jinntec) will talk about recent developments in Roaster, the OpenApi implementation, which handles client-server communication in TEI Publisher. Learn about file uploads, mime-types, schemas and what is coming next. View the slides from the talk.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/contributing-content/","title":"Contributing Content to e-editiones","content":" > The community is invited to contribute content in the form of tutorials, announcements, project reports, teaching materials – whatever may be of interest and help other members. The e-editiones website is hosted on GitHub and will be updated whenever files are pushed to the repository. Articles are authored using Markdown syntax and start with a short header to tell the system how the post should appear on the website. You don't need any special software to write a post: you can do it directly in the web browser using GitHub's simple editor (though we would recommend using a proper text editor for longer posts). Adding an article To contribute an article, log into GitHub with your account (or create one first) and browse to the posts subfolder of the GitHub repository and click on the `Add file` button in the toolbar. Choose the `Create new file` option to write your text. !Add file button{height=64px} Unless you are a member of the editorial team, GitHub will warn you that you are about to make changes to a project you don't have write access to. This is ok! Your changes will result in a *pull request*, which will be sent to the e-editiones team for approval. !GitHub editor view Editing the article As mentioned above, every article should start with a short header containing some basic metadata delimited by 3 dashes (`---`): You should at least provide the full title, author, date and some tags. You may also supply a short title if your main title is longer than ~5 words. The *short title* as well as the *lead* will be used in post listings (like the one on the start page). We also recommend to choose a cover image to catch some attention. Images have to be saved separately in the img folder. This needs to be done by the editorial team as normal contributors are not allowed to upload via the web interface. However, you can drag and drop images into the text and the editors will later move it to the right place (see section on images below). Don't forget to provide proper credits in the `coverImageCredits` field. Every article should have one or two tags. Tags are important for navigation within the website. Please include at least one of the tag categories listed below. Tags shown as nested below should always come in pairs. For example, if you write about a conference, you should include the tags `events` **and** `conference`. * events * workshop * meetups * conference * announcements * call * e-editiones * tei-publisher * ... other tags referring to a particular software package, working group etc. * tutorial * beginner * intermediate * advanced * faq * report * projects * best practice * teaching Writing content Content is written using markdown syntax. It should not repeat the title already given in the header as this will be inserted automatically. If you write a longer article, please use headings to give it some structure. They will be automatically added to the table of contents in the right sidebar and help the user to navigate the text. Images You cannot upload images to the correct folder via the web interface, but you can drag and drop image files into the text editor and GitHub will generate a link. When reviewing the text, the editorial team will move the images into the correct place. Submitting Once you are happy with your article, fill out the form at the bottom of the GitHub page, titled *Propose new file*. Provide a title and maybe a short comment for the editorial team. !Form to propose new file After clicking *Propose new file*, you will be presented with another form for creating a so-called *pull request*. Click on the green button: *Create pull request* to start sending the request. !First screen for creating a pull request This will be followed by yet another form on which you could provide further notes concerning your contribution, but it's usually enough to just confirm once again by pressing the *Create pull request* button again. For experienced users Users familiar with git may prefer to fork the repository. This allows you to conveniently work on more than one text, use the editor of your choice or add images. To start a local server (on port 8081) with the website, change into the cloned directory, run `npm install` followed by `npm start`.","tags":["tutorial","beginner","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/posts/workshop-tei-christmas-2022/","title":"Workshop on 30th Nov, 7th Dec and 14th Dec 2022 5-9pm CET","content":" We are offering a workshop entitled «Have yourself a TEI-Christmas» to be offered online via Zoom. The workshop will take place on three consecutive Wednesdays (Nov, 30; Dec 7 and 14) from 11:00-15:00 Eastern Standard Time/17:00-21:00 Central European Time. This introductory workshop offers the basic concepts and methods of creating a digital edition from start to finish and will offer an overview of XML/TEI standards and FAIR principles using the Oxygen XML Editor. The workshop will be taught using a hands-on-approach: we will provide materials for practice, but there will also be time for participants to work on their own projects with guidance from the workshop organizers. Using provided examples as well as their own texts, participants will learn the basics of project organization, XML scripting, and practical skills like integrating digital images into digital text editions. The primary audience of this workshop is those who are newcomers to the Digital Humanities and who would like to learn the essentials -as well as the possibilities and potential pitfalls - of bringing analog texts into a digital environment. No previous experience with coding or XML is assumed. For registration please mail us: info@e-editiones.org ","tags":["events","workshop","tei","beginner"]},{"id":"/pages/code-of-conduct/","title":"Code of Conduct","content":" Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as community members, contributors, committers, and project leaders pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. Our Standards Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: * Using welcoming and inclusive language * Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences * Gracefully accepting constructive criticism * Focusing on what is best for the community * Showing empathy towards other community members Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: * The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances * Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks * Public or private harassment * Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission * Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting Our Responsibilities The board of e-editiones.org is responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and is expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. The board has the right to remove, edit, or reject toots, slack messages, comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. Scope This Code of Conduct applies within all e-editiones spaces, and it also applies when an individual is representing e-editiones or its community in public spaces. Enforcement Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the board at info@e-editiones.org or any individual board member. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The board is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Community members who do not follow the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by the board. December 6, 2022 (Version 1.0) Attribution This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html "},{"id":"/posts/community-event-going-static/","title":"Generating a high voltage site by going static","content":"Sometimes you don't need a fully dynamic website with sophisticated search and navigation, but rather a simple service, which is fast, cheap and easy to maintain. This is where static site generators provide a perfect alternative to a dynamic, database-driven architecture like TEI Publisher. In this article we'll learn how to combine the best of both worlds. Benefits of a static site A static website is generated once during build time and does not change afterwards. All content is prepared in advance and the output is essentially just a set of files. The only job left for a server is to respond to requests by returning the prepared content. It does not need to process anything. This has a number of advantages: * the site will be as fast as it can possibly be * hosting is cheap: you can mostly get it for free * you'll get an entirely self-sufficient, frozen snapshot of your content: ideal for archiving purposes * static content is perfect for mobile applications, which should continue to work when offline For sure there are also some downsides: since everything is pre-generated, you have to know in advance what users might request. Dynamic functions like search are thus necessarily limited. In the context of digital editions, there are nevertheless many use cases where a static site might be a viable option: * the edition is rather small, i.e. concentrates on a single or a small collection of works * users are more interested in reading and browsing than complex searches * only a part of the site displays content generated from XML, while the rest remains static * you want to ensure that the content can stay online for a long time with no or low maintenance The last point is addressing a problem we all face sooner or later: we created a fancy, TEI Publisher-powered website, but then the funding period ends and the university library tells us: sorry, we can only archive static content, not applications requiring a database. So having a – maybe slightly stripped down – static snapshot will at least allow potential users to dig up your site and look at it long after you switched jobs or retired. Integrating TEI A number of frameworks are available to help you create a static website. The e-editiones homepage is an example for this approach: it is based on a static website generator called 11ty. Articles are written using markdown syntax and the generator takes care to transform each article and wrap it into the site's HTML templates. It works great and – thanks to github – the hosting is free. Digital editions are rarely based on markdown though. Can we integrate TEI or other XML content as well? Some might say: we can always write an XSLT to generate HTML and add this to our static site. But this means we'd loose most of the nice features a system like TEI Publisher provides and have to reimplement them. Is there an easier way? At this point you may want to browse to a (currently) hidden page on the e-editiones website. What we see there is a static version of the latest TEI Publisher documentation! And we all know that the documentation is written in Docbook XML. So how did it get there? The mystery will be revealed in a minute... !TEI Publisher documentation in e-editiones If you investigate the source code for this page, you'll notice that it appears to be more or less like any HTML template in TEI Publisher (apart from the fact that it uses a different templating system to pull in the e-editiones header, menu etc.). We see all the familiar webcomponents like ``, `` etc. The main `` which displays the body of the content reads as follows: Again we can later use this information in our HTML templates, e.g. to generate one page for each document using the same `dta` template. Outlook We successfully tested the 11ty plugin in various context. The TEI guidelines app demonstrates how you can create a static snapshot of a complete publisher-generated app. It worked so well that we will likely drop the dynamic app and continue further development on the static version only. Mid-term, the goal is to generate the entire TEI guidelines documentation on the command line without requiring a full TEI Publisher installation. To some extent this is already possible as demonstrated by the automatic build, which is triggered whenever one pushes to the repository: it will start TEI Publisher as a docker image, launch 11ty to generate the static content and publish it. It would be even better if we could skip the docker step. As discussed during the last TEI conference, we're already working to refactor the core library powering all transformations in TEI Publisher, i.e. tei-publisher-lib, to run with other XQuery engines, which would include e.g. saxon on the command line, thus dropping the need for an eXist-db/TEI Publisher installation.","tags":["feature","tei-publisher","tutorial","advanced"]},{"id":"/posts/planning-2023-community-events/","title":"Community Meetings in 2023","content":" !Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash Dear community, the e-editiones board is currently planning 2023 and our community meetings. We want to revive the original idea of workshop reports and invite you to discuss open problems from your projects with us. It is a good opportunity to tap into concentrated expertise, which is why such a discussion is worthwhile even or especially at the beginning of projects. We still try to organise a meeting every first Tuesday of the month. So please get in touch if you want to present something. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/comunity-event-print-css/","title":"Fresh from the press: fancy printouts with TEI Processing Model and Print CSS","content":" Upcoming community meetup on Feb. 7, 2023: The ability of web browsers to generate a usable printout of a digital edition is still limited. Fortunately there are tools to fill the gap. CSS Page Media provides surprising possibilities for those who need a quick solution without learning LaTeX or XSL/FO. In this community meetup we'll explore some of them and see how new additions to TEI Publisher can help with the task. !TEI Publisher documentation pages rendered with Print CSS","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/print-css/","title":"Generating CSS for print","content":" > TEI Publisher 8 will support creating print output using CSS Paged Media. This feature supplements the existing FO and LaTeX output modes. While FO and LaTeX require quite some customization in the ODD, Print CSS extends the existing HTML view and CSS styles to layout the text on the printed page. Though it has improved, browser support for CSS Paged Media (often also called *Print CSS*) is still insufficient. However, there are tools to fill the gap. The starting point for my recent exploration into this technology was an edition of medieval hagiography. The editors requested a printout, which should ideally resemble the future website as closely as possible, so corrections could be done on paper. While LaTeX does provide all the fancy features needed (e.g. an aligned parallel layout of transcription and translation using the powerful reledpar package), the result would quickly diverge from the web version, hence would not be suitable for the review process. Looking into CSS Paged Media as an alternative, I was surprised by what is possible by now in the browser. The book had quite a complex layout, using different types of marginal notes, text critical apparatus etc. Even though I could not realize every feature just within the browser and had to switch to an external utility (see below), the results were satisfactory and would certainly be sufficient for a slightly simpler edition. A print preview for TEI Publisher
    Page from the TP demo with margin notes and running head rendered with paged.js
    We have therefore decided to integrate this approach more tightly into TEI Publisher, providing a separate print preview page for those sample documents for which it makes sense, as well as an API endpoint to retrieve the complete HTML of a document targeted at print. The new feature will become available with the TEI Publisher 8 release. If you would like to experiment with it right now, feel free to use one of the docker images - which always reflect the current state of development - or build TEI Publisher yourself. The new print preview page includes a brilliant javascript library, paged.js, which fills many of the gaps in browsers concerning CSS Print support. Without this library, web browsers would ignore most parts of the page layout and just generate a very basic printout. With paged.js though, you can use the browser's default print dialog to get a pretty fancy printed version. paged.js is open source and still under development, so there are limitations (see below). For linear documents like the TEI Publisher documentation it does produce very good results though. New print output mode in tei-publisher-lib Obviously not everything you can do on a screen will work on paper. For example, the `alternate` behaviour defined in the TEI guidelines will by default generate a popup if you use the `web` output mode in TEI Publisher. We can't do that on paper. Therefore we need a way to distinguish between HTML targeted at the screen and HTML for print by using a different output mode in the ODD. This requires a change in the underlying core library of TEI Publisher, called `tei-publisher-lib`. The newly released `tei-publisher-lib` version 3.0.0 reassigns the `print` output mode to generate HTML for print. `print` extends `web`, overwriting the two behaviours, which would fail on paper: `note` and `alternate`. Both involve popups. `print` just outputs them as plain HTML to be processed by print CSS styles. You'll need to update `tei-publisher-lib` to benefit from the newly added features. `print` was previously defined as a synonym for `fo` and generated XML output to be further processed by an XSL/FO engine like Apache fop. Reassigning it constitutes a breaking change (hence the major 3.0.0 version, which indicates: not backwards compatible), though the `fo` mode will still work as before. Please keep this in mind when you decide to upgrade and read the instructions. Adding CSS for print TEI Publisher 8 will include a default CSS stylesheet for print, residing in `resources/css/print.css`. The API endpoint, which generates HTML for print, automatically injects this. The default stylesheet sets the paper size to 'A4', adds margins for recto and verso pages, page numbers in the respective bottom corners, and most important: a footnote area at the bottom. HTML elements with class *footnote* will be output there. You can extend this by adding your own print styles as follows: if you have not done that yet, create an empty CSS file next to the location in which your ODD is stored (`odd` in TEI Publisher or `resources/odd` in a generated app). Associate this with your ODD by adding a corresponding `` element to the ``: Limitations and alternatives
    Parallel display of transcription and translation rendered via Prince XML
    The *paged.js* library is still under development and has its limitations. For example, I have not been able to create a two column layout with aligned transcription and translation, though I tried various approaches. Using a table worked as long as both parallel paragraphs would fit on the page, but longer paragraphs were separated. Fortunately there are several tools which run outside the browser and provide better coverage for Print CSS, though the majority of them is commercial. A list can be found on print-css.rocks.
    Most of those tools operate on the command line and expect an HTML file as input. To simplify this task we created an API endpoint in TEI Publisher, which retrieves the print optimized HTML for an entire document and injects the necessary stylesheets. You can copy the endpoint URL for a given document by using the corresponding button in the print preview interface. For example, using Prince XML on windows, one can paste this URL directly into the application's dialog. The endpoint URL has the following structure: `/api/document/test%2Forlik_to_serafin.xml/print?odd=serafin.odd &base=%2Fexist%2Fapps%2Ftei-publisher%2Ftest%2F &style=resources%2Ffonts%2Ffont.css &style=resources%2Fcss%2Fprint.css` Here `odd` defines the ODD to use for the transformation, `base` is the base URI from which additional stylesheets or images are loaded, and `style` lists one or more additional CSS stylesheets. Conclusion While I have many years of experience with FO and worked on some LaTeX-based projects, I did not really look into Paged Media CSS until recently. Though browser support is still lacking, a library like paged.js definitely fills the gap, at least for documents not requiring parallel layout or huge tables (see the TEI Publisher documentation for example). For complex layouts, commercial software like Antennahouse or PrinceXML (to just name two) can provide high quality print.
    Two pages from the TEI Publisher documentation rendered with paged.js
    The one great advantage of using Print CSS instead of FO or LaTeX is that you can work on the web and the print version at the same time and generate both from the same ODD, distinguishing the output mode in a few places only. This allows for rapid prototyping and quick review cycles. We'd like to ask the community to support us in this area by contributing further examples. Help us push the limits of what can be done.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-lib-3/","title":"tei-publisher-lib 3: Print CSS and other new features","content":" > Version 3.0.0 features a dedicated output mode to better support printing HTML using paged media CSS, and two small extensions to the TEI Processing Model. `tei-publisher-lib` contains the code libraries used for ODD processing and the different supported output modes. It implements the corresponding parts of the TEI guidelines.

    A patch release of TEI Publisher, version 7.1.2, is now available. This should help all new users to avoid the dependency issues reported recently. As long as you avoid updating tei-publisher-lib via the dashboard, everything should work as before.

    If you already upgraded tei-publisher-lib by mistake, you may downgrade to 2.10.1 and reinstall TEI Publisher or your custom app.

    We use semantic versioning for all TEI Publisher projects: a change in the first digit of the version number indicates a breaking change. You should be aware that such releases are not fully backwards compatible and may require adjustments to existing apps. Please read the section on upgrading below.

    We recommend waiting with the update until the 8.0 release of TEI Publisher is out - unless you really want to test the latest features.

    Warning: custom applications generated by TEI Publisher may update `tei-publisher-lib` automatically when (re-)installed into eXist. See below how to prevent this.

    A dedicated output mode for Print CSS TEI Publisher 8 will feature a simpler approach for creating print output using the Print CSS and CSS Paged Media standards. This supplements the existing FO and LaTeX output modes. The new features will be covered in a separate article. With respect to `tei-publisher-lib`, one major change was introduced: the `print` output mode, which was previously a synonym for `fo`, now targets HTML optimized for print. Extensions to the Processing Model We added two carefully chosen features to our implementation of the TEI Processing Model, which have been extensively tested, but not announced or documented until now: 1. a method to specify a *processing mode* passed to all subsequently called models 2. a way to set a parameter, so it will become available to models processed below The first is implemented as a specialization of the second. Both features are not intended for daily use, but rather for edge cases, where the standard mechanisms for handling the flow of processing are not enough. This mainly applies to cases in which you have to process the same parts of the TEI document multiple times in different contexts. None of the examples shipping with TEI Publisher needs those features, but in complex ODDs we frequently encounter situations which cannot be handled without those extensions. Processing Modes Distinguishing between processing modes is a common feature in XSLT. It comes handy if you need to process the same XML more than once for different purposes. One common example would be to generate a separate index page: the elements you want to process are likely the same as when you output the body of the document, but you need to render them differently. While you can often use tricks to somehow distinguish the two cases, it's sometimes simply not possible. tei-publisher-lib 3 allows you to specify a new extension attribute, `@pb:mode`, on a ``. The value of the attribute will be taken as the name of the mode, and subsequently called models can check it via a variable, e.g. `$mode=\"bibliography\"`. This allows you to distinguish different modes in a predicate. Setting Parameters Older versions already supported parameters to be passed into the ODD. However, those parameters came from external sources and there was no way to set a parameter from within a model in the ODD. Sometimes you may wish to do so, for example, to compile a sorted list of people, whose details are not given in the document itself, but an auxilary authority file, which you have to pull in before sorting. Again, using tricks often helps in such a task, but not always. tei-publisher-lib now supports setting a parameter, so it becomes available to subsequent models. The syntax is the same as for the standard ``. Just the name of the element changes to ``, marking this as an extension. Upgrading The 3.0.0 release of `tei-publisher-lib` constitutes a breaking change, so please be aware that you will have to adjust your TEI Publisher-generated custom application after upgrading. In previous versions, the output mode `print` was a synonym for `fo`. It generated XML output to be further processed by an XSL/FO engine like Apache fop. This has changed: `print` now refers to the Print CSS mode, which extends the `web` output mode. If you have been generating output targetted at XSL/FO, make sure to use the `fo` output mode instead of `print`, but we strongly recommend waiting for the 8.0 release of TEI Publisher and do a full upgrade in this case. If you have not been using XSL/FO, you may upgrade `tei-publisher-lib` right now, following some extra steps: TEI Publisher compiles ODDs into XQuery code. Loading this generated code will fail after you upgraded to `tei-publisher-lib` 3 as the imports used in your custom app will be wrong. To fix this, follow the steps below. You can either apply them to a custom application already installed in eXist, or make the code changes on disk and (re-)install the custom application. Doing the latter, you can skip steps 3 and 4 as those will be performed automatically during the install process. 1. Check `resources/odd/configuration.xml` If you registered any custom XQuery module in your `resources/odd/configuration.xml` for the `web` output mode, make sure to also enable this for the `print` output mode by copying the corresponding configuration section: This means that only version updates starting with a 2 should be applied.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","tei-publisher-lib","release"]},{"id":"/posts/community-solomon-project/","title":"The Salomon project - complex medieval sources and the potential of digital presentation","content":" Upcoming community meetup on March 7, 2023 Invited speaker: Bastiaan Waagmeester, Seminar für mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität Tübingen The Salomon project is an attempt to make the prognostic Table of Salomon accessible to a wider audience through open digital presentation methods. In this talk, we will discuss the possibilities offered by TEI-Publisher to access medieval sources and use them for teaching. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-ssrq/","title":"Swiss Law Sources – Lessons learned from using TEIPublisher for > 5 years","content":" Upcoming community meetup on March 14, 2023 Invited speaker: Bastian Politycki, University of St. Gallen / Swiss Law Sources Foundation The research institution of the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society, set up over 100 years ago, provides a unique range of law sources from each of Switzerland’s linguistic regions in its «Collection of Swiss Law Sources» (Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen / SSRQ). At the end of the early 2000s, SSRQ began (retro)digitizing the edition volumes that had been published until then. For about 5 years, new volumes have been published as 'born digital' editions - based on TEI XML and the TEIPublisher. The presentation discusses the challenges of digital presentation (using the TEIPublisher) and shows perspectives for future use. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-8/","title":"TEI Publisher 8.0.0","content":"> TEI Publisher 8 introduces a central URL registry, print CSS, named entity recognition, and more. ! Browser history, bookmarkable URLs The newest release of TEI Publisher involved major redesigns in the libraries used. Perhaps the biggest change – though not immediately visible – took place in web components: from the start we tried to create each component as independent, monadic entity, communicating with other components only through signals. This results in great flexibility as you can recombine and reuse components all over the place, but it also turns pages into a beehive, without a central coordination center. This is in particular problematic when we look at the navigation aspect: to put it simply, users expect that 1. bookmarking a page and reloading it later will result in the same display 2. using the browser history back and forth navigation properly restores previous state Previously each component would handle its own state, sometimes reacting to parameters and browser history events, sometimes not. The new 2.x.x series of components introduces a central state management, which each component uses as single source of information about the current state. Combined with the flexibility of server-side URL handling via the Open API, this solution gives us more informative and bookmarkable URLs.

    Please note that we follow a semantic versioning scheme: an increase in the major version number indicates a breaking change, i.e. not backwards compatible version. While majority of web components will work as before, some may need special attention (in particular pb-facs-link in combination with pb-facsimile, see below).

    Paged Media CSS Breaking changes also occurred in TEI Publisher's core library, `tei-publisher-lib`. The main reason being the added support for Print CSS as a new output mode. Print CSS – officially called *Paged Media CSS* – represents an option to generate good looking printouts using just HTML and CSS. While browser support is still incomplete, there are tools to fill the gap, making it possible to produce high-quality print output. TEI Publisher 8 provides out-of-the-box interfaces for these tools. Details have already been covered in a community meetup, so please refer to the e-editiones blog for detailed information.
    Two pages from the TEI Publisher documentation rendered with paged.js
    `tei-publisher-lib` 3.0.0 also introduces two new extensions to the processing model, namely *processing modes* and *parameter setting*. Read more about this in the separate announcement. Named entity recognition Thanks to another new library we created, TEI Publisher's web annotation editor now also includes experimental support for *detecting and tagging named entities in texts*. Even better, training your own model is tightly integrated with TEI Publisher: it will directly generate training data from already annotated TEI texts. !NER in action Please note that this feature requires an external service. If you would like to give it a try, please consult the corresponding article. Redesigned start page The TEI Publisher application itself shows a bunch of new examples and a redesigned start page, which blurs the boundary between browsing and search. The HTML behind the page got more modular, allowing editions to better mix and match features in the way which best fits the material presented. !New start page with integrated search JATS as first class citizen Finally, JATS (the Journal Publishing Tag Library) joins TEI and Docbook as a fully supported XML format. This means you may not only view JATS documents, but also browse and search them. Compatibility and Upgrading Due to the breaking changes in associated libraries, updating a custom edition generated with TEI Publisher 7 to 8 requires several manual steps. While the list may look rather long, they are not very complex and can be applied quickly if you follow the instructions. Other particular changes to pay attention to: * The behaviour of the `pb-facsimile` and `pb-facs-link` webcomponents has changed: `pb-facs-link` must now emit to the event channel `pb-facsimile` is listening to. Previously emitting to the default channel was enough. You should thus change all `pb-facs-link` elements generated by your ODD to include an `@emit` attribute targetting the correct channel. * `tei-publisher-lib` 3.x.x reassigns the `print` output mode to generate HTML output targeted at print. In older version `print` was defined as an alias for `fo`. You may therefore have to change your ODDs if you used the fo mode. A more elaborate explanation of the changes is presented in this e-editiones article.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/building-a-political-txt-edition-with-tei-publisher/","title":"Building a political text editition with TEI Publisher. A field report","content":" Upcoming community meetup on April 4, 2023 Sven Jüngerkes (KGParl) and Stephan Makowski (Uni Wuppertal) will talk about their experiences in converting an extensive edition of minutes of the parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag (since 1949 and planned at the moment until 2005: see https://fraktionsprotokolle.de), initially based on PDF, to TEI-XML and the TEI Publisher. The goal was to convert the publication model to XML as quickly, cost-effectively as possible (during the ongoing editorial work), and also to get the edition website running quickly and similar to the old website (which was based on PDF/DSpace). Particular focus was placed on identifying and tagging of all persons mentioned in the protocols and linking the entries with authority files like the GND, therefor searchable registers (at the moment Person, Literature) and a calendar view. Right now, the edition contains almost 5700 meeting minutes and a database with almost 11.000 Persons. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-geovistory/","title":"When XML/TEI meets Linked Open Data : the Tagebücher Anna Maria Preiswerk-Iselin Project","content":" Upcoming community meetup on June 6, 2023 Francesco Beretta and Morgane Pica will present the technical aspects of the *Tagebücher Anna Maria Preiswerk-Iselin project* (Digitale Edition der Tagebücher der Anna Maria Preiswerk-Iselin, verfasst zwischen 1795 und 1839), which studied the intellectual, emotional and literary life of a 19th c. woman in Basel from her personal diaries (https://www.geovistory.org/project/924033). The project’s realisation included a simple transcription of the diaries and the semantic annotation of persons, concepts and literary references found in the text, using the virtual research environment Geovistory. The latter allows research data in the historical sciences, and more broadly in the humanities and beyond, to be produced in the form of a collaborative knowledge graph. A TEI-Publisher edition was then built, converting the transcription into an XML/TEI database, annotated with URIs from the Geovistory RDF data repository, dereferenced and persistent. From this prototype, the speakers wish to share experiences and questions with the e-editiones community on these issues: - Best practices for semantic encoding in different communities - Online XML/TEI editors (web-components) capable of providing widgets for semantic encoding of texts using RDF information sources - Guidelines to enable a minimum level of encoding and semantic annotation to enable automated data collection and re-use in the spirit of open research data - Community building to sustain and develop a long-term research infrastructure dedicated to semantically enriched text transcriptions and critical editions.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-fischer/","title":"Travel by mouse click: the digital edition of the travel journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851","content":" Upcoming community meetup on June 13, 2023 For Fischer's 250th birthday in 2023, the Iron Library is realising a digital edition of his travel journals and is also translating the texts from the original German into English for the first time. This will make them accessible to an international readership. The edition is based on the text of Fischer's first editions. The texts are provided with itineraries and detailed index data on people, places, events and terms and enriched with numerous images. The meeting will take place on Teams. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-airtable/","title":"How History At State uses TEI Publisher's annotation tool and Airtable","content":" Upcoming community meetup on July 11, 2023 Virginia Kinniburgh (US Department of State's Office of the Historian) will discuss her work building born-digital indexes for volumes in the Foreign Relations of the United States series, the definitive record of United States foreign policy. The goal was to develop an experimental alternative to the traditional back-of-book indexing process by using TEI Publisher's annotation tool to select indexable entities in documents according to categories such as places, people, events, topics, and agreements/mandates. In this project, TEI Publisher draws on a collaborative, relational database system called Airtable, which gathers potential entries across multiple FRUS volumes and projects, to create browsable facets through which users can better understand the documents. The same annotations can also be used to create index entries and automatically generate an index for the volume. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-lib-4/","title":"tei-publisher-lib 4: Refactoring TEI output mode","content":" > Version 4.0.0 refactors the TEI output mode, making it more widely usable for transformation scenarios producing TEI `tei-publisher-lib` contains the code libraries used for ODD processing and the different supported output modes. It implements the TEI Processing Model as defined by the TEI guidelines.

    We use semantic versioning for all TEI Publisher projects: a change in the first digit of the version number indicates a breaking change. You should be aware that such releases are not fully backwards compatible and may require adjustments to existing apps.

    Warning: custom applications generated by TEI Publisher may update `tei-publisher-lib` automatically when (re-)installed into eXist. See how to prevent this.

    The TEI Processing Model is not only useful for transforming TEI into some other XML output format, but it can also produce TEI from something else. For example, the MS Word import in TEI Publisher converts files in the docx format to TEI with the help of an ODD and the `tei` output mode. Recently we encountered another case which could be elegantly solved with an ODD: the task was to clean up TEI produced by a form-based editor, eliminating superfluous attributes and element hierarchies. So the input as well as the output of the transformation were TEI. Unfortunately the implementation of the tei output mode included some solutions which were specific to the processing of docx documents – and consequently those were unnecessarily applied. We therefore had to refactor the library, cleanly separating the docx-specific processing from the general tei output mode. We also added a new behaviour, `copy`, to the mode, which will copy the current element's start/end tag and attributes before recursively processing its contents. This is useful, as the default behaviour of the TEI PM is to skip any tags it does not know how to handle. Other changes Another new feature which was already released in 3.1.0 – but not documented: you can now access variables and functions defined in the global configuration XQuery module (`config.xqm`) within your ODD. Configuration variables and functions are exposed to XPath expressions in the ODD under the prefix `global`. So to access the current data root collection, you can simply write `$global:data-root` to refer to the corresponding variable defined in `config.xqm`. Upgrading As indicated by the incremented major version number (4.0.0), this release is not backwards compatible. Importing Word docx documents will stop working! Other functionality should not be affected though. To fix this issue after upgrading a custom application you built, you need to add an extra import to `resources/odd/configuration.xml`: The upcoming version 8.1 of TEI Publisher will already include the required changes.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","tei-publisher-lib","release"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-publisher9/","title":"Dive into TEI Publisher 9","content":" Upcoming community meetup on February 6, 2024 Let's celebrate the new edition of TEI Publisher, version 9. We'll give you a guided tour around some of the new features, including creating and consuming IIIF manifests, the redesigned annotation editor, register data entry, improved facet selection etc. This will be a hands-on session, showing how to configure, customize and extend those new goodies.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-9/","title":"TEI Publisher 9.0.0","content":"> Version 9 has seen a major rework of the annotation facilities and introduces local authority registers for people, places and organizations. There have been small but powerful improvements to facets, extensions to client-side URL routing, numerous minor fixes and – last but not least – added support for IIIF manifests. !Redesigned annotation editor with local register IIIF manifests As showcased in the Shakespeare sample and app, TEI Publisher now supports generating IIIF presentation manifests and displaying them alongside the text. A presentation manifest combines a set of images together with metadata, so instead of displaying single facsimiles via the IIIF image service, we have a standardized description of all the images associated with a resource. While there are external tools for creating IIIF manifests, we can easily auto-generate them from the TEI header and page beginnings as long as those have `@facs` attributes from which the image service links can be determined. This is demonstrated in the Shakespeare sample but should work with any other TEI meeting the requirements. !IIIF presentation manifest viewer The manifest viewer provided by TEI Publisher components is based on the excellent tify project and is integrated into Publisher's chain of events. This way, text and image view communicate to each other, which means that if you navigate to the next page/image in either of the two, the other reacts accordingly. Client-side URL routing The URL routing features introduced with version 8 have been substantially improved, introducing configurable URL templates also on the client side. This means you can construct URLs which are really completely independent of the underlying data organisation, while making sure the user always sees the page in a consistent state. Previously you still needed to have the path to the document somewhere in the URL. This is no longer required. For example, the documentation app now uses an URL of the form `/documentation/{chapter-id}`. And if you look at one of the projects realized with TEI Publisher recently, the travel diaries of Johann Conrad Fischer, you'll see that the page URLs consists of `/{language}/{year-of-diary}/{chapter-number}`. To make this possible, we have to make sure server and client are \"on the same page\" all the time. Base ODD refactoring This version also brings the demise of the `teiSimplePrint` ODD, previously the source ODD from which `teipublisher` ODD inherits. Models from SimplePrint, after thorough review, have been merged into the default TEI Publisher ODD. This is a first step on the road for the extended and rationalized base ODD, a project inspired by the TEI Vanilla meetups of yore and now undertaken by e-editiones in cooperation with the TEI consortium. Redesigned annotation editor The new annotation editor boasts a new, more user friendly and ergonomic layout with additional capacity to add or edit registry entries from within the editor. Furthermore, a function to find potential matches in other documents for the current annotation and review them on the spot is a long awaited feature, which promises to speed up the editing process without compromising quality or consistency. !Search and review occurrences of entity in other documents A default set up for local registers of places, people and organizations allows editors to curate these resources under the same roof and at the same time as they annotate the sources. Local registers can extend the configured external authority: editors can either add information to an entity copied from the external authority, or provide information about entities not described elsewhere. A number of default input forms is provided for people, organizations and places. They are based on a forms framework called fore, which takes the best parts from the former XForms standard to plain HTML. This means you can modify and extend the provided forms in a purely declarative manner. All you need to do is to change the TEI/XML templates and add controls to the HTML. !Edit a place entity Selecting facets !{.right width=220 style=margin-left:1rem} Now it became easier to select less frequent facets when browsing or searching: previously only the most frequent facets were shown by default and you had to browse through a potentially long list if you wanted to find a not so common one. Now you can easily configure the facets to display a combo box in addition to the list, allowing users to type in a query and see all the matching facets. Thanks Special thanks for contributing funding to the development of this version go to the Office of the Historian at the US Department of State, the project Editionstools für eine Digitale Epigraphik, the Institute of History at the Polish Academy of Science, the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, the project Buddhistische Steininschriften in Nordchina, and last but not least: e-editiones and Jinntec GmbH. Apart from institutional support, we are grateful to all members of e-editiones community who helped us to translate the user interface via Crowdin and keep the discussion alive on the Slack channel, often assisting each other in solving problems. Try it ... As usual you can try the latest version on the TEI Publisher homepage. Note that **write access is limited** on this server. To get the full experience, we suggest to install TEI Publisher locally. The easiest way is probably to use our docker images.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/pages/gdpr/","title":"Data Protection","content":" General By using this website, you consent to the collection, processing and use of data in accordance with the following description. This website can generally be visited without registration. Data such as pages accessed or names of files accessed, date and time are stored on the server for statistical purposes without this data being directly related to your person. Cookies This website uses cookies. These are small text files that make it possible to store specific information related to the user on the user's terminal device while the user is using the website. Cookies make it possible, in particular, to determine the frequency of use and number of users of the pages, to analyze behavior patterns of page use, but also to make our offer more customer-friendly. Cookies remain stored beyond the end of a browser session and can be retrieved when you visit the site again. If you do not wish this to happen, you should set your Internet browser so that it refuses to accept cookies. The storage of cookies can be achieved by disabling them in the browser settings. Please note that in this case not all functions of this online offer can be used. SSL/TLS encryption This website uses SSL/TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from http:// to https:// and by the lock symbol in your browser line. If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties. Server Log-Files The provider of this website automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are: * Browser type and Browser version * Operating system used * Referer URL * Host name of the accessing computer * Time of the server request * This data cannot be assigned to specific persons. This data is not merged with other data sources. We reserve the right to check this data retrospectively if we become aware of specific indications of illegal use. Third party services We use the open source software Matomo. This is a web analysis platform that helps us to optimise our website. For this purpose, cookies are used to collect information about website usage (e.g. pages accessed, duration of access, browser data) so that usage behaviour can be evaluated and weak points identified. Your IP address is anonymised immediately; you as the user thus remain anonymous. The information obtained about website use is transmitted exclusively to our servers. The data collected is not passed on to third parties. Disclaimer All information on our website has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors can not be completely excluded, so we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of information. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. The publisher/editors may change or delete parts of the pages or the entire edition at their own discretion and without notice and are not obliged to update the contents of this website. The use of or access to this website is at the visitor's own risk. The publisher/editors are not responsible for damages, such as direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, allegedly caused by the visit of this website and consequently assume no liability for such damages. The publisher/editors also accept no responsibility or liability for the content and availability of third-party websites that can be accessed via external links on this website. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content. The publisher/editors thus expressly distance themselves from all third-party content that may be relevant under criminal or liability law or that may offend common decency."},{"id":"/pages/imprint/","title":"Imprint","content":" Publisher e-editiones\\ c/o Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde St.Gallen\\ Notkerstrasse 22\\ CH-9000 St. Gallen\\ info@e-editiones.org Technical support and implementation JinnTec GmbH, Berlin (https://jinntec.de) Licenses Contents and source code of this website are freely accessible on Github."},{"id":"/posts/beyond-the-index/","title":"Beyond the Index: How can Machine Learning benefit digital editions?","content":" Upcoming community meetup on April 16, 2024 Annotation of entities has been commonplace in editions for a long time. But the common methods to do so do not acknowledge the potentials which are provided by todays technologies. In this talk I will present a modern annotation system as well as the possibilities it brings forward in combination with machine learning-based methods of information extraction. By embracing these advancements, we can significantly enhance access to the edition, transforming it into a rich source of data for researchers in fields such as history, linguistics, and sociology. The meeting will take place on Teams. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/pages/groups/","title":"Groups","content":" Community and Communication The e-editiones Community and Communication Group welcomes your participation in a committed academic community focused on the advancement of digital scholarly practices. By joining us, you will contribute to fostering a scholarly network, supplying essential resources and guidelines, and participating in the continuous dialogue to advance digital scholarly editions. Planned Activities - Regular Workshops: Participate in or lead sessions that cover everything from the basics of digital editions to publishing processes using TEI-Publisher. These workshops are designed to stimulate conversation and idea exchange among both newcomers and experts. - Scholarly Presentations and Guest Lectures: Coordinate and attend talks where specialists present their latest research and methods in digital scholarship. - Digital Editions in Education: Develop and implement digital edition integrations into educational settings, enhancing curriculum resources and teaching methods to make scholarly content more interactive and accessible. - Development of Open Educational Resources (OER): Contribute to the creation of accessible educational materials that will benefit learners globally. - Resource Collection and Dissemination: Assist in gathering and distributing key resources related to digital scholarly editions, such as (but not limited to!) guidelines on persistent identifiers (PIDs), best practices for citing editions, and strategies to enhance accessibility. These resources will support our community’s scholarly work and ensure adherence to high standards of academic practice. Get Involved For more details or to join our team, please reach out at anne@e-editiones.org We look forward to welcoming new members! Technical Development The e-editiones Technical Development Group plays a crucial role in the ongoing development and enhancement of TEI Publisher and other open-source tools. The group focuses on addressing current technical challenges and planning future updates to ensure these tools continue to meet user needs. Planned Activities - Development Coordination: Manage collaborative efforts across projects to promote efficient progress and maintain high standards. This includes organizing development timelines, aligning project goals, and optimizing resource allocation. - Issue Management: Systematically analyze and prioritize user-reported issues to maintain functionality and address user concerns. This involves assessing the impact and urgency of issues to ensure timely resolutions. - Community Support: Provide support to users interested in contributing to our projects. This support includes guidance on how to get involved, documentation assistance, and fostering a welcoming environment for contributors of all skill levels. - Release Management: Oversee the development roadmap and manage the release process for updates and new features. This includes scheduling, testing, and ensuring that releases are stable and meet predefined quality criteria. Get Involved This group is suited for those who wish to support the technological development of e-editiones, including non-developers who can assist in documentation, user support, and testing. For more information or to join, please reach out to wolfgang@e-editiones.org. Projects and Finances The e-editiones Projects and Finances Group is essential for those interested in the fiscal and developmental aspects of our scholarly community. As part of this group, you'll play a crucial role in shaping the future of e-editiones through strategic financial management and project development. Planned Activities - Project Development: Work on elaborating e-editiones projects, enhancing our offerings and expanding our impact. - Grant Assistance: Support members in drafting project proposals and securing funding through comprehensive grant writing assistance. - Partner Networking: Facilitate connections between project partners to foster collaboration and innovation. - Financial Initiatives: Engage in activities to raise third-party funds, essential for sustaining and expanding our projects. - Member Recruitment and Management: Recruit new members and manage administrative tasks such as sending annual membership invoices. - Budget and Financial Oversight: Prepare annual budgets for board review and handle the society’s financial accounting to ensure transparency and accountability. Get Involved This group offers a unique opportunity to influence both the financial health and the project success of e-editiones. If you have a knack for finance and project management, and wish to contribute to the growth of our academic community, please contact us at lars@e-editiones.org. We look forward to welcoming new members who are eager to drive our initiatives forward. "},{"id":"/posts/edep/","title":"EDEp – Editing Tools for Digital Epigraphy","content":" The EDEp project, funded by the DFG from 2022 to 2024, researches the possibilities and demands of digital epigraphy and develops corresponding editing tools. Rather than aiming at yet another project-specific solution, the goal was to create a versatile toolbox, designed for customizability and extensibility. In a nutshell, EDEp adds a convenient editor for epigraphic material encoded in EpiDoc to TEI Publisher. But it’s more than that: it’s a collection of tools and technologies, which can be used to support editors in creating any kind of metadata in TEI. In this respect it is following TEI Publisher’s concept of providing a box of modular “Lego” blocks rather than a monolithic one-size-fits-all framework. The EDEp toolbox includes * a declarative forms framework in modern HTML, which operates directly on the actual TEI XML: no data mapping or conversion required * web components for transcribing inscriptions using Leiden markup * components allowing assisted XML editing of specific micro-environments The project demonstrates how these components can be assembled to support a complex editing workflow. Combined with TEI Publisher’s ODD-based transformations for the presentation part, these features mark another important step forward towards a complete edition creation workflow within a single application. EpiDoc As a customization of TEI, EpiDoc is not a rigid standard in the sense that there’s only one way to encode things. Epigraphic projects cover a wide range of fields and will necessarily differ in the details to be encoded. Furthermore, EpiDoc documents feature a mix of structured and unstructured data, posing challenges for conventional data modeling, such as that required by relational databases. EDEp operates directly on the EpiDoc TEI, therefore avoiding the need to establish and maintain a data mapping between user input, database and the resulting XML. Adding a feature then simply becomes a matter of extending the EpiDoc XML template and binding a form control to the new nodes to allow editing. For sure this still requires certain skills and a good understanding of the EpiDocTEI, basic HTML and XPath, but no actual programming. The Application To see the EDEp application in action, log in as user “edep” with password “edep”. To get to the editor, click on the pencil icon below the document title. Full instructions concerning installation and customization are available on GitHub. !Start page The current state of the application itself should be considered an early beta, i.e. fully usable, but still under development. For sure the visual aspects of the form could be improved, but our focus so far was on functionality, not design, and most of the development time went into preparing the foundations upon which others can hopefully build in the future. The Forms All forms were authored in a declarative way: they are just modern HTML – no script coding, building or bundling required. As a result, modifying or extending the forms to fit your own requirements can be done without programming. And, most important: all form controls operate directly on the real EpiDoc TEI loaded into the browser in the background! No need to define a complex data mapping: each form field targets the XML it binds to via an XPath expression. As you edit any of the fields, the EpiDoc TEI is constantly updated within the browser’s memory to reflect the changes and can be saved on request. !EDEp editor The forms framework, Fore, was developed independently by Jinntec, but EDEp served as the most complex test case so far and required the development team to address various technical and conceptual issues. Also thanks to EDEp, Fore has advanced into a production ready tool. To give you a quick impression, a form field in the HTML of the editor will look like this (in slightly simplified form): As you can see, this wraps a standard HTML `select` with a `label` into an `fx-control`. Elements starting with `fx-` are custom web components, which come with Fore. All modern web browsers know how to deal with these web components as the technology has been part of the HTML5 standard for a while now. !The preservation field as shown on the screen The `fx-control` connects the form controls with the underlying EpiDoc document. The `@ref` attribute binds the control to the `condition` element in the `teiHeader` via the given XPath expression (relative to the elements selected by parent controls). Whenever the user changes the preservation field, the `condition` element in the `teiHeader` will change accordingly. The Transcription While the transcription is stored as TEI/XML within the EpiDoc, epigraphers would normally use the *Leiden convention* for encoding it. Leiden provides a fast way to capture details, which would otherwise require rather verbose TEI markup. Drawing some inspiration (and code) from the Patrimonium project, we decided to implement an editor component, which allows users to switch between Leiden and TEI, converting on the fly between the two. The typical workflow would be to first transcribe using Leiden and then – if needed – fine tune the XML with additional information not supported by Leiden, e.g. references to places or people. Leiden comes in different variants. While the editor also supports EDH and Petrae, we suggest *Leiden+* as the preferred syntax. The main reasons: it allows grammar-based validation, error reporting and a clean roundtrip from Leiden+ to XML and back. The video above shows the transcription using Leiden on top and the generated TEI at the bottom. The editor detects incorrect Leiden+ and provides some utilities to correct e.g. the line numbering. Editing the Leiden+ will immediately change the TEI, but as soon as the user edits the XML, the Leiden+ editor is hidden to indicate that the XML is considered the canonical version. One can reopen the Leiden+ editor as long as the XML stays compatible with Leiden+. The editor is fully customizable with code snippets, toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts. Inline Markup: XML Editors When encoding the translation, commentary or apparatus, users would obviously like to include rich markup, e.g. for bibliographic references, semantic annotations etc., so a plain text editor would not be sufficient. In fact, users quickly expressed the wish to be able to use inline markup for basically all free text inputs. EDEp therefore adds a powerful XML editing component, providing a micro-environment for specific subparts of the EpiDoc. The editor features context-sensitive suggestions: if a user edits, for example, a note attached to a bibliographic entry, the editor “knows” the tags which may appear in this exact context and displays corresponding suggestions when the user types. Toolbar buttons, code snippets and a selection of keyboard shortcuts, e.g. to wrap the current selection with an element, complement the editor. All this is fully configurable in the HTML. The Leiden+ and XML editors were released as separate, independently usable components. Outlook Beyond the specialized field of epigraphy, EDEp provides a foundation for building more complex editing environments, using a mix of form-based entry, XML micro editors and plain text markup conventions like Leiden. It should be easy to see how this concept could be expanded to many other use cases. For sure some rough edges still need to be smoothed out, but thanks to EDEp, we consider the underlying components to be close to production-ready state. Many parts of EDEp already found their way into TEI Publisher 9: the custom entity editing forms in the web-based annotation editor are based on Fore, also featuring the context-sensitive XML editor component for entering notes. Extending EDEp, we would also like to see a well-documented, more generic – i.e. less focused on epigraphy – `teiHeader` editing environment in TEI Publisher to serve as a blueprint for other projects, allowing users to copy and paste the bits and pieces they need to support their particular workflow. But as always we would need to find some funding for this. This would well fit into our plans for TEI Publisher 10, which will introduce the concept of “application profiles”, i.e. a collection of modular templates covering typical features of an edition project. This would include ready-to-use blueprints for specific edition types like correspondence, monography, dictionaries etc., but also workflow modules, which can be imported, e.g. the annotation editor. The goal is that users will be able to click together a digital edition in a Fore-based interface, choosing from the available blueprints, templates and modules without having to dive into the source code. An EDEp-like `teiHeader` editor would make a perfect new component, which can be customized to match the type of edition that is being created. Links * EDEp project description * EDEp editor * Application code with installation instructions * XML and Leiden editors * Fore declarative forms ","tags":["report","epidoc","fore","events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-dos-donts-odd/","title":"Dos and don’ts in TEI schema customization. An introduction to the ODD specification ","content":" Upcoming community meetup on July 2, 2024 17:00 CEST Data modelling is the keystone of DIgital Scholarly editing, thus the importance of well-thought-out schemas in XML-based editions. In this sense, the TEI Guidelines and related resources play a crucial role in aiding scholars throughout the formalisation of a schema, together with the well-known benefits of having datasets that are compliant with this technical standard. However, many projects use a TEI customisation that wasn’t conceived for being implemented in real Humanities projects, TEI All, arguably a hindrance towards interoperability. In this community meet-up we will talk about ODD, a specification format that enables the customisation of TEI P5 in a literate programming fashion. We will do an overview of existing resources that assist scholars in the creation of schemas adapted to their project requirements. The meeting will take place on Teams. - Presentation: PDF - Recording: Youtube ","tags":["events","meetups","ODD","Schema"]},{"id":"/join/","title":"Editions with Future","content":" > **Update: meet e-editiones at DH2024 in Washington DC, USA** Rooted in standards - built by the community - meant to last e-editiones is an international non-profit society bringing together edition projects, cultural heritage institutions, scholars, and developers to empower digital projects by promoting open standards and community collaboration— with the ultimate goal of helping to sustain editions far into the future. We * foster the development of open source software for digital scholarly editions and related projects. * provide a meeting place and think tank for researchers, memory institutions, and developers alike. * organize regular workshops and community meetings. Join our open community Get in contact with us via email, mailing list, Mastodon, Slack, GitHub, LinkedIn or Twitter. Become a Member Gain access to our knowledge hub and influence the future of the open-source tools we develop like TEI Publisher and Roaster. Get advice for all steps in your edition project life-cycle: * funding applications * workflows, including HTR/OCR models, setting up your database, and creating your digital scholarly edition * publishing and long-term hosting of editions e-editiones offers institutional and individual memberships. To become a member please contact board@e-editiones.org. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/dh2024/","title":"e-editiones at DH2024","content":" From August 6 till 9, 2024 several e-editiones members will join the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: DH2024 - Reinvention & Responsibility at Washington, D.C., USA. List of TEI Publisher related talks, posters and events around DH2024 From a publishing tool to a virtual research environment: producing scholarly editions with TEl Publisher * When: **Wednesday 7th of August 10:30 EST** * Who: Wolfgang Meier, Joseph C Wicentowski, Magdalena Turska, Helena Bermudez Sabel * What: Presentation * Where: Van Metre Hall 308 * Whova Link Poster Session I * When: **Wednesday 7th of August 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EST** * Where: Van Metre Hall 125 Publishing Process for Digital Scholarly Editing: Jagiellonian Digital Platform * Who: Joanna Katarzyna Hałackiewicz, Iwona Grabska-Gradzinska, Magdalena Eulalia Komorowska, Magdalena Turska * Whova Link New Generation of Electronic Edition for Neo-Latin Literature – Rescue from Oblivion, Stage Two * Who: Iwona Grabska-Gradzinska, Grażyna Urban-Godziek * Whova Link e-editiones / TEI Publisher Get Together * When: **Wednesday 7th of August 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST** * Where: Rocklands BBQ - souther style cusine - at 3471 Washington Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201. Everyone is invited to join, you don't need to be a conference participant Poster Session II - Reinvention, Responsibility & Resurrection: how to future-proof an edition * When: **Friday 9th of August 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST** * Who: Magdalena Turska, Helena Bermudez Sabel * Where: Van Metre Hall 125 * Whova Link Editions with Future Read more about e-editiones and TEI Publisher.","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]}] \ No newline at end of file +[{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-4/","title":"TEI Publisher 4.0","content":" > eXist Solutions are proud to announce the final 4.0 release of TEI > Publisher. This release is the next big step towards our vision of a > tool which enables XML-savy scholars and editors to publish materials > without becoming programmers or forcing them into a one-size-fits-it-all > framework. TEI Publisher goes Web Components Past projects we realized could prove that the TEI Processing Model is indeed a truly universal and powerful tool for any kind of XML, not just TEI. However, creating an online edition requires more than just text transformation: the text needs to be embedded into an application context, adding navigation, pagination, search, facsimiles and so on. Moving towards the emerging web component standard, TEI Publisher 4.0 implements all this functionality as small \"lego\" blocks to be freely arranged, recombined and extended. Earlier versions of TEI Publisher were limited to showing a single text view by default. Creating more complex layouts required at least basic XQuery, HTML and CSS skills. As showcased by the example documents, the new version allows users to realize custom views without actually writing code. Users can pick from a toolbox of ready-made components, including text views based on an ODD transformation, IIIF-powered image viewers, maps and many more. All those building blocks come as custom HTML elements, which are easy to write and configure. Each of them encapsulates a certain functionality and appearance. Have a look at the documentation and the web components API to see how to use components. Open Source We strongly believe in Open Source, standards and reusability. TEI Publisher is a major milestone towards our vision, but there's always more to be done and we would like to invite the community to contribute ideas, goals and implementations. Missing a certain functionality or component? Tell us. Get It! TEI Publisher 4.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (4.x.x series) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Our special thanks go to the erabbinica.org project for funding a major part of the migration to web components. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-41/","title":"TEI Publisher 4.1.0","content":" > This is mainly a bug fix release based on user feedback, but also > includes various enhancements and features new demos. Release Highlights: Dynamic Layout and Custom Translation Alignment Many users were interested in the correspondence examples, in particular the Serafin and Cortés letters showing transcription and translation side by side. We have focused on enhancing those use cases and close some gaps in functionality. One problem arising in many TEI projects is how to align two or more texts, e.g. a transcription and a translation. In the simplest case, the texts may be aligned on the level of divisions or page breaks. Unfortunately things are not always as simple as that. TEI allows a wide variety of alignment mechanisms, some more complex than others. TEI Publisher 4.1.0 thus implements a generic mechanism to define a mapping function written in XQuery. This is a simple, yet powerful approach. The letter from Cortés to Dantiscus (Mexico) showcases a rather complex mapping. Van Gogh: Dynamic, Multi Column Example ! The Van Gogh edition is often considered a model example for correspondence and several users expressed their wish to create something similar with TEI Publisher. With recent release of XML sources for all the letters we've decided to use one letter from Van Gogh to Gauguin and try to reproduce the dynamic, user configurable, multi column display of the original Van Gogh website using the webcomponents provided by TEI Publisher. The corresponding webcomponents (`/`) have been reworked to make this possible. Other New Features and Bug Fixes - Sort and filter documents by title, author or file name - Autocomplete suggestions are now displayed for all search boxes - Allow arbitrary footnote labels to be passed via the @n parameter of the note behaviour - Support plain images to be displayed by `` - if a IIIF server is not needed or available - Fix uploads of files containing spaces in their names Get It! TEI Publisher 4.1.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (4.x.x series) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-5/","title":"TEI Publisher 5.0.0","content":" > This is major release building on the faceting feature added in eXist-db > 5.0.0 RC8 and introducing Word document import and draft coverage of DTS > API. Release Highlights: Facets Facets allow users to quickly navigate through a result set by selecting from the list of predefined categories. This way, users can drill down into the set, reducing the number of displayed items with every step. As the user chooses a facet, the set necessarily becomes smaller, so non-matching entries will disappear from sight. Facets are a new feature in eXist 5.0.0. They are *super fast* because eXist will create them when indexing the document. No extra computation is needed when the user clicks on a facet to drill down into a displayed set: all information is already available in the index. By default TEI Publisher configures two facets: *Genre* and *Language* while Van Gogh demo presents a more elaborate example of facets in action. Van Gogh demo ! The Van Gogh edition is often considered a model example for correspondence. Following the recent release of XML sources for all the letters we've decided to use this excellent resource to showcase the new faceting feature of eXist 5.0.0 as well as the dynamic, user configurable, multi column display of the original Van Gogh website using the webcomponents provided by TEI Publisher in a playful styling. DOCX import New docx module based on custom ODD for docx to TEI transformation is available to allow for importing documents in docx format, preserving their textual content, structure and basic semantics of the text. Due to the particularities of docx, reconstructing logical document structure can be only based on certain heuristics but TEI Publisher preserves basic document divisions and headings, lists, tables, embedded images, foot- and endnotes, as well as recognizing styles whose names start with `tei:` as TEI elements with the same name, e.g *Johann Wolfgang Goethe* styled with `tei:persName` style will be converted to `Johann Wolfgang Goethe`. DTS API TEI Publisher now implements a Distributed Text Services client and exposes core endpoints of DTS API. Custom `` component allows for browsing remote DTS server collections and documents which are rendered via TEI Publisher's ODD. ! Main New Features and Bug Fixes - Facets based document filtering - DOCX (Word) document format import - Draft implementation of the DTS API - New pb-toggle-feature UI component for switching between two states of a parameter passed to ODD, e.g. normalized and diplomatic view - Coverage for embedding TEI Publisher output components in other websites (e.g. WordPress) - Remove dependency on monex and calls to deprecated map functions - i18n: Performance improvements, support for multiple catalogue files for a single language, Dutch translation - Fix DocBook support for generated apps - Simplify login configuration - Use new field definitions for metadata in index config - Support page breaks in non-TEI vocabularies Get It! TEI Publisher 5.0.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 RC8 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Our thanks go to Office of the Historian of the United States Department of State for funding a large part of work on the faceting feature for eXist-db. We are also grateful to the Van Gogh Museum & Huygens ING for releasing XML source files of Vincent Van Gogh letters under an open licence which allowed us to use this data as our demo samples. Same goes for EEBO-TCP and Bodleian First Folio, already protagonists of TEI Publisher demos for a longer time. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/pages/home/","title":"","content":" e-editiones is an international non profit society consisting of owners of smaller and larger edition projects, cultural heritage institutions, and individual researchers. Its goal is to empower digital editions of cultural, scientific, and artistic works by promoting open standards related to digital editions and advancing open source applications based on them. While digital editions may differ considerably in structure and content, there is a large overlap in terms of the basic technical functionality that each edition must offer. Starting point for the initiators of the Society is their shared use of TEI Publisher – which originated from a project of the TEI community. This toolbox allows editions to reuse existing building blocks in a modular way. However, such software requires a constant exchange between developers and users, who are familiar with the technical requirements of their respective edition projects. The Society would like to put this exchange of information as well as the communication between edition projects on a firm footing. Focus of the Society - Initiating and coordinating developments in open source software for digital editions - Promotion of information exchange and communication between the stakeholders involved - Fundraising for the purposes of the society - Ensuring long term availability of digital editions A more detailed description can be found in our strategy paper. If you would like to become a member of e-editiones, don’t hesitate to contact us: info@e-editiones.org, check out our workshops and community events, and get in touch with others. ! "},{"id":"/posts/embeding-tei-publisher-components/","title":"TEI Publisher Components in Wordpress","content":" This is a short rewrite of Wolfgang’s post on Embedding TEI Publisher Components in Hugo . For Wordpress you can do the same thing very easily. I used the example of Wolfgang’s post; just make sure that your site is whitelisted. Just install the Code Embed Plugin and create a custom field 1 with the name \"CODEpbembed\" and the value: {{CODEpbfacsimile}} * * * 1. Custom fields are hidden by default on most WordPress sites. To make them visible, select the Screen Options tab at the top of any WordPress editor page, and choose Custom Fields ↩","tags":["hugo","pb-component","wordpress"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-502/","title":"TEI Publisher 5.0.2","content":" > This is a minor release introducing primarily new features of Word > document import along some bugfixes. Release Highlights: Word document import Docx module introduced in 5.0.0 allows for importing documents in docx format, preserving their textual content, structure and basic semantics of the text. TEI Publisher preserves document's structural divisions and headings, lists, tables, embedded images, foot- and endnotes, as well as recognizes styles whose names start with tei: as TEI elements with the same name, e.g *Johann Wolfgang Goethe* styled with `tei:persName` style will be converted to `Johann Wolfgang Goethe`. This release introduces a default convention for encoding additional attributes: text in angle brackets will be interpreted as a list of attribute-value pairs. Multiple items can be separated with a “;”. For example, to set a `@rend` and provide a `@ref` for a `placeName`, you can write `Frankfurt`. This notation can be modified by extending the ODD with additional rules for project-specific workflow. For example, if persName does always need a `@ref` attribute in your edition, you could have a simplified rule which parses: `Friedrich Dürrenmatt<118527908>`. Further conventions have been introduced to distinguish between different kinds of notes (e.g. editor's commentary, source annotations, and text-critical notes). Footnotes marked with a custom mark (to be found under *Format* \\> *Custom Mark* in Word's *Footnote Dialog*) are converted into note `n=\"custom mark\" type=\"original\"`. Yet another mechanism, based on Word comments, can be leveraged to mark arbitrary spans of text. Word comments insert a start and end marker, which can be easily converted to TEI using `anchor` and `note` element combination and output accordingly later. Please refer to the sample Word conversion document for detailed discussion of the import features and conventions. Historical dictionary example: Bogactwa mowy polskiej On a mission to provide a rich spectrum of examples showcasing different uses of TEI we're adding a small sample for a genre so far unrepresented in TEI Publisher - a 19th century manuscript collocative dictionary of Polish _Bogactwa mowy polskiej_ (_Riches of the Polish tongue_) by Alojzy Osiński, edited by Ewa Rudnicka. This example features a transcription and facsimile parallel view with regions of interest highlighted in the facsimile panel thanks to the use of `pb-facs-link` component. ! Main New Features and Bug Fixes - DOCX (Word) document format import - Examples: Word import sample and historical dictionary sample - Fixes related to user login - `pb-popover`: fix spacing - `pb-view`: scroll to target element if an id is given in the URLs hash Get It! TEI Publisher 5.0.2 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/first-community-event-on-may-18th-2020/","title":"First Community Event on May 18th 2020","content":" If you missed it ... the recorded live stream of our first community event on May 18th 2020 is available on youtube: ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/pages/board/","title":"Board","content":" - Dr. Andreas Kränzle, Karl Barth-Archiv, Basel - Dr. Pascale Sutter, Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins - Dr. des. Anne Diekjobst, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Historisches Seminar - dipl. soz. Wolfgang Meier, eXist Solutions GmbH, Lenzkirch/Berlin - Prof. em. Dr. Martin Mueller, North Western University, Deparment of English - Dr. des. Roberta Padlina, Data Scientist, Memoriav Contact info@e-editiones.org Postal Address e-editiones
    c/o Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde St.Gallen
    Notkerstrasse 22
    CH-9000 St. Gallen "},{"id":"/pages/community/","title":"Community","content":""},{"id":"/pages/how-to-become-a-member/","title":"How to join","content":"> re-using components, pooling resources and sharing best practices benefits everyone in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come To become a member please contact board@e-editiones.org. Institutional membership Do you represent a legal entity in the broadly understood research, academic or cultural heritage domains? With institutional membership contribution available from CHF 500.– you will benefit from full membership rights and receive e-editiones support in funding proposals. Individual membership Natural persons membership fee is reduced to CHF 50.– In justified cases individual membership fee may be waived at discretion of the board. !Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash ‍ "},{"id":"/pages/","title":"Board","content":""},{"id":"/pages/members/","title":"Members","content":" Institutional Members - Digital Humanities/Walter Benjamin Kolleg der Universität Bern - The Hans Christian Andersen Centre, University of Southern Denmark - Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana - Karl Barth-Stiftung, Basel - Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien e.V. - Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins - Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / FHNW - Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW) - Staatsarchiv Zürich, Zürich - Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde der Stadt St.Gallen - Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen - Stiftung Eisenbibliothek, Klostergut Paradies, Schlatt TG - Trägerschaft Archives Online - Zentrum Digitale Editionen & Editionsanalytik, Universität Zürich - eXist Solutions GmbH, Lenzkirch/Berlin Individual Members - Elisa Beshero-Bondar, PhD, Program Chair of Digital Media, Arts, and Technology Professor of Digital Humanities | Director of the Digital Humanities Lab at Penn State Erie, the Behrend College, Member of the TEI Technical Council - Philip R. «Pib» Burns, Senior Developer, Research Computing Services Northwestern University - Giuliano Di Bacco, PhD, music historian and medievalist, director of the Resources and Studies for the History of Music Theory (CHMTL, Indiana University Bloomington), including the Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum - Anne Diekjobst, Dr. des., Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, u.a. Edition des Zinsrodels des Klosters Feldbach - Rita Gautschy, Dr., Privatdozentin an der Universität Basel, Direktorin des Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH) - Sulamith Gehr, Basler Edition der Bernoulli-Briefwechsel - Mascha Hansen, Dr., Lecturer, Department of British and North American Studies (IfAA), University of Greifswald - Pauline Jacsont, Research Associate in Digital Humanities, project «Desenrollando el cordel», University of Geneva - Boris Lehečka, freelance developer (Persian-Czech Dictionary, digital edition of J. A. Comenius’s work) - Prof. Dr. Christina Lechtermann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Philologie Germanistisches Institut - Stephan Makowski, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Digital Humanities, DFG-Projekt \"Index Librorum Civitatum\", Bergische Universität Wuppertal - David Maus, Leiter der Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky - Christopher F. Minty, Ph.D., Managing Editor, Center for Digital Editing, University of Virginia - Wolfgang Meier, Mitarbeiter at the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften; Jinntec GmbH and exist Solutions, Berlin - Emmanuelle Morlock, Ingénieure au CNRS – Humanités numériques & données de la recherche | Laboratoire HiSoMA (UMR 5189) – Lyon | Chargée de mission « Science ouverte » à l’Institut des Sciences humaines et sociales (InSHS) pour la politique de soutien aux revues scientifiques et données de la recherche - Martin Mueller, PhD, Professor Emeritus of English & Classics, Northwestern University, project lead of Early Print - Elli Mylonas, Center for Digital Scholarship, University Library, Brown University - Maria Niku, Software Developer, Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki; Lea – critical edition, Forest Finns' Letters to Gottlund - Dr. Andreas Kränzle, Research Fellow for the Digital Edition at Karl Barth-Archiv, University of Basel and k & r, Zürich - Krzysztof Nowak, Medieval Latin lexicographer and corpus linguist, project lead of the Electronic corpus of Polish Medieval Latin and developer of dictionary and digital edition applications | Departement of Medieval Latin, Institute of Polish Language (Polish Academy of Sciences) - Roberta Padlina, Dr. des., Coordinator NIE-INE, Universität Basel - Gerold Ritter, Dr., e-hist, Zürich - Antonio Rojas-Castro, PhD, /Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Universidad Internacional de la Rioja - Gil Shalit, DH Development - Sinai Rusinek, Elijah Lab, Haifa University; project leader of TraveLab - Roman Sigg, Stadtarchivar Stein am Rhein - Christian Sinn, Dr. phil., Professor, Präsident der Masterarbeitskommission Studienbereichsleiter Sprachen und Literatur, Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen - Anna Skolimowska, Dr. hab., Head of the Laboratory for Source Editing & Digital Humanities, Faculty of «Artes Liberales», University of Warsaw - Spadini, Elena, Dr., Research Navigator, Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE), Universität Basel - Claudia Sutter, freie Historikerin, Archivarin, Stein am Rhein, Urbar des Dominikanerinnenklosters St. Katharinen St.Gallen - Pascale Sutter, Dr., Leiterin der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins, c/o Universität St. Gallen - Cristina Vertan, Dr., Projektleiterin von Annotation und Analyse von historischen Dokumenten, Arbeitsstelle Computerphilologie, Universität Hamburg - Georg Vogeler, Dr. phil., Professor Digital Humanities, Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, Universität Graz - Andreas Wagner, Dr., Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory - Arman Weidenmann, Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde St. Gallen - Joseph Wicentowski, PhD, Historian, Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State - Rolf Wissmann, M.A, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter SNF-Forschungsprojekt: «Vicentino21», Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz | Musik-Akademie Basel, Hochschule für Musik | Schola Cantorum Basiliensis - Christian von Zimmermann, Dr. phil., Privatdozent, Leiter Forschungsstelle Jeremias Gotthelf, Bern - Elias Zimmermann, Elias Zimmermann, Dr., wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Proto4DigEd, and Digitale Edition Annemarie Schwarzenbach "},{"id":"/pages/statuten-des-vereins-e-editiones-german/","title":"Statuten des Vereins e-editiones (German)","content":" Revidierte Version vom 5. November 2020 Art. 1 Name Unter dem Namen «e-editiones» besteht ein Verein im Sinne von Art. 60 ff. des schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches mit Sitz in St.Gallen. Art. 2 Vereinszweck (1) Der Verein leistet einen Beitrag für die Erschliessung, Erhaltung und Vermittlung des Kulturerbes, indem er den fachlichen Austausch und die Förderung der Vernetzung und Standardisierung digitaler wissenschaftlicher Editionen sowie die Interessenvertretung digitaler Editionen verfolgt. Der Verein bemüht sich um die Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsverbesserung mittels anerkannter technischer Standards sowie um die technische Pflege der Inhalte und ermöglicht die freie Nachnutzung zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken. (2) Der Verein hat insbesondere folgende Aufgaben: a) Förderung und Koordination von Entwicklungen im Open Source Bereich für wissenschaftliche digitale Editionen
    b) Betrieb einer Informations- und Kommunikationsplattform für die Mitglieder
    c) Unterstützung von Editionsprojekten bei der dauerhaften Speicherung digitaler Daten und Zugänglichmachung digitaler Daten
    d) Beratung und Unterstützung von Editionsprojekten
    (3) Der Verein verfolgt keine kommerziellen Zwecke und erstrebt keinen Gewinn. Art. 3 Finanzierung (1) Zur Verfolgung des Vereinszwecks kann über folgende Mittel verfügt werden: a) Mitgliederbeiträge
    b) Zuwendungen, Spenden und Subventionen
    (2) Der volle Mitgliederbeitrag beträgt CHF 500.–. Für natürliche Personen gibt es einen ermässigten Mitgliederbeitrag von CHF 50.–. (3) Das Geschäftsjahr entspricht dem Kalenderjahr. Art. 4 Mitgliedschaft (1) Mitglieder können juristische Personen und natürliche Personen werden, die den Vereinszweck unterstützen. (2) Aufnahmegesuche sind an den Vorstand zu richten, der die Aufnahme der Mitgliederversammlung vorschlägt. Art. 5 Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft Die Mitgliedschaft erlischt durch Austritt, Ausschluss oder Auflösung der jeweiligen juristischen oder natürlichen Person. Art. 6 Austritt Der Austritt aus dem Verein ist jederzeit möglich und ist dem Vorstand schriftlich mitzuteilen. Für das laufende Jahr ist der volle Mitgliederbeitrag geschuldet. Art. 7 Ausschluss (1) Bei anhaltenden Verstössen gegen den Vereinszweck oder bei Nichterfüllen der Beitragspflicht kann ein Mitglied aus dem Verein ausgeschlossen werden. (2) Den Ausschlussentscheid kann die Mitgliederversammlung mit einfacher Mehrheit fällen. Das auszuschliessende Mitglied muss vorgängig angehört werden. Art. 8 Organe des Vereins Die Organe des Vereins sind: a) die Mitgliederversammlung
    b) der Vorstand
    c) die Revisionsstelle
    Art. 9 Die Mitgliederversammlung Das oberste Organ des Vereins ist die Mitgliederversammlung. In ihre Kompetenz fallen insbesondere: a) Entscheid über die Aufnahme von Neumitgliedern
    b) Genehmigung des Protokolls der letzten Mitgliederversammlung
    c) Genehmigung des Jahresberichts des Vorstands
    d) Entgegennahme des Revisionsberichts und Genehmigung der Jahresrechnung
    e) Entlastung des Vorstandes
    f) Wahl des Präsidenten, der weiteren Vorstandsmitglieder sowie der Revisionsstelle
    g) Genehmigung des Jahresbudgets
    h) Genehmigung des Tätigkeitsprogramms
    i) Beschlussfassung über Anträge des Vorstands und der Mitglieder
    j) Beschlussfassung über Änderung der Statuten
    k) Beschlussfassung über die Auflösung des Vereins und die Verwendung des - Vereinsvermögens
    Art. 10 Einberufung der Mitgliederversammlung (1) Eine ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung findet jährlich statt. (2) Zur Mitgliederversammlung werden die Mitglieder spätestens 10 Tage im Voraus schriftlich (Brief oder E-Mail) unter Angabe der Traktanden eingeladen. (3) Der Vorstand oder 1/5 der Mitglieder können jederzeit die Einberufung einer ausserordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung unter Angaben des Zwecks verlangen. Die Versammlung hat spätestens vier Wochen nach Eingang des Begehrens zu erfolgen. Art. 11 Stimmrecht und Beschlussfassung (1) Stimmberechtigt sind nur Mitglieder, die den vollen Mitgliederbeitrag leisten. (2) Jede ordnungsgemäss einberufene Mitgliederversammlung ist beschlussfähig, wenn 1/5 der stimmberechtigten Mitglieder daran teilnimmt. (3) Die stimmberechtigten Mitglieder fassen die Beschlüsse mit dem einfachen Mehr. Bei Stimmengleichheit fällt die/der Präsident/in den Stichentscheid. (4) Statutenänderungen benötigen die Zustimmung einer 2/3–Mehrheit der Stimmberechtigten. (5) Die Teilnahme an der Mitgliederversammlung ist auch per Telefon- oder Videokonferenz möglich. (6) Zirkularbeschlüsse sind zulässig. (7) Über die gefassten Beschlüsse ist ein Protokoll abzufassen. Art. 12 Vorstand (1) Der Vorstand besteht aus mindestens drei Personen: Präsident/in, Schriftführer/in und Kassier/in. Die Amtszeit dauert zwei Jahre, wobei Wiederwahl möglich ist. (2) Der Vorstand konstituiert sich selbst. (3) Der Vorstand führt die laufenden Geschäfte und vertritt den Verein gegen aussen. (4) Die/der Präsident/in besorgt die Geschäfte, die ihr/ihm der Vorstand überträgt, und leitet die Mitgliederversammlung. (5) Die/der Präsident/in legt dem Vorstand und der Mitgliederversammlung Rechenschaft ab. (6) Der Vorstand kann für die Erreichung der Vereinsziele Dritte gegen eine angemessene Entschädigung anstellen oder beauftragen. (7) Zirkularbeschlüsse sind zulässig. Art. 13 Zeichnungsberechtigung Der Vorstand entscheidet über die Zeichnungsberechtigung seiner Mitglieder. Art. 14 Die Revisionsstelle (1) Die Mitgliederversammlung wählt zwei Rechnungsrevisoren/innen oder eine juristische Person, welche jährlich die Buchführung und die Jahresrechnung kontrollieren. (2) Die Revisionsstelle erstattet dem Vorstand zuhanden der Mitgliederversammlung Bericht. (3) Die Amtszeit dauert zwei Jahre, wobei Wiederwahl möglich ist. Art. 15 Haftung Für die Verbindlichkeiten des Vereins haftet ausschliesslich das Vereinsvermögen. Art. 16 Auflösung des Vereins (1) Zur Auflösung des Vereins bedarf es einer 2/3-Mehrheit der in einer Mitgliederversammlung anwesenden Mitglieder. (2) Bei einer Auflösung des Vereins fällt das Vereinsvermögen an eine nicht kommerzielle, steuerbefreite Organisation, welche den gleichen oder einen ähnlichen Zweck verfolgt. Die Verteilung des Vereinsvermögens unter den Mitgliedern ist ausgeschlossen. Art. 17 Inkrafttreten Diese Statuten wurden an der Gründungsversammlung vom 4. Mai 2020 angenommen und sind mit diesem Datum in Kraft getreten. "},{"id":"/pages/strategy/","title":"Strategy","content":" e-editiones: Focus of the Society The focus of the the e-editiones society rests on 4 pillars: 1. Initiating and Coordinating Developments in Open Source Software for Digital Editions 2. Promotion of Information Exchange and Communication between the stakeholders involved 3. Fundraising for the purposes of the society 4. Ensuring long term availability of digital editions 1\\. Initiating and Coordinating Developments in Open Source Software for Digital Editions The society promotes the use of open standards and open source software for digital editions. While digital editions may differ considerably in structure and content, there is great overlap in the basic technical functionality that each edition must offer. Small projects often face the challenge of publishing an edition under time pressure and with limited resources and would benefit from access to free, open source. standards-based software that could provide much of this functionality out of the box. All projects, including those that are well-resourced, would benefit from such software, by avoiding the need to reinvent the wheel and incur high development and maintenance costs, which threaten their long term sustainability. The society therefore focuses on the promotion of open source, standard-based software. Editions should be able to reuse existing building blocks in a modular way, achieving quick solutions at low cost, but without being forced into a corset, neither technically nor scholarly. The society therefore focuses on the promotion of open source, standard-based software. Editions should be able to reuse existing building blocks in a modular way, achieving quick solutions at low cost, but without being forced into a technical or scholarly corset. The starting point for the founders of the society is their shared use of TEI Publisher, which meets above conditions: 1. TEI Publisher is consistently based on TEI and related standards such as ODD and TEI Processing Model; 2. TEI Publisher is implemented as a toolbox: the entire user interface consists of small components complying with W3C standards, which can be recombined and reassembled as needed; 3. TEI Publisher supports exchange and communication between different editions; and 4. as a free, open source software project TEI Publisher enables and stimulates competition between commercial service providers serving the publishing industry. The society thus initially aims to further support the development of TEI Publisher and TEI Publisher-based projects. However, such software cannot be created in isolation. Rather, it requires a constant exchange between developers and users, who are familiar with the technical requirements of their respective edition projects. This is how TEI Publisher originated—as an initiative of the TEI Community and has since been continuously developed in interaction with a large number of projects. The Society would like to provide a stable and productive forum for this exchange of information, but it does not limit itself specifically to TEI Publisher. Direct communication between edition projects is also central: instead of having to solve the same problems over and over again, projects should benefit from the experience and developments of other editions. In most cases, the technical requirements of an edition can already be covered with existing building blocks. Where this does not suffice and new blocks are needed, edition projects should coordinate with others to avoid duplicate developments. If possible, new building blocks should be created in a generic way so that other editions can easily adapt them to their requirements. To do this, the project’s context has to be extended beyond the single edition and a broader perspective needs to be adopted. It is a main objective of the society to coordinate such developments and channel existing funds or funding applications in a way that supports sustainability, from which all members derive long term benefits. 2\\. Promotion of Information Exchange and Communication between the stakeholders involved A second important goal of the society is to promote a constant exchange of information between the members. This includes establishing a communication platform open to all members for questions, suggestions, and other contributions. However, based on our experience with open source projects, we know that such communication only works in the long run if there are responsible individuals taking on a coordination role, overseeing requests, and, if necessary, referring communications to the right people. The society therefore intends to appoint a secretary who will take on these responsibilities and be available as a contact person for all members. In addition to electronic communication, the society also plans workshops, seminars, and talks—or arranges these on request. It can often be assumed that the projects themselves have funds to cover travel costs. However, this is not always the case. The society should therefore be able to cover part of the costs from membership fees—e.g., travel expenses or a compensation for invited experts. The society also actively seeks members and promotes sustainable solutions—e.g., through conference talks or workshops. 3\\. Fundraising for the purposes of the society The society can support its members in writing project funding applications, or it can apply for funding itself and in this case represent the interests of all members. All software development shall be for the benefit of the general public and must be available for further use as open source. 4\\. Ensuring long term availability of digital editions Especially for smaller edition projects with limited resources, hosting can be a massive problem. Running a server and maintaining the associated infrastructure is expensive and requires constant commitment, which likely extends beyond the planned duration of the project. And even if hosting is provided by an institutional service infrastructure, those institutions’ own resource constraints may limit their role to providing updates and minimal maintenance only, a tragic pattern that too often leads services to become partially or completely inaccessible after a few years. The society is therefore committed to ensuring that public memory institutions (i.e., archives, libraries, and universities) provide the editions on a long-term basis. The society wants to dramatically lower the cost and effort for institutions charged with maintaining the editions. In early 2020, the swissuniversities project, Nationale Infrastruktur Editionen (NIE-INE), sponsored improvements to TEI Publisher to facilitate long-term updates and enable shared hosting of heterogeneous edition projects on one platform. The society also assists edition projects to secure a (public) provider for the time after the completion of the funding period and plan for the long-term archiving of the project’s raw data. Since the entire software is freely available, it is also possible for infrastructure providers to set up a corresponding service. The society explicitly welcomes and supports this. "},{"id":"/posts/stay-home-learn-tei-publisher-from-scratch-june-2020/","title":"«Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch»","content":" «Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch» Online Course A 3-part online course: 8th, 15th and 22nd of June 4-5 pm (CEST) Find all informations on github: https://github.com/eeditiones/workshop !Photo by Headway on Unsplash ","tags":["events","workshop"]},{"id":"/pages/meeting-minutes/","title":"Meeting Minutes","content":" Assembly 2024 16th April 2024 (16 h CEST) MS Teams - Invitation/Agenda - 4nd AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Protokoll der Sitzung vom 2.5.2023 (german) Protokoll der 3. GV e-editiones - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2023 PDF), bilance PDF revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2024 Assembly 2023 2nd May 2023 (16 h CEST) - Invitation/Agenda - 3nd AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Protokoll der Sitzung vom 5.4.2022 (german) Protokoll der 2. GV e-editiones - [ad 4\\] Annual Report (english)/Newsletter 2023/1 - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2022 PDF revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2023 Assembly 2022 5th April 2022 - Invitation/Agenda - 2nd AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Protokoll der Sitzung vom 1.3.2021 (deutsch) [PDF] - [ad 4\\] Annual Report (english)/Newsletter 2022/1 - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2021 PDF and revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2022 PDF Assembly 2021 1st March 2021 - Invitation/Agenda - 1st AGM of e-editiones (german, english) PDF - [ad 3\\] Minutes of May 4, 2020 (german) PDF - [ad 3\\] Amendments to the statues 5th Nov 2020 (german) PDF - [ad 4\\] Annual Report (english)/Newsletter 2021/1 - [ad 5\\] Annual Accounts 2020 PDF and revision PDF - [ad 6\\] Budget 2021 PDF - [ad 6\\] TEI Publisher 8 PDF Amendments to the statutes 5th Nov 2020 - Protokoll (german) PDF Founding meeting 4th May 2020 - Protokoll (german) PDF "},{"id":"/pages/get-in-touch/","title":"Get in Touch","content":" The following channels are open for community discussions. You don't need to be a member to join the conversation, though we certainly encourage you to join forces and become one. Mailing List The mailing list serves as general communication hub for announcements, questions, suggestions, introductions, exchange of ideas and everything else you would like to share. Please note that this should not replace existing mailing lists like TEI-L or exist-open, so please consider first if your particular question would better be asked on one of the more specialized lists. However, do not hesitate to communicate and remember: there are no silly questions and our community is open and welcoming. The list is subscription only and open to the public. Please subscribe by filling out the form. To post a message to all the list members, send email to: community@e-editiones.org. Slack Community Slack allows a more direct communication than the mailing list, so it's good for ongoing discussions between users present at the same time, but messages will not be archived forever. Two channels are available: - `community` - open to everyone, including non-members - `members` - only visible for members The board will treat communications in the `members` channel with a higher priority. Please join the slack workspace. Mastodon, Twitter and LinkedIn We will post news via our Mastodon, Twitter account and LinkedIn accounts. If you would like to share something about a project or forthcoming events, please contact the e-editiones board or mention us on the according platform so we can reshare. GitHub You can find the source code of the TEI Publisher and many examples on GitHub. YouTube On YouTube you can find some recordings of meetings and workshops: YouTube Zenodo On Zenodo we have a community with different TEI datasets from projects which are using the TEI Publisher: Zenodo "},{"id":"/pages/getting-started/","title":"Getting Started","content":" If you want to dive in straight away go to the TEI Publisher Documentation. TEI Publisher From Scratch To get started you can work through our workshop «TEI Publisher From Scratch». It is recommended to first view the instructions by Wolfgang Meier. If you have to catch up with some technologies or standards you will find helpful links and literature below. GitHub repository of the workshop Part 1 - Simple renditions with model - Using predicates - Passing parameters to behaviours - Integrating information from the TEI header - Using modelSequence - Showing Metadata from the teiHeader Workshop Live recording (Video) Slides Assignments Solutions (Video) Part 2 - Showing a Facsimile - Output metadata in a separate column - Display additional metadata Workshop Live recording (Video) Slides Assignments Solutions (Video) Part 3 - Generating a separate application - Add a static page - Global document styles - Download the application to local disk Workshop Live recording (Video) Slides Assignements Solutions (Video) Helpful Literature and Websites Working with TEI Publisher requires some knowledge of TEI, basic XPath and a little CSS. If you don't know any XPath yet, we recommend to read the short introduction linked below. TEI Publisher Documentation - TEI Publisher documentation XML - Introduction to XML - A Gentle Introduction to XML CSS - Mozilla MDN - DevDocs: searchable reference of CSS features and properties XPath - Follow the XPath!: short introduction to XPath - XPath and XQuery Functions: the official W3C specification covering all standard XPath functions - XQuery for Humanists: book with companion website TEI - https://teibyexample.org/ - TEI Guidelines: the ultimate reference - What is the Text Encoding Initiative?, a French translation is also available TEI Processing Model - Section of the TEI Guidelines: the official specification of the TEI Processing Model - TEI Publisher Documentation TEI Publisher Hands on Workshop - Slides of Lars Windauers 'TEI-Publisher Hands-On' presentation at the \"Winter School 2021 - Digitale Editionen-Masterclass\" by Bergische Universität Wupertal. Slides are in German. "},{"id":"/pages/how-to-contribute/","title":"How to Contribute","content":" > re-using components, **pooling resources** and sharing best practices **benefits everyone** in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come During the past years a growing number of projects from small to large have decided to publish their materials with the TEI Publisher. It gives us all not only the opportunity but also the responsibility to make the project thrive for years to come and to make it truly sustainable option for XML publishing! While we are very happy with the achievements so far, we still have a much broader vision to fulfill. To make this happen we invite the community to contribute to the project - by means of code, ideas, documentation, tutorials and funding. Become a Member or Supporter We would be thrilled if you can convince your organization to become a member of e-editiones. Institutional membership gives our society the best leverage when applying for funding or infrastructural support. If this is difficult in your institution, consider to join the society as an individual. Add your project to our registry We love to hear back from people and organizations who use software or resources curated by e-editiones. Add your project, however large or small, to our registry. We are more than happy to list initiatives already at an early stage of development. Your entry informs us of the reaches of our community and demonstrate impact to the funding bodies. It also fosters communication and collaboration between the projects. Source Code on Github Found a bug? Miss a feature? File an issue on our GitHub. Even better if you can help us by sharing your fixes and features. Don't be shy to make a Pull Request! Help with funding We're happy to join funding bids which relate to the goals of our society or accept partners contributing seed funds to the proposals we make. Need a feature but can't finance it in full? Please get in touch and we'll try to pool resources within our community to make it happen. Last but not least, we have a Donate button and your contributions go into open source development. Share your expertise There are community members who struggle with one or another aspect of their project. Help and mentor others - publish teaching materials, answer questions and troubleshoot problems other users may have on our Slack workspace, mailing list and other forums. Enhance our FAQ. We also welcome contributions to our website discussing particular use cases, best practices or solutions. Translations on Crowdin Thanks to our international user community, TEI Publisher is already localized into 20 languages! If you could help us with a new translation or review an existing one, please go to Crowdin to make the TEI Publisher even more international. Just one hour of your time can make a huge difference. TEI Examples To make the TEI Publisher as versatile as possible we are looking for TEI examples which can be used for development, tests and also for teaching. Create new or enhance existing example documents and ODDs so we present showcases for various TEI applications. The collection is hosted on GitHub. Tell people about us Follow us on Mastodon, LinkedIn and Twitter. Repost and like related posts. We'll be grateful for credit on your project page, so just grab the most fitting logo from GitHub. If you are a already a member of e-editiones you are especially encouraged to use our member logo. "},{"id":"/posts/community-event-on-music-encoding/","title":"Community Event on Music Encoding","content":" We would like to invite all members and non-members of e-editiones.org to another community event on 8th of July, 16:00 CEST (check your local time). Community members Giuliano Di Bacco and Dennis Ried will give us a lightning introduction to the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) and its practical use. We'll then have an open conversation about possible integrations of MEI into TEI Publisher. There will be also be room for further discussion in the \"any other business\" section afterwards. So if you have other topics or questions beyond music encoding, do not hesitate to bring them up. Join us on jitsi: https://meet.jit.si/e-editiones-events This event will be the first in a series of community meetups we would like to establish on a monthly basis. Looking forward to see you all next week.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-60/","title":"TEI Publisher 6.0.0","content":" > This is a major release introducing the refactored and extended TEI > Publisher component library as well as numerous bugfixes and new > features. Release Highlight: User Interface Components as an Independent Library Publisher's library of web components is now distributed via npm. Thanks to the increasing support for the web component standards in modern browsers, the heavier framework used before (Polymer) could be dropped and has been replaced by LitElement, which is just a thin wrapper around native web components. While invisible to users, this redesign greatly improves modularity of Publisher-based applications. Thanks to npm releases, updating the user interface for all Publisher-based apps becomes simply a question of changing a single variable in the configuration file. Furthermore, Publisher's library of web components - true to the basic idea of Web Components Standard - can be included in any HTML webpage. This means it can be embedded into existing CMS or any other publishing solution, even if it's not running eXist-db (e.g. the popular Hugo or WordPress). A few lines of HTML is sufficient to embed a document view anywhere you like: Similarly, if you prefer to write your own application using any of the popular frameworks like angular, vue or react you can easily import the pb-components package and use it directly in your project. As a final consequence, this change decouples the component library from the TEI Publisher app. It is now possible to host multiple applications, which depend on different versions of the component library, without conflict, within the same eXist-db instance, a point of importance for institutions with numerous projects. Main New Features and Bug Fixes - Redesigned and simplified CSS styling customization Styling properties are now exposed via standard CSS files and theme variables. Stylesheets can also be specified within the ODD, as previously, or through `pb-view` component configuration attributes. - Extended internationalization - full i18n support for all the labels in HTML templates and within web components - mechanism for project specific language files extending the default Publisher collection - a number of new languages added and existing ones updated. Currently TEI Publisher is fully translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. - Subcorpora - new TEI Publisher data organization Publisher's pre-populated data collection is now split into Playground and TEI Publisher demo collection areas which illustrate how this mechanism could be used to host multiple subcorpora within single TEI Publisher application. - New and improved web components - `pb-select-feature` and `pb-toggle-feature` components have been extended to allow for interactive changing of display parameters (like switching between regularized or original spelling) which can be then processed client or server-side - new API documentation app and web component demo pages - pb-mei component for rendering Music Encoding Initiative documents based on Verovio; supports optional MIDI playback using web-midi-player ! - Redesigned ODD editor providing an improved user experience - Documentation: - reorganized and extended TEI Publisher documentation - pb-components API documentation and demos Get It! TEI Publisher 6.0.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. A 3-part online course on TEI Publisher 6 has been led by Wolfgang Meier in June 2020. Course material, as well as video recordings of all the sessions, and a walk-through for the assignments are available for self-learning. Find all informations on the workshop GitHub page. Thanks Our thanks go to the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding a large part of work on the web component refactoring. Work on components for toggling has been aided by a small grant from ACE – Austrian Corpora and Editions of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. We are also grateful for the generous contributions of numerous individuals who used the Crowdin platform to translate and proofread Publisher's language files: Boris Lehečka, Øyvind Gjesdal, Sandra Romano Martin, Antonio Rojas Castro, Isabel Marti, Natalia Kotsyba, Elena Spadini, Pietro Liuzzo, Karolina Bielenin-Lenczowska, Jaqueline Pierazzo, Emmanuelle Morlock, Emmanuel Château-Dutier, Clement Plancq, Eduard Drenth, Wout Dillen, Anna-Maria Sichani, Maria Akritidou, Elli Mylonas, Matija Ogrin, Cristina Vertan, Dimitar Illiev, Arman Weidenmann, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Irina Lobzhanidze, Joseph Wicentowski, Juri Leino, Daniel Stoekl, Yael Netzer, Naoki Kokaze, Kiyonori Nagasaki, Toma Tasovac, Alexandra von Criegern, Bettina Pandula, Daria Elagina, and others whom we unfortunately only know by their usernames. e-editiones May of 2020 saw an advent of a new scholarly society: e-editiones. Its goal is to promote open standards for digital editions and free software based on them with a focus on TEI Publisher development. All TEI Publisher source repositories have been moved to the e-editiones github. We encourage you to join the society, through your institution or individually, and take part in our work and discussions, shaping the future of the TEI Publisher. ![](https://e-editiones.org) ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-6/","title":"TEI Publisher 6","content":" Today the new TEI Publisher 6.0.0 is finally out. This is a major release introducing the refactored and extended component library as well as numerous bugfixes and new features. !Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash All Publisher's web components are now available as a LitElement library distributed via npm. While invisible to users, this redesign greatly improves modularity and simplifies updates of Publisher-based applications. It also facilitates embedding of Publisher custom components into CMS systems (e.g. Hugo or WordPress) and other application frameworks (like angular, vue or react). This version also brings extended internationalization and full localization into 19 languages, simplified styling, support for data organization based on subcollections, several new and enhanced components (including one for notated music encoded in MEI), improved ODD editor and major extension and revision of the documentation. !Demo page of the pb-mei component More information about this release can be found on the TEI Publisher blog. A 3-part online course on TEI Publisher 6 has been led by Wolfgang Meier in June 2020. Video recordings of all the sessions, and a walk-through for the assignments are available for self-study. Our special thanks for supporting this release go to: - Numerous community members who helped to translate and proofread language files via Crowdin - Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding a large part of work on the web component refactoring. - ACE – Austrian Corpora and Editions of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften for a small grant to enhance toggling mechanisms ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","mei","pb-component","release"]},{"id":"/posts/music-is-in-the-air/","title":"Music is in the air - MEI and TEI Publisher","content":" On Wednesday, July 8th we had the opportunity to join another e-editiones online event, this time a session dedicated to MEI (Music Encoding Initiative). Giuliano Di Bacco and Dennis Ried introduced us to MEI and challenges of publishing MEI and MEI-in-TEI collections on the web (see slides). Wolfgang Meier presented early results of his work on integration of MEI into the TEI Publisher. !Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash As we learned from Giuliano's and Dennis' introduction _MEI, like the TEI, is an umbrella term which simultaneously describes an organization, a research community, and a markup language_ (music-encoding.org). It's almost 20 years since the first public presentation of the XML schema created by Perry Roland (Univ. of Virginia) for the representation of music notation. Now it has become a thriving community of around 400 members worldwide, specialists from various music research groups, including technologists, librarians, historians, and theorists. This open-source effort to define guidelines for encoding musical documents in a machine-readable structure draws in many aspects on TEI: using an ODD metalanguage to define both the schema and encoding guidelines, dividing the document into metadata, facsimile and text parts, recording logical and structural divisions of the document (albeit named differently) or \"borrowing\" a number of element names from TEI to deal with metadata, textual content, critical apparatus, linking etc. Nevertheless, MEI was designed to specialize in the encoding of music documents, therefore MEI data is predominantly about the meaning of the music notation: notes, rests, chords, measures. That said MEI allows for multiple additional layers of annotations: - about the visual aspects of the notation, and/or of the features of a physical copy of a score - metadata - editorial markup While MEI encoding allows for sophisticated analysis of various features of the musical piece, rendering of MEI documents often poses a substantial challenge. We need to consider that music notation is a very complex system; actually, many systems were developed since the medieval times, and MEI strives to give a sophisticated representation not only of the symbols but of their meaning and of the logic that brings them together in pieces of music of all ages. However, it is still difficult, if not impossible, to render graphically all the nuances of the encoding. Major breakthrough in this respect has been the creation of the Verovio music engraving library which is considered the most advanced solution in the field to generate score visualisations in SVG. Verovio is quite helpful to render the notation for the most common use cases for MEI: - to create transcriptions/editions of music pieces - to produce bibliographies and catalogs Difficulties arise when we need to deal with mixed textual and musical content: from music treatises (see Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum), composers’ letters quoting musical phrases, to opera librettos and listening guides, papers including snippets of music notation (e.g. music textbooks)... Such situations often require the simultaneous use of both TEI and MEI (and for instance a MEI file can be referenced in a TEI document using the \\`\\` element). Giuliano and Dennis walked us through a number of different approaches employed in various projects, where tools specialized just for a single vocabulary do not meet their ideal criteria for broad application: - ease of setting up - TEI and MEI support - facsimile integration Following this cue, Wolfgang has demonstrated his new pb-mei web component which uses Verovio under the hood to generate SVG representation of the score. For TEI documents applying \\`\\` element to include a pointer to a MEI encoding of a music notation it is very straightforward to adjust the ODD to transform this pointer to a pb-mei component, as demonstrated in the pb-mei demo. !Demo page of the pb-mei component This proved to be a very pleasant surprise and a convincing argument that TEI Publisher could be adapted to fit the needs of MEI community. A short discussion followed ranging from detailed questions on MEI encoding, through workflows on creating MEI sources cf. Verovio editor to information important for preparing an ODD and customization modules for supporting MEI in TEI Publisher. We agreed to work with Giuliano and Dennis on including MEI-in-TEI and pure MEI examples in the next minor version of the TEI Publisher to demonstrate fully its capability. We were happy to see that this event gathered the audience of around 17 participants and are looking forward to establishing a monthly meetup online to provide an arena for lively discussions on subjects of interest to the community. Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss a particular topic. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/common-exist-db-tei-publisher-deployment-scenarios/","title":"Common eXist-db / TEI Publisher Deployment Scenarios","content":" This E-editiones online event covers different scenarios of running eXist-db applications by the example of TEI Publisher. Olaf Schreck and Lars Windauer from eXist Solutions will present the different possibilities and requirements for: - Editors presenting their TEI documents - Developers implementing new features - Sysadmins hosting digital editions in TEI Publisher The first part of the event is intended also for the non-technical audience and will provide an overview of the different usage scenarios of TEI Publisher while the second part focuses on setting up and maintaining TEI Publisher for production environments with a focus on the IT automation software Ansible. The event took place on Tuesday the 8th of September from 16:00 till 17:00 CEST on Jitsi. - Slides: Common-eXist-db-TEI-Publisher-Deployment-Scenarios - Workshop Recording Thanks to NIE-INE for sponsoring this event. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-vanilla-a-scoop-of-tei-for-everyone/","title":"TEI Vanilla - a scoop of TEI for everyone","content":" Following the spontaneous but inspiring exchange on e-editiones Slack channel, we'd like to invite you to a new e-editiones community meeting to discuss the emerging TEI Vanilla proposal. The event will take place online at 4pm CET on October 20th, 2020. Many of us at some point expressed their frustration with starting a TEI project. Without previous experience with this extensive and robust vocabulary the learning curve may be quite steep and the whole process overwhelming. TEI Vanilla is a grassroots movement to help newcomers to the TEI community in smooth on-boarding. We feel that a number of prospective users, both individual and institutional, would benefit from a gentler introduction than TEI's excellent but extensive Guidelines provide. Vanilla is meant to pick up where earlier 2015 TEI Simple project, led by the late Sebastian Rahtz, Martin Mueller and Brian Pytlik-Zillig, left off. As some of you would remember, main outcome of the TEI Simple was the TEI Processing Model, now lying at the heart of the TEI Publisher. Nevertheless, the other goal envisioned for Simple was creating a schema which would provide a good starting point for majority, if not most, larger scale editorial projects. We based our selection on a survey of usage through large volume corpora, among them EEBO-TCP and DTA, and believed it to be a solid 80/20 solution: addressing 80% of users needs with 20% of the effort and heartache. Thanks to the space for discussion on e-editiones Slack we found out there are many like-minded individuals willing to join forces in the work of reviewing the schema and working on its own dedicated Guidelines and a body of examples, tutorials and other auxiliary resources. At this point we would like to share our motivations and preliminary goals but above all solicit opinions, perspectives and requirements from our community. Join us for the event and share your thoughts on Slack. ","tags":["announcements","tei","tei vanilla"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-7-rc/","title":"TEI Publisher 7.0.0 RC","content":" > We're happy to announce the availability of version 7 of TEI Publisher > as a release candidate. Release Highlight: Open API Version 7 represents the logical next step on our mission to improve interoperability, sustainability and long-term maintenance of editions created with TEI Publisher. While version 6 addressed the client side by extracting all webcomponents into a separate package, version 7 applies a similar redesign to the server side: 1. It exposes a well-defined, clear API specification following the Open API standard. Understanding how exactly TEI Publisher routes requests through the various layers was often challenging. With the new API we have a single, well-documented entry point to which you can also add your own functionality. 2. Updating becomes much easier due to defined API versions, clear configuration and separation of concerns 3. The API can be easily accessed by other software outside TEI Publisher or its webcomponents, say, for example, Python or R scripts ! The basis of this redesign is the new OAS-Router library, which reads a service specification following the Open API standard and maps incoming requests to the XQuery library implementing the actual functionality. By using Open API we can benefit from a wide choice of tools and utilities available for many programming languages. Users can extend or modify the API by adding their own endpoints to `custom-api.json`. Open API allows you to describe all the details of an API call (i.e. parameters, response codes etc.), so your XQuery code can concentrate on implementing the actual functionality without having to bother with parameter or response types. Furthermore, every API operation is independently tested against the specification, to assure that e.g. parameter and response types correspond exactly to the definition. For this our main Git repositories now use a sophisticated setup for running automated tests. Other Improvements The webcomponent library saw a number of important bug fixes and improvements. Despite the API changes, the library is fully backwards compatible: it first checks which version of TEI Publisher is running on the server and adjusts accordingly. Among other things we improved the component handling file uploads, introduced a way to navigate back to the parent collection of a document being viewed, fixed bugs in the visual ODD editor, the search component and many others. Upgrading While version 7 tries to ensure that future updates will become much smoother, upgrading to 7 does still require a few manual steps, which are described in the documentation. Get It! TEI Publisher 7.0.0 RC is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Again our special thanks go to the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding most of the redesign! ![ ](https://www.nie-ine.ch/) The Open API implementation was inspired by earlier work funded by Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO). A lot of bug fixes were supported by the Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-vanilla-meeting-summary/","title":"TEI \"Vanilla\" meeting summary","content":" Following the spontaneous exchange on e-editiones Slack channel, we have held an online community meeting to discuss the emerging TEI Vanilla proposal on October 20th. It was a pleasure to see such a broad interest and diverse representation of participants, spanning the entire range from TEI newcomers to current and former TEI Council and Board members. Main motivation for what Martin Mueller and I initially codenamed TEI Vanilla were recurring voices expressing frustration of starting a TEI project. Without previous experience with this extensive and robust vocabulary the learning curve may be quite steep and the whole process overwhelming. During the meeting we had a chance to hear many opinions on history, theory, practice and local circumstances of conducting a TEI project. These voices cannot be easily reconciled but form an excellent base for further discussion. Nevertheless, there was a shared agreement on certain shortcomings in the availability of: - introductory and advanced material for self-study - curated repository of extensive examples in different languages and covering different domains - critical commentary focusing on the bigger picture and decision making through the whole process: from encoding to publishing Similarly, we agreed during the meeting, that a particular customization tied to a schema, following the path of TEI Lite or TEI Simple is at the moment a secondary concern. Rather a “kleine Katechismus”, presenting main concepts and considerations in a linear progression is sorely missed. Naturally, there’s no single path through the richness of the TEI but we imagine such an introductory guide would embrace the 80/20 approach and focus on issues relevant for virtually all projects. All these postulates are not new and there is a lot of diverse material dispersed through the web already. TEI website and wiki pages try to point its user towards projects, tools and tutorials. Nevertheless, these lists, or resources they refer to, are often dated or fragmentary, therefore do not give an adequate overview, particularly of emerging practices. It is obvious that gathering and preparing resources helpful for broad spectre of TEI users is a task both daunting as well as never-ending, and can only be undertaken and then maintained within the interested communities of practice themselves. e-editiones society sees its important role in providing a space for publication and coordinating efforts on preparation of guides, tutorials and best practice recommendations for digital editions and would like to invite you to submit proposals for: - guest blog posts on e-editiones.org covering various aspects of preparing and publishing a digital edition - TEI-encoded samples for various domains - accompanying ODD schema and processing model customizations You can discuss and submit proposals via TEI Vanilla issue tracker. PS We hoped to provide a recording of our online meeting and did not minute it. Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, the recording quality is insufficient for publication. I am very sorry for this and would like to encourage other participants to share their perspectives, opinions and points for discussion I might have missed in this summary. Hoping to hear from you soon, Magdalena Turska ","tags":["meetups","events","tei","tei vanilla"]},{"id":"/posts/vscode/","title":"New Visual Studio Code extension for TEI Publisher","content":" Enhancing TEI documents with semantic markup, i.e. encode places, people or terms, can be a time consuming and tedious task. For the Karl Barth edition project, we have thus created a new extension for Visual Studio Code (vscode) and published it as Open Source. Where it all started: a Word plugin Within the Karl Barth edition, texts to be published in new volumes are encoded in Microsoft Word and transformed to TEI using TEI Publisher's powerful docx2TEI conversion feature based on the TEI processing model. To simplify semantic encoding, eXist Solutions created a **Word plugin** for the project, which allows editors to easily encode entities occurring within the text: select a string representing an entity, click a button and the plugin will run a query against the database of the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, showing potential matches for each possible category. With another click, the selected entity is inserted into the Word document, including a reference to the entity in the database. This proved to be a huge timesaver: what took minutes before - switching to a different window, doing a search and copying the ID - is now done in seconds. A screenshot of the Word plugin is shown below: !MS Word screenshot The plugin also allows editors to get a preview of how the current text would look like in TEI and how it would be rendered to HTML by TEI Publisher's ODD-based transformations. The preview feature sends the underlying Word XML to a TEI Publisher instance, which transforms it first to TEI, and then - if requested - to HTML. Editors can thus see the text as it would later appear on the website. Porting it to Visual Studio Code However, the Word-workflow only covers the new volumes: we still have 54 already published volumes in TEI, which need to be extended. Parts of this is done automatically (via entity detection), but there's still a lot of manual editing involved. Thus the question arised if the Word plugin could be ported to an XML editor. For sure, oXygen would have been the obvious choice, but since the Word Plugin was already written in javascript/typescript, we decided to give Visual Studio Code a try. It turned out to be rather straightforward and the first usable version was done within one evening. Thrilled by the success, we invested two more days to make the plugin more generic, in particular, add connectors for other authority databases. Beyond the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, we now have connectors for the German GND, metagrid, Geonames and Google places. !Enity lookup screencast The TEI snippet to be inserted for each of the entity types can be configured in the settings. For example, you could replace `` with `` if you like. Previews The HTML preview feature has been ported as well: pressing a keyboard shortcut or clicking the toolbar icon will present you with a list of ODDs available for transformations, and then open a new editor panel showing the transformation result in HTML. All you need is a TEI Publisher 7 instance which has a matching ODD installed. The plugin uses the general API introduced with TEI Publisher 7, which will also be exposed automatically by any application generated from it. !HTML preview screencast Snippets Finally, it is rather straightforward to create reusable snippets in vscode. To start with, we implemented the one shortcut we use most in oXygen and miss everywhere else: wrap the current selection with an element (the Scholarly XML extension described below also has this, but it doesn't hurt to have it twice in case you're not using that). And since we have to encode a lot of foreign texts, we also added one for ``. Doing more would be easy: maybe you have some suggestions? Just write them into our github issues. Combine with other extensions If you combine this with other extensions available on the vscode marketplace, you get rather decent XML editing support - not as sophisticated as with oXygen, but good enough for some serious work. For schema-based validation and context sensitive suggestions one can choose between two extensions: Scholary XML is lightweight and provides nice suggestions with documentation. It only understands relax-ng though and does not support catalogs, which means you need to reference the schema via a processing instruction in every TEI file. The second option, XML Language Support by Red Hat, supports XML schema and catalogs, which you can use to associate the TEI namespace with a schema once and for all. On the downside, it uses more system resources as it starts a background Java process. To set up a catalog, just create a file `catalog.xml` somewhere with e.g. the following content and change the vscode configuration property `xml.catalogs` to point to it: Finally, if you use TEI Publisher as a basis for your own editions, you definitely want to install the Language Server and Client for XQuery/eXistdb. It supports working on XQuery files, syncing your local changes with the database, installing XAR files and more. Get it The extension is available from Microsoft's Visual Studio Marketplace. To install it in your own Visual Studio Code, just open the _Extensions_ tab and search for `tei-publisher-vscode`. All source code is available on the e-editiones github and we would like to invite others to further extend it, e.g. by adding connectors to other authority APIs. Connectors are simple javascript/typescript classes with just two methods. See the existing connectors for inspiration. If you have questions, suggestions or would like to discuss further extensions: you'll find us in the e-editiones slack rooms. ","tags":["announcements","semantic-encoding","tei-publisher","vscode"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-7-final/","title":"TEI Publisher 7: an example of collaborative development","content":" We're happy to announce the final release of TEI Publisher 7. This is the second release coordinated by e-editiones and another important step to improve interoperability, sustainability and long-term maintenance of editions created with TEI Publisher. While release 6 came with a major redesign of the client side parts of TEI Publisher, version 7 focusses on the server, featuring a clean and extensible API based on the Open API standard. !Photo by Marcel Eberle on Unsplash The plan for TEI Publisher 7 (and 6 before) was born during a meeting in Basel in November last year, when some of the Swiss edition projects using TEI Publisher came together to discuss how the software could be developed into an even more sustainable platform. Many of them became founding members of e-editiones a few months later. Fortunately the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions agreed to support the outlined ideas, funding a substantial part of the work. Other member projects contributed time and money, and served as testbeds for the new versions. TEI Publisher 7 is thus more than just another technological milestone - it is the product of a cooperative development model in which users, researchers, institutions and developers work hand in hand towards a shared goal. We're looking forward to continue this success story next year and would again like to invite everybody to become part of it. Support the common cause by becoming a member, convince your institutions to take part, and contribute in one of the many possible ways. Read the full release notes on the TEI Publisher website. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-7/","title":"TEI Publisher 7.0.0","content":" > Version 7 of the TEI Publisher released with Open API and Markdown > support along numerous other features and bugfixes. Release Highlight: Open API Version 7 represents the logical next step on our mission to improve interoperability, sustainability and long-term maintenance of editions created with TEI Publisher. A major redesign to the server side allowed us to expose a well-defined, clear API specification following the Open API standard. Integrated Swagger UI allows you to visualize and interact with the API’s resources. Read more in 7.0.0 Release Candidate notice. The API can be easily extended to cover project-specific functionality. ! Release Highlight: Markdown support In addition to various XML vocabularies, like TEI or DocBook, you can now use Markdown format. Markdown documents with `.md` extension will be correctly rendered via marked library. This feature is particularly useful for static content, like introductory material or project news. Release Highlight: Flexible collection configuration Previous versions of TEI Publisher allowed the view configuration to be specified either on the app level, through default odd, template and related variables in `modules/config.xqm`, or on the document level via processing instructions. Current version extends the application configuration mechanism in the `$config:collection-config` allowing for specifying view parameters per collection or document with arbitrary filtering expression (e.g. only documents in a certain language or of a particular type) without the need to change documents themselves. Other Improvements The webcomponent library saw a number of important bug fixes and improvements. Despite the API changes, the library is fully backwards compatible: it first checks which version of TEI Publisher is running on the server and adjusts accordingly. Among other things we improved the component handling file uploads, introduced a way to navigate back to the parent collection of a document being viewed, switched to xml:id based navigation where available, fixed bugs in the visual ODD editor, the search component and many others. Furthermore we have fixed some issues with DocBook configuration, introduced more sensible defaults for indexing and sorting and streamlined naming conventions of commonly customized modules. Support for nested footnotes has been improved. Publisher 7 is available in 20 languages and we'll be happy to collaborate on extending the coverage for other, especially non-European languages. Extended FAQ section has been moved to an external site, automatically generated from markdown files stored in tei-publisher-faq repository. Quick edits are possible via GitHub, all contributions are welcome. Upgrading While version 7 tries to ensure that future updates will become much smoother, upgrading to 7 does still require a few manual steps, which are described in the documentation. Get It! TEI Publisher 7.0.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks Again our special thanks go to the Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions for funding most of the redesign! ![ ](https://www.nie-ine.ch/) The Open API implementation was inspired by earlier work funded by Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO). A lot of bug fixes were supported by the Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/osa20/","title":"Open Source Advent","content":" Through December we're aiming to present a number of recent open source developments related to e-editiones mission to empower digital editions of cultural, scientific, and artistic works by promoting open standards related to digital editions and advancing open source applications based on them. ! Trying to create the atmosphere of joyful expectation and bring some holiday cheer to the dark hours of corona winter, we'll only reveal one \"present\" at a time and adjust the calendar and this post as we go along. In the first instance we are presenting projects coordinated by e-editiones and its members. We certainly hope to see others joining the fun - please use the OSA20 hashtag on Twitter and let us know so we can update the list. * * * List of OSA20 presents in December - Dec 11th: Visual Studio Code plugin - Dec 18th: TEI Publisher 7 release - Dec 21st: TEI Publisher FAQ launch - Dec 23rd Cross search - Dec 31st ELTeC: European Literary Corpus","tags":["events"]},{"id":"/posts/cross-search/","title":"Cross search","content":" With a growing number of editions realized with the TEI Publisher it is a logical next step to wish for a search service which can run queries across multiple corpora at the same time. Usually the problem to solve would be the great diversity of encoding across projects, even if they all use TEI as a vocabulary of choice. Even commonly represented information, like the language of the source document, can be stored in various locations in a TEI document. Lucene-based fields and facets, introduced in eXist-db 5.0 provide a mechanism to smoothly abstract away these encoding differences - we can just define, say, a _language_ facet and it's the collection index configuration's role to take care of specifying where exactly to grab data from. The next potential issue would be actually running the queries across corpora, particularly with the decentralized infrastructure where editions are hosted on diverse servers. The answer here is to define an API which individual editions need to expose, so that the aggregate search engine can just poll all its registered 'members', regardless of their location or how they implement the search internally. !Cross-search results page The cross-search prototype is exactly such a search engine. With a simple configuration one can register all 'member' editions. Only requirement for the editions themselves is that they expose the `api/search/document` API endpoint, which is a matter of simple customization for all TEI Publisher 7 applications which support Open API specifications out of the box. The `api/search/document` endpoint must accept a number of parameters defined in the specification. For this prototype the title, author and lang(uage) fields as well as genre, language and corpus facets were assumed. We are very happy to report that our prototype works really well as a proof of concept with the eclectic collection of documents from TEI Publisher demo apps, all originating with vastly different projects with diverse encoding styles. Next, we intend to extend this idea into a general portal for archives and libraries and we would welcome collaboration from such institutions. Our sincere thanks go to the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF / Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF for supporting this project.","tags":["announcements","interoperability","osa20","tei","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/roaster-an-open-api-router-for-exist/","title":"Roaster: an Open API Router for eXist","content":" !{.left width=220} We're happy to announce that the request routing library, which was originally developed for TEI Publisher 7, has been released as a separate package with extended functionality. The library, called **roaster**, is generic and can be used for any eXist-based project. It implements the Open API 3.0 standard to support well-documented, versioned and formally specified APIs. Background In previous versions of TEI Publisher, clients (i.e. your web browser) would communicate with the server by directly calling a variety of XQuery scripts. The server-side API, if you can even call it one, was thus scattered over many different files. Finding your way through the code, figuring out what parameters are expected or how the response should look like was rather difficult. Overwriting the default behaviour - e.g. to replace the generated table of contents - required substantial coding skills. The scripts also changed between TEI Publisher versions. So, if you were working on a standalone edition generated from Publisher, updates could be tricky. With TEI Publisher 7, the entire server-side API can be viewed on a single documentation page. It clearly describes the URL paths you can use, as well as any parameter you can pass in and the type it should conform to. One can also see the different possible responses and what kind of content they would return. The new API Looking at the first route of the _documents_ section in the API (see screenshot below), it is easy to construct a URL which returns the source XML: the path template to use is `/api/document/{id}` and `{id}` should contain the path to a document - relative to the data root of TEI Publisher. !Documents API screenshot So to retrieve the TEI/XML for _Graves' letter_, located in the file path `test/graves6.xml`, we can use the following URL: https://teipublisher.com/exist/apps/tei-publisher/api/document/test%2Fgraves6.xml Note that the / in the path needs to be URL encoded with `%2F`. This is a requirement of the Open API specification. If instead of the TEI/XML we would like to see the letter rendered to HTML, we can use the third route in the list and simply add `/html` to the end of the URL: https://teipublisher.com/exist/apps/tei-publisher/api/document/test%2Fgraves6.xml/html or if we prefer a PDF: https://teipublisher.com/exist/apps/tei-publisher/api/document/test%2Fgraves6.xml/pdf For sure, as an ordinary user, you don't need to know any of this: using the web interface of TEI Publisher, the web components on the page take care of constructing and calling above URLs for you. But if you are a developer, having a well-defined API is a game changer. Just imagine that you want to support your co-workers with a script which allows them to preview a local TEI document as HTML on the fly: sending the content of the document with an HTTP POST request to `/api/preview` is all you need! Our Visual Studio Code plugin does it like this. You can use any script or programming language you like, say bash, python, perl - you name it. And because Open API is a widely used standard, there are plenty of tools for documentation, testing or code generation. The API documentation page in TEI Publisher is generated by such a tool (Swagger UI). Implementation **roaster** is essentially an implementation of the Open API standard in pure XQuery. It reads the formal API specification (in JSON format) and determines for each HTTP request coming in, which route to take. It will also check if the parameters, headers or request bodies passed in comply to the rules given in the definition of the route. An error will be generated if the request is not in compliance with the definition, e.g. because a required parameter is missing or has a wrong type. It can also fill in default values for parameters, enforce correct content types for the response etc. From a developer perspective, this means you don't have to worry about parameters. Your handler function will receive a single parameter, containing all the necessary information about the request and you can safely assume that it complies with the spec you provided. If you are interested in the details, please refer to the README. For a TEI Publisher-related example, check out the FAQ article, which describes how to replace the default table of contents with a custom one. Roaster 1.0.0 can be installed into your local eXist via the package manager in the dashboard. TEI Publisher 7 shipped with a slightly older version, 0.5.1., but you can run both versions side by side.","tags":["announcements","open-api","roaster","release"]},{"id":"/posts/newsletter-2021-1/","title":"Newsletter 21/1","content":" !Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash We're happy to send our first newsletter covering the past year of activities and developments within e-editiones and would like to encourage institutions or individuals who are not yet members to join forces. e-editiones as a Society The e-editiones society was founded on 4 May 2020 by more than 20 international partners. Our institutional members are academies, archives and libraries, edition projects and their sponsors, as well as companies. Among individual members we are proud to count archivists, librarians, editors, researchers from the (digital) humanities, and software developers. After our first attempt to obtain a non-profit association status from the St. Gallen tax office failed, e-editiones was recognized as a non-profit association with tax exemption, following an amendment to the statutes (5th November 2020). A huge thanks to the Karl Barth Foundation for generously sponsoring the necessary legal advice. Building on these foundations and developments and events listed below, our still young society is off to a great start. We hope to broaden the community and increase our membership in 2021. More Information - Current list of members - Statutes (in German) - How to become a member 2020 Events e-editiones organized various meetings and workshops in 2020 for members and the wider community to get to know each other and exchange ideas. _Meetings_ - 04.05.2020: Virtual foundation of e-editions and first community event for members - 18.05.2020: First Public Community Event: Presentation of e-editiones by Andreas Kränzle with a short introduction to TEI Publisher for digital editions by Wolfgang Meier, discussion moderated by Joe Wicentowski Video - 20.10.2020: TEI «Vanilla» by Magdalena Turska Report _Workshops_ - Three-part online Course: Learn TEI Publisher by Wolfgang Meier - Learn TEI Publisher 1: «Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch» , 8th Jun 2020 Video - Learn TEI Publisher 2, 15th Jun 2020 Video - Learn TEI Publisher 3, 22nd Jun 2020 Video - Music is in the air – MEI and TEI Publisher by Giuliano Di Bacco and Dennis Ried, 8th Jul 2020 Video - Common eXist-db/TEI Publisher. Deployment Scenarios by Olaf Schreck and Lars Windauer covers different deployment scenarios of eXist-db and TEI Publisher, 9th Sep 2020 Video - Open Source Advent: Presentation of a number of open source developments, 11th – 31st Dec 2020 Link More Information - e-editiones-YouTube-Channel - e-editiones blog Communication The association immediately set up communication facilities for its members and the community. For technical questions about TEI Publisher, the central communication channel is Slack. Recurring issues and questions are incorporated into the new FAQ page. For announcements and important messages, we use Twitter. Follow us! More Information - e-editiones workspace on Slack - TEI Publisher FAQ - e-editiones.org on Twitter - Up-to-date list of e-editiones communication channels ! TEI Publisher Developments: Versions 6 and 7 In 2020 two major versions of TEI Publisher were released: versions 6 and 7. The plan for these versions was born during a meeting in Basel in November 2019, when several Swiss edition projects using TEI Publisher came together to discuss how the software could be developed into an even more sustainable platform. A number of them later became founding members of e-editiones. Their primary goal was to enable institutions to manage and maintain a larger number of editions, either on the same or several servers. To reduce maintenance costs, keeping editions up to date with newer TEI Publisher versions needed to be as simple as possible. Editions relying on different versions needed to be able to run alongside each other. Two areas had to be addressed to achieve these goals: 1. On the **client side** TEI Publisher was already a collection of small, modular web components, which together formed the user interface. These components had to be extracted into a separate library, so projects could benefit from bug fixes and new components without having to update the rest of the edition's application. 2. On the **server side** TEI Publisher needed a well defined API. Such an API would provide a standardized communication channel, through which the web components on the client could talk to the server. To accommodate future updates and support backwards compatibility, the API would need to be versioned, ensuring that both sides could speak the same language. Fortunately the _Swiss Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen – Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions_ agreed to support the outlined ideas, funding a substantial part of the work. With the release of TEI Publisher 7, both areas mentioned above have been addressed and the goal has been fully reached. Contributions also came from member institutions: the Collection of Swiss Law Sources Online and the St. Galler Missiven were built on an early version of TEI Publisher 4. Both funded a major update of their code to version 7. A number of regressions and new bugs were encountered during the migration, and appropriate fixes were contributed back into the TEI Publisher code base. The Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe likewise served as a test bed during TEI Publisher 7 development. Furthermore, the Karl Barth project financed the Microsoft Word to TEI transformation, which is now part of TEI Publisher. The source code of TEI Publisher and its related repositories have been moved under the roof of e-editiones and are hosted within its GitHub organization. Other Software Packages Beyond TEI Publisher itself, e-editiones released a number of other software packages: - The Open API routing library at the heart of TEI Publisher 7, called Roaster, proved to be useful even outside the humanities and has already been adopted by a project in the medical realm. - Born out of the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, e-editiones published an extension for the Visual Studio Code editor to help editors work on TEI. This includes an entity explorer to help with the markup of entities in a text by querying external authority databases from within the XML editor. - The Cross Search package provides a blueprint for a portal incorporating multiple editions, supporting cross-edition search facilities. This will become the basis for future hosting services. Community Contributions Last but not least, we would like to point out the many contributions we received with respect to translations: TEI Publisher has now been translated to more than 20 languages! We hope to see similar interest in other areas, e.g., the newly established FAQ website. We would like to encourage everyone to add entries and turn this into a knowledge base for all users. It already hosts questions and answers concerning encoding, workflows, or best practice recommendations. The Future Continuing our cooperative development model, the following new components and features are scheduled to appear in the forthcoming minor version of TEI Publisher: - A component for displaying mathematical formulae, sponsored by the Bernoulli project (Uni Basel). - A feature to automatically register persistent DOI identifiers with every resource uploaded to TEI Publisher (financed by the DIPF). e-editiones is actively apply for funding: a first proposal has been sent to a Swiss foundation, and we're waiting for feedback. The features we hope to obtain sponsorship for include: - Better navigation within an edition by allowing arbitrary identification schemes for resources. - Speaking and bookmarkable URLs. - Improved accessibility. - A timeline component. - Components to improve the editorial workflow: - Git integration into the user interface for synchronization. - An annotation feature allowing editions to perform semantic markup tasks directly on the rendered text. If you have other features on your list, please do not hesitate to propose them. We can achieve more at lower costs if we all work together. If you need a certain feature and plan to apply for funding, why not ask other projects which may have similar requirements? e-editiones is a welcoming umbrella under which your project can come together with other projects from different academic disciplines, coordinate needs, and potentially convince funding agencies to look beyond the perspective of a single project. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/posts/save-the-dates/","title":"Save the dates","content":" New e-editiones events are coming up. Please save the dates: 1st March 2021, 17.00 CET: Assembly - Assembly of e-editiones (members only) 8th March 2021, 17.00 CET: Beginners Workshop - A Gentle Introduction to Git (Joseph Wicentowski) - Workflows for TEI Editing and App Development (Wolfgang Meier) A recording is available on the e-editiones youtube channel. 30th March 2021, 17.00 CET: Workshop - Versioning and Archiving Data: TEI2Zenodo (Dr. Andreas Wagner, Digital Humanities Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt) All events are **free**. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-to-zenodo/","title":"TEI2Zenodo","content":" 2021-03-30, 17.00 CEST *Versioning and Archiving Data: TEI2Zenodo* Dr. Andreas Wagner, Digital Humanities, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt How can I get Persistent Identifiers for the works of my digital edition? How can I deposit their TEI XML sources at a long-time archival repository? And how can I do all this when I don't have an affiliated institution/library taking care of it all? It's in response to questions as these that the \"TEI2Zenodo\"-Service offers a software (and, for the time being, a platform) that can facilitate archival and sustainable citation of your data. This workshop will introduce the platforms github and zenodo, and discuss the roles that they can play in such an endeavour. We will see and experiment with configurations for various ways of connecting them, particularly ones making use of the TEI2Zenodo service. After the workshop, participants should be capable of sustainably depositing the data of their digital edition, taking profit of free and open services and platforms. The workshop is **free**. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/beginner-workshop/","title":"Beginners Workshop (Git, Editing Workflows)","content":" - A Gentle Introduction to Git (Joseph Wicentowski) - Workflows for TEI Editing and App Development (Wolfgang Meier) A recording is available on the e-editiones youtube channel. !Photo by Headway on Unsplash The workshop is **free**. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","workshop"]},{"id":"/pages/community-meetings/","title":"Community Meetings","content":" !Photo by Redd on Unsplash In April 2021 e-editions have launched a series of regular community meetings that will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 17:00 CET/CEST. As of 12 June 2023 meetings will be held online on Teams. We will publish the respective link with the announcement of the event. The objective of these meetings is to give the community a space to discuss topics and present editions, projects, challenges and solutions. Meetings will last one hour and a short presentation of the topic or the project will be followed by an open discussion. We warmly invite you to propose topics at info@e-editiones.org for the future community meetings dates. See the list of past and scheduled meetups "},{"id":"/posts/new-hosting-offer/","title":"Archives Online offers hosting in cooperation with e-editiones","content":" In cooperation with e-editiones, Archives Online is building an infrastructure for digital scholarly editions based on TEI Publisher and IIIF. It is offering comprehensive, long-term support and maintenance to keep digital editions from going dark. The offer is **available to all interested editions** world-wide. The offer will be complemented by a portal, which allows users to search across all editions participating in the service. The portal application has been developed by e-editiones, Archives Online and the Staatsarchiv Zürich, and will go online as soon as the first editions are ready for publication. All code will be made available as free software. The distributed search feature was based on earlier work financed by the DIPF Berlin (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education), and the Karl Barth-Gesamtausgabe supported the server set up and automation. The goal is to provide an easy, long-term hosting option for editions based on minimal, well-documented requirements: ultimately any edition which complies with the recommended practices can benefit from the hosting offer and participate in the portal service. If you are interested in having an edition hosted, please contact Archives Online. The service will not be for free: any serious long-term hosting has to cover certain maintenance costs if it wants to follow more than an \"install and forget\" policy. But we're confident that our solution minimizes the costs while providing the best possible service, in particular if you're looking towards long-term availability. Technical Background e-editiones central goal is to provide editions with a sustainable publishing solution which ensures long term availability with minimal maintenance. With the redesign of TEI Publisher 6 and 7, we prepared the necessary technical foundations: all editions generated by TEI Publisher now share a common API. With the new version 7 it became possible to: 1. host multiple editions created with different versions of the libraries side by side, 2. simplify the update procedure to make sure editions benefit from new developments while keeping maintenance costs very low, 3. search across local and distributed editions (hosted on a different server) by leveraging the shared API Also, despite looking different on the surface, the building blocks for any TEI Publisher-based edition are the same, which allows server administrators to create automated setup and maintenance routines. Outlook Among many other things, TEI Publisher 8 will further improve the architecture by introducing more generic concepts for persistent URLs, navigation and addressing documents, allowing editions to use an addressing scheme which better reflects the logic of the edition rather than technical requirements. A direct integration with git will allow editions to update published data without having to touch the command line. The upcoming version will also include index configuration and API endpoints for local and distributed portal search, so generated editions can automatically participate in a multi-edition portal like sources-online. With these low-level technical questions solved, e-editiones is now also putting a strong focus on describing the practical recommendations for the encoding of texts. The idea is to create a set of best practice guidelines for corpora with a pledge that any text following these guidelines will look good out of the box when rendered via TEI Publisher and will be ready for incorporation into the search portal. Initial work is carried out now and we expect a community meetup soon to discuss on a broader forum. This way we aim to: flatten the learning curve for many projects starting with TEI encoding, reduce the amount of customization work required for an edition, allowing users to publish materials with minimal effort, and assure that the project data is ready to be integrated into larger scale search portals. Needless to say, recommendations we have in mind are intended only with an eye towards interoperability and do not limit in any way customization capacities already embodied by the TEI Publisher approach.","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","hosting","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/pages/member-directory/","title":"Member Directory","content":" \\[profilepress-member-directory id=\"1\"\\] "},{"id":"/posts/contributing-to-tei-publisher-a-gentle-introduction/","title":"Contributing to TEI Publisher - a gentle introduction","content":" Talk by Wolfgang Meier (eXist Solutions) on Tuesday, the 6th of July 2021 at 17:00 CEST. Open source projects like TEI Publisher depend on an active, contributing community. Many believe that you need to be a programmer to contribute, but this is a misconception! Documentation, communication, supporting users or providing feedback are at least as important for an open source project as thousands of lines of code. This session targets non-programmers as well as those with some development skills. We'll start with simple things, e.g. contributing to the FAQ, and then move on and show you how to create your own little web component to plug into TEI Publisher. We'll use a grid component for displaying tabular data as an example. Open source projects like TEI Publisher depend on an active, contributing community. Many believe that you need to be a programmer to contribute, but this is a misconception! Documentation, communication, supporting users or providing feedback are at least as important for an open source project as thousands of lines of code. This session targets non-programmers as well as those with some development skills. We'll start with simple things, e.g. contributing to the FAQ, and then move on and show you how to create your own little web component to plug into TEI Publisher. We'll use a grid component for displaying tabular data as an example. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/fore-humanists-metadata-forms-and-more/","title":"For(e) humanists - Metadata, Forms and more","content":" 2021-06-15: For(e) humanists - Metadata, Forms and more Joern Turner, eXistSolutions and Jinntec GmbH Fore is a model-driven forms framework that follows the ideas of the XForms 2.0 Standard but translates those into the world of HTML5 Web Components. Many edition project require some sort of complex input form sooner or later - just think about collecting metadata for the TEI header. The talk will focus on TEI and show you how to author such forms in HTML5. https://meet.existsolutions.com/eeditiones ","tags":["meetups","events"]},{"id":"/pages/map/","title":"TEI Publisher Registry","content":" If your are using TEI Publisher, please let us know. Send us the title of your edition, a postal address, url, email and a very short description: info@e-editiones.org. \\[put\\_wpgm id=2\\] "},{"id":"/posts/annotation-editor-released-with-new-tei-publisher-7-1-0/","title":"Annotation editor released with new TEI Publisher 7.1.0","content":" Answering the secret dream of many TEI users, the new TEI Publisher version 7.1.0 incorporates a — beautifully simple to use, yet powerful — way to enrich existing TEI documents. Just select a text passage, click on a button and within seconds — and without a pointy bracket in sight! — mark it as one of many supported annotation types. A place or person? Sure, and with built-in connectors for external authority files, too. Critical apparatus entries? We got you! Dates, corrections, regularizations and even quick fixes for typos in your transcription. As usual, everything is customizable and extendable, so if you want a particular kind of annotation we do not support out of the box, it's not difficult to add your own or tinker existing ones. Read more in the documentation. The good news doesn't end there: you can now use the TEI formula element with TeX notation for math. See the component's demo page which presents some elaborate formulae or visit Publisher's Demo collection which now sports shiny new examples: _Euler's Algebra_ for a wee help with your quadratic equations or _The Italienische Madrigal_ by Alfred (not Albert!) Einstein, with musical scores encoded with MEI. It is nicely rendered with Verovio library through a dedicated pb-mei component and you can even listen to the piece to cheer up. And you can now set Publisher's interface even to simplified or traditional Chinese. TEI Publisher 7.1.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. It's not for the first time that our special thanks go to the Office of the Historian of the United States Department of State - this time for funding the major portion of the annotation editor. The Math support has been kindly funded by Bernoulli-Euler Zentrum in Basel.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release","annotations"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-71/","title":"TEI Publisher 7.1.0","content":" > Version 7.1.0 of the TEI Publisher boasting in-browser annotations > support along other features and bugfixes. Release Highlight: Annotations Answering the secret dream of many TEI users this new TEI Publisher version 7.1.0 incorporates a — beautifully simple to use, yet powerful — way to enrich existing TEI documents. Users can just select a text passage, click on a button and within seconds — and without a pointy bracket in sight! — mark it as one of many supported annotation types. A place or person? Sure, and with built-in connectors for external authority files, too. Critical apparatus entries? We got you! Dates, corrections, regularizations and even quick fixes for typos in your transcription. As usual, everything is customizable and extendable, so if you want a particular kind of annotation we do not support out of the box, it's not difficult to add your own or tinker existing ones. Read more in the documentation ! Release Highlight: support for mathematical formulae You can now use the TEI formula element with TeX notation for mathematical formulae, so something like can be nicely rendered in HTML thanks to the new `pb-formula` component. See the component's demo page which presents some elaborate formulae. ! Other Improvements The Demo collection has several new examples, most notably a Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) example _The Italienische Madrigal_ by Alfred (not Albert!) Einstein, with musical scores encoded with MEI music notation. It is nicely rendered with Verovio library through a dedicated `pb-mei` component and you can even listen to it. Other point of interest is the Euler's Algebra with mathematic formulas rendered via `pb-formula` component. Publisher 7.1.0 is available in 21 languages, now proudly boasting both simplified and traditional Chinese. We'll be happy to collaborate on extending the coverage for other, especially non-European languages. Upgrading Version 7.1.0 is fully compatible with 7 except for some minor changes which are described in the documentation. Get It! TEI Publisher 7.1.0 is available as an application package on top of the eXist XML Database. Install it into a recent eXist (5.0.0 or newer) by going to the dashboard and selecting TEI Publisher from the package manager. For more information refer to the documentation or visit the homepage to play around with it. Thanks It's not for the first time that our special thanks go to the Office of the Historian of the United States Department of State - this time for spearheading and funding the efforts which resulted in the annotation editor. The Math support has been kindly funded by Bernoulli-Euler Zentrum in Basel. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/manuscript-mondays/","title":"Manuscript Mondays – Einführung in das digitale Edieren handschriftlicher Quellen","content":" by Anne Diekjobst, Claudia Sutter Der Workshop richtet sich an Forschende aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, die ihre erste eigene digitale Edition erstellen wollen, die sich aber überfordert fühlen von der Fülle der verfügbaren Hilfsmittel, die online zu finden sind. Wir wollen eine niederschwellige Einführung für die ersten Schritte bieten, einen Mix aus Vortrag und Workshop vornehmen und uns die Zeit nehmen, individuelle Fragen und Probleme zusammen zu besprechen. Der Workshop bietet eine begleitete Einführung, bei der die Teilnehmenden viel Zeit haben, das Gehörte selbst anzuwenden. Ziel ist es, eine eigenständige digitale Edition in TEI/XML zu erstellen und im TEI Publisher darzustellen. ! The workshop is **free** and will be held in **German** over 5 Mondays. A registration is not required. Just join the meeting room. ","tags":["events","workshop"]},{"id":"/posts/digital-editions-survival-kit/","title":"Digital editions survival kit","content":" Reconstructing an edition Computer systems are not meant to last, to the contrary - not only do they require regular maintenance but we need to take into account the unavoidable cycle of major refurbishments. This paper, just presented at the virtual TEI conference, aims to demonstrate how critically important aspects of an edition can be reconstructed from a rather minimal data set and how such a _survival kit_ can be useful not only for disaster recovery but also as a sustainable approach for the maintenance of scholarly publications. !Poster for 2021 TEI Conference by Magdalena Turska The following schemata are the key components of the _survival kit_: - Source documents - Document encoding and transformation scheme - Layout templates - Interoperable metadata mapping specification TEI is the perfect archival format for text-centric data: human readable and easy to process - as long as we have the capacity to read text files we can recover the information from a repository of TEI texts. TEI encoded documents with an associated ODD schema and documentation already form a solid basis for reconstruction even if the ODD would say nothing about the final form of the publication as intended by the editors. !TEI source and rendition via the Processing Model The TEI Processing Model covers part of this territory, describing how a source document should be transformed for publication. Nevertheless, in the virtual realm, the document is always accompanied by a certain context on the page: controls to zoom in or out, facing facsimile image or switch between normalized and original spellings, just to name a few options. To explicitly define such a context and specify how a publication page would look and behave we can rely on HTML5 layout templates. A modern, web components based approach to website design gives us a beautifully simple and expressive method of assembling web pages from a virtual Lego block equivalent. !HTML5 page layout using web components The last missing piece is to document how abstract concepts, e.g. author or date of creation are realized in the encoding so we can recover and use them for queries within the publication as well as for data interchange with other systems. Given the richness of TEI it’s impossible to prescribe what metadata needs to be gathered and how exactly it should be encoded in any given project. On the other hand, it is rather simple to express the mapping in XML, e.g. with an index configuration syntax. !Sample index configuration with fields and facets Such a set of specifications preserves all the information necessary to rebuild the edition from scratch, focusing on the intentions and decisions of the editor while filtering out the ephemeral or secondary presentation aspects. Good to put in the vault and send into space but equally useful when the time to migrate to a new infrastructure comes. !Original Dodis layout How does it work in practice? You might want to have a closer look at one of the TEI Publisher's demo apps _When the Wall came Down_ which we managed to recreate on the basis of TEI sources and accompanying ODD released by Dodis on the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. We managed to get a draft version in only 165 lines of custom code and during just one day of pre-conference workshop. Our task would be still simpler if we also had the web page template and index configuration available. !Recreated document view Given that there's barely an extra effort involved in assembling the survival kit, preparing it is a clear win. After all, we already have the sources and the ODD! Enriching it with a processing model is not particularly difficult, especially if we use it to generate our transformations. Similarly, in most database systems we will need to prepare the index configurations. At this point we probably don't need to mention that TEI Publisher already implements this approach since quite a few versions (ODD with the processing model from inception, web components for user interface since version 4 and fields and facets since version 5). Just think about it, if you pack your edition nicely, it becomes a present which archives and libraries would very much like to keep safe in their vaults and running on their servers forever...","tags":["report","best practice","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-conference-2021-talk-flexible-browser-based-annotations-for-tei/","title":"TEI Conference 2021 Talk: \"Flexible, Browser-Based Annotations for TEI\"","content":" Wolfgang Meier and Joe Wicentowski explain the web-based annotation feature introduced with TEI Publisher 7.1. We briefly introduce TEI Publisher 7.1's Annotation Facility and the workflows it supports. Joe Wicentowski then demonstrates how the Office of the Historian uses the tool to annotate documents from the Foreign Relations series. ","tags":["events","conference","annotations","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/call-for-proposals-big-prizes/","title":"Call for Proposals","content":" We are thrilled and deeply honoured that e-editiones has been awarded the 2021 TEI Community Prize. We would like to reinvest the funds into a community challenge, with its own big prizes! !Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash Many users explore the possibilities of TEI by looking at TEI Publisher's Featured Demos collection. Very often they use the provided encoding examples and re-use code snippets to build their own custom edition. We are aware how important it is for the community to have an extensive set of high quality examples covering the various domains, languages, and research approaches. While highly praised, the examples available in TEI Publisher so far cover only a limited range of applications and represent only a small selection of what can be done. To extend this collection we desperately need you—the experts in the field! E-editiones encourages everyone to propose examples which could serve as a model or blueprint for other users working on digital editions. If you have something in mind, please send a short proposal to the e-editiones board, briefly describing the source material you'd like to make available, major points of interest regarding the TEI encoding (or an encoded sample), as well as the features, techniques, or area of research you would like to demonstrate with it. If the board agrees on incorporating your example, you will receive **500 Swiss Francs** as compensation for your preparation effort, and we'll help you with technical questions you may have along the way. ! Finished examples will include the source TEI under a license allowing redistribution, an ODD for display, and, where necessary, an HTML template. We in particular look for examples covering one or more of the following areas: - The sample TEI material is from a domain or focuses on research topics not yet covered by TEI Publisher examples. - It demonstrates one or more particular features of the TEI Processing Model and TEI Publisher in a way other users can learn from. For example, ODD processing model rules, a special use of components in an HTML template, or well-designed, high quality print output. - It covers languages or scripts not currently represented in TEI Publisher, especially RTL or CJK languages. We would appreciate if this could be accompanied by a translation into one of the European languages to make the example easier to interpret for users unfamiliar with a particular script. The first 5 proposals accepted will receive 500 Swiss Francs each upon delivery of the complete sample. For the first round, proposals should be submitted to the board via email (info@e-editiones.org) until **Dec. 10, 2021**. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","awards"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-community-prize/","title":"e-editiones receives TEI Community Prize","content":" We are deeply honoured that e-editiones has been awarded the 2021 TEI Community Prize! The awards panel offered us these kind words: > The awards panel was especially impressed by the way e-editiones has managed to gather a non-profit community of those creating scholarly digital editions and made the process of doing so easier through the coordination of ongoing development of the TEI Publisher software. The awards panel also noted the provision of training opportunities and open availability of the workshop materials for those wishing to (re)learn the software in their own time. !Colorful fireworks over a lake. Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash We are delighted that our efforts to build a thriving, diverse, and supportive open source software community together resonate so strongly with the broader community of TEI practitioners. The roots of e-editiones run deep in the TEI—starting with our initial implementation of the TEI Processing Model and continuing with the development and expansion of TEI Publisher. Throughout, we have been relentlessly driven by the simple goal to empower editors—whose digital training may focus on TEI encoding—to create high quality, sustainable, and interoperable publications. TEI Publisher is the synergistic product of strengths of our contributors: deep expertise in textual scholarship and TEI combined with technical excellence and sensitivity to the needs of humanities scholars. We are striving to carry on the legacy of Sebastian Rahtz’s passion, sharing his community-oriented, open-source-first approach, and a wish to work on challenging projects that advance the state of the field for the entire TEI Community. In the community spirit, we will use the prize as a seed fund to expand our set of high quality examples to domains and use cases not yet covered in the TEI Publisher's demo collection. A call for contributions will be announced shortly.","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","awards"]},{"id":"/posts/cultural-heritage-grant-ukraine/","title":"Call for Applications / Оголошення про подачу заявок","content":" Українська ![](ukr) Small grants program for scholars affected by war in Ukraine !{.left}e-editiones and the TEI Consortium in collaboration with Archives Online and JinnTec announce a small grant program aiming to help scholars of Ukrainian cultural heritage to continue their work that has been disrupted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We urge other institutions to support this call so we can offer funding for more of our colleagues affected by the war. Who is eligible? Any scholar who had to leave Ukraine or relocate within Ukrainian territory because of the war and is working on sources broadly conceived as textual cultural heritage and plans to make data and results openly available. What is offered? - Initial funding ranging between 500 and 2000 EUR to support the continuation of research work on materials related to cultural heritage available in TEI - Help with encoding and other conceptual aspects of a digital edition - Technical support in converting data sources into the TEI Standard and/or publishing them as a digital edition online - Hosting of the edition for at least 3 years on Sources Online servers How to apply? Please send a brief description of the project and its current state to info@e-editiones.org. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The number of grants awarded will depend on the funding contributions we will be able to secure, the confirmed initial pool is 10 000 EUR. Please include a description of your personal situation and why you should be eligible. How can I contribute? If you or your organization would like to contribute funds or services to this initiative, please email info@e-editiones.org with details. Individuals are encouraged to donate via PayPal. e-editiones is registered as a non-profit society in Switzerland. Supporters
    • SAGW (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Science)
    • Archives Online
    * * * Програма малих грантів для вчених, які постраждали від війни в Україні e-editiones та Консорціум TEI у співпраці з Archives Online і JinnTec оголошують програму невеликих грантів, спрямовану на допомогу дослідникам української культурної спадщини, щоб ті могли продовжувати свою роботу, перервану вторгненням Росії в Україну. Ми закликаємо інші установи підтримати цей звернення, щоб ми могли запропонувати фінансування для більшої кількості наших колег, що постраждали від війни. Хто має право? Будь-який науковець, який був змушений виїхати з України чи переїхати в межах української території через війну і працює над джерелами, що широко розуміються як текстова культурна спадщина та планує викласти дані та результати у відкритому доступі. Що пропонується? - Початкове фінансування від 500 до 2000 євро для підтримки продовження науково-дослідницької роботи над матеріалами, що стосуються культурної спадщини, доступними в TEI - Допомога з кодуванням та іншими концептуальними аспектами цифрового видання - Технічна підтримка перетворення джерел даних у стандарт TEI та/або їх публікація у вигляді цифрового видання в Інтернеті - Хостинг видання не менше 3 років на серверах Sources Online Як подати заявку? Будь ласка, надішліть короткий опис проекту та його поточний стан на адресу info@e-editiones.org. Заявки розглядатимуться на постійній основі. Кількість наданих грантів залежатиме від фінансових внесків, які ми зможемо забазпечити, при підтвердженому початковому бюджеті 10000 євро. Будь ласка додайте опис вашої особистої ситуації та обгрунтуйте, чому ваша кандидатура має бути розглянута позитивно. Як я можу зробити свій внесок? Якщо ви або ваша організація бажаєте внести кошти чи послуги на користь цієї ініціативи, будь ласка, напишіть деталі на адресу info@e-editiones.org. Фізичним особам пропонується робити пожертви через PayPal. e-editiones є зареєстровані як некомерційна організація у Швейцарії.
    • SAGW (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Science)
    • Archives Online
    ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones","ukraine","grants"]},{"id":"/posts/newsletter-2022-1/","title":"Newsletter 22/1","content":" e-editiones as a Society A highlight of the past year was e-editiones being awarded the 2021 TEI Community Prize. The jury offered us these kind words: > «The awards panel was especially impressed by the way e-editiones has managed to gather a non-profit community of those creating scholarly digital editions and made the process of doing so easier through the coordination of ongoing development of the TEI Publisher software. The awards panel also noted the provision of training opportunities and open availability of the workshop materials for those wishing to (re)learn the software in their own time.» !Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash 2021 has fortunately seen an increase in membership. Today there are 12 institutional and 30 individual members. However, it remains our goal to attract new members who will continuously support the association. One of e-editiones' strategic goals is to ensure the long-term availability of digital editions. To this end e-editiones supports hosting offers that also include the continuous maintenance of digital editions (software updates). This year Archives Online has set up such an offer with «Sources Online». Some of the editions associated with e-editiones already use the Sources Online servers. In February 2021, e-editiones received a grant by the Ernst Göhner Stiftung. The joint proposal was backed by a number of members and their institutions. Together with the additional generous contributions made by participating projects, this grant supported a larger part of the development work past year. With the Escher correspondence, a prominent Swiss edition has been migrated to TEI Publisher. This step has been necessary since maintenance and hosting with the previous setup became too expensive in the long term. With TEI Publisher application hosted by Sources Online, the annual costs are reduced to a third. More Information - Current list of members - Statutes (in German) - How to become a member Events Community Meetings e-editiones was able to hold 7 community meetings and thus contribute to the exchange of expertise. Many of the meetings were extremely well received. However, the number of participants varied greatly. - 2021-10-05 An introduction to the Distributed Text Services (DTS) - 2021-09-07: TEI Publisher 7.1 – configuring web annotations - 2021-07-06: Contributing to TEI Publisher – a gentle introduction - 2021-06-15: For(e) humanists – Metadata, Forms and more - 2021-06-01: FairCopy - 2021-05-04: Open access scholarly digital editions at the Finnish Literature Society: experiences with TEI Publisher - 2021-04-06: Workflow from Word files or Transkribus to TEI Publisher Workshops Among the workshops, special mention should be made of the 5-part introductory workshop by Anne Diekjobst and Claudia Sutter, which received very good feedback. - 2021-08-2021 Manuscript Mondays – Einführung in das digitale Edieren handschriftlicher Quellen (5-teilig) - 2021-03-30, 17.00 CEST Versioning and Archiving Data: TEI2Zenodo - 2021-03-08 Beginners Workshop (Git, Editing Workflows) A big thank you to all who actively participated in the meetings and workshops. More Information - e-editiones-YouTube-Channel (3 neue Videos) - e-editiones blog Communication On Slack, we had 218 active members at the end of 2021; on average, there were 16 active members daily, with 3 to 4 members posting a total of about 8 messages daily. On Twitter, we post 4 to 5 tweets per month. 2021 brought us 172 new followers. Our mailing list, on the other hand, is not very actively used. We are happy to receive suggestions and ideas on how to proceed with it. ! TEI Publisher Developments In February 2021 e-editiones successfully applied for a grant by the Ernst Göhner Stiftung, from which we received 30000 SFR for further TEI Publisher development. The joint proposal was backed by a number of members and their institutions and included features like: - support for web annotations - versioning and long term availability - persistent URLs - accessibility - showing and navigating events in a timeline - display of mathematical formulas Obviously the budget did not suffice to cover everything planned, but thanks to the additional contributions provided by the member institutions, we could address the main topics and even go beyond in some areas. Web Annotations The most visible feature is the editor for web-based annotations, released in version 7.1.0. The development team had been contemplating this feature already for a couple years and thanks to additional generous funding by the Office of the Historian at the US Department of State, it finally became reality. Being able to annotate TEI documents via a graphic, web based interface eases the burden of enhancing a transcription with semantic, analytic or text-critical markup. Users work in a user-friendly environment in which XML code is neatly hidden from sight. The integration of external authority databases saves a lot of time, improves consistency and opens possibilities for data exchange and interoperability. At the same time, the annotation editor is fully configurable, allowing complex, nested markup where necessary. Several member institutions are actively using the editor in their daily work and continue to contribute to its development. The annotation editor marks the first milestone in our endeavour to extend TEI Publisher to support the entire editing workflow rather than just publishing the end result. Further steps are already in planning, e.g. form-based editing of the TEI header, which will offer the same level of customizability and extensibility. Web Components Several new web components have been released during the past year: most notable, a new timeline component allows users to visualise dates and events in an interactive, graphical display. The component can be used to directly select a date or date range, or it can be connected to a facetted search to drill down into a collection of items. Development was supported by the Staatsarchiv Zürich. This component is prominently featured in the remake of the Alfred Escher correspondence edition (to be announced soon). The Bernoulli edition in Basel financed a component to display mathematical formulas embedded in the TEI text, using either MathML or TeX notation. Other new components include a grid element for viewing tabular data, and a \"split list\", which comes handy when browsing lists of places, people or abbreviations. The latter was again financed by the Staatsarchiv Zürich and first appeared in the Escher correspondence. As usual, many other components have seen major improvements needed by concrete projects. For example, the map component is now able to display a large number of places at once by clustering the markers. TEI Publisher 8 The next major release of TEI Publisher is currently being finalized. It will include a few breaking changes, mainly in the libraries used, but as usual we're aiming to remain as backwards compatible as possible. One reason for the breaking changes is to better support persistent, bookmarkable URLs as well as browsing the navigation history. The goal is to make the URL structure as seen by the end-user completely independent of the underlying organization of documents and collections. This involves both a server- and client-side part. The main remaining task on the way to the release is to extensively document the possibilities and approaches enabled by those changes. Other Software Packages In line with our modular development policy, a number of software packages which should be considered part of Publisher 8 are published in separate repositories: - tuttle - a Git Integration for eXist-db (stable): allows synchronizing a data collection directly from a github or gitlab repository to the database. It can deal with multiple repositories as well as incremental updates. Thanks to the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe for contributing funding. - TEI Publisher Named Entity Recognition API (beta): adds named entity recognition to the web-based annotation editor. Use it to identify places, people and other entities while annotating a document. The package also provides scripts to train your own model based on already annotated documents via machine learning. Training data is automatically extracted from the annotated document by TEI Publisher, so there's no need to go through the tedious task of compiling suitable data by hand. - Static Site Generator for TEI Publisher (beta): transform a website based on TEI Publisher into a static version, which no longer requires TEI Publisher nor eXist-db. The feature intends to provide a low cost option for small editions whose main purpose is to allow users to browse through a collection of texts without demanding sophisticated search or navigation facilities. Generated files can be easily hosted on free services like GitHub pages. To see it in action, visit our viewer for the TEI Guidelines, which we used as a testbed. - Docker Compose Configuration (beta): a configuration to help users install a TEI Publisher-based application on a docker-enabled host. It handles the more difficult tasks of installing a reverse proxy in front of Publisher as well as registering an SSL certificate. Hosting via docker compose can be a viable option for smaller projects with limited budget and users who lack the server administration skills necessary to set up a dedicated hosting service. - Fore: an XForms-inspired library for building complex forms with web components. While this is not an integral part of TEI Publisher yet, it will become the fundament for many of the future, workflow-related features we have in mind (see below). The Future The e-editiones board will prepare a new joint funding proposal soon. To be successfull we'll again need projects or institutions to express interest and signal readiness to make a contribution (in whatever way). If you are working with TEI Publisher and wish for a certain feature, please do not hesitate to contact us, so we can add it to the list of topics. A main area we currently have in mind is to further enhance TEI Publisher with respect to supporting the editorial workflow: - integrate general metadata - i.e. TEI header - editing facilities based on customizable forms - add an interface to manage local authorities within the annotation framework - support other annotation types, e.g. empty elements and stand-off annotations which are not inlined - named entitiy recognition: automatically connect detected entities with matching authority entries - allow batch processing of entire documents via named entity recognition - support multi-user workflows with support for a annotate/review/merge process Other areas might be: - a form-based interface to customize basic settings and CSS variables - direct integration with Transkribus and other HTR/OCR software - support for other input formats (Excel, CSV) - remove the dependency on Google Material Design to make all visual aspects configurable - port the core TEI processing model implementation to be usable without eXist (e.g. directly within oXygen) - drop the somewhat arbitrary distinction between browsing and searching currently imposed by publisher and refactor the search API to be more easily customizable - enhance and speed up search result display (KWIC) If any of this rings a bell, please consider if you could support it by taking part in the joint funding proposal. Obviously we'll also be more than happy to pick up suggestions not yet on the list. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/posts/names-sell-named-entity-recognition-in-tei-publisher/","title":"Names sell: Named entity recognition in TEI Publisher","content":" TEI Publisher 8 will include experimental support for detecting and tagging named entities in texts. The idea is to further simplify the work of editors when annotating documents via TEI Publisher’s web-based annotation editor by automatically identifying potential candidates for people, places etc. ! If you have the development branch (or future TEI Publisher 8) installed and the named entity recognition (NER) service running (more on this below), an additional button will be shown in the top left toolbar. Clicking on it gives you a choice of NER models to use. By default those are the standard models provided by the NER engine we're using. Below we see NER in action, detecting entities in a modern-language text copied from wikipedia. !NER in action Entities identified by NER get a marker in striped color, which allows users to distinguish them from annotations, which were manually tagged. The user can now review the identified entities, assign them an authority entry etc. As each annotation is reviewed, the stripes will be removed. While NER works well in this case on a modern language text, you'll soon encounter the limits of the standard model when trying it out on different types of literature. However, we can gradually improve the quality of the entity recognition by feeding completely annotated documents back into the process, i.e. train our own recognition model. The ideal workflow could be imagined as follows: - editors manually tag a portion of documents via web-based annotations - once a certain number of entities has been tagged, we can train a custom model - continuing the annotation process, the custom model can be used to identify potential candidates for semantic annotations, thus improving the workflow - the model is retrained on the growing set of fully annotated documents, resulting in better prediction rates The ultimate goal is to make this process as smooth as possible, i.e. it should not hinder your editing work, but support it! The integration in TEI Publisher is completely functional, but we need more testing, experimenting and kicking the tires with some real-world use cases. NLP is not a simple subject and I’m in no way an expert, so I’d like to invite the community to help. I have just prepared the ground work. Technical Background There are plenty of NLP and NER libraries and tools. However, such libraries work on plain text, not structured texts like TEI. They will get confused by angle brackets (just like many humans). The trick thus is to transform the XML into a plain text without loosing context, which means we somehow need to keep track of element boundaries, offsets of inline elements etc. Likewise, the result of running NER is again a plain text document, accompanied by a list of detected entities and character offsets. Those need to be mapped back onto the XML structure and eventually merged into the TEI. This back-and-forth conversion is the main job handled by TEI Publisher and its API. My first idea was to integrate another, existing command-line tool for enriching TEI with named entities. But after a few first experiments, it occurred to me that TEI Publisher already had some important bits and pieces in place within the annotation framework: - it defines a standoff JSON format to keep annotations separate from the TEI as long as the user is making changes. The web-based editor reads this format to display the nice fruit salad - i.e. marked entities - you see on screen. - it implements algorithms to merge the standoff annotations into inline TEI elements. This works loss-less: anything which is not an annotation is left untouched. The merge algorithm is fast and reliable. We could thus reuse those building blocks and just add a communication layer, which mediates between TEI Publisher and the external NLP library. This communication layer has been realized through a set of Open API endpoints on both sides, allowing them to have a conversation, sending data back and forth. Below you see the NLP API endpoints exposed by TEI Publisher: ! The NLP part is a python service using spaCy as the underlying NLP library. Compared to many NLP libraries I have seen before, spaCy has a rather simple, clean API. Getting started proved to be smooth and painless as most of the functionality comes pre-configured and ready to be used. A Python notebook demonstrating how to do a simple NER with spaCy is shown below: ! SpaCy can do more than just NER, e.g. part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, sentence segmentation, text classification, lemmatization, morphological analysis. It is also quite extensible, allowing other libraries to be plugged into its pipelines. Training a model Whenever you use a general-purpose NER model, you’ll quickly notice that it works great for some types of texts, i.e. texts similar to the ones it was trained on. However, results quickly degrade if you apply it to other genres or texts written in a slightly different period of time. For example, the German standard model in spaCy produces good results when run on a text from Wikipedia, but it already starts missing things when you apply it to letters written in the first half of the 20th century: the language used back then was just different, some would say: more sophisticated, than the language used today. For example, if we run the standard German model against a letter by theologian Karl Barth written in 1921, many words are wrongly identified as places: ! For most real world scenarios, there’s thus no way around training your own custom model. Fortunately this fits rather well into the annotation workflow implemented by TEI Publisher: usually, training a model involves going through a large amount of text to tell the NLP engine which words are considered part of an entity and which are not. Sometimes this is done in tabular form - which is quite tedious, but there are also tools to support the task, e.g. Prodigy, a commercial application created by the makers of spaCy. All those approaches have one disadvantage: you do all the hard work just for the purpose of training a model. Compared to this, enriching the TEI with entities is a useful task in itself. Even if you figure out later that you can’t really use NER, the work invested is not lost. TEI Publisher tries to make this as seamless as possible, being able to transform any semantically rich TEI into training data. Preparing training data is thus kind of a natural side effect of annotating documents and does not require additional manual steps or separate tagging. TEI Publisher exposes an API endpoint through which you can download training data in JSON format for either a single document or a whole collection. It chunks the text into blocks (paragraphs, headings etc.) and extracts a plain text representation of each. Here it is important that sentences are preserved semantically. Inline notes, apps or choices would appear out of context in the middle of a sentence, so they have to be removed. Notes will be moved into separate blocks at the end. All existing entities in a block, i.e. persName, placeName etc., are listed along with the text, recording their type, start and end positions: This will contact a TEI Publisher generated app called `hsg-annotate`and retrieve training data from the `frus1981-88v05` collection below the app's data root, using English as the training language. The output of the command will pretty much look the same as the output you saw on the web before. Conclusion Even in its current, rudimentary form, the NER integration in TEI Publisher can already help to speed up the editing workflow. We do need to gain more experience with training custom models though and the community is warmly invited to help with this. There’s also a lot of room for improving the annotation workflow, e.g. with - automatically linking detected entities to authority entries (where non-ambiguous) - implement a wizard-like dialog, which walks users through the entities identified by NER one by one, allowing them to quickly confirm or reject an annotation and associate it with the correct authority entry - employ rule-based detection models in addition to the statistical, trained models: for example, if you already have a list of names from a back of book index, a rule-based algorithm may produce better results than a trained model - support batch operation across multiple documents - integrate other spaCy features like part-of-speech tagging etc. ","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","tutorial","intermediate","NLP","NER"]},{"id":"/posts/shaping-the-future/","title":"Shaping the future","content":" In this months meetup we’ll talk about ongoing and planned developments in TEI Publisher. There’s a long list of pending and ongoing activities over which we’ll try to give you an overview. The community is invited to contribute ideas, requests or take part in future joint funding proposals. We’ll reserve sufficient time for discussions, so please join and help shape the future! View the presentation.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/past-meetings/","title":"Past Community Meetings","content":" Past Meetings ! 2022 2022-07-18 Register of Older Slovenian Manuscripts Matija Ogrin (Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies ZRC SAZU Ljubljana) and Magdalena Tuska (JinnTec GmbH) 2022-07-05 TraveLab: a multilingual mapped edition of Benjamin of Tudela's travelog. Dr. Sinai Rusinek, Elijah Lab (Haifa University) and OMILab (Open University), and Gil Shalit, independent developer, DH-Dev.com We will show different stages in the preparation of a multi-lingual travelog edition, from modelling, digitization, geo-referencing and alignment, through to the adaptation of TEI-Publisher to provide a meaningful interaction with the texts. We will look specifically at aligning three versions with each other and at extending the pb-leaflet-map’s functionality with Javascript hooks. We will also briefly demonstrate XMLPlanter, an open online tool we have developed to assist in preparing parallel editions. 2022-06-07 Names sell: Named entity recognition in TEI Publisher In this talk we'll learn how to enable the named entity recognition feature in the forthcoming TEI Publisher 8 to assist with semantic annotations. We'll also see how to train a custom recognition model from a set of already annotated documents, discuss the current (early) state of the feature and possible future developments (transcript of the talk). 2022-05-03 Cancelled 2022-04-12 Anatomy of the Alfred Escher Edition: Remastering a sophisticated project to TEI Publisher The Alfred Escher correspondence represents a prominent edition, which has recently been ported to TEI Publisher to save it from shutting down. The goal was to preserve the existing functionality and site organization while reducing the long-term maintenance costs. In this talk we'll have a close look at how this task was undertaken and hope to provide some hints for others who may find themselves confronted with similar challenges. On the way we'll also meet some of the new features coming to Publisher 8. 2022-03-01 Orchestrating TEI Publisher and Fore to edit and publish LGPN-Ling Magdalena Turska _LGPN-Ling: _Etymological and Semantic analysis of ancient Greek personal names__ is a dictionary accompanying the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. The purpose of _LGPN-Ling_ is to elucidate the meaning of Greek names, a task which has never before been systematically undertaken and to provide an essential semantical complement to the LGPN Database. Technical scaffolding of the LGPN-Ling project comprises of: - eXist database of TEI encoded documents, - TEI Publisher-based application with an extended API to publish and query the  data, - Fore XForms to edit the data. ! 2022-02-01 Tutorial: Connecting components to custom API endpoints Wolfgang Meier This will be a tutorial session demonstrating  a new component for displaying categorized lists, e.g. to browse through people or places and paginate the results by first letter of alphabet, country or other categories. We'll learn how to connect this component to the API by creating a custom endpoint. We'll also look at an enhanced version of the map component to display all places mentioned in an edition in a clustered view. ! 2021 2021-12-07 Combined Workflow for Publishing Jurisprudentia Frisica Eduard Drenth, Fryske Akademy Designing a robust workflow for editors working both in word and in teipublisher. 2021-10-05 An introduction to the Distributed Text Services (DTS) Pietro Liuzzo, Universität Hamburg The Distributed Text Services (DTS) Specification defines an API for working with collections of text as machine-actionable data. More Information: https://distributed-text-services.github.io/specifications/ Slides of the talk. 2021-09-07: TEI Publisher 7.1 - Configuring Web Annotations In this session we'll have a closer look at the new web annotations editor in TEI Publisher 7.1. We'll learn how to create a custom annotation app and configure it to match the requirements of a specific edition, i.e. add new annotation types and modify the existing ones. 2021-07-06: Contributing to TEI Publisher - A Gentle Introduction Talk by Wolfgang Meier (eXist Solutions) on Tuesday, the 6th of July 2021 at 17:00 CEST. Open source projects like TEI Publisher depend on an active, contributing community. Many believe that you need to be a programmer to contribute, but this is a misconception! Documentation, communication, supporting users or providing feedback are at least as important for an open source project as thousands of lines of code. This session targets non-programmers as well as those with some development skills. We'll start with simple things, e.g. contributing to the FAQ, and then move on and show you how to create your own little web component to plug into TEI Publisher. We'll use a grid component for displaying tabular data as an example. 2021-06-15: For(e) humanists - Metadata, Forms and more Joern Turner, eXistSolutions and Jinntec GmbH Fore is a model-driven forms framework that follows the ideas of the XForms 2.0 Standard but translates those into the world of HTML5 Web Components. Many edition project require some sort of complex input form sooner or later - just think about collecting metadata for the TEI header. The talk will focus on TEI and show you how to author such forms in HTML5. Join the talk here: https://meet.existsolutions.com/eeditiones 2021-06-01: FairCopy Nick Laiacona, President Performant Software Solutions https://www.performantsoftware.com FairCopy is a specialized word processor for studying manuscripts and historical texts. It gives scholars a desktop editing environment to create TEI encoded texts without writing XML code. In this demonstration, we will explore what sorts of editions you can build using FairCopy and how it can fit into a larger ecosystem of tools leveraging TEI XML. In addition, Wolfgang will give us a sneak preview of some exciting TEI Publisher 8 features under development. 2021-05-04: Open access scholarly digital editions at the Finnish Literature Society: experiences with TEI Publisher Maria Niku, Tiedekustantamo, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura – Finnish Literature Society The Finnish Literature Society (https://www.finlit.fi/en) publishes open access scholarly digital editions of archival material as well as digital critical editions of printed works. We began using eXist-db and TEI Publisher in 2020 for all of our XML-based publications, with two editions published so far and at least three more to be published this year. Published edition links: https://kivi.finlit.fi/lea https://gottlund.finlit.fi The former is in Finnish only, the latter in Finnish and Swedish, but we'll be adding English to the latter in April * * * 2021-04-06: Workflow from Word files or Transkribus to TEI Publisher Elisa Bastianello, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History Reto Baumgartner, University of Zurich Science IT (S3IT) The digital edition of the Heinrich Wölfflin - Gesammelte Werke (Complete Works): https://www.biblhertz.it/en/dept-weddigen/woelfflin https://www.woelfflin.uzh.ch/de.html 2020 2020-10-20 TEI Vanilla meeting More information: https://e-editiones.org/tei-vanilla-meeting-summary 2020-07-08 Community Event on Music Encoding More information: https://e-editiones.org/music-is-in-the-air/ 2020-05-18 First Community Event More information: https://e-editiones.org/news/first-community-event-on-may-18th-2020/ ","tags":["meetups","events"]},{"id":"/pages/developer/","title":"Developers","content":"If you are a developer working with humanities scholars or in publishing, the following situation may be too familiar: you inherit an edition project, which has been running for years. Looking at the code, you are confronted with thousands of lines implementing TEI2HTML or TEI2PDF transformations. You need a week just to get a rough overview of the code repository and the various servers, services and libraries it seems to pull in. !Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash > why reinvent the wheel? e-editiones was co-funded by developers who have been in this exact situation countless times. Rooted in ideas and standards which were born in the TEI community, we set out to create a flexible and sustainable ecosystem, which helps to establish coherence based on standards and best practices without limiting your freedom. Editions created with our toolbox may look very different on the outside, but behind the scenes, the fundamental building blocks are always the same, allowing developers to jump between a dozen projects without getting lost. Today we may work with Chinese inscriptions, tomorrow we do a Greek dictionary. Some of the standards making this possible are: * the **TEI Processing Model**: part of the TEI guidelines, the processing model implements a media-independent transformation language, all written in TEI. Replace a thousand lines of handwritten code with a hundred lines of TEI! And since it's all standardardised, it's meant to last. * **Open API**: handles all the client-server communication through well-defined APIs, which you can easily extend * **Web Components**: built into all modern web browsers, components work like small, monadic Lego blocks, which can be freely rearranged and moved around. As a developer you may use the entire toolbox or just pick one of those parts while sticking to your preferred framework. It's up to you! And while we love the TEI, our tools are not limited to it: they will work with any XML."},{"id":"/pages/memory/","title":"Libraries, Archives, Cultural Heritage and Memory Institutions","content":" Do you work in an archive or library and got a truckload of data dumps from terminated projects? Are you responsible for a digital humanities initiative and funding is about to dry out? Worried about future maintenance and long-term prospects? Asking yourself **\"What now?!\"**. This community has the answers you need. !Photo by Aditya on Unsplash > rooted in standards, built by the community, meant to last Building upon various open community standards (from TEI and JATS, to IIIF and OpenAPI) we managed to create a **flexible** and **sustainable open source ecosystem** that **empowers the editor** and puts **interoperability, longevity and best practices in the center**, allowing for **low-cost** integration and maintenance as well as co-hosting of **heterogeneous resources** in a shared infrastructure. Imagine a universe, where a digital publication can be assembled very much **like playing with Lego** blocks, and, like Lego, it **will fit with other collections** who embrace the same design principles, however different they may be in other respects. From ancient inscriptions, correspondence, writer's notebooks to lexicon entries or anything else, following this design - modular and flexible, yet with solid foundation in standards - results in data and application packages that can be easily created and distributed, hosted on standard infrastructure and ready to be plugged into overarching search and discovery system as well as expose standardized programming interface (API) for interactions with external resources. At the same time, all resources are based on human-readable and well documented formats (like TEI XML), ultimately fitting for **long-term** safe-keeping but also allowing for single-source transformations into a range output formats (web, ebook, pdf) right here and now. In the ideal world, projects requesting to hand over their resources to a memory institution would already follow such a modular and standardized design. Nevertheless, for legacy collections, it is still feasible to transform the source material at relatively low cost into required form, thus saving the research data and giving it a new lease of life and sound prospects for the future."},{"id":"/pages/researcher/","title":"Editors & Researchers","content":" If you are a researcher working with texts or wanting to publish **any kind of textual material**, this is the right place. !Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash > power to the editor The motivation for a number of projects, institutions and individuals which eventually led to formation of the e-editiones was to create solutions which enable scholars and editors to create, process and publish their materials **without becoming programmers**, but also **do not compromise the individuality of research** nor force anyone into a rigid framework. It all started with simple but not trivial observation that all projects with a digital component have **significant overlap** regarding their basic needs: > Documents worth encoding in TEI are different (...) — but not that different, and eight out of ten probably will benefit from staying within the confines of a well thought-out standard schema and its surrounding processing rules. And even the two that don’t, may benefit from staying within that standard schema as far as possible. — Martin Mueller on *TEI Simple* 2014 In time, building upon various community standards, partial solutions, and interdisciplinary experience we managed to create a **flexible** and **sustainable ecosystem** that **empowers the editor** and puts **interoperability, longevity and best practices in the center**. The TEI Processing Model and TEI Publisher lie at the heart of this open source universe. Long story short, we welcome you to **join our community** and **explore** how tools and workflows we create and develop can **help you** to work focusing on the research and not technicalities. > re-using components, pooling resources and sharing best practices benefits everyone in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come It all starts with your source documents, regardless if they are in **TEI**, other form of **XML** or perhaps even **Word** or Markdown. It doesn't matter if they are ancient inscriptions, correspondence, writer's notebooks, lexicon entries or anything else: they can be **easily transformed** into a range of output formats for publication - from a **modern web page** that you can open on your laptop or mobile device, to an **ebook**, a **mobile app**, or a high quality **PDF** for sending **straight to your publisher** for printing. > rooted in standards, built by the community, meant to last More than that, your publication can be assembled very much **like playing with Lego** blocks, and, like Lego, it **will still fit with others** who embrace the same basic principles, however different they may look and feel on the surface. As a side effect, without any extra effort on your part, you end up with a kind of **survival kit**, resilient data and application package fit for **easy distribution, long-term archiving** but also future hosting and **maintenance** through infrastructure on institutional and national level."},{"id":"/posts/community-meeting-roaster/","title":"What's that scent?","content":" Upcoming community meetup on Nov. 15, 2022: Juri Leino (eXistSolutions/Jinntec) will talk about recent developments in Roaster, the OpenApi implementation, which handles client-server communication in TEI Publisher. Learn about file uploads, mime-types, schemas and what is coming next. View the slides from the talk.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/contributing-content/","title":"Contributing Content to e-editiones","content":" > The community is invited to contribute content in the form of tutorials, announcements, project reports, teaching materials – whatever may be of interest and help other members. The e-editiones website is hosted on GitHub and will be updated whenever files are pushed to the repository. Articles are authored using Markdown syntax and start with a short header to tell the system how the post should appear on the website. You don't need any special software to write a post: you can do it directly in the web browser using GitHub's simple editor (though we would recommend using a proper text editor for longer posts). Adding an article To contribute an article, log into GitHub with your account (or create one first) and browse to the posts subfolder of the GitHub repository and click on the `Add file` button in the toolbar. Choose the `Create new file` option to write your text. !Add file button{height=64px} Unless you are a member of the editorial team, GitHub will warn you that you are about to make changes to a project you don't have write access to. This is ok! Your changes will result in a *pull request*, which will be sent to the e-editiones team for approval. !GitHub editor view Editing the article As mentioned above, every article should start with a short header containing some basic metadata delimited by 3 dashes (`---`): You should at least provide the full title, author, date and some tags. You may also supply a short title if your main title is longer than ~5 words. The *short title* as well as the *lead* will be used in post listings (like the one on the start page). We also recommend to choose a cover image to catch some attention. Images have to be saved separately in the img folder. This needs to be done by the editorial team as normal contributors are not allowed to upload via the web interface. However, you can drag and drop images into the text and the editors will later move it to the right place (see section on images below). Don't forget to provide proper credits in the `coverImageCredits` field. Every article should have one or two tags. Tags are important for navigation within the website. Please include at least one of the tag categories listed below. Tags shown as nested below should always come in pairs. For example, if you write about a conference, you should include the tags `events` **and** `conference`. * events * workshop * meetups * conference * announcements * call * e-editiones * tei-publisher * ... other tags referring to a particular software package, working group etc. * tutorial * beginner * intermediate * advanced * faq * report * projects * best practice * teaching Writing content Content is written using markdown syntax. It should not repeat the title already given in the header as this will be inserted automatically. If you write a longer article, please use headings to give it some structure. They will be automatically added to the table of contents in the right sidebar and help the user to navigate the text. Images You cannot upload images to the correct folder via the web interface, but you can drag and drop image files into the text editor and GitHub will generate a link. When reviewing the text, the editorial team will move the images into the correct place. Submitting Once you are happy with your article, fill out the form at the bottom of the GitHub page, titled *Propose new file*. Provide a title and maybe a short comment for the editorial team. !Form to propose new file After clicking *Propose new file*, you will be presented with another form for creating a so-called *pull request*. Click on the green button: *Create pull request* to start sending the request. !First screen for creating a pull request This will be followed by yet another form on which you could provide further notes concerning your contribution, but it's usually enough to just confirm once again by pressing the *Create pull request* button again. For experienced users Users familiar with git may prefer to fork the repository. This allows you to conveniently work on more than one text, use the editor of your choice or add images. To start a local server (on port 8081) with the website, change into the cloned directory, run `npm install` followed by `npm start`.","tags":["tutorial","beginner","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/posts/workshop-tei-christmas-2022/","title":"Workshop on 30th Nov, 7th Dec and 14th Dec 2022 5-9pm CET","content":" We are offering a workshop entitled «Have yourself a TEI-Christmas» to be offered online via Zoom. The workshop will take place on three consecutive Wednesdays (Nov, 30; Dec 7 and 14) from 11:00-15:00 Eastern Standard Time/17:00-21:00 Central European Time. This introductory workshop offers the basic concepts and methods of creating a digital edition from start to finish and will offer an overview of XML/TEI standards and FAIR principles using the Oxygen XML Editor. The workshop will be taught using a hands-on-approach: we will provide materials for practice, but there will also be time for participants to work on their own projects with guidance from the workshop organizers. Using provided examples as well as their own texts, participants will learn the basics of project organization, XML scripting, and practical skills like integrating digital images into digital text editions. The primary audience of this workshop is those who are newcomers to the Digital Humanities and who would like to learn the essentials -as well as the possibilities and potential pitfalls - of bringing analog texts into a digital environment. No previous experience with coding or XML is assumed. For registration please mail us: info@e-editiones.org ","tags":["events","workshop","tei","beginner"]},{"id":"/pages/code-of-conduct/","title":"Code of Conduct","content":" Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as community members, contributors, committers, and project leaders pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. Our Standards Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: * Using welcoming and inclusive language * Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences * Gracefully accepting constructive criticism * Focusing on what is best for the community * Showing empathy towards other community members Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: * The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances * Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks * Public or private harassment * Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission * Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting Our Responsibilities The board of e-editiones.org is responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and is expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. The board has the right to remove, edit, or reject toots, slack messages, comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. Scope This Code of Conduct applies within all e-editiones spaces, and it also applies when an individual is representing e-editiones or its community in public spaces. Enforcement Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the board at info@e-editiones.org or any individual board member. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The board is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Community members who do not follow the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by the board. December 6, 2022 (Version 1.0) Attribution This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html "},{"id":"/posts/community-event-going-static/","title":"Generating a high voltage site by going static","content":"Sometimes you don't need a fully dynamic website with sophisticated search and navigation, but rather a simple service, which is fast, cheap and easy to maintain. This is where static site generators provide a perfect alternative to a dynamic, database-driven architecture like TEI Publisher. In this article we'll learn how to combine the best of both worlds. Benefits of a static site A static website is generated once during build time and does not change afterwards. All content is prepared in advance and the output is essentially just a set of files. The only job left for a server is to respond to requests by returning the prepared content. It does not need to process anything. This has a number of advantages: * the site will be as fast as it can possibly be * hosting is cheap: you can mostly get it for free * you'll get an entirely self-sufficient, frozen snapshot of your content: ideal for archiving purposes * static content is perfect for mobile applications, which should continue to work when offline For sure there are also some downsides: since everything is pre-generated, you have to know in advance what users might request. Dynamic functions like search are thus necessarily limited. In the context of digital editions, there are nevertheless many use cases where a static site might be a viable option: * the edition is rather small, i.e. concentrates on a single or a small collection of works * users are more interested in reading and browsing than complex searches * only a part of the site displays content generated from XML, while the rest remains static * you want to ensure that the content can stay online for a long time with no or low maintenance The last point is addressing a problem we all face sooner or later: we created a fancy, TEI Publisher-powered website, but then the funding period ends and the university library tells us: sorry, we can only archive static content, not applications requiring a database. So having a – maybe slightly stripped down – static snapshot will at least allow potential users to dig up your site and look at it long after you switched jobs or retired. Integrating TEI A number of frameworks are available to help you create a static website. The e-editiones homepage is an example for this approach: it is based on a static website generator called 11ty. Articles are written using markdown syntax and the generator takes care to transform each article and wrap it into the site's HTML templates. It works great and – thanks to github – the hosting is free. Digital editions are rarely based on markdown though. Can we integrate TEI or other XML content as well? Some might say: we can always write an XSLT to generate HTML and add this to our static site. But this means we'd loose most of the nice features a system like TEI Publisher provides and have to reimplement them. Is there an easier way? At this point you may want to browse to a (currently) hidden page on the e-editiones website. What we see there is a static version of the latest TEI Publisher documentation! And we all know that the documentation is written in Docbook XML. So how did it get there? The mystery will be revealed in a minute... !TEI Publisher documentation in e-editiones If you investigate the source code for this page, you'll notice that it appears to be more or less like any HTML template in TEI Publisher (apart from the fact that it uses a different templating system to pull in the e-editiones header, menu etc.). We see all the familiar webcomponents like ``, `` etc. The main `` which displays the body of the content reads as follows: Again we can later use this information in our HTML templates, e.g. to generate one page for each document using the same `dta` template. Outlook We successfully tested the 11ty plugin in various context. The TEI guidelines app demonstrates how you can create a static snapshot of a complete publisher-generated app. It worked so well that we will likely drop the dynamic app and continue further development on the static version only. Mid-term, the goal is to generate the entire TEI guidelines documentation on the command line without requiring a full TEI Publisher installation. To some extent this is already possible as demonstrated by the automatic build, which is triggered whenever one pushes to the repository: it will start TEI Publisher as a docker image, launch 11ty to generate the static content and publish it. It would be even better if we could skip the docker step. As discussed during the last TEI conference, we're already working to refactor the core library powering all transformations in TEI Publisher, i.e. tei-publisher-lib, to run with other XQuery engines, which would include e.g. saxon on the command line, thus dropping the need for an eXist-db/TEI Publisher installation.","tags":["feature","tei-publisher","tutorial","advanced"]},{"id":"/posts/planning-2023-community-events/","title":"Community Meetings in 2023","content":" !Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash Dear community, the e-editiones board is currently planning 2023 and our community meetings. We want to revive the original idea of workshop reports and invite you to discuss open problems from your projects with us. It is a good opportunity to tap into concentrated expertise, which is why such a discussion is worthwhile even or especially at the beginning of projects. We still try to organise a meeting every first Tuesday of the month. So please get in touch if you want to present something. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/comunity-event-print-css/","title":"Fresh from the press: fancy printouts with TEI Processing Model and Print CSS","content":" Upcoming community meetup on Feb. 7, 2023: The ability of web browsers to generate a usable printout of a digital edition is still limited. Fortunately there are tools to fill the gap. CSS Page Media provides surprising possibilities for those who need a quick solution without learning LaTeX or XSL/FO. In this community meetup we'll explore some of them and see how new additions to TEI Publisher can help with the task. !TEI Publisher documentation pages rendered with Print CSS","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/print-css/","title":"Generating CSS for print","content":" > TEI Publisher 8 will support creating print output using CSS Paged Media. This feature supplements the existing FO and LaTeX output modes. While FO and LaTeX require quite some customization in the ODD, Print CSS extends the existing HTML view and CSS styles to layout the text on the printed page. Though it has improved, browser support for CSS Paged Media (often also called *Print CSS*) is still insufficient. However, there are tools to fill the gap. The starting point for my recent exploration into this technology was an edition of medieval hagiography. The editors requested a printout, which should ideally resemble the future website as closely as possible, so corrections could be done on paper. While LaTeX does provide all the fancy features needed (e.g. an aligned parallel layout of transcription and translation using the powerful reledpar package), the result would quickly diverge from the web version, hence would not be suitable for the review process. Looking into CSS Paged Media as an alternative, I was surprised by what is possible by now in the browser. The book had quite a complex layout, using different types of marginal notes, text critical apparatus etc. Even though I could not realize every feature just within the browser and had to switch to an external utility (see below), the results were satisfactory and would certainly be sufficient for a slightly simpler edition. A print preview for TEI Publisher
    Page from the TP demo with margin notes and running head rendered with paged.js
    We have therefore decided to integrate this approach more tightly into TEI Publisher, providing a separate print preview page for those sample documents for which it makes sense, as well as an API endpoint to retrieve the complete HTML of a document targeted at print. The new feature will become available with the TEI Publisher 8 release. If you would like to experiment with it right now, feel free to use one of the docker images - which always reflect the current state of development - or build TEI Publisher yourself. The new print preview page includes a brilliant javascript library, paged.js, which fills many of the gaps in browsers concerning CSS Print support. Without this library, web browsers would ignore most parts of the page layout and just generate a very basic printout. With paged.js though, you can use the browser's default print dialog to get a pretty fancy printed version. paged.js is open source and still under development, so there are limitations (see below). For linear documents like the TEI Publisher documentation it does produce very good results though. New print output mode in tei-publisher-lib Obviously not everything you can do on a screen will work on paper. For example, the `alternate` behaviour defined in the TEI guidelines will by default generate a popup if you use the `web` output mode in TEI Publisher. We can't do that on paper. Therefore we need a way to distinguish between HTML targeted at the screen and HTML for print by using a different output mode in the ODD. This requires a change in the underlying core library of TEI Publisher, called `tei-publisher-lib`. The newly released `tei-publisher-lib` version 3.0.0 reassigns the `print` output mode to generate HTML for print. `print` extends `web`, overwriting the two behaviours, which would fail on paper: `note` and `alternate`. Both involve popups. `print` just outputs them as plain HTML to be processed by print CSS styles. You'll need to update `tei-publisher-lib` to benefit from the newly added features. `print` was previously defined as a synonym for `fo` and generated XML output to be further processed by an XSL/FO engine like Apache fop. Reassigning it constitutes a breaking change (hence the major 3.0.0 version, which indicates: not backwards compatible), though the `fo` mode will still work as before. Please keep this in mind when you decide to upgrade and read the instructions. Adding CSS for print TEI Publisher 8 will include a default CSS stylesheet for print, residing in `resources/css/print.css`. The API endpoint, which generates HTML for print, automatically injects this. The default stylesheet sets the paper size to 'A4', adds margins for recto and verso pages, page numbers in the respective bottom corners, and most important: a footnote area at the bottom. HTML elements with class *footnote* will be output there. You can extend this by adding your own print styles as follows: if you have not done that yet, create an empty CSS file next to the location in which your ODD is stored (`odd` in TEI Publisher or `resources/odd` in a generated app). Associate this with your ODD by adding a corresponding `` element to the ``: Limitations and alternatives
    Parallel display of transcription and translation rendered via Prince XML
    The *paged.js* library is still under development and has its limitations. For example, I have not been able to create a two column layout with aligned transcription and translation, though I tried various approaches. Using a table worked as long as both parallel paragraphs would fit on the page, but longer paragraphs were separated. Fortunately there are several tools which run outside the browser and provide better coverage for Print CSS, though the majority of them is commercial. A list can be found on print-css.rocks.
    Most of those tools operate on the command line and expect an HTML file as input. To simplify this task we created an API endpoint in TEI Publisher, which retrieves the print optimized HTML for an entire document and injects the necessary stylesheets. You can copy the endpoint URL for a given document by using the corresponding button in the print preview interface. For example, using Prince XML on windows, one can paste this URL directly into the application's dialog. The endpoint URL has the following structure: `/api/document/test%2Forlik_to_serafin.xml/print?odd=serafin.odd &base=%2Fexist%2Fapps%2Ftei-publisher%2Ftest%2F &style=resources%2Ffonts%2Ffont.css &style=resources%2Fcss%2Fprint.css` Here `odd` defines the ODD to use for the transformation, `base` is the base URI from which additional stylesheets or images are loaded, and `style` lists one or more additional CSS stylesheets. Conclusion While I have many years of experience with FO and worked on some LaTeX-based projects, I did not really look into Paged Media CSS until recently. Though browser support is still lacking, a library like paged.js definitely fills the gap, at least for documents not requiring parallel layout or huge tables (see the TEI Publisher documentation for example). For complex layouts, commercial software like Antennahouse or PrinceXML (to just name two) can provide high quality print.
    Two pages from the TEI Publisher documentation rendered with paged.js
    The one great advantage of using Print CSS instead of FO or LaTeX is that you can work on the web and the print version at the same time and generate both from the same ODD, distinguishing the output mode in a few places only. This allows for rapid prototyping and quick review cycles. We'd like to ask the community to support us in this area by contributing further examples. Help us push the limits of what can be done.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-lib-3/","title":"tei-publisher-lib 3: Print CSS and other new features","content":" > Version 3.0.0 features a dedicated output mode to better support printing HTML using paged media CSS, and two small extensions to the TEI Processing Model. `tei-publisher-lib` contains the code libraries used for ODD processing and the different supported output modes. It implements the corresponding parts of the TEI guidelines.

    A patch release of TEI Publisher, version 7.1.2, is now available. This should help all new users to avoid the dependency issues reported recently. As long as you avoid updating tei-publisher-lib via the dashboard, everything should work as before.

    If you already upgraded tei-publisher-lib by mistake, you may downgrade to 2.10.1 and reinstall TEI Publisher or your custom app.

    We use semantic versioning for all TEI Publisher projects: a change in the first digit of the version number indicates a breaking change. You should be aware that such releases are not fully backwards compatible and may require adjustments to existing apps. Please read the section on upgrading below.

    We recommend waiting with the update until the 8.0 release of TEI Publisher is out - unless you really want to test the latest features.

    Warning: custom applications generated by TEI Publisher may update `tei-publisher-lib` automatically when (re-)installed into eXist. See below how to prevent this.

    A dedicated output mode for Print CSS TEI Publisher 8 will feature a simpler approach for creating print output using the Print CSS and CSS Paged Media standards. This supplements the existing FO and LaTeX output modes. The new features will be covered in a separate article. With respect to `tei-publisher-lib`, one major change was introduced: the `print` output mode, which was previously a synonym for `fo`, now targets HTML optimized for print. Extensions to the Processing Model We added two carefully chosen features to our implementation of the TEI Processing Model, which have been extensively tested, but not announced or documented until now: 1. a method to specify a *processing mode* passed to all subsequently called models 2. a way to set a parameter, so it will become available to models processed below The first is implemented as a specialization of the second. Both features are not intended for daily use, but rather for edge cases, where the standard mechanisms for handling the flow of processing are not enough. This mainly applies to cases in which you have to process the same parts of the TEI document multiple times in different contexts. None of the examples shipping with TEI Publisher needs those features, but in complex ODDs we frequently encounter situations which cannot be handled without those extensions. Processing Modes Distinguishing between processing modes is a common feature in XSLT. It comes handy if you need to process the same XML more than once for different purposes. One common example would be to generate a separate index page: the elements you want to process are likely the same as when you output the body of the document, but you need to render them differently. While you can often use tricks to somehow distinguish the two cases, it's sometimes simply not possible. tei-publisher-lib 3 allows you to specify a new extension attribute, `@pb:mode`, on a ``. The value of the attribute will be taken as the name of the mode, and subsequently called models can check it via a variable, e.g. `$mode=\"bibliography\"`. This allows you to distinguish different modes in a predicate. Setting Parameters Older versions already supported parameters to be passed into the ODD. However, those parameters came from external sources and there was no way to set a parameter from within a model in the ODD. Sometimes you may wish to do so, for example, to compile a sorted list of people, whose details are not given in the document itself, but an auxilary authority file, which you have to pull in before sorting. Again, using tricks often helps in such a task, but not always. tei-publisher-lib now supports setting a parameter, so it becomes available to subsequent models. The syntax is the same as for the standard ``. Just the name of the element changes to ``, marking this as an extension. Upgrading The 3.0.0 release of `tei-publisher-lib` constitutes a breaking change, so please be aware that you will have to adjust your TEI Publisher-generated custom application after upgrading. In previous versions, the output mode `print` was a synonym for `fo`. It generated XML output to be further processed by an XSL/FO engine like Apache fop. This has changed: `print` now refers to the Print CSS mode, which extends the `web` output mode. If you have been generating output targetted at XSL/FO, make sure to use the `fo` output mode instead of `print`, but we strongly recommend waiting for the 8.0 release of TEI Publisher and do a full upgrade in this case. If you have not been using XSL/FO, you may upgrade `tei-publisher-lib` right now, following some extra steps: TEI Publisher compiles ODDs into XQuery code. Loading this generated code will fail after you upgraded to `tei-publisher-lib` 3 as the imports used in your custom app will be wrong. To fix this, follow the steps below. You can either apply them to a custom application already installed in eXist, or make the code changes on disk and (re-)install the custom application. Doing the latter, you can skip steps 3 and 4 as those will be performed automatically during the install process. 1. Check `resources/odd/configuration.xml` If you registered any custom XQuery module in your `resources/odd/configuration.xml` for the `web` output mode, make sure to also enable this for the `print` output mode by copying the corresponding configuration section: This means that only version updates starting with a 2 should be applied.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","tei-publisher-lib","release"]},{"id":"/posts/community-solomon-project/","title":"The Salomon project - complex medieval sources and the potential of digital presentation","content":" Upcoming community meetup on March 7, 2023 Invited speaker: Bastiaan Waagmeester, Seminar für mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität Tübingen The Salomon project is an attempt to make the prognostic Table of Salomon accessible to a wider audience through open digital presentation methods. In this talk, we will discuss the possibilities offered by TEI-Publisher to access medieval sources and use them for teaching. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-ssrq/","title":"Swiss Law Sources – Lessons learned from using TEIPublisher for > 5 years","content":" Upcoming community meetup on March 14, 2023 Invited speaker: Bastian Politycki, University of St. Gallen / Swiss Law Sources Foundation The research institution of the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society, set up over 100 years ago, provides a unique range of law sources from each of Switzerland’s linguistic regions in its «Collection of Swiss Law Sources» (Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen / SSRQ). At the end of the early 2000s, SSRQ began (retro)digitizing the edition volumes that had been published until then. For about 5 years, new volumes have been published as 'born digital' editions - based on TEI XML and the TEIPublisher. The presentation discusses the challenges of digital presentation (using the TEIPublisher) and shows perspectives for future use. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-8/","title":"TEI Publisher 8.0.0","content":"> TEI Publisher 8 introduces a central URL registry, print CSS, named entity recognition, and more. ! Browser history, bookmarkable URLs The newest release of TEI Publisher involved major redesigns in the libraries used. Perhaps the biggest change – though not immediately visible – took place in web components: from the start we tried to create each component as independent, monadic entity, communicating with other components only through signals. This results in great flexibility as you can recombine and reuse components all over the place, but it also turns pages into a beehive, without a central coordination center. This is in particular problematic when we look at the navigation aspect: to put it simply, users expect that 1. bookmarking a page and reloading it later will result in the same display 2. using the browser history back and forth navigation properly restores previous state Previously each component would handle its own state, sometimes reacting to parameters and browser history events, sometimes not. The new 2.x.x series of components introduces a central state management, which each component uses as single source of information about the current state. Combined with the flexibility of server-side URL handling via the Open API, this solution gives us more informative and bookmarkable URLs.

    Please note that we follow a semantic versioning scheme: an increase in the major version number indicates a breaking change, i.e. not backwards compatible version. While majority of web components will work as before, some may need special attention (in particular pb-facs-link in combination with pb-facsimile, see below).

    Paged Media CSS Breaking changes also occurred in TEI Publisher's core library, `tei-publisher-lib`. The main reason being the added support for Print CSS as a new output mode. Print CSS – officially called *Paged Media CSS* – represents an option to generate good looking printouts using just HTML and CSS. While browser support is still incomplete, there are tools to fill the gap, making it possible to produce high-quality print output. TEI Publisher 8 provides out-of-the-box interfaces for these tools. Details have already been covered in a community meetup, so please refer to the e-editiones blog for detailed information.
    Two pages from the TEI Publisher documentation rendered with paged.js
    `tei-publisher-lib` 3.0.0 also introduces two new extensions to the processing model, namely *processing modes* and *parameter setting*. Read more about this in the separate announcement. Named entity recognition Thanks to another new library we created, TEI Publisher's web annotation editor now also includes experimental support for *detecting and tagging named entities in texts*. Even better, training your own model is tightly integrated with TEI Publisher: it will directly generate training data from already annotated TEI texts. !NER in action Please note that this feature requires an external service. If you would like to give it a try, please consult the corresponding article. Redesigned start page The TEI Publisher application itself shows a bunch of new examples and a redesigned start page, which blurs the boundary between browsing and search. The HTML behind the page got more modular, allowing editions to better mix and match features in the way which best fits the material presented. !New start page with integrated search JATS as first class citizen Finally, JATS (the Journal Publishing Tag Library) joins TEI and Docbook as a fully supported XML format. This means you may not only view JATS documents, but also browse and search them. Compatibility and Upgrading Due to the breaking changes in associated libraries, updating a custom edition generated with TEI Publisher 7 to 8 requires several manual steps. While the list may look rather long, they are not very complex and can be applied quickly if you follow the instructions. Other particular changes to pay attention to: * The behaviour of the `pb-facsimile` and `pb-facs-link` webcomponents has changed: `pb-facs-link` must now emit to the event channel `pb-facsimile` is listening to. Previously emitting to the default channel was enough. You should thus change all `pb-facs-link` elements generated by your ODD to include an `@emit` attribute targetting the correct channel. * `tei-publisher-lib` 3.x.x reassigns the `print` output mode to generate HTML output targeted at print. In older version `print` was defined as an alias for `fo`. You may therefore have to change your ODDs if you used the fo mode. A more elaborate explanation of the changes is presented in this e-editiones article.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/posts/building-a-political-txt-edition-with-tei-publisher/","title":"Building a political text editition with TEI Publisher. A field report","content":" Upcoming community meetup on April 4, 2023 Sven Jüngerkes (KGParl) and Stephan Makowski (Uni Wuppertal) will talk about their experiences in converting an extensive edition of minutes of the parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag (since 1949 and planned at the moment until 2005: see https://fraktionsprotokolle.de), initially based on PDF, to TEI-XML and the TEI Publisher. The goal was to convert the publication model to XML as quickly, cost-effectively as possible (during the ongoing editorial work), and also to get the edition website running quickly and similar to the old website (which was based on PDF/DSpace). Particular focus was placed on identifying and tagging of all persons mentioned in the protocols and linking the entries with authority files like the GND, therefor searchable registers (at the moment Person, Literature) and a calendar view. Right now, the edition contains almost 5700 meeting minutes and a database with almost 11.000 Persons. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-geovistory/","title":"When XML/TEI meets Linked Open Data : the Tagebücher Anna Maria Preiswerk-Iselin Project","content":" Upcoming community meetup on June 6, 2023 Francesco Beretta and Morgane Pica will present the technical aspects of the *Tagebücher Anna Maria Preiswerk-Iselin project* (Digitale Edition der Tagebücher der Anna Maria Preiswerk-Iselin, verfasst zwischen 1795 und 1839), which studied the intellectual, emotional and literary life of a 19th c. woman in Basel from her personal diaries (https://www.geovistory.org/project/924033). The project’s realisation included a simple transcription of the diaries and the semantic annotation of persons, concepts and literary references found in the text, using the virtual research environment Geovistory. The latter allows research data in the historical sciences, and more broadly in the humanities and beyond, to be produced in the form of a collaborative knowledge graph. A TEI-Publisher edition was then built, converting the transcription into an XML/TEI database, annotated with URIs from the Geovistory RDF data repository, dereferenced and persistent. From this prototype, the speakers wish to share experiences and questions with the e-editiones community on these issues: - Best practices for semantic encoding in different communities - Online XML/TEI editors (web-components) capable of providing widgets for semantic encoding of texts using RDF information sources - Guidelines to enable a minimum level of encoding and semantic annotation to enable automated data collection and re-use in the spirit of open research data - Community building to sustain and develop a long-term research infrastructure dedicated to semantically enriched text transcriptions and critical editions.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-fischer/","title":"Travel by mouse click: the digital edition of the travel journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851","content":" Upcoming community meetup on June 13, 2023 For Fischer's 250th birthday in 2023, the Iron Library is realising a digital edition of his travel journals and is also translating the texts from the original German into English for the first time. This will make them accessible to an international readership. The edition is based on the text of Fischer's first editions. The texts are provided with itineraries and detailed index data on people, places, events and terms and enriched with numerous images. The meeting will take place on Teams. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-airtable/","title":"How History At State uses TEI Publisher's annotation tool and Airtable","content":" Upcoming community meetup on July 11, 2023 Virginia Kinniburgh (US Department of State's Office of the Historian) will discuss her work building born-digital indexes for volumes in the Foreign Relations of the United States series, the definitive record of United States foreign policy. The goal was to develop an experimental alternative to the traditional back-of-book indexing process by using TEI Publisher's annotation tool to select indexable entities in documents according to categories such as places, people, events, topics, and agreements/mandates. In this project, TEI Publisher draws on a collaborative, relational database system called Airtable, which gathers potential entries across multiple FRUS volumes and projects, to create browsable facets through which users can better understand the documents. The same annotations can also be used to create index entries and automatically generate an index for the volume. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-lib-4/","title":"tei-publisher-lib 4: Refactoring TEI output mode","content":" > Version 4.0.0 refactors the TEI output mode, making it more widely usable for transformation scenarios producing TEI `tei-publisher-lib` contains the code libraries used for ODD processing and the different supported output modes. It implements the TEI Processing Model as defined by the TEI guidelines.

    We use semantic versioning for all TEI Publisher projects: a change in the first digit of the version number indicates a breaking change. You should be aware that such releases are not fully backwards compatible and may require adjustments to existing apps.

    Warning: custom applications generated by TEI Publisher may update `tei-publisher-lib` automatically when (re-)installed into eXist. See how to prevent this.

    The TEI Processing Model is not only useful for transforming TEI into some other XML output format, but it can also produce TEI from something else. For example, the MS Word import in TEI Publisher converts files in the docx format to TEI with the help of an ODD and the `tei` output mode. Recently we encountered another case which could be elegantly solved with an ODD: the task was to clean up TEI produced by a form-based editor, eliminating superfluous attributes and element hierarchies. So the input as well as the output of the transformation were TEI. Unfortunately the implementation of the tei output mode included some solutions which were specific to the processing of docx documents – and consequently those were unnecessarily applied. We therefore had to refactor the library, cleanly separating the docx-specific processing from the general tei output mode. We also added a new behaviour, `copy`, to the mode, which will copy the current element's start/end tag and attributes before recursively processing its contents. This is useful, as the default behaviour of the TEI PM is to skip any tags it does not know how to handle. Other changes Another new feature which was already released in 3.1.0 – but not documented: you can now access variables and functions defined in the global configuration XQuery module (`config.xqm`) within your ODD. Configuration variables and functions are exposed to XPath expressions in the ODD under the prefix `global`. So to access the current data root collection, you can simply write `$global:data-root` to refer to the corresponding variable defined in `config.xqm`. Upgrading As indicated by the incremented major version number (4.0.0), this release is not backwards compatible. Importing Word docx documents will stop working! Other functionality should not be affected though. To fix this issue after upgrading a custom application you built, you need to add an extra import to `resources/odd/configuration.xml`: The upcoming version 8.1 of TEI Publisher will already include the required changes.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","tei-publisher-lib","release"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-publisher9/","title":"Dive into TEI Publisher 9","content":" Upcoming community meetup on February 6, 2024 Let's celebrate the new edition of TEI Publisher, version 9. We'll give you a guided tour around some of the new features, including creating and consuming IIIF manifests, the redesigned annotation editor, register data entry, improved facet selection etc. This will be a hands-on session, showing how to configure, customize and extend those new goodies.","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/tei-publisher-9/","title":"TEI Publisher 9.0.0","content":"> Version 9 has seen a major rework of the annotation facilities and introduces local authority registers for people, places and organizations. There have been small but powerful improvements to facets, extensions to client-side URL routing, numerous minor fixes and – last but not least – added support for IIIF manifests. !Redesigned annotation editor with local register IIIF manifests As showcased in the Shakespeare sample and app, TEI Publisher now supports generating IIIF presentation manifests and displaying them alongside the text. A presentation manifest combines a set of images together with metadata, so instead of displaying single facsimiles via the IIIF image service, we have a standardized description of all the images associated with a resource. While there are external tools for creating IIIF manifests, we can easily auto-generate them from the TEI header and page beginnings as long as those have `@facs` attributes from which the image service links can be determined. This is demonstrated in the Shakespeare sample but should work with any other TEI meeting the requirements. !IIIF presentation manifest viewer The manifest viewer provided by TEI Publisher components is based on the excellent tify project and is integrated into Publisher's chain of events. This way, text and image view communicate to each other, which means that if you navigate to the next page/image in either of the two, the other reacts accordingly. Client-side URL routing The URL routing features introduced with version 8 have been substantially improved, introducing configurable URL templates also on the client side. This means you can construct URLs which are really completely independent of the underlying data organisation, while making sure the user always sees the page in a consistent state. Previously you still needed to have the path to the document somewhere in the URL. This is no longer required. For example, the documentation app now uses an URL of the form `/documentation/{chapter-id}`. And if you look at one of the projects realized with TEI Publisher recently, the travel diaries of Johann Conrad Fischer, you'll see that the page URLs consists of `/{language}/{year-of-diary}/{chapter-number}`. To make this possible, we have to make sure server and client are \"on the same page\" all the time. Base ODD refactoring This version also brings the demise of the `teiSimplePrint` ODD, previously the source ODD from which `teipublisher` ODD inherits. Models from SimplePrint, after thorough review, have been merged into the default TEI Publisher ODD. This is a first step on the road for the extended and rationalized base ODD, a project inspired by the TEI Vanilla meetups of yore and now undertaken by e-editiones in cooperation with the TEI consortium. Redesigned annotation editor The new annotation editor boasts a new, more user friendly and ergonomic layout with additional capacity to add or edit registry entries from within the editor. Furthermore, a function to find potential matches in other documents for the current annotation and review them on the spot is a long awaited feature, which promises to speed up the editing process without compromising quality or consistency. !Search and review occurrences of entity in other documents A default set up for local registers of places, people and organizations allows editors to curate these resources under the same roof and at the same time as they annotate the sources. Local registers can extend the configured external authority: editors can either add information to an entity copied from the external authority, or provide information about entities not described elsewhere. A number of default input forms is provided for people, organizations and places. They are based on a forms framework called fore, which takes the best parts from the former XForms standard to plain HTML. This means you can modify and extend the provided forms in a purely declarative manner. All you need to do is to change the TEI/XML templates and add controls to the HTML. !Edit a place entity Selecting facets !{.right width=220 style=margin-left:1rem} Now it became easier to select less frequent facets when browsing or searching: previously only the most frequent facets were shown by default and you had to browse through a potentially long list if you wanted to find a not so common one. Now you can easily configure the facets to display a combo box in addition to the list, allowing users to type in a query and see all the matching facets. Thanks Special thanks for contributing funding to the development of this version go to the Office of the Historian at the US Department of State, the project Editionstools für eine Digitale Epigraphik, the Institute of History at the Polish Academy of Science, the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe, the project Buddhistische Steininschriften in Nordchina, and last but not least: e-editiones and Jinntec GmbH. Apart from institutional support, we are grateful to all members of e-editiones community who helped us to translate the user interface via Crowdin and keep the discussion alive on the Slack channel, often assisting each other in solving problems. Try it ... As usual you can try the latest version on the TEI Publisher homepage. Note that **write access is limited** on this server. To get the full experience, we suggest to install TEI Publisher locally. The easiest way is probably to use our docker images.","tags":["announcements","tei-publisher","release"]},{"id":"/pages/gdpr/","title":"Data Protection","content":" General By using this website, you consent to the collection, processing and use of data in accordance with the following description. This website can generally be visited without registration. Data such as pages accessed or names of files accessed, date and time are stored on the server for statistical purposes without this data being directly related to your person. Cookies This website uses cookies. These are small text files that make it possible to store specific information related to the user on the user's terminal device while the user is using the website. Cookies make it possible, in particular, to determine the frequency of use and number of users of the pages, to analyze behavior patterns of page use, but also to make our offer more customer-friendly. Cookies remain stored beyond the end of a browser session and can be retrieved when you visit the site again. If you do not wish this to happen, you should set your Internet browser so that it refuses to accept cookies. The storage of cookies can be achieved by disabling them in the browser settings. Please note that in this case not all functions of this online offer can be used. SSL/TLS encryption This website uses SSL/TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from http:// to https:// and by the lock symbol in your browser line. If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties. Server Log-Files The provider of this website automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are: * Browser type and Browser version * Operating system used * Referer URL * Host name of the accessing computer * Time of the server request * This data cannot be assigned to specific persons. This data is not merged with other data sources. We reserve the right to check this data retrospectively if we become aware of specific indications of illegal use. Third party services We use the open source software Matomo. This is a web analysis platform that helps us to optimise our website. For this purpose, cookies are used to collect information about website usage (e.g. pages accessed, duration of access, browser data) so that usage behaviour can be evaluated and weak points identified. Your IP address is anonymised immediately; you as the user thus remain anonymous. The information obtained about website use is transmitted exclusively to our servers. The data collected is not passed on to third parties. Disclaimer All information on our website has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors can not be completely excluded, so we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of information. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. The publisher/editors may change or delete parts of the pages or the entire edition at their own discretion and without notice and are not obliged to update the contents of this website. The use of or access to this website is at the visitor's own risk. The publisher/editors are not responsible for damages, such as direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, allegedly caused by the visit of this website and consequently assume no liability for such damages. The publisher/editors also accept no responsibility or liability for the content and availability of third-party websites that can be accessed via external links on this website. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content. The publisher/editors thus expressly distance themselves from all third-party content that may be relevant under criminal or liability law or that may offend common decency."},{"id":"/pages/imprint/","title":"Imprint","content":" Publisher e-editiones\\ c/o Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde St.Gallen\\ Notkerstrasse 22\\ CH-9000 St. Gallen\\ info@e-editiones.org Technical support and implementation JinnTec GmbH, Berlin (https://jinntec.de) Licenses Contents and source code of this website are freely accessible on Github."},{"id":"/posts/beyond-the-index/","title":"Beyond the Index: How can Machine Learning benefit digital editions?","content":" Upcoming community meetup on April 16, 2024 Annotation of entities has been commonplace in editions for a long time. But the common methods to do so do not acknowledge the potentials which are provided by todays technologies. In this talk I will present a modern annotation system as well as the possibilities it brings forward in combination with machine learning-based methods of information extraction. By embracing these advancements, we can significantly enhance access to the edition, transforming it into a rich source of data for researchers in fields such as history, linguistics, and sociology. The meeting will take place on Teams. ","tags":["events","meetups"]},{"id":"/pages/groups/","title":"Groups","content":" Community and Communication The e-editiones Community and Communication Group welcomes your participation in a committed academic community focused on the advancement of digital scholarly practices. By joining us, you will contribute to fostering a scholarly network, supplying essential resources and guidelines, and participating in the continuous dialogue to advance digital scholarly editions. Planned Activities - Regular Workshops: Participate in or lead sessions that cover everything from the basics of digital editions to publishing processes using TEI-Publisher. These workshops are designed to stimulate conversation and idea exchange among both newcomers and experts. - Scholarly Presentations and Guest Lectures: Coordinate and attend talks where specialists present their latest research and methods in digital scholarship. - Digital Editions in Education: Develop and implement digital edition integrations into educational settings, enhancing curriculum resources and teaching methods to make scholarly content more interactive and accessible. - Development of Open Educational Resources (OER): Contribute to the creation of accessible educational materials that will benefit learners globally. - Resource Collection and Dissemination: Assist in gathering and distributing key resources related to digital scholarly editions, such as (but not limited to!) guidelines on persistent identifiers (PIDs), best practices for citing editions, and strategies to enhance accessibility. These resources will support our community’s scholarly work and ensure adherence to high standards of academic practice. Get Involved For more details or to join our team, please reach out at anne@e-editiones.org We look forward to welcoming new members! Technical Development The e-editiones Technical Development Group plays a crucial role in the ongoing development and enhancement of TEI Publisher and other open-source tools. The group focuses on addressing current technical challenges and planning future updates to ensure these tools continue to meet user needs. Planned Activities - Development Coordination: Manage collaborative efforts across projects to promote efficient progress and maintain high standards. This includes organizing development timelines, aligning project goals, and optimizing resource allocation. - Issue Management: Systematically analyze and prioritize user-reported issues to maintain functionality and address user concerns. This involves assessing the impact and urgency of issues to ensure timely resolutions. - Community Support: Provide support to users interested in contributing to our projects. This support includes guidance on how to get involved, documentation assistance, and fostering a welcoming environment for contributors of all skill levels. - Release Management: Oversee the development roadmap and manage the release process for updates and new features. This includes scheduling, testing, and ensuring that releases are stable and meet predefined quality criteria. Get Involved This group is suited for those who wish to support the technological development of e-editiones, including non-developers who can assist in documentation, user support, and testing. For more information or to join, please reach out to wolfgang@e-editiones.org. Projects and Finances The e-editiones Projects and Finances Group is essential for those interested in the fiscal and developmental aspects of our scholarly community. As part of this group, you'll play a crucial role in shaping the future of e-editiones through strategic financial management and project development. Planned Activities - Project Development: Work on elaborating e-editiones projects, enhancing our offerings and expanding our impact. - Grant Assistance: Support members in drafting project proposals and securing funding through comprehensive grant writing assistance. - Partner Networking: Facilitate connections between project partners to foster collaboration and innovation. - Financial Initiatives: Engage in activities to raise third-party funds, essential for sustaining and expanding our projects. - Member Recruitment and Management: Recruit new members and manage administrative tasks such as sending annual membership invoices. - Budget and Financial Oversight: Prepare annual budgets for board review and handle the society’s financial accounting to ensure transparency and accountability. Get Involved This group offers a unique opportunity to influence both the financial health and the project success of e-editiones. If you have a knack for finance and project management, and wish to contribute to the growth of our academic community, please contact us at lars@e-editiones.org. We look forward to welcoming new members who are eager to drive our initiatives forward. "},{"id":"/posts/edep/","title":"EDEp – Editing Tools for Digital Epigraphy","content":" The EDEp project, funded by the DFG from 2022 to 2024, researches the possibilities and demands of digital epigraphy and develops corresponding editing tools. Rather than aiming at yet another project-specific solution, the goal was to create a versatile toolbox, designed for customizability and extensibility. In a nutshell, EDEp adds a convenient editor for epigraphic material encoded in EpiDoc to TEI Publisher. But it’s more than that: it’s a collection of tools and technologies, which can be used to support editors in creating any kind of metadata in TEI. In this respect it is following TEI Publisher’s concept of providing a box of modular “Lego” blocks rather than a monolithic one-size-fits-all framework. The EDEp toolbox includes * a declarative forms framework in modern HTML, which operates directly on the actual TEI XML: no data mapping or conversion required * web components for transcribing inscriptions using Leiden markup * components allowing assisted XML editing of specific micro-environments The project demonstrates how these components can be assembled to support a complex editing workflow. Combined with TEI Publisher’s ODD-based transformations for the presentation part, these features mark another important step forward towards a complete edition creation workflow within a single application. EpiDoc As a customization of TEI, EpiDoc is not a rigid standard in the sense that there’s only one way to encode things. Epigraphic projects cover a wide range of fields and will necessarily differ in the details to be encoded. Furthermore, EpiDoc documents feature a mix of structured and unstructured data, posing challenges for conventional data modeling, such as that required by relational databases. EDEp operates directly on the EpiDoc TEI, therefore avoiding the need to establish and maintain a data mapping between user input, database and the resulting XML. Adding a feature then simply becomes a matter of extending the EpiDoc XML template and binding a form control to the new nodes to allow editing. For sure this still requires certain skills and a good understanding of the EpiDocTEI, basic HTML and XPath, but no actual programming. The Application To see the EDEp application in action, log in as user “edep” with password “edep”. To get to the editor, click on the pencil icon below the document title. Full instructions concerning installation and customization are available on GitHub. !Start page The current state of the application itself should be considered an early beta, i.e. fully usable, but still under development. For sure the visual aspects of the form could be improved, but our focus so far was on functionality, not design, and most of the development time went into preparing the foundations upon which others can hopefully build in the future. The Forms All forms were authored in a declarative way: they are just modern HTML – no script coding, building or bundling required. As a result, modifying or extending the forms to fit your own requirements can be done without programming. And, most important: all form controls operate directly on the real EpiDoc TEI loaded into the browser in the background! No need to define a complex data mapping: each form field targets the XML it binds to via an XPath expression. As you edit any of the fields, the EpiDoc TEI is constantly updated within the browser’s memory to reflect the changes and can be saved on request. !EDEp editor The forms framework, Fore, was developed independently by Jinntec, but EDEp served as the most complex test case so far and required the development team to address various technical and conceptual issues. Also thanks to EDEp, Fore has advanced into a production ready tool. To give you a quick impression, a form field in the HTML of the editor will look like this (in slightly simplified form): As you can see, this wraps a standard HTML `select` with a `label` into an `fx-control`. Elements starting with `fx-` are custom web components, which come with Fore. All modern web browsers know how to deal with these web components as the technology has been part of the HTML5 standard for a while now. !The preservation field as shown on the screen The `fx-control` connects the form controls with the underlying EpiDoc document. The `@ref` attribute binds the control to the `condition` element in the `teiHeader` via the given XPath expression (relative to the elements selected by parent controls). Whenever the user changes the preservation field, the `condition` element in the `teiHeader` will change accordingly. The Transcription While the transcription is stored as TEI/XML within the EpiDoc, epigraphers would normally use the *Leiden convention* for encoding it. Leiden provides a fast way to capture details, which would otherwise require rather verbose TEI markup. Drawing some inspiration (and code) from the Patrimonium project, we decided to implement an editor component, which allows users to switch between Leiden and TEI, converting on the fly between the two. The typical workflow would be to first transcribe using Leiden and then – if needed – fine tune the XML with additional information not supported by Leiden, e.g. references to places or people. Leiden comes in different variants. While the editor also supports EDH and Petrae, we suggest *Leiden+* as the preferred syntax. The main reasons: it allows grammar-based validation, error reporting and a clean roundtrip from Leiden+ to XML and back. The video above shows the transcription using Leiden on top and the generated TEI at the bottom. The editor detects incorrect Leiden+ and provides some utilities to correct e.g. the line numbering. Editing the Leiden+ will immediately change the TEI, but as soon as the user edits the XML, the Leiden+ editor is hidden to indicate that the XML is considered the canonical version. One can reopen the Leiden+ editor as long as the XML stays compatible with Leiden+. The editor is fully customizable with code snippets, toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts. Inline Markup: XML Editors When encoding the translation, commentary or apparatus, users would obviously like to include rich markup, e.g. for bibliographic references, semantic annotations etc., so a plain text editor would not be sufficient. In fact, users quickly expressed the wish to be able to use inline markup for basically all free text inputs. EDEp therefore adds a powerful XML editing component, providing a micro-environment for specific subparts of the EpiDoc. The editor features context-sensitive suggestions: if a user edits, for example, a note attached to a bibliographic entry, the editor “knows” the tags which may appear in this exact context and displays corresponding suggestions when the user types. Toolbar buttons, code snippets and a selection of keyboard shortcuts, e.g. to wrap the current selection with an element, complement the editor. All this is fully configurable in the HTML. The Leiden+ and XML editors were released as separate, independently usable components. Outlook Beyond the specialized field of epigraphy, EDEp provides a foundation for building more complex editing environments, using a mix of form-based entry, XML micro editors and plain text markup conventions like Leiden. It should be easy to see how this concept could be expanded to many other use cases. For sure some rough edges still need to be smoothed out, but thanks to EDEp, we consider the underlying components to be close to production-ready state. Many parts of EDEp already found their way into TEI Publisher 9: the custom entity editing forms in the web-based annotation editor are based on Fore, also featuring the context-sensitive XML editor component for entering notes. Extending EDEp, we would also like to see a well-documented, more generic – i.e. less focused on epigraphy – `teiHeader` editing environment in TEI Publisher to serve as a blueprint for other projects, allowing users to copy and paste the bits and pieces they need to support their particular workflow. But as always we would need to find some funding for this. This would well fit into our plans for TEI Publisher 10, which will introduce the concept of “application profiles”, i.e. a collection of modular templates covering typical features of an edition project. This would include ready-to-use blueprints for specific edition types like correspondence, monography, dictionaries etc., but also workflow modules, which can be imported, e.g. the annotation editor. The goal is that users will be able to click together a digital edition in a Fore-based interface, choosing from the available blueprints, templates and modules without having to dive into the source code. An EDEp-like `teiHeader` editor would make a perfect new component, which can be customized to match the type of edition that is being created. Links * EDEp project description * EDEp editor * Application code with installation instructions * XML and Leiden editors * Fore declarative forms ","tags":["report","epidoc","fore","events","meetups"]},{"id":"/posts/community-event-dos-donts-odd/","title":"Dos and don’ts in TEI schema customization. An introduction to the ODD specification ","content":" Upcoming community meetup on July 2, 2024 17:00 CEST Data modelling is the keystone of DIgital Scholarly editing, thus the importance of well-thought-out schemas in XML-based editions. In this sense, the TEI Guidelines and related resources play a crucial role in aiding scholars throughout the formalisation of a schema, together with the well-known benefits of having datasets that are compliant with this technical standard. However, many projects use a TEI customisation that wasn’t conceived for being implemented in real Humanities projects, TEI All, arguably a hindrance towards interoperability. In this community meet-up we will talk about ODD, a specification format that enables the customisation of TEI P5 in a literate programming fashion. We will do an overview of existing resources that assist scholars in the creation of schemas adapted to their project requirements. The meeting will take place on Teams. - Presentation: PDF - Recording: Youtube ","tags":["events","meetups","ODD","Schema"]},{"id":"/join/","title":"Editions with Future","content":" > **Update: meet e-editiones at DH2024 in Washington DC, USA** Rooted in standards - built by the community - meant to last e-editiones is an international non-profit society bringing together edition projects, cultural heritage institutions, scholars, and developers to empower digital projects by promoting open standards and community collaboration— with the ultimate goal of helping to sustain editions far into the future. We * foster the development of open source software for digital scholarly editions and related projects. * provide a meeting place and think tank for researchers, memory institutions, and developers alike. * organize regular workshops and community meetings. Join our open community Get in contact with us via email, mailing list, Mastodon, Slack, GitHub, LinkedIn or Twitter. Become a Member Gain access to our knowledge hub and influence the future of the open-source tools we develop like TEI Publisher and Roaster. Get advice for all steps in your edition project life-cycle: * funding applications * workflows, including HTR/OCR models, setting up your database, and creating your digital scholarly edition * publishing and long-term hosting of editions e-editiones offers institutional and individual memberships. To become a member please contact board@e-editiones.org. ","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]},{"id":"/dh2024/","title":"e-editiones at DH2024","content":" From August 6 till 9, 2024 several e-editiones members will join the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: DH2024 - Reinvention & Responsibility at Washington, D.C., USA. List of TEI Publisher related talks, posters and events around DH2024 From a publishing tool to a virtual research environment: producing scholarly editions with TEl Publisher * When: **Wednesday 7th of August 10:30 EST** * Who: Wolfgang Meier, Joseph C Wicentowski, Magdalena Turska, Helena Bermudez Sabel * What: Presentation * Where: Van Metre Hall 308 * Whova Link Poster Session I * When: **Wednesday 7th of August 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EST** * Where: Van Metre Hall 125 Publishing Process for Digital Scholarly Editing: Jagiellonian Digital Platform * Who: Joanna Katarzyna Hałackiewicz, Iwona Grabska-Gradzinska, Magdalena Eulalia Komorowska, Magdalena Turska * Whova Link New Generation of Electronic Edition for Neo-Latin Literature – Rescue from Oblivion, Stage Two * Who: Iwona Grabska-Gradzinska, Grażyna Urban-Godziek * Whova Link e-editiones / TEI Publisher Get Together * When: **Wednesday 7th of August 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST** * Where: Rocklands BBQ - souther style cusine - at 3471 Washington Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201. Everyone is invited to join, you don't need to be a conference participant Poster Session II - Reinvention, Responsibility & Resurrection: how to future-proof an edition * When: **Friday 9th of August 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST** * Who: Magdalena Turska, Helena Bermudez Sabel * Where: Van Metre Hall 125 * Whova Link Editions with Future Read more about e-editiones and TEI Publisher.","tags":["announcements","e-editiones"]}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 023a5184..e661ab3c 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -488,14 +488,6 @@


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    Slack Community

    The board will treat communications in the #members channel with a higher priority.

    Please join the slack workspace.


    Twitter and LinkedIn


    We will post news via our Twitter account and LinkedIn. If you would like to share something about a project or forthcoming events, please contact the board or mention @EEditiones so we can retweet.


    Mastodon, Twitter and LinkedIn


    We will post news via our Mastodon, Twitter account and LinkedIn accounts. If you would like to share something about a project or forthcoming events, please contact the e-editiones board or mention us on the according platform so we can reshare.


    You can find the source code of the TEI Publisher and many examples on GitHub.


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  • - e-editiones -
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  • - e-editiones -
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  • - e-editiones -
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