diff --git a/controllers/Formerly_ExportController.php b/controllers/Formerly_ExportController.php
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 6294075..3ee4b26
--- a/controllers/Formerly_ExportController.php
+++ b/controllers/Formerly_ExportController.php
@@ -3,118 +3,181 @@
class Formerly_ExportController extends BaseController
- public function actionIndex()
- {
- $this->renderTemplate('formerly/export/_index', array(
- 'forms' => craft()->formerly_forms->getAllForms()
- ));
- }
- public function actionCsv()
- {
- $dataToProcess = true;
- $first = true;
- $offset = 0;
- $blocksize = 500;
- $maximumLoops = 1000;
- $loops = 0;
- $formId = craft()->request->getPost('form');
- $form = craft()->formerly_forms->getFormById($formId);
- set_time_limit('1000');
- //ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
- header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . ($form->handle . '_submissions.csv'));
- header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
- $stream = fopen('php://output', 'w');
- while ($dataToProcess && $loops <= $maximumLoops) {
- $dataToProcess = false;
- $loops++;
- $criteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria('Formerly_Submission');
- $criteria->formId = $formId;
- $criteria->limit = $blocksize;
- $criteria->offset = $offset;
- if (isset($_POST['fromDate']) &&
- !empty($_POST['fromDate']['date']) &&
- isset($_POST['toDate']) &&
- !empty($_POST['toDate']['date'])
- ) {
- $fromDate = craft()->request->getPost('fromDate');
- $fromDate = DateTime::createFromString($fromDate, craft()->timezone);
- $toDate = craft()->request->getPost('toDate');
- $toDate = DateTime::createFromString($toDate, craft()->timezone);
- //A bit of a hack, I can't work out how to do a betweendates or AND query. These fields are always the same anyway
- $criteria->dateCreated = '>= ' . $fromDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME);
- $criteria->dateUpdated = '<= ' . $toDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME);
- } elseif (isset($_POST['fromDate']) && !empty($_POST['fromDate']['date'])) {
- $fromDate = craft()->request->getPost('fromDate');
- $fromDate = DateTime::createFromString($fromDate, craft()->timezone);
- $criteria->dateCreated = '>= ' . $fromDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME);
- } else if (isset($_POST['toDate']) && !empty($_POST['toDate']['date'])) {
- $toDate = craft()->request->getPost('toDate');
- $toDate = DateTime::createFromString($toDate, craft()->timezone);
- $criteria->dateCreated = '<= ' . $toDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME);
- }
- $criteria->order = 'dateCreated desc';
- // Write column names first.
+ /**
+ * Switch this to true if you require the onPopulateElement hook.
+ *
+ * This significantly increases memory and CPU consumption.
+ *
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ private $enableHooks = false;
+ public function actionIndex()
+ {
+ $this->renderTemplate('formerly/export/_index', array(
+ 'forms' => craft()->formerly_forms->getAllForms()
+ ));
+ }
+ public function actionCsv()
+ {
+ $formId = craft()->request->getPost('form');
+ $form = craft()->formerly_forms->getFormById($formId);
+ $formQuestions = $form->getQuestions();
+ $fieldTypes = craft()->fields->getAllFieldTypes();
+ set_time_limit('1000');
+ header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . ($form->handle . '_submissions.csv'));
+ header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
+ $stream = fopen('php://output', 'w');
+ $criteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria('Formerly_Submission');
+ $criteria->formId = $formId;
+ $query = craft()->elements->buildElementsQuery($criteria, $contentTable, $fieldColumns);
+ $query->limit(500000);
+ $query->order('dateCreated desc');
+ if (isset($_POST['fromDate']) &&
+ !empty($_POST['fromDate']['date']) &&
+ isset($_POST['toDate']) &&
+ !empty($_POST['toDate']['date'])
+ ) {
+ $fromDate = craft()->request->getPost('fromDate');
+ $fromDate = DateTime::createFromString($fromDate, craft()->timezone);
+ $toDate = craft()->request->getPost('toDate');
+ $toDate = DateTime::createFromString($toDate, craft()->timezone);
+ $query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseDateParam('elements.dateCreated', '>= ' . $fromDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME), $query->params));
+ $query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseDateParam('elements.dateCreated', '<= ' . $toDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME), $query->params));
+ } elseif (isset($_POST['fromDate']) && !empty($_POST['fromDate']['date'])) {
+ $fromDate = craft()->request->getPost('fromDate');
+ $fromDate = DateTime::createFromString($fromDate, craft()->timezone);
+ $query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseDateParam('elements.dateCreated', '>= ' . $fromDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME), $query->params));
+ } else if (isset($_POST['toDate']) && !empty($_POST['toDate']['date'])) {
+ $toDate = craft()->request->getPost('toDate');
+ $toDate = DateTime::createFromString($toDate, craft()->timezone);
+ $query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseDateParam('elements.dateCreated', '<= ' . $toDate->format(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME), $query->params));
+ }
+ // Write column names first.
$first = true;
+ $queryResult = $query->query();
+ $elementType = $criteria->getElementType();
+ while (false !== ($result = $queryResult->read())) {
+ if ($this->enableHooks) {
+ // Make a copy to pass to the onPopulateElement event
+ $originalResult = array_merge($result);
+ }
+ // Separate the content values from the main element attributes
+ $content = array(
+ 'id' => (isset($result['contentId']) ? $result['contentId'] : null),
+ 'elementId' => $result['id'],
+ 'locale' => $criteria->locale,
+ 'title' => (isset($result['title']) ? $result['title'] : null)
+ );
+ unset($result['title']);
+ if ($fieldColumns) {
+ foreach ($fieldColumns as $column) {
+ // Account for results where multiple fields have the same handle, but from
+ // different columns e.g. two Matrix block types that each have a field with the
+ // same handle
+ $colName = $column['column'];
+ $fieldHandle = $column['handle'];
+ if (!isset($content[$fieldHandle]) || (empty($content[$fieldHandle]) && !empty($result[$colName]))) {
+ $content[$fieldHandle] = $result[$colName];
+ }
+ unset($result[$colName]);
+ }
+ }
- foreach ($criteria->find() as $submission) {
- $dataToProcess = true;
- $row = array(
- 'Id' => $submission->id,
- 'Time' => $submission->dateCreated->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')
- );
- foreach($form->getQuestions() as $question)
- {
- if ($question->type != 'RawHTML') {
- $columnName = str_replace($form->handle . '_', '', $question->handle);
- $columnName = str_replace(Formerly_QuestionType::CustomListHandle, '', $columnName);
- $columnName = str_replace(Formerly_QuestionType::RawHTMLHandle, '', $columnName);
- $columnName = str_replace(Formerly_QuestionType::CustomHandle, '', $columnName);
- $columnName = ucwords($columnName);
- $row[$columnName] = $submission->{$question->handle};
- $value = $submission->{$question->handle};
- if ($value instanceof MultiOptionsFieldData) {
- $options = $value->getOptions();
- $summary = array();
- if ($question->type == Formerly_QuestionType::CustomList) {
- for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); ++$j) {
- $v = $value[$j];
- if ($v->selected) {
- $summary[] = $v->value;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ($j = 0; $j < count($options); ++$j) {
- $option = $options[$j];
- if ($option->selected)
- $summary[] = $option->value;
- }
- }
- $row[$columnName] = implode($summary, ', ');
- }
- elseif ($question->type == Formerly_QuestionType::MultilineText) {
- $row[$columnName] = str_replace('
', "\n", $value);
- }
- else {
- if ($question->type != Formerly_QuestionType::RawHTML)
- $row[$columnName] = $value;
- }
- }
- }
+ $result['locale'] = $criteria->locale;
+ if ($this->enableHooks) {
+ $submission = $elementType->populateElementModel($result);
+ // Was an element returned?
+ if (!$submission || !($submission instanceof BaseElementModel)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $submission->setContent($content);
+ // Fire an 'onPopulateElement' event
+ craft()->elements->onPopulateElement(new Event($this, array(
+ 'element' => $submission,
+ 'result' => $originalResult
+ )));
+ } else {
+ $result['dateCreated'] = DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::MYSQL_DATETIME, $result['dateCreated']);
+ $submission = (object)array_merge($content, $result);
+ }
+ $row = array(
+ 'Id' => $submission->id,
+ 'Time' => $submission->dateCreated->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')
+ );
+ foreach ($formQuestions as $question) {
+ if ($question->type == Formerly_QuestionType::RawHTML) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $columnName = str_replace(array(
+ $form->handle . '_',
+ Formerly_QuestionType::CustomListHandle,
+ Formerly_QuestionType::RawHTMLHandle,
+ Formerly_QuestionType::CustomHandle,
+ ), '', $question->handle);
+ $columnName = ucwords($columnName);
+ $value = $submission->{$question->handle};
+ if (!$this->enableHooks && isset($fieldTypes[$question->type])) {
+ $fieldType = clone $fieldTypes[$question->type];
+ $fieldType->setSettings(array(
+ 'options' => $question->options,
+ ));
+ if ($value && is_string($value) && mb_strpos('{[', $value[0]) !== false) {
+ // Presumably this is JSON.
+ $value = JsonHelper::decode($value);
+ }
+ $value = $fieldType->prepValue($value);
+ }
+ if ($value instanceof MultiOptionsFieldData) {
+ $summary = array();
+ if ($question->type == Formerly_QuestionType::CustomList) {
+ for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); ++$j) {
+ $v = $value[$j];
+ if ($v->selected) {
+ $summary[] = $v->value;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach ($value->getOptions() as $option) {
+ if ($option->selected) {
+ $summary[] = $option->value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $row[$columnName] = implode($summary, ', ');
+ } elseif ($question->type == Formerly_QuestionType::MultilineText) {
+ $row[$columnName] = str_replace('
', "\n", $value);
+ } else {
+ $row[$columnName] = $value;
+ }
+ }
if ($first) {
fputcsv($stream, array_keys($row));
@@ -122,13 +185,10 @@ public function actionCsv()
fputcsv($stream, $row);
+ }
- }
- $first = true;
- $offset += $blocksize;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }