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Deploy Single Node OpenShift clusters on IBMcloud via jetlag quickstart

To deploy Single Node OpenShift (SNO) clusters on IBMcloud hardware you can simply follow the bare metal cluster guide with a few differences. The changes in this guide will apply after Review ibmcloud.yml section.

For guidance on how to order hardware on IBMcloud, see in docs directory.

SNO var changes

Change cluster_type to cluster_type: sno

Change sno_node_count to the number of SNOs that should be provisioned. For Example sno_node_count: 2

Change private_network_cidr to the network cidr for the private network of your hardware. For Example private_network_cidr: X.X.X.0/26

Clear out settings for controlplane_network_api and controlplane_network_ingress

Review SNO ibmcloud.yml

The ansible/vars/ibmcloud.yml now resembles ..

# ibmcloud sample vars file
# Lab & cluster infrastructure vars
# Lab is ibmcloud in this case
lab: ibmcloud

cluster_type: sno

# Applies to bm clusters

# Applies to sno clusters
sno_node_count: 2

# Versions are controlled by this release image. If you want to change images
# you must stop and rm all assisted-installer containers on the bastion and rerun
# the setup-bastion step in order to setup your bastion's assisted-installer to
# the version you specified

# This should just match the above release image version (Ex: 4.12)
openshift_version: "4.12"

# Either "OVNKubernetes" or "OpenShiftSDN" (Only for BM/RWN cluster types)
networktype: OVNKubernetes

ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/ibmcloud_id_rsa
ssh_public_key_file: ~/.ssh/
# Place your pull_secret.txt in the base directory of the cloned jetlag repo, Example:
# [user@fedora jetlag]$ ls pull_secret.txt
pull_secret: "{{ lookup('file', '../pull_secret.txt') }}"

# Bastion node vars
bastion_cluster_config_dir: /root/{{ cluster_type }}

bastion_public_interface: bond1

- bond0
- int0
- int1

- X.X.X.X
- Y.Y.Y.Y


# OCP node vars
# Network configuration for cluster control-plane nodes

# Applies to sno only and serves as machine network
private_network_cidr: X.X.X.0/26

private_network_prefix: 26

cluster_name: jetlag-ibm

# Only applies for bm cluster types

# Extra vars
# Append override vars below

Run playbooks

Run the ibmcloud create inventory playbook

[user@fedora jetlag]$ ansible-playbook ansible/ibmcloud-create-inventory.yml

The ibmcloud-create-inventory.yml playbook will create an inventory file ansible/inventory/ibmcloud.local from the ibmcloud cli data and the vars file.

The inventory file should resemble the sample one provided.

Next run the ibmcloud-setup-bastion.yml playbook ...

[user@fedora jetlag]$ ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/ibmcloud.local ansible/ibmcloud-setup-bastion.yml

Finally run the ibmcloud-sno-deploy.yml playbook ...

[user@fedora jetlag]$ ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/ibmcloud.local ansible/ibmcloud-sno-deploy.yml

If everything goes well you should have SNO(s) in about 50-60 minutes. You can interact with the SNOs from the bastion.

[root@jetlag-bm0 ~]# cd sno/
[root@jetlag-bm0 sno]# oc --kubeconfig=jetlag-bm5/kubeconfig get no
NAME         STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
jetlag-bm5   Ready    master,worker   48m   v1.21.1+051ac4f
[root@jetlag-bm0 sno]# oc --kubeconfig=jetlag-bm4/kubeconfig get no
NAME         STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
jetlag-bm4   Ready    master,worker   48m   v1.21.1+051ac4f

You can also copy the kubeconfig to your local machine and interact with it if you are on the ibmcloud vpn, and add the appropriate /etc/hosts entries to your local /etc/hosts file.