In order to run the program properly, it's necessary to assegure that the pc has:
*After installing caffe, run in terminal:
$ ~/caffe/scripts/ ~/caffe/models/bvlc_reference_caffenet
$ ~/caffe/data/ilsvrc12/
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- Get inside the cloned folder:
$ cd das
- Install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to the app:
$ cd das
('das' in this case is another folder inside the previous 'das' folder)
- Open the project in your favorite text editor:
- Create a folder called 'images' in the same level as 'das' and 'gallery'
- Create a folder called 'static' inside the 'images' folder previously created
The project tree has to be like:
- Create the database:
$ python makemigrations gallery
- Migrate the data to schema:
$ python migrate
- Run in terminal:
$ python runserver
- Enjoy the project!
The project will run, by default, in localhost:8000
PS. It's not necessary to add images in the folder. The images will be automatically loaded after you run the program and select the desired images, from your pc, on the appropriate location in the page. As shown in this example: