Camlsql will let you fetch SharePoint List Items using SQL syntax. It relies on an already existing SP ClientContext and is therefore very lightweight.
camlsql.prepare("SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE Title LIKE ? ORDER BY Modified DESC LIMIT 10", [ "%hello%" ])
.exec(function(err, rows) {
if (err) console.error(err);
Looking for the Documentation?
Maybe you shouldn't.
This is a very specific library to do one specific thing - get list items from a list - while the REST API can be used for creating, updating and deleting as well.
But let me try to sell camlsql to you anyway.
- camlsql is lightweight - only 8.3 KB min+gz
- Generate CAML queries using SQL-like syntax! SQL! Too easy!
- No dependencies other than the existing SharePoint CSOM libraries
- SQL syntax (yes, I mention it again) and no need to manually build XML strings
Not convinced? I figured as much... Read on...
Other than my above attempts to convice you there are few "actual" reasons when you may need to use CamlQueries over the SharePoint REST API.
- Nested joins is not supported by the REST API
- If you have list A with a lookup field to list B,
and list B has a lookup field to C - then you can not query list A and join list C via list B. - This is possible using CAML and by using JOIN in the camlsql library
- If you have list A with a lookup field to list B,
- Calculated fields can not be queried using the REST API
Still not convinced? Well, then perhaps this is not the library you're looking for.
Thanks for reading this far!
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