We will be focusing on Front-end development. The duration of the bootcamp is 10 days with a total duration of 15 hours in total. You will have mini projects and a final project as part of the bootcamp.
The major topics covered will inlcude:
- HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Bootstrap
- React JS
Day 1 - Introduction 23/09/2020
- How a full stack website works?
- Roadmap for front-end and back-end web development.
- Different frameworks and libraries for web development.
- What all to expect from the bootcamp?
Day 2 - Basics of HTML 25/09/2020
- How to setup an HTML file
- Tags , Image elements
- Lists , Table
Day 3 - Basics of CSS 26/09/2020
- Linking HTML and CSS
- Classes vs ID
- Colors, background-colors
- Font, Font-Family,Font-sizing
- Basic Positioning
Day 4 - Basics of Bootstrap 4 26/09/2020
- Bootstrap's grid layout
- Responsive design
- How to develop reponsive website
Day 5 - Basics of Javascript & ES6 Syntax 27/09/2020
- Variables,constants,operators and functions in Javascript
- DOM Manipulation using Javascript
- This keyword
- Arrow functions , spread operator map function.
Day 6 - Essentials 28/09/2020
- Git and GitHub
- UI/UX designing
- Project ideas
Day 7 - Javascript project - Color picker 30/09/2020
Day 8 - React JS Basics 02/10/2020
- What is React?
- What is virtual DOM?
- What is JSX?
- How to setup a react project?
- What are component? How to create sub-components.
- How to export/import components from one jsx file to another.
Day 9 - React JS project counter 03/10/2020
Day 10 - Final Day 04/10/2020
- What next?
- Feedback
- Wrap up