To list all available tasks, please run:
docker-composer exec web ./vendor/bin/run
See bellow current list of available commands:
Available commands: completion Dump the shell completion script config Dumps the current or given configuration. help Display help for a command list List commands check check:abandoned Check abandoned components. check:composer Check composer packages. check:configuration Check project configuration. check:development Check development components. check:evaluation Check Evaluation components. check:insecure Check insecure components. check:mandatory Check mandatory components. check:npm-insecure Run NPM Insecure. check:npm-outdated Run NPM Outdated. check:outdated Check outdated components. check:recommended Check recommended components. check:unsupported Check unsupported components. docker docker:refresh-configuration [dk-rc] Update docker-compose.yml file based on project's configurations. drupal drupal:check-permissions Command to check the forbidden permissions. drupal:check-sanitisation-classes Command to check existence of Sanitisation classes. drupal:check-sanitisation-fields Command to check fields for sanitisation. drupal:config-import Run the Drupal config import. drupal:disable-cache Disable aggregation and clear cache. drupal:drush-setup Write Drush configuration file at "${drupal.root}/drush/drush.yml". drupal:permissions-setup Setup Drupal permissions. drupal:settings-setup Setup Drupal settings.php file in compliance with Toolkit conventions. drupal:site-install [drupal:si|dsi] Install target site. drupal:site-post-install Run Drupal post-install commands. drupal:site-pre-install Run Drupal pre-install commands. drupal:symlink-project Symlink project as module, theme or profile in the proper directory. drupal:upgrade-status [tdus] Check project compatibility for Drupal 9/10 upgrade. toolkit toolkit:build-assets [tk-assets|tba] Build theme assets (Css and Js). toolkit:build-assets-dist Run the toolkit:build-assets for distribution toolkit:build-dev [tk-bdev] Build site for local development. toolkit:build-dev-reset [tk-bdev-reset] Build site for local development from scratch with a clean git. toolkit:build-dist [tk-bdist] Build the distribution package. toolkit:check-phpcs-requirements Make sure that the config file exists and configuration is correct. toolkit:check-version Check the Toolkit version. toolkit:code-review Execute all or specific tools for static testing. toolkit:complock-check Check if 'composer.lock' exists on the project root folder. toolkit:component-check Check composer for components that are not whitelisted/blacklisted. toolkit:create-dump [tk-cdump] Export the local snapshot. toolkit:download-dump [tk-ddump] Download database snapshot. toolkit:fix-permissions Run script to fix permissions (experimental). toolkit:hooks-delete-all [tk-hdel] Remove all existing hooks, this will ignore active hooks list. toolkit:hooks-disable [tk-hdis] Disable the git hooks. toolkit:hooks-enable [tk-hen] Enable the git hooks defined in the configuration or in given option. toolkit:hooks-list [tk-hlist] List available hooks and its status. toolkit:hooks-run [tk-hrun] Run a specific hook. toolkit:import-config [DEPRECATED] Run the Drupal config import. toolkit:install-clean [tk-iclean] Install a clean website. toolkit:install-clone [tk-iclone] Install a clone website. toolkit:install-dependencies Install packages present in the .opts.yml file under extra_pkgs section. toolkit:install-dump [tk-idump] Import the production snapshot. toolkit:lint-behat [tk-lbehat] Run lint Behat. toolkit:lint-cspell [tk-cspell] Run lint CSpell. toolkit:lint-css [tk-css] Run lint CSS. toolkit:lint-js [tk-js|tljs] Run lint JS. toolkit:lint-php [tk-php|tlp] Run lint PHP. toolkit:lint-yaml [tk-yaml|tly] Run lint YAML. toolkit:notifications [tk-notifications] Display Toolkit notifications. toolkit:opts-review [tk-opts-review] Check project's .opts.yml file for forbidden commands. toolkit:patch-download [tk-pd] Download remote patches into a local directory. toolkit:patch-list [tk-pl] Lists remote patches from the root composer.json. toolkit:requirements [tk-req] Check the Toolkit Requirements. toolkit:run-axe-scan [tk-axe] Run the axe-scan. toolkit:run-axe-scan-summary [tk-axe-sum] Run the axe-scan summary. toolkit:run-blackfire [tk-bfire|tbf] Run Blackfire. toolkit:run-deploy [tk-deploy] Run deployment sequence. toolkit:run-gitleaks [tk-gitleaks] Executes the Gitleaks. toolkit:run-phpcbf [tk-phpcbf] Run PHP code autofixing. toolkit:setup-axe-scan Make sure axe-scan is installed and properly configured. toolkit:setup-behat Setup the Behat file. toolkit:setup-blackfire-behat Copy the needed resources to run Behat with Blackfire. toolkit:setup-eslint Setup the ESLint configurations and dependencies. toolkit:setup-phpcs Setup PHP code sniffer. toolkit:setup-phpunit Setup the PHPUnit file. toolkit:test-behat [tk-behat|tb] Run Behat tests. toolkit:test-phpcs [tk-phpcs] Run PHP code sniffer. toolkit:test-phpmd [tk-phpmd] Run PHPMD. toolkit:test-phpstan [tk-phpstan] Run PHPStan. toolkit:test-phpunit [tk-phpunit|tp] Run PHPUnit tests. toolkit:vendor-list Check 'Vendor' packages being monitored.
To provide custom commands, make sure that your classes are loaded, for example using PSR-4 namespacing set the autoload in the composer.json file.
{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "My\\Project\\": "./src/" } } }
Create your command class under src/TaskRunner/Commands
that will extend the abstract Toolkit command, like:
<?php namespace My\Project\TaskRunner\Commands; use EcEuropa\Toolkit\TaskRunner\AbstractCommands; class ExampleCommands extends AbstractCommands { /** @command example:first-command */ public function commandOne() { } }
For more detail, check the consolidation/annotated-command documentation.
You can pass default values for the command options, for that you need to define a configuration file, and import it as shown below.
# config/commands/config.yml commands: example: first-command: options: output: false
<?php namespace My\Project\TaskRunner\Commands; use EcEuropa\Toolkit\TaskRunner\AbstractCommands; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; class ExampleCommands extends AbstractCommands { public function getConfigurationFile() { return __DIR__ . '/../../../config/commands/config.yml'; } /** * @command example:first-command * @option output This is a test option */ public function commandOne($options = [ 'output' => InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED ]) { } }
Configuration commands are created in the configuration file runner.yml
, like shown below:
- { task: process, source: behat.yml.dist, destination: behat.yml }
aliases: test
description: 'Setup the behat file'
help: 'Some help text'
hidden: false
usage: '--simulate'
- { task: process, source: behat.yml.dist, destination: behat.yml }
The configuration commands are a mapping to the Robo Tasks, the list of available tasks is:
Task | Robo Task |
mkdir | FilesystemStack |
touch | FilesystemStack |
copy | FilesystemStack |
copyDir | FilesystemStack |
chmod | FilesystemStack |
chgrp | FilesystemStack |
chown | FilesystemStack |
remove | FilesystemStack |
rename | FilesystemStack |
symlink | FilesystemStack |
mirror | FilesystemStack |
process | Process |
append | Write with append() |
run | Executes a Runner task |
exec | Exec |
drush | Executes a Drush command |
replace-block | ReplaceBlock |