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In this game you will be doing flash card exercises to help you memorize the NATO phonetic alphabet. The NATO phonetic alphabet is commonly used during radio communication in aviation. Each flash card will have a letter from the English alphabet and you need to provide the corresponding code word for that letter.
| NATO phonetic alphabet code words
| A -> Alpha B -> Bravo C -> Charlie D -> Delta
| E -> Echo F -> Foxtrot G -> Golf H -> Hotel
| I -> India J -> Juliett K -> Kilo L -> Lima
| M -> Mike N -> November O -> Oscar P -> Papa
| Q -> Quebec R -> Romeo S -> Sierra T -> Tango
| U -> Uniform V -> Victor W -> Whiskey X -> X-ray
| Y -> Yankee Z -> Zulu
What is the NATO phonetic alphabet code word for...
C? Casper
Incorrect. :( C -> Charlie
: input code nameenter
: confirm/continueescape
: exit game or return to main menu