- Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty) amd64 Virtual Machine (in my setup, it's running in Hyper-V on Windows 8 Pro, but any hypervisor will do I guess)
- Packages / software:
- Configuration:
- Configure PostgreSQL user (e.g. "zato") and a database for this user (e.g. "django-zato-db")
- Configure Zato project (quickstart): https://zato.io/docs/admin/cli/quickstart-create.html
- Configure Zato services that will be used in the Django Zato Example project: https://zato.io/blog/posts/django-web-services-integration.html
- Do not use the exchangerates.py script in the previous link, use the one that can be found in this repo under "services". "Hot-Deploy" that script.
- Check and update Zato configuration parameters, see application/settings.py in this repo
- Run django service and go to http://localhost:8000 (or whatever url your django service is running on)
- Profit!