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NodeJS Quick Start

using a Client

To use a Client to speak to Cocaine services you need to know the metalocator address. If you do it from one of nodes on the cluster, it's usually If you access services from outside of the cloud, it usually well be the load-balancer's locator. Let's say it's

var cocaine = require("cocaine")
var cli = new cocaine.Client(["", 10053])

Here, cli is an instance of a Client class, that is not yet connected. It can construct various Service classes for you.

Creating individual Service-clients using Client

var Storage = cli.Service("storage")

Here, Storage is an instance of future ready-to-use service. It still lacks storage's methods through -- they are implemented when Client receives service's metadata from locator.

"storage" service will be resolved using the locator endpoint specified in Client constructor. Resolution happens when you call Storage's connect method: it resolves service's metadata, implements it's methods, and connects to service's endpoint. Then emits "connect" event.

So, after connect event, the Storage is ready to use:

Storage.on("connect", function(){
  Storage.find("manifests", ["apps"])

(See [] for full description of storage's methods)

As a developer of a robust applications, you have to know what error conditions can happen at various points of time in Client's life. See reference [TODO] and examples [examples/client.js] for info on handling error conditions.

Creating multiple Services-clients at once

To save developer's efforts, there's a simplified API to create multiple Service-clients. You can use it like this:

cli.getServices(["storage", "logging", "geobase"], function(err, Storage, Logging, Geo) {
    // here, Storage, Logging, Geo all are instances of
    // corresponding Service-clients, already resolved and connected

The drawback of such approach is that it's harder to handle errors. err here is the error object that has info on what services were failed to resolve.

running basic cocaine app with Worker

To run your app scalable on nodes of the cluster, you have to implement all mechanics of interactions that are expected from such app. For all details what is required, see []. All this behavior is implemented in Worker class of the framework.

To initialize, the Worker class needs to know about command-line keys, that cocaine-runtime has passed to spawned process, in form of

{ "app": "appname", 
  "endpoint": "/path/to/unix.sock" }

Luckily, there's npm optimist module that parses command-line arguments exactly like that.

var argv = require("optimist").argv
var Worker = new cocaine.Worker(argv)

Here, Worker is an instance of cocaine.Worker class. Worker is not yet connected to cocaine-runtime. Since runtime will send us incoming requests as soon as connect method's messages reach it, we have to specify handlers for incoming events first, to not to loose any of the incoming sessions:

var mp = require("msgpack")
Worker.on("ping", function(stream) {
  stream.on("data", function(chunk){
  stream.on("end", function(){
    stream.end(mp.pack({ pong: "hello" }))
  stream.on("error", function(err){
    console.log("error in incoming stream", err)

After all handlers are there, we call Worker's connect method:

Worker.connect()"connect", function(){
  console.log("start handling incoming sessions")

Event identifiers, emitted on Worker instance are those, that are sent in invoke messages, and event argument is a Session instance, that represents Cocaine stream -- it's chunks, choke and error messages. Namely, data, end, and error events on a Session instance correspond to chunk, choke, and error messages in Cocaine stream.

For full details on Worker and Session classes see []

tweaking your existing http app

Worker class supports an interface that mimics listening tcp socket of the standard net node-js module. To be more specific, it mimics tcp socket's "lower" part, that in node-js is called handle.

To get such a handle from Worker, you have to specify incoming event name. And such listening handle will behave exactly like tcp listening handle, emitting tcp handles, that, in their turn, mimic all the behavior of connected tcp handles from net module.

Consequently, you can use this all this mechanics to accept connections with nodeJs standard http.Server.

Here is a simple example of what such usage would look like.

var http = require("http")

var handle = Worker.getListenHandle("some-incoming-event")

var S = http.Server()

S.on("request", function(req, res){
  var body = ""
  req.on("data", function(data){
    body += data
  req.on("end", function(){
    res.end("body length is "+ body.length)
  req.on("error", function(err){
    console.log("error in request: ", req, err)


Although, there's a small [trick, difficulty] with this scenario.

The one part of the problem is that standard nodejs http server manages to effectively pack http header and first body chunk in first write call it makes on network socket

The other part of the problem is that cocaine-http-proxy expects reply in the form of

So to provide cocaine-proxy with the response we need, we would have to parse node's http reply on socket level, pack into corresponding structure and only then send it back to proxy.

See again: nodejs http server packs a buffer out of writeHead and write and end calls, then we should parse it as a http response, convert it on-the-fly into expected by cocaine-proxy form, pack into a buffer again, and only then send it to proxy.

To work around this double pack-unpack way, there's http server in cocaine, that does exactly one thing differently from standard node's http server. On writeHead call it constructs first meta-chunk, and all of writes and end are sent as chunk messages.

And the other circumstance around this collision is that frameworks such as connect expect http to be the only module they use and extend to handle http requests, so if we want the express or connect to use and extend our http, we have to replace the original http module with ours.

Here's how it's done from the developer's point of view:

var http = cocaine.http // this is implemented as a getter

The getter patches standard http module, and returns what was the result of the patch. It touches only server-side, so all of the standard http client functions remain still what they are.

Then, developer does what was shown above:

var handle = Worker.getListenHandle("some-incoming-event")

// use createServer, if you need
var S = new http.Server(function(rq,rs){
  // ...


tweaking your existing express app

Using the mechanics shown above, you can tweak your already working express apps to make them interoperable and compliant to cocaine infrastructure.

var http = cocaine.http // this has to be before express require

var app = require("express")

// ... app initialization

var S = new http.Server(app)


Uploading your app to the cloud

See [] for instructions.