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Releases: dmurdoch/rgl

rgl 0.109.2

14 Jun 18:00
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This is a fairly large update, fixing a lot of bugs and adding a number of new features.

Major changes

  • Changes to support glTF animation:
    • Handling of embedding = "modify" for the model matrix
      has changed. Now the centering step is only done for
      embedding = "replace". In addition, various bugs
      have been fixed.
    • If a subscene has no lights defined, the lights from the parent
      are used.
    • plot.rglscene() now ends with the root subscene as
      current. It also allows specification of open3d()
      parameters in a list.
    • The MATn types in Buffer are returned as arrays with
      dim c(n, n, count).
    • The plot3d.rglscene method now passes ... to open3d().
    • The setUserShaders() function now allows arrays of 4x4 matrices as "uniforms", and allows additional textures to be specified.
  • sprites3d() now has the option of
    rotating = TRUE, to allow 3D sprites to rotate with
    the scene.
  • Added getShaders() function to get shaders used in WebGL.
  • Now detects if rgl is running within reprex::reprex()
    and if so arranges that a screenshot will be included in the
  • Added default shaders to be used in rglwidget(), rather than
    constructing them on the fly. This incompatibly affects the use
    of lights and clipping planes with user shaders: their data
    is now stored in arrays rather than multiple numbered variables.

Minor changes

  • Now that pkgdown 2.0.0 has been released, a number
    of internal workarounds to support the development version
    have been removed.
  • Added as.mesh3d() methods for "rglsubscene" and "rglscene".
  • open3d() now handles useNULL and silent arguments
    passed in params.
  • Controls passed to playwidget() may now include a
    component specifying HTML dependencies.
  • Added rglwidgetClass.readAccessor() method to let other
    code use the buffering.
  • Changed the internal organization of bounding box calculations.
  • All functions that produce meshes now accept
    material properties. Newly modified to do so using the ...
    argument: cylinder3d(), and getBoundary3d().
  • Updated the system requirements and installation instructions.
  • Solid bounding box decorations now try harder to display 3 faces (issue #206).
  • Now that webshot2 is on CRAN, instructions for
    installing it from Github have been removed.
  • Sometimes webshot2 snapshots are very slow, so
    the default for the webshot argument to snapshot3d()
    now depends on the RGL_USE_WEBSHOT environment
    variable, using TRUE if it is unset. (Reported by Prof. B. D. Ripley.)
  • If the Chrome browser is not found, snapshot3d(webshot = TRUE) now issues a warning and
    reverts to using rgl.snapshot().
  • Buffers now use "normalized integers" to store
    color or texture coordinate values that lie between 0
    and 1 when it saves some space.
  • At the request of CRAN, the akima package is no
    longer suggested.

Bug fixes

  • as.mesh3d.rglobject() didn't handle objects with indices
  • In WebGL, the front vs back calculation sometimes
    got the wrong result (issue #164).
  • pop3d(tag = x) did not always find the objects with tag == x if they were not in the current subscene.
  • The default values for front and back in rgl.material
    and material3d are now "filled", as documented in some
  • The fog setting wasn't handled properly by bg3d().
  • Numerous cases of partial argument matching were fixed
    (suggestion of Henrik Bengtsson in issue #170.)
  • Argument col is accepted as a synonym for color in material3d() and rgl.material().
  • planes3d() objects were not displayed consistently
    in rgl windows and WebGL displays, because the bounding
    boxes were not computed consistently (issue #169).
  • Some initialization wasn't done properly in Shiny apps,
    so they failed after a redraw (issue #173).
  • Buffers are now optional, as they don't work with
    Shiny scene changes (also issue #173).
  • The NULL device would sometimes miscalculate the
    bounding box.
  • selectpoints3d(closest = TRUE) selected too many points
    when multiple objects were in the scene.
  • Clearing nested subscenes could cause a segfault and crash.
  • In knitr and rmarkdown, blank plots could be shown
    when par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE) was set (issue #188).
  • Objects drawn with sprites3d() weren't lit correctly
    in WebGL (issue #189).
  • Objects with textures were sometimes drawn more than once, both
    before the texture loaded and after. This was most noticeable for
    objects with user textures.
  • Axis mode "pretty" got lost when scenes were redrawn.
  • Tick labels were sometimes lost in WebGL displays and
    snapshot3d() results (issue #197).
  • The new material properties from 0.107.10 and 0.108.3
    were not handled properly by plotmath3d().
  • rglMouse() did not set the default value of the drop-down
    selector properly (issue #213).
  • merge.mesh3d(), used by filledContour3d(), didn't handle
    colors properly (issue #212).
  • bg3d(sphere = TRUE) has been fixed (issue #207).
  • Textures were not appearing on spheres, and front-back
    differences weren't being rendered (issue #217).
  • When "knitting" within RStudio under R 4.2.0 on
    Windows, rgl scenes didn't appear (reported by
    Dieter Menne.) A workaround has been added.
  • In rglwidget(), axis labels were not always
    displayed, and did not move with solid bounding box
    decorations properly (issue #206).
  • On some systems, lines3d() using both missing values
    and transparency did not draw properly (issue #234,
    originally reported by Gaspar Jekely).
  • The rglShared() example failed when crosstalk
    was uninstalled.

rgl 0.108.3

24 Nov 12:38
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Major changes

  • Added getBoundary3d() function to extract the boundary
    edges of a mesh.
  • Added material property tag, a string associated
    with each object. The value is reported by ids3d(tags = TRUE) and
    may be used to select objects in most functions that use ids,
    but otherwise is
    largely ignored by rgl. The tagged3d() function returns
    information on tags.
  • Primitive types (points, lines, segments, triangles, quads)
    can now accept an indices parameter, similar to the
    indices in mesh3d objects.
  • Added Buffer object, based on glTF design, for holding binary
    data for rglwidget().

Minor changes

  • Allowed for a third coordinate in text3d()'s adj
  • Added support for adj, pos and offset to
  • Added support for pos values of 0 (at specified
    location), 5 (in front of it), and 6 (behind it) in
    text3d(), sprites3d() and plotmath3d().
  • crosstalk is now a Suggested package, rather than
    a required one.
  • The Makevars.ucrt file has been modified with
    contributions from Tomas Kalibera to work with his winutf8
    build of R.
  • bgplot3d() no longer pauses for each page when running
  • deldir version 1.0-2 is incompatible with rgl. Added
    the checkDeldir() function to avoid running it.
  • shade3d() treated texture coordinates like colors, and
    duplicated the first one for the whole face when meshColor = "faces" was chosen.
    Instead, they are now treated like vertex coordinates.
    (Reported by Michael Sumner in issue #145).
  • Corrected the documentation and made the implementations
    of asHomogeneous(), asEuclidean() etc. more consistent.
  • An as.rglscene() generic has been added, though no methods
    are defined in this package.
  • downlit 0.4.0 has been released with support for rgl, so instructions
    for installing the devel version have been removed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed rendering of text as sprites3d() objects.
  • Added --static flag to configure script for FreeType
    installation. (Suggestion of Simon Urbanek and Prof. Brian Ripley.)
  • shade3d(), wire3d() and dots3d() overrode
    "front" and "back" material settings in mesh objects.
  • rglwidget() handling of bounding box decorations had
    several bugs.
  • rgl could not find routines in the DLL on some Windows
    installs (Issue 148.)
  • Some cases where allocations were not protected have been fixed.

rgl 0.107.14

24 Nov 12:40
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Major changes

  • Added expect_known_scene() function to work with
  • Added some testthat tests.
  • Prepend a 5th entry to par3d("mouseMode"), corresponding
    to actions to take when no button is pressed.
  • Allowed any of the mouse modes to be applied to
    the mouse wheel.
  • Added the setUserCallbacks() function to allow
    user-specified mouse callbacks in WebGL code.
  • Added Javascript code for support of movable
    axis labels in bboxdeco objects.
  • Most drawing functions can now draw in the margins
    using new material properties margin and floating,
    with objects that move as the bounding box changes.
    See ?mtext3d for details.
  • The mtext3d() argument order has changed.
  • Added the setAxisCallbacks() function to allow
    user-specified axis drawing routines.
  • Exposed (and generalized) the as.tmesh3d() function.

Minor changes

  • The shiny and manipulateWidget packages have been changed from imports
    that are always loaded to suggested packages that
    will only be loaded if needed. This will reduce the
    "footprint" of rgl for users who don't use them.
  • The NULL device can now specify par3d("useFreeType")
    and the result is saved.
  • Code to work with pre-1.33 versions of knitr has now
    been removed.
  • Added documentation of Javascript to web page.
  • The handling of the RGL_DEBUGGING environment variable
    has changed: now it must look like TRUE to trigger
    Javascript debugging mode.
  • Argument webshot = TRUE has been added to movie3d (issue #113).
  • The assert() macro is now always defined.
  • In Windows, the WM_PAINT handler should be more tolerant
    of code called while painting.
  • as.mesh3d.default() can create segments. (Contributed
    by Michael Sumner.)
  • compare_proxy.mesh3d() has been modified to be
    compatible with both current and upcoming versions of

Bug fixes

  • The bug workaround in 0.105.22 for issue #27 triggered a bug
    in RStudio, resulting in two RStudio processes showing up
    when rgl was loaded. The workaround is now skipped when
    RStudio is detected. Use options(startQuartz = TRUE)
    in RStudio before loading rgl to run it,
    or options(startQuartz = FALSE) to suppress it.
  • In some cases, snapshots in rmarkdown documents
    were produced at the wrong size.
  • Controls failed to modify sphere colors (e.g. as in example(playwidget), issue #102)