Releases: dustturtle/RealReachability
version 1.1.5 stable (support IPV6)
support IPV6; 1.1.4 deprecated because of pod check error.
version 1.1.3 stable
This version:fixed some potential bugs, more stable than previous version; no new features.
What we will do in next versions: new strategy will be introduced to guarantee the checking accuracy of "fake connection".
version1.1.2 stable
Fixed some bugs reported by user. Did some optimization either.
version1.1.1 stable
Avoid enum definition conflict when working with reachability together; now it will be better to serve for your existing projects.
Previous enum:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ReachabilityStatus) {
// Apple NetworkStatus Compatible Names.
NotReachable = 0,
ReachableViaWWAN = 1,
ReachableViaWiFi = 2
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ReachabilityStatus) {
///Direct match with Apple networkStatus, just a force type convert.
RealStatusNotReachable = 0,
RealStatusViaWWAN = 1,
RealStatusViaWiFi = 2
Enjoy it!
version1.1.0 stable
stable version for cocoapods
version1.0.0 stable
The first stable version of RealReachability!
Dozens of hours's manual test!
Found any issue, please tell me.